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Created June 4, 2019 13:46
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Array with least number of elements
type AtLeast<N extends number, T> = AtLeastRec<N, T, T[], []>;
type AtLeastRec<Num, Elm, T extends unknown[], C extends unknown[]> = {
0: T;
1: ((arg: Elm, T) => void) extends ((...args: infer T2) => void)
? ((arg: unknown, C) => void) extends ((...args: infer T3) => void)
? AtLeastRec<Num, Elm, T2, T3>
: never
: never;
}[C extends { length: Num } ? 0 : 1];
const arr: AtLeast<3, number> = [0, 1];
const arr2: AtLeast<3, number> = [0, 1, 2];
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