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Created July 15, 2013 02:11
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Windows Registered I/O (RIO) Sample Code (Echo Server)
* Windows Registered I/O (RIO) Sample Code (Echo Server)
* Minimum requirement: Windows 8 or Windows Server 2012
* Author: @sm9kr
* Notice
* 몇몇 코드 조각들은 (에서 가져옴.
* 그런데 여기도 제대로 완성된 코드가 있었던 것은 아니라서 상당 부분 기능을 추가하여 동작하도록 함.
* RIO의 사용법을 보여주기 위한 코드라 최대한 간단하게 필요한 부분만 넣었음.
* 그래서, 버그가 있을 수 있음...
* UDP형태로 만든 이유는 귀찮아서...TCP로 하면 세션 관리를 따로 해야되고 버퍼 재조립도 해야되는 관계로..
* RIO를 쓰는 방식은 똑같기 때문에 아래 코드를 보고 TCP에 적용 시키는 것도 어렵지 않음.
#define NOMINMAX
#include <SDKDDKVer.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <tchar.h>
#include <WinSock2.h>
#include <MSWsock.h>
#include <WS2tcpip.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <deque>
#include <process.h>
#pragma comment(lib, "ws2_32.lib")
using std::cout ;
using std::endl ;
using std::deque ;
RIO_CQ g_completionQueue = 0 ;
RIO_RQ g_requestQueue = 0 ;
SOCKET g_socket ;
CRITICAL_SECTION g_criticalSection ;
RIO_BUFFERID g_sendBufferId ;
RIO_BUFFERID g_recvBufferId ;
RIO_BUFFERID g_addrBufferId ;
char* g_sendBufferPointer = NULL ;
char* g_recvBufferPointer = NULL ;
char* g_addrBufferPointer = NULL ;
typedef std::deque<HANDLE> Threads ;
Threads g_threads ;
static const unsigned short PORTNUM = 5050 ;
static const DWORD RIO_PENDING_RECVS = 100000 ;
static const DWORD RIO_PENDING_SENDS = 10000 ;
static const DWORD RECV_BUFFER_SIZE = 1024 ;
static const DWORD SEND_BUFFER_SIZE = 1024 ;
static const DWORD ADDR_BUFFER_SIZE = 64 ;
static const DWORD NUM_IOCP_THREADS = 4 ;
static const DWORD RIO_MAX_RESULTS = 1000 ;
CK_STOP = 0,
OP_NONE = 0,
OP_RECV = 1,
} ;
struct EXTENDED_RIO_BUF : public RIO_BUF
OPERATION_TYPE operation ;
} ;
/// SEND용 RIO_BUF는 순환큐형태로 만들어 놓고 돌려 쓰자.
EXTENDED_RIO_BUF* g_sendRioBufs = NULL ;
DWORD g_sendRioBufTotalCount = 0 ;
__int64 g_sendRioBufIndex = 0 ;
/// ADDR용 RIO_BUF pointer
EXTENDED_RIO_BUF* g_addrRioBufs = NULL ;
DWORD g_addrRioBufTotalCount = 0 ;
__int64 g_addrRioBufIndex = 0 ;
/// RIO에서 Registering할 버퍼 할당함수
char *AllocateBufferSpace(const DWORD bufSize, const DWORD bufCount, DWORD& totalBufferSize, DWORD& totalBufferCount) ;
unsigned int __stdcall IOThread(void *pV) ;
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
WSADATA data ;
InitializeCriticalSectionAndSpinCount(&g_criticalSection, 4000) ;
if ( 0 != ::WSAStartup(0x202, &data) )
const DWORD gle = ::GetLastError() ;
cout << "WSAStartup Error: " << gle << endl ;
exit(0) ;
/// RIO 소켓 생성
if (g_socket == INVALID_SOCKET)
const DWORD gle = ::GetLastError() ;
cout << "WSASocket Error: " << gle << endl ;
exit(0) ;
/// port binding
sockaddr_in addr ;
addr.sin_family = AF_INET ;
addr.sin_port = htons(PORTNUM) ;
addr.sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY ;
if ( SOCKET_ERROR == ::bind(g_socket, reinterpret_cast<struct sockaddr *>(&addr), sizeof(addr)) )
const DWORD gle = ::GetLastError() ;
cout << "Bind Error: " << gle << endl ;
exit(0) ;
/// RIO 함수 테이블 가져오기
DWORD dwBytes = 0 ;
