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// Image 0: mscorlib.dll - 0
// Image 1: Mono.Security.dll - 1061
// Image 2: System.dll - 1184
// Image 3: System.Core.dll - 1583
// Image 4: Google.Protobuf.dll - 1682
// Image 5: OSCsharp.dll - 1798
// Image 6: System.Xml.dll - 1811
// Image 7: UnityEngine.dll - 2088
// Image 8: Niantic.Platform.dll - 2585
// Image 9: Niantic.Platform.Ditto.dll - 2606
// Image 10: System.Data.dll - 2837
// Image 11: TUIOsharp.dll - 3031
// Image 12: UnityEngine.UI.dll - 3044
// Image 13: Zenject.dll - 3229
// Image 14: Newtonsoft.Json.dll - 3753
// Image 15: Niantic.Platform.Android.dll - 3993
// Image 16: Niantic.Platform.Auth.dll - 3998
// Image 17: Zeppelin.dll - 4006
// Image 18: zxing.unity.dll - 4264
// Image 19: Assembly-CSharp-firstpass.dll - 4458
// Image 20: Assembly-CSharp.dll - 4798
// Namespace:
internal class <Module> // TypeDefIndex: 0
// Namespace: System
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x3305EC
[ClassInterfaceAttribute] // 0x3305EC
public class Object // TypeDefIndex: 1
// Methods
[ReliabilityContractAttribute] // 0x330624
public void .ctor(); // 0x12F7CF8
public virtual bool Equals(object obj); // 0x1304664
public static bool Equals(object objA, object objB); // 0x1304678
[ReliabilityContractAttribute] // 0x33063C
protected override void Finalize(); // 0x13046BC
public virtual int GetHashCode(); // 0x13046C0
public Type GetType(); // 0x12FBD3C
protected object MemberwiseClone(); // 0x130464C
public virtual string ToString(); // 0x13046CC
[ReliabilityContractAttribute] // 0x330654
public static bool ReferenceEquals(object objA, object objB); // 0x1304700
internal static int InternalGetHashCode(object o); // 0x13046C4
// Namespace: System
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x33066C
public abstract class ValueType // TypeDefIndex: 2
// Methods
protected void .ctor(); // 0x193B1C0
private static bool InternalEquals(object o1, object o2, out object[] fields); // 0x193B1C8
internal static bool DefaultEquals(object o1, object o2); // 0x193B1D8
public override bool Equals(object obj); // 0x193B2D0
internal static int InternalGetHashCode(object o, out object[] fields); // 0x193B2DC
public override int GetHashCode(); // 0x193B2E8
public override string ToString(); // 0x193B3AC
// Namespace: System
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x330680
[AttributeUsageAttribute] // 0x330680
[ComDefaultInterfaceAttribute] // 0x330680
[ClassInterfaceAttribute] // 0x330680
public abstract class Attribute : _Attribute // TypeDefIndex: 3
// Properties
public virtual object TypeId { get; }
// Methods
protected void .ctor(); // 0xB8558C
public virtual object get_TypeId(); // 0xB85594
private static void CheckParameters(object element, Type attributeType); // 0xB8559C
public static Attribute GetCustomAttribute(MemberInfo element, Type attributeType); // 0xB85794
public static Attribute GetCustomAttribute(MemberInfo element, Type attributeType, bool inherit); // 0xB857B0
public static Attribute[] GetCustomAttributes(Assembly element); // 0xB85880
public static Attribute[] GetCustomAttributes(Assembly element, Type attributeType); // 0xB859A4
public static Attribute[] GetCustomAttributes(Assembly element, Type attributeType, bool inherit); // 0xB859C0
public static Attribute[] GetCustomAttributes(ParameterInfo element, Type attributeType, bool inherit); // 0xB85A84
public static Attribute[] GetCustomAttributes(Module element, Type attributeType, bool inherit); // 0xB85B48
public static Attribute[] GetCustomAttributes(MemberInfo element, Type type, bool inherit); // 0xB85C0C
public static Attribute[] GetCustomAttributes(Module element, bool inherit); // 0xB85D5C
public static Attribute[] GetCustomAttributes(Assembly element, bool inherit); // 0xB85888
public static Attribute[] GetCustomAttributes(MemberInfo element, bool inherit); // 0xB85E78
public static Attribute[] GetCustomAttributes(ParameterInfo element, bool inherit); // 0xB8605C
public override int GetHashCode(); // 0xB86178
public virtual bool IsDefaultAttribute(); // 0xB86180
public static bool IsDefined(ParameterInfo element, Type attributeType); // 0xB86188
public static bool IsDefined(MemberInfo element, Type attributeType); // 0xB8622C
public static bool IsDefined(MemberInfo element, Type attributeType, bool inherit); // 0xB86248
public static bool IsDefined(ParameterInfo element, Type attributeType, bool inherit); // 0xB861A4
public override bool Equals(object obj); // 0xB863F8
// Namespace: System.Runtime.InteropServices
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x330754
[GuidAttribute] // 0x330754
[InterfaceTypeAttribute] // 0x330754
[CLSCompliantAttribute] // 0x330754
[TypeLibImportClassAttribute] // 0x330754
public interface _Attribute // TypeDefIndex: 4
// Namespace: System
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x330850
public struct Int32 : IFormattable, IConvertible, IComparable, IComparable`1<int>, IEquatable`1<int> // TypeDefIndex: 5
// Fields
public const int MaxValue = 2147483647; // 0x0
public const int MinValue = -2147483648; // 0x0
internal int m_value; // 0x8
// Methods
private bool System.IConvertible.ToBoolean(IFormatProvider provider); // 0x133ABA8
private byte System.IConvertible.ToByte(IFormatProvider provider); // 0x133AC58
private char System.IConvertible.ToChar(IFormatProvider provider); // 0x133AD08
private DateTime System.IConvertible.ToDateTime(IFormatProvider provider); // 0x133ADC0
private Decimal System.IConvertible.ToDecimal(IFormatProvider provider); // 0x133AE84
private double System.IConvertible.ToDouble(IFormatProvider provider); // 0x133AF40
private short System.IConvertible.ToInt16(IFormatProvider provider); // 0x133AFF0
private int System.IConvertible.ToInt32(IFormatProvider provider); // 0x133AFF8
private long System.IConvertible.ToInt64(IFormatProvider provider); // 0x133B0A8
private sbyte System.IConvertible.ToSByte(IFormatProvider provider); // 0x133B158
private float System.IConvertible.ToSingle(IFormatProvider provider); // 0x133B208
private object System.IConvertible.ToType(Type targetType, IFormatProvider provider); // 0x133B354
private ushort System.IConvertible.ToUInt16(IFormatProvider provider); // 0x133B404
private uint System.IConvertible.ToUInt32(IFormatProvider provider); // 0x133B4B4
private ulong System.IConvertible.ToUInt64(IFormatProvider provider); // 0x133B564
public int CompareTo(object value); // 0x133B688
public override bool Equals(object obj); // 0x133B744
public override int GetHashCode(); // 0x133B754
public int CompareTo(int value); // 0x133B778
public bool Equals(int obj); // 0x133B7A8
internal static bool ProcessTrailingWhitespace(bool tryParse, string s, int position, Exception exc); // 0x133A594
internal static bool Parse(string s, bool tryParse, out int result, out Exception exc); // 0x133B7BC
public static int Parse(string s, IFormatProvider provider); // 0x133BB00
public static int Parse(string s, NumberStyles style); // 0x133BB24
internal static bool CheckStyle(NumberStyles style, bool tryParse, Exception exc); // 0x133BB40
internal static bool JumpOverWhite(int pos, string s, bool reportError, bool tryParse, Exception exc); // 0x133BC70
internal static void FindSign(int pos, string s, NumberFormatInfo nfi, bool foundSign, bool negative); // 0x133BDC8
internal static void FindCurrency(int pos, string s, NumberFormatInfo nfi, bool foundCurrency); // 0x133BF4C
internal static bool FindExponent(int pos, string s, int exponent, bool tryParse, Exception exc); // 0x133C0B0
internal static bool FindOther(int pos, string s, string other); // 0x133C550
internal static bool ValidDigit(char e, bool allowHex); // 0x133C6A0
internal static Exception GetFormatException(); // 0x133A4E0
internal static bool Parse(string s, NumberStyles style, IFormatProvider fp, bool tryParse, out int result, out Exception exc); // 0x133C7C0
public static int Parse(string s); // 0x133D85C
public static int Parse(string s, NumberStyles style, IFormatProvider provider); // 0x133A7CC
public static bool TryParse(string s, out int result); // 0x133D8A8
public static bool TryParse(string s, NumberStyles style, IFormatProvider provider, out int result); // 0x133D8F0
public override string ToString(); // 0x133D934
public string ToString(IFormatProvider provider); // 0x133D9EC
public string ToString(string format); // 0x133DAC0
public string ToString(string format, IFormatProvider provider); // 0x133DACC
public TypeCode GetTypeCode(); // 0x133DAD4
// Namespace: System
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x330864
public interface IFormattable // TypeDefIndex: 6
// Methods
public abstract string ToString(string format, IFormatProvider formatProvider); // 0
// Namespace: System
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x330878
[CLSCompliantAttribute] // 0x330878
public interface IConvertible // TypeDefIndex: 7
// Methods
public abstract TypeCode GetTypeCode(); // 0
public abstract bool ToBoolean(IFormatProvider provider); // 0
public abstract byte ToByte(IFormatProvider provider); // 0
public abstract char ToChar(IFormatProvider provider); // 0
public abstract DateTime ToDateTime(IFormatProvider provider); // 0
public abstract Decimal ToDecimal(IFormatProvider provider); // 0
public abstract double ToDouble(IFormatProvider provider); // 0
public abstract short ToInt16(IFormatProvider provider); // 0
public abstract int ToInt32(IFormatProvider provider); // 0
public abstract long ToInt64(IFormatProvider provider); // 0
public abstract sbyte ToSByte(IFormatProvider provider); // 0
public abstract float ToSingle(IFormatProvider provider); // 0
public abstract string ToString(IFormatProvider provider); // 0
public abstract object ToType(Type conversionType, IFormatProvider provider); // 0
public abstract ushort ToUInt16(IFormatProvider provider); // 0
public abstract uint ToUInt32(IFormatProvider provider); // 0
public abstract ulong ToUInt64(IFormatProvider provider); // 0
// Namespace: System
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x3308B0
public interface IComparable // TypeDefIndex: 8
// Methods
public abstract int CompareTo(object obj); // 0
// Namespace: System
public interface IComparable`1 // TypeDefIndex: 9
// Methods
public abstract int CompareTo(T other); // 0
// Namespace: System
[AttributeUsageAttribute] // 0x3308C4
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x3308C4
public sealed class SerializableAttribute : Attribute // TypeDefIndex: 10
// Methods
public void .ctor(); // 0x1061288
// Namespace: System
[AttributeUsageAttribute] // 0x330920
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x330920
public sealed class AttributeUsageAttribute : Attribute // TypeDefIndex: 11
// Fields
private AttributeTargets valid_on; // 0x8
private bool allow_multiple; // 0xC
private bool inherited; // 0xD
// Properties
public bool AllowMultiple { get; set; }
public bool Inherited { get; set; }
// Methods
public void .ctor(AttributeTargets validOn); // 0xB864C0
public bool get_AllowMultiple(); // 0xB864EC
public void set_AllowMultiple(bool value); // 0xB864F4
public bool get_Inherited(); // 0xB864FC
public void set_Inherited(bool value); // 0xB86504
// Namespace: System.Runtime.InteropServices
[AttributeUsageAttribute] // 0x330958
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x330958
public sealed class ComVisibleAttribute : Attribute // TypeDefIndex: 12
// Fields
private bool Visible; // 0x8
// Methods
public void .ctor(bool visibility); // 0x171375C
// Namespace: System
public interface IEquatable`1 // TypeDefIndex: 13
// Methods
public abstract bool Equals(T other); // 0
// Namespace: System
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x3309A4
public struct Int64 : IFormattable, IConvertible, IComparable, IComparable`1<long>, IEquatable`1<long> // TypeDefIndex: 14
// Fields
public const long MaxValue = 9223372036854775807; // 0x0
public const long MinValue = -9223372036854775808; // 0x0
internal long m_value; // 0x8
// Methods
private bool System.IConvertible.ToBoolean(IFormatProvider provider); // 0x133DB90
private byte System.IConvertible.ToByte(IFormatProvider provider); // 0x133DC4C
private char System.IConvertible.ToChar(IFormatProvider provider); // 0x133DD08
private DateTime System.IConvertible.ToDateTime(IFormatProvider provider); // 0x133DDCC
private Decimal System.IConvertible.ToDecimal(IFormatProvider provider); // 0x133DE9C
private double System.IConvertible.ToDouble(IFormatProvider provider); // 0x133DF64
private short System.IConvertible.ToInt16(IFormatProvider provider); // 0x133E020
private int System.IConvertible.ToInt32(IFormatProvider provider); // 0x133E0DC
private long System.IConvertible.ToInt64(IFormatProvider provider); // 0x133E198
private sbyte System.IConvertible.ToSByte(IFormatProvider provider); // 0x133E254
private float System.IConvertible.ToSingle(IFormatProvider provider); // 0x133E310
private object System.IConvertible.ToType(Type targetType, IFormatProvider provider); // 0x133E460
private ushort System.IConvertible.ToUInt16(IFormatProvider provider); // 0x133E51C
private uint System.IConvertible.ToUInt32(IFormatProvider provider); // 0x133E5D8
private ulong System.IConvertible.ToUInt64(IFormatProvider provider); // 0x133E694
public int CompareTo(object value); // 0x133E7E8
public override bool Equals(object obj); // 0x133E8AC
public override int GetHashCode(); // 0x133E8C0
public int CompareTo(long value); // 0x133E914
public bool Equals(long obj); // 0x133E978
internal static bool Parse(string s, bool tryParse, out long result, out Exception exc); // 0x133E994
public static long Parse(string s, IFormatProvider provider); // 0x133ED68
internal static bool Parse(string s, NumberStyles style, IFormatProvider fp, bool tryParse, out long result, out Exception exc); // 0x133EDE0
public static long Parse(string s); // 0x134054C
public static long Parse(string s, NumberStyles style, IFormatProvider provider); // 0x133ED8C
public static bool TryParse(string s, out long result); // 0x13405A0
public static bool TryParse(string s, NumberStyles style, IFormatProvider provider, out long result); // 0x13405EC
public override string ToString(); // 0x13406EC
public string ToString(IFormatProvider provider); // 0x13407B0
public string ToString(string format); // 0x1340884
public string ToString(string format, IFormatProvider provider); // 0x1340890
public TypeCode GetTypeCode(); // 0x1340898
// Namespace: System
[CLSCompliantAttribute] // 0x3309B8
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x3309B8
public struct UInt32 : IFormattable, IConvertible, IComparable, IComparable`1<uint>, IEquatable`1<uint> // TypeDefIndex: 15
// Fields
public const uint MaxValue = 4294967295; // 0x0
public const uint MinValue = 0; // 0x0
internal uint m_value; // 0x8
// Methods
private bool System.IConvertible.ToBoolean(IFormatProvider provider); // 0x1097B5C
private byte System.IConvertible.ToByte(IFormatProvider provider); // 0x1097C0C
private char System.IConvertible.ToChar(IFormatProvider provider); // 0x1097CBC
private DateTime System.IConvertible.ToDateTime(IFormatProvider provider); // 0x1097D74
private Decimal System.IConvertible.ToDecimal(IFormatProvider provider); // 0x1097E38
private double System.IConvertible.ToDouble(IFormatProvider provider); // 0x1097EF4
private short System.IConvertible.ToInt16(IFormatProvider provider); // 0x1097FA4
private int System.IConvertible.ToInt32(IFormatProvider provider); // 0x1098054
private long System.IConvertible.ToInt64(IFormatProvider provider); // 0x1098104
private sbyte System.IConvertible.ToSByte(IFormatProvider provider); // 0x10981B4
private float System.IConvertible.ToSingle(IFormatProvider provider); // 0x1098264
private object System.IConvertible.ToType(Type targetType, IFormatProvider provider); // 0x10983B0
private ushort System.IConvertible.ToUInt16(IFormatProvider provider); // 0x1098460
private uint System.IConvertible.ToUInt32(IFormatProvider provider); // 0x1098468
private ulong System.IConvertible.ToUInt64(IFormatProvider provider); // 0x1098518
public int CompareTo(object value); // 0x109863C
public override bool Equals(object obj); // 0x10986F8
public override int GetHashCode(); // 0x1098708
public int CompareTo(uint value); // 0x109872C
public bool Equals(uint obj); // 0x1098748
internal static bool Parse(string s, bool tryParse, out uint result, out Exception exc); // 0x109875C
internal static bool Parse(string s, NumberStyles style, IFormatProvider provider, bool tryParse, out uint result, out Exception exc); // 0x1098A9C
[CLSCompliantAttribute] // 0x3309F0
public static uint Parse(string s); // 0x10999DC
[CLSCompliantAttribute] // 0x330A04
public static uint Parse(string s, NumberStyles style, IFormatProvider provider); // 0x1097740
[CLSCompliantAttribute] // 0x330A18
public static uint Parse(string s, IFormatProvider provider); // 0x1099A28
[CLSCompliantAttribute] // 0x330A2C
public static bool TryParse(string s, out uint result); // 0x1099A4C
[CLSCompliantAttribute] // 0x330A40
public static bool TryParse(string s, NumberStyles style, IFormatProvider provider, out uint result); // 0x109781C
public override string ToString(); // 0x1099B40
public string ToString(IFormatProvider provider); // 0x1099BF8
public string ToString(string format); // 0x1099CCC
public string ToString(string format, IFormatProvider provider); // 0x1099CD8
public TypeCode GetTypeCode(); // 0x1099CE0
// Namespace: System
[AttributeUsageAttribute] // 0x330A54
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x330A54
public sealed class CLSCompliantAttribute : Attribute // TypeDefIndex: 16
// Fields
private bool is_compliant; // 0x8
// Methods
public void .ctor(bool isCompliant); // 0xB8E2A8
// Namespace: System
[CLSCompliantAttribute] // 0x330A8C
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x330A8C
public struct UInt64 : IFormattable, IConvertible, IComparable, IComparable`1<ulong>, IEquatable`1<ulong> // TypeDefIndex: 17
// Fields
public const ulong MaxValue = 18446744073709551615; // 0x0
public const ulong MinValue = 0; // 0x0
internal ulong m_value; // 0x8
// Methods
private bool System.IConvertible.ToBoolean(IFormatProvider provider); // 0x1099D9C
private byte System.IConvertible.ToByte(IFormatProvider provider); // 0x1099E58
private char System.IConvertible.ToChar(IFormatProvider provider); // 0x1099F14
private DateTime System.IConvertible.ToDateTime(IFormatProvider provider); // 0x1099FD8
private Decimal System.IConvertible.ToDecimal(IFormatProvider provider); // 0x109A0A8
private double System.IConvertible.ToDouble(IFormatProvider provider); // 0x109A170
private short System.IConvertible.ToInt16(IFormatProvider provider); // 0x109A22C
private int System.IConvertible.ToInt32(IFormatProvider provider); // 0x109A2E8
private long System.IConvertible.ToInt64(IFormatProvider provider); // 0x109A3A4
private sbyte System.IConvertible.ToSByte(IFormatProvider provider); // 0x109A460
private float System.IConvertible.ToSingle(IFormatProvider provider); // 0x109A51C
private object System.IConvertible.ToType(Type targetType, IFormatProvider provider); // 0x109A66C
private ushort System.IConvertible.ToUInt16(IFormatProvider provider); // 0x109A728
private uint System.IConvertible.ToUInt32(IFormatProvider provider); // 0x109A7E4
private ulong System.IConvertible.ToUInt64(IFormatProvider provider); // 0x109A7EC
public int CompareTo(object value); // 0x109A940
public override bool Equals(object obj); // 0x109AA04
public override int GetHashCode(); // 0x109AA18
public int CompareTo(ulong value); // 0x109AA6C
public bool Equals(ulong obj); // 0x109AAD0
[CLSCompliantAttribute] // 0x330AC4
public static ulong Parse(string s); // 0x109AAEC
[CLSCompliantAttribute] // 0x330AD8
public static ulong Parse(string s, IFormatProvider provider); // 0x109AB60
internal static bool Parse(string s, NumberStyles style, IFormatProvider provider, bool tryParse, out ulong result, out Exception exc); // 0x109AB84
[CLSCompliantAttribute] // 0x330AEC
public static ulong Parse(string s, NumberStyles style, IFormatProvider provider); // 0x109AB0C
[CLSCompliantAttribute] // 0x330B00
public static bool TryParse(string s, out ulong result); // 0x109BBDC
public override string ToString(); // 0x109BCE8
public string ToString(IFormatProvider provider); // 0x109BDAC
public string ToString(string format); // 0x109BE80
public string ToString(string format, IFormatProvider provider); // 0x109BE8C
public TypeCode GetTypeCode(); // 0x109BE94
// Namespace: System
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x330B14
public struct Byte : IFormattable, IConvertible, IComparable, IComparable`1<byte>, IEquatable`1<byte> // TypeDefIndex: 18
// Fields
public const byte MinValue = 0; // 0x0
public const byte MaxValue = 255; // 0x0
internal byte m_value; // 0x8
// Methods
private object System.IConvertible.ToType(Type targetType, IFormatProvider provider); // 0xB8ABF4
private bool System.IConvertible.ToBoolean(IFormatProvider provider); // 0xB8ACB0
private byte System.IConvertible.ToByte(IFormatProvider provider); // 0xB8ACB8
private char System.IConvertible.ToChar(IFormatProvider provider); // 0xB8AD64
private DateTime System.IConvertible.ToDateTime(IFormatProvider provider); // 0xB8AE00
private Decimal System.IConvertible.ToDecimal(IFormatProvider provider); // 0xB8AF60
private double System.IConvertible.ToDouble(IFormatProvider provider); // 0xB8B02C
private short System.IConvertible.ToInt16(IFormatProvider provider); // 0xB8B0D8
private int System.IConvertible.ToInt32(IFormatProvider provider); // 0xB8B184
private long System.IConvertible.ToInt64(IFormatProvider provider); // 0xB8B238
private sbyte System.IConvertible.ToSByte(IFormatProvider provider); // 0xB8B3A8
private float System.IConvertible.ToSingle(IFormatProvider provider); // 0xB8B468
private ushort System.IConvertible.ToUInt16(IFormatProvider provider); // 0xB8B514
private uint System.IConvertible.ToUInt32(IFormatProvider provider); // 0xB8B5C0
private ulong System.IConvertible.ToUInt64(IFormatProvider provider); // 0xB8B674
public int CompareTo(object value); // 0xB8B7A4
public override bool Equals(object obj); // 0xB8B860
public override int GetHashCode(); // 0xB8B870
public int CompareTo(byte value); // 0xB8B898
public bool Equals(byte obj); // 0xB8B8CC
public static byte Parse(string s, IFormatProvider provider); // 0xB8B8E0
public static byte Parse(string s, NumberStyles style, IFormatProvider provider); // 0xB8B904
public static byte Parse(string s); // 0xB8B9F8
public static bool TryParse(string s, out byte result); // 0xB8BA18
public static bool TryParse(string s, NumberStyles style, IFormatProvider provider, out byte result); // 0xB8BA3C
public override string ToString(); // 0xB8BB38
public string ToString(string format); // 0xB8BC0C
public string ToString(IFormatProvider provider); // 0xB8BCC8
public string ToString(string format, IFormatProvider provider); // 0xB8BCD0
public TypeCode GetTypeCode(); // 0xB8BCD8
// Namespace: System
[CLSCompliantAttribute] // 0x330B28
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x330B28
public struct SByte : IFormattable, IConvertible, IComparable, IComparable`1<sbyte>, IEquatable`1<sbyte> // TypeDefIndex: 19
// Fields
internal sbyte m_value; // 0x8
// Methods
private bool System.IConvertible.ToBoolean(IFormatProvider provider); // 0x12CAF0C
private byte System.IConvertible.ToByte(IFormatProvider provider); // 0x12CAFBC
private char System.IConvertible.ToChar(IFormatProvider provider); // 0x12CB06C
private DateTime System.IConvertible.ToDateTime(IFormatProvider provider); // 0x12CB124
private Decimal System.IConvertible.ToDecimal(IFormatProvider provider); // 0x12CB1E8
private double System.IConvertible.ToDouble(IFormatProvider provider); // 0x12CB2A4
private short System.IConvertible.ToInt16(IFormatProvider provider); // 0x12CB354
private int System.IConvertible.ToInt32(IFormatProvider provider); // 0x12CB404
private long System.IConvertible.ToInt64(IFormatProvider provider); // 0x12CB4B4
private sbyte System.IConvertible.ToSByte(IFormatProvider provider); // 0x12CB4BC
private float System.IConvertible.ToSingle(IFormatProvider provider); // 0x12CB56C
private object System.IConvertible.ToType(Type targetType, IFormatProvider provider); // 0x12CB6B8
private ushort System.IConvertible.ToUInt16(IFormatProvider provider); // 0x12CB768
private uint System.IConvertible.ToUInt32(IFormatProvider provider); // 0x12CB818
private ulong System.IConvertible.ToUInt64(IFormatProvider provider); // 0x12CB8C8
public int CompareTo(object obj); // 0x12CB9F8
public override bool Equals(object obj); // 0x12CBAB4
public override int GetHashCode(); // 0x12CBAC4
public int CompareTo(sbyte value); // 0x12CBACC
public bool Equals(sbyte obj); // 0x12CBAF4
internal static bool Parse(string s, bool tryParse, out sbyte result, out Exception exc); // 0x12CBB0C
[CLSCompliantAttribute] // 0x330B60
public static sbyte Parse(string s, IFormatProvider provider); // 0x12CBF24
[CLSCompliantAttribute] // 0x330B74
public static sbyte Parse(string s, NumberStyles style, IFormatProvider provider); // 0x12CBF48
[CLSCompliantAttribute] // 0x330B88
public static bool TryParse(string s, out sbyte result); // 0x12CC040
public override string ToString(); // 0x12CC134
public string ToString(IFormatProvider provider); // 0x12CC1EC
public string ToString(string format); // 0x12CC2C0
public string ToString(string format, IFormatProvider provider); // 0x12CC2CC
public TypeCode GetTypeCode(); // 0x12CC2D4
// Namespace: System
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x330B9C
public struct Int16 : IFormattable, IConvertible, IComparable, IComparable`1<short>, IEquatable`1<short> // TypeDefIndex: 20
// Fields
internal short m_value; // 0x8
// Methods
private bool System.IConvertible.ToBoolean(IFormatProvider provider); // 0x1339498
private byte System.IConvertible.ToByte(IFormatProvider provider); // 0x1339548
private char System.IConvertible.ToChar(IFormatProvider provider); // 0x13395F8
private DateTime System.IConvertible.ToDateTime(IFormatProvider provider); // 0x13396B0
private Decimal System.IConvertible.ToDecimal(IFormatProvider provider); // 0x1339774
private double System.IConvertible.ToDouble(IFormatProvider provider); // 0x1339830
private short System.IConvertible.ToInt16(IFormatProvider provider); // 0x13398E0
private int System.IConvertible.ToInt32(IFormatProvider provider); // 0x1339990
private long System.IConvertible.ToInt64(IFormatProvider provider); // 0x1339A40
private sbyte System.IConvertible.ToSByte(IFormatProvider provider); // 0x1339AF0
private float System.IConvertible.ToSingle(IFormatProvider provider); // 0x1339BA0
private object System.IConvertible.ToType(Type targetType, IFormatProvider provider); // 0x1339CEC
private ushort System.IConvertible.ToUInt16(IFormatProvider provider); // 0x1339D9C
private uint System.IConvertible.ToUInt32(IFormatProvider provider); // 0x1339E4C
private ulong System.IConvertible.ToUInt64(IFormatProvider provider); // 0x1339EFC
public int CompareTo(object value); // 0x133A02C
public override bool Equals(object obj); // 0x133A0E8
public override int GetHashCode(); // 0x133A0F8
public int CompareTo(short value); // 0x133A128
public bool Equals(short obj); // 0x133A150
internal static bool Parse(string s, bool tryParse, out short result, out Exception exc); // 0x133A168
public static short Parse(string s, IFormatProvider provider); // 0x133A6CC
public static short Parse(string s, NumberStyles style, IFormatProvider provider); // 0x133A6F0
public static short Parse(string s); // 0x133A818
public static bool TryParse(string s, out short result); // 0x133A864
public override string ToString(); // 0x133A958
public string ToString(IFormatProvider provider); // 0x133AA10
public string ToString(string format); // 0x133AAE4
public string ToString(string format, IFormatProvider provider); // 0x133AAF0
public TypeCode GetTypeCode(); // 0x133AAF8
// Namespace: System
[CLSCompliantAttribute] // 0x330BB0
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x330BB0
public struct UInt16 : IFormattable, IConvertible, IComparable, IComparable`1<ushort>, IEquatable`1<ushort> // TypeDefIndex: 21
// Fields
public const ushort MaxValue = 65535; // 0x0
public const ushort MinValue = 0; // 0x0
internal ushort m_value; // 0x8
// Methods
private bool System.IConvertible.ToBoolean(IFormatProvider provider); // 0x1096A70
private byte System.IConvertible.ToByte(IFormatProvider provider); // 0x1096B20
private char System.IConvertible.ToChar(IFormatProvider provider); // 0x1096BD0
private DateTime System.IConvertible.ToDateTime(IFormatProvider provider); // 0x1096C88
private Decimal System.IConvertible.ToDecimal(IFormatProvider provider); // 0x1096D4C
private double System.IConvertible.ToDouble(IFormatProvider provider); // 0x1096E08
private short System.IConvertible.ToInt16(IFormatProvider provider); // 0x1096EB8
private int System.IConvertible.ToInt32(IFormatProvider provider); // 0x1096F68
private long System.IConvertible.ToInt64(IFormatProvider provider); // 0x1097018
private sbyte System.IConvertible.ToSByte(IFormatProvider provider); // 0x10970C8
private float System.IConvertible.ToSingle(IFormatProvider provider); // 0x1097178
private object System.IConvertible.ToType(Type targetType, IFormatProvider provider); // 0x10972C4
private ushort System.IConvertible.ToUInt16(IFormatProvider provider); // 0x10972CC
private uint System.IConvertible.ToUInt32(IFormatProvider provider); // 0x109737C
private ulong System.IConvertible.ToUInt64(IFormatProvider provider); // 0x109742C
public int CompareTo(object value); // 0x1097540
public override bool Equals(object obj); // 0x10975FC
public override int GetHashCode(); // 0x109760C
public int CompareTo(ushort value); // 0x1097614
public bool Equals(ushort obj); // 0x1097620
[CLSCompliantAttribute] // 0x330BE8
public static ushort Parse(string s, IFormatProvider provider); // 0x1097634
[CLSCompliantAttribute] // 0x330BFC
public static ushort Parse(string s, NumberStyles style, IFormatProvider provider); // 0x1097658
[CLSCompliantAttribute] // 0x330C10
public static bool TryParse(string s, out ushort result); // 0x109778C
[CLSCompliantAttribute] // 0x330C24
public static bool TryParse(string s, NumberStyles style, IFormatProvider provider, out ushort result); // 0x10977B0
public override string ToString(); // 0x109790C
public string ToString(IFormatProvider provider); // 0x10979C4
public string ToString(string format); // 0x1097A98
public string ToString(string format, IFormatProvider provider); // 0x1097AA4
public TypeCode GetTypeCode(); // 0x1097AAC
// Namespace: System.Collections
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x330C38
[GuidAttribute] // 0x330C38
public interface IEnumerator // TypeDefIndex: 22
// Properties
public abstract object Current { get; }
// Methods
public abstract object get_Current(); // 0
public abstract bool MoveNext(); // 0
public abstract void Reset(); // 0
// Namespace: System.Collections
[GuidAttribute] // 0x330C90
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x330C90
public interface IEnumerable // TypeDefIndex: 23
// Methods
[DispIdAttribute] // 0x330CE8
public abstract IEnumerator GetEnumerator(); // 0
// Namespace: System
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x330CFC
public interface IDisposable // TypeDefIndex: 24
// Methods
public abstract void Dispose(); // 0
// Namespace: System.Collections.Generic
public interface IEnumerator`1 : IEnumerator, IDisposable // TypeDefIndex: 25
// Properties
public abstract T Current { get; }
// Methods
public abstract T get_Current(); // 0
// Namespace: System
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x330D10
public struct Char : IConvertible, IComparable, IComparable`1<char>, IEquatable`1<char> // TypeDefIndex: 26
// Fields
public const char MaxValue = '\xffff'; // 0x0
public const char MinValue = '\x0'; // 0x0
internal char m_value; // 0x8
private static readonly byte* category_data; // 0x0
private static readonly byte* numeric_data; // 0x4
private static readonly double* numeric_data_values; // 0x8
private static readonly ushort* to_lower_data_low; // 0xC
private static readonly ushort* to_lower_data_high; // 0x10
private static readonly ushort* to_upper_data_low; // 0x14
private static readonly ushort* to_upper_data_high; // 0x18
// Methods
private static void .cctor(); // 0xB8BCE0
private object System.IConvertible.ToType(Type targetType, IFormatProvider provider); // 0xB8BF04
private bool System.IConvertible.ToBoolean(IFormatProvider provider); // 0xB8BFA0
private byte System.IConvertible.ToByte(IFormatProvider provider); // 0xB8C118
private char System.IConvertible.ToChar(IFormatProvider provider); // 0xB8C120
private DateTime System.IConvertible.ToDateTime(IFormatProvider provider); // 0xB8C1BC
private Decimal System.IConvertible.ToDecimal(IFormatProvider provider); // 0xB8C260
private double System.IConvertible.ToDouble(IFormatProvider provider); // 0xB8C304
private short System.IConvertible.ToInt16(IFormatProvider provider); // 0xB8C47C
private int System.IConvertible.ToInt32(IFormatProvider provider); // 0xB8C528
private long System.IConvertible.ToInt64(IFormatProvider provider); // 0xB8C5DC
private sbyte System.IConvertible.ToSByte(IFormatProvider provider); // 0xB8C74C
private float System.IConvertible.ToSingle(IFormatProvider provider); // 0xB8C7E8
private ushort System.IConvertible.ToUInt16(IFormatProvider provider); // 0xB8C89C
private uint System.IConvertible.ToUInt32(IFormatProvider provider); // 0xB8C948
private ulong System.IConvertible.ToUInt64(IFormatProvider provider); // 0xB8C9FC
private static void GetDataTablePointers(out byte* category_data, out byte* numeric_data, out double* numeric_data_values, out ushort* to_lower_data_low, out ushort* to_lower_data_high, out ushort* to_upper_data_low, out ushort* to_upper_data_high); // 0xB8BD8C
public int CompareTo(object value); // 0xB8CB2C
public override bool Equals(object obj); // 0xB8CBE8
public int CompareTo(char value); // 0xB8CC10
public bool Equals(char obj); // 0xB8CC44
public override int GetHashCode(); // 0xB8CC60
public static UnicodeCategory GetUnicodeCategory(char c); // 0xB8CC68
public static bool IsDigit(char c); // 0xB8CD20
public static bool IsDigit(string s, int index); // 0xB8CDE4
public static bool IsHighSurrogate(char c); // 0xB8CFE4
public static bool IsLetter(char c); // 0xB8CFF8
public static bool IsLetterOrDigit(char c); // 0xB8D0BC
public static bool IsLetterOrDigit(string s, int index); // 0xB8D190
public static bool IsLower(char c); // 0xB8D264
public static bool IsLowSurrogate(char c); // 0xB8D324
public static bool IsNumber(char c); // 0xB8D338
public static bool IsSurrogate(char c); // 0xB8D404
public static bool IsUpper(char c); // 0xB8D4C8
public static bool IsWhiteSpace(char c); // 0xB8D58C
public static bool IsWhiteSpace(string s, int index); // 0xB8D690
private static void CheckParameter(string s, int index); // 0xB8CEB8
public static char Parse(string s); // 0xB8D764
public static char ToLower(char c); // 0xB8D89C
public static char ToLowerInvariant(char c); // 0xB8D980
public static char ToLower(char c, CultureInfo culture); // 0xB8DABC
public static char ToUpper(char c); // 0xB8DC10
public static char ToUpperInvariant(char c); // 0xB8DCF4
public static char ToUpper(char c, CultureInfo culture); // 0xB8DE30
public override string ToString(); // 0xB8DF98
public static string ToString(char c); // 0xB8DFAC
public string ToString(IFormatProvider provider); // 0xB8DFD0
public TypeCode GetTypeCode(); // 0xB8DFE4
// Namespace: System
[DefaultMemberAttribute] // 0x330D24
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x330D24
public sealed class String : IConvertible, IComparable, IEnumerable, ICloneable, IComparable`1<string>, IEquatable`1<string>, IEnumerable`1<char> // TypeDefIndex: 27
// Fields
private int length; // 0x8
private char start_char; // 0xC
public static readonly string Empty; // 0x0
private static readonly char[] WhiteChars; // 0x4
// Properties
public char Chars { get; }
public int Length { get; }
// Methods
[CLSCompliantAttribute] // 0x330D7C
public void .ctor(char* value, int startIndex, int length); // 0x10629DC
public void .ctor(char[] value, int startIndex, int length); // 0x10629E0
public void .ctor(char[] value); // 0x10629E4
public void .ctor(char c, int count); // 0x10629E8
private static void .cctor(); // 0x10629EC
private bool System.IConvertible.ToBoolean(IFormatProvider provider); // 0x1062AD0
private byte System.IConvertible.ToByte(IFormatProvider provider); // 0x1062B80
private char System.IConvertible.ToChar(IFormatProvider provider); // 0x1062C30
private DateTime System.IConvertible.ToDateTime(IFormatProvider provider); // 0x1062CE0
private Decimal System.IConvertible.ToDecimal(IFormatProvider provider); // 0x1062DA4
private double System.IConvertible.ToDouble(IFormatProvider provider); // 0x1062E68
private short System.IConvertible.ToInt16(IFormatProvider provider); // 0x1062F18
private int System.IConvertible.ToInt32(IFormatProvider provider); // 0x1062FC8
private long System.IConvertible.ToInt64(IFormatProvider provider); // 0x1063078
private sbyte System.IConvertible.ToSByte(IFormatProvider provider); // 0x1063128
private float System.IConvertible.ToSingle(IFormatProvider provider); // 0x10631D8
private object System.IConvertible.ToType(Type targetType, IFormatProvider provider); // 0x1063288
private ushort System.IConvertible.ToUInt16(IFormatProvider provider); // 0x10633A8
private uint System.IConvertible.ToUInt32(IFormatProvider provider); // 0x1063458
private ulong System.IConvertible.ToUInt64(IFormatProvider provider); // 0x1063508
private IEnumerator`1<char> System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<char>.GetEnumerator(); // 0x10635B8
private IEnumerator System.Collections.IEnumerable.GetEnumerator(); // 0x106364C
public static bool Equals(string a, string b); // 0x10636E0
[ReliabilityContractAttribute] // 0x330D90
public override bool Equals(object obj); // 0x10637EC
[ReliabilityContractAttribute] // 0x330DA8
public bool Equals(string value); // 0x10638C0
public char get_Chars(int index); // 0x105CCD8
public object Clone(); // 0x1063968
public TypeCode GetTypeCode(); // 0x106396C
public void CopyTo(int sourceIndex, char[] destination, int destinationIndex, int count); // 0x1063974
public char[] ToCharArray(); // 0x1063D2C
public char[] ToCharArray(int startIndex, int length); // 0x1063D38
public string[] Split(char[] separator); // 0x1063F30
public string[] Split(char[] separator, int count); // 0x1063F38
[MonoDocumentationNoteAttribute] // 0x330DD0
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x330DD0
