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Created May 16, 2023 13:36
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r1 verifier
// ___ _ ___ _ _ _ _
// | __| _ ___ __| |_ / __|_ _ _ _ _ __| |_ ___ | | (_) |__
// | _| '_/ -_|_-< ' \ | (__| '_| || | '_ \ _/ _ \ | |__| | '_ \
// |_||_| \___/__/_||_| \___|_| \_, | .__/\__\___/ |____|_|_.__/
// |__/|_|
///* Copyright (C) 2022 - Renaud Dubois - This file is part of FCL (Fresh CryptoLib) project
///* License: This software is licensed under MIT License
///* This Code may be reused including license and copyright notice.
///* See LICENSE file at the root folder of the project.
///* FILE: FCL_elliptic.sol
///* DESCRIPTION: modified XYZZ system coordinates for EVM elliptic point multiplication
///* optimization
//* WARNING: this code SHALL not be used for non prime order curves for security reasons.
// Code is optimized for a=-3 only curves with prime order, constant like -1, -2 shall be replaced
// if ever used for other curve than sec256R1
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.0;
//import "hardhat/console.sol";
library P256Verifier {
// Set parameters for curve sec256r1.
//curve prime field modulus
uint256 constant p = 0xFFFFFFFF00000001000000000000000000000000FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF;
//short weierstrass first coefficient
uint256 constant a = 0xFFFFFFFF00000001000000000000000000000000FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFC;
//short weierstrass second coefficient
uint256 constant b = 0x5AC635D8AA3A93E7B3EBBD55769886BC651D06B0CC53B0F63BCE3C3E27D2604B;
//generating point affine coordinates
uint256 constant gx = 0x6B17D1F2E12C4247F8BCE6E563A440F277037D812DEB33A0F4A13945D898C296;
uint256 constant gy = 0x4FE342E2FE1A7F9B8EE7EB4A7C0F9E162BCE33576B315ECECBB6406837BF51F5;
//curve order (number of points)
uint256 constant n = 0xFFFFFFFF00000000FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFBCE6FAADA7179E84F3B9CAC2FC632551;
/* -2 mod p constant, used to speed up inversion and doubling (avoid negation)*/
uint256 constant minus_2 = 0xFFFFFFFF00000001000000000000000000000000FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFD;
/* -2 mod n constant, used to speed up inversion*/
uint256 constant minus_2modn = 0xFFFFFFFF00000000FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFBCE6FAADA7179E84F3B9CAC2FC63254F;
* /* inversion mod n via a^(n-2), use of precompiled using little Fermat theorem
function FCL_nModInv(uint256 u) internal view returns (uint256 result) {
uint256[6] memory pointer;
assembly {
// Define length of base, exponent and modulus. 0x20 == 32 bytes
mstore(pointer, 0x20)
mstore(add(pointer, 0x20), 0x20)
mstore(add(pointer, 0x40), 0x20)
// Define variables base, exponent and modulus
mstore(add(pointer, 0x60), u)
mstore(add(pointer, 0x80), minus_2modn)
mstore(add(pointer, 0xa0), n)
// Call the precompiled contract 0x05 = ModExp
if iszero(staticcall(not(0), 0x05, pointer, 0xc0, pointer, 0x20)) { revert(0, 0) }
result := mload(pointer)
* /* @dev inversion mod nusing little Fermat theorem via a^(n-2), use of precompiled
function FCL_pModInv(uint256 u) internal view returns (uint256 result) {
uint256[6] memory pointer;
assembly {
// Define length of base, exponent and modulus. 0x20 == 32 bytes
mstore(pointer, 0x20)
mstore(add(pointer, 0x20), 0x20)
mstore(add(pointer, 0x40), 0x20)
