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Created January 21, 2020 20:25
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import { onMount } from 'svelte';
import { StreamChat } from 'stream-chat/dist/index.js';
export let appName;
let loggedIn = false;
let online = false;
let token = '';
let username = '';
let message = '';
let messages = [];
let channel = null;
let user = null;
let streamClient = null;
let pingInterval = 30000; // 30 seconds
const initializeStreamChat = async () => {
if (!user) return;
const { username } = user;
streamClient = new StreamChat(process.env.streamChatKey);
await streamClient.setUser({ id: username, name: username, role: 'admin' }, token);
const initializeChannel = () => {
channel ='livestream', 'kongchat', { name: appName });
const joinChat = (_) => {
if (!username) {
alert('Username is empty');
fetch(`${process.env.kongHost}/api/kongchat/token`, {
method: 'POST',
body: JSON.stringify({ username }),
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
.then(response => response.ok ? response.json() : ({}))
.then((response) => {
user = response.user;
token = response.token;
.then((room) => {
loggedIn = true;
messages = room.messages;
channel.on('', ({ message: { text, user } }) => {
messages = [...messages, { text, user }];
const send = (_) => {
channel.send({ text: message });
message = '';
const pingService = () => {
fetch(`${process.env.kongHost}/api/kongchat/ping`, { method: 'GET' })
.then(response => response.ok ? response.json() : ({ message: 'not pong' }))
.then(({ message }) => {
online = message === 'pong';
.finally(() => {
setTimeout(pingService, pingInterval);
onMount(() => {
<h1 class="text-4xl text-center">
{#if online}
<span class="bg-green-500 rounded-full h-5 w-5 flex mx-auto"></span>
<span class="bg-red-500 rounded-full h-5 w-5 flex mx-auto"></span>
{#if loggedIn}
<div class="container mx-auto">
<h5>You are <strong>{user.username}</strong></h5>
{#each messages as message}
<div class="w-full max-w my-1">
<div class="border border-gray-400 bg-white rounded p-4 flex flex-col justify-between leading-normal">
<div class="mb-8">
<p class="text-gray-700 text-base">{message.text}</p>
<div class="flex items-center">
<div class="text-sm">
<p class="text-gray-900 leading-none">By { === user.username ? 'You' :}</p>
<div class="flex items-center border-b border-b-2 border-teal-500 py-2 mb-10">
<input bind:value={message} class="appearance-none bg-transparent border-none w-full text-gray-700 mr-3 py-1 px-2 leading-tight focus:outline-none" type="text" placeholder="Message">
<button on:click|preventDefault={send} class="flex-shrink-0 bg-teal-500 hover:bg-teal-700 border-teal-500 hover:border-teal-700 text-sm border-4 text-white py-1 px-2 rounded" type="button">
<div class="w-full mx-auto max-w-xs">
<form on:submit|preventDefault={joinChat} class="bg-white shadow-md rounded px-8 pt-6 pb-8 mb-4">
<div class="mb-4">
<label class="block text-gray-700 text-sm font-bold mb-2" for="username">
<input bind:value={username} class="shadow appearance-none border rounded w-full py-2 px-3 text-gray-700 leading-tight focus:outline-none focus:shadow-outline" id="username" type="text" placeholder="Username">
<div class="flex items-center justify-between">
<button class="w-full bg-blue-500 hover:bg-blue-700 text-white font-bold py-2 px-4 rounded focus:outline-none focus:shadow-outline" type="submit">
Sign In
<p class="text-center text-gray-500 text-xs inset-x-0 bottom-0 absolute">
&copy;{new Date().getFullYear()} {appName}
<style global>
@tailwind base;
@tailwind components;
@tailwind utilities;
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