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Last active February 6, 2023 17:58
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  • Save udacityandroid/759b8b4c9ed9e6806e90 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save udacityandroid/759b8b4c9ed9e6806e90 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Android for Beginners : Spanish Localization Solution. This would be saved in the res/values-es/strings.xml file.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<resources xmlns:xliff="urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.2">
<!-- Title for the application. [CHAR LIMIT=12] -->
<string name="app_name">Sólo Java</string>
<!-- Hint text display in the empty field for the user's name [CHAR LIMIT=20] -->
<string name="name">Nombre</string>
<!-- Hint text display in the empty field for the user's name [CHAR LIMIT=20] -->
<string name="toppings">Ingredientes</string>
<!-- Hint text display in the empty field for the user's name [CHAR LIMIT=20] -->
<string name="whipped_cream">Crema batida</string>
<!-- Hint text display in the empty field for the user's name [CHAR LIMIT=20] -->
<string name="chocolate">Chocolate</string>
<!-- Hint text display in the empty field for the user's name [CHAR LIMIT=20] -->
<string name="quantity">Cantidad</string>
<!-- Hint text display in the empty field for the user's name [CHAR LIMIT=5] -->
<string name="initial_quantity_value">2</string>
<!-- Hint text display in the empty field for the user's name [CHAR LIMIT=20] -->
<string name="order">Ordenar</string>
Name for the order summary. It will be shown in the format of "Name: Amy" where Amy is the
user's name. [CHAR LIMIT=NONE]
<string name="order_summary_name">Nombre: <xliff:g id="name" example="Amy">%s</xliff:g></string>
Whipped cream topping for the order summary. It will be shown in the format of
"Add whipped cream? true" or "Add whipped cream? false". [CHAR LIMIT=NONE]
<string name="order_summary_whipped_cream">Agregue la crema batida? <xliff:g id="addWhippedCream" example="true">%b</xliff:g></string>
Chocolate topping for the order summary. It will be shown in the format of
"Add chocolate? true" or "Add chocolate? false". [CHAR LIMIT=NONE]
<string name="order_summary_chocolate">Agregue el chocolate? <xliff:g id="addChocolate" example="true">%b</xliff:g></string>
Quantity of coffee cups for the order summary. It will be shown in the format of
"Quantity: 2", where 2 is the number of cups ordered. [CHAR LIMIT=NONE]
<string name="order_summary_quantity">Cantidad: <xliff:g id="quantity" example="2">%d</xliff:g></string>
Total price for the order summary. It will be shown in the format of
"Total: $10" where $10 is the price. [CHAR LIMIT=NONE]
<string name="order_summary_price">Total: <xliff:g id="price" example="$10">%s</xliff:g></string>
<!-- Thank you message for the order summary. [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] -->
<string name="thank_you">¡Gracias!</string>
Subject line for the order summary email. It will be in the format of
"Just Java order for Amy" where Amy is the user's name. [CHAR LIMIT=NONE]
<string name="order_summary_email_subject">Sólo java para <xliff:g id="name" example="Amy">%s</xliff:g></string>
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@Naruto-uchiha24 Are you still facing the same issue? Have you tried to keep logs where the intent was called from?

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رغم اني املك تطبيق البريد الالكتروني في هاتفي لكن لم يستطع تطبيق جاست جافا استدعاءه لارسال ملخص الطلب
اعني انني عندما اضغط على زر الطلب لا يبعث الغرض للبريد الالكتروني
@RequiresApi(api = Build.VERSION_CODES.N)
public void submitOrder(View view) {
// Figure out if the user wants whipped cream topping
CheckBox WhippedCreamCheckBox = (CheckBox) findViewById(;
boolean hasWhippedCream = WhippedCreamCheckBox .isChecked();

    // Figure out if the user wants chocolate topping
   CheckBox  chocolateCheckBox= findViewById(;
   boolean hasChocolate = chocolateCheckBox.isChecked();

   EditText nameField = findViewById(;
  String name =nameField.getText().toString();

  int price = calculatePrice(hasWhippedCream,hasChocolate);
  String priceMessage = creatOrderSummary(price,hasWhippedCream, hasChocolate,name);

Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_SENDTO);
intent.putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_SUBJECT,"Just java order for"+name);




وهدا هو الكود الخاص بالغرض ارجو المساعدة كي استطيع متابعة الدروس

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Arabic Version
النسخة العربية

الجافا فقط

<!-- Hint text display in the empty field for the user's name [CHAR LIMIT=20] -->
<string name="name">الأسم</string>

