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Last active July 14, 2019 20:44
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<title>Pixel Editor</title>
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<canvas class="editor">Bitmap pixel editor canvas not supported</canvas>
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<div>Hue: <output class="hue-out">0</output></div>
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<div class="col s12 m12 l4">
<div>Saturation: <output class="saturation-out">0</output></div>
<input class="slider saturation" type="range" min="0" max="1" step="0.01" value="0"/>
<div class="col s12 m12 l4">
<div>Luminance: <output class="luminance-out">0</output></div>
<input class="slider luminance" type="range" min="0" max="1" step="0.01" value="0"/>
<div class="col s12 m12 l4">
<div class="red-text">Red: <output class="red-out">0</output></div>
<input class="slider red" type="range" min="0" max="255" step="1" value="0"/>
<div class="col s12 m12 l4">
<div class="green-text">Green: <output class="green-out">0</output></div>
<input class="slider green" type="range" min="0" max="255" step="1" value="0"/>
<div class="col s12 m12 l4">
<div class="blue-text">Blue: <output class="blue-out">0</output></div>
<input class="slider blue" type="range" min="0" max="255" step="1" value="0"/>
var mm = new MM();
function MM() {};
MM.prototype.loaded = function loaded() {
var el = document.body.querySelector('.color-select');
var clr = el && MM.Colorize.init({ parent: el, backgroundsSelect: '.hex-value-bg' });
if (clr) MM.Canvas.init({ parent: el, inputColor: clr, upload: function(formData, input){
alert('Complete upload to server using passed FormData');
MM.clazzList = function clazzList(el) {
//if (el.classList) return el.classList;
var clo = {};
clo.clz = function(clzs, rplr) {
var arr = typeof rplr === 'boolean' ? : null, rm = rplr;
if (arr) rplr = function addrm(mtch, cn) {
arr.splice(arr.indexOf(cn), 1);
return rm ? '' : mtch;
for (var i = 0, l = clzs.length, isStr, val; i < l; ++i) {
clo.setClz(el, clzs[i], rplr);
return arr;
clo.setClz = function(el, cl, rplr) {
for (var i = 0, els = el instanceof Element ? [el] : el, ncl; i < els.length; ++i) {
var isStr = typeof els[i].className === 'string', rtyp = typeof rplr; // some elements don't support className the same way (e.g. svg)
var val = isStr ? els[i].className : els[i].getAttribute('class') || '';
ncl = cl && Array.isArray(cl) ? cl[i] || cl.join(' ') : cl; // try to match the element index with the passed class index or use all of the classes in combo
if (rtyp === 'string' || rtyp === 'function') val = val.replace(new RegExp('\\s*(' + ncl + ')\\s*', 'gi'), rplr);
else if (ncl) val += ' ' + ncl + ' ';
if (isStr) els[i].className = val;
else els[i].setAttribute('class', val);
return {
has: function hasClass(clz, all) {
if (!clz) return false;
for (var i = 0, els = el instanceof Element ? [el] : el, match = ' ' + clz + ' ', isMatch, mcnt = 0; i < els.length; ++i) {
isMatch = (' ' + els[i].className + ' ').replace(/[\n\t]/g, ' ').indexOf(match) > -1;
if ((!all && isMatch) || (all && !isMatch)) return isMatch;
if (isMatch) ++mcnt;
return mcnt === els.length;
remove: function rmer() {
clo.clz(arguments, ' ');
add: function addClass() {
for (var i = 0, clzs = clo.clz(arguments, false), l = clzs.length; i < l; ++i) {
clo.setClz(el, clzs[i]);
toggle: function tger() {
for (var i = 0, clzs = clo.clz(arguments, true), l = clzs.length; i < l; ++i) {
