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Created September 14, 2015 18:49
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structure WME {copied from page 41}
fields: array [1..3] of symbol
alpha-mem-items: list of item-in-alpha-memory {the ones with wme=this WME}
tokens: list of token {the ones with wme=this WME}
negative-join-results: list of negative-join-result
structure token {copied from page 48}
parent: token {points to the higher token, for items 1...i-1}
wme: WME {gives item i}
node: rete-node {points to the node this token is in}
children: list of token {the ones with parent=this token}
join-results: list of negative-join-result {used only on tokens in negative nodes}
ncc-results: list of token {similar to join-results but for NCC nodes}
owner: token {on tokens in NCC partners: token in whose local memory this result resides}
structure alpha-memory {revised from version on page 32}
items: list of item-in-alpha-memory
successors: list of rete-node
reference-count: integer
structure item-in-alpha-memory {copied from page 32}
wme: WME {the WME that's in the memory}
amem: alpha-memory {points to the alpha memory node}
structure constant-test-node:
field-to-test: "identifier", "attribute", "value", or "no-test"
thing-the-field-must-equal: symbol
output-memory: alpha-memory or nil
children: list of constant-test-node
procedure alpha-memory-activation (node: alpha-memory, w: WME) {copied from page 32}
new-item := allocate-memory(); := w;
new-item.amem := node;
insert new-item at the head of node.items
insert new-item at the head of w.alpha-mem-items
for each child in node.successors do
right-activation (child, w)
procedure add-wme (w: WME) {data flow version}
constant-test-node-activation (the-top-node-of-the-alpha-network, w)
procedure constant-test-node-activation (node: constant-test-node; w: WME)
if node.field-to-test != 'no-test' then
v := w.[node.field-to-test]
if v != node.thing-the-field-must-equal then
return {failed the test, so don't propagate any further}
if node.output-memory != nil then
alpha-memory-activation (node.output-memory, w) {see Section 2.3.1}
for each c in node.children do
constant-test-node-activation (c, w)
procedure add-wme (w: WME) {exhaustive hash table version} {copied from page 17}
let v1, v2, and v3 be the symbols in the three fields of w
alpha-mem := lookup-in-hash-table (v1,v2,v3)
if alpha-mem != "not-found" then alpha-memory-activation (alpha-mem, w)
alpha-mem := lookup-in-hash-table (v1,v2,*)
if alpha-mem != "not-found" then alpha-memory-activation (alpha-mem, w)
alpha-mem := lookup-in-hash-table (v1,*,v3)
if alpha-mem != "not-found" then alpha-memory-activation (alpha-mem, w)
alpha-mem := lookup-in-hash-table (*,*,*)
if alpha-mem != "not-found" then alpha-memory-activation (alpha-mem, w)
structure rete-node: {copied from page 22}
type: "beta-memory", "join-node", "p-node", etc. {or various other node types}
children: list of rete-node
parent: rete-node
... (variant part | other data depending on node type) ...
