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Created April 1, 2015 12:10
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Implementation of a fast simulation core for kite power systems using numba and 2d arrays
# constants for accessing the array of scalars
ParamCD = 0
ParamCL = 1
Length = 2 # length of one tether segment at zero force
C_spring = 3 # spring constant of one tether segment
Damping = 4 # damping constant of one tether segment
Depower = 5
Steering = 6
Alpha_depower = 7
Alpha_zero = 8
Last_alpha = 9 # unused
Psi = 10 # heading angle in radian
Beta = 11 # elevation angle in radian; initial value about 70 degrees
Cor_steering = 12
D_tether = 13
V_app_norm = 14
Area = 15
Last_v_app_norm_tether = 16
# constants for accessing the array of vec3
V_wind = 0 # (westwind, downwind direction to the east)
V_wind_gnd = 1
V_wind_tether = 2 # wind at half of the height of the kite
Segment = 3
Rel_vel = 4
Av_vel = 5
Unit_vector = 7
Force = 8
Last_force = 9
Lift_force = 10
Drag_force = 11
Spring_force = 12
Total_forces = 13
Last_tether_drag = 14
V_apparent = 15
V_app_perp = 16
Kite_y = 17
Steering_force = 18
Acc = 19
Temp = 20
Vec_z = 21
class FastKPS(object):
""" Class with the inner properties of the residual calculations. """
def __init__(self):
self.scalars = np.zeros(17)
self.scalars[ParamCD] = 1.0
self.scalars[ParamCL] = 0.2
self.scalars[Last_alpha] = double (0.1)
self.scalars[Beta] = double(1.220) # elevation angle in radian; initial value about 70 degrees
self.scalars[D_tether] = double(pro._winch.d_tether)
self.vec3 = np.zeros((22, 3))
self.vec3[V_wind, 0] = V_WIND # (westwind, downwind direction to the east)
self.vec3[V_wind_gnd, 0] = V_WIND # (westwind, downwind direction to the east)
self.vec3[V_wind_tether, 0] = V_WIND # wind at half of the height of the kite
self.initial_masses = (np.ones(SEGMENTS + 1)) # array of the initial masses of the particles
self.initial_masses *= double(MASS)
self.masses = (np.ones(SEGMENTS + 1))
@jit(nopython = True)
def calcDrag(vec3, v_segment, unit_vector, rho, last_tether_drag, v_app_perp, area):
""" Calculate the tether drag of a segment. """
sub3(vec3[V_wind_tether], v_segment, vec3[V_apparent])
v_app_norm = norm(vec3[V_apparent])
mul3(dot(vec3[V_apparent], unit_vector), unit_vector, v_app_perp)
sub3(vec3[V_apparent], v_app_perp, v_app_perp)
mul3(- 0.5 * C_D_TETHER * rho * norm(v_app_perp) * area, v_app_perp, last_tether_drag)
return v_app_norm
@jit(nopython = True)
def calcAeroForces(scalars, vec3, pos_kite, v_kite, rho, rel_steering, v_apparent):
pos_kite: position of the kite
rho: air density [kg/m^3]
paramCD: drag coefficient (function of power settings)
paramCL: lift coefficient (function of power settings)
rel_steering: value between -1.0 and +1.0
sub3(vec3[V_wind], v_kite, v_apparent)
scalars[V_app_norm] = norm(vec3[V_apparent])
normalize2(vec3[V_apparent], vec3[Drag_force])
cross3(pos_kite, vec3[Drag_force], vec3[Kite_y])
K = 0.5 * rho * scalars[V_app_norm]**2 * AREA
cross3(vec3[Drag_force], vec3[Kite_y], vec3[Temp])
mul3(K * scalars[ParamCL], vec3[Temp], vec3[Lift_force])
# some additional drag is created while steering
mul2( K * scalars[ParamCD] * BRIDLE_DRAG * (1.0 + 0.6 * abs(rel_steering)), vec3[Drag_force])
scalars[Cor_steering] = C2_COR / scalars[V_app_norm] * math.sin(scalars[Psi]) * math.cos(scalars[Beta])
mul3(- K * REL_SIDE_AREA * STEERING_COEFFICIENT * (rel_steering + scalars[Cor_steering]), vec3[Kite_y], \
neg_sum(vec3[Lift_force], vec3[Drag_force], vec3[Steering_force], vec3[Last_force])
@jit(nopython = True)
def calcRes(scalars, vec3, pos1, pos2, vel1, vel2, mass, veld, result, i):
""" Calculate the vector res1, that depends on the velocity and the acceleration.