if ( NULL != WSAIoctl(g_socket, SIO_GET_MULTIPLE_EXTENSION_FUNCTION_POINTER, &functionTableId, sizeof(GUID),
(void**)&g_rio, sizeof(g_rio), &dwBytes, NULL, NULL) )
const DWORD gle = ::GetLastError() ;
cout << "WSAIoctl Error: " << gle << endl ;
exit(0) ;
/// rio의 completion 방식은 iocp를 사용.
g_hIOCP = ::CreateIoCompletionPort(INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE, 0, 0, 0) ;
if (NULL == g_hIOCP)
const DWORD gle = ::GetLastError() ;
cout << "CreateIoCompletionPort Error: " << gle << endl ;
exit(0) ;
OVERLAPPED overlapped ;
completionType.Type = RIO_IOCP_COMPLETION ;
completionType.Iocp.IocpHandle = g_hIOCP ;
completionType.Iocp.CompletionKey = (void*) CK_START ;
completionType.Iocp.Overlapped = &overlapped ;
/// RIO CQ 생성 (RQ 사이즈보다 크거나 같아야 함)
g_completionQueue = g_rio.RIOCreateCompletionQueue(RIO_PENDING_RECVS+RIO_PENDING_SENDS, &completionType) ;
if (g_completionQueue == RIO_INVALID_CQ)
const DWORD gle = ::GetLastError() ;
cout << "RIOCreateCompletionQueue Error: " << gle << endl ;
exit(0) ;
/// RIO RQ 생성
/// SEND CQ와 RECV CQ를 같이 씀.. (따로 만들어 써도 됨)
g_requestQueue = g_rio.RIOCreateRequestQueue(g_socket, RIO_PENDING_RECVS, 1, RIO_PENDING_SENDS, 1, g_completionQueue, g_completionQueue, NULL) ;
if (g_requestQueue == RIO_INVALID_RQ)
const DWORD gle = ::GetLastError() ;
cout << "RIOCreateRequestQueue Error: " << gle << endl ;
exit(0) ;
/// SEND용 RIO 버퍼 등록
DWORD totalBufferCount = 0 ;
DWORD totalBufferSize = 0 ;
g_sendBufferPointer = AllocateBufferSpace(SEND_BUFFER_SIZE, RIO_PENDING_SENDS, totalBufferSize, totalBufferCount) ;
g_sendBufferId = g_rio.RIORegisterBuffer(g_sendBufferPointer, static_cast<DWORD>(totalBufferSize)) ;
if (g_sendBufferId == RIO_INVALID_BUFFERID)
const DWORD gle = ::GetLastError() ;
cout << "RIORegisterBuffer Error: " << gle << endl ;
exit(0) ;
DWORD offset = 0 ;
g_sendRioBufs = new EXTENDED_RIO_BUF[totalBufferCount] ;
g_sendRioBufTotalCount = totalBufferCount ;
for (DWORD i = 0; i < g_sendRioBufTotalCount; ++i)
/// RIO operation에 맞도록 할당된 버퍼를 쪼개기
EXTENDED_RIO_BUF* pBuffer = g_sendRioBufs + i ;
pBuffer->operation = OP_SEND ;
pBuffer->BufferId = g_sendBufferId ;
pBuffer->Offset = offset ;
pBuffer->Length = SEND_BUFFER_SIZE ;
offset += SEND_BUFFER_SIZE ;
/// ADDR용 (RECV시 담겨오는 주소용) RIO 버퍼 등록
DWORD totalBufferCount = 0 ;
DWORD totalBufferSize = 0 ;
g_addrBufferPointer = AllocateBufferSpace(ADDR_BUFFER_SIZE, RIO_PENDING_RECVS, totalBufferSize, totalBufferCount) ;
g_addrBufferId = g_rio.RIORegisterBuffer(g_addrBufferPointer, static_cast<DWORD>(totalBufferSize)) ;
if (g_addrBufferId == RIO_INVALID_BUFFERID)
const DWORD gle = ::GetLastError() ;
cout << "RIORegisterBuffer Error: " << gle << endl ;
exit(0) ;
DWORD offset = 0 ;
g_addrRioBufs = new EXTENDED_RIO_BUF[totalBufferCount] ;
g_addrRioBufTotalCount = totalBufferCount ;
for (DWORD i = 0; i < totalBufferCount; ++i)
EXTENDED_RIO_BUF* pBuffer = g_addrRioBufs + i ;
pBuffer->operation = OP_NONE ;
pBuffer->BufferId = g_addrBufferId ;
pBuffer->Offset = offset ;
pBuffer->Length = ADDR_BUFFER_SIZE ;
offset += ADDR_BUFFER_SIZE ;
/// RECV용 RIO 버퍼 등록 및 RECV 미리 걸어놓기
DWORD totalBufferCount = 0 ;
DWORD totalBufferSize = 0 ;
