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Organically produced code, hand-written no AI, minimal carbon footprint.

Maxim Ivanov ulidtko

Organically produced code, hand-written no AI, minimal carbon footprint.
View GitHub Profile
import dataclasses
import datetime
import re
import socket
import socketserver
import time
class config:
ulidtko / repr.js
Last active October 29, 2023 12:22 — forked from soapie/repr.js
A repr function for JS
'use strict';
/* Python-like repr() formatter for JS types, with recursion limit. */
/* Adapted from */
function repr(x, max, depth) {
var ELIDED = "[..]";
if (depth === undefined) depth = 0;
if (max === undefined) max = 2;
if (isPrim(x))
return showPrim(x);
if (typeof x === 'function')

Exploiting Lua 5.1 on x86_64

The following Lua program generates a Lua bytecode program called lua-sandbox-rce.luac, which in turn spawns a shell from within Lua 5.1 sandbox. The remainder of this document attempts to explain how this program works by a whirlwind tour of relevent bits of the Lua 5.1 virtual machine.

function outer()
  local magic -- In bytecode, the stack slot corresponding to this local is changed
  local function middle()
    local co, upval
    local ub1 = {[0] = -- Convert uint8_t to char[1]