The drag force of each segment is distributed equaly on both particles. """
sub3(pos1, pos2, vec3[Segment])
height = double((pos1[2] + pos2[2]) * 0.5)
rho = double(calcRho(height)) # calculate the air density
sub3(vel1, vel2, vec3[Rel_vel]) # calculate the relative velocity
sum3(vel1, vel2, vec3[Av_vel]) # dito (continuation)
mul2(0.5, vec3[Av_vel]) # calculate the relative velocity
norm1 = norm(vec3[Segment]) # length of the tether segment
div3(norm1, vec3[Segment], vec3[Unit_vector]) # unit vector in the direction of the tether
# look at:
# calculate the relative velocity in the direction of the spring (=segment)
spring_vel = dot(vec3[Unit_vector], vec3[Rel_vel])
k2 = 0.05 * scalars[C_spring] # compression stiffness tether segments
if norm1 - scalars[Length] > 0.0:
mul3(scalars[C_spring] * (norm1 - scalars[Length]) + scalars[Damping] * spring_vel, \
vec3[Unit_vector], vec3[Spring_force])
mul3(k2 * (norm1 - scalars[Length]) + scalars[Damping] * spring_vel, \
vec3[Unit_vector], vec3[Spring_force])
scalars[Area] = norm1 * scalars[D_tether]
scalars[Last_v_app_norm_tether] = calcDrag(vec3, vec3[Av_vel], vec3[Unit_vector], \
rho, vec3[Last_tether_drag], vec3[V_app_perp], scalars[Area])
# TODO: create a copy of the drag force !!!
if i == SEGMENTS:
scalars[Area] = L_BRIDLE * scalars[D_tether]
scalars[Last_v_app_norm_tether] = calcDrag(vec3, vec3[Av_vel], vec3[Unit_vector], \
rho, vec3[Last_tether_drag], vec3[V_app_perp], scalars[Area])
mul3(0.5, vec3[Last_tether_drag], vec3[Temp])
sum2(vec3[Spring_force], vec3[Temp])
sum3(vec3[Temp], vec3[Last_tether_drag], vec3[Force])
mul3(0.5, vec3[Last_tether_drag], vec3[Temp])
sum3(vec3[Temp], vec3[Spring_force], vec3[Force])
sum3(vec3[Force], vec3[Last_force], vec3[Total_forces])
mul3(0.5, vec3[Last_tether_drag], vec3[Temp])
sub2(vec3[Spring_force], vec3[Temp])
copy2(vec3[Temp], vec3[Last_force])
div3(mass, vec3[Total_forces], vec3[Acc]) # create the vector of the spring acceleration
# the derivative of the velocity must be equal to the total acceleration
copy2(vec3[Acc], vec3[Temp])
vec3[Temp][2] -= G_EARTH
sub3(veld, vec3[Temp], result)
@jit(nopython = True)
def loop(scalars, vec3, initial_masses, masses, pos, vel, posd, veld, res0, res1):
""" Calculate the vector res0 using a vector expression, and calculate res1 using a loop
that iterates over all tether segments. """
mul3(scalars[Length] / L_0, initial_masses, masses)
copy2(pos[0], res0[0]) # res0[0] = pos[0]
copy2(vel[0], res1[0]) # res1[0] = vel[0]
# res0[1:SEGMENTS+1] = vel[1:SEGMENTS+1] - posd[1:SEGMENTS+1]
for i in xrange(1, SEGMENTS+1):
sub3(vel[i], posd[i], res0[i])
for i in xrange(SEGMENTS, 0, -1): # count down from particle = SEGMENTS to 1
calcRes(scalars, vec3, pos[i], pos[i-1], vel[i], vel[i-1], masses[i], veld[i], res1[i], i)
@jit(nopython = True)
def setCL_CD(scalars, alpha):
""" Calculate the lift and drag coefficient as a function of the relative depower setting. """
angle = alpha * 180.0 / math.pi + ALPHA_ZERO
if angle > 180.0:
angle -= 360.0
if angle < -180.0:
angle += 360.0
scalars[ParamCL] = calc_cl(angle)
scalars[ParamCD] = calc_cd(angle)
@jit(nopython = True)
def calcLoD(scalars, vec3, vec_c, v_app):
Calculate the lift over drag ratio as a function of the direction vector of the last tether
segment, the current depower setting and the apparent wind speed.
normalize2(vec_c, vec3[Vec_z]) # vec_z = la.normalize(vec_c)
alpha = calc_alpha(v_app, vec3[Vec_z]) - scalars[Alpha_depower]
setCL_CD(scalars, alpha)
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