structure beta-memory: {revised from version on page 22}
items: list of token
all-children: list of rete-node
procedure beta-memory-left-activation (node: beta-memory, t: token, w: WME) {copied from page 30}
new-token := make-token (node, t, w)
insert new-token at the head of node.items
for each child in node.children do
left-activation (child, new-token)
function make-token (node: rete-node, parent: token, w: wme) returning token {copied from page 42}
tok := allocate-memory()
tok.parent := parent := w
tok.node := node {for tree-based removal}
tok.children := nil {for tree-based removal}
insert tok at the head of parent.children {for tree-based removal}
if w != nil then {we need this check for negative conditions}
insert tok at the head of w.tokens {for tree-based removal}
return tok
structure join-node: {copied from page 90}
amem: alpha-memory {points to the alpha memory this node is attached to}
tests: list of test-at-join-node
nearest-ancestor-with-same-amem: rete-node
structure test-at-join-node: {copied from page 24}
field-of-arg1: "identifier", "attribute", or "value"
condition-number-of-arg2: integer
field-of-arg2: "identifier", "attribute", or "value"
function perform-join-tests (tests: list of test-at-join-node, t: token, w: WME) returning boolean {copied from page 25}
for each this-test in tests do
arg1 := w.[this-test.field-of-arg1]
{With list-form tokens, the following statement is really a loop}
wme2 := the [this-test.condition-number-of-arg2]'th element in t
arg2 := wme2.[this-test.field-of-arg2]
if arg1 != arg2 then
return false
return true
procedure join-node-left-activation (node: join-node, t: token) {copied from page 103}
if node.parent just became nonempty then
relink-to-alpha-memory (node)
if node.amem.items = nil then
remove node from the list node.parent.children
for each item in node.amem.items do
if perform-join-tests (node.tests, t, then
for each child in node.children do
left-activation (child, t,
procedure join-node-right-activation (node: join-node, w: WME) {copied from page 103}
if node.amem just became nonempty then
relink-to-beta-memory (node)
if node.parent.items = nil then
remove node from the list node.amem.successors
for each t in node.parent.items do {"parent" is the beta memory node}
if perform-join-tests (node.tests, t, w) then
for each child in node.children do
left-activation (child, t, w)
procedure relink-to-alpha-memory (node: rete-node) {version allowing conjunctive negations} {copied from page 91}
{follow links up from node, find first ancestor that's linked}
ancestor := node.nearest-ancestor-with-same-amem
while ancestor != nil and ancestor is right-unlinked do
ancestor := ancestor.nearest-ancestor-with-same-amem
{now splice in the node in the right place}
if ancestor != nil then
insert node into the list node.amem.successors immediately before ancestor
insert node at the tail of the list node.amem.successors
procedure relink-to-beta-memory (node: join-node) {copied from page 103}
insert node at the head of the list node.parent.children
structure negative-join-result {copied from page 41}
owner: token {the token in whose local memory this result resides}
wme: WME {the WME that matches owner}
structure negative-node: {copied from page 91}
{just like for a beta memory}
items: list of token
{just like for a join node}
amem: alpha-memory {points to the alpha memory this node is attached to}
tests: list of test-at-join-node
nearest-ancestor-with-same-amem: rete-node
procedure negative-node-left-activation (node: negative-node, t: token, w: WME) {copied from page 88}
if node.items = nil then
relink-to-alpha-memory (node)
{build and store a new token, just like a beta memory would}
new-token := make-token (node, t, w)
insert new-token at the head of node.items
{compute the join results}
new-token.join-results := nil
for each item in node.amem.items do
if perform-join-tests (node.tests, new-token, then
jr := allocate-memory()
jr.owner := new-token; w
insert jr at the head of the list new-token.join-results
insert jr at the head of the list w.negative-join-results
{If join results is empty, then inform children}
if new-token.join-results=nil then
for each child in node.children do
left-activation (child, new-token, nil )
procedure negative-node-right-activation (node: negative-node, w: WME) {copied from page 43}
for each t in node.items do
if perform-join-tests (node.tests, t, w) then
if t.join-results=nil then
delete-descendents-of-token (t)
jr := allocate-memory()
jr.owner t := w
insert jr at the head of the list t.join-results
