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Last active August 29, 2015 14:15
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an example of plotting route in XY-coord with Clojure/quil
;; an example of plotting route in XY-coord with Clojure/quil
(require '[quil.core :as q])
(def sample-points
{:a [20 70] :b [30 20] :c [50 50] :d [60 59] :e [40 30]
:f [20 50] :g [80 60] :h [10 30] :i [65 10] :j [40 80]})
(def route [:a :f :j :d :g :i :c :e :b :h])
(defn drop-colon [point]
(apply str (rest (vec (str point)))))
(defn draw-route [points route]
(let [base-x 30 base-y 30 reversed-y 370 mag 3.5 circle-r 15
set-white #(q/fill (q/color 255))
set-blue #(q/fill (q/color 0 102 153))
trans #(list (+ (* mag (first %)) base-x) ;; to fix to real xy-axis
(- reversed-y (+ (* mag (second %)) base-y)))
points (zipmap (keys points) (map trans (vals points)))]
(defn draw-arrow-head [xy1 xy2 top-mergin bot-mergin]
(let [x1 (first xy1) x2 (first xy2)
y1 (second xy1) y2 (second xy2)
size (+ 25 (- bot-mergin))]
(q/translate x1 y1)
(q/rotate (+ (q/radians 270) (q/atan2 (- y2 y1) (- x2 x1))))
(q/triangle 0 top-mergin 5 size -5 size)
(defn draw-point-with-name [name]
(let [xy (name points) x (first xy) y (second xy)]
(q/ellipse x y (* circle-r 2) (* circle-r 2))
(q/text (drop-colon name) (- x 5) (+ y 5))))
(fn []
;; points & lines
(q/background 255) ;; white background
(q/stroke-weight 1)
;; draw lines
(doall (map #(q/line (%1 points) (%2 points)) route (rest route)))
(doall (map #(draw-arrow-head (%2 points) (%1 points) circle-r 0)
route (rest route)))
;; draw points with name
;; if this font is not in the environment, this code is ignored
(q/text-font (q/create-font "DejaVu Sans Mono Bold" 16 true))
(doall (map draw-point-with-name (keys points)))
;; XY-axis
(q/stroke-weight 2)
(let [x0 base-x, y0 (- reversed-y base-y)
mergin 20, font-size 20, length 300
x-line [(- x0 mergin) y0 (+ x0 length) y0]
y-line [x0 (+ y0 mergin) x0 (- y0 length)]]
(apply q/line x-line)
(apply q/line y-line)
(draw-arrow-head (drop 2 x-line) (take 2 x-line) 0 10)
(draw-arrow-head (drop 2 y-line) (take 2 y-line) 0 10)
(q/text-size font-size)
(q/text "O" (+ 20 x0) (+ 20 y0))
(q/text "X" (+ 5 (x-line 2)) (+ (x-line 3) 7)) ;; suitably
(q/text "Y" (- (y-line 2) 5) (- (y-line 3) 5)) ;;
(defn plot-route []
(q/defsketch skt1
:title "routes"
:setup (fn [] (q/frame-rate 30) (q/smooth)) ;; anti-aliased
:draw (draw-route sample-points route)
:size [400 400]))
;; do (plot-graph) in repl
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