g_recvBufferPointer = AllocateBufferSpace(RECV_BUFFER_SIZE, RIO_PENDING_RECVS, totalBufferSize, totalBufferCount) ;
g_recvBufferId = g_rio.RIORegisterBuffer(g_recvBufferPointer, static_cast<DWORD>(totalBufferSize)) ;
if (g_recvBufferId == RIO_INVALID_BUFFERID)
const DWORD gle = ::GetLastError() ;
cout << "RIORegisterBuffer Error: " << gle << endl ;
exit(0) ;
DWORD offset = 0 ;
EXTENDED_RIO_BUF* pBufs = new EXTENDED_RIO_BUF[totalBufferCount] ;
for (DWORD i = 0; i < totalBufferCount; ++i)
EXTENDED_RIO_BUF* pBuffer = pBufs + i ;
pBuffer->operation = OP_RECV ;
pBuffer->BufferId = g_recvBufferId ;
pBuffer->Offset = offset ;
pBuffer->Length = RECV_BUFFER_SIZE ;
offset += RECV_BUFFER_SIZE ;
/// 미리 RECV 많이 걸어 놓는다.
if (!g_rio.RIOReceiveEx(g_requestQueue, pBuffer, 1, NULL, &g_addrRioBufs[g_addrRioBufIndex++], NULL, 0, 0, pBuffer))
const DWORD gle = ::GetLastError() ;
cout << "RIOReceive Error: " << gle << endl ;
exit(0) ;
cout << totalBufferCount << " total receives pending" << endl ;
/// IO 쓰레드 생성
for (DWORD i = 0; i < NUM_IOCP_THREADS ; ++i)
unsigned int notUsed ;
const uintptr_t result = ::_beginthreadex(0, 0, IOThread, (void*)i, 0, &notUsed) ;
if (result == 0)
const DWORD gle = ::GetLastError() ;
cout << "_beginthreadex Error: " << gle << endl ;
exit(0) ;
g_threads.push_back(reinterpret_cast<HANDLE>(result)) ;
/// Completion이 준비되었음을 알린다
INT notifyResult = g_rio.RIONotify(g_completionQueue) ;
if (notifyResult != ERROR_SUCCESS)
const DWORD gle = ::GetLastError() ;
cout << "RIONotify Error: " << gle << endl ;
exit(0) ;
/// 아무키나 받으면 자원 반환하고 끝내기 -.- ;
cout << "Press Any Key to Stop" << endl ;
getchar() ;
/// 컴플리션키를 CK_STOP으로 쓰면 쓰레드 멈춰라는 명령으로 사용
for (Threads::const_iterator it = g_threads.begin(), end = g_threads.end(); it != end; ++it)
if (0 == ::PostQueuedCompletionStatus(g_hIOCP, 0, CK_STOP, 0))
const DWORD gle = ::GetLastError() ;
cout << "PostQueuedCompletionStatus Error: " << gle << endl ;
exit(0) ;
/// 쓰레드 조인
for (Threads::const_iterator it = g_threads.begin(), end = g_threads.end(); it != end; ++it)
HANDLE hThread = *it;
if (WAIT_OBJECT_0 != ::WaitForSingleObject(hThread, INFINITE))
const DWORD gle = ::GetLastError() ;
cout << "WaitForSingleObject (thread join) Error: " << gle << endl ;
exit(0) ;
if ( SOCKET_ERROR == ::closesocket(g_socket) )
const DWORD gle = ::GetLastError() ;
cout << "closesocket Error: " << gle << endl ;
g_rio.RIOCloseCompletionQueue(g_completionQueue) ;
g_rio.RIODeregisterBuffer(g_sendBufferId) ;
g_rio.RIODeregisterBuffer(g_recvBufferId) ;
g_rio.RIODeregisterBuffer(g_addrBufferId) ;
DeleteCriticalSection(&g_criticalSection) ;
return 0;
unsigned int __stdcall IOThread(void *pV)
DWORD numberOfBytes = 0;
ULONG_PTR completionKey = 0;
OVERLAPPED* pOverlapped = 0;
while ( true )
if (!::GetQueuedCompletionStatus(g_hIOCP, &numberOfBytes, &completionKey, &pOverlapped, INFINITE))
const DWORD gle = ::GetLastError() ;
cout << "GetQueuedCompletionStatus Error: " << gle << endl ;
exit(0) ;
/// ck로 0이 넘어오면 끝낸다
if ( completionKey == CK_STOP )
break ;
memset(results, 0, sizeof(results)) ;
ULONG numResults = g_rio.RIODequeueCompletion(g_completionQueue, results, RIO_MAX_RESULTS) ;
