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Created January 25, 2018 08:37
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protocol NonEmptyHList {
associatedtype Head
associatedtype Tail
struct NEHLCons<H, T: NonEmptyHList>: NonEmptyHList {
typealias Head = H
typealias Tail = T
let head: H
let tail: T
init(_ head: H, _ tail: T) {
self.head = head
self.tail = tail
struct NEHLLast<H>: NonEmptyHList {
typealias Head = H
typealias Tail = Never
let head: H
init(_ head: H) {
self.head = head
typealias NEHL1<A> = NEHLLast<A>
typealias NEHL2<A, B> = NEHLCons<A, NEHLLast<B>>
typealias NEHL3<A, B, C> = NEHLCons<A, NEHLCons<B, NEHLLast<C>>>
typealias NEHL4<A, B, C, D> = NEHLCons<A, NEHLCons<B, NEHLCons<C, NEHLLast<D>>>>
struct ErrorA: Error {}
struct ErrorB: Error {}
let hnel: NEHL2<ErrorA, ErrorB> = NEHLCons(ErrorA(), NEHLLast(ErrorB()))
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