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Last active June 12, 2021 13:58
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import React, {
useContext} from 'react';
const defaultValue = {}
const BreakpointContext = createContext(defaultValue);
const BreakpointProvider = ({children, queries}) => {
const [queryMatch, setQueryMatch] = useState({});
useEffect(() => {
const mediaQueryLists = {};
const keys = Object.keys(queries);
let isAttached = false;
const handleQueryListener = () => {
const updatedMatches = keys.reduce((acc, media) => {
acc[media] = !!(mediaQueryLists[media] && mediaQueryLists[media].matches);
return acc;
}, {})
if (window && window.matchMedia) {
const matches = {};
keys.forEach(media => {
if (typeof queries[media] === 'string') {
mediaQueryLists[media] = window.matchMedia(queries[media]);
matches[media] = mediaQueryLists[media].matches
} else {
matches[media] = false
isAttached = true;
keys.forEach(media => {
if(typeof queries[media] === 'string') {
return () => {
if(isAttached) {
keys.forEach(media => {
if(typeof queries[media] === 'string') {
}, [queries]);
return (
<BreakpointContext.Provider value={queryMatch}>
function useBreakpoint() {
const context = useContext(BreakpointContext);
if(context === defaultValue) {
throw new Error('useBreakpoint must be used within BreakpointProvider');
return context;
export {useBreakpoint, BreakpointProvider};
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