clo.setClz(el, clzs[i]);
MM.Color = {
blend: function(percentage, fromColor, toColor) {
var p = percentage, from = fromColor, to = toColor;
if (typeof(p) != 'number' || p <- 1 || p > 1 || typeof(from) != 'string' || (from[0] != 'r' && from[0] != '#') || (to && typeof(to) != 'string')) return null;
var h = typeof(to) === 'string' ? to.length > 9 ? true : to === 'c' ? from.length <= 9 : false : from.length > 9;
var b = p < 0, p = b ? p * -1 : p, to = to && to != 'c' ? to : b ? '#000000' : '#FFFFFF';
var f = from && typeof(from) === 'object' ? from : MM.Color.propertyToRGB(from), t = to && typeof(to) === 'object' ? to : MM.Color.propertyToRGB(to);
if (!f || !t) return null;
if (h) return 'rgb' + (f.a > -1 || t.a >- 1 ? 'a(' : '(') + Math.round((t.r - f.r) * p + f.r) + ',' + Math.round((t.g - f.g) * p + f.g)
+ ',' + Math.round((t.b - f.b) * p + f.b) + (f.a < 0 && t.a < 0 ? ')' : ','
+ (f.a > -1 && t.a > -1 ? Math.round(((t.a - f.a) * p + f.a) * 10000) / 10000 : t.a < 0 ? f.a : t.a) + ')');
else return '#' + (0x100000000 + Math.round((t.r - f.r) * p + f.r) * 0x1000000 + Math.round((t.g - f.g) * p + f.g) * 0x10000
+ Math.round((t.b - f.b) * p + f.b) * 0x100 + (f.a > -1 && t.a > -1 ? Math.round(((t.a - f.a) * p + f.a) *255) : t.a > -1
? Math.round(t.a * 255) : f.a > -1 ? Math.round(f.a * 255) : 255)).toString(16).slice(1, f.a > -1 || t.a > -1 ? undefined : -2);
contrast: function(rgb) {
var lum = 0.299 * rgb[0] + 0.587 * rgb[1] + 0.114 * rgb[2];
return lum > 150 ? '000000' : 'FFFFFF';
brightness: function(hsl, percentage) {
var lum = hsl[2] + hsl[2] * (percentage / 100);
return [hsl[0], hsl[1], lum];
propertyToRGB: function(color) {
var d = color, l = d.length, RGB = {};
if (l > 9) {
d = d.split(',');
if (d.length < 3 || d.length > 4) return null;
RGB.r = parseInt(d[0].split('(')[1]),
RGB.g = parseInt(d[1]);
RGB.b = parseInt(d[2]);
RGB.a = d[3] ? parseFloat(d[3]) : -1;
RGB.isHex = false;
} else {
if (l == 8 || l == 6 || l < 4) return null;
if (l < 6) d = '#' + d[1] + d[1] + d[2] + d[2] + d[3] + d[3] + (l > 4 ? d[4] + '' + d[4] : ''); // allow for 3 or 4 digit hex values
d = parseInt(d.slice(1), 16);
RGB.r = d >> 16 & 255;
RGB.g = d >> 8 & 255;
RGB.b = d & 255;
RGB.a = -1;
RGB.isHex = true;
if (l == 9 || l == 5) RGB.a = Math.round((RGB.b / 255) * 10000) / 10000;
RGB.b = RGB.g;
RGB.g = RGB.r;
RGB.r = d >> 24 & 255;
return RGB;
convert360: function(n) {
return Math.round(n * 360);
convert100: function(n) {
return Math.round(n * 100);
rgbToHSL: function(r, g, b) {
if (arguments.length === 1 && Array.isArray(r)) { // hexToHSL
g = r[1] || 0;
b = r[2] || 0;
r = r[0] || 0;
r /= 255, g /= 255, b /= 255;
var max = Math.max(r, g, b), min = Math.min(r, g, b);
var h,s,l = (max + min) / 2;
if (max == min) {
h = s = 0; // achromatic
} else {
var d = max - min;
s = l > 0.5 ? d / (2 - max - min) : d / (max + min);
switch (max) {
case r:h = (g - b) / d + (g < b ? 6 : 0);break;
case g:h = (b - r) / d + 2;break;
case b:h = (r - g) / d + 4;break;}
h /= 6;
return [h, s, l];
rgbToHex: function(r, g, b) {
var hex = '';
if (r == null || g == null || b == null) return hex;
for (var i = 0, cls = [r, g, b], comp; i < cls.length; i++) {
comp = parseInt(cls[i]).toString(16);
hex += comp.length == 1 ? '0' + comp : comp;
return hex;
hexToRGB: function(hex) {
var r, g, b;
hex = hex.replace('#', '').match(/.{2}/g),
r = hex[0], g = hex[1], b = hex[2];
if (r == null || g == null || b == null) return false;
