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Created November 28, 2011 02:38
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ISeq (Stack Machine)

data Inst = IPlus | IMult | ICall String | IPush Int |
  ILt | INeg | IZeroJump Int | IJump Int | ILabel Int |
  ISetLocal String | IGetLocal String deriving (Show, Eq)
  • IPlus
  • IMult
  • ILt
    • Consumes 2 values and stores the result of plus/mult/less-than by the two values
  • ICall {function name}
    • Consumes 1 value and calls a function with the value as the argument
    • The callee has to push the argument manually
  • ITailCall {function name}
    • For optimization
    • Ends the current function immediately after calling the given function
    • Other behaviours are same to ICall
  • IPush {value}
    • Constant
  • INeg
    • Negates the top value
  • IJump {label number}
    • Just jumps to the label
    • You can only go forward
  • IZeroJump
    • Consumes 1 value and jumps to the label only when the value is 0
    • You can only go forward
  • ILabel
    • This doesn't do anything by itself
  • ISetLocal {variable name}
    • Consumes 1 value and binds the name and the value. This lasts until (1) another ISetLocal or (2) the function ends
  • IGetLocal {variable name}
    • Gets the value of the variable and stores it

ISeq (Register Machine)

data InstReg =
  IRegMov Register Register |
  IRegAdd Register Register |
  IRegNeg Register |
  IRegLt Register Register |
  IRegMult Register Register |
  IRegMovVal Int Register |
  IRegCall1 String Register |
  IRegTailCall1 String Register |
  IRegZeroJump Register Int |
  IRegJump Int |
  IRegLabel Int |
  IRegVar_ String Register
  deriving (Show, Eq)
  • IRegMov {register 1} {register 2}
    • copys the data in {register 1} to {register 2}
  • IRegAdd {register 1} {register 2}
    • adds the data in {register 1} and {register 2} and save it to {register 2}
  • IRegNeg {register}
    • nagates {register}'s value and update it
  • IRegLt {register 1} {register 2}
    • compares {register 1} and {register 2}. If the left is smaller than right, the right becomes 1. otherwise 0.
  • IRegMult {register 1} {register 2}
    • adds the data in {register 1} and {register 2} and save it to {register 2}
  • IRegMovVal {int} {register}
    • copys immediate value {int} to {register}
  • IRegCall1 {name} {register}
    • calls a function with argument {register}, and saves the return value there.
  • IRegTailCall1 {name} {register}
    • For optimization
    • Ends the current function immediately after calling the given function
    • Other behaviours are same to IRegCall1
    • This implicitly movs from {register} to r0
  • IRegZeroJump {register} {label}
    • if the value of {register} is 0, jumps to the label.
  • IRegJump {label}
    • just jumpsts to the label
  • IRegLabel {label}
    • the goal of the jumps
  • IRegVar_ {name} {register}
    • internal use only: refers a variable name and saves it in {register}.
    • the compiler temporary uses this instruction and replaces this with IRegMov.

r0 is always for the function argument and the return value.

Every time a function is called, the runtime system creates new set of registers, saving old registers into the register-stack.

ISeq comparison

f n: (+ (let x (+ n 1) (print x)) (print n))


ISetLocal "n"
IGetLocal "n"
IPush 1
ISetLocal "x"
IGetLocal "x"
ICall "print"
IGetLocal "n"
ICall "print"


IRegMov r0 r1
IRegMovVal 1 r2
IRegAdd r1 r2
IRegMov r2 r1
IRegCall1 "print" r1
IRegMov r0 r2
IRegCall1 "print" r2
IRegAdd r1 r2
IRegMov r2 r0

Tail Call Optimization

Both stackmachine VM and registermachine VM optimize tail calls to jumps.

main args: (print (deep 1000000))
deep n: (if (< n 1) (print 1) (deep (- n 1)))


$ ghc -O3 lang1 -o lang1 -rtsopts
$ ./lang1 +RTS -K1K -RTS

This will cause stack overflow unless you apply optimizers. Otherwise even though it will take time, it succeeds.

