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Last active January 23, 2024 03:15
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How many of the top billed cast are dead?
// This is a silly little project created after a friend mentioned a movie and I saw
// that most of the cast photos were black and white. That got me thinking, how many
// of the top billed cast are still alive? Or how many are now dead?
// This will use the TMDB API to get the cast list for the movie/tv show
// and then if they're dead, it'll display that.
// This is untested, written in little time instead of focussing on other things I should be doing.
// No warranty provided. Feel free to do with this what you want.
// If you make a Jellyfin plugin to do this please let me know :D
// - Get a TMDB API token
// - Get tampermonkey
// - Have Jellyfin
// - Create a tampermonkey script and paste this in the body.
// - Replace the API placeholder with your API key.
'use strict';
const HEADERS = { Authorization: `Bearer ${API_ACCESS_KEY_TOKEN}` };
// Some simple loading/info items that will be put in the media info section for your media.
let dedInfoItem = document.createElement('div');
let dedSkullSpan = document.createElement('span');
let dedSkullLoading = document.createElement('div');
dedSkullSpan.innerHTML = '💀'; // Skull icon.
dedSkullLoading.innerHTML = '⚆'; // Circle with dot right icon. = 'inline-block'; // We need a div because spans don't animate, but we don't want it to be a block as that wraps to the new line.
dedInfoItem.className = 'mediaInfoItem';
// Animate the loading icon while we wait for the info to load.
dedSkullLoading.animate([{ transform: "rotate(360deg)" }], { duration: 2000, iterations: Infinity });
// Don't try query the TMDB API until the cast list is in the DOM.
(new MutationObserver(check)).observe(document, {childList: true, subtree: true});
async function check(changes, observer) {
// Current class selector for the cast list images (at least the first 15).
if (document.querySelector('.personCard button.textActionButton')) {
// Put the loading icon in the right spot:
// Trigger the code now to get the ded percent :D.
const movieResults = await getDedResults();
// Show the ratio of ded to not ded.
dedSkullSpan.after(`${movieResults.ded} / ${}`);
async function getActorId(name) {
// Get the TMDB id for the actor with the given name, just return the first if there are multiple.
const response = await fetch(`${name}`, { headers: HEADERS });
const data = await response.json();
const { results } = data;
if (Array.isArray(results)) {
return results[0].id;
// TBH I don't know if I handle this case properly... This was an ADHD project, what you gonna do?
return null;
async function getDed(actorId) {
// Is the actor ded or not?
const response = await fetch(`${actorId}`, { headers: HEADERS });
const data = await response.json();
const { deathday } = data;
return deathday !== null;
async function getDedResults() {
let cast = [];
let ded = [];
const castMembers = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll(".personCard button.textActionButton"));
for (const item of castMembers) {
const castName = item.innerText;
if (!castName) {
const actorId = await getActorId(castName);
if (actorId) {
if (await getDed(actorId)) {
return { ded: ded.length, total: cast.length };
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