public string[] Split(char[] separator, int count, StringSplitOptions options); // 0x1064144
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x330E28
public string[] Split(string[] separator, int count, StringSplitOptions options); // 0x10645C4
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x330E3C
public string[] Split(char[] separator, StringSplitOptions options); // 0x1064E1C
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x330E50
public string[] Split(string[] separator, StringSplitOptions options); // 0x1064E3C
public string Substring(int startIndex); // 0x105EFF0
public string Substring(int startIndex, int length); // 0x1064C80
internal string SubstringUnchecked(int startIndex, int length); // 0x1064E5C
public string Trim(); // 0x1064F94
public string Trim(char[] trimChars); // 0x1065218
public string TrimStart(char[] trimChars); // 0x1065470
public string TrimEnd(char[] trimChars); // 0x10655A0
private int FindNotWhiteSpace(int pos, int target, int change); // 0x1065104
private int FindNotInTable(int pos, int target, int change, char[] table); // 0x10653B4
public static int Compare(string strA, string strB); // 0x10656D8
public static int Compare(string strA, string strB, bool ignoreCase); // 0x10657D4
public static int Compare(string strA, string strB, bool ignoreCase, CultureInfo culture); // 0x10658D4
public static int Compare(string strA, int indexA, string strB, int indexB, int length); // 0x10659E8
public static int Compare(string strA, int indexA, string strB, int indexB, int length, bool ignoreCase); // 0x1065CC0
public static int Compare(string strA, int indexA, string strB, int indexB, int length, bool ignoreCase, CultureInfo culture); // 0x1065AFC
public static int Compare(string strA, string strB, StringComparison comparisonType); // 0x1065DDC
public static bool Equals(string a, string b, StringComparison comparisonType); // 0x1066544
public bool Equals(string value, StringComparison comparisonType); // 0x106660C
public int CompareTo(object value); // 0x10666D4
public int CompareTo(string strB); // 0x10668D0
public static int CompareOrdinal(string strA, string strB); // 0x1066988
public static int CompareOrdinal(string strA, int indexA, string strB, int indexB, int length); // 0x1066A50
internal static int CompareOrdinalUnchecked(string strA, int indexA, int lenA, string strB, int indexB, int lenB); // 0x106622C
internal static int CompareOrdinalCaseInsensitiveUnchecked(string strA, int indexA, int lenA, string strB, int indexB, int lenB); // 0x106635C
public bool EndsWith(string value); // 0x1066B90
public int IndexOfAny(char[] anyOf); // 0x105CBF0
public int IndexOfAny(char[] anyOf, int startIndex); // 0x1066DEC
public int IndexOfAny(char[] anyOf, int startIndex, int count); // 0x1066EF4
private int IndexOfAnyUnchecked(char[] anyOf, int startIndex, int count); // 0x1066CE4
public int IndexOf(string value, StringComparison comparisonType); // 0x1067204
public int IndexOf(string value, int startIndex, int count, StringComparison comparisonType); // 0x1067228
internal int IndexOfOrdinal(string value, int startIndex, int count, CompareOptions options); // 0x10675A8
internal int IndexOfOrdinalUnchecked(string value, int startIndex, int count); // 0x106773C
internal int IndexOfOrdinalIgnoreCaseUnchecked(string value, int startIndex, int count); // 0x1067860
public int IndexOf(char value); // 0x1067A08
public int IndexOf(char value, int startIndex); // 0x1067A3C
public int IndexOf(char value, int startIndex, int count); // 0x1067B78
internal int IndexOfUnchecked(char value, int startIndex, int count); // 0x1067060
public int IndexOf(string value); // 0x105EE70
public int IndexOf(string value, int startIndex); // 0x1064C60
public int IndexOf(string value, int startIndex, int count); // 0x1067D04
public int LastIndexOfAny(char[] anyOf); // 0x1067F48
public int LastIndexOfAny(char[] anyOf, int startIndex); // 0x1068100
private int LastIndexOfAnyUnchecked(char[] anyOf, int startIndex, int count); // 0x106800C
public int LastIndexOf(char value); // 0x10683F0
public int LastIndexOf(char value, int startIndex); // 0x1068424
public int LastIndexOf(char value, int startIndex, int count); // 0x1068440
internal int LastIndexOfUnchecked(char value, int startIndex, int count); // 0x1068240
public int LastIndexOf(string value); // 0x10685EC
public int LastIndexOf(string value, int startIndex, int count); // 0x1068620
public bool Contains(string value); // 0x10688BC
public static bool IsNullOrEmpty(string value); // 0x10688DC
public string PadLeft(int totalWidth, char paddingChar); // 0x10688FC
public string PadRight(int totalWidth, char paddingChar); // 0x1068ACC
public bool StartsWith(string value); // 0x1068C9C
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x330E94
public bool StartsWith(string value, StringComparison comparisonType); // 0x1068DF0
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x330EA8
public bool EndsWith(string value, StringComparison comparisonType); // 0x1069294
public bool StartsWith(string value, bool ignoreCase, CultureInfo culture); // 0x1069738
public string Replace(char oldChar, char newChar); // 0x106984C
public string Replace(string oldValue, string newValue); // 0x10699E0
private string ReplaceUnchecked(string oldValue, string newValue); // 0x1069B70
private string ReplaceFallback(string oldValue, string newValue, int testedCount); // 0x1069EE8
public string Remove(int startIndex, int count); // 0x106A140
public string ToLower(); // 0x106A31C
public string ToLower(CultureInfo culture); // 0x106A3CC
public string ToLowerInvariant(); // 0x106A4EC
public string ToUpper(); // 0x106A660
public string ToUpper(CultureInfo culture); // 0x106A710
public string ToUpperInvariant(); // 0x106A830
public override string ToString(); // 0x106A9A4
public string ToString(IFormatProvider provider); // 0x106A9A8
public static string Format(string format, object arg0); // 0x106A9AC
public static string Format(string format, object arg0, object arg1); // 0x106ABBC
public static string Format(string format, object arg0, object arg1, object arg2); // 0x106AD3C
public static string Format(string format, object[] args); // 0x106AF00
public static string Format(IFormatProvider provider, string format, object[] args); // 0x106AAE8
internal static StringBuilder FormatHelper(StringBuilder result, IFormatProvider provider, string format, object[] args); // 0x106AFB4
public static string Concat(object arg0, object arg1); // 0x1059BA8
public static string Concat(object arg0, object arg1, object arg2); // 0x10643B0
public static string Concat(string str0, string str1); // 0x105C438
public static string Concat(string str0, string str1, string str2); // 0x105B1EC
public static string Concat(string str0, string str1, string str2, string str3); // 0x106BF38
public static string Concat(object[] args); // 0x106C440
public static string Concat(string[] values); // 0x106C8B4
private static string ConcatInternal(string[] values, int length); // 0x106C6E0
public string Insert(int startIndex, string value); // 0x106C9F4
public static string Join(string separator, string[] value); // 0x106CBF8
public static string Join(string separator, string[] value, int startIndex, int count); // 0x106D0D8
private static string JoinUnchecked(string separator, string[] value, int startIndex, int count); // 0x106CD64
public int get_Length(); // 0x105CCD0
private static void ParseFormatSpecifier(string str, int ptr, out int n, out int width, out bool left_align, out string format); // 0x106B94C
private static int ParseDecimal(string str, int ptr); // 0x106D360
internal void InternalSetChar(int idx, char val); // 0x106D3D4
internal void InternalSetLength(int newLength); // 0x106D49C
[ReliabilityContractAttribute] // 0x330F0C
public override int GetHashCode(); // 0x106D594
internal int GetCaseInsensitiveHashCode(); // 0x106D61C
private string CreateString(sbyte* value); // 0x106D798
private string CreateString(sbyte* value, int startIndex, int length); // 0x106DCF8
private string CreateString(sbyte* value, int startIndex, int length, Encoding enc); // 0x106D8A0
private string CreateString(char* value); // 0x106E420
private string CreateString(char* value, int startIndex, int length); // 0x106E5AC
private string CreateString(char[] val, int startIndex, int length); // 0x106E7B4
private string CreateString(char[] val); // 0x106EA3C
private string CreateString(char c, int count); // 0x106EBF4
private static void memcpy4(byte* dest, byte* src, int size); // 0x106ED64
private static void memcpy2(byte* dest, byte* src, int size); // 0x106EDF0
private static void memcpy1(byte* dest, byte* src, int size); // 0x106EE68
internal static void memcpy(byte* dest, byte* src, int size); // 0x106E274
internal static void CharCopy(char* dest, char* src, int count); // 0x1063BF4
internal static void CharCopyReverse(char* dest, char* src, int count); // 0x106EF10
internal static void CharCopy(string target, int targetIndex, string source, int sourceIndex, int count); // 0x106EF58
internal static void CharCopy(string target, int targetIndex, char[] source, int sourceIndex, int count); // 0x106F03C
internal static void CharCopyReverse(string target, int targetIndex, string source, int sourceIndex, int count); // 0x106F128
private string[] InternalSplit(char[] separator, int count, int options); // 0x1064140
internal static string InternalAllocateStr(int length); // 0x1064F8C
public static bool op_Equality(string a, string b); // 0x105A5DC
public static bool op_Inequality(string a, string b); // 0x105A530
// Namespace: System
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x330F24
public interface ICloneable // TypeDefIndex: 28
// Methods
public abstract object Clone(); // 0
// Namespace: System.Collections.Generic
public interface IEnumerable`1 : IEnumerable // TypeDefIndex: 29
// Methods
public abstract IEnumerator`1<T> GetEnumerator(); // 0
// Namespace: System
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x330F38
public struct Single : IFormattable, IConvertible, IComparable, IComparable`1<float>, IEquatable`1<float> // TypeDefIndex: 30
// Fields
public const float Epsilon = 1,401298E-45; // 0x0
public const float MaxValue = 3,402823E+38; // 0x0
public const float MinValue = -3,402823E+38; // 0x0
public const float NaN = NaN; // 0x0
public const float PositiveInfinity = ∞; // 0x0
public const float NegativeInfinity = -∞; // 0x0
private const double MaxValueEpsilon = 3,61471124579618E+29; // 0x0
internal float m_value; // 0x8
// Methods
private bool System.IConvertible.ToBoolean(IFormatProvider provider); // 0x1061338
private byte System.IConvertible.ToByte(IFormatProvider provider); // 0x10613E8
private char System.IConvertible.ToChar(IFormatProvider provider); // 0x1061498
private DateTime System.IConvertible.ToDateTime(IFormatProvider provider); // 0x1061550
private Decimal System.IConvertible.ToDecimal(IFormatProvider provider); // 0x1061614
private double System.IConvertible.ToDouble(IFormatProvider provider); // 0x10616D0
private short System.IConvertible.ToInt16(IFormatProvider provider); // 0x1061780
private int System.IConvertible.ToInt32(IFormatProvider provider); // 0x1061830
private long System.IConvertible.ToInt64(IFormatProvider provider); // 0x10618E0
private sbyte System.IConvertible.ToSByte(IFormatProvider provider); // 0x1061990
private float System.IConvertible.ToSingle(IFormatProvider provider); // 0x1061A40
private object System.IConvertible.ToType(Type targetType, IFormatProvider provider); // 0x1061B8C
private ushort System.IConvertible.ToUInt16(IFormatProvider provider); // 0x1061C3C
private uint System.IConvertible.ToUInt32(IFormatProvider provider); // 0x1061CEC
private ulong System.IConvertible.ToUInt64(IFormatProvider provider); // 0x1061D9C
public int CompareTo(object value); // 0x106206C
public override bool Equals(object obj); // 0x1062148
public int CompareTo(float value); // 0x1062274
public bool Equals(float obj); // 0x10622B4
public override int GetHashCode(); // 0x10622F4
public static bool IsInfinity(float f); // 0x10622FC
[ReliabilityContractAttribute] // 0x330F4C
public static bool IsNaN(float f); // 0x1062054
public static bool IsNegativeInfinity(float f); // 0x106200C
public static bool IsPositiveInfinity(float f); // 0x1061FC4
public static float Parse(string s); // 0x1062338
public static float Parse(string s, IFormatProvider provider); // 0x1062450
public static float Parse(string s, NumberStyles style, IFormatProvider provider); // 0x1062570
public override string ToString(); // 0x106273C
public string ToString(IFormatProvider provider); // 0x10627F4
public string ToString(string format); // 0x10628C8
public string ToString(string format, IFormatProvider provider); // 0x10628D4
public TypeCode GetTypeCode(); // 0x10628DC
// Namespace: System
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x330F64
public struct Double : IFormattable, IConvertible, IComparable, IComparable`1<double>, IEquatable`1<double> // TypeDefIndex: 31
// Fields
public const double Epsilon = 4,94065645841247E-324; // 0x0
public const double MaxValue = 1,79769313486232E+308; // 0x0
public const double MinValue = -1,79769313486232E+308; // 0x0
public const double NaN = NaN; // 0x0
public const double NegativeInfinity = -∞; // 0x0
public const double PositiveInfinity = ∞; // 0x0
private const int State_AllowSign = 1; // 0x0
private const int State_Digits = 2; // 0x0
private const int State_Decimal = 3; // 0x0
private const int State_ExponentSign = 4; // 0x0
private const int State_Exponent = 5; // 0x0
private const int State_ConsumeWhiteSpace = 6; // 0x0
private const int State_Exit = 7; // 0x0
internal double m_value; // 0x8
// Methods
private object System.IConvertible.ToType(Type targetType, IFormatProvider provider); // 0xBCABE0
private bool System.IConvertible.ToBoolean(IFormatProvider provider); // 0xBCAC94
private byte System.IConvertible.ToByte(IFormatProvider provider); // 0xBCAD48
private char System.IConvertible.ToChar(IFormatProvider provider); // 0xBCADE4
private DateTime System.IConvertible.ToDateTime(IFormatProvider provider); // 0xBCAE88
private Decimal System.IConvertible.ToDecimal(IFormatProvider provider); // 0xBCAF4C
private double System.IConvertible.ToDouble(IFormatProvider provider); // 0xBCB000
private short System.IConvertible.ToInt16(IFormatProvider provider); // 0xBCB0B4
private int System.IConvertible.ToInt32(IFormatProvider provider); // 0xBCB168
private long System.IConvertible.ToInt64(IFormatProvider provider); // 0xBCB21C
private sbyte System.IConvertible.ToSByte(IFormatProvider provider); // 0xBCB2D0
private float System.IConvertible.ToSingle(IFormatProvider provider); // 0xBCB37C
private ushort System.IConvertible.ToUInt16(IFormatProvider provider); // 0xBCB430
private uint System.IConvertible.ToUInt32(IFormatProvider provider); // 0xBCB4E4
private ulong System.IConvertible.ToUInt64(IFormatProvider provider); // 0xBCB598
public int CompareTo(object value); // 0xBCB7DC
public override bool Equals(object obj); // 0xBCB8B8
public int CompareTo(double value); // 0xBCB9F8
public bool Equals(double obj); // 0xBCBA4C
public override int GetHashCode(); // 0xBCBA8C
public static bool IsInfinity(double d); // 0xBA4478
[ReliabilityContractAttribute] // 0x330F78
public static bool IsNaN(double d); // 0xBA445C
public static bool IsNegativeInfinity(double d); // 0xBC1EE8
public static bool IsPositiveInfinity(double d); // 0xBC1F38
public static double Parse(string s); // 0xBA759C
public static double Parse(string s, IFormatProvider provider); // 0xBA75F8
public static double Parse(string s, NumberStyles style, IFormatProvider provider); // 0xBCBA98
internal static bool Parse(string s, NumberStyles style, IFormatProvider provider, bool tryParse, out double result, out Exception exc); // 0xBCBAF0
private static bool TryParseStringConstant(string format, string s, int start, int end); // 0xBCCFF4
private static bool ParseImpl(byte* byte_ptr, out double value); // 0xBCD110
public static bool TryParse(string s, NumberStyles style, IFormatProvider provider, out double result); // 0xBCD11C
public static bool TryParse(string s, out double result); // 0xBCD164
public override string ToString(); // 0xBCD274
public string ToString(IFormatProvider provider); // 0xBCD27C
public string ToString(string format); // 0xBCD354
public string ToString(string format, IFormatProvider provider); // 0xBCD360
public TypeCode GetTypeCode(); // 0xBCD368
// Namespace: System
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x330F90
public struct Decimal : IFormattable, IConvertible, IComparable, IComparable`1<Decimal>, IEquatable`1<Decimal> // TypeDefIndex: 32
// Fields
[DecimalConstantAttribute] // 0x330FA4
public static readonly Decimal MinValue; // 0x0
[DecimalConstantAttribute] // 0x330FE4
public static readonly Decimal MaxValue; // 0x10
[DecimalConstantAttribute] // 0x331024
public static readonly Decimal MinusOne; // 0x20
[DecimalConstantAttribute] // 0x331060
public static readonly Decimal One; // 0x30
private static readonly Decimal MaxValueDiv10; // 0x40
private uint flags; // 0x8
private uint hi; // 0xC
private uint lo; // 0x10
private uint mid; // 0x14
// Methods
public void .ctor(int lo, int mid, int hi, bool isNegative, byte scale); // 0xBC16EC
public void .ctor(int value); // 0xBC1714
[CLSCompliantAttribute] // 0x33109C
public void .ctor(uint value); // 0xBC1744
public void .ctor(long value); // 0xBC175C
[CLSCompliantAttribute] // 0x3310B0
public void .ctor(ulong value); // 0xBC1790
public void .ctor(float value); // 0xBC1BFC
public void .ctor(double value); // 0xBC2048
private static void .cctor(); // 0xBC2064
private object System.IConvertible.ToType(Type targetType, IFormatProvider provider); // 0xBC22E0
private bool System.IConvertible.ToBoolean(IFormatProvider provider); // 0xBC2398
private byte System.IConvertible.ToByte(IFormatProvider provider); // 0xBC2450
private char System.IConvertible.ToChar(IFormatProvider provider); // 0xBC24EC
private DateTime System.IConvertible.ToDateTime(IFormatProvider provider); // 0xBC2590
private Decimal System.IConvertible.ToDecimal(IFormatProvider provider); // 0xBC25A0
private double System.IConvertible.ToDouble(IFormatProvider provider); // 0xBC2660
private short System.IConvertible.ToInt16(IFormatProvider provider); // 0xBC2718
private int System.IConvertible.ToInt32(IFormatProvider provider); // 0xBC27D0
private long System.IConvertible.ToInt64(IFormatProvider provider); // 0xBC2888
private sbyte System.IConvertible.ToSByte(IFormatProvider provider); // 0xBC2940
private float System.IConvertible.ToSingle(IFormatProvider provider); // 0xBC29F8
private ushort System.IConvertible.ToUInt16(IFormatProvider provider); // 0xBC2AB0
private uint System.IConvertible.ToUInt32(IFormatProvider provider); // 0xBC2B68
private ulong System.IConvertible.ToUInt64(IFormatProvider provider); // 0xBC2C20
public static int[] GetBits(Decimal d); // 0xBC2C28
public static Decimal Negate(Decimal d); // 0xBC2D40
public static Decimal Add(Decimal d1, Decimal d2); // 0xBC2D58
public static Decimal Subtract(Decimal d1, Decimal d2); // 0xBC2EAC
public override int GetHashCode(); // 0xBC30A0
private static ulong u64(Decimal value); // 0xBC30BC
private static long s64(Decimal value); // 0xBC31EC
public static bool Equals(Decimal d1, Decimal d2); // 0xBC3310
public override bool Equals(object value); // 0xBC35D4
private bool IsZero(); // 0xBC35DC
private bool IsNegative(); // 0xBC3610
public static Decimal Floor(Decimal d); // 0xBC361C
public static Decimal Truncate(Decimal d); // 0xBC36E4
public static Decimal Round(Decimal d, int decimals); // 0xBC37AC
public static Decimal Round(Decimal d, int decimals, MidpointRounding mode); // 0xBC3878
public static Decimal Multiply(Decimal d1, Decimal d2); // 0xBC4354
public static Decimal Divide(Decimal d1, Decimal d2); // 0xBC44C4
public static Decimal Remainder(Decimal d1, Decimal d2); // 0xBC4718
[ReliabilityContractAttribute] // 0x3310C4
public static int Compare(Decimal d1, Decimal d2); // 0xBC3404
public int CompareTo(object value); // 0xBC4D68
public int CompareTo(Decimal value); // 0xBC4E38
public bool Equals(Decimal value); // 0xBC4F28
public static Decimal Parse(string s); // 0xBC4F4C
public static Decimal Parse(string s, IFormatProvider provider); // 0xBA6E70
private static void ThrowAtPos(int pos); // 0xBC5008
private static void ThrowInvalidExp(); // 0xBC5138
private static string stripStyles(string s, NumberStyles style, NumberFormatInfo nfi, out int decPos, out bool isNegative, out bool expFlag, out int exp, bool throwex); // 0xBC51F0
public static Decimal Parse(string s, NumberStyles style, IFormatProvider provider); // 0xBC1A60
public static bool TryParse(string s, NumberStyles style, IFormatProvider provider, out Decimal result); // 0xBC6798
private static bool PerformParse(string s, NumberStyles style, IFormatProvider provider, out Decimal res, bool throwex); // 0xBC6118
public TypeCode GetTypeCode(); // 0xBC68A4
public string ToString(string format, IFormatProvider provider); // 0xBC6974
public override string ToString(); // 0xBC6A04
public string ToString(IFormatProvider provider); // 0xBC6A98
private static int decimal2UInt64(Decimal val, out ulong result); // 0xBC31E0
private static int decimal2Int64(Decimal val, out long result); // 0xBC3304
private static int decimalIncr(Decimal d1, Decimal d2); // 0xBC2EA0
internal static int string2decimal(out Decimal val, string sDigits, uint decPos, int sign); // 0xBC6880
internal static int decimalSetExponent(Decimal val, int exp); // 0xBC6898
private static double decimal2double(Decimal val); // 0xBC6AA0
private static void decimalFloorAndTrunc(Decimal val, int floorFlag); // 0xBC31D4
private static int decimalMult(Decimal pd1, Decimal pd2); // 0xBC44B8
private static int decimalDiv(out Decimal pc, Decimal pa, Decimal pb); // 0xBC4708
private static int decimalCompare(Decimal d1, Decimal d2); // 0xBC4BE0
public static Decimal op_Addition(Decimal d1, Decimal d2); // 0xBC4264
public static Decimal op_Increment(Decimal d); // 0xBC6AA8
public static Decimal op_Subtraction(Decimal d1, Decimal d2); // 0xBC3F94
public static Decimal op_UnaryNegation(Decimal d); // 0xBC6B84
public static Decimal op_Multiply(Decimal d1, Decimal d2); // 0xBC4084
public static Decimal op_Division(Decimal d1, Decimal d2); // 0xBC4174
public static Decimal op_Modulus(Decimal d1, Decimal d2); // 0xBC6C3C
public static byte op_Explicit(Decimal value); // 0xBA4154
[CLSCompliantAttribute] // 0x3310DC
public static sbyte op_Explicit(Decimal value); // 0xBAA6E4
public static short op_Explicit(Decimal value); // 0xBA7A4C
[CLSCompliantAttribute] // 0x3310F0
public static ushort op_Explicit(Decimal value); // 0xBAC648
public static int op_Explicit(Decimal value); // 0xBA8880
[CLSCompliantAttribute] // 0x331104
public static uint op_Explicit(Decimal value); // 0xBAD480
public static long op_Explicit(Decimal value); // 0xBA9630
[CLSCompliantAttribute] // 0x331118
public static ulong op_Explicit(Decimal value); // 0xBAE1B4
public static Decimal op_Implicit(byte value); // 0xBA6820
[CLSCompliantAttribute] // 0x33112C
public static Decimal op_Implicit(sbyte value); // 0xBA6C78
public static Decimal op_Implicit(short value); // 0xBA6D70
[CLSCompliantAttribute] // 0x331140
public static Decimal op_Implicit(ushort value); // 0xBA7170
public static Decimal op_Implicit(char value); // 0xBC6D2C
public static Decimal op_Implicit(int value); // 0xBA67F0
[CLSCompliantAttribute] // 0x331154
public static Decimal op_Implicit(uint value); // 0xBA6FDC
public static Decimal op_Implicit(long value); // 0xBA6B78
[CLSCompliantAttribute] // 0x331168
public static Decimal op_Implicit(ulong value); // 0xBA70AC
public static Decimal op_Explicit(float value); // 0xBA69C0
public static Decimal op_Explicit(double value); // 0xBA68F0
public static float op_Explicit(Decimal value); // 0xBAB4DC
public static double op_Explicit(Decimal value); // 0xBA7450
public static bool op_Inequality(Decimal d1, Decimal d2); // 0xBA38BC
public static bool op_Equality(Decimal d1, Decimal d2); // 0xBC4AFC
public static bool op_GreaterThan(Decimal d1, Decimal d2); // 0xBA3F78
public static bool op_GreaterThanOrEqual(Decimal d1, Decimal d2); // 0xBC6D3C
public static bool op_LessThan(Decimal d1, Decimal d2); // 0xBA406C
public static bool op_LessThanOrEqual(Decimal d1, Decimal d2); // 0xBC6E30
// Namespace: System
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x33117C
public struct Boolean : IConvertible, IComparable, IComparable`1<bool>, IEquatable`1<bool> // TypeDefIndex: 33
// Fields
public static readonly string FalseString; // 0x0
public static readonly string TrueString; // 0x4
internal bool m_value; // 0x8
// Methods
private static void .cctor(); // 0xB87BAC
private object System.IConvertible.ToType(Type targetType, IFormatProvider provider); // 0xB89310
private bool System.IConvertible.ToBoolean(IFormatProvider provider); // 0xB89318
private byte System.IConvertible.ToByte(IFormatProvider provider); // 0xB893D4
private char System.IConvertible.ToChar(IFormatProvider provider); // 0xB89470
private DateTime System.IConvertible.ToDateTime(IFormatProvider provider); // 0xB89514
private Decimal System.IConvertible.ToDecimal(IFormatProvider provider); // 0xB8967C
private double System.IConvertible.ToDouble(IFormatProvider provider); // 0xB89758
private short System.IConvertible.ToInt16(IFormatProvider provider); // 0xB8980C
private int System.IConvertible.ToInt32(IFormatProvider provider); // 0xB898C0
private long System.IConvertible.ToInt64(IFormatProvider provider); // 0xB8997C
private sbyte System.IConvertible.ToSByte(IFormatProvider provider); // 0xB89A30
private float System.IConvertible.ToSingle(IFormatProvider provider); // 0xB89B08
private ushort System.IConvertible.ToUInt16(IFormatProvider provider); // 0xB89BBC
private uint System.IConvertible.ToUInt32(IFormatProvider provider); // 0xB89C70
private ulong System.IConvertible.ToUInt64(IFormatProvider provider); // 0xB89D2C
public int CompareTo(object obj); // 0xB89E6C
public override bool Equals(object obj); // 0xB89F34
public int CompareTo(bool value); // 0xB89F60
public bool Equals(bool obj); // 0xB89F98
public override int GetHashCode(); // 0xB89FBC
public static bool Parse(string value); // 0xB89FCC
public static bool TryParse(string value, out bool result); // 0xB8A2E8
public override string ToString(); // 0xB8A66C
public TypeCode GetTypeCode(); // 0xB8A674
public string ToString(IFormatProvider provider); // 0xB8A67C
// Namespace: System
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x331190
public struct IntPtr : ISerializable // TypeDefIndex: 34
// Fields
private void* m_value; // 0x8
public static readonly IntPtr Zero; // 0x0
// Properties
public static int Size { get; }
// Methods
[ReliabilityContractAttribute] // 0x3311A4
public void .ctor(int value); // 0x13408A8
[ReliabilityContractAttribute] // 0x3311BC
public void .ctor(long value); // 0x13408B8
[ReliabilityContractAttribute] // 0x3311D4
[CLSCompliantAttribute] // 0x3311D4
public void .ctor(void* value); // 0x13408C8
private void .ctor(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context); // 0x1340974
private void System.Runtime.Serialization.ISerializable.GetObjectData(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context); // 0x1340AA8
[ReliabilityContractAttribute] // 0x331210
public static int get_Size(); // 0x1340AC4
public override bool Equals(object obj); // 0x1340C0C
public override int GetHashCode(); // 0x1340C1C
[ReliabilityContractAttribute] // 0x331228
public long ToInt64(); // 0x1340C24
[ReliabilityContractAttribute] // 0x331240
[CLSCompliantAttribute] // 0x331240
public void* ToPointer(); // 0x1340C48
public override string ToString(); // 0x1340CC8
public string ToString(string format); // 0x1340CD4
[ReliabilityContractAttribute] // 0x33127C
public static bool op_Equality(IntPtr value1, IntPtr value2); // 0x1340CDC
[ReliabilityContractAttribute] // 0x331294
public static bool op_Inequality(IntPtr value1, IntPtr value2); // 0x1340CEC
[ReliabilityContractAttribute] // 0x3312AC
public static IntPtr op_Explicit(int value); // 0x1340CFC
[ReliabilityContractAttribute] // 0x3312C4
public static IntPtr op_Explicit(long value); // 0x1340D04
[ReliabilityContractAttribute] // 0x3312DC
[CLSCompliantAttribute] // 0x3312DC
public static IntPtr op_Explicit(void* value); // 0x1340D0C
public static int op_Explicit(IntPtr value); // 0x1340D14
[CLSCompliantAttribute] // 0x331318
public static void* op_Explicit(IntPtr value); // 0x1340D1C
// Namespace: System.Runtime.Serialization
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x33132C
public interface ISerializable // TypeDefIndex: 35
// Methods
public abstract void GetObjectData(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context); // 0
// Namespace: System
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x331340
[CLSCompliantAttribute] // 0x331340
public struct UIntPtr : ISerializable // TypeDefIndex: 36
// Fields
public static readonly UIntPtr Zero; // 0x0
private void* _pointer; // 0x8
// Properties
public static int Size { get; }
// Methods
public void .ctor(ulong value); // 0x109C048
public void .ctor(uint value); // 0x109C064
[CLSCompliantAttribute] // 0x331378
public void .ctor(void* value); // 0x109C06C
private static void .cctor(); // 0x109C074
private void System.Runtime.Serialization.ISerializable.GetObjectData(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context); // 0x109C1F0
public override bool Equals(object obj); // 0x109C2C0
public override int GetHashCode(); // 0x109C2C8
public uint ToUInt32(); // 0x109C2D0
public ulong ToUInt64(); // 0x109C2D8
[CLSCompliantAttribute] // 0x33138C
public void* ToPointer(); // 0x109C2E4
public override string ToString(); // 0x109C2EC
public static int get_Size(); // 0x109BFB4
public static bool op_Equality(UIntPtr value1, UIntPtr value2); // 0x109C310
public static bool op_Inequality(UIntPtr value1, UIntPtr value2); // 0x109C320
public static ulong op_Explicit(UIntPtr value); // 0x109C330
public static uint op_Explicit(UIntPtr value); // 0x109C340
public static UIntPtr op_Explicit(ulong value); // 0x109C348
[CLSCompliantAttribute] // 0x3313A0
public static UIntPtr op_Explicit(void* value); // 0x109C370
[CLSCompliantAttribute] // 0x3313B4
public static void* op_Explicit(UIntPtr value); // 0x109C378
public static UIntPtr op_Explicit(uint value); // 0x109C380
// Namespace: System
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x3313C8
public abstract class MulticastDelegate : Delegate // TypeDefIndex: 37
// Fields
private MulticastDelegate prev; // 0x2C
private MulticastDelegate kpm_next; // 0x30
// Methods
public override void GetObjectData(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context); // 0x12FB6A0
protected sealed override object DynamicInvokeImpl(object[] args); // 0x12FB6C0
public sealed override bool Equals(object obj); // 0x12FB6F4
public sealed override int GetHashCode(); // 0x12FB7F8
public sealed override Delegate[] GetInvocationList(); // 0x12FB800
protected sealed override Delegate CombineImpl(Delegate follow); // 0x12FBAC0
private bool BaseEquals(MulticastDelegate value); // 0x12FBD40
private static MulticastDelegate KPM(MulticastDelegate needle, MulticastDelegate haystack, out MulticastDelegate tail); // 0x12FBD48
protected sealed override Delegate RemoveImpl(Delegate value); // 0x12FBEAC
// Namespace: System
[ClassInterfaceAttribute] // 0x3313DC
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x3313DC
public abstract class Delegate : ICloneable, ISerializable // TypeDefIndex: 38
// Fields
private IntPtr method_ptr; // 0x8
private IntPtr invoke_impl; // 0xC
private object m_target; // 0x10
private IntPtr method; // 0x14
private IntPtr delegate_trampoline; // 0x18
private IntPtr method_code; // 0x1C
private MethodInfo method_info; // 0x20
private MethodInfo original_method_info; // 0x24
private DelegateData data; // 0x28
// Properties
public MethodInfo Method { get; }
public object Target { get; }
// Methods
public MethodInfo get_Method(); // 0xBC6F24
public object get_Target(); // 0xBC7028
internal static Delegate CreateDelegate_internal(Type type, object target, MethodInfo info, bool throwOnBindFailure); // 0xBC7030
internal void SetMulticastInvoke(); // 0xBC7048
private static bool arg_type_match(Type delArgType, Type argType); // 0xBC704C
private static bool return_type_match(Type delReturnType, Type returnType); // 0xBC70B8
public static Delegate CreateDelegate(Type type, object firstArgument, MethodInfo method, bool throwOnBindFailure); // 0xBC712C
public static Delegate CreateDelegate(Type type, object firstArgument, MethodInfo method); // 0xBC79E8
public static Delegate CreateDelegate(Type type, MethodInfo method, bool throwOnBindFailure); // 0xBC7A08
public static Delegate CreateDelegate(Type type, MethodInfo method); // 0xBC7A30
public static Delegate CreateDelegate(Type type, object target, string method); // 0xBC7A5C
private static MethodInfo GetCandidateMethod(Type type, Type target, string method, BindingFlags bflags, bool ignoreCase, bool throwOnBindFailure); // 0xBC7AA8
public static Delegate CreateDelegate(Type type, Type target, string method, bool ignoreCase, bool throwOnBindFailure); // 0xBC7F54
public static Delegate CreateDelegate(Type type, Type target, string method); // 0xBC805C
public static Delegate CreateDelegate(Type type, object target, string method, bool ignoreCase, bool throwOnBindFailure); // 0xBC8080
public static Delegate CreateDelegate(Type type, object target, string method, bool ignoreCase); // 0xBC7A80
public object DynamicInvoke(object[] args); // 0xBC8198
protected virtual object DynamicInvokeImpl(object[] args); // 0xBC81A8
public virtual object Clone(); // 0xBC8468
public override bool Equals(object obj); // 0xBC8470
public override int GetHashCode(); // 0xBC85E4
public virtual void GetObjectData(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context); // 0xBC862C
public virtual Delegate[] GetInvocationList(); // 0xBC8908
public static Delegate Combine(Delegate a, Delegate b); // 0xBC89F4
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x331424
public static Delegate Combine(Delegate[] delegates); // 0xBC8B1C
protected virtual Delegate CombineImpl(Delegate d); // 0xBC8B80
public static Delegate Remove(Delegate source, Delegate value); // 0xBC8C6C
protected virtual Delegate RemoveImpl(Delegate d); // 0xBC8C94
public static bool op_Equality(Delegate d1, Delegate d2); // 0xBC8CC4
public static bool op_Inequality(Delegate d1, Delegate d2); // 0xBC8D04
// Namespace: System
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x331448
public abstract struct Enum : IFormattable, IConvertible, IComparable // TypeDefIndex: 39
// Fields
private static char[] split_char; // 0x0
// Properties
private object Value { get; }
// Methods
protected void .ctor(); // 0xBCD440
private static void .cctor(); // 0xBCD448
private bool System.IConvertible.ToBoolean(IFormatProvider provider); // 0xBCD52C
private byte System.IConvertible.ToByte(IFormatProvider provider); // 0xBCD5E4
private char System.IConvertible.ToChar(IFormatProvider provider); // 0xBCD698
private DateTime System.IConvertible.ToDateTime(IFormatProvider provider); // 0xBCD74C
private Decimal System.IConvertible.ToDecimal(IFormatProvider provider); // 0xBCD810
private double System.IConvertible.ToDouble(IFormatProvider provider); // 0xBCD8D4
private short System.IConvertible.ToInt16(IFormatProvider provider); // 0xBCD988
private int System.IConvertible.ToInt32(IFormatProvider provider); // 0xBCDA3C
private long System.IConvertible.ToInt64(IFormatProvider provider); // 0xBCDAF0
private sbyte System.IConvertible.ToSByte(IFormatProvider provider); // 0xBCDBA4
private float System.IConvertible.ToSingle(IFormatProvider provider); // 0xBCDC58
private object System.IConvertible.ToType(Type targetType, IFormatProvider provider); // 0xBCDD0C
private ushort System.IConvertible.ToUInt16(IFormatProvider provider); // 0xBCDF2C
private uint System.IConvertible.ToUInt32(IFormatProvider provider); // 0xBCDFE0
private ulong System.IConvertible.ToUInt64(IFormatProvider provider); // 0xBCE094
public TypeCode GetTypeCode(); // 0xBCE148
private object get_value(); // 0xBCE3AC
private object get_Value(); // 0xBCD5E0
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x33145C
public static Array GetValues(Type enumType); // 0xBCE3B0
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x331470
public static string[] GetNames(Type enumType); // 0xBCE574
private static int FindPosition(object value, Array values); // 0xBCE728
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x331484
public static string GetName(Type enumType, object value); // 0xBCEA64
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x331498
public static bool IsDefined(Type enumType, object value); // 0xBCECCC
private static Type get_underlying_type(Type enumType); // 0xBCF09C
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x3314AC
public static Type GetUnderlyingType(Type enumType); // 0xBCE244
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x3314C0
public static object Parse(Type enumType, string value); // 0xBCF0A4
private static int FindName(Hashtable name_hash, string[] names, string name, bool ignoreCase); // 0xBCFA90
private static ulong GetValue(object value, TypeCode typeCode); // 0xBCFCF0
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x3314D4
public static object Parse(Type enumType, string value, bool ignoreCase); // 0xBCF158
private int compare_value_to(object other); // 0xBD0594
public int CompareTo(object target); // 0xBD0598
public override string ToString(); // 0xBD0708
[ObsoleteAttribute] // 0x3314E8
public string ToString(IFormatProvider provider); // 0xBCDEA8
public string ToString(string format); // 0xBD078C
[ObsoleteAttribute] // 0x331528
public string ToString(string format, IFormatProvider provider); // 0xBD08EC
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x331568
public static object ToObject(Type enumType, byte value); // 0xBD00AC
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x33157C
public static object ToObject(Type enumType, short value); // 0xBD017C
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x331590
public static object ToObject(Type enumType, int value); // 0xBD031C
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x3315A4
public static object ToObject(Type enumType, long value); // 0xBD04BC
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x3315B8
public static object ToObject(Type enumType, object value); // 0xBCECC0
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x3315CC
[CLSCompliantAttribute] // 0x3315CC