// Define variables base, exponent and modulus
mstore(add(pointer, 0x60), u)
mstore(add(pointer, 0x80), minus_2)
mstore(add(pointer, 0xa0), p)
// Call the precompiled contract 0x05 = ModExp
if iszero(staticcall(not(0), 0x05, pointer, 0xc0, pointer, 0x20)) { revert(0, 0) }
result := mload(pointer)
* /* @dev Convert from affine rep to XYZZ rep
function ecAff_SetZZ(uint256 x0, uint256 y0) internal pure returns (uint256[4] memory P) {
unchecked {
P[2] = 1; //ZZ
P[3] = 1; //ZZZ
P[0] = x0;
P[1] = y0;
* /* @dev Convert from XYZZ rep to affine rep
function ecZZ_SetAff(uint256 x, uint256 y, uint256 zz, uint256 zzz)
returns (uint256 x1, uint256 y1)
uint256 zzzInv = FCL_pModInv(zzz); //1/zzz
y1 = mulmod(y, zzzInv, p); //Y/zzz
uint256 _b = mulmod(zz, zzzInv, p); //1/z
zzzInv = mulmod(_b, _b, p); //1/zz
x1 = mulmod(x, zzzInv, p); //X/zz
* /* @dev Sutherland2008 doubling
/* The "dbl-2008-s-1" doubling formulas */
function ecZZ_Dbl(uint256 x, uint256 y, uint256 zz, uint256 zzz)
returns (uint256 P0, uint256 P1, uint256 P2, uint256 P3)
unchecked {
assembly {
P0 := mulmod(2, y, p) //U = 2*Y1
P2 := mulmod(P0, P0, p) // V=U^2
P3 := mulmod(x, P2, p) // S = X1*V
P1 := mulmod(P0, P2, p) // W=UV
P2 := mulmod(P2, zz, p) //zz3=V*ZZ1
zz := mulmod(3, mulmod(addmod(x, sub(p, zz), p), addmod(x, zz, p), p), p) //M=3*(X1-ZZ1)*(X1+ZZ1)
P0 := addmod(mulmod(zz, zz, p), mulmod(minus_2, P3, p), p) //X3=M^2-2S
x := mulmod(zz, addmod(P3, sub(p, P0), p), p) //M(S-X3)
P3 := mulmod(P1, zzz, p) //zzz3=W*zzz1
P1 := addmod(x, sub(p, mulmod(P1, y, p)), p) //Y3= M(S-X3)-W*Y1
return (P0, P1, P2, P3);
* @dev Sutherland2008 add a ZZ point with a normalized point and greedy formulae
* warning: assume that P1(x1,y1)!=P2(x2,y2), true in multiplication loop with prime order (cofactor 1)
//tbd: return -x1 and -Y1 in double to avoid two substractions
function ecZZ_AddN(uint256 x1, uint256 y1, uint256 zz1, uint256 zzz1, uint256 x2, uint256 y2)
returns (uint256 P0, uint256 P1, uint256 P2, uint256 P3)
unchecked {
if (y1 == 0) {
return (x2, y2, 1, 1);
assembly {
y1 := sub(p, y1)
y2 := addmod(mulmod(y2, zzz1, p), y1, p)
x2 := addmod(mulmod(x2, zz1, p), sub(p, x1), p)
P0 := mulmod(x2, x2, p) //PP = P^2
P1 := mulmod(P0, x2, p) //PPP = P*PP
P2 := mulmod(zz1, P0, p) ////ZZ3 = ZZ1*PP
P3 := mulmod(zzz1, P1, p) ////ZZZ3 = ZZZ1*PPP
zz1 := mulmod(x1, P0, p) //Q = X1*PP
P0 := addmod(addmod(mulmod(y2, y2, p), sub(p, P1), p), mulmod(minus_2, zz1, p), p) //R^2-PPP-2*Q
P1 := addmod(mulmod(addmod(zz1, sub(p, P0), p), y2, p), mulmod(y1, P1, p), p) //R*(Q-X3)
//end assembly
} //end unchecked
return (P0, P1, P2, P3);
* @dev Return the zero curve in XYZZ coordinates.
function ecZZ_SetZero() internal pure returns (uint256 x, uint256 y, uint256 zz, uint256 zzz) {
return (0, 0, 0, 0);
* @dev Check if point is the neutral of the curve
function ecZZ_IsZero(uint256 y0) internal pure returns (bool) {
if ((y0 == 0)) {
return true;
return false;
* @dev Return the zero curve in affine coordinates. Compatible with the double formulae (no special case)
function ecAff_SetZero() internal pure returns (uint256 x, uint256 y) {
return (0, 0);
* @dev Check if the curve is the zero curve in affine rep.
function ecAff_IsZero(uint256 y) internal pure returns (bool flag) {
return (y == 0);
* @dev Check if a point in affine coordinates is on the curve (reject Neutral that is indeed on the curve).