("mainn",[ISetLocal "args",IPush 10,ICall "deep",ITailCall "print"])
("main",[ISetLocal "args",IPush 1000000,ICall "deep",ITailCall "print"])
("mainnn",[ISetLocal "args",IPush 10,ICall "fib",ICall "print",IPush 2,IPush 3,ICall "print",IMult,IPush 4,ICall "f",IPlus,IPlus,ITailCall "print"])
("f",[ISetLocal "n",IGetLocal "n",IPush 1,IPlus,ISetLocal "x",IGetLocal "n",ICall "print",IGetLocal "x",ICall "print",IPlus])
("fib",[ISetLocal "n",IGetLocal "n",IPush 2,ILt,IZeroJump 1,IGetLocal "n",IJump 2,ILabel 1,IGetLocal "n",IPush 1,INeg,IPlus,ICall "fib",IGetLocal "n",IPush 2,INeg,IPlus,ICall "fib",IPlus,ILabel 2])
("deep",[ISetLocal "n",IGetLocal "n",IPush 1,ILt,IZeroJump 1,IPush 1,ITailCall "print",IJump 2,ILabel 1,IGetLocal "n",IPush 1,INeg,IPlus,ITailCall "deep",ILabel 2])
("deepp",[ISetLocal "n",IPush 1,IGetLocal "n",ILt,IZeroJump 1,IGetLocal "n",IPush 1,INeg,IPlus,ITailCall "deep",IJump 2,ILabel 1,IPush 1,ITailCall "print",ILabel 2])
import qualified Text.Parsec as P
import Control.Monad (forM_, when)
import qualified Control.Monad.Trans.State as S
import Control.Monad.Trans (liftIO)
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Data.Maybe (fromJust)
data AST =
Plus AST AST |
Minus AST AST |
Mult AST AST |
Call1 String AST |
IfThenElse AST AST AST |
Let String AST AST |
Value Int |
Var String deriving Show
data Stmt = Stmt String String AST deriving Show
main = do
src <- readFile "lang1.l1"
let stmts = map parseStmt (lines src)
-- putStrLn "stackmachine"
-- mapM_ (\s -> print (compile s)) stmts
run (-1) $ M.fromList $ map (optimize . compile) stmts
-- putStrLn "registermachine"
-- mapM_ (\s -> print $ compileReg s) stmts
-- mapM_ (\s -> print $ (optimizeReg . compileReg) s) stmts
runReg (-1) $ M.fromList $ map (optimizeReg . compileReg) stmts
main1 = do
src <- readFile "lang1.l1"
let stmts = map parseStmt (lines src)
-- forM_ stmts $ \(Stmt name argname ast) -> do
-- print (name, argname)
-- mapM_ print $ map compile stmts
mapM_ print $ map (optimize . compile) stmts
-- very main
run (-1) $ M.fromList $ map (optimize . compile) stmts
data Inst = IPlus | IMult | ICall String | IPush Int |
ITailCall String |
ILt | INeg | IZeroJump Int | IJump Int | ILabel Int |
ISetLocal String | IGetLocal String | ISetLocalKeep String
deriving (Show, Eq)
data InstReg =
IRegMov Register Register |
IRegAdd Register Register |
IRegNeg Register |
IRegLt Register Register |
IRegMult Register Register |
IRegMovVal Int Register |
IRegCall1 String Register |
IRegTailCall1 String Register |
IRegZeroJump Register Int |
IRegJump Int |
IRegLabel Int |
IRegVar_ String Register
deriving (Show, Eq)
newtype Register = Register Int deriving Eq
instance Show Register where
show (Register r) = 'r' : show r
compile :: Stmt -> (String, [Inst])
compile (Stmt name argname ast) =
let insts = fst $ flip S.runState 0 $ compile' ast in
(name, ISetLocal argname : insts)
compile' :: AST -> S.State Int [Inst]
compile' (Plus a b) = do
x <- compile' a
y <- compile' b
return $ x ++ y ++ [IPlus]
compile' (Minus a b) = do
x <- compile' a
