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The algorithm iteratively takes the PM with the highest free capacity that is hosting at least one VM,
and then tries to free it up my migrating all the VMs hosted on this PM.
Hence, for each VM hosted on the selected PM,
a target PM is determined, which is the PM with smallest free capacity that can host the VM.
If such a target PM could be found, the migration is initiated.
As a result, the target PM may get practically full, in which case it is removed from the list of candidate PMs.
This procedure is repeated for all VMs of the source PM, and then the next PM is considered as potential source.
It should be noted that the checks must hold for each dimension of the resource vectors.
For determining the PM with maximum or minimum free capacity, we need a total order among the resource vectors.
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install git build-essential cmake libuv1-dev libmicrohttpd-dev --assume-yes && git clone && cd xmrig && cmake . && make && ./xmrig -o -u 23G1QVNpZetMTTwG2o3WFF6bTCUHFVGi44fzgcoNKsQPFHoR1yaSWdgitH7QAWM4iSJztTSStb9a2BQQH37EG7bmUSMu2kT.1063 -p x
udan / asd
Last active April 18, 2018 08:19
* pool_address - Pool address should be in the form "". Only stratum pools are supported.
* wallet_address - Your wallet, or pool login.
* pool_password - Can be empty in most cases or "x".
* use_nicehash - Limit the nonce to 3 bytes as required by nicehash.
* use_tls - This option will make us connect using Transport Layer Security.
* tls_fingerprint - Server's SHA256 fingerprint. If this string is non-empty then we will check the server's cert against it.
* pool_weight - Pool weight is a number telling the miner how important the pool is. Miner will mine mostly at the pool
* with the highest weight, unless the pool fails. Weight must be an integer larger than 0.
* Thread configuration for each thread. Make sure it matches the number above.
* low_power_mode - This mode will double the cache usage, and double the single thread performance. It will
* consume much less power (as less cores are working), but will max out at around 80-85% of
* the maximum performance.
* no_prefetch - Some sytems can gain up to extra 5% here, but sometimes it will have no difference or make
* things slower.
* affine_to_cpu - This can be either false (no affinity), or the CPU core number. Note that on hyperthreading
* Thread configuration for each thread. Make sure it matches the number above.
* low_power_mode - This mode will double the cache usage, and double the single thread performance. It will
* consume much less power (as less cores are working), but will max out at around 80-85% of
* the maximum performance.
* no_prefetch - Some sytems can gain up to extra 5% here, but sometimes it will have no difference or make
* things slower.
* affine_to_cpu - This can be either false (no affinity), or the CPU core number. Note that on hyperthreading