public static object ToObject(Type enumType, sbyte value); // 0xBCFFDC
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x331604
[CLSCompliantAttribute] // 0x331604
public static object ToObject(Type enumType, ushort value); // 0xBD024C
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x33163C
[CLSCompliantAttribute] // 0x33163C
public static object ToObject(Type enumType, uint value); // 0xBD03EC
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x331674
[CLSCompliantAttribute] // 0x331674
public static object ToObject(Type enumType, ulong value); // 0xBCFF04
public override bool Equals(object obj); // 0xBD13C8
private int get_hashcode(); // 0xBD13DC
public override int GetHashCode(); // 0xBD13E0
private static string FormatSpecifier_X(Type enumType, object value, bool upper); // 0xBD13E4
private static string FormatFlags(Type enumType, object value); // 0xBD1824
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x3316AC
public static string Format(Type enumType, object value, string format); // 0xBD0A4C
// Namespace: System
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x3316C0
public abstract class Array : IEnumerable, ICloneable, ICollection, IList // TypeDefIndex: 40
// Properties
private object System.Collections.IList.Item { get; set; }
private int System.Collections.ICollection.Count { get; }
public int Length { get; }
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x331C34
public long LongLength { get; }
public int Rank { get; }
public bool IsSynchronized { get; }
public object SyncRoot { get; }
public bool IsFixedSize { get; }
public bool IsReadOnly { get; }
// Methods
private void .ctor(); // 0xB7DD70
private object System.Collections.IList.get_Item(int index); // 0xB7DD78
private void System.Collections.IList.set_Item(int index, object value); // 0xB7DF24
private int System.Collections.IList.Add(object value); // 0xB7E07C
private void System.Collections.IList.Clear(); // 0xB7E110
private bool System.Collections.IList.Contains(object value); // 0xB7E2EC
[ReliabilityContractAttribute] // 0x3316D4
private int System.Collections.IList.IndexOf(object value); // 0xB7E420
private void System.Collections.IList.Insert(int index, object value); // 0xB7E564
private void System.Collections.IList.Remove(object value); // 0xB7E5F8
private void System.Collections.IList.RemoveAt(int index); // 0xB7E68C
private int System.Collections.ICollection.get_Count(); // 0xB7E720
internal int InternalArray__ICollection_get_Count(); // 0xB7E724
internal bool InternalArray__ICollection_get_IsReadOnly(); // 0xB7E728
internal IEnumerator`1<T> InternalArray__IEnumerable_GetEnumerator(); // 0
internal void InternalArray__ICollection_Clear(); // 0xB7E730
internal void InternalArray__ICollection_Add(T item); // 0
internal bool InternalArray__ICollection_Remove(T item); // 0
internal bool InternalArray__ICollection_Contains(T item); // 0
internal void InternalArray__ICollection_CopyTo(T[] array, int index); // 0
internal void InternalArray__Insert(int index, T item); // 0
internal void InternalArray__RemoveAt(int index); // 0xB7E7D8
internal int InternalArray__IndexOf(T item); // 0
internal T InternalArray__get_Item(int index); // 0
internal void InternalArray__set_Item(int index, T item); // 0
internal void GetGenericValueImpl(int pos, out T value); // 0
internal void SetGenericValueImpl(int pos, T value); // 0
[ReliabilityContractAttribute] // 0x3316EC
public int get_Length(); // 0xB7DEC4
[ReliabilityContractAttribute] // 0x331704
public long get_LongLength(); // 0xB7E884
[ReliabilityContractAttribute] // 0x33171C
public int get_Rank(); // 0xB7DF1C
private int GetRank(); // 0xB7E898
public int GetLength(int dimension); // 0xB7E880
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x331734
public long GetLongLength(int dimension); // 0xB7E89C
[ReliabilityContractAttribute] // 0x331748
public int GetLowerBound(int dimension); // 0xB7E14C
public object GetValue(int[] indices); // 0xB7E8B0
public void SetValue(object value, int[] indices); // 0xB7E8B4
internal object GetValueImpl(int pos); // 0xB7DF20
internal void SetValueImpl(object value, int pos); // 0xB7E078
internal static bool FastCopy(Array source, int source_idx, Array dest, int dest_idx, int length); // 0xB7E8B8
internal static Array CreateInstanceImpl(Type elementType, int[] lengths, int[] bounds); // 0xB7E8EC
public bool get_IsSynchronized(); // 0xB7E8FC
public object get_SyncRoot(); // 0xB7E904
public bool get_IsFixedSize(); // 0xB7E908
public bool get_IsReadOnly(); // 0xB7E910
public IEnumerator GetEnumerator(); // 0xB7E918
[ReliabilityContractAttribute] // 0x331780
public int GetUpperBound(int dimension); // 0xB7E9F0
public object GetValue(int index); // 0xB7EA20
public object GetValue(int index1, int index2); // 0xB7EBAC
public object GetValue(int index1, int index2, int index3); // 0xB7EC98
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x331798
public object GetValue(long index); // 0xB7EDA0
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x3317AC
public object GetValue(long index1, long index2); // 0xB7EEB8
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x3317C0
public object GetValue(long index1, long index2, long index3); // 0xB7F03C
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x3317D4
public void SetValue(object value, long index); // 0xB7F238
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x3317E8
public void SetValue(object value, long index1, long index2); // 0xB7F4EC
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x3317FC
public void SetValue(object value, long index1, long index2, long index3); // 0xB7F6F0
public void SetValue(object value, int index); // 0xB7F358
public void SetValue(object value, int index1, int index2); // 0xB7F97C
public void SetValue(object value, int index1, int index2, int index3); // 0xB7FA70
public static Array CreateInstance(Type elementType, int length); // 0xB7FB80
public static Array CreateInstance(Type elementType, int length1, int length2); // 0xB7FF2C
public static Array CreateInstance(Type elementType, int length1, int length2, int length3); // 0xB80018
public static Array CreateInstance(Type elementType, int[] lengths); // 0xB7FC50
public static Array CreateInstance(Type elementType, int[] lengths, int[] lowerBounds); // 0xB80120
private static int[] GetIntArray(long[] values); // 0xB80600
public static Array CreateInstance(Type elementType, long[] lengths); // 0xB807BC
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x331830
public object GetValue(long[] indices); // 0xB80888
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x331854
public void SetValue(object value, long[] indices); // 0xB80954
[ReliabilityContractAttribute] // 0x331878
public static int BinarySearch(Array array, object value); // 0xB80A28
[ReliabilityContractAttribute] // 0x331890
public static int BinarySearch(Array array, object value, IComparer comparer); // 0xB80F14
[ReliabilityContractAttribute] // 0x3318A8
public static int BinarySearch(Array array, int index, int length, object value); // 0xB81130
[ReliabilityContractAttribute] // 0x3318C0
public static int BinarySearch(Array array, int index, int length, object value, IComparer comparer); // 0xB81454
private static int DoBinarySearch(Array array, int index, int length, object value, IComparer comparer); // 0xB80C3C
[ReliabilityContractAttribute] // 0x3318D8
public static void Clear(Array array, int index, int length); // 0xB7E150
private static void ClearInternal(Array a, int index, int count); // 0xB8177C
public object Clone(); // 0xB8178C
[ReliabilityContractAttribute] // 0x3318F0
public static void Copy(Array sourceArray, Array destinationArray, int length); // 0xB81790
[ReliabilityContractAttribute] // 0x331908
public static void Copy(Array sourceArray, int sourceIndex, Array destinationArray, int destinationIndex, int length); // 0xB818B8
[ReliabilityContractAttribute] // 0x331920
public static void Copy(Array sourceArray, long sourceIndex, Array destinationArray, long destinationIndex, long length); // 0xB821D4
[ReliabilityContractAttribute] // 0x331938
public static void Copy(Array sourceArray, Array destinationArray, long length); // 0xB82440
[ReliabilityContractAttribute] // 0x331950
public static int IndexOf(Array array, object value); // 0xB82568
[ReliabilityContractAttribute] // 0x331968
public static int IndexOf(Array array, object value, int startIndex); // 0xB82844
[ReliabilityContractAttribute] // 0x331980
public static int IndexOf(Array array, object value, int startIndex, int count); // 0xB82644
public void Initialize(); // 0xB82928
[ReliabilityContractAttribute] // 0x331998
public static int LastIndexOf(Array array, object value); // 0xB8292C
[ReliabilityContractAttribute] // 0x3319B0
public static int LastIndexOf(Array array, object value, int startIndex); // 0xB82A2C
[ReliabilityContractAttribute] // 0x3319C8
public static int LastIndexOf(Array array, object value, int startIndex, int count); // 0xB82B18
private static Swapper get_swapper(Array array); // 0xB82D20
private static Swapper get_swapper(T[] array); // 0
[ReliabilityContractAttribute] // 0x3319E0
public static void Reverse(Array array); // 0xB82EAC
[ReliabilityContractAttribute] // 0x3319F8
public static void Reverse(Array array, int index, int length); // 0xB82F94
[ReliabilityContractAttribute] // 0x331A10
public static void Sort(Array array); // 0xB835E4
[ReliabilityContractAttribute] // 0x331A28
public static void Sort(Array keys, Array items); // 0xB83C08
[ReliabilityContractAttribute] // 0x331A40
public static void Sort(Array array, IComparer comparer); // 0xB83CFC
[ReliabilityContractAttribute] // 0x331A58
public static void Sort(Array array, int index, int length); // 0xB83DEC
[ReliabilityContractAttribute] // 0x331A70
public static void Sort(Array keys, Array items, IComparer comparer); // 0xB83E1C
[ReliabilityContractAttribute] // 0x331A88
public static void Sort(Array keys, Array items, int index, int length); // 0xB83F10
[ReliabilityContractAttribute] // 0x331AA0
public static void Sort(Array array, int index, int length, IComparer comparer); // 0xB83F38
[ReliabilityContractAttribute] // 0x331AB8
public static void Sort(Array keys, Array items, int index, int length, IComparer comparer); // 0xB836D4
private void int_swapper(int i, int j); // 0xB845F8
private void obj_swapper(int i, int j); // 0xB8470C
private void slow_swapper(int i, int j); // 0xB84870
private void double_swapper(int i, int j); // 0xB848BC
private static int new_gap(int gap); // 0xB849D8
private static void combsort(double[] array, int start, int size, Swapper swap_items); // 0xB83F68
private static void combsort(int[] array, int start, int size, Swapper swap_items); // 0xB84130
private static void combsort(char[] array, int start, int size, Swapper swap_items); // 0xB842E4
private static void qsort(Array keys, Array items, int low0, int high0, IComparer comparer); // 0xB844B4
private static void swap(Array keys, Array items, int i, int j); // 0xB84C00
private static int compare(object value1, object value2, IComparer comparer); // 0xB84A20
[ReliabilityContractAttribute] // 0x331AD0
public static void Sort(T[] array); // 0
[ReliabilityContractAttribute] // 0x331AE8
public static void Sort(T[] keys, T[] items); // 0
[ReliabilityContractAttribute] // 0x331B00
public static void Sort(T[] array, IComparer`1<T> comparer); // 0
[ReliabilityContractAttribute] // 0x331B18
public static void Sort(T[] keys, T[] items, IComparer`1<T> comparer); // 0
[ReliabilityContractAttribute] // 0x331B30
public static void Sort(T[] array, int index, int length); // 0
[ReliabilityContractAttribute] // 0x331B48
public static void Sort(T[] keys, T[] items, int index, int length); // 0
[ReliabilityContractAttribute] // 0x331B60
public static void Sort(T[] array, int index, int length, IComparer`1<T> comparer); // 0
[ReliabilityContractAttribute] // 0x331B78
public static void Sort(T[] keys, T[] items, int index, int length, IComparer`1<T> comparer); // 0
public static void Sort(T[] array, Comparison`1<T> comparison); // 0
internal static void Sort(T[] array, int length, Comparison`1<T> comparison); // 0
private static void qsort(T[] keys, T[] items, int low0, int high0, IComparer`1<T> comparer); // 0
private static int compare(T value1, T value2, IComparer`1<T> comparer); // 0
private static void qsort(T[] array, int low0, int high0, Comparison`1<T> comparison); // 0
private static void swap(T[] keys, T[] items, int i, int j); // 0
private static void swap(T[] array, int i, int j); // 0
public void CopyTo(Array array, int index); // 0xB84CB4
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x331B90
public void CopyTo(Array array, long index); // 0xB84F4C
[ReliabilityContractAttribute] // 0x331BA4
public static void Resize(T[] array, int newSize); // 0
internal static void Resize(T[] array, int length, int newSize); // 0
public static bool TrueForAll(T[] array, Predicate`1<T> match); // 0
public static void ForEach(T[] array, Action`1<T> action); // 0
public static T[] ConvertAll(T[] array, Converter`2<T, T> converter); // 0
public static int FindLastIndex(T[] array, Predicate`1<T> match); // 0
public static int FindLastIndex(T[] array, int startIndex, Predicate`1<T> match); // 0
public static int FindLastIndex(T[] array, int startIndex, int count, Predicate`1<T> match); // 0
public static int FindIndex(T[] array, Predicate`1<T> match); // 0
public static int FindIndex(T[] array, int startIndex, Predicate`1<T> match); // 0
public static int FindIndex(T[] array, int startIndex, int count, Predicate`1<T> match); // 0
[ReliabilityContractAttribute] // 0x331BBC
public static int BinarySearch(T[] array, T value); // 0
[ReliabilityContractAttribute] // 0x331BD4
public static int BinarySearch(T[] array, T value, IComparer`1<T> comparer); // 0
[ReliabilityContractAttribute] // 0x331BEC
public static int BinarySearch(T[] array, int index, int length, T value); // 0
[ReliabilityContractAttribute] // 0x331C04
public static int BinarySearch(T[] array, int index, int length, T value, IComparer`1<T> comparer); // 0
public static int IndexOf(T[] array, T value); // 0
public static int IndexOf(T[] array, T value, int startIndex); // 0
public static int IndexOf(T[] array, T value, int startIndex, int count); // 0
public static int LastIndexOf(T[] array, T value); // 0
public static int LastIndexOf(T[] array, T value, int startIndex); // 0
public static int LastIndexOf(T[] array, T value, int startIndex, int count); // 0
public static T[] FindAll(T[] array, Predicate`1<T> match); // 0
public static bool Exists(T[] array, Predicate`1<T> match); // 0
public static ReadOnlyCollection`1<T> AsReadOnly(T[] array); // 0
public static T Find(T[] array, Predicate`1<T> match); // 0
public static T FindLast(T[] array, Predicate`1<T> match); // 0
[ReliabilityContractAttribute] // 0x331C1C
public static void ConstrainedCopy(Array sourceArray, int sourceIndex, Array destinationArray, int destinationIndex, int length); // 0xB8506C
// Namespace:
internal struct InternalEnumerator`1 : IEnumerator, IDisposable, IEnumerator`1<T> // TypeDefIndex: 41
// Fields
private Array array; // 0x0
private int idx; // 0x0
// Properties
private object System.Collections.IEnumerator.Current { get; }
public T Current { get; }
// Methods
internal void .ctor(Array array); // 0
private void System.Collections.IEnumerator.Reset(); // 0
private object System.Collections.IEnumerator.get_Current(); // 0
public void Dispose(); // 0
public bool MoveNext(); // 0
public T get_Current(); // 0
// Namespace:
internal class SimpleEnumerator : IEnumerator, ICloneable // TypeDefIndex: 42
// Fields
private Array enumeratee; // 0x8
private int currentpos; // 0xC
private int length; // 0x10
// Properties
public object Current { get; }
// Methods
public void .ctor(Array arrayToEnumerate); // 0xB7E9A8
public object get_Current(); // 0xB85090
public bool MoveNext(); // 0xB8519C
public void Reset(); // 0xB851C0
public object Clone(); // 0xB851CC
// Namespace:
[DefaultMemberAttribute] // 0x331C48
private class ArrayReadOnlyList`1 : IEnumerable, IList`1<T>, ICollection`1<T>, IEnumerable`1<T> // TypeDefIndex: 43
// Fields
private T[] array; // 0x0
// Properties
public T Item { get; set; }
public int Count { get; }
public bool IsReadOnly { get; }
// Methods
public void .ctor(T[] array); // 0
private IEnumerator System.Collections.IEnumerable.GetEnumerator(); // 0
public T get_Item(int index); // 0
public void set_Item(int index, T value); // 0
public int get_Count(); // 0
public bool get_IsReadOnly(); // 0
public void Add(T item); // 0
public void Clear(); // 0
public bool Contains(T item); // 0
public void CopyTo(T[] array, int index); // 0
[DebuggerHiddenAttribute] // 0x331C88
public IEnumerator`1<T> GetEnumerator(); // 0
public int IndexOf(T item); // 0
public void Insert(int index, T item); // 0
public bool Remove(T item); // 0
public void RemoveAt(int index); // 0
private static Exception ReadOnlyError(); // 0
// Namespace:
[CompilerGeneratedAttribute] // 0x331C98
private sealed class <GetEnumerator>c__Iterator0 : IEnumerator, IDisposable, IEnumerator`1<T> // TypeDefIndex: 44
// Fields
internal int <i>__0; // 0x0
internal int $PC; // 0x0
internal T $current; // 0x0
internal ArrayReadOnlyList`1<T> <>f__this; // 0x0
// Properties
private T System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerator<T>.Current { get; }
private object System.Collections.IEnumerator.Current { get; }
// Methods
public void .ctor(); // 0
[DebuggerHiddenAttribute] // 0x331CA8
private T System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerator<T>.get_Current(); // 0
[DebuggerHiddenAttribute] // 0x331CB8
private object System.Collections.IEnumerator.get_Current(); // 0
public bool MoveNext(); // 0
[DebuggerHiddenAttribute] // 0x331CC8
public void Dispose(); // 0
[DebuggerHiddenAttribute] // 0x331CD8
public void Reset(); // 0
// Namespace:
private sealed class Swapper : MulticastDelegate // TypeDefIndex: 45
// Methods
public void .ctor(object object, IntPtr method); // 0xB82E98
public virtual void Invoke(int i, int j); // 0xB83550
public virtual IAsyncResult BeginInvoke(int i, int j, AsyncCallback callback, object object); // 0xB851E8
public virtual void EndInvoke(IAsyncResult result); // 0xB852BC
// Namespace: System.Collections
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x331CE8
public interface ICollection : IEnumerable // TypeDefIndex: 46
// Properties
public abstract int Count { get; }
public abstract bool IsSynchronized { get; }
public abstract object SyncRoot { get; }
// Methods
public abstract int get_Count(); // 0
public abstract bool get_IsSynchronized(); // 0
public abstract object get_SyncRoot(); // 0
public abstract void CopyTo(Array array, int index); // 0
// Namespace: System.Collections
[DefaultMemberAttribute] // 0x331CFC
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x331CFC
public interface IList : IEnumerable, ICollection // TypeDefIndex: 47
// Properties
public abstract bool IsFixedSize { get; }
public abstract bool IsReadOnly { get; }
public abstract object Item { get; set; }
// Methods
public abstract bool get_IsFixedSize(); // 0
public abstract bool get_IsReadOnly(); // 0
public abstract object get_Item(int index); // 0
public abstract void set_Item(int index, object value); // 0
public abstract int Add(object value); // 0
public abstract void Clear(); // 0
public abstract bool Contains(object value); // 0
public abstract int IndexOf(object value); // 0
public abstract void Insert(int index, object value); // 0
public abstract void Remove(object value); // 0
public abstract void RemoveAt(int index); // 0
// Namespace: System.Collections.Generic
[DefaultMemberAttribute] // 0x331D54
public interface IList`1 : IEnumerable, ICollection`1<T>, IEnumerable`1<T> // TypeDefIndex: 48
// Properties
public abstract T Item { get; set; }
// Methods
public abstract int IndexOf(T item); // 0
public abstract void Insert(int index, T item); // 0
public abstract void RemoveAt(int index); // 0
public abstract T get_Item(int index); // 0
public abstract void set_Item(int index, T value); // 0
// Namespace: System.Collections.Generic
public interface ICollection`1 : IEnumerable, IEnumerable`1<T> // TypeDefIndex: 49
// Properties
public abstract int Count { get; }
public abstract bool IsReadOnly { get; }
// Methods
public abstract int get_Count(); // 0
public abstract bool get_IsReadOnly(); // 0
public abstract void Add(T item); // 0
public abstract void Clear(); // 0
public abstract bool Contains(T item); // 0
public abstract void CopyTo(T[] array, int arrayIndex); // 0
public abstract bool Remove(T item); // 0
// Namespace: System
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x331D94
public struct Void // TypeDefIndex: 50
// Namespace: System
[ComDefaultInterfaceAttribute] // 0x331DA8
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x331DA8
[ClassInterfaceAttribute] // 0x331DA8
public abstract class Type : MemberInfo, IReflect, _Type // TypeDefIndex: 51
// Fields
internal const BindingFlags DefaultBindingFlags = 28; // 0x0
internal RuntimeTypeHandle _impl; // 0x8
public static readonly char Delimiter; // 0x0
public static readonly Type[] EmptyTypes; // 0x4
public static readonly MemberFilter FilterAttribute; // 0x8
public static readonly MemberFilter FilterName; // 0xC
public static readonly MemberFilter FilterNameIgnoreCase; // 0x10
public static readonly object Missing; // 0x14
// Properties
public abstract Assembly Assembly { get; }
public abstract string AssemblyQualifiedName { get; }
public TypeAttributes Attributes { get; }
public abstract Type BaseType { get; }
public override Type DeclaringType { get; }
public static Binder DefaultBinder { get; }
public abstract string FullName { get; }
public abstract Guid GUID { get; }
public bool HasElementType { get; }
public bool IsAbstract { get; }
public bool IsAnsiClass { get; }
public bool IsArray { get; }
public bool IsAutoClass { get; }
public bool IsAutoLayout { get; }
public bool IsByRef { get; }
public bool IsClass { get; }
public bool IsCOMObject { get; }
public bool IsContextful { get; }
public bool IsEnum { get; }
public bool IsExplicitLayout { get; }
public bool IsImport { get; }
public bool IsInterface { get; }
public bool IsLayoutSequential { get; }
public bool IsMarshalByRef { get; }
public bool IsNestedAssembly { get; }
public bool IsNestedFamANDAssem { get; }
public bool IsNestedFamily { get; }
public bool IsNestedFamORAssem { get; }
public bool IsNestedPrivate { get; }
public bool IsNestedPublic { get; }
public bool IsNotPublic { get; }
public bool IsPointer { get; }
public bool IsPrimitive { get; }
public bool IsPublic { get; }
public bool IsSealed { get; }
public bool IsSerializable { get; }
public bool IsSpecialName { get; }
public bool IsUnicodeClass { get; }
public bool IsValueType { get; }
public override MemberTypes MemberType { get; }
public abstract override Module Module { get; }
public abstract string Namespace { get; }
public override Type ReflectedType { get; }
public virtual RuntimeTypeHandle TypeHandle { get; }
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x332164
public ConstructorInfo TypeInitializer { get; }
public abstract Type UnderlyingSystemType { get; }
internal bool IsSystemType { get; }
public virtual bool ContainsGenericParameters { get; }
public virtual bool IsGenericTypeDefinition { get; }
public virtual bool IsGenericType { get; }
public virtual bool IsGenericParameter { get; }
public bool IsNested { get; }
public bool IsVisible { get; }
public virtual int GenericParameterPosition { get; }
public virtual GenericParameterAttributes GenericParameterAttributes { get; }
public virtual MethodBase DeclaringMethod { get; }
public virtual StructLayoutAttribute StructLayoutAttribute { get; }
internal bool IsUserType { get; }
// Methods
protected void .ctor(); // 0x1090364
private static void .cctor(); // 0x109036C
private void System.Runtime.InteropServices._Type.GetIDsOfNames(Guid riid, IntPtr rgszNames, uint cNames, uint lcid, IntPtr rgDispId); // 0x1090538
private void System.Runtime.InteropServices._Type.GetTypeInfo(uint iTInfo, uint lcid, IntPtr ppTInfo); // 0x10905CC
private void System.Runtime.InteropServices._Type.GetTypeInfoCount(out uint pcTInfo); // 0x1090660
private void System.Runtime.InteropServices._Type.Invoke(uint dispIdMember, Guid riid, uint lcid, short wFlags, IntPtr pDispParams, IntPtr pVarResult, IntPtr pExcepInfo, IntPtr puArgErr); // 0x10906F4
private static bool FilterName_impl(MemberInfo m, object filterCriteria); // 0x1090788
private static bool FilterNameIgnoreCase_impl(MemberInfo m, object filterCriteria); // 0x1090A10
private static bool FilterAttribute_impl(MemberInfo m, object filterCriteria); // 0x1090D18
public abstract Assembly get_Assembly(); // 0
public abstract string get_AssemblyQualifiedName(); // 0
public TypeAttributes get_Attributes(); // 0x109100C
public abstract Type get_BaseType(); // 0
public override Type get_DeclaringType(); // 0x109101C
public static Binder get_DefaultBinder(); // 0x1091024
public abstract string get_FullName(); // 0
public abstract Guid get_GUID(); // 0
public bool get_HasElementType(); // 0x10910C4
public bool get_IsAbstract(); // 0x10910D4
public bool get_IsAnsiClass(); // 0x10910F8
public bool get_IsArray(); // 0x1091124
public bool get_IsAutoClass(); // 0x1091134
public bool get_IsAutoLayout(); // 0x1091160
public bool get_IsByRef(); // 0x109118C
public bool get_IsClass(); // 0x109119C
public bool get_IsCOMObject(); // 0x109121C
public bool get_IsContextful(); // 0x109122C
public bool get_IsEnum(); // 0x109123C
public bool get_IsExplicitLayout(); // 0x109130C
public bool get_IsImport(); // 0x1091338
public bool get_IsInterface(); // 0x10911E8
public bool get_IsLayoutSequential(); // 0x109135C
public bool get_IsMarshalByRef(); // 0x1091388
public bool get_IsNestedAssembly(); // 0x1091398
public bool get_IsNestedFamANDAssem(); // 0x10913C4
public bool get_IsNestedFamily(); // 0x10913F0
public bool get_IsNestedFamORAssem(); // 0x109141C
public bool get_IsNestedPrivate(); // 0x1091448
public bool get_IsNestedPublic(); // 0x1091474
public bool get_IsNotPublic(); // 0x10914A0
public bool get_IsPointer(); // 0x10914CC
public bool get_IsPrimitive(); // 0x10914DC
public bool get_IsPublic(); // 0x10914EC
public bool get_IsSealed(); // 0x1091514
public bool get_IsSerializable(); // 0x1091538
public bool get_IsSpecialName(); // 0x1091858
public bool get_IsUnicodeClass(); // 0x109187C
public bool get_IsValueType(); // 0x109120C
public override MemberTypes get_MemberType(); // 0x10918A8
public abstract override Module get_Module(); // 0
public abstract string get_Namespace(); // 0
public override Type get_ReflectedType(); // 0x10918B0
public virtual RuntimeTypeHandle get_TypeHandle(); // 0x10918B8
public ConstructorInfo get_TypeInitializer(); // 0x109196C
public abstract Type get_UnderlyingSystemType(); // 0
public override bool Equals(object o); // 0x1091A54
public bool Equals(Type o); // 0x1091B14
internal bool EqualsInternal(Type type); // 0x1091B80
private static Type internal_from_handle(IntPtr handle); // 0x1091B84
private static Type internal_from_name(string name, bool throwOnError, bool ignoreCase); // 0x1091B8C
public static Type GetType(string typeName); // 0x10778B0
public static Type GetType(string typeName, bool throwOnError); // 0x1091B9C
public static Type GetType(string typeName, bool throwOnError, bool ignoreCase); // 0x1091D94
public static Type[] GetTypeArray(object[] args); // 0x1091F50
internal static TypeCode GetTypeCodeInternal(Type type); // 0x10920E4
public static TypeCode GetTypeCode(Type type); // 0x10920EC
[MonoTODOAttribute] // 0x331E68
public static Type GetTypeFromCLSID(Guid clsid); // 0x1092234
[MonoTODOAttribute] // 0x331EA8
public static Type GetTypeFromCLSID(Guid clsid, bool throwOnError); // 0x10922C8
[MonoTODOAttribute] // 0x331EE8
public static Type GetTypeFromCLSID(Guid clsid, string server); // 0x109235C
[MonoTODOAttribute] // 0x331F28
public static Type GetTypeFromCLSID(Guid clsid, string server, bool throwOnError); // 0x10923F0
public static Type GetTypeFromHandle(RuntimeTypeHandle handle); // 0x10592F8
[MonoTODOAttribute] // 0x331F68
public static Type GetTypeFromProgID(string progID); // 0x1092484
[MonoTODOAttribute] // 0x331FA8
public static Type GetTypeFromProgID(string progID, bool throwOnError); // 0x1092518
[MonoTODOAttribute] // 0x331FE8
public static Type GetTypeFromProgID(string progID, string server); // 0x10925AC
[MonoTODOAttribute] // 0x332028
public static Type GetTypeFromProgID(string progID, string server, bool throwOnError); // 0x1092640
public static RuntimeTypeHandle GetTypeHandle(object o); // 0x10926D4
internal static bool type_is_subtype_of(Type a, Type b, bool check_interfaces); // 0x1091848
internal static bool type_is_assignable_from(Type a, Type b); // 0x10927A8
public Type GetType(); // 0x10927B4
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x332068
public virtual bool IsSubclassOf(Type c); // 0x10927BC
public virtual Type[] FindInterfaces(TypeFilter filter, object filterCriteria); // 0x10928E4
public Type GetInterface(string name); // 0x1092B0C
public abstract Type GetInterface(string name, bool ignoreCase); // 0
internal static void GetInterfaceMapData(Type t, Type iface, out MethodInfo[] targets, out MethodInfo[] methods); // 0x1092B20
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x33207C
public virtual InterfaceMapping GetInterfaceMap(Type interfaceType); // 0x1092B38
public abstract Type[] GetInterfaces(); // 0
public virtual bool IsAssignableFrom(Type c); // 0x1092D7C
public virtual bool IsInstanceOfType(object o); // 0x1092F2C
public virtual int GetArrayRank(); // 0x1092F30
public abstract Type GetElementType(); // 0
public EventInfo GetEvent(string name); // 0x1092FC4
public abstract EventInfo GetEvent(string name, BindingFlags bindingAttr); // 0
public virtual EventInfo[] GetEvents(); // 0x1092FD8
public abstract EventInfo[] GetEvents(BindingFlags bindingAttr); // 0
public FieldInfo GetField(string name); // 0x1092FEC
public abstract FieldInfo GetField(string name, BindingFlags bindingAttr); // 0
public FieldInfo[] GetFields(); // 0x1093000
public abstract FieldInfo[] GetFields(BindingFlags bindingAttr); // 0
public override int GetHashCode(); // 0x1093014
public MemberInfo[] GetMember(string name); // 0x1093074
public virtual MemberInfo[] GetMember(string name, BindingFlags bindingAttr); // 0x10930A4
public virtual MemberInfo[] GetMember(string name, MemberTypes type, BindingFlags bindingAttr); // 0x10930D4
public MemberInfo[] GetMembers(); // 0x109326C
public abstract MemberInfo[] GetMembers(BindingFlags bindingAttr); // 0
public MethodInfo GetMethod(string name); // 0x1093280
public MethodInfo GetMethod(string name, BindingFlags bindingAttr); // 0x109337C
public MethodInfo GetMethod(string name, Type[] types); // 0x109347C
public MethodInfo GetMethod(string name, Type[] types, ParameterModifier[] modifiers); // 0x1093630
public MethodInfo GetMethod(string name, BindingFlags bindingAttr, Binder binder, Type[] types, ParameterModifier[] modifiers); // 0x109365C
public MethodInfo GetMethod(string name, BindingFlags bindingAttr, Binder binder, CallingConventions callConvention, Type[] types, ParameterModifier[] modifiers); // 0x10934AC
protected abstract MethodInfo GetMethodImpl(string name, BindingFlags bindingAttr, Binder binder, CallingConventions callConvention, Type[] types, ParameterModifier[] modifiers); // 0
internal MethodInfo GetMethodImplInternal(string name, BindingFlags bindingAttr, Binder binder, CallingConventions callConvention, Type[] types, ParameterModifier[] modifiers); // 0x1093684
internal virtual MethodInfo GetMethod(MethodInfo fromNoninstanciated); // 0x10936C0
internal virtual ConstructorInfo GetConstructor(ConstructorInfo fromNoninstanciated); // 0x1093768
internal virtual FieldInfo GetField(FieldInfo fromNoninstanciated); // 0x1093810
public MethodInfo[] GetMethods(); // 0x10938B8
public abstract MethodInfo[] GetMethods(BindingFlags bindingAttr); // 0
public Type GetNestedType(string name); // 0x10938CC
public abstract Type GetNestedType(string name, BindingFlags bindingAttr); // 0
public Type[] GetNestedTypes(); // 0x10938E0
public abstract Type[] GetNestedTypes(BindingFlags bindingAttr); // 0
public PropertyInfo[] GetProperties(); // 0x10938F4
public abstract PropertyInfo[] GetProperties(BindingFlags bindingAttr); // 0
public PropertyInfo GetProperty(string name); // 0x1093908
public PropertyInfo GetProperty(string name, BindingFlags bindingAttr); // 0x1093A00
public PropertyInfo GetProperty(string name, Type returnType); // 0x1093AFC
public PropertyInfo GetProperty(string name, Type[] types); // 0x1093BF8
public PropertyInfo GetProperty(string name, Type returnType, Type[] types); // 0x1093DAC
public PropertyInfo GetProperty(string name, Type returnType, Type[] types, ParameterModifier[] modifiers); // 0x1093DD4
public PropertyInfo GetProperty(string name, BindingFlags bindingAttr, Binder binder, Type returnType, Type[] types, ParameterModifier[] modifiers); // 0x1093C28
protected abstract PropertyInfo GetPropertyImpl(string name, BindingFlags bindingAttr, Binder binder, Type returnType, Type[] types, ParameterModifier[] modifiers); // 0
internal PropertyInfo GetPropertyImplInternal(string name, BindingFlags bindingAttr, Binder binder, Type returnType, Type[] types, ParameterModifier[] modifiers); // 0x1093DFC
protected abstract ConstructorInfo GetConstructorImpl(BindingFlags bindingAttr, Binder binder, CallingConventions callConvention, Type[] types, ParameterModifier[] modifiers); // 0
protected abstract TypeAttributes GetAttributeFlagsImpl(); // 0
protected abstract bool HasElementTypeImpl(); // 0
protected abstract bool IsArrayImpl(); // 0
protected abstract bool IsByRefImpl(); // 0
protected abstract bool IsCOMObjectImpl(); // 0
protected abstract bool IsPointerImpl(); // 0
protected abstract bool IsPrimitiveImpl(); // 0
internal static bool IsArrayImpl(Type type); // 0x1093E38
protected virtual bool IsValueTypeImpl(); // 0x1093E40
protected virtual bool IsContextfulImpl(); // 0x1093FC4
protected virtual bool IsMarshalByRefImpl(); // 0x10940A4
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x332090
public ConstructorInfo GetConstructor(Type[] types); // 0x1094184
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x3320A4
public ConstructorInfo GetConstructor(BindingFlags bindingAttr, Binder binder, Type[] types, ParameterModifier[] modifiers); // 0x10942F8
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x3320B8
public ConstructorInfo GetConstructor(BindingFlags bindingAttr, Binder binder, CallingConventions callConvention, Type[] types, ParameterModifier[] modifiers); // 0x10941B0
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x3320CC
public ConstructorInfo[] GetConstructors(); // 0x109431C
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x3320E0
public abstract ConstructorInfo[] GetConstructors(BindingFlags bindingAttr); // 0
public virtual MemberInfo[] GetDefaultMembers(); // 0x1094330
public virtual MemberInfo[] FindMembers(MemberTypes memberType, BindingFlags bindingAttr, MemberFilter filter, object filterCriteria); // 0x1094694
[DebuggerStepThroughAttribute] // 0x3320F4
[DebuggerHiddenAttribute] // 0x3320F4
public object InvokeMember(string name, BindingFlags invokeAttr, Binder binder, object target, object[] args); // 0x1094E94
[DebuggerHiddenAttribute] // 0x332124
[DebuggerStepThroughAttribute] // 0x332124
public object InvokeMember(string name, BindingFlags invokeAttr, Binder binder, object target, object[] args, CultureInfo culture); // 0x1094EDC
public abstract object InvokeMember(string name, BindingFlags invokeAttr, Binder binder, object target, object[] args, ParameterModifier[] modifiers, CultureInfo culture, string[] namedParameters); // 0
public override string ToString(); // 0x1094F24
internal bool get_IsSystemType(); // 0x10917A8
public virtual Type[] GetGenericArguments(); // 0x1094F34
public virtual bool get_ContainsGenericParameters(); // 0x1094FC8
public virtual bool get_IsGenericTypeDefinition(); // 0x1094FD0
internal Type GetGenericTypeDefinition_impl(); // 0x1094FD4
public virtual Type GetGenericTypeDefinition(); // 0x1094FD8
public virtual bool get_IsGenericType(); // 0x1095080
private static Type MakeGenericType(Type gt, Type[] types); // 0x1095084
public virtual Type MakeGenericType(Type[] typeArguments); // 0x1095090
public virtual bool get_IsGenericParameter(); // 0x1095564
public bool get_IsNested(); // 0x109556C
public bool get_IsVisible(); // 0x1095590
private int GetGenericParameterPosition(); // 0x1095608
public virtual int get_GenericParameterPosition(); // 0x109560C
private GenericParameterAttributes GetGenericParameterAttributes(); // 0x10956B4
public virtual GenericParameterAttributes get_GenericParameterAttributes(); // 0x10956B8
private Type[] GetGenericParameterConstraints_impl(); // 0x1095778
public virtual Type[] GetGenericParameterConstraints(); // 0x109577C
public virtual MethodBase get_DeclaringMethod(); // 0x109583C
private Type make_array_type(int rank); // 0x1095844
public virtual Type MakeArrayType(); // 0x1095848
public virtual Type MakeArrayType(int rank); // 0x1095850
private Type make_byref_type(); // 0x1095904
public virtual Type MakeByRefType(); // 0x1095908
public virtual Type MakePointerType(); // 0x109590C
public static Type ReflectionOnlyGetType(string typeName, bool throwIfNotFound, bool ignoreCase); // 0x1095910
private void GetPacking(out int packing, out int size); // 0x1095B78
public virtual StructLayoutAttribute get_StructLayoutAttribute(); // 0x1095B7C
internal object[] GetPseudoCustomAttributes(); // 0x1095CE0
internal bool get_IsUserType(); // 0x1095EEC
// Namespace: System.Reflection
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x332178
[ClassInterfaceAttribute] // 0x332178
[ComDefaultInterfaceAttribute] // 0x332178
public abstract class MemberInfo : ICustomAttributeProvider, _MemberInfo // TypeDefIndex: 52
// Properties
public abstract Type DeclaringType { get; }
public abstract MemberTypes MemberType { get; }
public abstract string Name { get; }
public abstract Type ReflectedType { get; }
public virtual Module Module { get; }
public virtual int MetadataToken { get; }
// Methods
protected void .ctor(); // 0x15B794C
private void System.Runtime.InteropServices._MemberInfo.GetIDsOfNames(Guid riid, IntPtr rgszNames, uint cNames, uint lcid, IntPtr rgDispId); // 0x15BA0AC
private void System.Runtime.InteropServices._MemberInfo.GetTypeInfo(uint iTInfo, uint lcid, IntPtr ppTInfo); // 0x15BA140
private void System.Runtime.InteropServices._MemberInfo.GetTypeInfoCount(out uint pcTInfo); // 0x15BA1D4