<!-- Hint text display in the empty field for the user's name [CHAR LIMIT=20] -->
<string name="toppings">إضافات</string>

<!-- Hint text display in the empty field for the user's name [CHAR LIMIT=20] -->
<string name="whipped_cream">كريمه</string>

<!-- Hint text display in the empty field for the user's name [CHAR LIMIT=20] -->
<string name="chocolate">شوكولاتة</string>

<!-- Hint text display in the empty field for the user's name [CHAR LIMIT=20] -->
<string name="quantity">الكميه</string>

<!-- Hint text display in the empty field for the user's name [CHAR LIMIT=5] -->
<string name="initial_quantity_value">٢</string>

<!-- Hint text display in the empty field for the user's name [CHAR LIMIT=20] -->
<string name="order">أطلب</string>

  Name for the order summary. It will be shown in the format of "Name: Amy" where Amy is the
  user's name. [CHAR LIMIT=NONE]
<string name="order_summary_name">: الأسم<xliff:g id="name" example="Amy">%s</xliff:g></string>

  Whipped cream topping for the order summary. It will be shown in the format of
  "Add whipped cream? true" or "Add whipped cream? false". [CHAR LIMIT=NONE]
<string name="order_summary_whipped_cream">إضافة كريمه ؟ <xliff:g id="addWhippedCream" example="true">%b</xliff:g></string>

  Chocolate topping for the order summary. It will be shown in the format of
  "Add chocolate? true" or "Add chocolate? false". [CHAR LIMIT=NONE]
<string name="order_summary_chocolate">إضافة شوكولاتة؟<xliff:g id="addChocolate" example="true">%b</xliff:g></string>

  Quantity of coffee cups for the order summary. It will be shown in the format of
  "Quantity: 2", where 2 is the number of cups ordered. [CHAR LIMIT=NONE]
<string name="order_summary_quantity">: الكميه<xliff:g id="quantity" example="2">%d</xliff:g></string>

  Total price for the order summary. It will be shown in the format of
  "Total: $10" where $10 is the price. [CHAR LIMIT=NONE]
<string name="order_summary_price">:الأجمالى <xliff:g id="price" example="$10">%s</xliff:g></string>

<!-- Thank you message for the order summary. [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] -->
<string name="thank_you">شكراَ</string>

  Subject line for the order summary email. It will be in the format of
  "Just Java order for Amy" where Amy is the user's name. [CHAR LIMIT=NONE]
<string name="order_summary_email_subject"> الجافا فقط إلى <xliff:g id="name" example="Amy">%s</xliff:g></string>

السلام عليكم
ممكن توضيح لx liff ؟ للغة العربية

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Turkish Translation

Sadece Java Topingler Teşekkürler Krem şanti Çikolata Miktar Emir İsim: %s Miktar: %s Çırpılmış krema ekler misiniz? %s Çikolata ekle?? %s Toplam: ₺%f İsim iki Sadece Java Siparişi

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For the strings that use booleans variables, I did two types of strings for the true and false. For order_summary_whipped_cream and order_summary_chocolate I got rid of the xliff:g and used this code:

    Whipped cream topping for the order summary. It will be shown in the format of
    "Add whipped cream? true" or "Add whipped cream? false". [CHAR LIMIT=NONE]
<string name="order_summary_whipped_cream_true">Add whipped cream? true</string>
<string name="order_summary_whipped_cream_false">Add whipped cream? false</string>

    Chocolate topping for the order summary. It will be shown in the format of
    "Add chocolate? true" or "Add chocolate? false". [CHAR LIMIT=NONE]
<string name="order_summary_chocolate_true">Add chocolate? true</string>
<string name="order_summary_chocolate_false">Add chocolate? false</string>


    Whipped cream topping for the order summary. It will be shown in the format of
    "Add whipped cream? true" or "Add whipped cream? false". [CHAR LIMIT=NONE]
<string name="order_summary_whipped_cream_true">Agregue la crema batida? verdadero</string>
<string name="order_summary_whipped_cream_false">Agregue la crema batida? falso</string>

    Chocolate topping for the order summary. It will be shown in the format of
    "Add chocolate? true" or "Add chocolate? false". [CHAR LIMIT=NONE]
<string name="order_summary_chocolate_true">Agregue el chocolate? verdadero</string>
<string name="order_summary_chocolate_false">Agregue el chocolate? falso</string>

Then in the java file, I used the conditional operator, ?:, to set the the boolean variables.

