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Last active October 31, 2015 02:53
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Perl6 use IO::Socket::Async with OpenSSL
# edit this line:
# so its just `method set-socket($s)`, removing the type check
use IO::Socket::SSL;
class IO::Socket::Async::SSLow {
has $!socket;
has $!lock;
has $.host;
has $.port;
submethod BUILD(Str :$!host, Int :$!port = 80) {
$!lock =;
$!socket = IO::Socket::Async.connect($!host, $!port).result;
method recv($bytes is copy, Bool :$bin) {
state @overflow;
# Can't seem to find a way around OpenSSL asking for a byte count
# that will be greater than the possible response to be read
# so we use 1 and pay for it in speed
$bytes = $bytes == Inf ?? 1 !! $bytes;
my @recv = $bytes == Inf ?? @overflow.splice(0,*) !! @overflow.splice(0,$bytes);
if @recv.elems < $bytes {
react {
whenever $!socket.bytes-supply -> $d {
for $d.contents -> $ord {
@recv.elems <= $bytes ?? @recv.append($ord) !! @overflow.append($ord);
done() if @recv.elems >= $bytes;
done() if @recv.elems >= $bytes;
my $return = ?$bin ?? !!
method write(Blob $data) {
# raw request
my $host = '';
my $port = 443;
my $request ="GET / HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: $host\r\nConnection: close\r\n\r\n".ords);
my $client-socket =$host, :$port);
my $ssl-socket =$client-socket);
# Sync'd IO::Socket::Async
# $client-socket.write($request);
#say $client-socket.recv(20);
#say $client-socket.recv(20);
#say $client-socket.recv(20);
#say $client-socket.recv(20);
# Sync'd IO::Socket::Async with IO::Socket::SSL
say $ssl-socket.recv(:bin).unpack("A*");
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