private void System.Runtime.InteropServices._MemberInfo.Invoke(uint dispIdMember, Guid riid, uint lcid, short wFlags, IntPtr pDispParams, IntPtr pVarResult, IntPtr pExcepInfo, IntPtr puArgErr); // 0x15BA268
public abstract Type get_DeclaringType(); // 0
public abstract MemberTypes get_MemberType(); // 0
public abstract string get_Name(); // 0
public abstract Type get_ReflectedType(); // 0
public virtual Module get_Module(); // 0x15BA2FC
public abstract bool IsDefined(Type attributeType, bool inherit); // 0
public abstract object[] GetCustomAttributes(bool inherit); // 0
public abstract object[] GetCustomAttributes(Type attributeType, bool inherit); // 0
public virtual int get_MetadataToken(); // 0x15BA33C
virtual Type System.Runtime.InteropServices._MemberInfo.GetType(); // 0x15BA340
// Namespace: System.Reflection
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x332238
public interface ICustomAttributeProvider // TypeDefIndex: 53
// Methods
public abstract object[] GetCustomAttributes(bool inherit); // 0
public abstract object[] GetCustomAttributes(Type attributeType, bool inherit); // 0
public abstract bool IsDefined(Type attributeType, bool inherit); // 0
// Namespace: System.Runtime.InteropServices
[InterfaceTypeAttribute] // 0x33224C
[CLSCompliantAttribute] // 0x33224C
[TypeLibImportClassAttribute] // 0x33224C
[GuidAttribute] // 0x33224C
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x33224C
public interface _MemberInfo // TypeDefIndex: 54
// Methods
public abstract Type GetType(); // 0
public abstract void GetIDsOfNames(Guid riid, IntPtr rgszNames, uint cNames, uint lcid, IntPtr rgDispId); // 0
public abstract void GetTypeInfo(uint iTInfo, uint lcid, IntPtr ppTInfo); // 0
public abstract void GetTypeInfoCount(out uint pcTInfo); // 0
public abstract void Invoke(uint dispIdMember, Guid riid, uint lcid, short wFlags, IntPtr pDispParams, IntPtr pVarResult, IntPtr pExcepInfo, IntPtr puArgErr); // 0
// Namespace: System.Reflection
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x332348
[GuidAttribute] // 0x332348
public interface IReflect // TypeDefIndex: 55
// Properties
public abstract Type UnderlyingSystemType { get; }
// Methods
public abstract Type get_UnderlyingSystemType(); // 0
public abstract FieldInfo GetField(string name, BindingFlags bindingAttr); // 0
public abstract FieldInfo[] GetFields(BindingFlags bindingAttr); // 0
public abstract MemberInfo[] GetMember(string name, BindingFlags bindingAttr); // 0
public abstract MemberInfo[] GetMembers(BindingFlags bindingAttr); // 0
public abstract MethodInfo GetMethod(string name, BindingFlags bindingAttr); // 0
public abstract MethodInfo GetMethod(string name, BindingFlags bindingAttr, Binder binder, Type[] types, ParameterModifier[] modifiers); // 0
public abstract MethodInfo[] GetMethods(BindingFlags bindingAttr); // 0
public abstract PropertyInfo[] GetProperties(BindingFlags bindingAttr); // 0
public abstract PropertyInfo GetProperty(string name, BindingFlags bindingAttr); // 0
public abstract PropertyInfo GetProperty(string name, BindingFlags bindingAttr, Binder binder, Type returnType, Type[] types, ParameterModifier[] modifiers); // 0
public abstract object InvokeMember(string name, BindingFlags invokeAttr, Binder binder, object target, object[] args, ParameterModifier[] modifiers, CultureInfo culture, string[] namedParameters); // 0
// Namespace: System.Runtime.InteropServices
[CLSCompliantAttribute] // 0x3323A0
[GuidAttribute] // 0x3323A0
[TypeLibImportClassAttribute] // 0x3323A0
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x3323A0
[InterfaceTypeAttribute] // 0x3323A0
public interface _Type // TypeDefIndex: 56
// Methods
public abstract void GetIDsOfNames(Guid riid, IntPtr rgszNames, uint cNames, uint lcid, IntPtr rgDispId); // 0
public abstract void GetTypeInfo(uint iTInfo, uint lcid, IntPtr ppTInfo); // 0
public abstract void GetTypeInfoCount(out uint pcTInfo); // 0
public abstract void Invoke(uint dispIdMember, Guid riid, uint lcid, short wFlags, IntPtr pDispParams, IntPtr pVarResult, IntPtr pExcepInfo, IntPtr puArgErr); // 0
// Namespace: System
[ClassInterfaceAttribute] // 0x33249C
[ComDefaultInterfaceAttribute] // 0x33249C
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x33249C
public class Exception : ISerializable, _Exception // TypeDefIndex: 57
// Fields
private IntPtr[] trace_ips; // 0x8
private Exception inner_exception; // 0xC
internal string message; // 0x10
private string help_link; // 0x14
private string class_name; // 0x18
private string stack_trace; // 0x1C
private string _remoteStackTraceString; // 0x20
private int remote_stack_index; // 0x24
internal int hresult; // 0x28
private string source; // 0x2C
private IDictionary _data; // 0x30
// Properties
public Exception InnerException { get; }
protected int HResult { get; set; }
private string ClassName { get; }
public virtual string Message { get; }
public virtual string Source { get; }
public virtual string StackTrace { get; }
// Methods
public void .ctor(); // 0xBD3BB0
public void .ctor(string message); // 0xB99BF8
protected void .ctor(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context); // 0xBD3BC4
public void .ctor(string message, Exception innerException); // 0xBD3F64
public Exception get_InnerException(); // 0xBD3F9C
protected int get_HResult(); // 0xBD3FA4
protected void set_HResult(int value); // 0xB7D004
private string get_ClassName(); // 0xBD3FAC
public virtual string get_Message(); // 0xB7D2F4
public virtual string get_Source(); // 0xBD4004
public virtual string get_StackTrace(); // 0xBD4178
public virtual void GetObjectData(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context); // 0xB7D4AC
public override string ToString(); // 0xBD4B0C
internal void GetFullNameForStackTrace(StringBuilder sb, MethodBase mi); // 0xBD4624
public Type GetType(); // 0xBD3FFC
// Namespace: System.Runtime.InteropServices
[InterfaceTypeAttribute] // 0x33255C
[CLSCompliantAttribute] // 0x33255C
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x33255C
[GuidAttribute] // 0x33255C
public interface _Exception // TypeDefIndex: 58
// Namespace: System
[MonoTODOAttribute] // 0x3325DC
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x3325DC
public struct RuntimeFieldHandle : ISerializable // TypeDefIndex: 59
// Fields
private IntPtr value; // 0x8
// Properties
public IntPtr Value { get; }
// Methods
internal void .ctor(IntPtr v); // 0x12C9DBC
private void .ctor(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context); // 0x12C9FD8
public IntPtr get_Value(); // 0x12C9FF4
public void GetObjectData(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context); // 0x12CA1F4
[ReliabilityContractAttribute] // 0x332634
public override bool Equals(object obj); // 0x12CA328
public override int GetHashCode(); // 0x12CA330
// Namespace: System
[MonoTODOAttribute] // 0x33264C
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x33264C
public struct RuntimeTypeHandle : ISerializable // TypeDefIndex: 60
// Fields
private IntPtr value; // 0x8
// Properties
public IntPtr Value { get; }
// Methods
internal void .ctor(IntPtr val); // 0x12CA8CC
private void .ctor(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context); // 0x12CAAE8
public IntPtr get_Value(); // 0x12CAB04
public void GetObjectData(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context); // 0x12CAD1C
[ReliabilityContractAttribute] // 0x3326A4
public override bool Equals(object obj); // 0x12CAE50
public override int GetHashCode(); // 0x12CAE58
// Namespace: System
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x3326BC
[AttributeUsageAttribute] // 0x3326BC
public sealed class ParamArrayAttribute : Attribute // TypeDefIndex: 61
// Methods
public void .ctor(); // 0x130548C
// Namespace: System.Runtime.InteropServices
[AttributeUsageAttribute] // 0x3326F4
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x3326F4
public sealed class OutAttribute : Attribute // TypeDefIndex: 62
// Methods
public void .ctor(); // 0x171487C
// Namespace: System
[AttributeUsageAttribute] // 0x332740
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x332740
public sealed class ObsoleteAttribute : Attribute // TypeDefIndex: 63
// Fields
private string _message; // 0x8
private bool _error; // 0xC
// Methods
public void .ctor(); // 0x1304998
public void .ctor(string message); // 0x13049A0
public void .ctor(string message, bool error); // 0x13049C0
// Namespace: System.Runtime.InteropServices
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x33278C
[AttributeUsageAttribute] // 0x33278C
public sealed class DllImportAttribute : Attribute // TypeDefIndex: 64
// Fields
public CallingConvention CallingConvention; // 0x8
public CharSet CharSet; // 0xC
private string Dll; // 0x10
public string EntryPoint; // 0x14
public bool ExactSpelling; // 0x18
public bool PreserveSig; // 0x19
public bool SetLastError; // 0x1A
public bool BestFitMapping; // 0x1B
public bool ThrowOnUnmappableChar; // 0x1C
// Properties
public string Value { get; }
// Methods
public void .ctor(string dllName); // 0x171379C
public string get_Value(); // 0x17137BC
// Namespace: System.Runtime.InteropServices
[AttributeUsageAttribute] // 0x3327D8
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x3327D8
public sealed class MarshalAsAttribute : Attribute // TypeDefIndex: 65
// Fields
private UnmanagedType utype; // 0x8
public UnmanagedType ArraySubType; // 0xC
public string MarshalCookie; // 0x10
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x332824
public string MarshalType; // 0x14
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x332838
public Type MarshalTypeRef; // 0x18
public int SizeConst; // 0x1C
public short SizeParamIndex; // 0x20
// Methods
public void .ctor(UnmanagedType unmanagedType); // 0x1714788
// Namespace: System.Runtime.InteropServices
[AttributeUsageAttribute] // 0x33284C
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x33284C
public sealed class InAttribute : Attribute // TypeDefIndex: 66
// Methods
public void .ctor(); // 0x1713DB8
// Namespace: System.Diagnostics
[AttributeUsageAttribute] // 0x332898
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x332898
public sealed class ConditionalAttribute : Attribute // TypeDefIndex: 67
// Fields
private string myCondition; // 0x8
// Methods
public void .ctor(string conditionString); // 0xBC942C
// Namespace: System.Security.Permissions
[AttributeUsageAttribute] // 0x3328E4
[ObsoleteAttribute] // 0x3328E4
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x3328E4
public abstract class SecurityAttribute : Attribute // TypeDefIndex: 68
// Namespace: System.Runtime.InteropServices
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x332974
[AttributeUsageAttribute] // 0x332974
public sealed class GuidAttribute : Attribute // TypeDefIndex: 69
// Fields
private string guidValue; // 0x8
// Properties
public string Value { get; }
// Methods
public void .ctor(string guid); // 0x1713D90
public string get_Value(); // 0x1713DB0
// Namespace: System.Reflection
[AttributeUsageAttribute] // 0x3329C0
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x3329C0
public sealed class AssemblyCultureAttribute : Attribute // TypeDefIndex: 70
// Fields
private string name; // 0x8
// Properties
public string Culture { get; }
// Methods
public void .ctor(string culture); // 0x13098D0
public string get_Culture(); // 0x13098F0
// Namespace: System.Reflection
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x332A0C
[AttributeUsageAttribute] // 0x332A0C
public sealed class AssemblyVersionAttribute : Attribute // TypeDefIndex: 71
// Fields
private string name; // 0x8
// Properties
public string Version { get; }
// Methods
public void .ctor(string version); // 0x130B5A4
public string get_Version(); // 0x130B5C4
// Namespace: System.Runtime.InteropServices
[AttributeUsageAttribute] // 0x332A58
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x332A58
public sealed class ComImportAttribute : Attribute // TypeDefIndex: 72
// Methods
public void .ctor(); // 0x1713754
// Namespace: System.Runtime.InteropServices
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x332AA4
[AttributeUsageAttribute] // 0x332AA4
public sealed class OptionalAttribute : Attribute // TypeDefIndex: 73
// Methods
public void .ctor(); // 0x1714874
// Namespace: System.Runtime.CompilerServices
[AttributeUsageAttribute] // 0x332AF0
public sealed class FixedBufferAttribute : Attribute // TypeDefIndex: 74
// Fields
private Type elementType; // 0x8
private int length; // 0xC
// Properties
public Type ElementType { get; }
public int Length { get; }
// Methods
public void .ctor(Type elementType, int length); // 0x15D1538
public Type get_ElementType(); // 0x15D1560
public int get_Length(); // 0x15D1568
// Namespace: System.Runtime.CompilerServices
[AttributeUsageAttribute] // 0x332B24
public sealed class CompilerGeneratedAttribute : Attribute // TypeDefIndex: 75
// Methods
public void .ctor(); // 0x15D1424
// Namespace: System.Runtime.CompilerServices
[AttributeUsageAttribute] // 0x332B38
public sealed class InternalsVisibleToAttribute : Attribute // TypeDefIndex: 76
// Fields
private string assemblyName; // 0x8
private bool all_visible; // 0xC
// Methods
public void .ctor(string assemblyName); // 0x15D1570
// Namespace: System.Runtime.CompilerServices
[AttributeUsageAttribute] // 0x332B7C
public sealed class RuntimeCompatibilityAttribute : Attribute // TypeDefIndex: 77
// Fields
private bool wrap_non_exception_throws; // 0x8
// Properties
public bool WrapNonExceptionThrows { set; }
// Methods
public void .ctor(); // 0x15D159C
public void set_WrapNonExceptionThrows(bool value); // 0x15D15A4
// Namespace: System.Diagnostics
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x332BC0
[AttributeUsageAttribute] // 0x332BC0
public sealed class DebuggerHiddenAttribute : Attribute // TypeDefIndex: 78
// Methods
public void .ctor(); // 0xBC95E8
// Namespace: System.Reflection
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x332C0C
[AttributeUsageAttribute] // 0x332C0C
public sealed class DefaultMemberAttribute : Attribute // TypeDefIndex: 79
// Fields
private string member_name; // 0x8
// Properties
public string MemberName { get; }
// Methods
public void .ctor(string memberName); // 0x1310DE4
public string get_MemberName(); // 0x12FAA54
// Namespace: System.Runtime.CompilerServices
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x332C44
[AttributeUsageAttribute] // 0x332C44
public sealed class DecimalConstantAttribute : Attribute // TypeDefIndex: 80
// Fields
private byte scale; // 0x8
private bool sign; // 0x9
private int hi; // 0xC
private int mid; // 0x10
private int low; // 0x14
// Properties
public Decimal Value { get; }
// Methods
[CLSCompliantAttribute] // 0x332C90
public void .ctor(byte scale, byte sign, uint hi, uint mid, uint low); // 0x15D1434
public Decimal get_Value(); // 0x15C90D8
// Namespace: System.Runtime.InteropServices
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x332CA4
[AttributeUsageAttribute] // 0x332CA4
public sealed class StructLayoutAttribute : Attribute // TypeDefIndex: 81
// Fields
public CharSet CharSet; // 0x8
public int Pack; // 0xC
public int Size; // 0x10
private LayoutKind lkind; // 0x14
// Methods
public void .ctor(LayoutKind layoutKind); // 0x1714EC8
// Namespace: System.Runtime.InteropServices
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x332CF0
[AttributeUsageAttribute] // 0x332CF0
public sealed class FieldOffsetAttribute : Attribute // TypeDefIndex: 82
// Fields
private int val; // 0x8
// Methods
public void .ctor(int offset); // 0x17137F0
// Namespace: System
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x332D3C
public struct RuntimeArgumentHandle // TypeDefIndex: 83
// Fields
internal IntPtr args; // 0x8
// Namespace: System
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x332D50
public sealed class AsyncCallback : MulticastDelegate // TypeDefIndex: 84
// Methods
public void .ctor(object object, IntPtr method); // 0xB854A8
public virtual void Invoke(IAsyncResult ar); // 0xB854BC
public virtual IAsyncResult BeginInvoke(IAsyncResult ar, AsyncCallback callback, object object); // 0xB85554
public virtual void EndInvoke(IAsyncResult result); // 0xB85580
// Namespace: System
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x332D64
public interface IAsyncResult // TypeDefIndex: 85
// Properties
public abstract object AsyncState { get; }
public abstract WaitHandle AsyncWaitHandle { get; }
public abstract bool IsCompleted { get; }
// Methods
public abstract object get_AsyncState(); // 0
public abstract WaitHandle get_AsyncWaitHandle(); // 0
public abstract bool get_IsCompleted(); // 0
// Namespace: System
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x332D78
[CLSCompliantAttribute] // 0x332D78
public struct TypedReference // TypeDefIndex: 86
// Fields
private RuntimeTypeHandle type; // 0x8
private IntPtr value; // 0xC
private IntPtr klass; // 0x10
// Methods
public override bool Equals(object o); // 0x1096170
public override int GetHashCode(); // 0x1096298
// Namespace: System
public struct ArgIterator // TypeDefIndex: 87
// Fields
private IntPtr sig; // 0x8
private IntPtr args; // 0xC
private int next_arg; // 0x10
private int num_args; // 0x14
// Methods
public override bool Equals(object o); // 0xB7CF44
public override int GetHashCode(); // 0xB7CF54
// Namespace: System
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x332DB0
public abstract class MarshalByRefObject // TypeDefIndex: 88
// Fields
private ServerIdentity _identity; // 0x8
// Properties
internal ServerIdentity ObjectIdentity { get; set; }
// Methods
protected void .ctor(); // 0x135192C
internal ServerIdentity get_ObjectIdentity(); // 0x1360BB4
internal void set_ObjectIdentity(ServerIdentity value); // 0x1360BBC
public virtual ObjRef CreateObjRef(Type requestedType); // 0x1360BC4
public virtual object InitializeLifetimeService(); // 0x1360CA8
// Namespace: System
public struct Nullable`1 // TypeDefIndex: 89
// Fields
internal T value; // 0x0
internal bool has_value; // 0x0
// Properties
public bool HasValue { get; }
public T Value { get; }
// Methods
public void .ctor(T value); // 0
public bool get_HasValue(); // 0
public T get_Value(); // 0
public override bool Equals(object other); // 0
private bool Equals(Nullable`1<T> other); // 0
public override int GetHashCode(); // 0
public T GetValueOrDefault(); // 0
public T GetValueOrDefault(T defaultValue); // 0
public override string ToString(); // 0
// Namespace: System.Runtime.CompilerServices
public static class RuntimeHelpers // TypeDefIndex: 90
// Properties
public static int OffsetToStringData { get; }
// Methods
private static void InitializeArray(Array array, IntPtr fldHandle); // 0x15D15AC
public static void InitializeArray(Array array, RuntimeFieldHandle fldHandle); // 0x15D15B8
public static int get_OffsetToStringData(); // 0x15D16C8
public static int GetHashCode(object o); // 0x15D16CC
// Namespace:
internal sealed class Locale // TypeDefIndex: 91
// Methods
public static string GetText(string msg); // 0x11AFC9C
public static string GetText(string fmt, object[] args); // 0x11AFCA4
// Namespace: System
[AttributeUsageAttribute] // 0x332DD4
internal class MonoTODOAttribute : Attribute // TypeDefIndex: 92
// Fields
private string comment; // 0x8
// Methods
public void .ctor(); // 0x12F7E98
public void .ctor(string comment); // 0x12F7E78
// Namespace: System
[AttributeUsageAttribute] // 0x332E08
internal class MonoDocumentationNoteAttribute : MonoTODOAttribute // TypeDefIndex: 93
// Methods
public void .ctor(string comment); // 0x136555C
// Namespace: System
[AttributeUsageAttribute] // 0x332E3C
internal class MonoLimitationAttribute : MonoTODOAttribute // TypeDefIndex: 94
// Methods
public void .ctor(string comment); // 0x12F7E58
// Namespace: Microsoft.Win32.SafeHandles
public abstract class SafeHandleZeroOrMinusOneIsInvalid : SafeHandle, IDisposable // TypeDefIndex: 95
// Properties
public override bool IsInvalid { get; }
// Methods
[ReliabilityContractAttribute] // 0x332E70
protected void .ctor(bool ownsHandle); // 0x11AFD4C
public override bool get_IsInvalid(); // 0x11AFD84
// Namespace: Microsoft.Win32.SafeHandles
public sealed class SafeWaitHandle : SafeHandleZeroOrMinusOneIsInvalid // TypeDefIndex: 96
// Methods
[ReliabilityContractAttribute] // 0x332E88
public void .ctor(IntPtr existingHandle, bool ownsHandle); // 0x11AFDF4
protected override bool ReleaseHandle(); // 0x11AFE40
// Namespace: Mono.Globalization.Unicode
internal class CodePointIndexer // TypeDefIndex: 97
// Fields
private readonly TableRange[] ranges; // 0x8
public readonly int TotalCount; // 0xC
private int defaultIndex; // 0x10
private int defaultCP; // 0x14
// Methods
public void .ctor(int[] starts, int[] ends, int defaultIndex, int defaultCP); // 0x11AFE60
public int ToIndex(int cp); // 0x11B010C
// Namespace:
internal struct TableRange // TypeDefIndex: 98
// Fields
public readonly int Start; // 0x8
public readonly int End; // 0xC
public readonly int Count; // 0x10
public readonly int IndexStart; // 0x14
public readonly int IndexEnd; // 0x18
// Methods
public void .ctor(int start, int end, int indexStart); // 0x11B0218
// Namespace: Mono.Globalization.Unicode
internal class TailoringInfo // TypeDefIndex: 99
// Fields
public readonly int LCID; // 0x8
public readonly int TailoringIndex; // 0xC
public readonly int TailoringCount; // 0x10
public readonly bool FrenchSort; // 0x14
// Methods
public void .ctor(int lcid, int tailoringIndex, int tailoringCount, bool frenchSort); // 0x11B0CD8
// Namespace: Mono.Globalization.Unicode
internal class Contraction // TypeDefIndex: 100
// Fields
public readonly char[] Source; // 0x8
public readonly string Replacement; // 0xC
public readonly byte[] SortKey; // 0x10
// Methods
public void .ctor(char[] source, string replacement, byte[] sortkey); // 0x11B0238
// Namespace: Mono.Globalization.Unicode
internal class ContractionComparer : IComparer // TypeDefIndex: 101
// Fields
public static readonly ContractionComparer Instance; // 0x0
// Methods
public void .ctor(); // 0x11B0268
private static void .cctor(); // 0x11B0270
public int Compare(object o1, object o2); // 0x11B0304
// Namespace: Mono.Globalization.Unicode
internal class Level2Map // TypeDefIndex: 102
// Fields
public byte Source; // 0x8
public byte Replace; // 0x9
// Methods
public void .ctor(byte source, byte replace); // 0x11B047C
// Namespace: Mono.Globalization.Unicode
internal class Level2MapComparer : IComparer // TypeDefIndex: 103
// Fields
public static readonly Level2MapComparer Instance; // 0x0
// Methods
public void .ctor(); // 0x11B04A4
private static void .cctor(); // 0x11B04AC
public int Compare(object o1, object o2); // 0x11B0540
// Namespace: Mono.Globalization.Unicode
internal class MSCompatUnicodeTable // TypeDefIndex: 104
// Fields
public static int MaxExpansionLength; // 0x0
private static readonly byte* ignorableFlags; // 0x4
private static readonly byte* categories; // 0x8
private static readonly byte* level1; // 0xC
private static readonly byte* level2; // 0x10
private static readonly byte* level3; // 0x14
private static byte* cjkCHScategory; // 0x18
private static byte* cjkCHTcategory; // 0x1C
private static byte* cjkJAcategory; // 0x20
private static byte* cjkKOcategory; // 0x24
private static byte* cjkCHSlv1; // 0x28
private static byte* cjkCHTlv1; // 0x2C
private static byte* cjkJAlv1; // 0x30
private static byte* cjkKOlv1; // 0x34
private static byte* cjkKOlv2; // 0x38
private static readonly char[] tailoringArr; // 0x3C
private static readonly TailoringInfo[] tailoringInfos; // 0x40
private static object forLock; // 0x44
public static readonly bool isReady; // 0x48
[CompilerGeneratedAttribute] // 0x332EA0
private static Dictionary`2<string, int> <>f__switch$map2; // 0x4C
[CompilerGeneratedAttribute] // 0x332EB0
private static Dictionary`2<string, int> <>f__switch$map3; // 0x50
[CompilerGeneratedAttribute] // 0x332EC0
private static Dictionary`2<string, int> <>f__switch$map4; // 0x54
// Properties
public static bool IsReady { get; }
// Methods
private static void .cctor(); // 0x11B05FC
public static TailoringInfo GetTailoringInfo(int lcid); // 0x11B0D10
public static void BuildTailoringTables(CultureInfo culture, TailoringInfo t, Contraction[] contractions, Level2Map[] diacriticals); // 0x11B0ED4
private static void SetCJKReferences(string name, CodePointIndexer cjkIndexer, byte* catTable, byte* lv1Table, CodePointIndexer lv2Indexer, byte* lv2Table); // 0x11B1760
public static byte Category(int cp); // 0x11B1D30
public static byte Level1(int cp); // 0x11B1E58
public static byte Level2(int cp); // 0x11B1F80
public static byte Level3(int cp); // 0x11B20A8
public static bool IsIgnorable(int cp, byte flag); // 0x11B21D0
public static bool IsIgnorableNonSpacing(int cp); // 0x11B2390
public static int ToKanaTypeInsensitive(int i); // 0x11B2434
public static int ToWidthCompat(int i); // 0x11B244C
public static bool HasSpecialWeight(char c); // 0x11B25B8
public static bool IsHalfWidthKana(char c); // 0x11B263C
public static bool IsHiragana(char c); // 0x11B2654
public static bool IsJapaneseSmallLetter(char c); // 0x11B2670
public static bool get_IsReady(); // 0x11B276C
private static IntPtr GetResource(string name); // 0x11B0BEC
private static uint UInt32FromBytePtr(byte* raw, uint idx); // 0x11B0CB8
public static void FillCJK(string culture, CodePointIndexer cjkIndexer, byte* catTable, byte* lv1Table, CodePointIndexer lv2Indexer, byte* lv2Table); // 0x11B281C
private static void FillCJKCore(string culture, CodePointIndexer cjkIndexer, byte* catTable, byte* lv1Table, CodePointIndexer cjkLv2Indexer, byte* lv2Table); // 0x11B29B0
// Namespace: Mono.Globalization.Unicode
internal class MSCompatUnicodeTableUtil // TypeDefIndex: 105
// Fields
public static readonly CodePointIndexer Ignorable; // 0x0
public static readonly CodePointIndexer Category; // 0x4
public static readonly CodePointIndexer Level1; // 0x8
public static readonly CodePointIndexer Level2; // 0xC
public static readonly CodePointIndexer Level3; // 0x10
public static readonly CodePointIndexer CjkCHS; // 0x14
public static readonly CodePointIndexer Cjk; // 0x18
// Methods
private static void .cctor(); // 0x11B3554
// Namespace: Mono.Globalization.Unicode
internal class SimpleCollator // TypeDefIndex: 106
// Fields
private const int UnsafeFlagLength = 96; // 0x0
private static bool QuickCheckDisabled; // 0x0
private static SimpleCollator invariant; // 0x4
private readonly TextInfo textInfo; // 0x8
private readonly bool frenchSort; // 0xC
private readonly byte* cjkCatTable; // 0x10
private readonly byte* cjkLv1Table; // 0x14
private readonly CodePointIndexer cjkIndexer; // 0x18
private readonly byte* cjkLv2Table; // 0x1C
private readonly CodePointIndexer cjkLv2Indexer; // 0x20
private readonly int lcid; // 0x24
private readonly Contraction[] contractions; // 0x28
private readonly Level2Map[] level2Maps; // 0x2C
private readonly byte[] unsafeFlags; // 0x30
// Methods
public void .ctor(CultureInfo culture); // 0x11B3CDC
private static void .cctor(); // 0x11B4288
private void SetCJKTable(CultureInfo culture, CodePointIndexer cjkIndexer, byte* catTable, byte* lv1Table, CodePointIndexer lv2Indexer, byte* lv2Table); // 0x11B4154
private static CultureInfo GetNeutralCulture(CultureInfo info); // 0x11B43EC
private byte Category(int cp); // 0x11B4480
private byte Level1(int cp); // 0x11B4580
private byte Level2(int cp, ExtenderType ext); // 0x11B4680
private static bool IsHalfKana(int cp, CompareOptions opt); // 0x11B487C
private Contraction GetContraction(string s, int start, int end); // 0x11B4938
private Contraction GetContraction(string s, int start, int end, Contraction[] clist); // 0x11B4A5C
private Contraction GetTailContraction(string s, int start, int end); // 0x11B4BC4
private Contraction GetTailContraction(string s, int start, int end, Contraction[] clist); // 0x11B4CE8
private int FilterOptions(int i, CompareOptions opt); // 0x11B4FB0
private ExtenderType GetExtenderType(int i); // 0x11B5128
private static byte ToDashTypeValue(ExtenderType ext, CompareOptions opt); // 0x11B5228
private int FilterExtender(int i, ExtenderType ext, CompareOptions opt); // 0x11B5250
private static bool IsIgnorable(int i, CompareOptions opt); // 0x11B54D8
private bool IsSafe(int i); // 0x11B5598
public SortKey GetSortKey(string s, CompareOptions options); // 0x11B5610
public SortKey GetSortKey(string s, int start, int length, CompareOptions options); // 0x11B5668
private void GetSortKey(string s, int start, int end, SortKeyBuffer buf, CompareOptions opt); // 0x11B5A4C
private void FillSortKeyRaw(int i, ExtenderType ext, SortKeyBuffer buf, CompareOptions opt); // 0x11B5F98
private void FillSurrogateSortKeyRaw(int i, SortKeyBuffer buf); // 0x11B659C
private int CompareOrdinal(string s1, int idx1, int len1, string s2, int idx2, int len2); // 0x11B6718
private int CompareQuick(string s1, int idx1, int len1, string s2, int idx2, int len2, out bool sourceConsumed, out bool targetConsumed, bool immediateBreakup); // 0x11B6C14
private int CompareOrdinalIgnoreCase(string s1, int idx1, int len1, string s2, int idx2, int len2); // 0x11B7534
public int Compare(string s1, int idx1, int len1, string s2, int idx2, int len2, CompareOptions options); // 0x11B7AE4
private void ClearBuffer(byte* buffer, int size); // 0x11B5F7C
private bool QuickCheckPossible(string s1, int idx1, int end1, string s2, int idx2, int end2); // 0x11B7C90
private int CompareInternal(string s1, int idx1, int len1, string s2, int idx2, int len2, out bool targetConsumed, out bool sourceConsumed, bool skipHeadingExtenders, bool immediateBreakup, Context ctx); // 0x11B7C98
private int CompareFlagPair(bool b1, bool b2); // 0x11B957C
public bool IsPrefix(string src, string target, CompareOptions opt); // 0x11B959C
public bool IsPrefix(string s, string target, int start, int length, CompareOptions opt); // 0x11B95F8
private bool IsPrefix(string s, string target, int start, int length, bool skipHeadingExtenders, Context ctx); // 0x11B9728
public bool IsSuffix(string src, string target, CompareOptions opt); // 0x11B97C4
public bool IsSuffix(string s, string target, int start, int length, CompareOptions opt); // 0x11B9830
private int QuickIndexOf(string s, string target, int start, int length, out bool testWasUnable); // 0x11B9A6C
public int IndexOf(string s, string target, int start, int length, CompareOptions opt); // 0x11B9C0C
private int IndexOfOrdinal(string s, string target, int start, int length); // 0x11B9E10
private int IndexOfOrdinalIgnoreCase(string s, string target, int start, int length); // 0x11B9F18
private int IndexOfSortKey(string s, int start, int length, byte* sortkey, char target, int ti, bool noLv4, Context ctx); // 0x11BA620
private int IndexOf(string s, string target, int start, int length, byte* targetSortKey, Context ctx); // 0x11BA078
public int LastIndexOf(string s, string target, int start, int length, CompareOptions opt); // 0x11B9904
private int LastIndexOfOrdinal(string s, string target, int start, int length); // 0x11BA868
private int LastIndexOfOrdinalIgnoreCase(string s, string target, int start, int length); // 0x11BA9F0
private int LastIndexOfSortKey(string s, int start, int orgStart, int length, byte* sortkey, int ti, bool noLv4, Context ctx); // 0x11BB2BC
private int LastIndexOf(string s, string target, int start, int length, byte* targetSortKey, Context ctx); // 0x11BAC08
private bool MatchesForward(string s, int idx, int end, int ti, byte* sortkey, bool noLv4, Context ctx); // 0x11BA69C
private bool MatchesForwardCore(string s, int idx, int end, int ti, byte* sortkey, bool noLv4, ExtenderType ext, Contraction ct, Context ctx); // 0x11BB518
private bool MatchesPrimitive(CompareOptions opt, byte* source, int si, ExtenderType ext, byte* target, int ti, bool noLv4); // 0x11BB9B8
private bool MatchesBackward(string s, int idx, int end, int orgStart, int ti, byte* sortkey, bool noLv4, Context ctx); // 0x11BB344
private bool MatchesBackwardCore(string s, int idx, int end, int orgStart, int ti, byte* sortkey, bool noLv4, ExtenderType ext, Contraction ct, Context ctx); // 0x11BBD04
// Namespace:
internal struct Context // TypeDefIndex: 107
// Fields
public readonly CompareOptions Option; // 0x8
public readonly byte* NeverMatchFlags; // 0xC
public readonly byte* AlwaysMatchFlags; // 0x10
public byte* Buffer1; // 0x14
public byte* Buffer2; // 0x18
public int PrevCode; // 0x1C
public byte* PrevSortKey; // 0x20
public readonly bool QuickCheckPossible; // 0x24
// Methods
public void .ctor(CompareOptions opt, byte* alwaysMatchFlags, byte* neverMatchFlags, byte* buffer1, byte* buffer2, byte* prev1, bool quickCheckPossible); // 0x11BC37C
// Namespace:
private struct PreviousInfo // TypeDefIndex: 108
// Fields
public int Code; // 0x8
public byte* SortKey; // 0xC
// Methods
public void .ctor(bool dummy); // 0x11BC480
// Namespace:
private struct Escape // TypeDefIndex: 109
// Fields
public string Source; // 0x8
public int Index; // 0xC
public int Start; // 0x10
public int End; // 0x14
public int Optional; // 0x18
// Namespace:
private enum ExtenderType // TypeDefIndex: 110
// Fields
public int value__; // 0x8
public const ExtenderType None = 0; // 0x0
public const ExtenderType Simple = 1; // 0x0
public const ExtenderType Voiced = 2; // 0x0
public const ExtenderType Conditional = 3; // 0x0
public const ExtenderType Buggy = 4; // 0x0
// Namespace: System.Globalization
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x332ED0
public class SortKey // TypeDefIndex: 111
// Fields
private readonly string source; // 0x8
private readonly CompareOptions options; // 0xC
private readonly byte[] key; // 0x10
private readonly int lcid; // 0x14
// Properties
public virtual string OriginalString { get; }
public virtual byte[] KeyData { get; }
// Methods
internal void .ctor(int lcid, string source, CompareOptions opt); // 0x132B850
internal void .ctor(int lcid, string source, byte[] buffer, CompareOptions opt, int lv1Length, int lv2Length, int lv3Length, int kanaSmallLength, int markTypeLength, int katakanaLength, int kanaWidthLength, int identLength); // 0x133518C
public static int Compare(SortKey sortkey1, SortKey sortkey2); // 0x13351C0
public virtual string get_OriginalString(); // 0x133542C
public virtual byte[] get_KeyData(); // 0x1335434
public override bool Equals(object value); // 0x133543C
public override int GetHashCode(); // 0x1335530
public override string ToString(); // 0x13355BC
// Namespace: Mono.Globalization.Unicode
internal class SortKeyBuffer // TypeDefIndex: 112
// Fields
private int l1; // 0x8
private int l2; // 0xC
private int l3; // 0x10
private int l4s; // 0x14
private int l4t; // 0x18
private int l4k; // 0x1C
private int l4w; // 0x20
private int l5; // 0x24
private byte[] l1b; // 0x28
private byte[] l2b; // 0x2C
private byte[] l3b; // 0x30
private byte[] l4sb; // 0x34
private byte[] l4tb; // 0x38
private byte[] l4kb; // 0x3C
private byte[] l4wb; // 0x40
private byte[] l5b; // 0x44
private string source; // 0x48
private bool processLevel2; // 0x4C
private bool frenchSort; // 0x4D
private bool frenchSorted; // 0x4E
private int lcid; // 0x50
private CompareOptions options; // 0x54
// Methods
public void .ctor(int lcid); // 0x11B577C
public void Reset(); // 0x11BC494
internal void Initialize(CompareOptions options, int lcid, string s, bool frenchSort); // 0x11B5784
internal void AppendCJKExtension(byte lv1msb, byte lv1lsb); // 0x11B6508
internal void AppendKana(byte category, byte lv1, byte lv2, byte lv3, bool isSmallKana, byte markType, bool isKatakana, bool isHalfWidth); // 0x11B6670
internal void AppendNormal(byte category, byte lv1, byte lv2, byte lv3); // 0x11B63A8
private void AppendLevel5(byte category, byte lv1); // 0x11BC5DC
private void AppendBufferPrimitive(byte value, byte[] buf, int bidx); // 0x11BC4B4
public SortKey GetResultAndReset(); // 0x11B5F4C
private int GetOptimizedLength(byte[] data, int len, byte defaultValue); // 0x11BCBE8
public SortKey GetResult(); // 0x11BC670
// Namespace: Mono.Math.Prime.Generator
internal abstract class PrimeGeneratorBase // TypeDefIndex: 113
// Properties
public virtual ConfidenceFactor Confidence { get; }
public virtual PrimalityTest PrimalityTest { get; }
public virtual int TrialDivisionBounds { get; }
// Methods
protected void .ctor(); // 0x11C3144
public virtual ConfidenceFactor get_Confidence(); // 0x11C314C
public virtual PrimalityTest get_PrimalityTest(); // 0x11C3154
public virtual int get_TrialDivisionBounds(); // 0x11C3208
public abstract BigInteger GenerateNewPrime(int bits); // 0
// Namespace: Mono.Math.Prime.Generator
internal class SequentialSearchPrimeGeneratorBase : PrimeGeneratorBase // TypeDefIndex: 114
// Methods
public void .ctor(); // 0x11BFC84
protected virtual BigInteger GenerateSearchBase(int bits, object context); // 0x11C3210
public override BigInteger GenerateNewPrime(int bits); // 0x11C32DC
public virtual BigInteger GenerateNewPrime(int bits, object context); // 0x11C32F0
protected virtual bool IsPrimeAcceptable(BigInteger bi, object context); // 0x11C376C
// Namespace: Mono.Math.Prime
internal enum ConfidenceFactor // TypeDefIndex: 115
// Fields
public int value__; // 0x8
public const ConfidenceFactor ExtraLow = 0; // 0x0
public const ConfidenceFactor Low = 1; // 0x0
public const ConfidenceFactor Medium = 2; // 0x0
public const ConfidenceFactor High = 3; // 0x0
public const ConfidenceFactor ExtraHigh = 4; // 0x0
public const ConfidenceFactor Provable = 5; // 0x0
// Namespace: Mono.Math.Prime
internal sealed class PrimalityTests // TypeDefIndex: 116
// Methods
private static int GetSPPRounds(BigInteger bi, ConfidenceFactor confidence); // 0x11C3870
public static bool Test(BigInteger n, ConfidenceFactor confidence); // 0x11BFB80
public static bool RabinMillerTest(BigInteger n, ConfidenceFactor confidence); // 0x11C3D2C
public static bool SmallPrimeSppTest(BigInteger bi, ConfidenceFactor confidence); // 0x11C3A68
// Namespace: Mono.Math
internal class BigInteger // TypeDefIndex: 117
// Fields
private uint length; // 0x8
private uint[] data; // 0xC
internal static readonly uint[] smallPrimes; // 0x0
private static RandomNumberGenerator rng; // 0x4
// Properties
private static RandomNumberGenerator Rng { get; }
// Methods
public void .ctor(Sign sign, uint len); // 0x11BCC5C
public void .ctor(BigInteger bi); // 0x11BCD0C
public void .ctor(BigInteger bi, uint len); // 0x11BCDD4
public void .ctor(byte[] inData); // 0x11BCF04
public void .ctor(uint ui); // 0x11BD2D8
private static void .cctor(); // 0x11BD3B4
private static RandomNumberGenerator get_Rng(); // 0x11BD47C
public static BigInteger GenerateRandom(int bits, RandomNumberGenerator rng); // 0x11BD5DC