return [parseInt(r, 16), parseInt(g, 16), parseInt(b, 16)];
hueToRGB(v1, v2, vh) {
if (vh < 0) vh += 1;
if (vh > 1) vh -= 1;
if (6 * vh < 1) return v1 + (v2 - v1) * 6 * vh;
if (2 * vh < 1) return v2;
if (3 * vh < 2) return v1 + (v2 - v1) * (2 / 3 - vh) * 6;
return v1;
hslToRGB(h, s, l) {
var r, g, b, temp_1, temp_2;
if (s === 0) {
r = Math.round(l * 255);
g = Math.round(l * 255);
b = Math.round(l * 255);
} else {
temp_2 = l < .5 ? l * (1 + s) : l + s - s * l;
temp_1 = 2 * l - temp_2;
r = Math.round(255 * this.hueToRGB(temp_1, temp_2, h + 1 / 3));
g = Math.round(255 * this.hueToRGB(temp_1, temp_2, h));
b = Math.round(255 * this.hueToRGB(temp_1, temp_2, h - 1 / 3));
return [r, g, b];
hslToHex: function(h, s, l) {
var rgb = MM.Color.hslToRGB(h, s, l);
return MM.Color.rgbToHex(rgb[0], rgb[1], rgb[2]);
MM.Colorize = {
controls: function(options) {
var opts = options || {}, prnt = opts.parent || document;
return {
hue: prnt.querySelector('.slider.hue'),
sat: prnt.querySelector('.slider.saturation'),
lum: prnt.querySelector('.slider.luminance'),
red: prnt.querySelector(''),
green: prnt.querySelector(''),
blue: prnt.querySelector(''),
hsl: prnt.querySelector('.hsl-text'),
rgb: prnt.querySelector('.rgb-text'),
hex: prnt.querySelector('.hex'),
backgrounds: opts.backgroundsSelect && prnt.querySelectorAll(opts.backgroundsSelect),
hueOut: prnt.querySelector('output.hue-out'),
satOut: prnt.querySelector('output.saturation-out'),
lumOut: prnt.querySelector('output.luminance-out'),
redOut: prnt.querySelector(''),
greenOut: prnt.querySelector(''),
blueOut: prnt.querySelector('')
setRGB: function(r, g, b, els) { = r; = g; = b;
if (els.rgb) els.rgb.value = r + ',' + g + ',' + b;
if (els.redOut) els.redOut.value =;
if (els.greenOut) els.greenOut.value =;
if (els.blueOut) els.blueOut.value =;
setTooltip: function(inp, out, fixed) {
out.value = fixed >= 0 ? parseFloat(inp.value || 0).toFixed(fixed) : inp.value;'--val', inp.value);
var inpStyle = getComputedStyle(inp);'--width', Math.round(inpStyle.width.replace(/[^\d\.]/g, '') || 0) + 'px');'--height', Math.round(inpStyle.height.replace(/[^\d\.]/g, '') || 0) + 'px');
setHSL: function(h, s, l, els) {
els.hue.value = h;
els.sat.value = s;
els.lum.value = l;
var h2 = els.hsl || els.hueOut ? MM.Color.convert360(h) : null, s2 = els.hsl || els.satOut ? MM.Color.convert100(s) : null;
var l2 = els.hsl || els.lumOut ? MM.Color.convert100(s) : null;
if (els.hsl) els.hsl.value = h2 + ',' + s2 + '%,' + l2 + '%';
if (els.hueOut) els.hueOut.value = MM.Color.convert360(els.hue.value);
if (els.satOut) els.satOut.value = MM.Color.convert100(els.sat.value) + '%';
if (els.lumOut) els.lumOut.value = MM.Color.convert100(els.lum.value) + '%';
setBgs: function(els) {
if (els.hex && els.backgrounds) {
var tcolor = '#' + MM.Color.contrast(MM.Color.hexToRGB(els.hex.value));
for (var i = 0, chld; i < els.backgrounds.length; i++) {
els.backgrounds[i].style.backgroundColor = els.hex.value;
els.backgrounds[i].style.color = tcolor;
chld = els.backgrounds[i].querySelectorAll('path');
for (var j = 0; j < chld.length; j++) {
chld[j].setAttribute('fill', tcolor);
setHEX: function(hex, els) {
if (els.hex) els.hex.value = '#' + hex;
getHEX: function(hex) {
return hex.indexOf('#') !== -1 ? hex.substring(1) : hex;
hslChange: function(evt, els) {
var h = parseFloat(els.hue.value), s = parseFloat(els.sat.value), l = parseFloat(els.lum.value);
var rgb = MM.Color.hslToRGB(h, s, l);
