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Last active February 6, 2023 13:53
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Android for Beginners : If/Else Email Quiz
int numberOfEmailsInInbox = 0;
int numberOfDraftEmails = 2;
String emailMessage = "You have " + numberOfEmailsInInbox + " emails. ";
String draftMessage = "You have " + numberOfDraftEmails + " email drafts.";
if (numberOfEmailsInInbox == 0) {
emailMessage = "You have no new messages. ";
if (numberOfDraftEmails == 0) {
draftMessage = "You have no new drafts.";
Log.v("InboxActivity", emailMessage);
Log.v("InboxActivity", draftMessage);
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V/InboxActivity: You have no new messages.
V/InboxAcitivity: You have 2 email drafts.

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