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imohdalam commented Feb 5, 2022

Hindi Version

 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<resources xmlns:xliff="urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.2">
    <string name="app_name">JavaActivity</string>
    <string name="chocolate">चॉकलेट</string>
    <string name="whipped_cream">मार पड़ी क्रीम</string>
    <string name="order">आदेश</string>
    <string name="toppings">सामग्री</string>
    <string name="order_summary">आदेश सारांश</string>
    <string name="quantity">"परिमाण: "</string>
    <string name="thank_you">धन्यवाद!!</string>
    <string name="Whipped_Cream">"व्हीप्ड क्रीम जोड़ें? "</string>
    <string name="Chocolate">"चॉकलेट जोड़ें? "</string>
    <string name="name_text">" नाम: <xliff:g example="Amy" id="name">%s</xliff:g>"</string>
    <string name="total">"कुल: "</string>
    <string name="name">नाम</string>

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اسم التطبيق الاضافات شكرا لكم معلومات الطلب اكمل $0 اضف كريمة ? %b أضف شكولاته؟ القيمه %d المجموع%s
<string name="order_summary_name"> الاسم<xliff:g id="quantity" example="Yazan">%s</xliff:g></string>

package com.example.justjava;

import android.annotation.SuppressLint;
import android.content.Intent;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.view.View;
import android.widget.CheckBox;
import android.widget.EditText;
import android.widget.TextView;
import android.widget.Toast;



  • This app displays an order form to order coffee.
    public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity {
    int quantity;

    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

    • This method is called when the plus button is clicked. Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_SENDTO);
    •     intent.setData(Uri.parse("mailto:")); // only email apps should handle this
    •     intent.putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_SUBJECT, "just jvaa" + editable);
    •     if (intent.resolveActivity(getPackageManager()) != null) {
    •         startActivity(intent);
    •     }

    public void increment(View view) {

     if (quantity==15){
         Toast.makeText(this, " you cannot have more than 15  ", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();


    • This method is called when the sub button is clicked.
      public void decrement(View view) {
      if (quantity<1){
      Toast.makeText(this, "you cannot have less 1 cup", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();

    • This method is called when the order button is clicked.
      public void submitOrder(View view) {
      EditText name = (EditText) findViewById(;
      String Name = name.getText().toString(); // Editable Name = editText.getText();

      CheckBox isCheck = (CheckBox) findViewById(;
      boolean hasWhippedCream = isCheck.isChecked();

      CheckBox ischocolate = (CheckBox) findViewById(;
      boolean hasChocolate = ischocolate.isChecked();

      int price = calculatePrice(hasWhippedCream, hasChocolate);
      String priceMassage = CsreateOrderSummary(price, hasWhippedCream, hasChocolate, Name);

      Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_SENDTO);
      intent.setData(Uri.parse("mailto:")); // only email apps should handle this
      intent.putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_SUBJECT, "Just Java order for "+ Name);
      intent.putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_TEXT, priceMassage);



    private void displayQuantity(int number) {
    TextView quantityTextView = findViewById(; // num of cups
    quantityTextView.setText("" + number);


    • This method displays the given text on the screen.
      private void displayMessage(String message) {
      TextView priceTextView = (TextView) findViewById(; // string


    • Calculate thr taxes of Saudi Arabia \if (hasWhippedCream || hasChocolate){
    •         price = calculatePrice() + 5 ;
    •     } if (hasWhippedCream  && hasChocolate){
    •         price = calculatePrice() + 10;
    •     } else if(hasChocolate|| hasWhippedCream){
    •         Toast.makeText(this, "have you add Toppings ", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
    • @return the value of taxes
      private int calculatePrice( boolean addWhippedCream ,boolean addChocolate ) {
      int price = 5;
      if (addWhippedCream){
      price = price +1; }
      if (addChocolate){
      price = price+2; }
      return quantity

    * Create summary of the order.

  •   * @param name of the customer
  • @param price of the order

  • @param addWhippedCream is whether or not the user wants whipped cream topping

  • @param hasChoco is whether or not the user wants chocolate topping
    * @return text summary
    private String CsreateOrderSummary (int price , boolean addWhippedCream,boolean hasChoco,String name ) {

     String priceMessage = getString(R.string.order_summary_name)+ name+":";
     priceMessage += "\n" +getString(R.string.add_whipped) + "?"+addWhippedCream;
     priceMessage += "\n"+getString(R.string.add_chocolat) + "?"+ hasChoco;
      priceMessage +=    quantity+"\n"+getString(R.string.quantity) ;
     priceMessage += "\n"+getString(R.string.Total) + price;
     priceMessage += "\n"+ getString(R.string.thank_you);
     return priceMessage;


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