var hex = MM.Color.rgbToHex(rgb[0], rgb[1], rgb[2]);
MM.Colorize.setRGB(rgb[0], rgb[1], rgb[2], els);
MM.Colorize.setHSL(h, s, l, els);
MM.Colorize.setHEX(hex, els);
rgbChange: function(evt, els) {
var r = parseFloat(, g = parseFloat(, b = parseFloat(;
var hsl = MM.Color.rgbToHSL(r, g, b);
var hex = MM.Color.rgbToHex(r, g, b);
MM.Colorize.setHSL(hsl[0], hsl[1], hsl[2], els);
MM.Colorize.setRGB(r, g, b, els);
MM.Colorize.setHEX(hex, els);
hexChange: function(evt, els) {
var hex = MM.Colorize.getHEX(els.hex.value);
if (hex.length === 3) hex = hex.repeat(2);
if (hex.length !== 6) return false;
var rgb = MM.Color.hexToRGB(hex);
var hsl = MM.Color.rgbToHSL(rgb[0], rgb[1], rgb[2]);
MM.Colorize.setRGB(rgb[0], rgb[1], rgb[2], els);
MM.Colorize.setHSL(hsl[0], hsl[1], hsl[2], els);
init: function(options) {
var els = MM.Colorize.controls(options);
if (els.hex) els.hex.addEventListener('input', function onHexInput(evt) {
requestAnimationFrame(function colorizeRequest() {
return MM.Colorize.hexChange(evt, els);
var hslListener = function(evt) {
requestAnimationFrame(function colorizeRequest() {
MM.Colorize.hslChange(evt, els);
els.hue.addEventListener('input', hslListener);
els.sat.addEventListener('input', hslListener);
els.lum.addEventListener('input', hslListener);
var rgbListener = function(evt) {
requestAnimationFrame(function colorizeRequest() {
MM.Colorize.rgbChange(evt, els);
};'input', rgbListener);'input', rgbListener);'input', rgbListener);
if (els.hex) MM.Colorize.hexChange(null, els);
return els.hex;
MM.Canvas = {
createGraph: function(opts) {
opts = opts || {};
opts.parent = opts.parent || document;
var graph = {
parent: opts.parent,
canvas: opts.parent.querySelector('canvas.editor'),
inputCols: opts.parent.querySelector('.canvas-editor-cols'),
inputRows: opts.parent.querySelector('.canvas-editor-rows'),
inputBlocks: opts.parent.querySelector('.canvas-editor-blocks'),
inputPen: opts.parent.querySelector('.canvas-editor-pen'),
inputFill: opts.parent.querySelector('.canvas-editor-fill'),
inputSprayOrEyeDrop: opts.parent.querySelector('.canvas-editor-spray-or-eyedrop'),
inputDownload: opts.parent.querySelector('.canvas-editor-download'),
inputUpload: opts.parent.querySelector('.canvas-editor-upload'),
inputColor: opts.inputColor,
upload: opts.upload,
pixels: {},
timestamps: {},
threshold: opts.threshold || 50,
blankColor: opts.blankColor || '#000000',
bgColor: opts.bgColor || '#BBBBBB',
highlightColor: opts.highlightColor || 'rgba(221,221,221,0.5)',
blockSize: opts.blockSize,
x: 0, y: 0, ox: opts.offsetX || 0, oy: opts.offsetY || 0
graph.inputSel = graph.inputPen || graph.inputFill;
if (!graph.canvas) return false;
graph.context = graph.canvas.getContext('2d');
graph.gridCanvas = document.createElement('canvas');
graph.gridContext = graph.gridCanvas.getContext('2d');
return graph;
resize: function(graph, rows, cols, blockSize) {
var oldw, oldh, oldb;
if (!graph.blockSize || !blockSize || blockSize !== graph.blockSize) {
oldb = graph.blockSize || 20;
if (graph.inputBlocks) graph.inputBlocks.value = blockSize || oldb;
graph.blockSize = (graph.inputBlocks && parseInt(graph.inputBlocks.value)) || blockSize || oldb;
if (!graph.gridColCount || !cols || cols !== graph.gridColCount || graph.blockSize !== oldb) {
oldw = graph.gridColCount || 16;
if (graph.inputCols) graph.inputCols.value = cols || oldw;
graph.gridColCount = (graph.inputCols && parseInt(graph.inputCols.value)) || cols || oldw;
