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Created July 10, 2021 12:58
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Bad bot rules for Cloudflare
(cf.threat_score gt 15) or (http.user_agent contains "Baiduspider") or (http.user_agent contains "colly") or (http.user_agent contains "Java/1.8.0_292") or (http.user_agent contains "facebookexternalhit") or (http.user_agent contains "CFNetwork") or (http.user_agent contains "") or (http.user_agent contains "/bin/bash") or (http.user_agent contains "") or (http.user_agent contains "curl") or (http.user_agent contains "SEMrushBot") or (http.user_agent contains "DnyzBot/") or (http.user_agent contains "DotBot/") or (http.user_agent contains "eval(") or (http.user_agent contains "Go-http-client/") or (http.user_agent contains "Nikto") or (http.user_agent contains "Nimbostratus") or (http.user_agent contains "python-requests") or (http.user_agent contains "Scrapy/") or (http.user_agent contains "SeznamBot/") or (http.user_agent contains "Sogou web spider/") or (http.user_agent contains "spbot/") or (http.user_agent contains "Uptimebot/") or (http.user_agent contains "Test Certificate Info") or (http.user_agent contains "LightspeedSystemsCrawler") or (http.user_agent contains "WebDAV-MiniRedir") or (http.user_agent contains "WinHttp.WinHttpRequest") or (http.user_agent contains "ZmEu") or (http.user_agent contains "bot" and not http.user_agent contains "bingbot" and not http.user_agent contains "Google" and not http.user_agent contains "Twitter")
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