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Forked from yogthos/
Created June 29, 2017 00:09
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The project can be built using Lumo

npm install -g lumo-cljs
lumo build.cljs
(require '[ :as b])
(b/build "."
{:main 'core
:output-to "app.js"
:optimizations :advanced})
(ns terrain.core)
;; ClojureScript port of Realistic terrain in 130 lines
;; original source
(defn translate-coord [size x y]
(int (+ x (* y size))))
(defn get-value [{:keys [values size]} x y]
(aget values (translate-coord size x y)))
(defn set-value [{:keys [values size]} x y value]
(aset values (translate-coord size x y) value))
(defn average [values]
(/ (reduce + values) (count values)))
(defn in-range [max [x y]]
(and (< -1 x max) (< -1 y max)))
(defn generate-value [terrain offset coords]
(->> coords
(filter #(in-range (:max terrain) %))
(map #(apply get-value terrain %))
(+ offset)))
(defn square [terrain tile-size offset x y]
(->> [[(- x tile-size) (- y tile-size)]
[(+ x tile-size) (- y tile-size)]
[(+ x tile-size) (+ y tile-size)]
[(- x tile-size) (+ y tile-size)]]
(generate-value terrain offset)
(set-value terrain x y)))
(defn diamond [terrain tile-size offset x y]
(->> [[x (- y tile-size)]
[(+ x tile-size) y]
[x (+ y tile-size)]
[(- x tile-size) y]]
(generate-value terrain offset)
(set-value terrain x y)))
(defn random-offset [scale]
(- (* (js/Math.random) scale 2) scale))
(defn divide-squares [terrain tile-size half scale]
(loop [y half]
(when (< y (:max terrain))
(loop [x half]
(when (< x (:max terrain))
(square terrain half (random-offset scale) x y)
(recur (+ x tile-size))))
(recur (+ y tile-size)))))
(defn divide-diamonds [terrain tile-size half scale]
(loop [y 0]
(when (< y (:max terrain))
(loop [x (mod (+ y half) tile-size)]
(when (< x (:max terrain))
(diamond terrain half (random-offset scale) x y)
(recur (+ x tile-size))))
(recur (+ y half)))))
(defn divide-tiles [terrain roughness tile-size]
(let [half (/ tile-size 2)
scale (* roughness tile-size)]
(when-not (< half 1)
(divide-squares terrain tile-size half scale)
(divide-diamonds terrain tile-size half scale)
(recur terrain roughness half))))
(defn generate [detail roughness]
(let [size (inc (js/Math.pow 2 detail))
max (dec size)
values (js/Float32Array. (* size size))
terrain {:size size
:max max
:values values}]
(set-value terrain 0 0 max)
(set-value terrain max 0 (/ max 2))
(set-value terrain max max 0)
(set-value terrain 0 max (/ max 2))
(divide-tiles terrain roughness max)
(defn iso [size x y]
{:x (* 0.5 (- (+ size x) y))
:y (* 0.5 (+ x y))})
(defn project [size width height x y z]
(let [point (iso size x y)
x0 (* width 0.5)
y0 (* height 0.2)
x (* 15 (- (:x point) (* size 0.5)))
y (* 3 (inc (* 0.005 (- size (:y point)))))
z (- (* size 3) (+ (* 0.4 z) (* (:y point) 0.05)))]
{:x (+ x0 (/ x y))
:y (+ y0 (/ z y))}))
(defn brightness [max x y slope]
(let [b (+ 128 (js/Math.floor (* slope 50)))]
(< b 128)
(str "rgba(" b "," (* 2 b) "," b ",1)")
(<= 128 b 220)
(str "rgba(" b "," b "," (/ b 3) ",1)")
(str "rgba(" b "," b "," b ",1)"))))
(defn rect [ctx a b style]
(when (> (:y b) (:y a))
(set! (.-fillStyle ctx) style)
(.fillRect ctx (:x a) (:y a) (- (:x b) (:x a)) (- (:y b) (:y a)))))
(defn draw [ctx {:keys [size] :as terrain} width height]
(let [water-val (* size 0.7)
project (partial project size width height)]
(dotimes [y size]
(dotimes [x size]
(let [val (get-value terrain x y)
top (project x y val)
bottom (project (inc x) y 0)
water (project x y water-val)
style (brightness max x y (- (get-value terrain (inc x) y) val))]
(rect ctx top bottom style)
(rect ctx water bottom "rgba(50, 150, 200, 0.15)"))))))
(defn clear [ctx width height]
(set! (.-fillStyle ctx) "black")
(.fillRect ctx 0 0 width height))
(defn init! []
(let [canvas (js/document.getElementById "canvas")
ctx (.getContext canvas "2d")
width js/window.innerWidth
height js/window.innerHeight
terrain (generate 9 1)]
(set! (.-width canvas) width)
(set! (.-height canvas) height)
(clear ctx width height)
(draw ctx terrain width height)))
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