graph.gridCanvasWidth = (graph.gridColCount * graph.blockSize) + 1;
graph.gridCanvas.width = graph.gridCanvasWidth;
graph.canvas.width = graph.gridCanvas.width + (graph.ox * 2);
if (!graph.gridRowCount || !rows || rows !== graph.gridRowCount || graph.blockSize !== oldb) {
oldh = graph.gridRowCount || 16;
if (graph.inputRows) graph.inputRows.value = rows || oldh;
graph.gridRowCount = (graph.inputRows && parseInt(graph.inputRows.value)) || rows || oldh;
graph.gridCanvasHeight = (graph.gridRowCount * graph.blockSize) + 1;
graph.gridCanvas.height = graph.gridCanvasHeight;
graph.canvas.height = graph.gridCanvas.height + (graph.oy * 2);
graph.gridContext.fillStyle = graph.bgColor;
graph.gridContext.fillRect(0, 0, graph.gridCanvasWidth, graph.gridCanvasHeight);
graph.grid = graph.gridContext.getImageData(0, 0, graph.gridCanvasWidth, graph.gridCanvasHeight);
pixel: function(graph, row, col, val) {
var id = 'pixel_col' + col + '_row' + row;
if (val === true) val = graph.pixels[id] || {
id: id,
on: false,
color: graph.blankColor,
col: col,
row: row,
x: (col - 1) * graph.blockSize,
y: (row - 1) * graph.blockSize,
history: []
if (val) graph.pixels[id] = val;
else if (val === false) return graph.pixels[id] && delete graph.pixels[id];
return graph.pixels[id];
inRange: function(graph) {
return graph.x > 0 && graph.y > 0 && graph.x <= graph.ox + graph.gridCanvasWidth && graph.y <= graph.oy + graph.gridCanvasHeight;
inPoint: function(graph, pix) {
return graph.x >= (graph.ox + pix.x) && graph.x <= (graph.ox + pix.x + graph.blockSize - 1)
&& graph.y >= (graph.oy + pix.y) && graph.y <= (graph.oy + pix.y + graph.blockSize - 1);
paint: function(graph, setPix, highlight, onlyGet) {
var inRange = MM.Canvas.inRange(graph);
if (!inRange && onlyGet) return;
var forFill = !forDrop && graph.inputSel && graph.inputSel === graph.inputFill;
var forDrop = !forFill && graph.inputSel && graph.inputSel === graph.inputSprayOrEyeDrop;
var usePix = forFill && !onlyGet && inRange;
var tpix = usePix && MM.Canvas.paint(graph, false, false, true);
tpix = tpix ? { on: tpix.on, color: tpix.color, pix: tpix } : tpix;
for (var col = 1, pix, fx, fy, fw, fh, hlt, chg, ids = forDrop && graph.inputSel.checked && []; col <= graph.gridColCount; col++) {
for (var row = 1; row <= graph.gridRowCount; row++) {
pix = MM.Canvas.pixel(graph, row, col, true);
if (onlyGet) {
if (MM.Canvas.inPoint(graph, pix)) return pix;
hlt = false;
fx = graph.ox + pix.x + 1;
fy = graph.oy + pix.y + 1;
fw = graph.blockSize - 1;
fh = graph.blockSize - 1;
if (forFill && usePix) { // fill
hlt = highlight && tpix && tpix.color === pix.color;
if (setPix && tpix && tpix.color === pix.color) {
pix.on = graph.inputSel.checked;
pix.color = (pix.on && graph.inputColor.value) || graph.blankColor;
} else if (forDrop) {
if (graph.inputSel.checked) { // sprayer
if ((highlight || setPix) && MM.Canvas.inPoint(graph, pix)) {
hlt = highlight;
MM.Canvas.perimeter(graph, pix, setPix, graph.inputColor.value || graph.blankColor, ids);
if (setPix) {
pix.on = true;
pix.color = graph.inputColor.value || graph.blankColor;
} else if (setPix && MM.Canvas.inPoint(graph, pix)) { // dropper
hlt = highlight;
chg = graph.inputColor.value !== pix.color;
graph.inputColor.value = pix.color;
graph.inputColor.dispatchEvent(new Event('input'));
if (chg) graph.inputColor.dispatchEvent(new Event('change'));
} else if ((!forFill && !forDrop) && inRange && MM.Canvas.inPoint(graph, pix)) { // pen/eraser
hlt = highlight;
if (setPix) {