public static BigInteger GenerateRandom(int bits); // 0x11BD7D0
public void Randomize(RandomNumberGenerator rng); // 0x11BD878
public void Randomize(); // 0x11BDBAC
public int BitCount(); // 0x11BDB1C
public bool TestBit(uint bitNum); // 0x11BDC54
public bool TestBit(int bitNum); // 0x11BDCAC
public void SetBit(uint bitNum); // 0x11BDDE8
public void SetBit(uint bitNum, bool value); // 0x11BDDF0
public int LowestSetBit(); // 0x11BDE60
public byte[] GetBytes(); // 0x11BDF2C
public string ToString(uint radix); // 0x11BE138
public string ToString(uint radix, string characterSet); // 0x11BE1C4
private void Normalize(); // 0x11BD258
public void Clear(); // 0x11BE698
public override int GetHashCode(); // 0x11BE724
public override string ToString(); // 0x11BE798
public override bool Equals(object o); // 0x11BE7A0
public BigInteger ModInverse(BigInteger modulus); // 0x11BECC0
public BigInteger ModPow(BigInteger exp, BigInteger n); // 0x11BF4AC
public bool IsProbablePrime(); // 0x11BF7F4
public static BigInteger GeneratePseudoPrime(int bits); // 0x11BFBCC
public void Incr2(); // 0x11BFC8C
public static BigInteger op_Implicit(uint value); // 0x11BFACC
public static BigInteger op_Implicit(int value); // 0x11BFDBC
public static BigInteger op_Addition(BigInteger bi1, BigInteger bi2); // 0x11BFEA4
public static BigInteger op_Subtraction(BigInteger bi1, BigInteger bi2); // 0x11C02B0
public static uint op_Modulus(BigInteger bi, uint ui); // 0x11BFB7C
public static BigInteger op_Modulus(BigInteger bi1, BigInteger bi2); // 0x11C07F4
public static BigInteger op_Division(BigInteger bi1, BigInteger bi2); // 0x11C10A0
public static BigInteger op_Multiply(BigInteger bi1, BigInteger bi2); // 0x11C10E0
public static BigInteger op_Multiply(BigInteger bi, int i); // 0x11C1498
public static BigInteger op_LeftShift(BigInteger bi1, int shiftVal); // 0x11C1750
public static BigInteger op_RightShift(BigInteger bi1, int shiftVal); // 0x11C1AE0
public static bool op_Equality(BigInteger bi1, uint ui); // 0x11BDAA0
public static bool op_Inequality(BigInteger bi1, uint ui); // 0x11BE61C
public static bool op_Equality(BigInteger bi1, BigInteger bi2); // 0x11BE950
public static bool op_Inequality(BigInteger bi1, BigInteger bi2); // 0x11C1DC0
public static bool op_GreaterThan(BigInteger bi1, BigInteger bi2); // 0x11C1EE0
public static bool op_LessThan(BigInteger bi1, BigInteger bi2); // 0x11C1F00
public static bool op_GreaterThanOrEqual(BigInteger bi1, BigInteger bi2); // 0x11C1F14
public static bool op_LessThanOrEqual(BigInteger bi1, BigInteger bi2); // 0x11BFB5C
// Namespace:
public enum Sign // TypeDefIndex: 118
// Fields
public int value__; // 0x8
public const Sign Negative = -1; // 0x0
public const Sign Zero = 0; // 0x0
public const Sign Positive = 1; // 0x0
// Namespace:
internal sealed class ModulusRing // TypeDefIndex: 119
// Fields
private BigInteger mod; // 0x8
private BigInteger constant; // 0xC
// Methods
public void .ctor(BigInteger modulus); // 0x11BF564
public void BarrettReduction(BigInteger x); // 0x11C2A9C
public BigInteger Multiply(BigInteger a, BigInteger b); // 0x11C2E04
public BigInteger Difference(BigInteger a, BigInteger b); // 0x11C27F0
public BigInteger Pow(BigInteger a, BigInteger k); // 0x11BF6A4
public BigInteger Pow(uint b, BigInteger exp); // 0x11C30A0
// Namespace:
private sealed class Kernel // TypeDefIndex: 120
// Methods
public static BigInteger AddSameSign(BigInteger bi1, BigInteger bi2); // 0x11BFFE4
public static BigInteger Subtract(BigInteger big, BigInteger small); // 0x11C04C0
public static void MinusEq(BigInteger big, BigInteger small); // 0x11C1F34
public static void PlusEq(BigInteger bi1, BigInteger bi2); // 0x11C20E0
public static Sign Compare(BigInteger bi1, BigInteger bi2); // 0x11BEA74
public static uint SingleByteDivideInPlace(BigInteger n, uint d); // 0x11BE540
public static uint DwordMod(BigInteger n, uint d); // 0x11C0768
public static BigInteger[] DwordDivMod(BigInteger n, uint d); // 0x11C2338
public static BigInteger[] multiByteDivide(BigInteger bi1, BigInteger bi2); // 0x11C0834
public static BigInteger LeftShift(BigInteger bi, int n); // 0x11C1754
public static BigInteger RightShift(BigInteger bi, int n); // 0x11C1AE4
public static BigInteger MultiplyByDword(BigInteger n, uint f); // 0x11C15E4
public static void Multiply(uint[] x, uint xOffset, uint xLen, uint[] y, uint yOffset, uint yLen, uint[] d, uint dOffset); // 0x11C139C
public static void MultiplyMod2p32pmod(uint[] x, int xOffset, int xLen, uint[] y, int yOffest, int yLen, uint[] d, int dOffset, int mod); // 0x11C25AC
public static uint modInverse(BigInteger bi, uint modulus); // 0x11C26C0
public static BigInteger modInverse(BigInteger bi, BigInteger modulus); // 0x11BECCC
// Namespace: Mono.Security.Cryptography
internal sealed class CryptoConvert // TypeDefIndex: 121
// Methods
private static int ToInt32LE(byte[] bytes, int offset); // 0x11C799C
private static uint ToUInt32LE(byte[] bytes, int offset); // 0x11C7A50
private static byte[] GetBytesLE(int val); // 0x11C7B04
private static byte[] Trim(byte[] array); // 0x11C7C1C
public static RSA FromCapiPrivateKeyBlob(byte[] blob, int offset); // 0x11C7D40
public static byte[] ToCapiPrivateKeyBlob(RSA rsa); // 0x11C842C
public static RSA FromCapiPublicKeyBlob(byte[] blob); // 0x11C8958
public static RSA FromCapiPublicKeyBlob(byte[] blob, int offset); // 0x11C8960
public static byte[] ToCapiPublicKeyBlob(RSA rsa); // 0x11C8E9C
public static RSA FromCapiKeyBlob(byte[] blob); // 0x11C91CC
public static RSA FromCapiKeyBlob(byte[] blob, int offset); // 0x11C91D4
public static byte[] ToCapiKeyBlob(RSA rsa, bool includePrivateKey); // 0x11C9394
public static string ToHex(byte[] input); // 0x11C9468
private static byte FromHexChar(char c); // 0x11C95FC
public static byte[] FromHex(string hex); // 0x11C96F8
// Namespace: Mono.Security.Cryptography
internal sealed class KeyBuilder // TypeDefIndex: 122
// Fields
private static RandomNumberGenerator rng; // 0x0
// Properties
private static RandomNumberGenerator Rng { get; }
// Methods
private static RandomNumberGenerator get_Rng(); // 0x11CBEC4
public static byte[] Key(int size); // 0x11CBF80
public static byte[] IV(int size); // 0x11CC044
// Namespace: Mono.Security.Cryptography
internal class BlockProcessor // TypeDefIndex: 123
// Fields
private ICryptoTransform transform; // 0x8
private byte[] block; // 0xC
private int blockSize; // 0x10
private int blockCount; // 0x14
// Methods
public void .ctor(ICryptoTransform transform, int blockSize); // 0x11C7424
protected override void Finalize(); // 0x11C74D4
public void Initialize(); // 0x11C7558
public void Core(byte[] rgb); // 0x11C7590
public void Core(byte[] rgb, int ib, int cb); // 0x11C75C4
public byte[] Final(); // 0x11C7888
// Namespace: Mono.Security.Cryptography
internal class DSAManaged : DSA // TypeDefIndex: 124
// Fields
private bool keypairGenerated; // 0x10
private bool m_disposed; // 0x11
private BigInteger p; // 0x14
private BigInteger q; // 0x18
private BigInteger g; // 0x1C
private BigInteger x; // 0x20
private BigInteger y; // 0x24
private BigInteger j; // 0x28
private BigInteger seed; // 0x2C
private int counter; // 0x30
private bool j_missing; // 0x34
private RandomNumberGenerator rng; // 0x38
private KeyGeneratedEventHandler KeyGenerated; // 0x3C
// Properties
private RandomNumberGenerator Random { get; }
public override int KeySize { get; }
public bool PublicOnly { get; }
// Methods
public void .ctor(int dwKeySize); // 0x11C98BC
public void add_KeyGenerated(KeyGeneratedEventHandler value); // 0x11C99F4
public void remove_KeyGenerated(KeyGeneratedEventHandler value); // 0x11C9B80
protected override void Finalize(); // 0x11C9D0C
private void Generate(); // 0x11C9D78
private void GenerateKeyPair(); // 0x11CA51C
private void add(byte[] a, byte[] b, int value); // 0x11CA75C
private void GenerateParams(int keyLength); // 0x11C9DC8
private RandomNumberGenerator get_Random(); // 0x11CA840
public override int get_KeySize(); // 0x11CA86C
public bool get_PublicOnly(); // 0x11CA8AC
private byte[] NormalizeArray(byte[] array); // 0x11CA964
public override DSAParameters ExportParameters(bool includePrivateParameters); // 0x11CAA68
public override void ImportParameters(DSAParameters parameters); // 0x11CADAC
public override byte[] CreateSignature(byte[] rgbHash); // 0x11CB124
public override bool VerifySignature(byte[] rgbHash, byte[] rgbSignature); // 0x11CB548
protected override void Dispose(bool disposing); // 0x11CBB38
// Namespace:
public sealed class KeyGeneratedEventHandler : MulticastDelegate // TypeDefIndex: 125
// Methods
public void .ctor(object object, IntPtr method); // 0x11CBE6C
public virtual void Invoke(object sender, EventArgs e); // 0x11CA698
public virtual IAsyncResult BeginInvoke(object sender, EventArgs e, AsyncCallback callback, object object); // 0x11CBE80
public virtual void EndInvoke(IAsyncResult result); // 0x11CBEB8
// Namespace: Mono.Security.Cryptography
internal class KeyPairPersistence // TypeDefIndex: 126
// Fields
private static bool _userPathExists; // 0x0
private static string _userPath; // 0x4
private static bool _machinePathExists; // 0x8
private static string _machinePath; // 0xC
private CspParameters _params; // 0x8
private string _keyvalue; // 0xC
private string _filename; // 0x10
private string _container; // 0x14
private static object lockobj; // 0x10
// Properties
public string Filename { get; }
public string KeyValue { get; set; }
private static string UserPath { get; }
private static string MachinePath { get; }
private bool CanChange { get; }
private bool UseDefaultKeyContainer { get; }
private bool UseMachineKeyStore { get; }
private string ContainerName { get; }
// Methods
public void .ctor(CspParameters parameters); // 0x11CC108
public void .ctor(CspParameters parameters, string keyPair); // 0x11CC110
private static void .cctor(); // 0x11CC2E4
public string get_Filename(); // 0x11CC3A0
public string get_KeyValue(); // 0x11CD6C8
public void set_KeyValue(string value); // 0x11CD6D0
public bool Load(); // 0x11CD6F4
public void Save(); // 0x11CDA88
public void Remove(); // 0x11CE198
private static string get_UserPath(); // 0x11CD00C
private static string get_MachinePath(); // 0x11CC950
internal static bool _CanSecure(string root); // 0x11CE3A4
internal static bool _ProtectUser(string path); // 0x11CE3AC
internal static bool _ProtectMachine(string path); // 0x11CE3B4
internal static bool _IsUserProtected(string path); // 0x11CE3BC
internal static bool _IsMachineProtected(string path); // 0x11CE3C4
private static bool CanSecure(string path); // 0x11CE3CC
private static bool ProtectUser(string path); // 0x11CE0B0
private static bool ProtectMachine(string path); // 0x11CDFC8
private static bool IsUserProtected(string path); // 0x11CE1D4
private static bool IsMachineProtected(string path); // 0x11CE2BC
private bool get_CanChange(); // 0x11CD6E0
private bool get_UseDefaultKeyContainer(); // 0x11CE4FC
private bool get_UseMachineKeyStore(); // 0x11CC920
private string get_ContainerName(); // 0x11CC72C
private CspParameters Copy(CspParameters p); // 0x11CC1EC
private void FromXml(string xml); // 0x11CD8B0
private string ToXml(); // 0x11CDD34
// Namespace: Mono.Security.Cryptography
internal class MACAlgorithm // TypeDefIndex: 127
// Fields
private SymmetricAlgorithm algo; // 0x8
private ICryptoTransform enc; // 0xC
private byte[] block; // 0x10
private int blockSize; // 0x14
private int blockCount; // 0x18
// Methods
public void .ctor(SymmetricAlgorithm algorithm); // 0x11CE6A4
public void Initialize(byte[] key); // 0x11CE7DC
public void Core(byte[] rgb, int ib, int cb); // 0x11CE868
public byte[] Final(); // 0x11CEB20
// Namespace: Mono.Security.Cryptography
internal sealed class PKCS1 // TypeDefIndex: 128
// Fields
private static byte[] emptySHA1; // 0x0
private static byte[] emptySHA256; // 0x4
private static byte[] emptySHA384; // 0x8
private static byte[] emptySHA512; // 0xC
// Methods
private static void .cctor(); // 0x11CEDEC
private static bool Compare(byte[] array1, byte[] array2); // 0x11CEF8C
public static byte[] I2OSP(byte[] x, int size); // 0x11CF028
public static byte[] OS2IP(byte[] x); // 0x11CF10C
public static byte[] RSAEP(RSA rsa, byte[] m); // 0x11CF240
public static byte[] RSASP1(RSA rsa, byte[] m); // 0x11CF27C
public static byte[] RSAVP1(RSA rsa, byte[] s); // 0x11CF2B8
public static byte[] Encrypt_v15(RSA rsa, RandomNumberGenerator rng, byte[] M); // 0x11CF2F4
public static byte[] Sign_v15(RSA rsa, HashAlgorithm hash, byte[] hashValue); // 0x11CF560
public static bool Verify_v15(RSA rsa, HashAlgorithm hash, byte[] hashValue, byte[] signature); // 0x11CFAA4
public static bool Verify_v15(RSA rsa, HashAlgorithm hash, byte[] hashValue, byte[] signature, bool tryNonStandardEncoding); // 0x11CFB6C
public static byte[] Encode_v15(HashAlgorithm hash, byte[] hashValue, int emLength); // 0x11CF668
// Namespace: Mono.Security.Cryptography
internal sealed class PKCS8 // TypeDefIndex: 129
// Namespace:
public class PrivateKeyInfo // TypeDefIndex: 130
// Fields
private int _version; // 0x8
private string _algorithm; // 0xC
private byte[] _key; // 0x10
private ArrayList _list; // 0x14
// Properties
public byte[] PrivateKey { get; }
// Methods
public void .ctor(); // 0x11D02F0
public void .ctor(byte[] data); // 0x11D0394
public byte[] get_PrivateKey(); // 0x11D0690
private void Decode(byte[] data); // 0x11D03B8
private static byte[] RemoveLeadingZero(byte[] bigInt); // 0x11D072C
private static byte[] Normalize(byte[] bigInt, int length); // 0x11D082C
public static RSA DecodeRSA(byte[] keypair); // 0x11D0934
public static DSA DecodeDSA(byte[] privateKey, DSAParameters dsaParameters); // 0x11D0DDC
// Namespace:
public class EncryptedPrivateKeyInfo // TypeDefIndex: 131
// Fields
private string _algorithm; // 0x8
private byte[] _salt; // 0xC
private int _iterations; // 0x10
private byte[] _data; // 0x14
// Properties
public string Algorithm { get; }
public byte[] EncryptedData { get; }
public byte[] Salt { get; }
public int IterationCount { get; }
// Methods
public void .ctor(); // 0x11CFDEC
public void .ctor(byte[] data); // 0x11CFDF4
public string get_Algorithm(); // 0x11D0138
public byte[] get_EncryptedData(); // 0x11D0140
public byte[] get_Salt(); // 0x11D01DC
public int get_IterationCount(); // 0x11D02E8
private void Decode(byte[] data); // 0x11CFE1C
// Namespace: Mono.Security.Cryptography
internal class RSAManaged : RSA // TypeDefIndex: 132
// Fields
private bool isCRTpossible; // 0x10
private bool keyBlinding; // 0x11
private bool keypairGenerated; // 0x12
private bool m_disposed; // 0x13
private BigInteger d; // 0x14
private BigInteger p; // 0x18
private BigInteger q; // 0x1C
private BigInteger dp; // 0x20
private BigInteger dq; // 0x24
private BigInteger qInv; // 0x28
private BigInteger n; // 0x2C
private BigInteger e; // 0x30
private KeyGeneratedEventHandler KeyGenerated; // 0x34
// Properties
public override int KeySize { get; }
public bool PublicOnly { get; }
public bool IsCrtPossible { get; }
// Methods
public void .ctor(int keySize); // 0x11D0F5C
public void add_KeyGenerated(KeyGeneratedEventHandler value); // 0x11D10A8
public void remove_KeyGenerated(KeyGeneratedEventHandler value); // 0x11D1234
protected override void Finalize(); // 0x11D13C0
private void GenerateKeyPair(); // 0x11D142C
public override int get_KeySize(); // 0x11D18A0
public bool get_PublicOnly(); // 0x11D18EC
public override byte[] DecryptValue(byte[] rgb); // 0x11D19F4
public override byte[] EncryptValue(byte[] rgb); // 0x11D1F54
public override RSAParameters ExportParameters(bool includePrivateParameters); // 0x11D20BC
public override void ImportParameters(RSAParameters parameters); // 0x11D2570
protected override void Dispose(bool disposing); // 0x11D2C04
public override string ToXmlString(bool includePrivateParameters); // 0x11D2F98
public bool get_IsCrtPossible(); // 0x11D3790
private byte[] GetPaddedValue(BigInteger value, int length); // 0x11D1E34
// Namespace:
public sealed class KeyGeneratedEventHandler : MulticastDelegate // TypeDefIndex: 133
// Methods
public void .ctor(object object, IntPtr method); // 0x11D37B4
public virtual void Invoke(object sender, EventArgs e); // 0x11D17DC
public virtual IAsyncResult BeginInvoke(object sender, EventArgs e, AsyncCallback callback, object object); // 0x11D37C8
public virtual void EndInvoke(IAsyncResult result); // 0x11D3800
// Namespace: Mono.Security.Cryptography
internal abstract class SymmetricTransform : IDisposable, ICryptoTransform // TypeDefIndex: 134
// Fields
protected SymmetricAlgorithm algo; // 0x8
protected bool encrypt; // 0xC
private int BlockSizeByte; // 0x10
private byte[] temp; // 0x14
private byte[] temp2; // 0x18
private byte[] workBuff; // 0x1C
private byte[] workout; // 0x20
private int FeedBackByte; // 0x24
private int FeedBackIter; // 0x28
private bool m_disposed; // 0x2C
private bool lastBlock; // 0x2D
private RandomNumberGenerator _rng; // 0x30
// Properties
public virtual bool CanTransformMultipleBlocks { get; }
public virtual bool CanReuseTransform { get; }
public virtual int InputBlockSize { get; }
public virtual int OutputBlockSize { get; }
private bool KeepLastBlock { get; }
// Methods
public void .ctor(SymmetricAlgorithm symmAlgo, bool encryption, byte[] rgbIV); // 0x11D380C
private void System.IDisposable.Dispose(); // 0x11D3B94
protected override void Finalize(); // 0x11D3BCC
protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposing); // 0x11D3C38
public virtual bool get_CanTransformMultipleBlocks(); // 0x11D3CA8
public virtual bool get_CanReuseTransform(); // 0x11D3CB0
public virtual int get_InputBlockSize(); // 0x11D3CB8
public virtual int get_OutputBlockSize(); // 0x11D3CC0
protected virtual void Transform(byte[] input, byte[] output); // 0x11D3CC8
protected abstract void ECB(byte[] input, byte[] output); // 0
protected virtual void CBC(byte[] input, byte[] output); // 0x11D3EE8
protected virtual void CFB(byte[] input, byte[] output); // 0x11D40B8
protected virtual void OFB(byte[] input, byte[] output); // 0x11D4380
protected virtual void CTS(byte[] input, byte[] output); // 0x11D4428
private void CheckInput(byte[] inputBuffer, int inputOffset, int inputCount); // 0x11D44D0
public virtual int TransformBlock(byte[] inputBuffer, int inputOffset, int inputCount, byte[] outputBuffer, int outputOffset); // 0x11D4690
private bool get_KeepLastBlock(); // 0x11D498C
private int InternalTransformBlock(byte[] inputBuffer, int inputOffset, int inputCount, byte[] outputBuffer, int outputOffset); // 0x11D4A08
private void Random(byte[] buffer, int start, int length); // 0x11D4C74
private void ThrowBadPaddingException(PaddingMode padding, int length, int position); // 0x11D4D88
private byte[] FinalEncrypt(byte[] inputBuffer, int inputOffset, int inputCount); // 0x11D4FD4
private byte[] FinalDecrypt(byte[] inputBuffer, int inputOffset, int inputCount); // 0x11D53BC
public virtual byte[] TransformFinalBlock(byte[] inputBuffer, int inputOffset, int inputCount); // 0x11D57B8
// Namespace: Mono.Security.X509
internal class SafeBag // TypeDefIndex: 135
// Fields
private string _bagOID; // 0x8
private ASN1 _asn1; // 0xC
// Properties
public string BagOID { get; }
public ASN1 ASN1 { get; }
// Methods
public void .ctor(string bagOID, ASN1 asn1); // 0x11DFBD4
public string get_BagOID(); // 0x11DDF74
public ASN1 get_ASN1(); // 0x11DDF7C
// Namespace: Mono.Security.X509
internal class PKCS12 : ICloneable // TypeDefIndex: 136
// Fields
private static int recommendedIterationCount; // 0x0
private byte[] _password; // 0x8
private ArrayList _keyBags; // 0xC
private ArrayList _secretBags; // 0x10
private X509CertificateCollection _certs; // 0x14
private bool _keyBagsChanged; // 0x18
private bool _secretBagsChanged; // 0x19
private bool _certsChanged; // 0x1A
private int _iterations; // 0x1C
private ArrayList _safeBags; // 0x20
private RandomNumberGenerator _rng; // 0x24
private static int password_max_length; // 0x4
[CompilerGeneratedAttribute] // 0x332EE4
private static Dictionary`2<string, int> <>f__switch$map8; // 0x8
[CompilerGeneratedAttribute] // 0x332EF4
private static Dictionary`2<string, int> <>f__switch$map9; // 0xC
[CompilerGeneratedAttribute] // 0x332F04
private static Dictionary`2<string, int> <>f__switch$mapA; // 0x10
[CompilerGeneratedAttribute] // 0x332F14
private static Dictionary`2<string, int> <>f__switch$mapB; // 0x14
[CompilerGeneratedAttribute] // 0x332F24
private static Dictionary`2<string, int> <>f__switch$mapF; // 0x18
// Properties
public string Password { set; }
public int IterationCount { get; set; }
public X509CertificateCollection Certificates { get; }
internal RandomNumberGenerator RNG { get; }
public static int MaximumPasswordLength { get; }
// Methods
public void .ctor(); // 0x11DBBFC
public void .ctor(byte[] data); // 0x11DBD58
public void .ctor(byte[] data, string password); // 0x11DCA5C
private static void .cctor(); // 0x11DCA90
private void Decode(byte[] data); // 0x11DBFF8
protected override void Finalize(); // 0x11DD9BC
public void set_Password(string value); // 0x11DBDD4
public int get_IterationCount(); // 0x11DDB00
public void set_IterationCount(int value); // 0x11DDB08
public X509CertificateCollection get_Certificates(); // 0x11DDB10
internal RandomNumberGenerator get_RNG(); // 0x11DE29C
private bool Compare(byte[] expected, byte[] actual); // 0x11DCC88
private SymmetricAlgorithm GetSymmetricAlgorithm(string algorithmOid, byte[] salt, int iterationCount); // 0x11DE2C8
public byte[] Decrypt(string algorithmOid, byte[] salt, int iterationCount, byte[] encryptedData); // 0x11DECD8
public byte[] Decrypt(EncryptedData ed); // 0x11DD914
public byte[] Encrypt(string algorithmOid, byte[] salt, int iterationCount, byte[] data); // 0x11DEEB0
private DSAParameters GetExistingParameters(out bool found); // 0x11DF0F4
private void AddPrivateKey(PrivateKeyInfo pki); // 0x11DFA08
private void ReadSafeBag(ASN1 safeBag); // 0x11DCD24
private ASN1 CertificateSafeBag(X509Certificate x509, IDictionary attributes); // 0x11DFBFC
private byte[] MAC(byte[] password, byte[] salt, int iterations, byte[] data); // 0x11DCB24
public byte[] GetBytes(); // 0x11E0D4C
private ContentInfo EncryptedContentInfo(ASN1 safeBags, string algorithmOid); // 0x11E3188
public void AddCertificate(X509Certificate cert); // 0x11E3180
public void AddCertificate(X509Certificate cert, IDictionary attributes); // 0x11E3550
public void RemoveCertificate(X509Certificate cert); // 0x11E3178
public void RemoveCertificate(X509Certificate cert, IDictionary attrs); // 0x11E3800
public object Clone(); // 0x11E3DB8
public static int get_MaximumPasswordLength(); // 0x11DDA50
// Namespace:
public class DeriveBytes // TypeDefIndex: 137
// Fields
private static byte[] keyDiversifier; // 0x0
private static byte[] ivDiversifier; // 0x4
private static byte[] macDiversifier; // 0x8
private string _hashName; // 0x8
private int _iterations; // 0xC
private byte[] _password; // 0x10
private byte[] _salt; // 0x14
// Properties
public string HashName { set; }
public int IterationCount { set; }
public byte[] Password { set; }
public byte[] Salt { set; }
// Methods
public void .ctor(); // 0x11DE9C8
private static void .cctor(); // 0x11E3F1C
public void set_HashName(string value); // 0x11DEB48
public void set_IterationCount(int value); // 0x11DEB40
public void set_Password(byte[] value); // 0x11DE9D0
public void set_Salt(byte[] value); // 0x11DEA9C
private void Adjust(byte[] a, int aOff, byte[] b); // 0x11E4074
private byte[] Derive(byte[] diversifier, int n); // 0x11E41CC
public byte[] DeriveKey(int size); // 0x11DEB50
public byte[] DeriveIV(int size); // 0x11DEC14
public byte[] DeriveMAC(int size); // 0x11E0C88
// Namespace: Mono.Security.X509
internal sealed class X501 // TypeDefIndex: 138
// Fields
private static byte[] countryName; // 0x0
private static byte[] organizationName; // 0x4
private static byte[] organizationalUnitName; // 0x8
private static byte[] commonName; // 0xC
private static byte[] localityName; // 0x10
private static byte[] stateOrProvinceName; // 0x14
private static byte[] streetAddress; // 0x18
private static byte[] domainComponent; // 0x1C
private static byte[] userid; // 0x20
private static byte[] email; // 0x24
private static byte[] dnQualifier; // 0x28
private static byte[] title; // 0x2C
private static byte[] surname; // 0x30
private static byte[] givenName; // 0x34
private static byte[] initial; // 0x38
// Methods
private static void .cctor(); // 0x11E47D4
public static string ToString(ASN1 seq); // 0x11E504C
public static string ToString(ASN1 seq, bool reversed, string separator, bool quotes); // 0x11E5FFC
private static void AppendEntry(StringBuilder sb, ASN1 entry, bool quotes); // 0x11E51FC
// Namespace: Mono.Security.X509
internal class X509Certificate : ISerializable // TypeDefIndex: 139
// Fields
private ASN1 decoder; // 0x8
private byte[] m_encodedcert; // 0xC
private DateTime m_from; // 0x10
private DateTime m_until; // 0x20
private ASN1 issuer; // 0x30
private string m_issuername; // 0x34
private string m_keyalgo; // 0x38
private byte[] m_keyalgoparams; // 0x3C
private ASN1 subject; // 0x40
private string m_subject; // 0x44
private byte[] m_publickey; // 0x48
private byte[] signature; // 0x4C
private string m_signaturealgo; // 0x50
private byte[] m_signaturealgoparams; // 0x54
private DSA _dsa; // 0x58
private int version; // 0x5C
private byte[] serialnumber; // 0x60
private byte[] issuerUniqueID; // 0x64
private byte[] subjectUniqueID; // 0x68
private X509ExtensionCollection extensions; // 0x6C
private static string encoding_error; // 0x0
// Properties
public DSA DSA { get; }
public virtual string IssuerName { get; }
public virtual byte[] KeyAlgorithmParameters { get; }
public virtual byte[] PublicKey { get; }
public virtual byte[] RawData { get; }
public virtual string SubjectName { get; }
public virtual DateTime ValidFrom { get; }
public virtual DateTime ValidUntil { get; }
// Methods
public void .ctor(byte[] data); // 0x11DDF84
private static void .cctor(); // 0x11E6ED8
private void Parse(byte[] data); // 0x11E6464
private byte[] GetUnsignedBigInteger(byte[] integer); // 0x11E70EC
public DSA get_DSA(); // 0x11DF5AC
public virtual string get_IssuerName(); // 0x11E71F0
public virtual byte[] get_KeyAlgorithmParameters(); // 0x11E71F8
public virtual byte[] get_PublicKey(); // 0x11E7294
public virtual byte[] get_RawData(); // 0x11E7330
public virtual string get_SubjectName(); // 0x11E73CC
public virtual DateTime get_ValidFrom(); // 0x11E73D4
public virtual DateTime get_ValidUntil(); // 0x11E73E4
public ASN1 GetIssuerName(); // 0x11E73F4
public ASN1 GetSubjectName(); // 0x11E73FC
public virtual void GetObjectData(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context); // 0x11E7404
private static byte[] PEM(string type, byte[] data); // 0x11E625C
// Namespace: Mono.Security.X509
[DefaultMemberAttribute] // 0x332F34
internal class X509CertificateCollection : CollectionBase, IEnumerable // TypeDefIndex: 140
// Properties
public X509Certificate Item { get; }
// Methods
public void .ctor(); // 0x11DBD50
private IEnumerator System.Collections.IEnumerable.GetEnumerator(); // 0x11E74A8
public X509Certificate get_Item(int index); // 0x11E74E0
public int Add(X509Certificate value); // 0x11DE1AC
public X509CertificateEnumerator GetEnumerator(); // 0x11DF408
public override int GetHashCode(); // 0x11E769C
// Namespace:
public class X509CertificateEnumerator : IEnumerator // TypeDefIndex: 141
// Fields
private IEnumerator enumerator; // 0x8
// Properties
private object System.Collections.IEnumerator.Current { get; }
public X509Certificate Current { get; }
// Methods
public void .ctor(X509CertificateCollection mappings); // 0x11E7598
private object System.Collections.IEnumerator.get_Current(); // 0x11E76D4
private bool System.Collections.IEnumerator.MoveNext(); // 0x11E77C8
private void System.Collections.IEnumerator.Reset(); // 0x11E78BC
public X509Certificate get_Current(); // 0x11DF498
public bool MoveNext(); // 0x11DF914
public void Reset(); // 0x11E79B0
// Namespace: Mono.Security.X509
internal class X509Extension // TypeDefIndex: 142
// Fields
protected string extnOid; // 0x8
protected bool extnCritical; // 0xC
protected ASN1 extnValue; // 0x10
// Methods
public void .ctor(ASN1 asn1); // 0x11E7AA4
protected virtual void Decode(); // 0x11E7E80
public override bool Equals(object obj); // 0x11E7E84
public override int GetHashCode(); // 0x11E8074
private void WriteLine(StringBuilder sb, int n, int pos); // 0x11E80A0
public override string ToString(); // 0x11E8384
// Namespace: Mono.Security.X509
[DefaultMemberAttribute] // 0x332F74
internal sealed class X509ExtensionCollection : CollectionBase, IEnumerable // TypeDefIndex: 143
// Fields
private bool readOnly; // 0xC
// Methods
public void .ctor(); // 0x11E84B4
public void .ctor(ASN1 asn1); // 0x11E6F68
private IEnumerator System.Collections.IEnumerable.GetEnumerator(); // 0x11E84BC
// Namespace: Mono.Security
[DefaultMemberAttribute] // 0x332FB4
internal class ASN1 // TypeDefIndex: 144
// Fields
private byte m_nTag; // 0x8
private byte[] m_aValue; // 0xC
private ArrayList elist; // 0x10
// Properties
public int Count { get; }
public byte Tag { get; }
public int Length { get; }
public byte[] Value { get; set; }
public ASN1 Item { get; }
// Methods
public void .ctor(byte tag); // 0x11C416C
public void .ctor(byte tag, byte[] data); // 0x11C4194
public void .ctor(byte[] data); // 0x11C41BC
public int get_Count(); // 0x11C4510
public byte get_Tag(); // 0x11C4530
public int get_Length(); // 0x11C4538
public byte[] get_Value(); // 0x11C454C
public void set_Value(byte[] value); // 0x11C460C
private bool CompareArray(byte[] array1, byte[] array2); // 0x11C46A8
public bool CompareValue(byte[] value); // 0x11C4744
public ASN1 Add(ASN1 asn1); // 0x11C4750
public virtual byte[] GetBytes(); // 0x11C4828
protected void Decode(byte[] asn1, int anPos, int anLength); // 0x11C43AC
protected void DecodeTLV(byte[] asn1, int pos, out byte tag, out int length, out byte[] content); // 0x11C503C
public ASN1 get_Item(int index); // 0x11C51F4
public ASN1 Element(int index, byte anTag); // 0x11C5374
public override string ToString(); // 0x11C5518
// Namespace: Mono.Security
internal static class ASN1Convert // TypeDefIndex: 145
// Methods
public static ASN1 FromInt32(int value); // 0x11C57D8
public static ASN1 FromOid(string oid); // 0x11C59E8
public static int ToInt32(ASN1 asn1); // 0x11C5B1C
public static string ToOid(ASN1 asn1); // 0x11C5C98
public static DateTime ToDateTime(ASN1 time); // 0x11C6048
// Namespace: Mono.Security
internal sealed class BitConverterLE // TypeDefIndex: 146
// Methods
private static byte[] GetUShortBytes(byte* bytes); // 0x11C6880
private static byte[] GetUIntBytes(byte* bytes); // 0x11C69E8
private static byte[] GetULongBytes(byte* bytes); // 0x11C6BC0
internal static byte[] GetBytes(short value); // 0x11C6E78
internal static byte[] GetBytes(int value); // 0x11C59C8
internal static byte[] GetBytes(float value); // 0x11C6E98
internal static byte[] GetBytes(double value); // 0x11C6EB8
private static void UShortFromBytes(byte* dst, byte[] src, int startIndex); // 0x11C6ED4
private static void UIntFromBytes(byte* dst, byte[] src, int startIndex); // 0x11C701C
private static void ULongFromBytes(byte* dst, byte[] src, int startIndex); // 0x11C71F4
internal static short ToInt16(byte[] value, int startIndex); // 0x11C734C
internal static int ToInt32(byte[] value, int startIndex); // 0x11C7380
internal static float ToSingle(byte[] value, int startIndex); // 0x11C73B4
internal static double ToDouble(byte[] value, int startIndex); // 0x11C73E8
// Namespace: Mono.Security
internal sealed class PKCS7 // TypeDefIndex: 147
// Namespace:
public class ContentInfo // TypeDefIndex: 148
// Fields
private string contentType; // 0x8
private ASN1 content; // 0xC
// Properties
public ASN1 ASN1 { get; }
public ASN1 Content { get; set; }
public string ContentType { get; set; }
// Methods
public void .ctor(); // 0x11D58D4
public void .ctor(string oid); // 0x11D5980
public void .ctor(byte[] data); // 0x11D599C
public void .ctor(ASN1 asn1); // 0x11D5A38
public ASN1 get_ASN1(); // 0x11D5C44
public ASN1 get_Content(); // 0x11D5D48
public void set_Content(ASN1 value); // 0x11D5D50
public string get_ContentType(); // 0x11D5D58
public void set_ContentType(string value); // 0x11D5D60
internal ASN1 GetASN1(); // 0x11D5C48
// Namespace:
public class EncryptedData // TypeDefIndex: 149
// Fields
private byte _version; // 0x8
private ContentInfo _content; // 0xC
private ContentInfo _encryptionAlgorithm; // 0x10
private byte[] _encrypted; // 0x14
// Properties
public ContentInfo EncryptionAlgorithm { get; }
public byte[] EncryptedContent { get; }
// Methods
public void .ctor(); // 0x11D5D68
public void .ctor(ASN1 asn1); // 0x11D5D88
public ContentInfo get_EncryptionAlgorithm(); // 0x11D60F4
public byte[] get_EncryptedContent(); // 0x11D60FC
// Namespace: Mono.Security
internal sealed class StrongName // TypeDefIndex: 150
// Fields
private RSA rsa; // 0x8
private byte[] publicKey; // 0xC
private byte[] keyToken; // 0x10
private string tokenAlgorithm; // 0x14
private static object lockObject; // 0x0
private static bool initialized; // 0x4
// Properties
public RSA RSA { set; }
public byte[] PublicKey { get; }
public byte[] PublicKeyToken { get; }
public string TokenAlgorithm { get; }
// Methods
public void .ctor(byte[] data); // 0x11D6198
public void .ctor(RSA rsa); // 0x11D635C
private static void .cctor(); // 0x11D6430
private void InvalidateCache(); // 0x11D64E0
public void set_RSA(RSA value); // 0x11D6348
public byte[] get_PublicKey(); // 0x11D64EC
public byte[] get_PublicKeyToken(); // 0x11D693C
public string get_TokenAlgorithm(); // 0x11D6B18
// Namespace: Mono.Security
internal enum UriPartial // TypeDefIndex: 151
// Fields
public int value__; // 0x8
public const UriPartial Scheme = 0; // 0x0
public const UriPartial Authority = 1; // 0x0
public const UriPartial Path = 2; // 0x0
// Namespace: Mono.Security
internal class Uri // TypeDefIndex: 152
// Fields
private bool isUnixFilePath; // 0x8
private string source; // 0xC
private string scheme; // 0x10
private string host; // 0x14
private int port; // 0x18
private string path; // 0x1C
private string query; // 0x20
private string fragment; // 0x24
private string userinfo; // 0x28
private bool isUnc; // 0x2C
private bool isOpaquePart; // 0x2D
private bool userEscaped; // 0x2E
private string cachedToString; // 0x30
private string cachedLocalPath; // 0x34
private int cachedHashCode; // 0x38
private bool reduce; // 0x3C
private static readonly string hexUpperChars; // 0x0
public static readonly string SchemeDelimiter; // 0x4
public static readonly string UriSchemeFile; // 0x8
public static readonly string UriSchemeFtp; // 0xC
public static readonly string UriSchemeGopher; // 0x10
public static readonly string UriSchemeHttp; // 0x14
public static readonly string UriSchemeHttps; // 0x18
public static readonly string UriSchemeMailto; // 0x1C
public static readonly string UriSchemeNews; // 0x20
public static readonly string UriSchemeNntp; // 0x24
private static UriScheme[] schemes; // 0x28
[CompilerGeneratedAttribute] // 0x332FF4
private static Dictionary`2<string, int> <>f__switch$map17; // 0x2C
// Properties
public string AbsolutePath { get; }
public bool IsFile { get; }
public bool IsUnc { get; }
public string LocalPath { get; }
// Methods
public void .ctor(string uriString); // 0x11D6BA4
public void .ctor(string uriString, bool dontEscape); // 0x11D6BAC
private static void .cctor(); // 0x11D6DDC
public string get_AbsolutePath(); // 0x11D71F0
public bool get_IsFile(); // 0x11D71F8
public bool get_IsUnc(); // 0x11D72FC
public string get_LocalPath(); // 0x11D7304
public override bool Equals(object comparant); // 0x11D7770
public override int GetHashCode(); // 0x11D7B48
public string GetLeftPart(UriPartial part); // 0x11D7C00
public static int FromHex(char digit); // 0x11D85FC
public static string HexEscape(char character); // 0x11D86EC
public static char HexUnescape(string pattern, int index); // 0x11D88F4
public static bool IsHexDigit(char digit); // 0x11D8CB0
public static bool IsHexEncoding(string pattern, int index); // 0x11D8CEC
public override string ToString(); // 0x11D8E98
protected static string EscapeString(string str); // 0x11D92A8
internal static string EscapeString(string str, bool escapeReserved, bool escapeHex, bool escapeBrackets); // 0x11D9360
protected void Parse(); // 0x11D6CF8
protected string Unescape(string str); // 0x11D7768
internal string Unescape(string str, bool excludeSharp); // 0x11D907C
private void ParseAsWindowsUNC(string uriString); // 0x11DA980
private void ParseAsWindowsAbsoluteFilePath(string uriString); // 0x11DAC24
private void ParseAsUnixAbsoluteFilePath(string uriString); // 0x11DAE48
private void Parse(string uriString); // 0x11D97A0
private static string Reduce(string path); // 0x11DB3E8
internal static string GetSchemeDelimiter(string scheme); // 0x11DB910
internal static int GetDefaultPort(string scheme); // 0x11D83EC
private string GetOpaqueWiseSchemeDelimiter(); // 0x11D831C
private static bool IsPredefinedScheme(string scheme); // 0x11DB0D4
// Namespace:
private struct UriScheme // TypeDefIndex: 153
// Fields
public string scheme; // 0x8
public string delimiter; // 0xC
public int defaultPort; // 0x10
// Methods
public void .ctor(string s, string d, int p); // 0x11DBBF0
// Namespace: Mono.Xml
internal class SecurityParser : SmallXmlParser, IContentHandler // TypeDefIndex: 154
// Fields
private SecurityElement root; // 0x38
private SecurityElement current; // 0x3C
private Stack stack; // 0x40
// Methods
public void .ctor(); // 0x11CE530
public void LoadXml(string xml); // 0x11CE5C8
public SecurityElement ToXml(); // 0x11CE69C
public void OnStartParsing(SmallXmlParser parser); // 0x11E8888
public void OnProcessingInstruction(string name, string text); // 0x11E888C
public void OnIgnorableWhitespace(string s); // 0x11E8890
public void OnStartElement(string name, IAttrList attrs); // 0x11E8894
public void OnEndElement(string name); // 0x11E8CB8
public void OnChars(string ch); // 0x11E8E54
public void OnEndParsing(SmallXmlParser parser); // 0x11E8F28
// Namespace: Mono.Xml
internal class SmallXmlParser // TypeDefIndex: 155
// Fields
private IContentHandler handler; // 0x8
private TextReader reader; // 0xC
private Stack elementNames; // 0x10
private Stack xmlSpaces; // 0x14
private string xmlSpace; // 0x18
private StringBuilder buffer; // 0x1C
private char[] nameBuffer; // 0x20
private bool isWhitespace; // 0x24
private AttrListImpl attributes; // 0x28
private int line; // 0x2C
