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Last active August 20, 2019 11:59
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[Heroku] #heroku

Heroku is a polyglot platform – it lets you build, run and scale applications in a similar manner across all the languages – utilizing the dependencies and Procfile.

Running applications on dynos

Heroku executes applications by running a command you specified in the Procfile, on a dyno that’s been preloaded with your prepared slug

Generally, if you deploy an application for the first time, Heroku will run 1 web dyno automatically. In other words, it will boot a dyno, load it with your slug, and execute the command you’ve associated with the web process type in your Procfile

You have control over how many dynos are running at any given time. Given the Procfile example earlier, you can start 5 dynos, 3 for the web and 2 for the queue process types, as follows:

$ heroku ps:scale web=3 queue=2

When you deploy a new version of an application, all of the currently executing dynos are killed, and new ones (with the new release) are started to replace them - preserving the existing dyno formation.

To understand what’s executing, you just need to know what dynos are running which process types:

$ heroku ps

Config vars

All dynos in an application will have access to the exact same set of config vars at runtime.


HTTP Routing



  • Applications consist of your source code, a description of any dependencies, and a Procfile.
  • Procfiles list process types - named commands that you may want executed.
  • Deploying applications involves sending the application to Heroku using either Git, GitHub, or via an API.
  • Buildpacks lie behind the slug compilation process. Buildpacks take your application, its dependencies, and the language runtime, and produce slugs.
  • A slug is a bundle of your source, fetched dependencies, the language runtime, and compiled/generated output of the build system - ready for execution.
  • Config vars contain customizable configuration data that can be changed independently of your source code. The configuration is exposed to a running application via environment variables.
  • Add-ons are third party, specialized, value-added cloud services that can be easily attached to an application, extending its functionality.
  • A release is a combination of a slug (your application), config vars and add-ons. Heroku maintains an append-only ledger of releases you make.
$ echo 'Show the audit trail of release deploys'
$ heroku releases 


  • Dynos are isolated, virtualized Unix containers, that provide the environment required to run an application.
  • Your application’s dyno formation is the total number of currently-executing dynos, divided between the various process types you have scaled.
  • The dyno manager is responsible for managing dynos across all applications running on Heroku.
  • Applications that use the free dyno type will sleep after 30 minutes of inactivity. Scaling to multiple web dynos, or a different dyno type, will avoid this.
  • One-off Dynos are temporary dynos that run with their input/output attached to your local terminal. They’re loaded with your latest release.
  • Each dyno gets its own ephemeral filesystem - with a fresh copy of the most recent release. It can be used as temporary scratchpad, but changes to the filesystem are not reflected to other dynos.
  • Logplex automatically collates log entries from all the running dynos of your app, as well as other components such as the routers, providing a single source of activity.
  • Scaling an application involves varying the number of dynos of each process type.
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