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Created March 10, 2016 15:59
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kk lets see
# @author Naren Siva Subramani (
# @abstract .. because it represents, Life!!
# @deprecated Because there is always a Better Life out there!
## @since 0.0.1 (
# @see
# == Conway's Game of Life
# Haha.. I've been meaning to implement this for a while now!!
# Finally got the chance to :)
# Hopefully we play the Game of Life well..
# PS: if only Real Life was this simple.. hmm.. maybe..
# at a molecular, atomic or at least at a quantum level, one might think..
# But Alas! Virtual Particles prove that wrong too.. :D
# @see
class Life
# @attr cols [Integer] cols of the life grid
# @attr rows [Integer] rows of the life grid
# @attr [String] live represents 'live' cells in the life grid
# @attr [String] dead represents 'dead' cells in the life grid
attr_accessor :cols, :rows, :live, :dead, :life_grid
# Begin Life!
# initializes the size of the grid to play the Game of Life..
# @param life_size [Array<Integer, Integer>] cols,rows of the 'grid_size' of life.. (dubbed 'life_size' for fun :P )
# @param alive_dead_symbols [Array<String, String>] way you want to display alive and dead cells.. Strings preferably
def initialize life_size = [8, 6], alive_dead_symbols = %w[o -]
@cols, @rows = life_size
@live, @dead = alive_dead_symbols
print "Life Size (#{@rows} rows, #{@cols} cols).. ['#{@live}' are alive , '#{@dead}' are dead]"
# == Error Declarations
UnInitedState =
OutOfBounds =
UnexpectedInput =
RenderError = # not used for now..
# Create Life!!
# send in arrays of 0's (dead) and 1's (live) of any size
# Actions:
# {Life#print_state}s the current state of input setup (just for reference)
# initializes the @life_grid
# @note make sure the inputs are within the initialized game board size
# @param life_grid [Array<Arrays>] input state with 0's representing dead cells and 1's representing alive cells
def init life_grid 'This is the init setup:'
print_state life_grid
@life_grid = create_game_board life_grid
# Display Life!!
# the rendering method of the state of the game
# Actions:
# Clears the previous instant on the screen
# Shows the current instant
def show clear_screen = nil
raise UnInitedState, 'Please init Life!' unless @life_grid
# system('clear') if clear_screen
puts "Showing current state:" unless clear_screen
print_state @life_grid
# == Play the Game
# Call this method from your Life object to run the simulation
# Actions:
# Clears the previous instant on the screen
# Shows the current instant
# @note make sure you have initialized the @life_grid using {Life#init}
# @param num_of_cycles [Integer] number of game cycles you want to run
def play! num_of_cycles = 5, sleep_interval = 0.5
num_of_cycles.times { |i|
puts "Itr: #{i+1}"
@life_grid = next_state @life_grid
show "clear" # todo: figure out a good way to sys clear!
sleep sleep_interval
puts "End of game: after #{num_of_cycles} cycles\n\n"
# Computes the next state of the World
# @return [Array<Arrays>] game board with the new state!
# @param current_state [Array<Arrays>] this is the current 2D grid of the game
def next_state current_state
next_state_grid = []
compute_cell_life =-> i, j { check_life_of_cell i, j, current_state }
current_state.each_with_index { |row, i|
row.each_with_index { |col_elem, j|
next_state_grid[i] << (compute_cell_life[i, j] ? @live : @dead)
# @param current_state [Array<Arrays>] this is the current 2D grid of the game
# @return [nil] Nil.. just a print method..
def print_state current_state
current_state.each { |row| row.each { |col_elem| print "#{col_elem} " }; puts }
# This is only called once at the {Life#init} phase..
# once the board is established and the init conditions are setup,
# we can just use that board for future transitions
# @raise [OutOfBounds] if input state is out of bounds of the game_board
# @param current_state [Array<Arrays>] this is the current 2D grid of the game
# @return [Array<Arrays>] the game_board with the input conditions..
def create_game_board input_life_grid
# creating all dead game board (@rows x @cols)
game_board = []
@rows.times { |i| game_board[i] = @cols, @dead }
# initializing input state
input_life_grid.each_with_index { |row, i|
row.each_with_index { |col_elem, j|
raise if i > @rows or j > @cols
game_board[i][j] = (col_elem == 1 ? @live : @dead)
rescue Exception => e
raise OutOfBounds,"\nIs your init condition going out of the bounds?
game_board is only (#{@rows},#{@cols}) large..
you are trying to access (#{i},#{j})"
# Evaluate the new state of the cell based on the Game's (Conway's) Laws!
# @note the Game Laws are
# - Any live cell with fewer than two live neighbours dies, as if caused by under-population.
# - Any live cell with two or three live neighbours lives on to the next generation.
# - Any live cell with more than three live neighbours dies, as if by over-population.
# - Any dead cell with exactly three live neighbours becomes a live cell, as if by reproduction.
# @raise [UnexpectedInput] if adultrated board is sent.. ie: if the @live and @dead identifiers are not passed in the board
# @param i [Array<Arrays>] i index of cell in question
# @param j [Array<Arrays>] j index of cell in question
# @param grid [Array<Arrays>] the unit box of 3x3 cells with the cell in question at the centre
# @return [Boolean] true if the cell is Alive, false if Dead!
def check_life_of_cell i, j, grid
live_count = 0
cell_state = nil
offset_range = [-1, 0, 1]
raise UnexpectedInput, "\nthe Check Grid is to be filled with wither '#{@live}' or '#{@dead}' only..\nbut got #{grid}\n" unless (grid.flatten-[@live, @dead]).empty?
# calculate live cell count (dead = 8-live)
offset_range.each { |i_offset|
offset_range.each { |j_offset|
(cell_state = grid[i][j]; next) if i_offset == 0 and j_offset == 0
i_check, j_check = i+i_offset, j+j_offset
next if [-1, @rows].include? i_check or [-1, @cols].include? j_check
live_count+=1 if grid[i_check][j_check] == @live
# Game Laws
case cell_state
when @live
# Any live cell with fewer than two live neighbours dies, as if caused by under-population.
# Any live cell with two or three live neighbours lives on to the next generation.
# Any live cell with more than three live neighbours dies, as if by over-population.
return true if [2, 3].include? live_count
when @dead
# Any dead cell with exactly three live neighbours becomes a live cell, as if by reproduction.
return true if [3].include? live_count
raise "Should never get here"
false # handles all the 'dies' cases
# todo: implement this fully later
# fot setting log levels
class Log
class << self
def info *args
puts args
if __FILE__ == $0
# Main method
# test set
new_life = [4, 3], %w[x .]
new_life.init [[0, 1, 0], [0, 1, 0], [0, 1, 0]]!
# interview problem
new_life = [8, 6], %w[o .]
new_life.init [[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1], [1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1], [], [0, 0, 0, 1, 1], [0, 0, 0, 1, 1]]! 5, 0.5
# Conway Glider
new_life = [12, 12], %w[# -]
new_life.init [[1], [0, 1, 1], [1, 1]]! 16, 0.1
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