private int column; // 0x30
private bool resetColumn; // 0x34
[CompilerGeneratedAttribute] // 0x333004
private static Dictionary`2<string, int> <>f__switch$map18; // 0x0
// Methods
public void .ctor(); // 0x11E84F4
private Exception Error(string msg); // 0x11E8FE0
private Exception UnexpectedEndError(); // 0x11E91BC
private bool IsNameChar(char c, bool start); // 0x11E9330
private bool IsWhitespace(int c); // 0x11E946C
public void SkipWhitespaces(); // 0x11E9494
private void HandleWhitespaces(); // 0x11E956C
public void SkipWhitespaces(bool expected); // 0x11E949C
private int Peek(); // 0x11E968C
private int Read(); // 0x11E960C
public void Expect(int c); // 0x11E96C0
private string ReadUntil(char until, bool handleReferences); // 0x11E9810
public string ReadName(); // 0x11E9BDC
public void Parse(TextReader input, IContentHandler handler); // 0x11E8620
private void Cleanup(); // 0x11EAA08
public void ReadContent(); // 0x11E9DCC
private void HandleBufferedContent(); // 0x11EA868
private void ReadCharacters(); // 0x11EAE78
private void ReadReference(); // 0x11E98D0
private int ReadCharacterReference(); // 0x11EAEF4
private void ReadAttribute(AttrListImpl a); // 0x11EACBC
private void ReadCDATASection(); // 0x11EAAFC
private void ReadComment(); // 0x11EABE8
// Namespace:
public interface IContentHandler // TypeDefIndex: 156
// Methods
public abstract void OnStartParsing(SmallXmlParser parser); // 0
public abstract void OnEndParsing(SmallXmlParser parser); // 0
public abstract void OnStartElement(string name, IAttrList attrs); // 0
public abstract void OnEndElement(string name); // 0
public abstract void OnProcessingInstruction(string name, string text); // 0
public abstract void OnChars(string text); // 0
public abstract void OnIgnorableWhitespace(string text); // 0
// Namespace:
public interface IAttrList // TypeDefIndex: 157
// Properties
public abstract int Length { get; }
public abstract string[] Names { get; }
public abstract string[] Values { get; }
// Methods
public abstract int get_Length(); // 0
public abstract string GetName(int i); // 0
public abstract string GetValue(int i); // 0
public abstract string GetValue(string name); // 0
public abstract string[] get_Names(); // 0
public abstract string[] get_Values(); // 0
// Namespace:
private class AttrListImpl : IAttrList // TypeDefIndex: 158
// Fields
private ArrayList attrNames; // 0x8
private ArrayList attrValues; // 0xC
// Properties
public int Length { get; }
public string[] Names { get; }
public string[] Values { get; }
// Methods
public void .ctor(); // 0x11E8F2C
public int get_Length(); // 0x11EB030
public string GetName(int i); // 0x11EB064
public string GetValue(int i); // 0x11EB204
public string GetValue(string name); // 0x11EB3A4
public string[] get_Names(); // 0x11EB6F4
public string[] get_Values(); // 0x11EB804
internal void Clear(); // 0x11EAAA8
internal void Add(string name, string value); // 0x11EAFD4
// Namespace: Mono.Xml
internal class SmallXmlParserException : SystemException // TypeDefIndex: 159
// Fields
private int line; // 0x34
private int column; // 0x38
// Methods
public void .ctor(string msg, int line, int column); // 0x11E908C
// Namespace: Mono
internal class Runtime // TypeDefIndex: 160
// Methods
internal static string GetDisplayName(); // 0x11C4168
// Namespace: System.Collections.Generic
internal sealed class CollectionDebuggerView`1 // TypeDefIndex: 161
// Namespace: System.Collections.Generic
internal sealed class CollectionDebuggerView`2 // TypeDefIndex: 162
// Namespace: System.Collections.Generic
public abstract class Comparer`1 : IComparer`1<T>, IComparer // TypeDefIndex: 163
// Fields
private static readonly Comparer`1<T> _default; // 0x0
// Properties
public static Comparer`1<T> Default { get; }
// Methods
protected void .ctor(); // 0
private static void .cctor(); // 0
private int System.Collections.IComparer.Compare(object x, object y); // 0
public abstract int Compare(T x, T y); // 0
public static Comparer`1<T> get_Default(); // 0
// Namespace:
private sealed class DefaultComparer : Comparer`1<T> // TypeDefIndex: 164
// Methods
public void .ctor(); // 0
public override int Compare(T x, T y); // 0
// Namespace: System.Collections.Generic
internal sealed class GenericComparer`1 : Comparer`1<T> // TypeDefIndex: 165
// Methods
public void .ctor(); // 0
public override int Compare(T x, T y); // 0
// Namespace: System.Collections.Generic
internal struct Link // TypeDefIndex: 166
// Fields
public int HashCode; // 0x8
public int Next; // 0xC
// Namespace: System.Collections.Generic
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x333014
[DebuggerDisplayAttribute] // 0x333014
[DebuggerTypeProxyAttribute] // 0x333014
[DefaultMemberAttribute] // 0x333014
public class Dictionary`2 : IEnumerable, ISerializable, ICollection, ICollection`1<KeyValuePair`2<T, T>>, IEnumerable`1<KeyValuePair`2<T, T>>, IDictionary`2<T, T>, IDictionary, IDeserializationCallback // TypeDefIndex: 167
// Fields
private const int INITIAL_SIZE = 10; // 0x0
private const float DEFAULT_LOAD_FACTOR = 0,9; // 0x0
private const int NO_SLOT = -1; // 0x0
private const int HASH_FLAG = -2147483648; // 0x0
private int[] table; // 0x0
private Link[] linkSlots; // 0x0
private T[] keySlots; // 0x0
private T[] valueSlots; // 0x0
private int touchedSlots; // 0x0
private int emptySlot; // 0x0
private int count; // 0x0
private int threshold; // 0x0
private IEqualityComparer`1<T> hcp; // 0x0
private SerializationInfo serialization_info; // 0x0
private int generation; // 0x0
[CompilerGeneratedAttribute] // 0x333110
private static Transform`1<T, T, DictionaryEntry> <>f__am$cacheB; // 0x0
// Properties
private ICollection`1<T> System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary<TKey,TValue>.Keys { get; }
private ICollection`1<T> System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary<TKey,TValue>.Values { get; }
private ICollection System.Collections.IDictionary.Keys { get; }
private ICollection System.Collections.IDictionary.Values { get; }
private bool System.Collections.IDictionary.IsReadOnly { get; }
private object System.Collections.IDictionary.Item { get; set; }
private bool System.Collections.ICollection.IsSynchronized { get; }
private object System.Collections.ICollection.SyncRoot { get; }
private bool System.Collections.Generic.ICollection<System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair<TKey,TValue>>.IsReadOnly { get; }
public int Count { get; }
public T Item { get; set; }
public KeyCollection<T, T> Keys { get; }
public ValueCollection<T, T> Values { get; }
// Methods
public void .ctor(); // 0
public void .ctor(IEqualityComparer`1<T> comparer); // 0
public void .ctor(IDictionary`2<T, T> dictionary); // 0
public void .ctor(int capacity); // 0
public void .ctor(IDictionary`2<T, T> dictionary, IEqualityComparer`1<T> comparer); // 0
public void .ctor(int capacity, IEqualityComparer`1<T> comparer); // 0
protected void .ctor(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context); // 0
private ICollection`1<T> System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary<TKey,TValue>.get_Keys(); // 0
private ICollection`1<T> System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary<TKey,TValue>.get_Values(); // 0
private ICollection System.Collections.IDictionary.get_Keys(); // 0
private ICollection System.Collections.IDictionary.get_Values(); // 0
private bool System.Collections.IDictionary.get_IsReadOnly(); // 0
private object System.Collections.IDictionary.get_Item(object key); // 0
private void System.Collections.IDictionary.set_Item(object key, object value); // 0
private void System.Collections.IDictionary.Add(object key, object value); // 0
private bool System.Collections.IDictionary.Contains(object key); // 0
private void System.Collections.IDictionary.Remove(object key); // 0
private bool System.Collections.ICollection.get_IsSynchronized(); // 0
private object System.Collections.ICollection.get_SyncRoot(); // 0
private bool System.Collections.Generic.ICollection<System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair<TKey,TValue>>.get_IsReadOnly(); // 0
private void System.Collections.Generic.ICollection<System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair<TKey,TValue>>.Add(KeyValuePair`2<T, T> keyValuePair); // 0
private bool System.Collections.Generic.ICollection<System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair<TKey,TValue>>.Contains(KeyValuePair`2<T, T> keyValuePair); // 0
private void System.Collections.Generic.ICollection<System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair<TKey,TValue>>.CopyTo(KeyValuePair`2<T, T>[] array, int index); // 0
private bool System.Collections.Generic.ICollection<System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair<TKey,TValue>>.Remove(KeyValuePair`2<T, T> keyValuePair); // 0
private void System.Collections.ICollection.CopyTo(Array array, int index); // 0
private IEnumerator System.Collections.IEnumerable.GetEnumerator(); // 0
private IEnumerator`1<KeyValuePair`2<T, T>> System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair<TKey,TValue>>.GetEnumerator(); // 0
private IDictionaryEnumerator System.Collections.IDictionary.GetEnumerator(); // 0
public int get_Count(); // 0
public T get_Item(T key); // 0
public void set_Item(T key, T value); // 0
private void Init(int capacity, IEqualityComparer`1<T> hcp); // 0
private void InitArrays(int size); // 0
private void CopyToCheck(Array array, int index); // 0
private void Do_CopyTo(T[] array, int index, Transform`1<T, T, T> transform); // 0
private static KeyValuePair`2<T, T> make_pair(T key, T value); // 0
private static T pick_key(T key, T value); // 0
private static T pick_value(T key, T value); // 0
private void CopyTo(KeyValuePair`2<T, T>[] array, int index); // 0
private void Do_ICollectionCopyTo(Array array, int index, Transform`1<T, T, T> transform); // 0
private void Resize(); // 0
public void Add(T key, T value); // 0
public void Clear(); // 0
public bool ContainsKey(T key); // 0
public bool ContainsValue(T value); // 0
public virtual void GetObjectData(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context); // 0
public virtual void OnDeserialization(object sender); // 0
public bool Remove(T key); // 0
public bool TryGetValue(T key, out T value); // 0
public KeyCollection<T, T> get_Keys(); // 0
public ValueCollection<T, T> get_Values(); // 0
private T ToTKey(object key); // 0
private T ToTValue(object value); // 0
private bool ContainsKeyValuePair(KeyValuePair`2<T, T> pair); // 0
public Enumerator<T, T> GetEnumerator(); // 0
[CompilerGeneratedAttribute] // 0x333120
private static DictionaryEntry <CopyTo>m__0(T key, T value); // 0
// Namespace:
private class ShimEnumerator : IEnumerator, IDictionaryEnumerator // TypeDefIndex: 168
// Fields
private Enumerator<T, T> host_enumerator; // 0x0
// Properties
public DictionaryEntry Entry { get; }
public object Key { get; }
public object Value { get; }
public object Current { get; }
// Methods
public void .ctor(Dictionary`2<T, T> host); // 0
public bool MoveNext(); // 0
public DictionaryEntry get_Entry(); // 0
public object get_Key(); // 0
public object get_Value(); // 0
public object get_Current(); // 0
public void Reset(); // 0
// Namespace:
public struct Enumerator : IEnumerator, IDisposable, IEnumerator`1<KeyValuePair`2<T, T>>, IDictionaryEnumerator // TypeDefIndex: 169
// Fields
private Dictionary`2<T, T> dictionary; // 0x0
private int next; // 0x0
private int stamp; // 0x0
internal KeyValuePair`2<T, T> current; // 0x0
// Properties
private object System.Collections.IEnumerator.Current { get; }
private DictionaryEntry System.Collections.IDictionaryEnumerator.Entry { get; }
private object System.Collections.IDictionaryEnumerator.Key { get; }
private object System.Collections.IDictionaryEnumerator.Value { get; }
public KeyValuePair`2<T, T> Current { get; }
internal T CurrentKey { get; }
internal T CurrentValue { get; }
// Methods
internal void .ctor(Dictionary`2<T, T> dictionary); // 0
private object System.Collections.IEnumerator.get_Current(); // 0
private void System.Collections.IEnumerator.Reset(); // 0
private DictionaryEntry System.Collections.IDictionaryEnumerator.get_Entry(); // 0
private object System.Collections.IDictionaryEnumerator.get_Key(); // 0
private object System.Collections.IDictionaryEnumerator.get_Value(); // 0
public bool MoveNext(); // 0
public KeyValuePair`2<T, T> get_Current(); // 0
internal T get_CurrentKey(); // 0
internal T get_CurrentValue(); // 0
internal void Reset(); // 0
private void VerifyState(); // 0
private void VerifyCurrent(); // 0
public void Dispose(); // 0
// Namespace:
[DebuggerTypeProxyAttribute] // 0x333130
[DebuggerDisplayAttribute] // 0x333130
public sealed class KeyCollection : IEnumerable, ICollection, ICollection`1<T>, IEnumerable`1<T> // TypeDefIndex: 170
// Fields
private Dictionary`2<T, T> dictionary; // 0x0
// Properties
private bool System.Collections.Generic.ICollection<TKey>.IsReadOnly { get; }
private bool System.Collections.ICollection.IsSynchronized { get; }
private object System.Collections.ICollection.SyncRoot { get; }
public int Count { get; }
// Methods
public void .ctor(Dictionary`2<T, T> dictionary); // 0
private void System.Collections.Generic.ICollection<TKey>.Add(T item); // 0
private void System.Collections.Generic.ICollection<TKey>.Clear(); // 0
private bool System.Collections.Generic.ICollection<TKey>.Contains(T item); // 0
private bool System.Collections.Generic.ICollection<TKey>.Remove(T item); // 0
private IEnumerator`1<T> System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<TKey>.GetEnumerator(); // 0
private void System.Collections.ICollection.CopyTo(Array array, int index); // 0
private IEnumerator System.Collections.IEnumerable.GetEnumerator(); // 0
private bool System.Collections.Generic.ICollection<TKey>.get_IsReadOnly(); // 0
private bool System.Collections.ICollection.get_IsSynchronized(); // 0
private object System.Collections.ICollection.get_SyncRoot(); // 0
public void CopyTo(T[] array, int index); // 0
public Enumerator<T, T> GetEnumerator(); // 0
public int get_Count(); // 0
// Namespace:
public struct Enumerator : IEnumerator, IDisposable, IEnumerator`1<T> // TypeDefIndex: 171
// Fields
private Enumerator<T, T> host_enumerator; // 0x0
// Properties
private object System.Collections.IEnumerator.Current { get; }
public T Current { get; }
// Methods
internal void .ctor(Dictionary`2<T, T> host); // 0
private object System.Collections.IEnumerator.get_Current(); // 0
private void System.Collections.IEnumerator.Reset(); // 0
public void Dispose(); // 0
public bool MoveNext(); // 0
public T get_Current(); // 0
// Namespace:
[DebuggerDisplayAttribute] // 0x3331F0
[DebuggerTypeProxyAttribute] // 0x3331F0
public sealed class ValueCollection : IEnumerable, ICollection, ICollection`1<T>, IEnumerable`1<T> // TypeDefIndex: 172
// Fields
private Dictionary`2<T, T> dictionary; // 0x0
// Properties
private bool System.Collections.Generic.ICollection<TValue>.IsReadOnly { get; }
private bool System.Collections.ICollection.IsSynchronized { get; }
private object System.Collections.ICollection.SyncRoot { get; }
public int Count { get; }
// Methods
public void .ctor(Dictionary`2<T, T> dictionary); // 0
private void System.Collections.Generic.ICollection<TValue>.Add(T item); // 0
private void System.Collections.Generic.ICollection<TValue>.Clear(); // 0
private bool System.Collections.Generic.ICollection<TValue>.Contains(T item); // 0
private bool System.Collections.Generic.ICollection<TValue>.Remove(T item); // 0
private IEnumerator`1<T> System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<TValue>.GetEnumerator(); // 0
private void System.Collections.ICollection.CopyTo(Array array, int index); // 0
private IEnumerator System.Collections.IEnumerable.GetEnumerator(); // 0
private bool System.Collections.Generic.ICollection<TValue>.get_IsReadOnly(); // 0
private bool System.Collections.ICollection.get_IsSynchronized(); // 0
private object System.Collections.ICollection.get_SyncRoot(); // 0
public void CopyTo(T[] array, int index); // 0
public Enumerator<T, T> GetEnumerator(); // 0
public int get_Count(); // 0
// Namespace:
public struct Enumerator : IEnumerator, IDisposable, IEnumerator`1<T> // TypeDefIndex: 173
// Fields
private Enumerator<T, T> host_enumerator; // 0x0
// Properties
private object System.Collections.IEnumerator.Current { get; }
public T Current { get; }
// Methods
internal void .ctor(Dictionary`2<T, T> host); // 0
private object System.Collections.IEnumerator.get_Current(); // 0
private void System.Collections.IEnumerator.Reset(); // 0
public void Dispose(); // 0
public bool MoveNext(); // 0
public T get_Current(); // 0
// Namespace:
private sealed class Transform`1 : MulticastDelegate // TypeDefIndex: 174
// Methods
public void .ctor(object object, IntPtr method); // 0
public virtual T Invoke(T key, T value); // 0
public virtual IAsyncResult BeginInvoke(T key, T value, AsyncCallback callback, object object); // 0
public virtual T EndInvoke(IAsyncResult result); // 0
// Namespace: System.Collections.Generic
public abstract class EqualityComparer`1 : IEqualityComparer`1<T>, IEqualityComparer // TypeDefIndex: 175
// Fields
private static readonly EqualityComparer`1<T> _default; // 0x0
// Properties
public static EqualityComparer`1<T> Default { get; }
// Methods
protected void .ctor(); // 0
private static void .cctor(); // 0
private int System.Collections.IEqualityComparer.GetHashCode(object obj); // 0
private bool System.Collections.IEqualityComparer.Equals(object x, object y); // 0
public abstract int GetHashCode(T obj); // 0
public abstract bool Equals(T x, T y); // 0
public static EqualityComparer`1<T> get_Default(); // 0
// Namespace:
private sealed class DefaultComparer : EqualityComparer`1<T> // TypeDefIndex: 176
// Methods
public void .ctor(); // 0
public override int GetHashCode(T obj); // 0
public override bool Equals(T x, T y); // 0
// Namespace: System.Collections.Generic
internal sealed class GenericEqualityComparer`1 : EqualityComparer`1<T> // TypeDefIndex: 177
// Methods
public void .ctor(); // 0
public override int GetHashCode(T obj); // 0
public override bool Equals(T x, T y); // 0
// Namespace: System.Collections.Generic
public interface IComparer`1 // TypeDefIndex: 178
// Methods
public abstract int Compare(T x, T y); // 0
// Namespace: System.Collections.Generic
[DefaultMemberAttribute] // 0x3332B0
public interface IDictionary`2 : IEnumerable, ICollection`1<KeyValuePair`2<T, T>>, IEnumerable`1<KeyValuePair`2<T, T>> // TypeDefIndex: 179
// Properties
public abstract T Item { get; set; }
public abstract ICollection`1<T> Keys { get; }
public abstract ICollection`1<T> Values { get; }
// Methods
public abstract void Add(T key, T value); // 0
public abstract bool ContainsKey(T key); // 0
public abstract bool Remove(T key); // 0
public abstract bool TryGetValue(T key, out T value); // 0
public abstract T get_Item(T key); // 0
public abstract void set_Item(T key, T value); // 0
public abstract ICollection`1<T> get_Keys(); // 0
public abstract ICollection`1<T> get_Values(); // 0
// Namespace: System.Collections.Generic
public interface IEqualityComparer`1 // TypeDefIndex: 180
// Methods
public abstract bool Equals(T x, T y); // 0
public abstract int GetHashCode(T obj); // 0
// Namespace: System.Collections.Generic
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x3332F0
public class KeyNotFoundException : SystemException, ISerializable // TypeDefIndex: 181
// Methods
public void .ctor(); // 0xB95BB8
public void .ctor(string message); // 0xB95C40
protected void .ctor(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context); // 0xB95C48
// Namespace: System.Collections.Generic
[DebuggerDisplayAttribute] // 0x333304
public struct KeyValuePair`2 // TypeDefIndex: 182
// Fields
private T key; // 0x0
private T value; // 0x0
// Properties
public T Key { get; set; }
public T Value { get; set; }
// Methods
public void .ctor(T key, T value); // 0
public T get_Key(); // 0
private void set_Key(T value); // 0
public T get_Value(); // 0
private void set_Value(T value); // 0
public override string ToString(); // 0
// Namespace: System.Collections.Generic
[DebuggerTypeProxyAttribute] // 0x333364
[DebuggerDisplayAttribute] // 0x333364
[DefaultMemberAttribute] // 0x333364
public class List`1 : IEnumerable, ICollection, IList, ICollection`1<T>, IEnumerable`1<T>, IList`1<T> // TypeDefIndex: 183
// Fields
private const int DefaultCapacity = 4; // 0x0
private T[] _items; // 0x0
private int _size; // 0x0
private int _version; // 0x0
private static readonly T[] EmptyArray; // 0x0
// Properties
private bool System.Collections.Generic.ICollection<T>.IsReadOnly { get; }
private bool System.Collections.ICollection.IsSynchronized { get; }
private object System.Collections.ICollection.SyncRoot { get; }
private bool System.Collections.IList.IsFixedSize { get; }
private bool System.Collections.IList.IsReadOnly { get; }
private object System.Collections.IList.Item { get; set; }
public int Capacity { get; set; }
public int Count { get; }
public T Item { get; set; }
// Methods
public void .ctor(); // 0
public void .ctor(IEnumerable`1<T> collection); // 0
public void .ctor(int capacity); // 0
internal void .ctor(T[] data, int size); // 0
private static void .cctor(); // 0
private IEnumerator`1<T> System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<T>.GetEnumerator(); // 0
private void System.Collections.ICollection.CopyTo(Array array, int arrayIndex); // 0
private IEnumerator System.Collections.IEnumerable.GetEnumerator(); // 0
private int System.Collections.IList.Add(object item); // 0
private bool System.Collections.IList.Contains(object item); // 0
private int System.Collections.IList.IndexOf(object item); // 0
private void System.Collections.IList.Insert(int index, object item); // 0
private void System.Collections.IList.Remove(object item); // 0
private bool System.Collections.Generic.ICollection<T>.get_IsReadOnly(); // 0
private bool System.Collections.ICollection.get_IsSynchronized(); // 0
private object System.Collections.ICollection.get_SyncRoot(); // 0
private bool System.Collections.IList.get_IsFixedSize(); // 0
private bool System.Collections.IList.get_IsReadOnly(); // 0
private object System.Collections.IList.get_Item(int index); // 0
private void System.Collections.IList.set_Item(int index, object value); // 0
public void Add(T item); // 0
private void GrowIfNeeded(int newCount); // 0
private void CheckRange(int idx, int count); // 0
private void AddCollection(ICollection`1<T> collection); // 0
private void AddEnumerable(IEnumerable`1<T> enumerable); // 0
public void AddRange(IEnumerable`1<T> collection); // 0
public ReadOnlyCollection`1<T> AsReadOnly(); // 0
public int BinarySearch(T item); // 0
public void Clear(); // 0
public bool Contains(T item); // 0
public List`1<T> ConvertAll(Converter`2<T, T> converter); // 0
public void CopyTo(T[] array); // 0
public void CopyTo(T[] array, int arrayIndex); // 0
public bool Exists(Predicate`1<T> match); // 0
public T Find(Predicate`1<T> match); // 0
private static void CheckMatch(Predicate`1<T> match); // 0
public List`1<T> FindAll(Predicate`1<T> match); // 0
private List`1<T> FindAllStackBits(Predicate`1<T> match); // 0
private List`1<T> FindAllList(Predicate`1<T> match); // 0
public int FindIndex(Predicate`1<T> match); // 0
private int GetIndex(int startIndex, int count, Predicate`1<T> match); // 0
public void ForEach(Action`1<T> action); // 0
public Enumerator<T> GetEnumerator(); // 0
public List`1<T> GetRange(int index, int count); // 0
public int IndexOf(T item); // 0
private void Shift(int start, int delta); // 0
private void CheckIndex(int index); // 0
public void Insert(int index, T item); // 0
private void CheckCollection(IEnumerable`1<T> collection); // 0
public bool Remove(T item); // 0
public int RemoveAll(Predicate`1<T> match); // 0
public void RemoveAt(int index); // 0
public void RemoveRange(int index, int count); // 0
public void Reverse(); // 0
public void Sort(); // 0
public void Sort(IComparer`1<T> comparer); // 0
public void Sort(Comparison`1<T> comparison); // 0
public T[] ToArray(); // 0
public void TrimExcess(); // 0
public int get_Capacity(); // 0
public void set_Capacity(int value); // 0
public int get_Count(); // 0
public T get_Item(int index); // 0
public void set_Item(int index, T value); // 0
// Namespace:
public struct Enumerator : IEnumerator, IDisposable, IEnumerator`1<T> // TypeDefIndex: 184
// Fields
private List`1<T> l; // 0x0
private int next; // 0x0
private int ver; // 0x0
private T current; // 0x0
// Properties
private object System.Collections.IEnumerator.Current { get; }
public T Current { get; }
// Methods
internal void .ctor(List`1<T> l); // 0
private void System.Collections.IEnumerator.Reset(); // 0
private object System.Collections.IEnumerator.get_Current(); // 0
public void Dispose(); // 0
private void VerifyState(); // 0
public bool MoveNext(); // 0
public T get_Current(); // 0
// Namespace: System.Collections.ObjectModel
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x33344C
[DefaultMemberAttribute] // 0x33344C
public class Collection`1 : IEnumerable, ICollection, IList, ICollection`1<T>, IList`1<T>, IEnumerable`1<T> // TypeDefIndex: 185
// Fields
private IList`1<T> list; // 0x0
private object syncRoot; // 0x0
// Properties
private bool System.Collections.Generic.ICollection<T>.IsReadOnly { get; }
private bool System.Collections.ICollection.IsSynchronized { get; }
private object System.Collections.ICollection.SyncRoot { get; }
private bool System.Collections.IList.IsFixedSize { get; }
private bool System.Collections.IList.IsReadOnly { get; }
private object System.Collections.IList.Item { get; set; }
protected IList`1<T> Items { get; }
public int Count { get; }
public T Item { get; set; }
// Methods
public void .ctor(); // 0
private bool System.Collections.Generic.ICollection<T>.get_IsReadOnly(); // 0
private void System.Collections.ICollection.CopyTo(Array array, int index); // 0
private IEnumerator System.Collections.IEnumerable.GetEnumerator(); // 0
private int System.Collections.IList.Add(object value); // 0
private bool System.Collections.IList.Contains(object value); // 0
private int System.Collections.IList.IndexOf(object value); // 0
private void System.Collections.IList.Insert(int index, object value); // 0
private void System.Collections.IList.Remove(object value); // 0
private bool System.Collections.ICollection.get_IsSynchronized(); // 0
private object System.Collections.ICollection.get_SyncRoot(); // 0
private bool System.Collections.IList.get_IsFixedSize(); // 0
private bool System.Collections.IList.get_IsReadOnly(); // 0
private object System.Collections.IList.get_Item(int index); // 0
private void System.Collections.IList.set_Item(int index, object value); // 0
public void Add(T item); // 0
public void Clear(); // 0
protected virtual void ClearItems(); // 0
public bool Contains(T item); // 0
public void CopyTo(T[] array, int index); // 0
public IEnumerator`1<T> GetEnumerator(); // 0
public int IndexOf(T item); // 0
public void Insert(int index, T item); // 0
protected virtual void InsertItem(int index, T item); // 0
protected IList`1<T> get_Items(); // 0
public bool Remove(T item); // 0
public void RemoveAt(int index); // 0
protected virtual void RemoveItem(int index); // 0
public int get_Count(); // 0
public T get_Item(int index); // 0
public void set_Item(int index, T value); // 0
protected virtual void SetItem(int index, T item); // 0
internal static bool IsValidItem(object item); // 0
internal static T ConvertItem(object item); // 0
internal static void CheckWritable(IList`1<T> list); // 0
internal static bool IsSynchronized(IList`1<T> list); // 0
internal static bool IsFixedSize(IList`1<T> list); // 0
// Namespace: System.Collections.ObjectModel
[DefaultMemberAttribute] // 0x3334A4
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x3334A4
public abstract class KeyedCollection`2 : Collection`1<T> // TypeDefIndex: 186
// Fields
private Dictionary`2<T, T> dictionary; // 0x0
private IEqualityComparer`1<T> comparer; // 0x0
private int dictionaryCreationThreshold; // 0x0
// Properties
public T Item { get; }
protected IDictionary`2<T, T> Dictionary { get; }
// Methods
protected void .ctor(); // 0
protected void .ctor(IEqualityComparer`1<T> comparer); // 0
protected void .ctor(IEqualityComparer`1<T> comparer, int dictionaryCreationThreshold); // 0
public bool Contains(T key); // 0
private int IndexOfKey(T key); // 0
public T get_Item(T key); // 0
protected override void ClearItems(); // 0
protected abstract T GetKeyForItem(T item); // 0
protected override void InsertItem(int index, T item); // 0
protected override void RemoveItem(int index); // 0
protected override void SetItem(int index, T item); // 0
protected IDictionary`2<T, T> get_Dictionary(); // 0
// Namespace: System.Collections.ObjectModel
[DefaultMemberAttribute] // 0x3334FC
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x3334FC
public class ReadOnlyCollection`1 : IEnumerable, ICollection, IList, ICollection`1<T>, IList`1<T>, IEnumerable`1<T> // TypeDefIndex: 187
// Fields
private IList`1<T> list; // 0x0
// Properties
private T System.Collections.Generic.IList<T>.Item { get; set; }
private bool System.Collections.Generic.ICollection<T>.IsReadOnly { get; }
private bool System.Collections.ICollection.IsSynchronized { get; }
private object System.Collections.ICollection.SyncRoot { get; }
private bool System.Collections.IList.IsFixedSize { get; }
private bool System.Collections.IList.IsReadOnly { get; }
private object System.Collections.IList.Item { get; set; }
public int Count { get; }
public T Item { get; }
// Methods
public void .ctor(IList`1<T> list); // 0
private void System.Collections.Generic.ICollection<T>.Add(T item); // 0
private void System.Collections.Generic.ICollection<T>.Clear(); // 0
private void System.Collections.Generic.IList<T>.Insert(int index, T item); // 0
private bool System.Collections.Generic.ICollection<T>.Remove(T item); // 0
private void System.Collections.Generic.IList<T>.RemoveAt(int index); // 0
private T System.Collections.Generic.IList<T>.get_Item(int index); // 0
private void System.Collections.Generic.IList<T>.set_Item(int index, T value); // 0
private bool System.Collections.Generic.ICollection<T>.get_IsReadOnly(); // 0
private void System.Collections.ICollection.CopyTo(Array array, int index); // 0
private IEnumerator System.Collections.IEnumerable.GetEnumerator(); // 0
private int System.Collections.IList.Add(object value); // 0
private void System.Collections.IList.Clear(); // 0
private bool System.Collections.IList.Contains(object value); // 0
private int System.Collections.IList.IndexOf(object value); // 0
private void System.Collections.IList.Insert(int index, object value); // 0
private void System.Collections.IList.Remove(object value); // 0
private void System.Collections.IList.RemoveAt(int index); // 0
private bool System.Collections.ICollection.get_IsSynchronized(); // 0
private object System.Collections.ICollection.get_SyncRoot(); // 0
private bool System.Collections.IList.get_IsFixedSize(); // 0
private bool System.Collections.IList.get_IsReadOnly(); // 0
private object System.Collections.IList.get_Item(int index); // 0
private void System.Collections.IList.set_Item(int index, object value); // 0
public bool Contains(T value); // 0
public void CopyTo(T[] array, int index); // 0
public IEnumerator`1<T> GetEnumerator(); // 0
public int IndexOf(T value); // 0
public int get_Count(); // 0
public T get_Item(int index); // 0
// Namespace: System.Collections
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x333554
[DebuggerDisplayAttribute] // 0x333554
[DefaultMemberAttribute] // 0x333554
[DebuggerTypeProxyAttribute] // 0x333554
public class ArrayList : IEnumerable, ICloneable, ICollection, IList // TypeDefIndex: 188
// Fields
private const int DefaultInitialCapacity = 4; // 0x0
private int _size; // 0x8
private object[] _items; // 0xC
private int _version; // 0x10
private static readonly object[] EmptyArray; // 0x0
// Properties
public virtual object Item { get; set; }
public virtual int Count { get; }
public virtual int Capacity { get; set; }
public virtual bool IsFixedSize { get; }
public virtual bool IsReadOnly { get; }
public virtual bool IsSynchronized { get; }
public virtual object SyncRoot { get; }
// Methods
public void .ctor(); // 0xB8E2C8
public void .ctor(ICollection c); // 0xB8E38C
public void .ctor(int capacity); // 0xB8E5A0
private void .ctor(object[] array, int index, int count); // 0xB8E7A4
private static void .cctor(); // 0xB8E884
public virtual object get_Item(int index); // 0xB8E928
public virtual void set_Item(int index, object value); // 0xB8EA68
public virtual int get_Count(); // 0xB8EBE0
public virtual int get_Capacity(); // 0xB8EBE8
public virtual void set_Capacity(int value); // 0xB8EC0C
public virtual bool get_IsFixedSize(); // 0xB8ED6C
public virtual bool get_IsReadOnly(); // 0xB8ED74
public virtual bool get_IsSynchronized(); // 0xB8ED7C
public virtual object get_SyncRoot(); // 0xB8ED84
private void EnsureCapacity(int count); // 0xB8ED88
private void Shift(int index, int count); // 0xB8EE98
public virtual int Add(object value); // 0xB8F02C
public virtual void Clear(); // 0xB8F0E0
public virtual bool Contains(object item); // 0xB8F11C
public virtual int IndexOf(object value); // 0xB8F15C
public virtual int IndexOf(object value, int startIndex); // 0xB8F170
public virtual int IndexOf(object value, int startIndex, int count); // 0xB8F1A0
public virtual void Insert(int index, object value); // 0xB8F3DC
public virtual void InsertRange(int index, ICollection c); // 0xB8F570
public virtual void Remove(object obj); // 0xB8F984
public virtual void RemoveAt(int index); // 0xB8F9D4
public virtual void CopyTo(Array array); // 0xB8FB08
public virtual void CopyTo(Array array, int arrayIndex); // 0xB8FB2C
public virtual void CopyTo(int index, Array array, int arrayIndex, int count); // 0xB8FB6C
public virtual IEnumerator GetEnumerator(); // 0xB8FCC0
public virtual void AddRange(ICollection c); // 0xB8FE40
public virtual void Sort(); // 0xB8FE58
public virtual void Sort(IComparer comparer); // 0xB8FF00
public virtual object[] ToArray(); // 0xB8FF34
public virtual Array ToArray(Type type); // 0xB8FFE8
public virtual object Clone(); // 0xB90020
internal static void ThrowNewArgumentOutOfRangeException(string name, object actual, string message); // 0xB8E6EC
public static ArrayList Synchronized(ArrayList list); // 0xB900C8
public static ArrayList ReadOnly(ArrayList list); // 0xB90214
// Namespace:
private sealed class SimpleEnumerator : IEnumerator, ICloneable // TypeDefIndex: 189
// Fields
private ArrayList list; // 0x8
private int index; // 0xC
private int version; // 0x10
private object currentElement; // 0x14
private static object endFlag; // 0x0
// Properties
public object Current { get; }
// Methods
public void .ctor(ArrayList list); // 0xB8FD50
private static void .cctor(); // 0xB91378
public object Clone(); // 0xB91418
public bool MoveNext(); // 0xB91420
public object get_Current(); // 0xB915A4
public void Reset(); // 0xB916E4
// Namespace:
[DefaultMemberAttribute] // 0x333650
private class ArrayListWrapper : ArrayList // TypeDefIndex: 190
// Fields
protected ArrayList m_InnerArrayList; // 0x14
// Properties
public override object Item { get; set; }
public override int Count { get; }
public override int Capacity { get; set; }
public override bool IsFixedSize { get; }
public override bool IsReadOnly { get; }
public override bool IsSynchronized { get; }
public override object SyncRoot { get; }
// Methods
public void .ctor(ArrayList innerArrayList); // 0xB90320
public override object get_Item(int index); // 0xB903C8
public override void set_Item(int index, object value); // 0xB903FC
public override int get_Count(); // 0xB90430
public override int get_Capacity(); // 0xB90464
public override void set_Capacity(int value); // 0xB90498
public override bool get_IsFixedSize(); // 0xB904CC
public override bool get_IsReadOnly(); // 0xB90500
public override bool get_IsSynchronized(); // 0xB90534
public override object get_SyncRoot(); // 0xB90568
public override int Add(object value); // 0xB9059C
public override void Clear(); // 0xB905D0
public override bool Contains(object value); // 0xB90604
public override int IndexOf(object value); // 0xB90638
public override int IndexOf(object value, int startIndex); // 0xB9066C
public override int IndexOf(object value, int startIndex, int count); // 0xB906A0
public override void Insert(int index, object value); // 0xB906E0
public override void InsertRange(int index, ICollection c); // 0xB90714
public override void Remove(object value); // 0xB90748
public override void RemoveAt(int index); // 0xB9077C
public override void CopyTo(Array array); // 0xB907B0
public override void CopyTo(Array array, int index); // 0xB907E4
public override void CopyTo(int index, Array array, int arrayIndex, int count); // 0xB90818
public override IEnumerator GetEnumerator(); // 0xB90860
public override void AddRange(ICollection c); // 0xB90894
public override object Clone(); // 0xB908C8
public override void Sort(); // 0xB908FC
public override void Sort(IComparer comparer); // 0xB90930
public override object[] ToArray(); // 0xB90964
public override Array ToArray(Type elementType); // 0xB90998
// Namespace:
[DefaultMemberAttribute] // 0x333690
private sealed class SynchronizedArrayListWrapper : ArrayListWrapper // TypeDefIndex: 191
// Fields
private object m_SyncRoot; // 0x18
// Properties
public override object Item { get; set; }
public override int Count { get; }
public override int Capacity { get; set; }
public override bool IsFixedSize { get; }
public override bool IsReadOnly { get; }
public override bool IsSynchronized { get; }
public override object SyncRoot { get; }
// Methods
internal void .ctor(ArrayList innerArrayList); // 0xB901D0
public override object get_Item(int index); // 0xB9181C
public override void set_Item(int index, object value); // 0xB918CC
public override int get_Count(); // 0xB91978
public override int get_Capacity(); // 0xB91A20
public override void set_Capacity(int value); // 0xB91AC8
public override bool get_IsFixedSize(); // 0xB91B6C
public override bool get_IsReadOnly(); // 0xB91C14
public override bool get_IsSynchronized(); // 0xB91CBC
public override object get_SyncRoot(); // 0xB91CC4
public override int Add(object value); // 0xB91CCC
public override void Clear(); // 0xB91D7C
public override bool Contains(object value); // 0xB91E18
public override int IndexOf(object value); // 0xB91EC8
public override int IndexOf(object value, int startIndex); // 0xB91F78