if (0 == numResults || RIO_CORRUPT_CQ == numResults)
const DWORD gle = ::GetLastError() ;
cout << "RIODequeueCompletion Error: " << gle << endl ;
exit(0) ;
/// Dequeue 한 다음에는 다음 컴플리션이 가능하도록 알린다.
INT notifyResult = g_rio.RIONotify(g_completionQueue) ;
if (notifyResult != ERROR_SUCCESS)
const DWORD gle = ::GetLastError() ;
cout << "RIONotify Error: " << gle << endl ;
exit(0) ;
for (DWORD i = 0; i < numResults; ++i)
EXTENDED_RIO_BUF *pBuffer = reinterpret_cast<EXTENDED_RIO_BUF*>(results[i].RequestContext) ;
if ( OP_RECV == pBuffer->operation )
/// UDP니까 송신자측에서 보낸 데이터가 전부 안오는 경우는 에러
if (results[i].BytesTransferred != RECV_BUFFER_SIZE)
break ;
const char* offset = g_recvBufferPointer + pBuffer->Offset ;
/// RQ는 thread-safe하지 않기 때문에 보호해줘야 한다. (최적화를 하지는 않았음. 대충 LOCK...)
::EnterCriticalSection(&g_criticalSection) ;
EXTENDED_RIO_BUF* sendBuf = &(g_sendRioBufs[g_sendRioBufIndex++ % g_sendRioBufTotalCount]) ;
char* sendOffset = g_sendBufferPointer + sendBuf->Offset ;
memcpy_s(sendOffset, RECV_BUFFER_SIZE, offset, pBuffer->Length) ;
cout << strlen(sendOffset) << " " ;
if (!g_rio.RIOSendEx(g_requestQueue, sendBuf, 1, NULL, &g_addrRioBufs[g_addrRioBufIndex % g_addrRioBufTotalCount], NULL, NULL, 0, sendBuf))
const DWORD gle = ::GetLastError() ;
cout << "RIOSend Error: " << gle << endl ;
exit(0) ;;
::LeaveCriticalSection(&g_criticalSection) ;
else if ( OP_SEND == pBuffer->operation )
/// 마찬가지로 RQ 보호
::EnterCriticalSection(&g_criticalSection) ;
if (!g_rio.RIOReceiveEx(g_requestQueue, pBuffer, 1, NULL, &g_addrRioBufs[g_addrRioBufIndex % g_addrRioBufTotalCount], NULL, 0, 0, pBuffer))
const DWORD gle = ::GetLastError() ;
cout << "RIOReceive Error: " << gle << endl ;
exit(0) ;;
g_addrRioBufIndex++ ;
::LeaveCriticalSection(&g_criticalSection) ;
break ;
return 0 ;
template <typename TV, typename TM>
inline TV RoundDown(TV Value, TM Multiple)
return((Value / Multiple) * Multiple);
template <typename TV, typename TM>
inline TV RoundUp(TV Value, TM Multiple)
return(RoundDown(Value, Multiple) + (((Value % Multiple) > 0) ? Multiple : 0));
char *AllocateBufferSpace(const DWORD bufSize, const DWORD bufCount, DWORD& totalBufferSize, DWORD& totalBufferCount)
SYSTEM_INFO systemInfo ;
::GetSystemInfo(&systemInfo) ;
const unsigned __int64 granularity = systemInfo.dwAllocationGranularity ;
const unsigned __int64 desiredSize = bufSize * bufCount ;
unsigned __int64 actualSize = RoundUp(desiredSize, granularity) ;
if (actualSize > std::numeric_limits<DWORD>::max())
actualSize = (std::numeric_limits<DWORD>::max() / granularity) * granularity ;
totalBufferCount = std::min<DWORD>(bufCount, static_cast<DWORD>(actualSize / bufSize)) ;
totalBufferSize = static_cast<DWORD>(actualSize) ;
char *pBuffer = reinterpret_cast<char *>(VirtualAllocEx(GetCurrentProcess(), 0, totalBufferSize, MEM_COMMIT | MEM_RESERVE, PAGE_READWRITE)) ;
if (pBuffer == 0)
const DWORD gle = ::GetLastError() ;
cout << "VirtualAllocEx Error: " << gle << endl ;
exit(0) ;
return pBuffer;
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logos1 commented Sep 10, 2014

