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Last active January 3, 2016 08:29
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Om drag & snap
(ns runes24.components.canvas
(:require [clojure.string :as str]
[cljs.core.async :as async]
[om.core :as om :include-macros true]
[sablono.core :as html :refer [html] :include-macros true]
[shodan.console :as console]
[runes24.components.meaning-rune :refer [meaning-rune]]
[runes24.utils :as utils]
(defn handle-resize [app owner]
(let [node (om/get-node owner "svg-root")
cx (/ (.-clientWidth node) 2)
cy (/ (.-clientHeight node) 2)
r (min cx cy)
n (om/read app :runes count)]
(mapv (fn [[k v]] (om/set-state! owner [k] v))
{:cx cx
:cy cy
:r r
:star (utils/star-points n cx cy (* (om/read app :star-outer-radius) r) (* (om/read app :star-inner-radius) r))
:positions-star (utils/polygon-points n cx cy (* (om/read app :position-rune-radius) r))
:meanings-radius (* r (/ (+ (om/read app :middle-circle-radius) (om/read app :inner-circle-radius)) 2))})))
(defn handle-events [app owner [type :as e]]
(case type
:resize (handle-resize app owner)
(defn position-rune [app owner {:keys [x y rune r]}]
{:x x
:y y
:style {:font-size (str (* r (:position-rune-size app)) "px")}}
(defn canvas [app owner opts]
(init-state [_]
(will-mount [_]
(utils/handle! app owner (om/get-state owner :events) handle-events))
(did-mount [_ node]
(om/get-state owner :mixer)
(async/map< (constantly [:resize]) (utils/listen! js/window :resize)))
(async/put! (om/get-state owner :events) [:resize]))
(render [_]
(let [{:keys [cx cy r star positions-star meanings-radius]} (om/get-state owner)]
{:version "1.1"
:xmlns ""
:ref "svg-root"}
[ {:points (str/join " " (map (partial str/join ",") star))}]
[:circle.middle-circle {:cx cx :cy cy :r (* (:middle-circle-radius app) r)}]
[:circle.inner-circle {:cx cx :cy cy :r (* (:inner-circle-radius app) r)}]
(fn [rune [x y]]
(om/build position-rune
{:opts {:x x :y y :rune rune :r r}
:react-key (str "position-rune-" rune)}))
(:runes app)
(fn [rune i]
(om/build meaning-rune
{:opts {:rune rune :i i :r meanings-radius :cx cx :cy cy}
:react-key (str "meaning-rune-" rune)}))
(:runes app)
(ns runes24.components.meaning-rune
(:require-macros [cljs.core.async.macros :refer [go-loop alt!]])
(:require [cljs.core.async :as async]
[om.core :as om :include-macros true]
[sablono.core :as html :refer [html] :include-macros true]
[dommy.core :as dom]
[shodan.console :as console]
[runes24.utils :as utils]
(defn location [e]
(let [e (or (.-nativeEvent e) e)]
[(.-pageX e) (.-pageY e)]))
(defn drag! [owner p]
(when (om/get-state owner :drag?)
(let [{:keys [xy drag-from] :or {drag-from p}} (om/get-state owner)]
(mapv (fn [[k v]] (om/set-state! owner [k] v))
{:xy (mapv + xy p (mapv - drag-from))
:drag-from p}))))
(defn stop-drag [owner p]
(when (om/get-state owner :drag?)
(mapv (fn [[e f]] (dom/unlisten! js/window e f)) (om/get-state owner :drag-listeners))
(om/set-state! owner :drag? false)))
(defn start-drag [owner p]
(when-not (om/get-state owner :drag?)
(mapv (fn [[e f]] (dom/listen! js/window e f)) (om/get-state owner :drag-listeners))
(om/set-state! owner :drag? true)))
(defn handle-drag [app owner]
(let [c (async/map< (fn [[t e]] [t (location e)]) (om/get-state owner :drag-chan))]
(when-let [[t p] (async/<! c)]
(case t
:start (start-drag owner p)
:move (drag! owner p)
:stop (stop-drag owner p)
(defn meaning-rune [app owner {:keys [rune i r cx cy]}]
(init-state [_]
(let [drag-chan (async/chan)]
; FIXME no magic numbers! why 50?
{:drag? false
:drag-chan drag-chan
:drag-listeners {:mousemove #(async/put! drag-chan [:move %])
:mouseup #(async/put! drag-chan [:stop %])}
:xy [(-> i (rem 8) inc (* 50)) (-> i (quot 8) inc (* 50))]
:position [nil nil]}))
(did-mount [_ node]
(handle-drag app owner))
(let [[old-pos k] (om/get-state owner :position)
rc (count (:runes app))
[x y] (if (or (om/get-state owner :drag?) (nil? old-pos))
(om/get-state owner :xy)
(utils/polygon-point k rc cx cy r))
[p n] (utils/nearest-polygon-point x y rc cx cy r)
sz (* r (:meaning-rune-size app))
close (< (utils/distance p [x y]) sz)
pos ((:runes app) n)
new-position ((:runes app) n)
pos-rune (get-in app [:spread pos])
snap (and close (or (nil? pos-rune) (= pos-rune rune)))
[x y] (if snap p [x y])
(if snap
(om/set-state! owner :position [pos n])
(om/transact! app :spread assoc pos rune))
(om/set-state! owner :position [nil nil]))
(when (and old-pos (not= pos old-pos))
(om/transact! app :spread assoc old-pos nil))
{:x x
:y y
:on-mouse-down #(async/put! (om/get-state owner :drag-chan) [:start %])
:style {:font-size (str sz "px")}}
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