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Goyo vim is distraction free writing plugin created by Junegunn Choi here This is documentation file for that plugin. For adding this documentation file see the help given here
*goyo_vim.txt* For Vim version 7.4 Last change: 2017 March 11
Reference Manual of goyo.vim plugin
CONTENTS *Goyo-contents*
2.Functionality provided..................|GoyoFunctionality|
2.1.Global commands...................|GoyoCommands|
3.API of Goyo plugin......................|GoyoAPI|
3.1.Goyo global commands..............|GoyoGlobalCommands|
3.2.Goyo events.......................|GoyoEvents|
3.3.Customization especially for GVim.|GoyoGVim|
4.1.Goyo Auto disabled vim plugins....|GoyoAutodisabledVimPlugins|
4.2.Best compatible vim plugins.......|GoyoOtherVimPlugins|
1. Introduction ~
The Goyo is designed for distraction free writing in vim. This plugin will help
the writers to focus only on their writing while they are writing. The editor
vim supports plugins and customizations largely. Such freedom adds various
panels, windows to your window. It might be helpful to disable them while you
are writing or programming a part of the code which requires extra
Disabling distracted plugins one by one might take long time added with some
extra commands. If you are the hacker you will remap them to a single command
but Goyo is here for solving your that problem. Writers are advisable to try
this plugin and measure the improvements in their writing.
1.1 Screenshots *GoyoScreenshot*
Find Goyo screenshot at below URL:
2. Functionality provided ~
2.1. Commands *GoyoCommands*
:Goyo *':Goyo'*
Above plugin will activate the Goyo plugin if it is called without any
Without any arguments: If this command is called without any arguments then
it will activate the Goyo window. It fires |GoyoEnter| event.
When |:Goyo| is called with dimension argument it will turn the Goyo plugin
on or resize existing window according to the given dimension arguments.
The {OFFSET-X} and {OFFSET-Y} option requires + or - to identify the
offset value.
Follow below guidelines to know more about various options with arguments.
Example: *GoyoWidth*
:Goyo 120
Above example will activate or resize the Goyo window with the with of 120.
:Goyo x30
Above example will activate or resize the Goyo window with the height of
30% from overall window
:Goyo 120x30
It will activate or resize the Goyo window with the height of 30 and width
of 120.
:Goyo 120x50%
Example will activate or resize the Goyo window with the height as
percentage of 50 from overall and Width of 120.
:Goyo 50%+25%x50%-25%
Above will activate or resize the Goyo window with the width as 50% from
overall and an offset for X axis of +25% and height with 50% from overall
and -25% as an offset for the Y axis.
:Goyo! *':Goyo!'*
Calling |:Goyo| with '!' argument will close the Goyo plugin.
:q *GoyoExit*
When Goyo plugin is activated, calling ':q' will quit the Goyo plugin. It
will work same as calling |:Goyo!|.
2.2 Shortcuts *GoyoCommandShortcuts*
Commands described in section 2.1 |:Goyo| can be fired using below shortcut
[count] <CTRL-W> > *CTRL-W_>*
Increase width of the present Goyo window.
[count] <CTRL-W> < *CTRL-W_<*
Decrease width of the present Goyo window.
[count] <CTRL-W> + *CTRL-W_+*
Increase the height of the present Goyo window.
[count] <CTRL-W> - *CTRL-W_-*
Decrease the height of the present Goyo window.
3. API of Goyo plugin ~
goyo.vim provides global commands and various events for getting nice control
over the plugin.
3.1 Goyo global commands *GoyoGlobalCommands*
Goyo plugin provides below configuration options.
The |goyo_width| option is used to set the text width when the goyo plugin is
activated. By default, this value is 80.
The |goyo_height| option is used to set the hight of the view port when the
plugin is activated. By default, the value is 85%.
The |goyo_linenr| is for showing line numbers when goyo plugin is active. The
default value is 0. Setting it to 1 will show the line numbers when the goyo
plugin is active.
3.2 Goyo events *GoyoEvents*
See |GoyoAutodisabledVimPlugins| section to discover which plugins are
automatically disabled when Goyo plugin is activated.
Changing behavior like enabling/disabling other plugins for Goyo mode is done
by executing custom functions on |GoyoEnter| or |GoyoLeave| event.
GoyoEnter *GoyoEnter*
|GoyoEnter| event is fired at the time of loading the plugin. You can use
this event to enable/disable other plugins or if you want to change the
default settings of the Goyo window. You can set up custom routines to be
triggered by this event.
function! s:goyo_enter()
silent !tmux set status off
silent !tmux list-panes -F '\#F' | grep -q Z || tmux resize-pane -Z
set noshowmode
set noshowcmd
set scrolloff=999
" ...
Above custom function can be triggered while putting listener on |GoyoEnter|
event with the below configuration.
autocmd! User GoyoEnter nested call <SID>goyo_enter()
GoyoLeave *GoyoLeave*
|GoyoLeave| event is fired at the time when Goyo plugin is leaving the Goyo
mode. You can use this event to do customization of enabling/disabling other
plugins or if you want to change the default settings of the Goyo window. You
can set up custom routines to be triggered by this event.
function! s:goyo_leave()
silent !tmux set status on
silent !tmux list-panes -F '\#F' | grep -q Z && tmux resize-pane -Z
set showmode
set showcmd
set scrolloff=5
" ...
Above custom function can be triggered while putting listners on GoyoEnter
event with below configuration.
autocmd! User GoyoLeave nested call <SID>goyo_leave()
3.3 Customization especially for GVim. *GoyoGVim*
The below is the example for configuring Gvim specific customization using Gvim
function! s:goyo_enter()
if has('gui_running')
set fullscreen
set background=light
set linespace=7
elseif exists('$TMUX')
silent !tmux set status off
function! s:goyo_leave()
if has('gui_running')
set nofullscreen
set background=dark
set linespace=0
elseif exists('$TMUX')
silent !tmux set status on
autocmd! User GoyoEnter nested call <SID>goyo_enter()
autocmd! User GoyoLeave nested call <SID>goyo_leave()
4. Other ~
4.1 Goyo Auto disabled vim plugins *GoyoAutodisabledVimPlugins*
By default, below vim plugins are disabled temporarily when the Goyo plugin is
* [vim-airline](
* [vim-powerline](
* [powerline](
* [lightline.vim](
* [vim-signify](
* [vim-gitgutter](
4.2 Best compatible vim plugins *GoyoOtherVimPlugins*
* Limelight: The plugin is best served with another vim plugin Limelight
5. About ~
The goyo.vim is fork of the origin plugin with the same name created by
Junegunn Choi ( at
What is the reason for forking?
The fork is especially for adding the vim help file. The documentation is
authored by Jaysinh Shukla ( For more
information have look to this Github issue
6. License ~
The goyo.vim is released under the MIT licence.
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