y <- compile' b
return $ x ++ y ++ [INeg, IPlus]
compile' (Call1 name ast) = do
x <- compile' ast
return $ x ++ [ICall name]
compile' (Mult a b) = do
x <- compile' a
y <- compile' b
return $ x ++ y ++ [IMult]
compile' (Lt a b) = do
x <- compile' a
y <- compile' b
return $ x ++ y ++ [ILt]
compile' (Value n) = return [IPush n]
compile' (Var name) = return [IGetLocal name]
compile' (Let name val ast) = do
x <- compile' val
y <- compile' ast
return $ x ++ [ISetLocal name] ++ y
compile' (IfThenElse cond thenAst elseAst) = do
label1 <- next
label2 <- next
x <- compile' cond
y <- compile' thenAst
z <- compile' elseAst
return $ x ++ [IZeroJump label1] ++ y ++ [IJump label2, ILabel label1] ++ z ++ [ILabel label2]
next = do
x <- (+ 1) `fmap` S.get
S.put x
return x
compileReg :: Stmt -> (String, [InstReg])
compileReg (Stmt name argname ast) =
let insts = fst $ S.runState f (0, [1..10]) in
(name, insts)
f = do
(x, l) <- compileReg' ast
return $ map (replaceVar (Register 0) argname) x ++ [IRegMov l (Register 0)]
compileReg' :: AST -> S.State (Int, [Int]) ([InstReg], Register)
compileReg' (Plus a b) = do
(x, l1) <- compileReg' a
(y, l2) <- compileReg' b
freeRegister l1
return (x ++ y ++ [IRegAdd l1 l2], l2)
compileReg' (Minus a b) = do
(x, l1) <- compileReg' a
(y, l2) <- compileReg' b
freeRegister l1
return (x ++ y ++ [IRegNeg l2, IRegAdd l1 l2], l2)
compileReg' (Lt a b) = do
(x, l1) <- compileReg' a
(y, l2) <- compileReg' b
freeRegister l1
return (x ++ y ++ [IRegLt l1 l2], l2)
compileReg' (Mult a b) = do
(x, l1) <- compileReg' a
(y, l2) <- compileReg' b
freeRegister l1
return (x ++ y ++ [IRegMult l1 l2], l2)
compileReg' (Call1 name a) = do
(x, l) <- compileReg' a
return (x ++ [IRegCall1 name l], l)
compileReg' (IfThenElse cond thenAst elseAst) = do
label1 <- nextLabel
label2 <- nextLabel
(x, l1) <- compileReg' cond
(y, l2) <- compileReg' thenAst
(z, l3) <- compileReg' elseAst
freeRegister l1
freeRegister l2
return (x ++ [IRegZeroJump l1 label1] ++ y ++ [IRegMov l2 l1, IRegJump label2, IRegLabel label1] ++ z ++ [IRegMov l3 l1, IRegLabel label2], l1)
compileReg' (Value i) = do
l <- newRegister
return ([IRegMovVal i l], l)
compileReg' (Let name val expr) = do
(x, l1) <- compileReg' val
(y, l2) <- compileReg' expr
let y2 = map (replaceVar l1 name) y
freeRegister l1
return (x ++ y2, l2)
compileReg' (Var name) = do
l <- newRegister
return ([IRegVar_ name l], l)
replaceVar l1 name1 (IRegVar_ name2 l2)
| name1 == name2 = IRegMov l1 l2
replaceVar _ _ inst = inst
newRegister = do
(label, (i:is)) <- S.get
S.put (label, is)
return $ Register i
freeRegister (Register i) = do
(label, is) <- S.get
S.put (label, i:is)
nextLabel = do
(label, is) <- S.get
S.put (label + 1, is)
return $ label + 1
optimizeReg :: (String, [InstReg]) -> (String, [InstReg])
optimizeReg (x, is) = (x, optimizeReg' is)
optimizeReg' :: [InstReg] -> [InstReg]
optimizeReg' [] = []
optimizeReg' (IRegCall1 n r : IRegMov r1 r2 : xs)
| xs == [] || all labelOrJumpReg (init xs) =
IRegTailCall1 n r : optimizeReg' xs
optimizeReg' (IRegCall1 n r : IRegMov r1 r2 : IRegJump l : xs)