function ecAff_isOnCurve(uint256 x, uint256 y) internal pure returns (bool) {
if (0 == x || x == p || 0 == y || y == p) {
return false;
unchecked {
uint256 LHS = mulmod(y, y, p); // y^2
uint256 RHS = addmod(mulmod(mulmod(x, x, p), x, p), mulmod(x, a, p), p); // x^3+ax
RHS = addmod(RHS, b, p); // x^3 + a*x + b
return LHS == RHS;
* @dev Add two elliptic curve points in affine coordinates.
function ecAff_add(uint256 x0, uint256 y0, uint256 x1, uint256 y1) internal view returns (uint256, uint256) {
uint256 zz0;
uint256 zzz0;
if (ecAff_IsZero(y0)) return (x1, y1);
if (ecAff_IsZero(y1)) return (x1, y1);
(x0, y0, zz0, zzz0) = ecZZ_AddN(x0, y0, 1, 1, x1, y1);
return ecZZ_SetAff(x0, y0, zz0, zzz0);
* @dev Computation of uG+vQ using Strauss-Shamir's trick, G basepoint, Q public key
function ecZZ_mulmuladd_S_asm(
uint256 Q0,
uint256 Q1, // Point G and Q stored in one memory for stack optimization
uint256 scalar_u,
uint256 scalar_v
) internal view returns (uint256 X) {
uint256 zz;
uint256 zzz;
uint256 Y;
uint256 index = 255;
uint256[6] memory T;
uint256 H0;
uint256 H1;
unchecked {
if (scalar_u == 0 && scalar_v == 0) return 0;
(H0, H1) = ecAff_add(gx, gy, Q0, Q1); //will not work if Q=P, obvious forbidden private key
while( ( ((scalar_u>>index)&1)+2*((scalar_v>>index)&1) ) ==0){
assembly {
for { let T4 := add(shl(1, and(shr(index, scalar_v), 1)), and(shr(index, scalar_u), 1)) } eq(T4, 0) {
index := sub(index, 1)
T4 := add(shl(1, and(shr(index, scalar_v), 1)), and(shr(index, scalar_u), 1))
} {}
zz := add(shl(1, and(shr(index, scalar_v), 1)), and(shr(index, scalar_u), 1))
if eq(zz, 1) {
X := gx
Y := gy
if eq(zz, 2) {
X := Q0
Y := Q1
if eq(zz, 3) {
X := H0
Y := H1
index := sub(index, 1)
zz := 1
zzz := 1
for {} gt(minus_1, index) { index := sub(index, 1) } {
// inlined EcZZ_Dbl
let T1 := mulmod(2, Y, p) //U = 2*Y1, y free
let T2 := mulmod(T1, T1, p) // V=U^2
let T3 := mulmod(X, T2, p) // S = X1*V
T1 := mulmod(T1, T2, p) // W=UV
let T4 := mulmod(3, mulmod(addmod(X, sub(p, zz), p), addmod(X, zz, p), p), p) //M=3*(X1-ZZ1)*(X1+ZZ1)
zzz := mulmod(T1, zzz, p) //zzz3=W*zzz1
zz := mulmod(T2, zz, p) //zz3=V*ZZ1, V free
X := addmod(mulmod(T4, T4, p), mulmod(minus_2, T3, p), p) //X3=M^2-2S
//T2:=mulmod(T4,addmod(T3, sub(p, X),p),p)//M(S-X3)
T2 := mulmod(T4, addmod(X, sub(p, T3), p), p) //-M(S-X3)=M(X3-S)
//Y:= addmod(T2, sub(p, mulmod(T1, Y ,p)),p )//Y3= M(S-X3)-W*Y1
Y := addmod(mulmod(T1, Y, p), T2, p) //-Y3= W*Y1-M(S-X3), we replace Y by -Y to avoid a sub in ecAdd
//value of dibit
T4 := add(shl(1, and(shr(index, scalar_v), 1)), and(shr(index, scalar_u), 1))
if iszero(T4) {
Y := sub(p, Y) //restore the -Y inversion
} // if T4!=0
if eq(T4, 1) {
T1 := gx
T2 := gy
if eq(T4, 2) {
T1 := Q0
T2 := Q1
if eq(T4, 3) {
T1 := H0
T2 := H1
// inlined EcZZ_AddN
//T3:=sub(p, Y)
let y2 := addmod(mulmod(T2, zzz, p), Y, p) //R
T2 := addmod(mulmod(T1, zz, p), sub(p, X), p) //P
//special extremely rare case accumulator where EcAdd is replaced by EcDbl, no need to optimize this