insert jr at the head of the list w.negative-join-results
structure ncc-node {copied from page 47}
items: list of token
partner: rete-node {points to the corresponding NCC partner node}
structure ncc-partner-node {copied from page 48}
ncc-node: rete-node {points to the corresponding NCC node}
number-of-conjuncts: integer {number of conjuncts in the NCC}
new-result-buffer: list of token {results for the match the NCC node hasn't heard about}
procedure ncc-node-left-activation (node: ncc-node, t: token, w: WME) {copied from page 49}
new-token := make-token (node, t, w) {build and store a new token}
insert new-token at the head of node.items
new-token.ncc-results := nil {get initial ncc results}
for each result in do
remove result from
insert result at the head of new-token.ncc-results
result.owner := new-token
if new-token.ncc-results=nil then {No ncc results, so inform children}
for each child in node.children do
left-activation (child, new-token, nil )
procedure ncc-partner-node-left-activation (partner: rete-node, t:token, w:WME) {copied from page 50 - see additional comments there}
ncc-node := partner.ncc-node
new-result := make-token (partner, t, w) {build a result token <t, w>}
{Find the appropriate owner token (into whose local memory we should put this result)}
owners-t := t;
owners-w := w
for i=1 to partner.number-of-conjuncts do
owners-w :=;
owners-t := owners-t.parent
{Look for this owner in the NCC node's memory. If we find it, add new-result to its local memory, and propagate (deletions) to the NCC node's children.}
if there is already a token owner in ncc-node.items with parent=owners-t and wme=owners-w then
add new-result to owner.ncc-results;
new-result.owner := owner
delete-descendents-of-token (owner)
{We didn't find an appropriate owner token already in the NCC node's memory, so we just stuff the result in our temporary buffer.}
insert new-result at the head of
procedure remove-wme (w: WME) {copied from page 102}
for each item in w.alpha-mem-items do
remove item from the list item.amem.items
if item.amem.items = nil then {alpha memory just became empty}
for each node in item.amem.successors do
if node is a join node then {don't left-unlink negative nodes}
remove node from the list node.parent.children
deallocate memory for item
while w.tokens != nil do
delete-token-and-descendents (the first item on w.tokens)
for each jr in w.negative-join-results do
remove jr from the list jr.owner.join-results
if jr.owner.join-results=nil then
for each child in jr.owner.node.children do
left-activation (child, jr.owner, nil )
deallocate memory for jr
procedure delete-token-and-descendents (tok: token) {copied from page 87}
while tok.children != nil do
delete-token-and-descendents (the first item on tok.children)
if tok.node is not an NCC partner node then
remove tok from the list tok.node.items
if != nil then
remove tok from the list
remove tok from the list tok.parent.children
if tok.node is a memory node then
if tok.node.items = nil then
for each child in tok.node.children do
remove child from the list child.amem.successors
if tok.node is a negative node then
if tok.node.items = nil then
remove tok.node from the list tok.node.amem.successors
for each jr in tok.join-results do
remove jr from the list jr.w.negative-join-results
deallocate memory for jr
if tok.node is an NCC node then
for each result-tok in tok.ncc-results do
remove result-tok from the list
remove result-tok from the list result-tok.parent.children
deallocate memory for result-tok
if tok.node is an NCC partner node then
remove tok from the list tok.owner.ncc-results
if tok.owner.ncc-results = nil then
for each child in tok.node.ncc-node.children do
left-activation (child, tok.owner, nil )
deallocate memory for tok
procedure delete-descendents-of-token (t: token) {copied from page 43}
while t.children != nil do
delete-token-and-descendents (the first item on t.children)
function build-or-share-alpha-memory (c: condition) {dataflow network version} returning alpha-memory
current-node := top-node-of-alpha-network
for each constant test in each field of c do
let sym be the symbol tested for, and f be the field
current-node := build-or-share-constant-test-node (current-node, f, sym)
if current-node.output-memory != nil then
return current-node.output-memory
am := allocate-memory()
current-node.output-memory := am
am.successors := nil ;
am.items := nil
am.reference-count := 0
{initialize am with any current WMEs}
for each WME w in working memory do