public override int IndexOf(object value, int startIndex, int count); // 0xB92030
public override void Insert(int index, object value); // 0xB920FC
public override void InsertRange(int index, ICollection c); // 0xB921A8
public override void Remove(object value); // 0xB92254
public override void RemoveAt(int index); // 0xB922F8
public override void CopyTo(Array array); // 0xB9239C
public override void CopyTo(Array array, int index); // 0xB92440
public override void CopyTo(int index, Array array, int arrayIndex, int count); // 0xB924EC
public override IEnumerator GetEnumerator(); // 0xB925BC
public override void AddRange(ICollection c); // 0xB92664
public override object Clone(); // 0xB92708
public override void Sort(); // 0xB927B0
public override void Sort(IComparer comparer); // 0xB9284C
public override object[] ToArray(); // 0xB928F0
public override Array ToArray(Type elementType); // 0xB92998
// Namespace:
private class FixedSizeArrayListWrapper : ArrayListWrapper // TypeDefIndex: 192
// Properties
protected virtual string ErrorMessage { get; }
public override int Capacity { get; set; }
public override bool IsFixedSize { get; }
// Methods
public void .ctor(ArrayList innerList); // 0xB909CC
protected virtual string get_ErrorMessage(); // 0xB909D0
public override int get_Capacity(); // 0xB90A48
public override void set_Capacity(int value); // 0xB90A4C
public override bool get_IsFixedSize(); // 0xB90B00
public override int Add(object value); // 0xB90B08
public override void AddRange(ICollection c); // 0xB90BBC
public override void Clear(); // 0xB90C70
public override void Insert(int index, object value); // 0xB90D24
public override void InsertRange(int index, ICollection c); // 0xB90DD8
public override void Remove(object value); // 0xB90E8C
public override void RemoveAt(int index); // 0xB90F40
// Namespace:
[DefaultMemberAttribute] // 0x3336D0
private sealed class ReadOnlyArrayListWrapper : FixedSizeArrayListWrapper // TypeDefIndex: 193
// Properties
protected override string ErrorMessage { get; }
public override bool IsReadOnly { get; }
public override object Item { get; set; }
// Methods
public void .ctor(ArrayList innerArrayList); // 0xB9031C
protected override string get_ErrorMessage(); // 0xB90FF4
public override bool get_IsReadOnly(); // 0xB9106C
public override object get_Item(int index); // 0xB91074
public override void set_Item(int index, object value); // 0xB910A8
public override void Sort(); // 0xB91198
public override void Sort(IComparer comparer); // 0xB91288
// Namespace: System.Collections
[DefaultMemberAttribute] // 0x333710
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x333710
public sealed class BitArray : IEnumerable, ICloneable, ICollection // TypeDefIndex: 194
// Fields
private int[] m_array; // 0x8
private int m_length; // 0xC
private int _version; // 0x10
// Properties
public int Count { get; }
public bool IsSynchronized { get; }
public bool Item { get; set; }
public int Length { get; set; }
public object SyncRoot { get; }
// Methods
public void .ctor(BitArray bits); // 0xB92A48
public void .ctor(int length); // 0xB92BD8
private byte getByte(int byteIndex); // 0xB92CE0
public int get_Count(); // 0xB92D44
public bool get_IsSynchronized(); // 0xB92D4C
public bool get_Item(int index); // 0xB92D54
public void set_Item(int index, bool value); // 0xB92E50
public int get_Length(); // 0xB92F64
public void set_Length(int value); // 0xB92F6C
public object get_SyncRoot(); // 0xB93140
public object Clone(); // 0xB93144
public void CopyTo(Array array, int index); // 0xB931D4
public bool Get(int index); // 0xB92D58
public void Set(int index, bool value); // 0xB92E54
public IEnumerator GetEnumerator(); // 0xB935F8
// Namespace:
private class BitArrayEnumerator : IEnumerator, ICloneable // TypeDefIndex: 195
// Fields
private BitArray _bitArray; // 0x8
private bool _current; // 0xC
private int _index; // 0x10
private int _version; // 0x14
// Properties
public object Current { get; }
// Methods
public void .ctor(BitArray ba); // 0xB93688
public object Clone(); // 0xB936C8
public object get_Current(); // 0xB936D0
public bool MoveNext(); // 0xB93810
public void Reset(); // 0xB93930
private void checkVersion(); // 0xB93870
// Namespace: System.Collections
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x333768
public class CaseInsensitiveComparer : IComparer // TypeDefIndex: 196
// Fields
private static CaseInsensitiveComparer defaultComparer; // 0x0
private static CaseInsensitiveComparer defaultInvariantComparer; // 0x4
private CultureInfo culture; // 0x8
// Properties
public static CaseInsensitiveComparer DefaultInvariant { get; }
// Methods
public void .ctor(); // 0xB9394C
private void .ctor(bool invariant); // 0xB93A00
private static void .cctor(); // 0xB93A08
public static CaseInsensitiveComparer get_DefaultInvariant(); // 0xB93AB8
public int Compare(object a, object b); // 0xB93B68
// Namespace: System.Collections
[ObsoleteAttribute] // 0x33377C
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x33377C
public class CaseInsensitiveHashCodeProvider : IHashCodeProvider // TypeDefIndex: 197
// Fields
private static readonly CaseInsensitiveHashCodeProvider singletonInvariant; // 0x0
private static readonly object sync; // 0x4
private TextInfo m_text; // 0x8
// Properties
public static CaseInsensitiveHashCodeProvider DefaultInvariant { get; }
// Methods
public void .ctor(); // 0xB94054
public void .ctor(CultureInfo culture); // 0xB942C4
private static void .cctor(); // 0xB94434
private static bool AreEqual(CultureInfo a, CultureInfo b); // 0xB941C8
private static bool AreEqual(TextInfo info, CultureInfo culture); // 0xB9453C
public static CaseInsensitiveHashCodeProvider get_DefaultInvariant(); // 0xB94630
public int GetHashCode(object obj); // 0xB946E0
// Namespace: System.Collections
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x3337D4
public abstract class CollectionBase : IEnumerable, ICollection, IList // TypeDefIndex: 198
// Fields
private ArrayList list; // 0x8
// Properties
private object System.Collections.ICollection.SyncRoot { get; }
private bool System.Collections.ICollection.IsSynchronized { get; }
private bool System.Collections.IList.IsFixedSize { get; }
private bool System.Collections.IList.IsReadOnly { get; }
private object System.Collections.IList.Item { get; set; }
public int Count { get; }
protected ArrayList InnerList { get; }
protected IList List { get; }
// Methods
protected void .ctor(); // 0xB949D4
private void System.Collections.ICollection.CopyTo(Array array, int index); // 0xB949DC
private object System.Collections.ICollection.get_SyncRoot(); // 0xB94ABC
private bool System.Collections.ICollection.get_IsSynchronized(); // 0xB94AF0
private int System.Collections.IList.Add(object value); // 0xB94B24
private bool System.Collections.IList.Contains(object value); // 0xB94CFC
private int System.Collections.IList.IndexOf(object value); // 0xB94D38
private void System.Collections.IList.Insert(int index, object value); // 0xB94D74
private void System.Collections.IList.Remove(object value); // 0xB94F2C
private bool System.Collections.IList.get_IsFixedSize(); // 0xB950B0
private bool System.Collections.IList.get_IsReadOnly(); // 0xB950E4
private object System.Collections.IList.get_Item(int index); // 0xB95118
private void System.Collections.IList.set_Item(int index, object value); // 0xB95154
public int get_Count(); // 0xB953CC
public IEnumerator GetEnumerator(); // 0xB95400
public void Clear(); // 0xB95434
public void RemoveAt(int index); // 0xB95498
protected ArrayList get_InnerList(); // 0xB94A20
protected IList get_List(); // 0xB95550
protected virtual void OnClear(); // 0xB95554
protected virtual void OnClearComplete(); // 0xB95558
protected virtual void OnInsert(int index, object value); // 0xB9555C
protected virtual void OnInsertComplete(int index, object value); // 0xB95560
protected virtual void OnRemove(int index, object value); // 0xB95564
protected virtual void OnRemoveComplete(int index, object value); // 0xB95568
protected virtual void OnSet(int index, object oldValue, object newValue); // 0xB9556C
protected virtual void OnSetComplete(int index, object oldValue, object newValue); // 0xB95570
protected virtual void OnValidate(object value); // 0xB95574
// Namespace: System.Collections
internal sealed class CollectionDebuggerView // TypeDefIndex: 199
// Namespace: System.Collections
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x3337E8
public sealed class Comparer : ISerializable, IComparer // TypeDefIndex: 200
// Fields
public static readonly Comparer Default; // 0x0
public static readonly Comparer DefaultInvariant; // 0x4
private CompareInfo m_compareInfo; // 0x8
// Methods
private void .ctor(); // 0xB95624
public void .ctor(CultureInfo culture); // 0xB9562C
private static void .cctor(); // 0xB95708
public int Compare(object a, object b); // 0xB93D58
public void GetObjectData(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context); // 0xB95808
// Namespace: System.Collections
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x3337FC
[DebuggerDisplayAttribute] // 0x3337FC
public struct DictionaryEntry // TypeDefIndex: 201
// Fields
private object _key; // 0x8
private object _value; // 0xC
// Properties
public object Key { get; }
public object Value { get; }
// Methods
public void .ctor(object key, object value); // 0xB95B8C
public object get_Key(); // 0xB95BA0
public object get_Value(); // 0xB95BB0
// Namespace: System.Collections
[DebuggerDisplayAttribute] // 0x333874
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x333874
[DebuggerTypeProxyAttribute] // 0x333874
[DefaultMemberAttribute] // 0x333874
public class Hashtable : IEnumerable, ICloneable, ISerializable, ICollection, IDictionary, IDeserializationCallback // TypeDefIndex: 202
// Fields
private const int CHAIN_MARKER = -2147483648; // 0x0
private int inUse; // 0x8
private int modificationCount; // 0xC
private float loadFactor; // 0x10
private Slot[] table; // 0x14
private int[] hashes; // 0x18
private int threshold; // 0x1C
private HashKeys hashKeys; // 0x20
private HashValues hashValues; // 0x24
private IHashCodeProvider hcpRef; // 0x28
private IComparer comparerRef; // 0x2C
private SerializationInfo serializationInfo; // 0x30
private IEqualityComparer equalityComparer; // 0x34
private static readonly int[] primeTbl; // 0x0
// Properties
[ObsoleteAttribute] // 0x333B20
protected IComparer comparer { set; }
[ObsoleteAttribute] // 0x333B60
protected IHashCodeProvider hcp { set; }
public virtual int Count { get; }
public virtual bool IsSynchronized { get; }
public virtual object SyncRoot { get; }
public virtual bool IsReadOnly { get; }
public virtual ICollection Keys { get; }
public virtual ICollection Values { get; }
public virtual object Item { get; set; }
// Methods
public void .ctor(); // 0xB95C68
[ObsoleteAttribute] // 0x333970
public void .ctor(int capacity, float loadFactor, IHashCodeProvider hcp, IComparer comparer); // 0xB95CB8
public void .ctor(int capacity, float loadFactor); // 0xB95C94
public void .ctor(int capacity); // 0xB96234
internal void .ctor(Hashtable source); // 0xB9625C
[ObsoleteAttribute] // 0x3339B0
public void .ctor(int capacity, IHashCodeProvider hcp, IComparer comparer); // 0xB96374
[ObsoleteAttribute] // 0x3339F0
public void .ctor(IDictionary d, float loadFactor, IHashCodeProvider hcp, IComparer comparer); // 0xB9639C
[ObsoleteAttribute] // 0x333A30
public void .ctor(IDictionary d, IHashCodeProvider hcp, IComparer comparer); // 0xB9675C
[ObsoleteAttribute] // 0x333A70
public void .ctor(IHashCodeProvider hcp, IComparer comparer); // 0xB96784
public void .ctor(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context); // 0xB967AC
public void .ctor(IEqualityComparer equalityComparer); // 0xB967CC
public void .ctor(int capacity, IEqualityComparer equalityComparer); // 0xB9683C
public void .ctor(int capacity, float loadFactor, IEqualityComparer equalityComparer); // 0xB96808
private static void .cctor(); // 0xB96874
private IEnumerator System.Collections.IEnumerable.GetEnumerator(); // 0xB9693C
protected void set_comparer(IComparer value); // 0xB9622C
protected void set_hcp(IHashCodeProvider value); // 0xB96224
public virtual int get_Count(); // 0xB96A40
public virtual bool get_IsSynchronized(); // 0xB96A48
public virtual object get_SyncRoot(); // 0xB96A50
public virtual bool get_IsReadOnly(); // 0xB96A54
public virtual ICollection get_Keys(); // 0xB96A5C
public virtual ICollection get_Values(); // 0xB96BAC
public virtual object get_Item(object key); // 0xB96CFC
public virtual void set_Item(object key, object value); // 0xB96F20
public virtual void CopyTo(Array array, int arrayIndex); // 0xB974B0
public virtual void Add(object key, object value); // 0xB97830
[ReliabilityContractAttribute] // 0x333AB0
public virtual void Clear(); // 0xB9784C
public virtual bool Contains(object key); // 0xB97914
public virtual IDictionaryEnumerator GetEnumerator(); // 0xB97B58
[ReliabilityContractAttribute] // 0x333AC8
public virtual void Remove(object key); // 0xB97BEC
public virtual bool ContainsKey(object key); // 0xB97DA0
public virtual object Clone(); // 0xB97DB0
public virtual void GetObjectData(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context); // 0xB97E40
[MonoTODOAttribute] // 0x333AE0
public virtual void OnDeserialization(object sender); // 0xB982BC
public static Hashtable Synchronized(Hashtable table); // 0xB98AE8
protected virtual int GetHash(object key); // 0xB98CCC
protected virtual bool KeyEquals(object item, object key); // 0xB98E60
private void AdjustThreshold(); // 0xB98A9C
private void SetTable(Slot[] table, int[] hashes); // 0xB96158
private int Find(object key); // 0xB97934
private void Rehash(); // 0xB9908C
private void PutImpl(object key, object value, bool overwrite); // 0xB96F3C
private void CopyToArray(Array arr, int i, EnumeratorMode mode); // 0xB980EC
internal static bool TestPrime(int x); // 0xB99384
internal static int CalcPrime(int x); // 0xB99410
internal static int ToPrime(int x); // 0xB95F78
// Namespace:
internal struct Slot // TypeDefIndex: 203
// Fields
internal object key; // 0x8
internal object value; // 0xC
// Namespace:
internal class KeyMarker // TypeDefIndex: 204
// Fields
public static readonly KeyMarker Removed; // 0x0
// Methods
public void .ctor(); // 0xB9A260
private static void .cctor(); // 0xB9A268
// Namespace:
private enum EnumeratorMode // TypeDefIndex: 205
// Fields
public int value__; // 0x8
public const EnumeratorMode KEY_MODE = 0; // 0x0
public const EnumeratorMode VALUE_MODE = 1; // 0x0
public const EnumeratorMode ENTRY_MODE = 2; // 0x0
// Namespace:
private sealed class Enumerator : IEnumerator, IDictionaryEnumerator // TypeDefIndex: 206
// Fields
private Hashtable host; // 0x8
private int stamp; // 0xC
private int pos; // 0x10
private int size; // 0x14
private EnumeratorMode mode; // 0x18
private object currentKey; // 0x1C
private object currentValue; // 0x20
private static readonly string xstr; // 0x0
// Properties
public DictionaryEntry Entry { get; }
public object Key { get; }
public object Value { get; }
public object Current { get; }
// Methods
public void .ctor(Hashtable host, EnumeratorMode mode); // 0xB969D0
private static void .cctor(); // 0xB9956C
private void FailFast(); // 0xB995FC
public void Reset(); // 0xB99544
public bool MoveNext(); // 0xB99714
public DictionaryEntry get_Entry(); // 0xB99874
public object get_Key(); // 0xB9993C
public object get_Value(); // 0xB999F0
public object get_Current(); // 0xB99AA4
// Namespace:
[DebuggerDisplayAttribute] // 0x333BA0
[DebuggerTypeProxyAttribute] // 0x333BA0
private class HashKeys : IEnumerable, ICollection // TypeDefIndex: 207
// Fields
private Hashtable host; // 0x8
// Properties
public virtual int Count { get; }
public virtual bool IsSynchronized { get; }
public virtual object SyncRoot { get; }
// Methods
public void .ctor(Hashtable host); // 0xB96AFC
public virtual int get_Count(); // 0xB99C28
public virtual bool get_IsSynchronized(); // 0xB99C5C
public virtual object get_SyncRoot(); // 0xB99C90
public virtual void CopyTo(Array array, int arrayIndex); // 0xB99CC4
public virtual IEnumerator GetEnumerator(); // 0xB99EAC
// Namespace:
[DebuggerTypeProxyAttribute] // 0x333C60
[DebuggerDisplayAttribute] // 0x333C60
private class HashValues : IEnumerable, ICollection // TypeDefIndex: 208
// Fields
private Hashtable host; // 0x8
// Properties
public virtual int Count { get; }
public virtual bool IsSynchronized { get; }
public virtual object SyncRoot { get; }
// Methods
public void .ctor(Hashtable host); // 0xB96C4C
public virtual int get_Count(); // 0xB99F44
public virtual bool get_IsSynchronized(); // 0xB99F78
public virtual object get_SyncRoot(); // 0xB99FAC
public virtual void CopyTo(Array array, int arrayIndex); // 0xB99FE0
public virtual IEnumerator GetEnumerator(); // 0xB9A1C8
// Namespace:
[DefaultMemberAttribute] // 0x333D20
private class SyncHashtable : Hashtable, IEnumerable // TypeDefIndex: 209
// Fields
private Hashtable host; // 0x38
// Properties
public override int Count { get; }
public override bool IsSynchronized { get; }
public override object SyncRoot { get; }
public override bool IsReadOnly { get; }
public override ICollection Keys { get; }
public override ICollection Values { get; }
public override object Item { get; set; }
// Methods
public void .ctor(Hashtable host); // 0xB98BCC
internal void .ctor(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context); // 0xB9A52C
private IEnumerator System.Collections.IEnumerable.GetEnumerator(); // 0xB9A69C
public override void GetObjectData(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context); // 0xB9A734
public override int get_Count(); // 0xB9A7D8
public override bool get_IsSynchronized(); // 0xB9A80C
public override object get_SyncRoot(); // 0xB9A814
public override bool get_IsReadOnly(); // 0xB9A848
public override ICollection get_Keys(); // 0xB9A87C
public override ICollection get_Values(); // 0xB9A94C
public override object get_Item(object key); // 0xB9AA1C
public override void set_Item(object key, object value); // 0xB9AA50
public override void CopyTo(Array array, int arrayIndex); // 0xB9AB24
public override void Add(object key, object value); // 0xB9AB58
public override void Clear(); // 0xB9AC2C
public override bool Contains(object key); // 0xB9ACF0
public override IDictionaryEnumerator GetEnumerator(); // 0xB9AD28
public override void Remove(object key); // 0xB9ADC0
public override bool ContainsKey(object key); // 0xB9AE8C
public override object Clone(); // 0xB9AEC0
// Namespace: System.Collections
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x333D60
public interface IComparer // TypeDefIndex: 210
// Methods
public abstract int Compare(object x, object y); // 0
// Namespace: System.Collections
[DefaultMemberAttribute] // 0x333D74
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x333D74
public interface IDictionary : IEnumerable, ICollection // TypeDefIndex: 211
// Properties
public abstract bool IsReadOnly { get; }
public abstract object Item { get; set; }
public abstract ICollection Keys { get; }
public abstract ICollection Values { get; }
// Methods
public abstract bool get_IsReadOnly(); // 0
public abstract object get_Item(object key); // 0
public abstract void set_Item(object key, object value); // 0
public abstract ICollection get_Keys(); // 0
public abstract ICollection get_Values(); // 0
public abstract void Add(object key, object value); // 0
public abstract void Clear(); // 0
public abstract bool Contains(object key); // 0
public abstract IDictionaryEnumerator GetEnumerator(); // 0
public abstract void Remove(object key); // 0
// Namespace: System.Collections
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x333DCC
public interface IDictionaryEnumerator : IEnumerator // TypeDefIndex: 212
// Properties
public abstract DictionaryEntry Entry { get; }
public abstract object Key { get; }
public abstract object Value { get; }
// Methods
public abstract DictionaryEntry get_Entry(); // 0
public abstract object get_Key(); // 0
public abstract object get_Value(); // 0
// Namespace: System.Collections
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x333DE0
public interface IEqualityComparer // TypeDefIndex: 213
// Methods
public abstract bool Equals(object x, object y); // 0
public abstract int GetHashCode(object obj); // 0
// Namespace: System.Collections
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x333DF4
[ObsoleteAttribute] // 0x333DF4
public interface IHashCodeProvider // TypeDefIndex: 214
// Methods
public abstract int GetHashCode(object obj); // 0
// Namespace: System.Collections
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x333E4C
[DebuggerTypeProxyAttribute] // 0x333E4C
[DebuggerDisplayAttribute] // 0x333E4C
public class Queue : IEnumerable, ICloneable, ICollection // TypeDefIndex: 215
// Fields
private object[] _array; // 0x8
private int _head; // 0xC
private int _size; // 0x10
private int _tail; // 0x14
private int _growFactor; // 0x18
private int _version; // 0x1C
// Properties
public virtual int Count { get; }
public virtual bool IsSynchronized { get; }
public virtual object SyncRoot { get; }
// Methods
public void .ctor(); // 0xB9B034
public void .ctor(int capacity); // 0xB9B1D4
public void .ctor(ICollection col); // 0xB9B1DC
public void .ctor(int capacity, float growFactor); // 0xB9B040
public virtual int get_Count(); // 0xB9B5E0
public virtual bool get_IsSynchronized(); // 0xB9B5E8
public virtual object get_SyncRoot(); // 0xB9B5F0
public virtual void CopyTo(Array array, int index); // 0xB9B5F4
public virtual IEnumerator GetEnumerator(); // 0xB9B7E8
public virtual object Clone(); // 0xB9B8B8
public virtual void Clear(); // 0xB9B9B8
public virtual object Dequeue(); // 0xB9BA4C
public virtual void Enqueue(object obj); // 0xB9BBA0
public virtual object Peek(); // 0xB9BD74
public virtual object[] ToArray(); // 0xB9BE54
private void grow(); // 0xB9BC70
// Namespace:
private class QueueEnumerator : IEnumerator, ICloneable // TypeDefIndex: 216
// Fields
private Queue queue; // 0x8
private int _version; // 0xC
private int current; // 0x10
// Properties
public virtual object Current { get; }
// Methods
internal void .ctor(Queue q); // 0xB9B878
public object Clone(); // 0xB9BF0C
public virtual object get_Current(); // 0xB9BFC0
public virtual bool MoveNext(); // 0xB9C0D8
public virtual void Reset(); // 0xB9C1C0
// Namespace: System.Collections
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x333F20
public abstract class ReadOnlyCollectionBase : IEnumerable, ICollection // TypeDefIndex: 217
// Fields
private ArrayList list; // 0x8
// Properties
private object System.Collections.ICollection.SyncRoot { get; }
private bool System.Collections.ICollection.IsSynchronized { get; }
public virtual int Count { get; }
protected ArrayList InnerList { get; }
// Methods
protected void .ctor(); // 0xB9C288
private IEnumerator System.Collections.IEnumerable.GetEnumerator(); // 0xB9C320
private void System.Collections.ICollection.CopyTo(Array array, int index); // 0xB9C330
private object System.Collections.ICollection.get_SyncRoot(); // 0xB9C3E4
private bool System.Collections.ICollection.get_IsSynchronized(); // 0xB9C418
public virtual int get_Count(); // 0xB9C44C
public virtual IEnumerator GetEnumerator(); // 0xB9C480
protected ArrayList get_InnerList(); // 0xB9C3DC
// Namespace: System.Collections
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x333F34
[DebuggerDisplayAttribute] // 0x333F34
[DefaultMemberAttribute] // 0x333F34
public class SortedList : IEnumerable, ICloneable, ICollection, IDictionary // TypeDefIndex: 218
// Fields
private static readonly int INITIAL_SIZE; // 0x0
private int inUse; // 0x8
private int modificationCount; // 0xC
private Slot[] table; // 0x10
private IComparer comparer; // 0x14
private int defaultCapacity; // 0x18
// Properties
public virtual int Count { get; }
public virtual bool IsSynchronized { get; }
public virtual object SyncRoot { get; }
public virtual bool IsFixedSize { get; }
public virtual bool IsReadOnly { get; }
public virtual ICollection Keys { get; }
public virtual ICollection Values { get; }
public virtual object Item { get; set; }
public virtual int Capacity { get; set; }
// Methods
public void .ctor(); // 0xB9C4B4
public void .ctor(int initialCapacity); // 0xB9C6B4
public void .ctor(IComparer comparer, int capacity); // 0xB9C574
public void .ctor(IDictionary d, IComparer comparer); // 0xB9C778
private static void .cctor(); // 0xB9CB10
private IEnumerator System.Collections.IEnumerable.GetEnumerator(); // 0xB9CB94
public virtual int get_Count(); // 0xB9CC8C
public virtual bool get_IsSynchronized(); // 0xB9CC94
public virtual object get_SyncRoot(); // 0xB9CC9C
public virtual bool get_IsFixedSize(); // 0xB9CCA0
public virtual bool get_IsReadOnly(); // 0xB9CCA8
public virtual ICollection get_Keys(); // 0xB9CCB0
public virtual ICollection get_Values(); // 0xB9CDF0
public virtual object get_Item(object key); // 0xB9CF30
public virtual void set_Item(object key, object value); // 0xB9D038
public virtual int get_Capacity(); // 0xB9DA88
public virtual void set_Capacity(int value); // 0xB9DAAC
public virtual void Add(object key, object value); // 0xB9DC48
public virtual void Clear(); // 0xB9DC64
public virtual bool Contains(object key); // 0xB9DD64
public virtual IDictionaryEnumerator GetEnumerator(); // 0xB9DEEC
public virtual void Remove(object key); // 0xB9DF80
public virtual void CopyTo(Array array, int arrayIndex); // 0xB9DFC4
public virtual object Clone(); // 0xB9E330
public virtual void RemoveAt(int index); // 0xB9E3E0
public virtual int IndexOfKey(object key); // 0xB9E54C
public virtual int IndexOfValue(object value); // 0xB9E6C8
public virtual bool ContainsKey(object key); // 0xB9E758
public virtual bool ContainsValue(object value); // 0xB9E8DC
public virtual object GetByIndex(int index); // 0xB9E908
public virtual object GetKey(int index); // 0xB9EA10
private void EnsureCapacity(int n, int free); // 0xB9EB18
private void PutImpl(object key, object value, bool overwrite); // 0xB9D3C4
private object GetImpl(object key); // 0xB9CFE0
private void InitTable(int capacity, bool forceSize); // 0xB9C6C0
private void CopyToArray(Array arr, int i, EnumeratorMode mode); // 0xB9ECE4
private int Find(object key); // 0xB9D1B8
// Namespace:
internal struct Slot // TypeDefIndex: 219
// Fields
internal object key; // 0x8
internal object value; // 0xC
// Namespace:
private enum EnumeratorMode // TypeDefIndex: 220
// Fields
public int value__; // 0x8
public const EnumeratorMode KEY_MODE = 0; // 0x0
public const EnumeratorMode VALUE_MODE = 1; // 0x0
public const EnumeratorMode ENTRY_MODE = 2; // 0x0
// Namespace:
private sealed class Enumerator : IEnumerator, ICloneable, IDictionaryEnumerator // TypeDefIndex: 221
// Fields
private SortedList host; // 0x8
private int stamp; // 0xC
private int pos; // 0x10
private int size; // 0x14
private EnumeratorMode mode; // 0x18
private object currentKey; // 0x1C
private object currentValue; // 0x20
private bool invalid; // 0x24
private static readonly string xstr; // 0x0
// Properties
public DictionaryEntry Entry { get; }
public object Key { get; }
public object Value { get; }
public object Current { get; }
// Methods
public void .ctor(SortedList host, EnumeratorMode mode); // 0xB9CC28
private static void .cctor(); // 0xB9F0B0
public void Reset(); // 0xB9EF78
public bool MoveNext(); // 0xB9F140
public DictionaryEntry get_Entry(); // 0xB9F2C4
public object get_Key(); // 0xB9F3F0
public object get_Value(); // 0xB9F508
public object get_Current(); // 0xB9F620
public object Clone(); // 0xB9F850
// Namespace:
[DefaultMemberAttribute] // 0x333FB4
private class ListKeys : IEnumerable, ICollection, IList // TypeDefIndex: 222
// Fields
private SortedList host; // 0x8
// Properties
public virtual int Count { get; }
public virtual bool IsSynchronized { get; }
public virtual object SyncRoot { get; }
public virtual bool IsFixedSize { get; }
public virtual bool IsReadOnly { get; }
public virtual object Item { get; set; }
// Methods
public void .ctor(SortedList host); // 0xB9CD40
public virtual int get_Count(); // 0xB9F92C
public virtual bool get_IsSynchronized(); // 0xB9F960
public virtual object get_SyncRoot(); // 0xB9F994
public virtual void CopyTo(Array array, int arrayIndex); // 0xB9F9C8
public virtual bool get_IsFixedSize(); // 0xB9F9FC
public virtual bool get_IsReadOnly(); // 0xB9FA04
public virtual object get_Item(int index); // 0xB9FA0C
public virtual void set_Item(int index, object value); // 0xB9FA40
public virtual int Add(object value); // 0xB9FAE8
public virtual void Clear(); // 0xB9FB90
public virtual bool Contains(object key); // 0xB9FC38
public virtual int IndexOf(object key); // 0xB9FC6C
public virtual void Insert(int index, object value); // 0xB9FCA0
public virtual void Remove(object value); // 0xB9FD48
public virtual void RemoveAt(int index); // 0xB9FDF0
public virtual IEnumerator GetEnumerator(); // 0xB9FE98
// Namespace:
[DefaultMemberAttribute] // 0x333FF4
private class ListValues : IEnumerable, ICollection, IList // TypeDefIndex: 223
// Fields
private SortedList host; // 0x8
// Properties
public virtual int Count { get; }
public virtual bool IsSynchronized { get; }
public virtual object SyncRoot { get; }
public virtual bool IsFixedSize { get; }
public virtual bool IsReadOnly { get; }
public virtual object Item { get; set; }
// Methods
public void .ctor(SortedList host); // 0xB9CE80
public virtual int get_Count(); // 0xB9FF30
public virtual bool get_IsSynchronized(); // 0xB9FF64
public virtual object get_SyncRoot(); // 0xB9FF98
public virtual void CopyTo(Array array, int arrayIndex); // 0xB9FFCC
public virtual bool get_IsFixedSize(); // 0xBA0000
public virtual bool get_IsReadOnly(); // 0xBA0008
public virtual object get_Item(int index); // 0xBA0010
public virtual void set_Item(int index, object value); // 0xBA0044
public virtual int Add(object value); // 0xBA00EC
public virtual void Clear(); // 0xBA0194
public virtual bool Contains(object value); // 0xBA023C
public virtual int IndexOf(object value); // 0xBA0270
public virtual void Insert(int index, object value); // 0xBA02A4
public virtual void Remove(object value); // 0xBA034C
public virtual void RemoveAt(int index); // 0xBA03F4
public virtual IEnumerator GetEnumerator(); // 0xBA049C
// Namespace: System.Collections
[DebuggerDisplayAttribute] // 0x334034
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x334034
[DebuggerTypeProxyAttribute] // 0x334034
public class Stack : IEnumerable, ICloneable, ICollection // TypeDefIndex: 224
// Fields
private object[] contents; // 0x8
private int current; // 0xC
private int count; // 0x10
private int capacity; // 0x14
private int modCount; // 0x18
// Properties
public virtual int Count { get; }
public virtual bool IsSynchronized { get; }
public virtual object SyncRoot { get; }
// Methods
public void .ctor(); // 0xBA0764
public void .ctor(ICollection col); // 0xBA0814
public void .ctor(int initialCapacity); // 0xBA0C10
private void Resize(int ncapacity); // 0xBA0D14
public virtual int get_Count(); // 0xBA0DE4
public virtual bool get_IsSynchronized(); // 0xBA0DEC
public virtual object get_SyncRoot(); // 0xBA0DF4
public virtual void Clear(); // 0xBA0DF8
public virtual object Clone(); // 0xBA0E7C
public virtual bool Contains(object obj); // 0xBA0F30
public virtual void CopyTo(Array array, int index); // 0xBA102C
public virtual IEnumerator GetEnumerator(); // 0xBA120C
public virtual object Peek(); // 0xBA12DC
public virtual object Pop(); // 0xBA13B8
public virtual void Push(object obj); // 0xBA1524
public virtual object[] ToArray(); // 0xBA15D4
// Namespace:
private class Enumerator : IEnumerator, ICloneable // TypeDefIndex: 225
// Fields
private Stack stack; // 0x8
private int modCount; // 0xC
private int current; // 0x10
// Properties
public virtual object Current { get; }
// Methods
internal void .ctor(Stack s); // 0xBA129C
public object Clone(); // 0xBA1690
public virtual object get_Current(); // 0xBA1698
public virtual bool MoveNext(); // 0xBA179C
public virtual void Reset(); // 0xBA18A4
// Namespace: System.Configuration.Assemblies
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x334108
public enum AssemblyHashAlgorithm // TypeDefIndex: 226
// Fields
public int value__; // 0x8
public const AssemblyHashAlgorithm None = 0; // 0x0
public const AssemblyHashAlgorithm MD5 = 32771; // 0x0
public const AssemblyHashAlgorithm SHA1 = 32772; // 0x0
// Namespace: System.Configuration.Assemblies
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x33411C
public enum AssemblyVersionCompatibility // TypeDefIndex: 227
// Fields
public int value__; // 0x8
public const AssemblyVersionCompatibility SameMachine = 1; // 0x0
public const AssemblyVersionCompatibility SameProcess = 2; // 0x0
public const AssemblyVersionCompatibility SameDomain = 3; // 0x0
// Namespace: System.Diagnostics.SymbolStore
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x334130
public interface ISymbolWriter // TypeDefIndex: 228
// Methods
public abstract void Initialize(IntPtr emitter, string filename, bool fFullBuild); // 0
// Namespace: System.Diagnostics
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x334144
[AttributeUsageAttribute] // 0x334144
public sealed class DebuggableAttribute : Attribute // TypeDefIndex: 229
// Fields
private bool JITTrackingEnabledFlag; // 0x8
private bool JITOptimizerDisabledFlag; // 0x9
private DebuggingModes debuggingModes; // 0xC
// Methods
public void .ctor(DebuggingModes modes); // 0xBC944C
// Namespace:
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x33417C
[FlagsAttribute] // 0x33417C
public enum DebuggingModes // TypeDefIndex: 230
// Fields
public int value__; // 0x8
public const DebuggingModes None = 0; // 0x0
public const DebuggingModes Default = 1; // 0x0
public const DebuggingModes IgnoreSymbolStoreSequencePoints = 2; // 0x0
public const DebuggingModes EnableEditAndContinue = 4; // 0x0
public const DebuggingModes DisableOptimizations = 256; // 0x0
// Namespace: System.Diagnostics
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x3341B0
[AttributeUsageAttribute] // 0x3341B0
public sealed class DebuggerBrowsableAttribute : Attribute // TypeDefIndex: 231
// Fields
private DebuggerBrowsableState state; // 0x8
// Methods
public void .ctor(DebuggerBrowsableState state); // 0xBC947C
// Namespace: System.Diagnostics
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x3341E8
public enum DebuggerBrowsableState // TypeDefIndex: 232
// Fields
public int value__; // 0x8
public const DebuggerBrowsableState Never = 0; // 0x0
public const DebuggerBrowsableState Collapsed = 2; // 0x0
public const DebuggerBrowsableState RootHidden = 3; // 0x0
// Namespace: System.Diagnostics
[AttributeUsageAttribute] // 0x3341FC
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x3341FC
public sealed class DebuggerDisplayAttribute : Attribute // TypeDefIndex: 233
// Fields
private string value; // 0x8
private string type; // 0xC
private string name; // 0x10
// Properties
public string Name { set; }
// Methods
public void .ctor(string value); // 0xBC949C
public void set_Name(string value); // 0xBC95E0
// Namespace: System.Diagnostics
[AttributeUsageAttribute] // 0x334248
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x334248
public sealed class DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute : Attribute // TypeDefIndex: 234
// Methods
public void .ctor(); // 0xBC95F0
// Namespace: System.Diagnostics
[AttributeUsageAttribute] // 0x334294
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x334294
public sealed class DebuggerStepThroughAttribute : Attribute // TypeDefIndex: 235
// Methods
public void .ctor(); // 0xBC95F8
// Namespace: System.Diagnostics
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x3342E0
[AttributeUsageAttribute] // 0x3342E0
public sealed class DebuggerTypeProxyAttribute : Attribute // TypeDefIndex: 236
// Fields
private string proxy_type_name; // 0x8
// Methods
public void .ctor(Type type); // 0xBC9600
// Namespace: System.Diagnostics
[MonoTODOAttribute] // 0x33432C
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x33432C
public class StackFrame // TypeDefIndex: 237
// Fields
public const int OFFSET_UNKNOWN = -1; // 0x0
private int ilOffset; // 0x8
private int nativeOffset; // 0xC
private MethodBase methodBase; // 0x10
private string fileName; // 0x14
private int lineNumber; // 0x18
private int columnNumber; // 0x1C
private string internalMethodName; // 0x20
// Methods
public void .ctor(); // 0xBC9648
public void .ctor(int skipFrames, bool fNeedFileInfo); // 0xBC96F8
private static bool get_frame_info(int skip, bool needFileInfo, out MethodBase method, out int iloffset, out int native_offset, out string file, out int line, out int column); // 0xBC96B0
public virtual int GetFileLineNumber(); // 0xBC9768
public virtual string GetFileName(); // 0xBC9770
internal string GetSecureFileName(); // 0xBC9778
public virtual int GetILOffset(); // 0xBC98B4
public virtual MethodBase GetMethod(); // 0xBC98BC
public virtual int GetNativeOffset(); // 0xBC98C4
internal string GetInternalMethodName(); // 0xBC98CC
public override string ToString(); // 0xBC98D4
// Namespace: System.Diagnostics
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x334384
[MonoTODOAttribute] // 0x334384
public class StackTrace // TypeDefIndex: 238
// Fields
public const int METHODS_TO_SKIP = 0; // 0x0
private StackFrame[] frames; // 0x8
private bool debug_info; // 0xC
// Properties
public virtual int FrameCount { get; }
// Methods
public void .ctor(); // 0xBC9B58
public void .ctor(bool fNeedFileInfo); // 0xBC9E14
public void .ctor(int skipFrames, bool fNeedFileInfo); // 0xBC9E40
public void .ctor(Exception e, bool fNeedFileInfo); // 0xBC9E70
public void .ctor(Exception e, int skipFrames, bool fNeedFileInfo); // 0xBC9E98
internal void .ctor(Exception e, int skipFrames, bool fNeedFileInfo, bool returnNativeFrames); // 0xBC9EB8
private void init_frames(int skipFrames, bool fNeedFileInfo); // 0xBC9B80
private static StackFrame[] get_trace(Exception e, int skipFrames, bool fNeedFileInfo); // 0xBCA20C
public virtual int get_FrameCount(); // 0xBCA21C
public virtual StackFrame GetFrame(int index); // 0xBCA230
public override string ToString(); // 0xBCA2A4
// Namespace: System.Globalization
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x3343DC
public abstract class Calendar : ICloneable // TypeDefIndex: 239
// Fields
public const int CurrentEra = 0; // 0x0
private bool m_isReadOnly; // 0x8
internal int twoDigitYearMax; // 0xC
private int M_MaxYearValue; // 0x10
internal string[] M_AbbrEraNames; // 0x14
internal string[] M_EraNames; // 0x18
