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Last active January 12, 2024 06:03
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julia specification files for gedit / gnome
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
This file is part of GtkSourceView
Authors: Waldir Pimenta
Copyright (C) 2013 Waldir Pimenta <>
GtkSourceView is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
GtkSourceView is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
<language id="julia" _name="Julia" version="2.0" _section="Scientific" >
<property name="mimetypes" >text/x-julia;application/x-julia;text/x-julia-source</property>
<property name="globs" >*.jl</property>
<property name="line-comment-start" >#</property>
The full list of available styles can be found in the `def.lang` file:
<!-- styles defined here are all the styles that
a language can use as default for its styles.
The styles are defined in logical groups.
A style scheme has to at least define the style
for the first item of each group and if desired
define the style for the other items to achieve a
more finegrained control on the apperance.
Finally a style scheme may also define language
specific styles. -->
<!-- Comment group -->
<!-- Any comment -->
<style id="comment" _name="Comment"/>
<!-- A shebang: #!/bin/sh -->
<style id="shebang" _name="Shebang" map-to="def:comment"/>
<!-- A special comment containing documentation like in javadoc or
gtk-doc -->
<style id="doc-comment" _name="Documentation comment" map-to="def:comment"/>
<!-- A element inside a documentation comment: @author -->
<!-- This style doesn't map to anything since it must be used as an additional
style for text which is already styled as a "doc-comment" -->
<style id="doc-comment-element" _name="Documentation comment element" />
<!-- Constant group -->
<!-- Any constant -->
<style id="constant" _name="Constant"/>
<!-- A character constant: 'c' -->
<style id="character" _name="Character" map-to="def:constant"/>
<!-- A string constant: "this is a string" -->
<style id="string" _name="String" map-to="def:constant"/>
<!-- Special character in a string constant: "%s", "\t" -->
<!-- This style doesn't map to anything since it must be used as an additional
style for text which is already styled as a "string" -->
<style id="special-char" _name="Special character (inside a string)" />
<!-- A generic number constant -->
<style id="number" _name="Number" map-to="def:constant"/>
<!-- A floating point constant: 2.3e10 -->
<style id="floating-point" _name="Floating point number" map-to="def:number"/>
<!-- A decimal number: 1234 -->
<style id="decimal" _name="Decimal number" map-to="def:number"/>
<!-- A base-N number: 0xFFFF -->
<style id="base-n-integer" _name="Base-N number" map-to="def:number"/>
<!-- A complex number -->
<style id="complex" _name="Complex number" map-to="def:number"/>
<!-- A special constant like NULL in C or null in Java -->
<style id="special-constant" _name="Special constant" map-to="def:constant"/>
<!-- A boolean constant: TRUE, false -->
<style id="boolean" _name="Boolean value" map-to="def:special-constant"/>
<!-- Identifier group -->
<!-- Any variable name -->
<style id="identifier" _name="Identifier" />
<!-- A function name (also: methods for classes) -->
<style id="function" _name="Function" map-to="def:identifier"/>
<!-- A builtin name: like __import__, abs in Python
(see -->
<style id="builtin" _name="Built-in identifier" map-to="def:identifier"/>
<!-- Statement group -->
<!-- Any statement -->
<style id="statement" _name="Statement"/>
<!-- Operators: "+", "*", etc. -->
<style id="operator" _name="Operator" map-to="def:statement" />
<!-- keywords: "if", "for", "while", etc. -->
<style id="keyword" _name="Keyword" map-to="def:statement" />
<!-- Type group -->
<!--A primitive data type: int, long, char, etc. -->
<style id="type" _name="Data type"/>
<!-- Others -->
<!-- This one is for '#include <foo.h>' and "#pragma blah", or 'use foobar', etc.. -->
<style id="preprocessor" _name="Preprocessor directive"/>
<!-- Any erroneous construct -->
<style id="error" _name="Error"/>
<!-- to mark possibily errors or unrecommended syntax -->
<style id="warning" _name="Warning"/>
<!--Reserved keywords: like "const" and "goto" in Java -->
<style id="reserved" _name="Reserved keyword" map-to="def:error" />
<!-- Anything that needs extra attention; mostly the keywords TODO, FIXME and XXX -->
<style id="note" _name="Note (FIXME, TODO, XXX, etc.)"/>
<!-- Text that stands out, HTML links, e-mail addresses, etc. -->
<style id="underlined" _name="Underlined"/>
<!-- Text that acts as some kind of heading, such as h1, h2, ... in html. -->
<style id="heading0" _name="Heading 0"/>
<style id="heading1" _name="Heading 1"/>
<style id="heading2" _name="Heading 2"/>
<style id="heading3" _name="Heading 3"/>
<style id="heading4" _name="Heading 4"/>
<style id="heading5" _name="Heading 5"/>
<style id="heading6" _name="Heading 6"/>
<context id="julia">
<context id="string" style-ref="def:string" >
<context ref="def:escape" />
<context id="number" style-ref="def:number">
<keyword>0b[01]+(im)?</keyword> <!-- binary -->
<keyword>0o[0-7]+(im)?</keyword> <!-- octal -->
<keyword>(\d+(\.\d+)?|\.\d+)([eE][+-]?\d+)?(im)?</keyword> <!-- decimal -->
<keyword>0x[0-9a-fA-F]+(im)?</keyword> <!-- hexadecimal -->
<context id="boolean" style-ref="def:boolean">
<context id="special-constant" style-ref="def:special-constant">
<context id="operators" style-ref="def:operator">
<!-- Single-character operators -->
<!-- Multi-character operators -->
<context id="character" style-ref="def:character">
<context id="blocks" style-ref="def:keyword">
<context id="keywords" style-ref="def:keyword">
<context id="types" style-ref="def:type">
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
Install this file by copying to /usr/share/mime/packages and
then running update-mime-database /usr/share/mime
<mime-info xmlns="">
<mime-type type="text/x-julia-source">
<sub-class-of type="text/plain"/>
<comment>Julia source code</comment>
<glob pattern="*.jl"/>
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In julia.lang, unless I comment out lines 187-191

        <context id="character" style-ref="def:character">
          <!-- <keyword>'\u[0-9a-fA-F]{1,3}'</keyword>

I get the following warning, and highlighting doesn't work in my .jl file:

(gedit:107540): GtkSourceView-WARNING **: 21:56:22.182: Failed to load '/usr/share/gtksourceview-4/language-specs/julia.lang': Error while compiling regular expression ‘(?-ix)\b('[^\']|\\.'|'\\[0-7]{1,3}'|'\x[0-9a-fA-F]{1,2}'|'\U10[0-9a-fA-F]{4}')\b’ at char 60: unrecognized character following \

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