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Created September 20, 2019 07:08
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`zig test dictionary.zig` dumps endless garbage into a terminal
const std = @import("std");
const interface = @import("interface.zig");
pub fn Dictionary(comptime Key: type, comptime Value: type) type {
return interface.Interface(struct {
pub const get = fn (*interface.Self, key: Key) ?Value;
test "Dictionary" {
const Mock = struct {
pub fn get(self: *@This(), key: i32) ?i32 {
return key;
var mock = Mock{};
const imock = Dictionary(i32, i32).init(Mock, &mock);
const key: i32 = 1;
std.testing.expectEqual("get", key), 1);
❯ zig version
macOS Mojave
Version 10.14.6 (18G95)
const std = @import("std");
const builtin = @import("builtin");
const debug = std.debug;
const mem = std.mem;
const testing = std.testing;
pub const Self = @OpaqueType();
pub fn Interface(comptime T: type) type {
const info = @typeInfo(T).Struct;
const VTable = struct {
funcs: [info.decls.len]fn () void,
fn init(comptime Funcs: type, comptime State: type) @This() {
var res: @This() = undefined;
inline for (info.decls) |def, i| {
const DefType = @field(T,;
comptime debug.assert(@typeOf(DefType) == type);
const func_info = @typeInfo(DefType).Fn;
comptime debug.assert(func_info.args[0].arg_type.? == *Self);
const Type = FnType(State, func_info.args[1..], func_info.return_type.?);
const func: Type = @field(Funcs,;
res.funcs[i] = @ptrCast(fn () void, func);
return res;
fn dispatch(vtable: @This(), comptime fn_name: []const u8, self: *Self, args: ...) @field(T, fn_name).ReturnType {
inline for (info.decls) |decl, i| {
if (comptime !mem.eql(u8,, fn_name))
const func = @ptrCast(@field(T,, vtable.funcs[i]);
return switch (args.len) {
0 => func(self),
1 => func(self, args[0]),
2 => func(self, args[0], args[1]),
3 => func(self, args[0], args[1], args[2]),
else => comptime unreachable,
comptime unreachable;
fn FnType(comptime State: type, comptime args: []const builtin.TypeInfo.FnArg, comptime Return: type) type {
return switch (args.len) {
0 => fn (*State) Return,
1 => fn (*State, args[0].arg_type.?) Return,
2 => fn (*State, args[0].arg_type.?, args[1].arg_type.?) Return,
3 => fn (*State, args[0].arg_type.?, args[1].arg_type.?, args[2].arg_type.?) Return,
else => comptime unreachable,
return struct {
state: *Self,
vtable: *const VTable,
pub fn init(comptime State: type, state: *State) @This() {
return initWithFuncs(State, state, State);
pub fn initWithFuncs(comptime State: type, state: *State, comptime Funcs: type) @This() {
return @This(){
.state = @ptrCast(*Self, state),
.vtable = &comptime VTable.init(Funcs, State),
fn call(self: @This(), comptime fn_name: []const u8, args: ...) @field(T, fn_name).ReturnType {
return self.vtable.dispatch(fn_name, self.state, args);
const Sb = struct {
b: u8,
fn a(self: *Sb, v: u8) u8 {
return self.b + v;
const Sq = struct {
q: u8,
fn a(self: *Sq, v: u8) u8 {
return self.q * v;
const IA = Interface(struct {
const a = fn (*Self, u8) u8;
test "interface" {
var sb = Sb{ .b = 3 };
var sq = Sq{ .q = 3 };
const ib = IA.init(Sb, &sb);
const iq = IA.init(Sq, &sq);
testing.expectEqual(u8(5),"a", u8(2)));
testing.expectEqual(u8(6),"a", u8(2)));
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