| all labelOrJumpReg $ init $ dropWhile (/= IRegLabel l) xs =
IRegTailCall1 n r : IRegJump l : optimizeReg' xs
optimizeReg' (x:xs) = x : optimizeReg' xs
labelOrJumpReg (IRegLabel _) = True
labelOrJumpReg (IRegJump _) = True
labelOrJumpReg _ = False
optimize :: (String, [Inst]) -> (String, [Inst])
optimize (x, is) = (x, optimize' is)
optimize' :: [Inst] -> [Inst]
optimize' [] = []
optimize' (ICall x : xs)
| all labelOrJump xs = ITailCall x : optimize' xs
optimize' (ICall x : IJump l : xs)
| all labelOrJump $ dropWhile (/= ILabel l) xs = ITailCall x : IJump l : optimize' xs
optimize' (ISetLocal x : IGetLocal y : xs)
| x == y = ISetLocalKeep x : optimize' xs
optimize' (x:xs) = x : optimize' xs
labelOrJump (ILabel _) = True
labelOrJump (IJump _) = True
labelOrJump _ = False
run :: Int -> M.Map String [Inst] -> IO ((), ([Int], M.Map String Int))
run args instmap = flip S.runStateT ([], M.empty) $ do
push args
run' instmap [ICall "main"]
run' instmap (IPlus:xs) = do
y <- pop
x <- pop
push $ x + y
run' instmap xs
run' instmap (IMult:xs) = do
y <- pop
x <- pop
push $ x * y
run' instmap xs
run' instmap (ILt:xs) = do
y <- pop
x <- pop
-- liftIO $ print (x, y, if x < y then 1 else 0)
push $ if x < y then 1 else 0
run' instmap xs
run' instmap ((ITailCall name):xs) = do
-- liftIO $ print $ "<<<TailCall>>> " ++ name
if name == "print" then do
-- delegation
run' instmap ((ICall name):xs)
run' instmap xs
else do
run' instmap (fromJust $ M.lookup name instmap)
run' instmap ((ICall name):xs) = do
-- liftIO $ print $ "<<" ++ name ++ ">> called."
if name == "print" then do
x <- pop
liftIO $ print x
push x
else do
-- liftIO $ print $ "<<" ++ name ++ ">> called."
(stack, env) <- S.get
run' instmap (fromJust $ M.lookup name instmap)
x <- pop
S.put (tail stack, env)
push x
run' instmap xs
run' instmap ((IPush i):xs) =
push i >> run' instmap xs
run' instmap ((IGetLocal name):xs) = do
-- liftIO $ print $ "<<" ++ name ++ ">> referred."
getenv name
run' instmap xs
run' instmap (INeg:xs) = do
x <- pop
push (-x)
run' instmap xs
run' instmap ((ISetLocalKeep name):xs) = do
value <- peek
setenv name value
run' instmap xs
run' instmap ((ISetLocal name):xs) = do
value <- pop
setenv name value
run' instmap xs
run' instmap ((IJump label):xs) = do
run' instmap $ dropWhile (/= ILabel label) xs
run' instmap ((IZeroJump label):xs) = do
x <- pop
if x == 0
then run' instmap $ dropWhile (/= ILabel label) xs
else run' instmap xs
run' instmap ((ILabel _):xs) =
run' instmap xs
run' instmap [] = return ()
push x = do
(memo, env) <- S.get
S.put (x : memo, env)
pop = do
(h:t, env) <- S.get
S.put (t, env)
return h
peek = (head . fst) `fmap` S.get
setenv name value = do
(s, env) <- S.get
S.put (s, M.insert name value env)
getenv name = do
(_, env) <- S.get
push $ fromJust $ M.lookup name env
runReg :: Int -> M.Map String [InstReg] -> IO ((), [M.Map Int Int])
runReg args instmap = flip S.runStateT [M.empty] $ do
runReg' instmap [IRegMovVal args (Register 0), IRegCall1 "main" (Register 0)]
runReg' instmap ((IRegMov r1 r2):xs) = do