//todo : construct edge vector case
if eq(y2, 0) {
if eq(T2, 0) {
T1 := mulmod(2, Y, p) //U = 2*Y1, y free
T2 := mulmod(T1, T1, p) // V=U^2
T3 := mulmod(X, T2, p) // S = X1*V
let TT1 := mulmod(T1, T2, p) // W=UV
y2 := addmod(X, zz, p)
TT1 := addmod(X, sub(p, zz), p)
y2 := mulmod(y2, TT1, p)
T2 := addmod(X, zz, p)
T1 := addmod(X, sub(p, zz), p)
T2 := mulmod(T1, T2, p)
T4 := mulmod(3, T2, p)
zzz := mulmod(T1, zzz, p) //zzz3=W*zzz1
zz := mulmod(T2, zz, p) //zz3=V*ZZ1, V free
X := addmod(mulmod(T4, T4, p), mulmod(minus_2, T3, p), p) //X3=M^2-2S
T2 := mulmod(T4, addmod(T3, sub(p, X), p), p) //M(S-X3)
Y := addmod(T2, sub(p, mulmod(T1, Y, p)), p) //Y3= M(S-X3)-W*Y1
T4 := mulmod(T2, T2, p) //PP
let TT1 := mulmod(T4, T2, p) //PPP, this one could be spared, but adding this register spare gas
zz := mulmod(zz, T4, p)
zzz := mulmod(zzz, TT1, p) //zz3=V*ZZ1
let TT2 := mulmod(X, T4, p)
T4 := addmod(addmod(mulmod(y2, y2, p), sub(p, TT1), p), mulmod(minus_2, TT2, p), p)
Y := addmod(mulmod(addmod(TT2, sub(p, T4), p), y2, p), mulmod(Y, TT1, p), p)
X := T4
} //end loop
mstore(add(T, 0x60), zz)
//(X,Y)=ecZZ_SetAff(X,Y,zz, zzz);
//T[0] = inverseModp_Hard(T[0], p); //1/zzz, inline modular inversion using precompile:
// Define length of base, exponent and modulus. 0x20 == 32 bytes
mstore(T, 0x20)
mstore(add(T, 0x20), 0x20)
mstore(add(T, 0x40), 0x20)
// Define variables base, exponent and modulus
//mstore(add(pointer, 0x60), u)
mstore(add(T, 0x80), minus_2)
mstore(add(T, 0xa0), p)
// Call the precompiled contract 0x05 = ModExp
if iszero(staticcall(not(0), 0x05, T, 0xc0, T, 0x20)) { revert(0, 0) }
//zz :=mulmod(zz, mload(T),p) //1/z
//zz:= mulmod(zz,zz,p) //1/zz
X := mulmod(X, mload(T), p) //X/zz
} //end assembly
} //end unchecked
return X;
//8 dimensions Shamir's trick, using precomputations stored in Shamir8, stored as Bytecode of an external
//contract at given address dataPointer
//(thx to Lakhdar for EVM storage explanations and tricks)
// the external tool to generate tables from public key is in the /sage directory
function ecZZ_mulmuladd_S8_extcode(uint256 scalar_u, uint256 scalar_v, address dataPointer)
returns (uint256 X /*, uint Y*/ )
unchecked {
uint256 zz; // third and coordinates of the point
uint256[6] memory T;
zz = 256; //start index
while (T[0] == 0) {
zz = zz - 1;
//tbd case of msb octobit is null
T[0] = 64
* (
128 * ((scalar_v >> zz) & 1) + 64 * ((scalar_v >> (zz - 64)) & 1)
+ 32 * ((scalar_v >> (zz - 128)) & 1) + 16 * ((scalar_v >> (zz - 192)) & 1)
+ 8 * ((scalar_u >> zz) & 1) + 4 * ((scalar_u >> (zz - 64)) & 1)
+ 2 * ((scalar_u >> (zz - 128)) & 1) + ((scalar_u >> (zz - 192)) & 1)
assembly {
extcodecopy(dataPointer, T, mload(T), 64)
X := mload(T)
let Y := mload(add(T, 32))
let zzz := 1
zz := 1
//loop over 1/4 of scalars thx to Shamir's trick over 8 points
for { let index := 254 } gt(index, 191) { index := add(index, 191) } {
let TT1 := mulmod(2, Y, p) //U = 2*Y1, y free