if w passes all the constant tests in c then
alpha-memory-activation (am ,w)
return am
function build-or-share-constant-test-node (parent: constant-test-node, f: field, sym: symbol ) returning constant-test-node
{look for an existing node we can share}
for each child in parent.children do
if child.field-to-test = f and child.thing-the-field-must-equal = sym then
return child
{couldn't find a node to share, so build a new one}
new := allocate-memory()
add new to the list parent.children
new.field-to-test := f;
new.thing-the-field-must-equal := sym
new.output-memory := nil ;
new.children := nil
return new
function build-or-share-alpha-memory (c: condition) {exhaustive table lookup version} returning alpha-memory {revised from version on page 36}
{figure out what the memory should look like}
id-test := nil ;
attr-test := nil ;
value-test := nil
if a constant test t occurs in the "id" field of c then id-test := t
if a constant test t occurs in the "attribute" field of c then attr-test := t
if a constant test t occurs in the "value" field of c then value-test := t
{is there an existing memory like this?}
am := lookup-in-hash-table (id-test, attr-test, value-test)
if am != nil then
return am
{no existing memory, so make a new one}
am := allocate-memory()
add am to the hash table for alpha memories
am.successors := nil ;
am.items := nil
am.reference-count := 0
{initialize am with any current WMEs}
for each WME w in working memory do
if w passes all the constant tests in c then
alpha-memory-activation (am ,w)
return am
function build-or-share-beta-memory-node (parent: rete-node) returning rete-node {revised from version on page 34}
for each child in parent.children do {look for an existing node to share}
if child is a beta memory node then
return child
new := allocate-memory()
new.type := "beta-memory"
new.parent := parent;
insert new at the head of the list parent.children
new.children := nil
new.all-children := nil
new.items := nil
update-new-node-with-matches-from-above (new)
return new
function get-join-tests-from-condition (c: condition, earlier-conds: list of condition) returning list of test-at-join-node {revised from version on page 35}
result := nil
for each occurrence of a variable v in a field f of c do
if v occurs anywhere in a positive condition in earlier-conds then
let i be the largest i and f2 be a field such that v occurs in the f2 field of the i'th condition (a positive one) in earlier-conds
this-test := allocate-memory()
this-test.field-of-arg1 := f
this-test.condition-number-of-arg2 := i
this-test.field-of-arg2 := f2
append this-test to result
return result
function find-nearest-ancestor-with-same-amem (node: rete-node, am: alpha-memory) returning rete-node
if node is the dummy top node then
return nil
if node.type = \join" or node.type = \negative" then
if node.amem = am then
return node
if node.type = "NCC" then
return find-nearest-ancestor-with-same-amem (node.partner.parent, am)
return find-nearest-ancestor-with-same-amem (node.parent, am)
function build-or-share-join-node (parent: rete-node, am: alpha-memory, tests: list of test-at-join-node) returning rete-node {revised from version on page 34}
for each child in parent.all-children do {look for an existing node to share}
if child is a join node and child.amem=am and child.tests=tests then
return child
new := allocate-memory()
new.type := "join"
new.parent := parent;
insert new at the head of the list parent.children
insert new at the head of the list parent.all-children
new.children := nil
new.tests := tests;
new.amem := am
insert new at the head of the list am.successors
increment am.reference-count
new.nearest-ancestor-with-same-amem := find-nearest-ancestor-with-same-amem (parent, am)
{Unlink right away if either memory is empty}
if parent.items = nil then
remove new from the list am.successors
else if
amem.items = nil then
remove new from the list parent.children
return new
function build-or-share-negative-node (parent: rete-node, am: alpha-memory, tests: list of test-at-join-node) returning rete-node
for each child in parent.children do {look for an existing node to share}
if child is a negative node and child.amem=am and child.tests=tests then
return child
new := allocate-memory()
new.type := "negative"
new.parent := parent;
insert new at the head of the list parent.children
new.children := nil
new.items := nil
new.tests := tests;
new.amem := am
insert new at the head of the list am.successors
increment am.reference-count
new.nearest-ancestor-with-same-amem := find-nearest-ancestor-with-same-amem (parent, am)
