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Created May 25, 2023 01:14
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Property Name Property Description Example Explanation
mainAxisAlignment Specifies how the children should be vertically aligned within a column. MainAxisAlignment.start Aligns the children to the top of the column.
crossAxisAlignment Specifies how the children should be horizontally aligned within a column. Aligns the children to the center of the column horizontally.
mainAxisSize Determines how much vertical space the column occupies in the main axis. MainAxisSize.max The column takes up the maximum available vertical space.
verticalDirection Specifies the direction in which the children are placed vertically. VerticalDirection.up The children are laid out in reverse order, starting from the bottom.
textBaseline Specifies how the text baseline should be aligned within a column. TextBaseline.alphabetic Aligns the text baseline of the children along a common baseline.
textDirection Specifies the order of the children in the horizontal direction. TextDirection.ltr The children are laid out from left to right.
children The widgets to be placed inside the column. ```Column( Two Text widgets are placed vertically inside the column.
children: [
children: [
Text('Widget 1'),
Text('Widget 2'),
Text('Widget 3'),
key An identifier for the column widget. Key('unique_key') Provides a way to uniquely identify the column widget.
verticalGestureDetector A gesture detector for handling vertical gestures on the column. ```VerticalGestureDetector( Handles vertical drag gestures within the column.
onVerticalDragDown: _handleDrag
backgroundColor The background color of the column. ```Container(
Sets the background color of the column to blue.
child: Column(...),
crossAxisAlignment The vertical alignment of the children when they do not fill the available vertical space. CrossAxisAlignment.stretch The children will be stretched vertically to fill the available space.
mainAxisAlignment The horizontal alignment of the children when they do not fill the available horizontal space. MainAxisAlignment.spaceEvenly The children will be spaced evenly along the main axis.
verticalDirection Specifies the direction in which the children are placed vertically. VerticalDirection.down The children are laid out from top to bottom (default behavior).
mainAxisSize Determines how much vertical space the column occupies in the main axis. MainAxisSize.min The column takes up the minimum required vertical space.
textBaseline Specifies how the text baseline should be aligned within a column. TextBaseline.ideographic Aligns the text baseline of the children along the ideographic baseline.
textDirection Specifies the order of the children in the horizontal direction. TextDirection.rtl The children are laid out from right to left.
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