let T2 := mulmod(TT1, TT1, p) // V=U^2
let T3 := mulmod(X, T2, p) // S = X1*V
let T1 := mulmod(TT1, T2, p) // W=UV
let T4 := mulmod(3, mulmod(addmod(X, sub(p, zz), p), addmod(X, zz, p), p), p) //M=3*(X1-ZZ1)*(X1+ZZ1)
zzz := mulmod(T1, zzz, p) //zzz3=W*zzz1
zz := mulmod(T2, zz, p) //zz3=V*ZZ1, V free
X := addmod(mulmod(T4, T4, p), mulmod(minus_2, T3, p), p) //X3=M^2-2S
//T2:=mulmod(T4,addmod(T3, sub(p, X),p),p)//M(S-X3)
let T5 := mulmod(T4, addmod(X, sub(p, T3), p), p) //-M(S-X3)=M(X3-S)
//Y:= addmod(T2, sub(p, mulmod(T1, Y ,p)),p )//Y3= M(S-X3)-W*Y1
Y := addmod(mulmod(T1, Y, p), T5, p) //-Y3= W*Y1-M(S-X3), we replace Y by -Y to avoid a sub in ecAdd
/* compute element to access in precomputed table */
let T4 := add(shl(13, and(shr(index, scalar_v), 1)), shl(9, and(shr(index, scalar_u), 1)))
let index2 := sub(index, 64)
let T3 :=
add(T4, add(shl(12, and(shr(index2, scalar_v), 1)), shl(8, and(shr(index2, scalar_u), 1))))
let index3 := sub(index2, 64)
let T2 :=
add(T3, add(shl(11, and(shr(index3, scalar_v), 1)), shl(7, and(shr(index3, scalar_u), 1))))
index := sub(index3, 64)
let T1 :=
add(T2, add(shl(10, and(shr(index, scalar_v), 1)), shl(6, and(shr(index, scalar_u), 1))))
//index:=add(index,192), restore index, interleaved with loop
//tbd: check validity of formulae with (0,1) to remove conditional jump
if iszero(T1) {
Y := sub(p, Y)
extcodecopy(dataPointer, T, T1, 64)
/* Access to precomputed table using extcodecopy hack */
// inlined EcZZ_AddN
let y2 := addmod(mulmod(mload(add(T, 32)), zzz, p), Y, p)
let T2 := addmod(mulmod(mload(T), zz, p), sub(p, X), p)
//special case ecAdd(P,P)=EcDbl
if eq(y2, 0) {
if eq(T2, 0) {
let T1 := mulmod(2, Y, p) //U = 2*Y1, y free
T2 := mulmod(T1, T1, p) // V=U^2
let T3 := mulmod(X, T2, p) // S = X1*V
let TT1 := mulmod(T1, T2, p) // W=UV
y2 := addmod(X, zz, p)
TT1 := addmod(X, sub(p, zz), p)
y2 := mulmod(y2, TT1, p)
T2 := addmod(X, zz, p)
T1 := addmod(X, sub(p, zz), p)
T2 := mulmod(T1, T2, p)
let T4 := mulmod(3, T2, p)
zzz := mulmod(T1, zzz, p) //zzz3=W*zzz1
zz := mulmod(T2, zz, p) //zz3=V*ZZ1, V free
X := addmod(mulmod(T4, T4, p), mulmod(minus_2, T3, p), p) //X3=M^2-2S
T2 := mulmod(T4, addmod(T3, sub(p, X), p), p) //M(S-X3)
Y := addmod(T2, sub(p, mulmod(T1, Y, p)), p) //Y3= M(S-X3)-W*Y1
let T4 := mulmod(T2, T2, p)
let T1 := mulmod(T4, T2, p) //
zz := mulmod(zz, T4, p)
zzz := mulmod(zzz, T1, p) // W=UV/
let zz1 := mulmod(X, T4, p)
X := addmod(addmod(mulmod(y2, y2, p), sub(p, T1), p), mulmod(minus_2, zz1, p), p)
Y := addmod(mulmod(addmod(zz1, sub(p, X), p), y2, p), mulmod(Y, T1, p), p)
} //end loop
mstore(add(T, 0x60), zz)
//(X,Y)=ecZZ_SetAff(X,Y,zz, zzz);
//T[0] = inverseModp_Hard(T[0], p); //1/zzz, inline modular inversion using precompile:
// Define length of base, exponent and modulus. 0x20 == 32 bytes
mstore(T, 0x20)
mstore(add(T, 0x20), 0x20)
mstore(add(T, 0x40), 0x20)
// Define variables base, exponent and modulus
//mstore(add(pointer, 0x60), u)
