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Created April 14, 2015 08:18
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Windows batch script for creating new virtual host entries on Apache.
@echo off
set texteditor=subl rem Text editor of your choice e.g. Sublime Text (subl)
set hostsfile=C:/Windows/System32/drivers/etc/hosts rem Where Windows' hosts file is located
set vhostsfile=C:/wamp/bin/apache/apache2.4.9/conf/extra/httpd-vhosts.conf rem This one depends on your installation.
set htdocs=C:/wamp/www rem This one depends on your installation.
if ["%1"] == ["edit"] goto:edit
if ["%1"] == ["add"] goto:add
if ["%2"] == [""] echo Insufficient parameter :-( & goto:usage
echo. %2 >> %hostsfile%
echo.^<VirtualHost *:80^> >> %vhostsfile%
echo. ServerName %2 >> %vhostsfile%
echo. ServerAlias %2 >> %vhostsfile%
echo. DocumentRoot "%htdocs%/%2/" >> %vhostsfile%
echo. ^<Directory "%htdocs%/%2/"^> >> %vhostsfile%
echo. Options Indexes FollowSymLinks >> %vhostsfile%
echo. AllowOverride All >> %vhostsfile%
echo. Order allow,deny >> %vhostsfile%
echo. Allow from all >> %vhostsfile%
echo. ^</Directory^> >> %vhostsfile%
echo.^</VirtualHost^> >> %vhostsfile%
echo. >> %vhostsfile%
echo.%2 added :)
if ["%2"] == [""] echo Insufficient parameter :-( & goto:usage
if ["%2"] == ["v"] echo Editing httpd-vhosts.conf & %texteditor% %vhostsfile% & goto:eof
if ["%2"] == ["h"] echo Editing hosts & %texteditor% %hostsfile% & goto:eof
echo. vhosts add
echo. vhosts edit v
echo. vhosts edit h
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