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Last active October 13, 2023 12:34
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BenchmarkUploadDownload/50 *100times /DOWN avg 50p 90p 95p 99p
b3 5.185 3.3989 9.2177 12.772 22.2218
b3+merge 7.0821 3.6766 11.2371 17.1846 68.962
minio 5.1362 3.8194 9.027 11.5125 18.5278
seaweedfs 6.2057 4.151 9.3498 12.0657 27.9248
BenchmarkUploadDownload/50 *100times /UP avg 50p 90p 95p 99p
b3 9.598 6.9097 17.6249 36.4533 50.1844
b3+merge 11.1485 7.1098 19.6878 40.6411 70.3121
minio 22.1639 18.6255 37.4855 56.0281 134.4899
seaweedfs 12.9129 9.3436 23.1935 47.4138 60.9523
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