mstore(add(T, 0x80), minus_2)
mstore(add(T, 0xa0), p)
// Call the precompiled contract 0x05 = ModExp
if iszero(staticcall(not(0), 0x05, T, 0xc0, T, 0x20)) { revert(0, 0) }
zz := mload(T)
X := mulmod(X, zz, p) //X/zz
} //end unchecked
// improving the extcodecopy trick : append array at end of contract
function ecZZ_mulmuladd_S8_hackmem(uint256 scalar_u, uint256 scalar_v, uint256 dataPointer)
returns (uint256 X /*, uint Y*/ )
uint256 zz; // third and coordinates of the point
uint256[6] memory T;
zz = 256; //start index
unchecked {
while (T[0] == 0) {
zz = zz - 1;
//tbd case of msb octobit is null
T[0] = 64
* (
128 * ((scalar_v >> zz) & 1) + 64 * ((scalar_v >> (zz - 64)) & 1)
+ 32 * ((scalar_v >> (zz - 128)) & 1) + 16 * ((scalar_v >> (zz - 192)) & 1)
+ 8 * ((scalar_u >> zz) & 1) + 4 * ((scalar_u >> (zz - 64)) & 1)
+ 2 * ((scalar_u >> (zz - 128)) & 1) + ((scalar_u >> (zz - 192)) & 1)
assembly {
codecopy(T, add(mload(T), dataPointer), 64)
X := mload(T)
let Y := mload(add(T, 32))
let zzz := 1
zz := 1
//loop over 1/4 of scalars thx to Shamir's trick over 8 points
for { let index := 254 } gt(index, 191) { index := add(index, 191) } {
let T1 := mulmod(2, Y, p) //U = 2*Y1, y free
let T2 := mulmod(T1, T1, p) // V=U^2
let T3 := mulmod(X, T2, p) // S = X1*V
T1 := mulmod(T1, T2, p) // W=UV
let T4 := mulmod(3, mulmod(addmod(X, sub(p, zz), p), addmod(X, zz, p), p), p) //M=3*(X1-ZZ1)*(X1+ZZ1)
zzz := mulmod(T1, zzz, p) //zzz3=W*zzz1
zz := mulmod(T2, zz, p) //zz3=V*ZZ1, V free
X := addmod(mulmod(T4, T4, p), mulmod(minus_2, T3, p), p) //X3=M^2-2S
//T2:=mulmod(T4,addmod(T3, sub(p, X),p),p)//M(S-X3)
T2 := mulmod(T4, addmod(X, sub(p, T3), p), p) //-M(S-X3)=M(X3-S)
//Y:= addmod(T2, sub(p, mulmod(T1, Y ,p)),p )//Y3= M(S-X3)-W*Y1
Y := addmod(mulmod(T1, Y, p), T2, p) //-Y3= W*Y1-M(S-X3), we replace Y by -Y to avoid a sub in ecAdd
/* compute element to access in precomputed table */
T4 := add(shl(13, and(shr(index, scalar_v), 1)), shl(9, and(shr(index, scalar_u), 1)))
index := sub(index, 64)
T4 := add(T4, add(shl(12, and(shr(index, scalar_v), 1)), shl(8, and(shr(index, scalar_u), 1))))
index := sub(index, 64)
T4 := add(T4, add(shl(11, and(shr(index, scalar_v), 1)), shl(7, and(shr(index, scalar_u), 1))))
index := sub(index, 64)
T4 := add(T4, add(shl(10, and(shr(index, scalar_v), 1)), shl(6, and(shr(index, scalar_u), 1))))
//index:=add(index,192), restore index, interleaved with loop
//tbd: check validity of formulae with (0,1) to remove conditional jump
if iszero(T4) {
Y := sub(p, Y)
/* Access to precomputed table using extcodecopy hack */
codecopy(T, add(T4, dataPointer), 64)
// inlined EcZZ_AddN
let y2 := addmod(mulmod(mload(add(T, 32)), zzz, p), Y, p)
T2 := addmod(mulmod(mload(T), zz, p), sub(p, X), p)
T4 := mulmod(T2, T2, p)
T1 := mulmod(T4, T2, p)
T2 := mulmod(zz, T4, p) // W=UV
zzz := mulmod(zzz, T1, p) //zz3=V*ZZ1
let zz1 := mulmod(X, T4, p)
T4 := addmod(addmod(mulmod(y2, y2, p), sub(p, T1), p), mulmod(minus_2, zz1, p), p)
