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Created March 30, 2018 11:25
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// 3: Prepare counterfactual deployment of Bidirectional, and update Lineup
let bidirectionalB = bytecodeManager.constructBytecode(Bidirectional, multisig.address, bidirectionalSettlementPeriod)
let bidirectionalA = await registry.counterfactualAddress(bidirectionalB, REGISTRY_NONCE)
let bidirectionalDeployment = registry.deploy.request(bidirectionalB, REGISTRY_NONCE).params[0].data
let bidirectionalCodehash = await conditional.callHash(registry.address, new BigNumber.BigNumber(0), bidirectionalDeployment)
// 4. Prepare counterfactual transfer, and update Lineup
let transferB = proxy.doCall.request(registry.address, bidirectionalA, depositA, '0x').params[0].data
let transferCodehash = await conditional.callHash(proxy.address, depositA, transferB)
// 5: Conditionally counterfactually deploy Bidirectional
let conditionalBidirectionalB = conditional.doCall.request(registry.address, lineupA, proof(lineupU, bidirectionalCodehash), registry.address, new BigNumber.BigNumber(0), bidirectionalDeployment)
let conditionalBidirectionalI = await, 1)
// 5. Conditionally counterfactually move money to deployed Bidirectional
let conditionalTransferB = conditional.doDelegate.request(registry.address, lineupA, proof(lineupU, transferCodehash), proxy.address, depositA, transferB)
let conditionalTransferI = await counterFactory.delegatecall(conditionalTransferB, 2)
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