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ucotta /
Last active July 10, 2024 09:30
Split spanish full name in different fields
def separate_name_surnames(full_name):
# Creamos una copia del nombre reemplazando todas las partículas
modified_name = full_name.lower()
particles = ["de la ", "de los ", "de las ", "del ", "de "]
for particle in particles:
modified_name = modified_name.replace(" " + particle, " " + particle.replace(" ", "_"))
# Dividimos el nombre modificado
parts = modified_name.split()
ucotta / socket.asm
Created March 19, 2021 19:00 — forked from DGivney/socket.asm
NASM socket programming example
; Socket
; Compile with: nasm -f elf socket.asm
; Link with (64 bit systems require elf_i386 option): ld -m elf_i386 socket.o -o socket
; Run with: ./socket
%include 'functions.asm'
; our response string
response db 'HTTP/1.1 200 OK', 0Dh, 0Ah, 'Content-Type: text/html', 0Dh, 0Ah, 'Content-Length: 14', 0Dh, 0Ah, 0Dh, 0Ah, 'Hello World!', 0Dh, 0Ah, 0h
ucotta / httpd.asm
Created March 19, 2021 19:00 — forked from DGivney/httpd.asm
section .text
global _start
xor eax, eax ; init eax 0
xor ebx, ebx ; init ebx 0
xor esi, esi ; init esi 0
jmp _socket ; jmp to _socket
Get animated polyline route:
Get polyline from origin and destination coordinates:
Draw stroke with some style:
var styles:[GMSStrokeStyle] = [GMSStrokeStyle.solidColor(UIColor.cyan), GMSStrokeStyle.solidColor(UIColor.clear)]
extension UIViewController {
func setAsRootViewController(animated: Bool, completion: (() -> Void)?) {
let appDelegate = UIApplication.shared.delegate as? AppDelegate
if animated {
UIView.transition(with: (appDelegate?.window)!, duration: 0.5, options: .transitionCrossDissolve,
animations: {
let oldState: Bool = UIView.areAnimationsEnabled
appDelegate?.window?.rootViewController = self
ucotta /
Last active January 24, 2017 11:40
Add httpass authentication to nging
# First step, prepare the .htpasswd file
# Add the user
sh -c "echo -n 'USERNAME:' >> /etc/nginx/.htpasswd"
# Then, add the password
sh -c "openssl passwd -apr1 >> /etc/nginx/.htpasswd"
# Now, add it to your location
ucotta / waitUntilWithSleepExample.swift
Created November 10, 2016 10:16
Swift: NSTask with 0% cpu
// This task will run for ever a task get 0% of cpu
// dont use waitUntil because it will consume you cpu
import Foundation
extension Task {
public func waitUntilWithSleep() {
while running {
// sleep for 0.1 seconds
ucotta / TraversalCharactersString.swift
Last active November 9, 2016 03:25
contaisTraversalCharacters is a extension for String to check when a path may contains an traversal path include attack for Swift 3.0
Avoid usage of files with this characters.
Examples with positive response:
With this you cannot do things like this:
/var/www/templates/.htdocs (because /. is not allowed)
ucotta / StringExtensionHTML.swift
Created November 4, 2016 05:31 — forked from mwaterfall/StringExtensionHTML.swift
Decoding HTML Entities in Swift
// Very slightly adapted from
// 99.99% Credit to Martin R!
// Mapping from XML/HTML character entity reference to character
// From
private let characterEntities : [String: Character] = [
// XML predefined entities:
""" : "\"",
"&" : "&",