pix.on = graph.inputPen ? graph.inputPen.checked : pix.color;
pix.color = (pix.on && graph.inputColor.value) || graph.blankColor;
if (!ids || ids.indexOf( < 0) {
graph.context.fillStyle = graph.blankColor;
graph.context.fillRect(fx, fy, fw, fh);
if (pix.on) {
graph.context.fillStyle = pix.color;
graph.context.fillRect(fx, fy, fw, fh);
if (hlt) {
graph.context.fillStyle = graph.inputSel && !graph.inputSel.checked ? graph.blankColor : graph.inputColor.value;
graph.context.fillRect(fx, fy, fw, fh);
perimeter: function(graph, pix, setPix, altColor, ids, reach) {
reach = reach || 1;
var fw = graph.blockWidth - 1, fh = graph.blockSize - 1;
for (var r = pix.row - reach, pixc, prcnt, hsl, hex; r <= pix.row + reach; r++) {
if (r < 1) continue;
else if (r > graph.gridRowCount) break;
for (var c = pix.col - reach; c <= pix.col + reach; c++) {
if (c < 1) continue;
else if (c > graph.gridColCount) break;
if (r === pix.row && c === pix.col) continue;
if (pixc = MM.Canvas.pixel(graph, r, c)) {
prcnt = pix.row === pixc.row || pix.col === pixc.col ? 50 : 80;
hsl = MM.Color.brightness(MM.Color.rgbToHSL(MM.Color.hexToRGB(altColor || pix.color)), prcnt);
hex = '#' + MM.Color.hslToHex(hsl[0], hsl[1], hsl[2]);
fx = graph.ox + pixc.x + 1;
fy = graph.oy + pixc.y + 1;
graph.context.fillStyle = hex;
graph.context.fillRect(fx, fy, fw, fh);
if (setPix) {
pixc.on = true;
pixc.color = hex;
if (ids) ids.push(;
export: function(graph, transparent) {
var canvas = document.createElement('canvas'), context = canvas.getContext('2d');
var blankColor = transparent ? null : graph.blankColor;
canvas.width = graph.gridColCount;
canvas.height = graph.gridRowCount;
for (var y = 1, pix; y <= graph.gridRowCount; y++) {
for (var x = 1; x <= graph.gridColCount; x++) {
pix = MM.Canvas.pixel(graph, y, x);
if (pix.on || blankColor) {
context.fillStyle = pix.on ? pix.color : blankColor;
context.fillRect(x - 1, y - 1, 1, 1);
return canvas;
download: function(graph, transparent) {
var canvas = MM.Canvas.export(graph), link = document.createElement('a'); = 'image.bmp';
link.href = canvas.toDataURL('image/bmp');;
upload: function(grpah, transparent) {
var canvas = MM.Canvas.export(graph);
canvas.toBlob(function blobed(blob) {
var formData = new FormData();
formData.append('bitmap', blob);
graph.upload(formData, graph.inputUpload);
init: function(options) {
var graph = MM.Canvas.createGraph(options);
if (!graph || !graph.canvas) return false;
var listener = function(evt) {
if (evt.type.indexOf('touch') === 0 && evt.type !== 'touchstart') evt.preventDefault();
var el = this, canvasFill, typ = evt.type;
var move = typ === 'touchmove' || typ === 'mousemove', up = typ === 'touchend' || typ === 'mouseup';
var down = typ === 'touchstart' || (typ === 'mousedown' && evt.button === 0);
var evp = (evt.changedTouches && evt.changedTouches[0]) || evt;
if (move || typ === 'mouseover') {
var rect = el.getBoundingClientRect();
graph.x = Math.floor(evp.clientX - (rect.left + document.body.scrollLeft));
graph.y = Math.floor(evp.clientY - ( + document.body.scrollTop));
} else if (typ === 'touchend' || typ === 'mouseout') {
graph.x = 0;
graph.y = 0;
canvasFill = function(ts) {
var lts = graph.timestamps[typ];
if (!lts) lts = graph.timestamps[typ] = ts;
if (!typ !== 'init' && ts - lts < graph.threshold) return requestAnimationFrame(canvasFill);
if (typ === 'init') graph.context.putImageData(graph.grid, graph.ox + graph.x, graph.oy + graph.y);
graph.drawing = up ? false : (move && graph.drawing) || down;
