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Created July 13, 2019 10:40
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My py3status config
# py3status
general {
color_bad = "#dc322f"
color_degraded = "#cb4b16"
color_good = "#859900"
color_separator = "#586e75"
colors = true
interval = 60
markup = "pango"
output_format = "i3bar"
py3status {
order += "frame calendar_mm"
order += "weather_owm paris"
order += "whatismyip"
order += "process_status xautolock"
order += "do_not_disturb"
order += "disk /"
order += "backlight"
order += "dpms"
order += "xrandr"
order += "process_status VPN"
order += "wireless _first_"
order += "emerge_status"
order += "load"
order += "bluetooth"
order += "volume_status speakers"
order += "volume_status mic"
order += "battery_level"
order += "group tz"
order += "tztime local"
emerge_status {
format = "[\?if=is_running {prefix}[\?if=!total=0 {current}/{total}]]"
prefix = "⚙"
xrandr {
urgent_background = 'crimson'
urgent_foreground = "black"
urgent_border_bottom = "green"
force_on_start = "eDP1+DP1"
force_on_change = ["eDP1+DP1", "eDP1"]
DP1_pos = "right-of eDP1"
DP2_pos = "right-of eDP1"
DP1-2_pos = "right-of eDP1"
DP2-2_pos = "right-of eDP1"
do_not_disturb {
format = '[\?color=state [\?if=state |]]'
thresholds = [(0, 'good'), (1, 'bad')]
process_status xautolock {
cache_timeout = 300
icon_off = ""
icon_on = ""
on_click 1 = "exec pidof xautolock || xautolock -secure -time 5 -locker '/usr/bin/i3lock -ef -c 002b36'"
on_click 3 = "exec killall xautolock"
process = "xautolock"
bluetooth {
format = ""
on_click 1 = "exec bluetoothctl power on && bluetoothctl connect 2C:41:A1:F7:DA:B2"
on_click 3 = "exec bluetoothctl power off"
backlight {
device = "intel_backlight"
format = ""
color = "#b58900"
xrandr_controls {
format_output = '{name} {brightness}'
yubikey {
format = "[[\?if=is_gpg ][\?if=is_u2f ]]"
gpg_check_watch_paths = []
socket_path = "/home/alexys/.run/yubikey-touch-detector.socket"
frame calendar_mm {
format = '{output}{button}'
format_button_open = ''
format_button_closed = ''
google_calendar mm {
color_time = "#cb4b16"
auth_token = "/home/alexys/.i3/calendar_1m/auth.token"
blacklist_events = ['ooo', 'cloudera', 'booked']
client_secret = "/home/alexys/.i3/calendar_1m/client_secret.json"
force_lowercase = True
format_event = '[\?color=event {summary}][\?if=is_toggled : [\?color=time {location}]|[ : {format_timer}]]'
format_timer = '\?color=time [\?if=days {days}d ][\?if=hours {hours}h ][\?if=minutes {minutes}m] [\?if=is_current left]'
ignore_all_day_events = True
num_events = 2
time_max_hours = 6
github {
auth_token = env("GITHUB_TOKEN")
cache_timeout = 300
format = " {issues}\|{pull_requests}{notifications}"
format_notifications = ":{notifications_count}"
username = "ultrabug"
notifications = "py3status"
group tz {
cycle = 10
format = "{output}"
tztime la {
format = "LA %H:%M"
timezone = "America/Los_Angeles"
tztime ny {
format = "NY %H:%M"
timezone = "America/New_York"
tztime du {
format = "DU %H:%M"
timezone = "Asia/Dubai"
dpms {
icon_off = ""
icon_on = ""
volume_status speakers {
command = "pactl"
format = ' {percentage}%'
format_muted = ' {percentage}%'
button_down = 5
button_mute = 1
button_up = 4
thresholds = [(0, 'bad'), (5, 'degraded'), (10, 'good')]
max_volume = 200
volume_status mic {
format = ' {percentage}%'
format_muted = ' {percentage}%'
button_down = 5
button_mute = 1
button_up = 4
is_input = true
thresholds = [(0, 'bad'), (10, 'degraded'), (20, 'good')]
whatismyip {
format_offline = ""
format_online = ""
mode = 'status'
wireless _first_ {
format_down = "W"
format_up = "W"
on_click 1 = "exec pidof nm-applet || dbus-launch nm-applet"
on_click 3 = "exec killall nm-applet"
battery _first_ {
format = "%percentage"
integer_battery_capacity = true
low_threshold = 15
threshold_type = time
process_status VPN {
format = "{icon}"
icon_on = "VPN"
icon_off = "VPN"
process = "openvpn"
on_click 1 = "exec terminator -c openvpn -e 'test -f /run/ || sudo systemctl start openvpn-client@numberly'"
on_click 3 = "exec sudo systemctl stop openvpn-client@numberly"
tztime local {
format = "%d/%m %H:%M:%S"
load {
format = "%5min"
disk "/" {
format = "/ %free"
on_click 1 = "exec thunar ~"
cpu_temperature 0 {
format = "%degrees°C"
path = "/sys/devices/platform/coretemp.0/temp1_input"
weather_owm paris {
api_key = env("OWM_API_KEY")
cache_timeout = 7200
forecast_include_today = True
format = "{forecast}"
icon_sun = "☀"
icon_rain = "☂"
icon_thunderstorm = "☔"
unit_temperature = "c"
on_click 1 = "exec firefox-bin"
volume master {
device = "default"
format = "♪ %volume"
mixer = "Master"
mixer_idx = 0
on_click 1 = "exec amixer set Master toggle"
on_click 4 = "exec amixer set Master 5%+"
on_click 5 = "exec amixer set Master 5%-"
battery_level {
blocks = ''
charging_character = ''
format = '{icon}'
hide_when_full = True
measurement_mode = 'sys'
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