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Created January 30, 2011 23:01
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showMessage( "MySql2Sqlite v1.0" );
showMessage( "by Daniele Ugoletti" );
showMessage( "-------------------" );
// check the arguments
if ( $argc < 5)
showMessageAndDie( "Usage: ".$argv[ 0 ]." <mysql_host> <mysql_username> <mysql_password> <dbName> [<outSqliteFile] [useUTF8 true|false]" );
if ( !class_exists( "PDO" ) )
showMessageAndDie( "ERROR: PDO not supported" );
$hostname = $argv[ 1 ];
$username = $argv[ 2 ];
$password = $argv[ 3 ];
$database = $argv[ 4 ];
$outDb = $argc >= 6 ? $argv[ 5 ] : $argv[ 4 ].".db";
$useUTF8 = $argc >= 7 ? $argv[ 6 ] == "true" : false;
// only for OS X users that use MAMP, check if there is a mysql socket to use
$socket = file_exists( "/Applications/MAMP/tmp/mysql/mysql.sock" ) ? "/Applications/MAMP/tmp/mysql/mysql.sock" : ini_get( "mysqli.default_socket" );
// open mySql connection
$options = $useUTF8 ? array( PDO::MYSQL_ATTR_INIT_COMMAND => 'SET NAMES utf8' ) : array();
$mysqli = new PDO( "mysql:host=".$hostname.";dbname=".$database.";unix_socket=".$socket, $username, $password, $options );
catch( PDOException $e )
showMessageAndDie( $e->getMessage() );
// open Sqlite connection
@unlink( $outDb );
$sqlite = new PDO( "sqlite:".$outDb );
catch( PDOException $e )
showMessageAndDie( $e->getMessage() );
showMessage( "Start converting mysql:".$database." to sqlite:".$outDb );
foreach ( $mysqli->query( "SHOW TABLES;" ) as $row )
$tableName = $row[ 0 ];
showMessage( "Convert table: ".$tableName );
converTable( $mysqli, $sqlite, $tableName );
showMessage( "Done!" );
function converTable( $mysqli, $sqlite, $tableName )
$createFields = array();
$pkFields = array();
$indexFields = array();
$tableFields = array();
foreach ( $mysqli->query( "SHOW COLUMNS FROM ".$tableName ) as $row )
$tableFields[] = $row[ "Field" ];
$fieldType = "TEXT";
if ( stripos( $row[ "Type" ], "int(" ) !== false )
$fieldType = "INTEGER";
elseif ( stripos( $row[ "Type" ], "datetime") !== false )
$fieldType = "DATETIME";
elseif ( stripos( $row[ "Type" ], "date" ) !== false )
$fieldType = "DATE";
if ( $row[ "Key" ] == "PRI" )
//$fieldType = "INTEGER";
$pkFields[] = $row[ "Field" ];
else if ( $row[ "Key" ] == "MUL" )
$indexFields[] = "CREATE INDEX ".$row[ "Field" ]."_index ON ".$tableName."(".$row[ "Field" ].")";
$createFields[] = $row[ "Field" ]." ".$fieldType;
if ( count( $pkFields ) )
array_push( $createFields, "PRIMARY KEY (".implode( ",", $pkFields ).")" );
// create the table
$sqlite->exec( "CREATE TABLE ".$tableName." (".implode(",", $createFields).")" );
// insert statement
$insertSqlPart = str_repeat( "?,", count( $tableFields ) );
$insertSqlPart = substr( $insertSqlPart, 0, -1 );
$insertSql = "INSERT INTO ".$tableName."(".implode(",", $tableFields).") VALUES ( ".$insertSqlPart." ) ";
$sth = $sqlite->prepare( $insertSql );
// get the number of records in the table
$sthCount = $mysqli->query( "SELECT count(*) FROM ".$tableName );
$row = $sthCount->fetch();
$numRows = $row[ 0 ];
// read and convert all records
$pageLength = 100000;
$currentPage = 0;
$i = 0;
while ( true )
foreach ( $mysqli->query( "SELECT * FROM ".$tableName." LIMIT ".$currentPage.",".$pageLength ) as $row )
$params = array();
foreach( $tableFields as $v )
$params[] = $row[ $v ];
$r = $sth->execute( $params );
if ( !$r )
// error
showMessageAndDie( print_r( $sqlite->errorInfo(), true) );
if ( $i < $numRows )
echo ".";
$currentPage += $pageLength;
showMessage( " imported: ".$i." rows" );
// create index
if ( count( $indexFields ) )
showMessage( " create index: ".implode( ";", $indexFields ) );
$sqlite->exec( implode( ";", $indexFields ) );
function showMessage( $message )
echo $message."\n";
function showMessageAndDie( $message )
die( $message."\n\n" );
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soule commented Jan 20, 2013

Really useful, thanks a lot!

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Hi, I got this to import my database, but I can't find the file it created. Here's the message it displayed:

MySql2Sqlite v1.0 by Daniele Ugoletti ------------------- Start converting mysql:bgmould to sqlite:data.db Convert table: ELS imported: 516 rows Done!

Is it supposed to provide me with a file to download? What am I missing? Thanks!

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