a <- getRegister r1
setRegister r2 a
runReg' instmap xs
runReg' instmap ((IRegAdd r1 r2):xs) = do
a <- getRegister r1
b <- getRegister r2
setRegister r2 (a + b)
runReg' instmap xs
runReg' instmap ((IRegNeg r1):xs) = do
a <- getRegister r1
setRegister r1 (negate a)
runReg' instmap xs
runReg' instmap ((IRegLt r1 r2):xs) = do
a <- getRegister r1
b <- getRegister r2
setRegister r2 (if a < b then 1 else 0)
runReg' instmap xs
runReg' instmap ((IRegMult r1 r2):xs) = do
a <- getRegister r1
b <- getRegister r2
setRegister r2 (a * b)
runReg' instmap xs
runReg' instmap ((IRegMovVal i r1):xs) = do
setRegister r1 i
runReg' instmap xs
runReg' instmap ((IRegCall1 name r1):xs) = do
a <- getRegister r1
if name == "print" then do
liftIO $ print a
else do
setRegister (Register 0) a
runReg' instmap (fromJust $ M.lookup name instmap)
b <- getRegister (Register 0)
setRegister r1 b
runReg' instmap xs
runReg' instmap ((IRegTailCall1 name r1):xs) = do
if name == "print" then do
-- delegation
runReg' instmap ((IRegCall1 name r1):xs)
runReg' instmap xs
else do
a <- getRegister r1
setRegister (Register 0) a
runReg' instmap (fromJust $ M.lookup name instmap)
runReg' instmap ((IRegZeroJump r1 label):xs) = do
a <- getRegister r1
if a == 0
then runReg' instmap $ dropWhile (/= IRegLabel label) xs
else runReg' instmap xs
runReg' instmap ((IRegJump label):xs) = do
runReg' instmap $ dropWhile (/= IRegLabel label) xs
runReg' instmap ((IRegLabel _):xs) = do
runReg' instmap xs
runReg' instmap [] = return ()
getRegister (Register r) = do
(m:ms) <- S.get
return $ fromJust $ M.lookup r m
setRegister (Register r) v = do
(m:ms) <- S.get
S.put $ M.insert r v m : ms
backupRegister = do
ms <- S.get
S.put $ M.empty : ms
clearRegister = do
(_:ms) <- S.get
S.put ms
parseStmt :: String -> Stmt
parseStmt xs = either (error . show) id $ P.parse parseStmt' "parseExpr" xs
parseStmt' = do
name <- P.many1 P.letter
argname <- P.many1 P.letter
P.char ':'
ast <- parseExpr
return $ Stmt name argname ast
parseExpr =
letp P.<|>
ifp P.<|>
uncurry Plus `fmap` call2 "+" P.<|>
uncurry Minus `fmap` call2 "-" P.<|>
uncurry Mult `fmap` call2 "*" P.<|>
uncurry Lt `fmap` call2 "<" P.<|>
call1 P.<|>
Var `fmap` P.many1 P.letter P.<|>
(Value . read) `fmap` P.many P.digit
letp = P.try $ do
P.string "(let"
name <- P.many1 P.letter
val <- parseExpr
expr <- parseExpr
P.char ')'
return $ Let name val expr
ifp = P.try $ do
P.string "(if"
cond <- parseExpr
thenAst <- parseExpr
elseAst <- parseExpr
P.char ')'
return $ IfThenElse cond thenAst elseAst
call1 = P.try $ do
P.char '('
name <- P.many P.letter
x <- parseExpr
P.char ')'
return $ Call1 name x
call2 op = P.try $ do
P.char '('
P.string op
x <- parseExpr
y <- parseExpr
P.char ')'
return (x, y)
mainn args: (print (+ (print (fib 10)) (+ (* 2 (print 3)) (f 4))))
main args: (print (deep 1000000))
f n: (+ (let x (+ n 1) (print x)) (print n))
fib n: (if (< n 2) n (+ (fib (- n 1)) (fib (- n 2))))
deep n: (if (< n 1) (print 1) (deep (- n 1)))
deepp n: (if (< 1 n) (deep (- n 1)) (print 1))
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