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Created August 30, 2010 19:17
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%%% File : ahocorasik.erl
%%% Author : Fyodor Ustinov <>
%%% Descrip.: Multiple search based on Aho-Corasick string matching algorithm
%%% License : GPL
%%% Usage:
%%% ahocorasik:match(["pat1", "pat2"], "pat1 pat2 pat1")
%%% or
%%% Tree = ahocorasik:tree(["pat1", "pat2"])
%%% ahocorasik:match_tree(Tree, "pat1 pat2 pat1")
%%% functions 'match' and 'match_tree' returns a list of matching patterns
%%% and their position in the text:
%%% [{"pat1",[1,11]},{"pat2",[6]}]
-export([match/2, match_tree/2, tree/1]).
-define(ROOT, {[], [], []}).
-type apex() :: {list(), list(), list()}.
apex = ?ROOT :: apex(),
tree = [] :: list(apex()),
counter = dict:new() :: dict(),
pos = 1 :: integer()
tree(Pat) ->
build_fail(build_tree(Pat, []), 1)
build_tree([], Tree) -> [?ROOT|lists:reverse(Tree)];
build_tree([H|T], Tree) ->
build_tree(T, parse_word(H, Tree))
parse_word(Word, Tree) ->
parse_word(Word, Tree, [])
parse_word([], Tree, Apex) when length(Apex) =:= 0 -> Tree;
parse_word([], Tree, Apex) ->
Out = lists:reverse(Apex),
add_out(Apex, Out, Tree)
parse_word([H|T], Tree, Apex) ->
CApex = [H|Apex],
case lists:keymember(CApex, 1, Tree) of
true ->
parse_word(T, Tree, CApex);
false ->
parse_word(T, add_apex(CApex, Tree), CApex)
add_apex(CApex, Tree) ->
[{CApex, [], []}| Tree]
add_out(Apex, Out, Tree) ->
{Apex, COut, Fail} = lists:keyfind(Apex, 1, Tree),
case lists:member(Out, COut) of
false ->
lists:keyreplace(Apex, 1, Tree, {Apex, lists:usort([Out | COut]), Fail});
true ->
build_fail(Tree, Level) ->
Apexes = [X || {X, _, _} <- Tree, length(X) =:= Level],
case Apexes of
[] ->
_ ->
build_fail(fail_apexes(Apexes, Tree), Level + 1)
fail_apexes([], Tree) -> Tree;
fail_apexes([Apex|Apexes], Tree) ->
fail_apexes(Apexes, fail_one(Apex, lists:reverse(Apex), Tree))
fail_one([_Apex|[]], _, Tree) -> Tree;
fail_one(_, [], Tree) -> Tree;
fail_one(Apex, [_|SApex], Tree) ->
NApex = lists:reverse(SApex),
case lists:keymember(NApex, 1, Tree) of
true ->
add_fail(Apex, NApex, Tree);
false ->
fail_one(Apex, SApex, Tree)
add_fail(Apex, NApex, Tree) ->
{Apex, Out, _} = lists:keyfind(Apex, 1, Tree),
{NApex, COut, _} = lists:keyfind(NApex, 1, Tree),
lists:keyreplace(Apex, 1, Tree, {Apex, lists:umerge(COut, Out), NApex})
match_tree(Tree, Text) -> do_match(#s{tree = Tree}, Text).
match(Pat, Text) -> do_match(#s{tree = tree(Pat)}, Text).
do_match(S, []) -> dict:to_list(S#s.counter);
do_match(S, [H|T]) -> do_match((do_apex(S, H))#s{pos = S#s.pos + 1}, T).
do_apex(S, H) ->
Apex = [H | element(1, S#s.apex)],
case lists:keyfind(Apex, 1, S#s.tree) of
{Apex, Out, _Fail} = NApex ->
(inc_out(S, Out))#s{apex = NApex};
false ->
case length(Apex) of
1 ->
S#s{apex = ?ROOT};
_ ->
do_apex(S#s{apex = lists:keyfind(element(3, S#s.apex), 1, S#s.tree)}, H)
inc_out(S, []) -> S;
inc_out(S, [H|T]) ->
inc_out(S#s{counter = dict:append(H, S#s.pos - length(H) + 1, S#s.counter)}, T)
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Tests %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
tree_test() ->
?assertEqual(tree(["1"]), [{[],[],[]},{"1",["1"],[]}]),
T = tree(["1","2"]),
?assertEqual(T, [{[],[],[]},{"1",["1"],[]},{"2",["2"],[]}]),
R = match(["1","2"],"123456789012345678901234567890"),
?assertEqual(R, [{"2",[2,12,22]},{"1",[1,11,21]}]),
?assertEqual(match_tree(T,"123456789012345678901234567890"), R),
?assertEqual(match(["1","12","2","23","901"],"123456789012345678901234567890"), [
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utgarda commented Oct 28, 2010

Thanks, man!
Guess, I'll fork this as soon as I master Erlang enough to implement the modification for searching patterns with wildcards :

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