Running on Win 8.1 and using VS 2013, I cannot get past error - RIOCreateRequestQueue Error: 10045. I think this may be a problem on win 8.1 with RIO, but I presume that there is a solution. I spent a fair amount of time trying to resolve this error without any success.

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Ext3h commented Jan 31, 2024

Said ahead, kudos for a proper example of the RIO API, especially how to use g_rio.RIONotify(g_completionQueue).

This example appears to be only echoing in-order by pure chance though.

Yes, you can serve a single queue with multiple threads working the IOCP. But if you do, you risk g_criticalSection to be obtained by the "wrong" thread first and thereby inverting the order of RIOSendEx calls.

This also got g_sendRioBufIndex and g_addrRioBufIndex completely wrong, as it didn't even index to the buffers it had gotten the completion events for. It did get the count of total receive / send buffers in flight somewhat right (by chance only) though, so even with the wrong thread obtaining the critical section first, it kept sending the buffers in order again.

Use of RIORESULT::RequestContext to reference the buffer would had been strongly advised. The critical section as well as the order issue could have been avoided by calling g_rio.RIONotify(g_completionQueue) only after the loop body.

What this example didn't show, was how to use RIO_MSG_DEFER with RIOSendEx / RIOReceiveEx for minimal latency with IOCP (which gives a better throughput single-threaded than this did multi-threaded), while using a different worker thread to fire
the corresponding RIO_MSG_COMMIT_ONLY (which takes all the amortized overhead).

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