update-new-node-with-matches-from-above (new)
{Right-unlink the node if it has no tokens}
if new.items = nil then
remove new from the list am.successors
return new
function build-or-share-ncc-nodes (parent: rete-node, c: condition {the NCC condition}, earlier-conds: list of condition) returning rete-node {returns the NCC node}
bottom-of-subnetwork := build-or-share-network-for-conditions (parent, subconditions of c, earlier-conds)
for each child in parent.children do {look for an existing node to share}
if child is an NCC node and child.partner.parent=bottom-of-subnetwork then
return child
new := allocate-memory();
new-partner := allocate-memory()
new.type := "NCC";
new-partner.type := "NCC-partner"
new.parent := parent
insert new at the tail of the list parent.children {so the subnetwork comes first}
new-partner.parent := bottom-of-subnetwork
insert new-partner at the head of the list bottom-of-subnetwork.children
new.children := nil ;
new-partner.children := nil
new.partner := new-partner;
new-partner.ncc-node := new
new.items := nil ; := nil
partner.number-of-conjuncts := number of subconditions of c
{Note: we have to inform NCC node of existing matches before informing the partner, otherwise lots of matches would all get mixed together in the new-result-buffer}
update-new-node-with-matches-from-above (new)
update-new-node-with-matches-from-above (partner)
return new
function build-or-share-network-for-conditions (parent: rete-node, conds: list of condition, earlier-conds: list of condition) returning rete-node
let the conds be denoted by c_1; ... ; c_k
current-node := parent
conds-higher-up := earlier-conds
for i = 1 to k do
if c_i is positive then
current-node := build-or-share-beta-memory-node (current-node)
tests = get-join-tests-from-condition (c_i, conds-higher-up)
am := build-or-share-alpha-memory (c_i)
current-node := build-or-share-join-no de (current-node, am, tests)
else if c_i is negative (but not NCC) then
tests = get-join-tests-from-condition (ci, conds-higher-up)
am := build-or-share-alpha-memory (ci)
current-node := build-or-share-negative-node (current-node, am, tests)
else {NCC's}
current-node := build-or-share-ncc-nodes (current-node, c_i, conds-higher-up)
append c_i to conds-higher-up
return current-node
procedure add-production (lhs: list of conditions) {revised from version on page 37}
current-node := build-or-share-network-for-conditions (dummy-top-node, lhs, nil )
build a new production node, make it a child of current-node
update-new-node-with-matches-from-above (the new production node)
procedure update-new-node-with-matches-from-above (new-node: rete-node) {revised from version on page 38}
parent := new-node.parent
case parent.type of
for each tok in parent.items do
left-activation (new-node, tok)
saved-list-of-children := parent.children
parent.children [new-node] {list consisting of just new-node}
for each item in parent.amem.items do
right-activation (parent,
parent.children := saved-list-of-children
for each tok in parent.items do
if tok.join-results = nil then
left-activation (new-node, tok, nil )
for each tok in parent.items do
if tok.ncc-results = nil then
left-activation (new-node, tok, nil )
procedure remove-production (prod: production) {copied from page 38}
delete-node-and-any-unused-ancestors (the p-node for prod)
procedure delete-node-and-any-unused-ancestors (node: rete-node) {revised from version on page 39}
{For NCC nodes, delete the partner node too}
if node is an NCC node then
delete-node-and-any-unused-ancestors (node.partner)
{Clean up any tokens the node contains}
if node is a beta memory, negative, or NCC node then
while node.items != nil do
delete-token-and-descendents (first item on node.items)
if node is an NCC partner node then
while != nil do
delete-token-and-descendents (first item on
{Deal with the alpha memory}
if node is a join or negative node then
if node is not right-unlinked then
remove node from the list node.amem.successors
decrement node.amem.reference-count
if node.amem.reference-count=0 then
delete-alpha-memory (node.amem)
{Deal with the parent}
if node is not left-unlinked then
remove node from the list node.parent.children
if node is a join node then
remove node from the list node.parent.all-children
if node.parent.all-children=nil then
delete-node-and-any-unused-ancestors (node.parent)
else if node.parent.children=nil then
delete-node-and-any-unused-ancestors (node.parent)
deallocate memory for node
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