MM.Canvas.paint(graph, graph.drawing, move || typ === 'mouseover', typ === 'mouseout');
graph.canvas.addEventListener('touchstart', listener);
graph.canvas.addEventListener('touchmove', listener);
graph.canvas.addEventListener('touchend', listener);
graph.canvas.addEventListener('mouseover', listener);
graph.canvas.addEventListener('mouseout', listener);
graph.canvas.addEventListener('mousemove', listener);
graph.canvas.addEventListener('mousedown', listener);
graph.canvas.addEventListener('mouseup', listener);
if (graph.inputCols && graph.inputRows) {
var resizeListener = function resizeWidth(evt) {
var rows = parseInt((graph.inputRows && graph.inputRows.value) || 0);
var cols = parseInt((graph.inputCols && graph.inputCols.value) || 0);
var blks = parseInt((graph.inputBlocks && graph.inputBlocks.value) || 0);
MM.Canvas.resize(graph, rows, cols, blks);
graph.inputCols.addEventListener('change', resizeListener);
graph.inputRows.addEventListener('change', resizeListener);
if (graph.inputBlocks) graph.inputBlocks.addEventListener('change', function blockSize(evt) {
var rows = parseInt((graph.inputRows && graph.inputRows.value) || 0);
var cols = parseInt((graph.inputCols && graph.inputCols.value) || 0);
var blks = parseInt((graph.inputBlocks && graph.inputBlocks.value) || 0);
MM.Canvas.resize(graph, rows, cols, blks);
var toolbarListener = function(evt) {
if (graph.inputSel) MM.clazzList(graph.inputSel).remove('active');
graph.inputSel = evt.currentTarget;
if (graph.inputPen) graph.inputPen.addEventListener('click', toolbarListener);
if (graph.inputFill) graph.inputFill.addEventListener('click', toolbarListener);
if (graph.inputSprayOrEyeDrop) graph.inputSprayOrEyeDrop.addEventListener('click', toolbarListener);
if (graph.inputDownload) graph.inputDownload.addEventListener('click', function download() {;
if (graph.inputUpload) graph.inputUpload.addEventListener('click', function upload() {
});, { type: 'init' });
MM.Rangify = {
getInputs: function(parent) {
return {
start: parent.querySelector('.slider.rangify-start'),
stop: parent.querySelector('.slider.rangify-stop'),
startOut: parent.querySelector('.rangify-start-out'),
stopOut: parent.querySelector('.rangify-stop-out'),
constrain: function(evt, els) {
var frmOut = evt && ((els.startOut && === els.startOut) || (els.stopOut && === els.stopOut));
var start = parseFloat(els[frmOut ? 'startOut' : 'start'].value);
var stop = els.stop ? parseFloat(els[frmOut ? 'stopOut' : 'stop'].value) : start;
els.start.value = Math.min(start, stop);
if (els.stop) els.stop.value = Math.max(start, stop);
if (els.startOut) {
els.startOut.value = els.start.value;
els.startOut.min = els.start.min;
els.startOut.max = els.start.max;
els.startOut.step = els.start.step;
if (els.stop && els.stopOut) {
els.stopOut.value = els.stop.value;
els.stopOut.min = els.stop.min;
els.stopOut.max = els.stop.max;
els.stopOut.step = els.stop.step;
init: function(parent) {
var els = MM.Rangify.getInputs(parent);
var constrainer = function(evt) {
requestAnimationFrame(function rangeRequest() {
MM.Rangify.constrain(evt, els);
els.start.addEventListener('input', constrainer);
if (els.stop) els.stop.addEventListener('input', constrainer);
if (els.startOut) els.startOut.addEventListener('change', constrainer);
if (els.stopOut) els.stopOut.addEventListener('change', constrainer);
MM.Rangify.constrain(null, els);
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