Y := addmod(mulmod(addmod(zz1, sub(p, T4), p), y2, p), mulmod(Y, T1, p), p)
zz := T2
X := T4
} //end loop
mstore(add(T, 0x60), zz)
//(X,Y)=ecZZ_SetAff(X,Y,zz, zzz);
//T[0] = inverseModp_Hard(T[0], p); //1/zzz, inline modular inversion using precompile:
// Define length of base, exponent and modulus. 0x20 == 32 bytes
mstore(T, 0x20)
mstore(add(T, 0x20), 0x20)
mstore(add(T, 0x40), 0x20)
// Define variables base, exponent and modulus
//mstore(add(pointer, 0x60), u)
mstore(add(T, 0x80), minus_2)
mstore(add(T, 0xa0), p)
// Call the precompiled contract 0x05 = ModExp
if iszero(staticcall(not(0), 0x05, T, 0xc0, T, 0x20)) { revert(0, 0) }
zz := mload(T)
X := mulmod(X, zz, p) //X/zz
} //end unchecked
* @dev ECDSA verification, given , signature, and public key.
function ecdsa_verify(bytes32 message, uint256[2] memory rs, uint256[2] memory Q) internal view returns (bool) {
if (rs[0] == 0 || rs[0] >= n || rs[1] == 0 || rs[1] >= n) {
return false;
if (!ecAff_isOnCurve(Q[0], Q[1])) {
return false;
uint256 sInv = FCL_nModInv(n - rs[1]);
uint256 scalar_u = mulmod(uint256(message), sInv, n);
uint256 scalar_v = mulmod(rs[0], sInv, n);
uint256 x1;
x1 = ecZZ_mulmuladd_S_asm(Q[0], Q[1], scalar_u, scalar_v);
assembly {
x1 := addmod(x1, sub(n, mload(rs)), n)
//return true;
return x1 == 0;
* @dev ECDSA verification using a precomputed table of multiples of P and Q stored in contract at address Shamir8
* generation of contract bytecode for precomputations is done using sagemath code
* (see sage directory, WebAuthn_precompute.sage)
function ecdsa_precomputed_verify(bytes32 message, uint256[2] calldata rs, address Shamir8)
returns (bool)
if (rs[0] == 0 || rs[0] >= n || rs[1] == 0) {
return false;
/* Q is pushed via bytecode assumed to be correct
if (!isOnCurve(Q[0], Q[1])) {
return false;
uint256 sInv = FCL_nModInv(rs[1]);
//uint sInv =2;
uint256 X;
//Shamir 8 dimensions
X = ecZZ_mulmuladd_S8_extcode(mulmod(uint256(message), sInv, n), mulmod(rs[0], sInv, n), Shamir8);
assembly {
X := addmod(X, sub(n, calldataload(rs)), n)
return X == 0;
} //end ecdsa_precomputed_verify()
* @dev ECDSA verification using a precomputed table of multiples of P and Q appended at end of contract at address endcontract
* generation of contract bytecode for precomputations is done using sagemath code
* (see sage directory, WebAuthn_precompute.sage)
function ecdsa_precomputed_hackmem(bytes32 message, uint256[2] calldata rs, uint256 endcontract)
returns (bool)
if (rs[0] == 0 || rs[0] >= n || rs[1] == 0) {
return false;
/* Q is pushed via bytecode assumed to be correct
if (!isOnCurve(Q[0], Q[1])) {
return false;
uint256 sInv = FCL_nModInv(rs[1]);
uint256 X;
//Shamir 8 dimensions
X = ecZZ_mulmuladd_S8_hackmem(mulmod(uint256(message), sInv, n), mulmod(rs[0], sInv, n), endcontract);
assembly {
X := addmod(X, sub(n, calldataload(rs)), n)
return X == 0;
} //end ecdsa_precomputed_verify()
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