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Last active April 9, 2024 04:33
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participant Dev as Developer
participant Repo as Source Code Repository
participant CICD as CI/CD Pipeline
participant OPA as Open Policy Agent (OPA)
participant PS as Policy Sentry
participant AWS as AWS Environment
Dev->>Repo: Push IAM policy requirements (YAML)
activate Repo
Repo->>CICD: Trigger pipeline
deactivate Repo
activate CICD
CICD->>OPA: Validate YAML files against Rego rules
activate OPA
OPA->>OPA: Evaluate YAML files
alt YAML files pass validation
OPA-->>CICD: Validation passed
CICD->>PS: Run Policy Sentry
activate PS
PS->>PS: Generate IAM policies
PS-->>CICD: Return generated IAM policies
deactivate PS
CICD->>AWS: Deploy IAM policies
activate AWS
AWS-->>CICD: Deployment successful
deactivate AWS
else YAML files fail validation
OPA-->>CICD: Validation failed
CICD-->>Dev: Provide feedback on policy violations
deactivate OPA
CICD->>AWS: Continuous monitoring and auditing
activate AWS
AWS-->>CICD: Policy compliance status
deactivate AWS
deactivate CICD
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