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Last active January 1, 2016 22:19
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AngularJSでGoogle Analyticsを使うためのシンプルなServiceとDirective.
angular.module('analytics', [])
.factory 'Analytics', ['$log', ($log) ->
_service = null
_tracker = null
return {
Set parameter, and initialize.
@method init
@param param {Object} Parameter for Initialize (required).
@param param.serviceName {String} service name (required).
@param param.analyticsCode {String} google analytics code (required). ex) UA-32234486-7
init: (param) ->
_service = analytics.getService(param.serviceName)
_tracker = _service.getTracker(param.analyticsCode)
Track a click on a button using the asynchronous tracking API.
@method sendEvent
@param category {String} The name you supply for the group of objects you want to track (required).
@param action {String} A string that is uniquely paired with each category, and commonly used to define the type of user interaction for the web object (required).
@param label {String} An optional string to provide additional dimensions to the event data (optional).
@param value {Integer} An integer that you can use to provide numerical data about the user event (optional).
sendEvent: (category, action, label, value) ->
if not _tracker
$log.error "please init analytics."
_tracker.sendEvent category, action, label, value
Track a view using the asynchronous tracking API.
@method sendView
@param viewName {String} view's name which will be tracked.
sendView: (viewName) ->
if not _tracker
$log.error "please init analytics."
_tracker.sendAppView viewName
Set Tracking is permitted.
@method setPermission
@param permitted {Boolean} Is enable tracking.
setPermission: (permitted) ->
if not _service
$log.error "please init analytics."
_service.getConfig().addCallback (config) ->
myApp.directive 'gaClick', (Analytics) ->
return {
restrict: 'A'
link: (scope, element, attrs) ->
element.on 'click', () ->
Analytics.sendEvent 'user', 'clicked', attrs.gaClick
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