internal int m_currentEraValue; // 0x1C
// Properties
public abstract int[] Eras { get; }
internal string[] EraNames { get; }
// Methods
protected void .ctor(); // 0x1329BA8
public abstract int[] get_Eras(); // 0
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x3343F0
public virtual object Clone(); // 0x1329BC8
internal void CheckReadOnly(); // 0x1329C6C
public abstract int GetDayOfMonth(DateTime time); // 0
public abstract DayOfWeek GetDayOfWeek(DateTime time); // 0
public abstract int GetEra(DateTime time); // 0
public abstract int GetMonth(DateTime time); // 0
public abstract int GetYear(DateTime time); // 0
internal string[] get_EraNames(); // 0x1329D64
// Namespace: System.Globalization
internal class CCMath // TypeDefIndex: 240
// Methods
public static int div(int x, int y); // 0x132A180
public static int mod(int x, int y); // 0x1329F10
public static int div_mod(out int remainder, int x, int y); // 0x132A2D8
// Namespace: System.Globalization
internal class CCFixed // TypeDefIndex: 241
// Methods
public static int FromDateTime(DateTime time); // 0x1329E8C
public static DayOfWeek day_of_week(int date); // 0x1329ED4
// Namespace: System.Globalization
internal class CCGregorianCalendar // TypeDefIndex: 242
// Methods
public static bool is_leap_year(int year); // 0x1329F50
public static int fixed_from_dmy(int day, int month, int year); // 0x1329FE0
public static int year_from_fixed(int date); // 0x132A1B8
public static void my_from_fixed(out int month, out int year, int date); // 0x132A320
public static void dmy_from_fixed(out int day, out int month, out int year, int date); // 0x132A4D0
public static int month_from_fixed(int date); // 0x132A520
public static int day_from_fixed(int date); // 0x132A558
public static int GetDayOfMonth(DateTime time); // 0x132A5A4
public static int GetMonth(DateTime time); // 0x132A5F0
public static int GetYear(DateTime time); // 0x132A658
// Namespace: System.Globalization
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x334404
public class CompareInfo : IDeserializationCallback // TypeDefIndex: 243
// Fields
private const CompareOptions ValidCompareOptions_NoStringSort = 1342177311; // 0x0
private const CompareOptions ValidCompareOptions = 1879048223; // 0x0
private static readonly bool useManagedCollation; // 0x0
private int culture; // 0x8
private string icu_name; // 0xC
private int win32LCID; // 0x10
private string m_name; // 0x14
private SimpleCollator collator; // 0x18
private static Hashtable collators; // 0x4
private static object monitor; // 0x8
// Properties
internal static bool UseManagedCollation { get; }
public int LCID { get; }
// Methods
private void .ctor(); // 0x132A6A4
internal void .ctor(CultureInfo ci); // 0x132A6AC
private static void .cctor(); // 0x132ABF0
private void System.Runtime.Serialization.IDeserializationCallback.OnDeserialization(object sender); // 0x132AD74
internal static bool get_UseManagedCollation(); // 0x132AB08
private void construct_compareinfo(string locale); // 0x132ABEC
private void free_internal_collator(); // 0x132AF50
private int internal_compare(string str1, int offset1, int length1, string str2, int offset2, int length2, CompareOptions options); // 0x132AF54
private void assign_sortkey(object key, string source, CompareOptions options); // 0x132AF58
private int internal_index(string source, int sindex, int count, string value, CompareOptions options, bool first); // 0x132AF5C
protected override void Finalize(); // 0x132AF88
private int internal_compare_managed(string str1, int offset1, int length1, string str2, int offset2, int length2, CompareOptions options); // 0x132AFEC
private int internal_compare_switch(string str1, int offset1, int length1, string str2, int offset2, int length2, CompareOptions options); // 0x132B040
public virtual int Compare(string string1, string string2); // 0x132B148
public virtual int Compare(string string1, string string2, CompareOptions options); // 0x132B174
public virtual int Compare(string string1, int offset1, int length1, string string2, int offset2, int length2, CompareOptions options); // 0x132B2E0
public override bool Equals(object value); // 0x132B5E0
public override int GetHashCode(); // 0x132B6A8
public virtual SortKey GetSortKey(string source, CompareOptions options); // 0x132B6B8
public virtual int IndexOf(string source, string value); // 0x132B880
public virtual int IndexOf(string source, string value, int startIndex, int count); // 0x132B8EC
private int internal_index_managed(string s1, int sindex, int count, string s2, CompareOptions opt, bool first); // 0x132B91C
private int internal_index_switch(string s1, int sindex, int count, string s2, CompareOptions opt, bool first); // 0x132B990
public virtual int IndexOf(string source, string value, int startIndex, int count, CompareOptions options); // 0x132BAAC
public virtual bool IsPrefix(string source, string prefix, CompareOptions options); // 0x132BCF0
public virtual bool IsSuffix(string source, string suffix, CompareOptions options); // 0x132BEF4
public virtual int LastIndexOf(string source, string value, int startIndex, int count); // 0x132C120
public virtual int LastIndexOf(string source, string value, int startIndex, int count, CompareOptions options); // 0x132C150
public override string ToString(); // 0x132C38C
public int get_LCID(); // 0x132B6B0
// Namespace: System.Globalization
[FlagsAttribute] // 0x334418
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x334418
public enum CompareOptions // TypeDefIndex: 244
// Fields
public int value__; // 0x8
public const CompareOptions None = 0; // 0x0
public const CompareOptions IgnoreCase = 1; // 0x0
public const CompareOptions IgnoreNonSpace = 2; // 0x0
public const CompareOptions IgnoreSymbols = 4; // 0x0
public const CompareOptions IgnoreKanaType = 8; // 0x0
public const CompareOptions IgnoreWidth = 16; // 0x0
public const CompareOptions StringSort = 536870912; // 0x0
public const CompareOptions Ordinal = 1073741824; // 0x0
public const CompareOptions OrdinalIgnoreCase = 268435456; // 0x0
// Namespace: System.Globalization
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x33444C
public class CultureInfo : ICloneable, IFormatProvider // TypeDefIndex: 245
// Fields
private const int NumOptionalCalendars = 5; // 0x0
private const int GregorianTypeMask = 16777215; // 0x0
private const int CalendarTypeBits = 24; // 0x0
private const int InvariantCultureId = 127; // 0x0
private static CultureInfo invariant_culture_info; // 0x0
private static object shared_table_lock; // 0x4
internal static int BootstrapCultureID; // 0x8
private bool m_isReadOnly; // 0x8
private int cultureID; // 0xC
private int parent_lcid; // 0x10
private int specific_lcid; // 0x14
private int datetime_index; // 0x18
private int number_index; // 0x1C
private bool m_useUserOverride; // 0x20
private NumberFormatInfo numInfo; // 0x24
private DateTimeFormatInfo dateTimeInfo; // 0x28
private TextInfo textInfo; // 0x2C
private string m_name; // 0x30
private string displayname; // 0x34
private string englishname; // 0x38
private string nativename; // 0x3C
private string iso3lang; // 0x40
private string iso2lang; // 0x44
private string icu_name; // 0x48
private string win3lang; // 0x4C
private string territory; // 0x50
private CompareInfo compareInfo; // 0x54
private readonly int* calendar_data; // 0x58
private readonly void* textinfo_data; // 0x5C
private Calendar[] optional_calendars; // 0x60
private CultureInfo parent_culture; // 0x64
private int m_dataItem; // 0x68
private Calendar calendar; // 0x6C
private bool constructed; // 0x70
internal byte[] cached_serialized_form; // 0x74
private static readonly string MSG_READONLY; // 0xC
private static Hashtable shared_by_number; // 0x10
private static Hashtable shared_by_name; // 0x14
[CompilerGeneratedAttribute] // 0x334460
private static Dictionary`2<string, int> <>f__switch$map19; // 0x18
[CompilerGeneratedAttribute] // 0x334470
private static Dictionary`2<string, int> <>f__switch$map1A; // 0x1C
// Properties
public static CultureInfo InvariantCulture { get; }
public static CultureInfo CurrentCulture { get; }
public static CultureInfo CurrentUICulture { get; }
internal string Territory { get; }
public virtual int LCID { get; }
public virtual string Name { get; }
public virtual CultureInfo Parent { get; }
public virtual TextInfo TextInfo { get; }
internal string IcuName { get; }
public virtual CompareInfo CompareInfo { get; }
public virtual bool IsNeutralCulture { get; }
public virtual NumberFormatInfo NumberFormat { get; set; }
public virtual DateTimeFormatInfo DateTimeFormat { get; set; }
public virtual string DisplayName { get; }
public bool IsReadOnly { get; }
// Methods
public void .ctor(int culture); // 0x132AF30
public void .ctor(int culture, bool useUserOverride); // 0x132C47C
private void .ctor(int culture, bool useUserOverride, bool read_only); // 0x132C498
public void .ctor(string name); // 0x132CAB8
public void .ctor(string name, bool useUserOverride); // 0x132CAD8
private void .ctor(string name, bool useUserOverride, bool read_only); // 0x132CAF4
private void .ctor(); // 0x132CF84
private static void .cctor(); // 0x132CFA4
public static CultureInfo get_InvariantCulture(); // 0x132D094
public static CultureInfo get_CurrentCulture(); // 0x132D14C
public static CultureInfo get_CurrentUICulture(); // 0x132D208
internal static CultureInfo ConstructCurrentCulture(); // 0x132D2C4
internal static CultureInfo ConstructCurrentUICulture(); // 0x132D4C4
internal string get_Territory(); // 0x132D55C
public virtual int get_LCID(); // 0x132D564
public virtual string get_Name(); // 0x132D56C
public virtual CultureInfo get_Parent(); // 0x132D574
public virtual TextInfo get_TextInfo(); // 0x132D6D4
internal string get_IcuName(); // 0x132ABB8
public virtual object Clone(); // 0x132D854
public override bool Equals(object value); // 0x132DED0
public static CultureInfo[] GetCultures(CultureTypes types); // 0x132DF98
public override int GetHashCode(); // 0x132E170
public override string ToString(); // 0x132E178
public virtual CompareInfo get_CompareInfo(); // 0x132E180
public virtual bool get_IsNeutralCulture(); // 0x132E2C0
internal void CheckNeutral(); // 0x132E318
public virtual NumberFormatInfo get_NumberFormat(); // 0x132E44C
public virtual void set_NumberFormat(NumberFormatInfo value); // 0x132E5BC
public virtual DateTimeFormatInfo get_DateTimeFormat(); // 0x132E754
public virtual void set_DateTimeFormat(DateTimeFormatInfo value); // 0x132ECF8
public virtual string get_DisplayName(); // 0x132EE90
public bool get_IsReadOnly(); // 0x132EEC4
public virtual object GetFormat(Type formatType); // 0x132EECC
private void Construct(); // 0x132D6B4
private bool ConstructInternalLocaleFromName(string locale); // 0x132CCE0
private bool ConstructInternalLocaleFromLcid(int lcid); // 0x132CAB4
private static bool ConstructInternalLocaleFromCurrentLocale(CultureInfo ci); // 0x132D424
private bool construct_internal_locale_from_lcid(int lcid); // 0x132F028
private bool construct_internal_locale_from_name(string name); // 0x132F02C
private static bool construct_internal_locale_from_current_locale(CultureInfo ci); // 0x132F030
private static CultureInfo[] internal_get_cultures(bool neutral, bool specific, bool installed); // 0x132E160
private void construct_datetime_format(); // 0x132EB98
private void construct_number_format(); // 0x132E5B8
private void ConstructInvariant(bool read_only); // 0x132C684
private TextInfo CreateTextInfo(bool readOnly); // 0x132D7A4
private static void insert_into_shared_tables(CultureInfo c); // 0x132F46C
public static CultureInfo GetCultureInfo(int culture); // 0x132F6AC
public static CultureInfo GetCultureInfo(string name); // 0x132F94C
internal static CultureInfo CreateCulture(string name, bool reference); // 0x132FC1C
// Namespace: System.Globalization
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x334480
[FlagsAttribute] // 0x334480
public enum CultureTypes // TypeDefIndex: 246
// Fields
public int value__; // 0x8
public const CultureTypes NeutralCultures = 1; // 0x0
public const CultureTypes SpecificCultures = 2; // 0x0
public const CultureTypes InstalledWin32Cultures = 4; // 0x0
public const CultureTypes AllCultures = 7; // 0x0
public const CultureTypes UserCustomCulture = 8; // 0x0
public const CultureTypes ReplacementCultures = 16; // 0x0
public const CultureTypes WindowsOnlyCultures = 32; // 0x0
public const CultureTypes FrameworkCultures = 64; // 0x0
// Namespace: System.Globalization
[FlagsAttribute] // 0x3344B4
internal enum DateTimeFormatFlags // TypeDefIndex: 247
// Fields
public int value__; // 0x8
public const DateTimeFormatFlags Unused = 0; // 0x0
public const DateTimeFormatFlags But = 1; // 0x0
public const DateTimeFormatFlags Serialized = 2; // 0x0
public const DateTimeFormatFlags By = 3; // 0x0
public const DateTimeFormatFlags Microsoft = 4; // 0x0
// Namespace: System.Globalization
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x3344C4
public sealed class DateTimeFormatInfo : ICloneable, IFormatProvider // TypeDefIndex: 248
// Fields
private const string _RoundtripPattern = "yyyy\'-\'MM\'-\'dd\'T\'HH\':\'mm\':\'ss.fffffffK"; // 0x0
private static readonly string MSG_READONLY; // 0x0
private static readonly string MSG_ARRAYSIZE_MONTH; // 0x4
private static readonly string MSG_ARRAYSIZE_DAY; // 0x8
private static readonly string[] INVARIANT_ABBREVIATED_DAY_NAMES; // 0xC
private static readonly string[] INVARIANT_DAY_NAMES; // 0x10
private static readonly string[] INVARIANT_ABBREVIATED_MONTH_NAMES; // 0x14
private static readonly string[] INVARIANT_MONTH_NAMES; // 0x18
private static readonly string[] INVARIANT_SHORT_DAY_NAMES; // 0x1C
private static DateTimeFormatInfo theInvariantDateTimeFormatInfo; // 0x20
private bool m_isReadOnly; // 0x8
private string amDesignator; // 0xC
private string pmDesignator; // 0x10
private string dateSeparator; // 0x14
private string timeSeparator; // 0x18
private string shortDatePattern; // 0x1C
private string longDatePattern; // 0x20
private string shortTimePattern; // 0x24
private string longTimePattern; // 0x28
private string monthDayPattern; // 0x2C
private string yearMonthPattern; // 0x30
private string fullDateTimePattern; // 0x34
private string _RFC1123Pattern; // 0x38
private string _SortableDateTimePattern; // 0x3C
private string _UniversalSortableDateTimePattern; // 0x40
private int firstDayOfWeek; // 0x44
private Calendar calendar; // 0x48
private int calendarWeekRule; // 0x4C
private string[] abbreviatedDayNames; // 0x50
private string[] dayNames; // 0x54
private string[] monthNames; // 0x58
private string[] abbreviatedMonthNames; // 0x5C
private string[] allShortDatePatterns; // 0x60
private string[] allLongDatePatterns; // 0x64
private string[] allShortTimePatterns; // 0x68
private string[] allLongTimePatterns; // 0x6C
private string[] monthDayPatterns; // 0x70
private string[] yearMonthPatterns; // 0x74
private string[] shortDayNames; // 0x78
private int nDataItem; // 0x7C
private bool m_useUserOverride; // 0x80
private bool m_isDefaultCalendar; // 0x81
private int CultureID; // 0x84
private bool bUseCalendarInfo; // 0x88
private string generalShortTimePattern; // 0x8C
private string generalLongTimePattern; // 0x90
private string[] m_eraNames; // 0x94
private string[] m_abbrevEraNames; // 0x98
private string[] m_abbrevEnglishEraNames; // 0x9C
private string[] m_dateWords; // 0xA0
private int[] optionalCalendars; // 0xA4
private string[] m_superShortDayNames; // 0xA8
private string[] genitiveMonthNames; // 0xAC
private string[] m_genitiveAbbreviatedMonthNames; // 0xB0
private string[] leapYearMonthNames; // 0xB4
private DateTimeFormatFlags formatFlags; // 0xB8
private string m_name; // 0xBC
private string[] all_date_time_patterns; // 0xC0
// Properties
public bool IsReadOnly { get; }
internal string[] RawAbbreviatedDayNames { get; }
internal string[] RawAbbreviatedMonthNames { get; }
internal string[] RawDayNames { get; }
internal string[] RawMonthNames { get; }
public string AMDesignator { get; }
public string PMDesignator { get; }
public string DateSeparator { get; }
public string TimeSeparator { get; }
public string LongDatePattern { get; }
public string ShortDatePattern { get; }
public string ShortTimePattern { get; }
public string LongTimePattern { get; }
public string MonthDayPattern { get; }
public string YearMonthPattern { get; }
public string FullDateTimePattern { get; }
public static DateTimeFormatInfo CurrentInfo { get; }
public static DateTimeFormatInfo InvariantInfo { get; }
public Calendar Calendar { get; set; }
public string RFC1123Pattern { get; }
internal string RoundtripPattern { get; }
public string SortableDateTimePattern { get; }
public string UniversalSortableDateTimePattern { get; }
// Methods
internal void .ctor(bool read_only); // 0x132E914
public void .ctor(); // 0x132FCF0
private static void .cctor(); // 0x132FCF8
public static DateTimeFormatInfo GetInstance(IFormatProvider provider); // 0x1331318
public bool get_IsReadOnly(); // 0x1331670
public static DateTimeFormatInfo ReadOnly(DateTimeFormatInfo dtfi); // 0x1331678
public object Clone(); // 0x132DD48
public object GetFormat(Type formatType); // 0x1331804
public string GetAbbreviatedMonthName(int month); // 0x1331830
public string GetEraName(int era); // 0x1331910
public string GetMonthName(int month); // 0x1331B00
internal string[] get_RawAbbreviatedDayNames(); // 0x1331BE0
internal string[] get_RawAbbreviatedMonthNames(); // 0x1331BE8
internal string[] get_RawDayNames(); // 0x1331BF0
internal string[] get_RawMonthNames(); // 0x1331BF8
public string get_AMDesignator(); // 0x1331C00
public string get_PMDesignator(); // 0x1331C08
public string get_DateSeparator(); // 0x1331C10
public string get_TimeSeparator(); // 0x1331C18
public string get_LongDatePattern(); // 0x1331C20
public string get_ShortDatePattern(); // 0x1331C28
public string get_ShortTimePattern(); // 0x1331C30
public string get_LongTimePattern(); // 0x1331C38
public string get_MonthDayPattern(); // 0x1331C40
public string get_YearMonthPattern(); // 0x1331C48
public string get_FullDateTimePattern(); // 0x1331C50
public static DateTimeFormatInfo get_CurrentInfo(); // 0x133159C
public static DateTimeFormatInfo get_InvariantInfo(); // 0x132F0F0
public Calendar get_Calendar(); // 0x13322C8
public void set_Calendar(Calendar value); // 0x132EB9C
public string get_RFC1123Pattern(); // 0x13322D0
internal string get_RoundtripPattern(); // 0x13322D8
public string get_SortableDateTimePattern(); // 0x1332350
public string get_UniversalSortableDateTimePattern(); // 0x1332358
internal string[] GetAllDateTimePatternsInternal(); // 0x1332360
private void FillAllDateTimePatterns(); // 0x1332380
internal string[] GetAllRawDateTimePatterns(char format); // 0x1332730
public string GetDayName(DayOfWeek dayofweek); // 0x133309C
public string GetAbbreviatedDayName(DayOfWeek dayofweek); // 0x1333178
private void FillInvariantPatterns(); // 0x1331D38
private string[] PopulateCombinedList(string[] dates, string[] times); // 0x1332E6C
// Namespace: System.Globalization
[FlagsAttribute] // 0x3344D8
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x3344D8
public enum DateTimeStyles // TypeDefIndex: 249
// Fields
public int value__; // 0x8
public const DateTimeStyles None = 0; // 0x0
public const DateTimeStyles AllowLeadingWhite = 1; // 0x0
public const DateTimeStyles AllowTrailingWhite = 2; // 0x0
public const DateTimeStyles AllowInnerWhite = 4; // 0x0
public const DateTimeStyles AllowWhiteSpaces = 7; // 0x0
public const DateTimeStyles NoCurrentDateDefault = 8; // 0x0
public const DateTimeStyles AdjustToUniversal = 16; // 0x0
public const DateTimeStyles AssumeLocal = 32; // 0x0
public const DateTimeStyles AssumeUniversal = 64; // 0x0
public const DateTimeStyles RoundtripKind = 128; // 0x0
// Namespace: System.Globalization
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x33450C
public class DaylightTime // TypeDefIndex: 250
// Fields
private DateTime m_start; // 0x8
private DateTime m_end; // 0x18
private TimeSpan m_delta; // 0x28
// Properties
public DateTime Start { get; }
public DateTime End { get; }
public TimeSpan Delta { get; }
// Methods
public void .ctor(DateTime start, DateTime end, TimeSpan delta); // 0x1333254
public DateTime get_Start(); // 0x13332B0
public DateTime get_End(); // 0x13332C0
public TimeSpan get_Delta(); // 0x13332D0
// Namespace: System.Globalization
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x334520
[MonoTODOAttribute] // 0x334520
public class GregorianCalendar : Calendar // TypeDefIndex: 251
// Fields
internal GregorianCalendarTypes m_type; // 0x20
// Properties
public override int[] Eras { get; }
public virtual GregorianCalendarTypes CalendarType { set; }
// Methods
public void .ctor(GregorianCalendarTypes type); // 0x13332DC
public void .ctor(); // 0x132FCE8
public override int[] get_Eras(); // 0x13334D8
public virtual void set_CalendarType(GregorianCalendarTypes value); // 0x133359C
public override int GetDayOfMonth(DateTime time); // 0x13335B8
public override DayOfWeek GetDayOfWeek(DateTime time); // 0x1333604
public override int GetEra(DateTime time); // 0x1333678
public override int GetMonth(DateTime time); // 0x1333680
public override int GetYear(DateTime time); // 0x13336A4
// Namespace: System.Globalization
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x334578
public enum GregorianCalendarTypes // TypeDefIndex: 252
// Fields
public int value__; // 0x8
public const GregorianCalendarTypes Localized = 1; // 0x0
public const GregorianCalendarTypes USEnglish = 2; // 0x0
public const GregorianCalendarTypes MiddleEastFrench = 9; // 0x0
public const GregorianCalendarTypes Arabic = 10; // 0x0
public const GregorianCalendarTypes TransliteratedEnglish = 11; // 0x0
public const GregorianCalendarTypes TransliteratedFrench = 12; // 0x0
// Namespace: System.Globalization
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x33458C
public sealed class NumberFormatInfo : ICloneable, IFormatProvider // TypeDefIndex: 253
// Fields
private bool isReadOnly; // 0x8
private string decimalFormats; // 0xC
private string currencyFormats; // 0x10
private string percentFormats; // 0x14
private string digitPattern; // 0x18
private string zeroPattern; // 0x1C
private int currencyDecimalDigits; // 0x20
private string currencyDecimalSeparator; // 0x24
private string currencyGroupSeparator; // 0x28
private int[] currencyGroupSizes; // 0x2C
private int currencyNegativePattern; // 0x30
private int currencyPositivePattern; // 0x34
private string currencySymbol; // 0x38
private string nanSymbol; // 0x3C
private string negativeInfinitySymbol; // 0x40
private string negativeSign; // 0x44
private int numberDecimalDigits; // 0x48
private string numberDecimalSeparator; // 0x4C
private string numberGroupSeparator; // 0x50
private int[] numberGroupSizes; // 0x54
private int numberNegativePattern; // 0x58
private int percentDecimalDigits; // 0x5C
private string percentDecimalSeparator; // 0x60
private string percentGroupSeparator; // 0x64
private int[] percentGroupSizes; // 0x68
private int percentNegativePattern; // 0x6C
private int percentPositivePattern; // 0x70
private string percentSymbol; // 0x74
private string perMilleSymbol; // 0x78
private string positiveInfinitySymbol; // 0x7C
private string positiveSign; // 0x80
private string ansiCurrencySymbol; // 0x84
private int m_dataItem; // 0x88
private bool m_useUserOverride; // 0x8C
private bool validForParseAsNumber; // 0x8D
private bool validForParseAsCurrency; // 0x8E
private string[] nativeDigits; // 0x90
private int digitSubstitution; // 0x94
private static readonly string[] invariantNativeDigits; // 0x0
// Properties
public int CurrencyDecimalDigits { get; }
public string CurrencyDecimalSeparator { get; }
public string CurrencyGroupSeparator { get; }
internal int[] RawCurrencyGroupSizes { get; }
public int CurrencyNegativePattern { get; }
public int CurrencyPositivePattern { get; }
public string CurrencySymbol { get; }
public static NumberFormatInfo CurrentInfo { get; }
public static NumberFormatInfo InvariantInfo { get; }
public string NaNSymbol { get; }
public string NegativeInfinitySymbol { get; }
public string NegativeSign { get; }
public int NumberDecimalDigits { get; set; }
public string NumberDecimalSeparator { get; }
public string NumberGroupSeparator { get; set; }
internal int[] RawNumberGroupSizes { get; }
public int NumberNegativePattern { get; set; }
public int PercentDecimalDigits { get; }
public string PercentDecimalSeparator { get; }
public string PercentGroupSeparator { get; }
internal int[] RawPercentGroupSizes { get; }
public int PercentNegativePattern { get; }
public int PercentPositivePattern { get; }
public string PercentSymbol { get; }
public string PerMilleSymbol { get; }
public string PositiveInfinitySymbol { get; }
public string PositiveSign { get; }
// Methods
internal void .ctor(int lcid, bool read_only); // 0x13336F0
internal void .ctor(bool read_only); // 0x132E5AC
public void .ctor(); // 0x1333A38
private static void .cctor(); // 0x1333A44
public int get_CurrencyDecimalDigits(); // 0x1333F44
public string get_CurrencyDecimalSeparator(); // 0x1333F4C
public string get_CurrencyGroupSeparator(); // 0x1333F54
internal int[] get_RawCurrencyGroupSizes(); // 0x1333F5C
public int get_CurrencyNegativePattern(); // 0x1333F64
public int get_CurrencyPositivePattern(); // 0x1333F6C
public string get_CurrencySymbol(); // 0x1333F74
public static NumberFormatInfo get_CurrentInfo(); // 0x1333F7C
public static NumberFormatInfo get_InvariantInfo(); // 0x132F038
public string get_NaNSymbol(); // 0x133417C
public string get_NegativeInfinitySymbol(); // 0x1334184
public string get_NegativeSign(); // 0x133418C
public int get_NumberDecimalDigits(); // 0x1334194
public void set_NumberDecimalDigits(int value); // 0x133419C
public string get_NumberDecimalSeparator(); // 0x13342BC
public string get_NumberGroupSeparator(); // 0x13342C4
public void set_NumberGroupSeparator(string value); // 0x13342CC
internal int[] get_RawNumberGroupSizes(); // 0x13343EC
public int get_NumberNegativePattern(); // 0x13343F4
public void set_NumberNegativePattern(int value); // 0x133405C
public int get_PercentDecimalDigits(); // 0x13343FC
public string get_PercentDecimalSeparator(); // 0x1334404
public string get_PercentGroupSeparator(); // 0x133440C
internal int[] get_RawPercentGroupSizes(); // 0x1334414
public int get_PercentNegativePattern(); // 0x133441C
public int get_PercentPositivePattern(); // 0x1334424
public string get_PercentSymbol(); // 0x133442C
public string get_PerMilleSymbol(); // 0x1334434
public string get_PositiveInfinitySymbol(); // 0x133443C
public string get_PositiveSign(); // 0x1334444
public object GetFormat(Type formatType); // 0x133444C
public object Clone(); // 0x132DBC0
public static NumberFormatInfo GetInstance(IFormatProvider formatProvider); // 0x1334520
// Namespace: System.Globalization
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x3345A0
[FlagsAttribute] // 0x3345A0
public enum NumberStyles // TypeDefIndex: 254
// Fields
public int value__; // 0x8
public const NumberStyles None = 0; // 0x0
public const NumberStyles AllowLeadingWhite = 1; // 0x0
public const NumberStyles AllowTrailingWhite = 2; // 0x0
public const NumberStyles AllowLeadingSign = 4; // 0x0
public const NumberStyles AllowTrailingSign = 8; // 0x0
public const NumberStyles AllowParentheses = 16; // 0x0
public const NumberStyles AllowDecimalPoint = 32; // 0x0
public const NumberStyles AllowThousands = 64; // 0x0
public const NumberStyles AllowExponent = 128; // 0x0
public const NumberStyles AllowCurrencySymbol = 256; // 0x0
public const NumberStyles AllowHexSpecifier = 512; // 0x0
public const NumberStyles Integer = 7; // 0x0
public const NumberStyles HexNumber = 515; // 0x0
public const NumberStyles Number = 111; // 0x0
public const NumberStyles Float = 167; // 0x0
public const NumberStyles Currency = 383; // 0x0
public const NumberStyles Any = 511; // 0x0
// Namespace: System.Globalization
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x3345D4
public class RegionInfo // TypeDefIndex: 255
// Fields
private static RegionInfo currentRegion; // 0x0
private int lcid; // 0x8
private int regionId; // 0xC
private string iso2Name; // 0x10
private string iso3Name; // 0x14
private string win3Name; // 0x18
private string englishName; // 0x1C
private string currencySymbol; // 0x20
private string isoCurrencySymbol; // 0x24
private string currencyEnglishName; // 0x28
[CompilerGeneratedAttribute] // 0x3345E8
private static Dictionary`2<string, int> <>f__switch$map1B; // 0x4
// Properties
public static RegionInfo CurrentRegion { get; }
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x3345F8
public virtual string CurrencyEnglishName { get; }
public virtual string CurrencySymbol { get; }
[MonoTODOAttribute] // 0x33460C
public virtual string DisplayName { get; }
public virtual string EnglishName { get; }
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x33464C
public virtual int GeoId { get; }
public virtual bool IsMetric { get; }
public virtual string ISOCurrencySymbol { get; }
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x334660
public virtual string NativeName { get; }
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x334674
[MonoTODOAttribute] // 0x334674
public virtual string CurrencyNativeName { get; }
public virtual string Name { get; }
public virtual string ThreeLetterISORegionName { get; }
public virtual string ThreeLetterWindowsRegionName { get; }
public virtual string TwoLetterISORegionName { get; }
// Methods
public void .ctor(int culture); // 0x13347A4
public void .ctor(string name); // 0x1334A6C
public static RegionInfo get_CurrentRegion(); // 0x1334C58
private bool GetByTerritory(CultureInfo ci); // 0x133493C
private bool construct_internal_region_from_name(string name); // 0x1334C54
public virtual string get_CurrencyEnglishName(); // 0x1334DF4
public virtual string get_CurrencySymbol(); // 0x1334DFC
public virtual string get_DisplayName(); // 0x1334E04
public virtual string get_EnglishName(); // 0x1334E0C
public virtual int get_GeoId(); // 0x1334E14
public virtual bool get_IsMetric(); // 0x1334E1C
public virtual string get_ISOCurrencySymbol(); // 0x1334FD4
public virtual string get_NativeName(); // 0x1334FDC
public virtual string get_CurrencyNativeName(); // 0x1334FEC
public virtual string get_Name(); // 0x1335080
public virtual string get_ThreeLetterISORegionName(); // 0x1335088
public virtual string get_ThreeLetterWindowsRegionName(); // 0x1335090
public virtual string get_TwoLetterISORegionName(); // 0x1335098
public override bool Equals(object value); // 0x13350A0
public override int GetHashCode(); // 0x1335168
public override string ToString(); // 0x133517C
// Namespace: System.Globalization
[MonoTODOAttribute] // 0x3346CC
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x3346CC
public class TextInfo : ICloneable, IDeserializationCallback // TypeDefIndex: 256
// Fields
private string m_listSeparator; // 0x8
private bool m_isReadOnly; // 0xC
private string customCultureName; // 0x10
private int m_nDataItem; // 0x14
private bool m_useUserOverride; // 0x18
private int m_win32LangID; // 0x1C
private readonly CultureInfo ci; // 0x20
private readonly bool handleDotI; // 0x24
private readonly Data data; // 0x28
// Properties
public virtual string ListSeparator { get; }
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x334748
public string CultureName { get; }
// Methods
internal void .ctor(CultureInfo ci, int lcid, void* data, bool read_only); // 0x132F27C
private void .ctor(TextInfo textInfo); // 0x1335914
[MonoTODOAttribute] // 0x334724
private void System.Runtime.Serialization.IDeserializationCallback.OnDeserialization(object sender); // 0x13359F0
public virtual string get_ListSeparator(); // 0x13359F4
public string get_CultureName(); // 0x13359A8
public override bool Equals(object obj); // 0x1335A38
public override int GetHashCode(); // 0x1335B10
public override string ToString(); // 0x1335B18
public virtual char ToLower(char c); // 0x1335C08
public virtual char ToUpper(char c); // 0x1335DF8
public virtual string ToLower(string str); // 0x1336068
public virtual string ToUpper(string str); // 0x1336248
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x334734
public virtual object Clone(); // 0x1336428
// Namespace:
private struct Data // TypeDefIndex: 257
// Fields
public int ansi; // 0x8
public int ebcdic; // 0xC
public int mac; // 0x10
public int oem; // 0x14
public byte list_sep; // 0x18
// Namespace: System.Globalization
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x33475C
public enum UnicodeCategory // TypeDefIndex: 258
// Fields
public int value__; // 0x8
public const UnicodeCategory UppercaseLetter = 0; // 0x0
public const UnicodeCategory LowercaseLetter = 1; // 0x0
public const UnicodeCategory TitlecaseLetter = 2; // 0x0
public const UnicodeCategory ModifierLetter = 3; // 0x0
public const UnicodeCategory OtherLetter = 4; // 0x0
public const UnicodeCategory NonSpacingMark = 5; // 0x0
public const UnicodeCategory SpacingCombiningMark = 6; // 0x0
public const UnicodeCategory EnclosingMark = 7; // 0x0
public const UnicodeCategory DecimalDigitNumber = 8; // 0x0
public const UnicodeCategory LetterNumber = 9; // 0x0
public const UnicodeCategory OtherNumber = 10; // 0x0
public const UnicodeCategory SpaceSeparator = 11; // 0x0
public const UnicodeCategory LineSeparator = 12; // 0x0
public const UnicodeCategory ParagraphSeparator = 13; // 0x0
public const UnicodeCategory Control = 14; // 0x0
public const UnicodeCategory Format = 15; // 0x0
public const UnicodeCategory Surrogate = 16; // 0x0
public const UnicodeCategory PrivateUse = 17; // 0x0
public const UnicodeCategory ConnectorPunctuation = 18; // 0x0
public const UnicodeCategory DashPunctuation = 19; // 0x0
public const UnicodeCategory OpenPunctuation = 20; // 0x0
public const UnicodeCategory ClosePunctuation = 21; // 0x0
public const UnicodeCategory InitialQuotePunctuation = 22; // 0x0
public const UnicodeCategory FinalQuotePunctuation = 23; // 0x0
public const UnicodeCategory OtherPunctuation = 24; // 0x0
public const UnicodeCategory MathSymbol = 25; // 0x0
public const UnicodeCategory CurrencySymbol = 26; // 0x0
public const UnicodeCategory ModifierSymbol = 27; // 0x0
public const UnicodeCategory OtherSymbol = 28; // 0x0
public const UnicodeCategory OtherNotAssigned = 29; // 0x0
// Namespace: System.IO.IsolatedStorage
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x334770
public class IsolatedStorageException : Exception // TypeDefIndex: 259
// Methods
public void .ctor(); // 0x1351AD8
public void .ctor(string message); // 0x134D9CC
protected void .ctor(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context); // 0x1351B70
// Namespace: System.IO
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x334784
public class BinaryReader : IDisposable // TypeDefIndex: 260
// Fields
private Stream m_stream; // 0x8
private Encoding m_encoding; // 0xC
private byte[] m_buffer; // 0x10
private Decoder decoder; // 0x14
private char[] charBuffer; // 0x18
private bool m_disposed; // 0x1C
// Properties
public virtual Stream BaseStream { get; }
// Methods
public void .ctor(Stream input); // 0x1340F14
public void .ctor(Stream input, Encoding encoding); // 0x1340FCC
private void System.IDisposable.Dispose(); // 0x1341170
public virtual Stream get_BaseStream(); // 0x1341184
public virtual void Close(); // 0x134118C
protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposing); // 0x13411BC
protected virtual void FillBuffer(int numBytes); // 0x134120C
public virtual int Read(); // 0x134155C
public virtual int Read(byte[] buffer, int index, int count); // 0x1341668
public virtual int Read(char[] buffer, int index, int count); // 0x13418D8
private int ReadCharBytes(char[] buffer, int index, int count, out int bytes_read); // 0x1341B4C
protected int Read7BitEncodedInt(); // 0x1341C70
public virtual bool ReadBoolean(); // 0x1341D78
public virtual byte ReadByte(); // 0x1341D9C
public virtual byte[] ReadBytes(int count); // 0x1341EFC
public virtual char ReadChar(); // 0x1342158
public virtual Decimal ReadDecimal(); // 0x134220C
public virtual double ReadDouble(); // 0x134248C
public virtual short ReadInt16(); // 0x13424C8
public virtual int ReadInt32(); // 0x1342550
public virtual long ReadInt64(); // 0x134262C
[CLSCompliantAttribute] // 0x334798
public virtual sbyte ReadSByte(); // 0x13427D4
public virtual string ReadString(); // 0x13427F4
public virtual float ReadSingle(); // 0x1342A84
[CLSCompliantAttribute] // 0x3347AC
public virtual ushort ReadUInt16(); // 0x1342AC0
[CLSCompliantAttribute] // 0x3347C0
public virtual uint ReadUInt32(); // 0x1342B44
[CLSCompliantAttribute] // 0x3347D4
public virtual ulong ReadUInt64(); // 0x1342C20
private void CheckBuffer(int length); // 0x13413CC
// Namespace: System.IO
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x3347E8
public class BinaryWriter : IDisposable // TypeDefIndex: 261
// Fields
public static readonly BinaryWriter Null; // 0x0
protected Stream OutStream; // 0x8
private Encoding m_encoding; // 0xC
private byte[] buffer; // 0x10
private bool disposed; // 0x14
private byte[] stringBuffer; // 0x18
private int maxCharsPerRound; // 0x1C
// Properties
public virtual Stream BaseStream { get; }
// Methods
protected void .ctor(); // 0x1342DC8
public void .ctor(Stream output); // 0x1343088
public void .ctor(Stream output, Encoding encoding); // 0x1342ED0
private static void .cctor(); // 0x1343140
private void System.IDisposable.Dispose(); // 0x13431D0
public virtual Stream get_BaseStream(); // 0x13431E4
public virtual void Close(); // 0x13431EC
protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposing); // 0x1343200
public virtual void Flush(); // 0x1343248
public virtual void Write(bool value); // 0x134327C
public virtual void Write(byte value); // 0x13433B0
public virtual void Write(byte[] buffer); // 0x13434AC
public virtual void Write(byte[] buffer, int index, int count); // 0x1343608
public virtual void Write(char ch); // 0x134376C
public virtual void Write(char[] chars); // 0x1343900
public virtual void Write(Decimal value); // 0x1343A8C
public virtual void Write(double value); // 0x1343D88
public virtual void Write(short value); // 0x1343EB8
public virtual void Write(int value); // 0x1344018
public virtual void Write(long value); // 0x13441C4
[CLSCompliantAttribute] // 0x3347FC
public virtual void Write(sbyte value); // 0x1344330
public virtual void Write(float value); // 0x1344464
public virtual void Write(string value); // 0x1344588
[CLSCompliantAttribute] // 0x334810
public virtual void Write(ushort value); // 0x1344828
[CLSCompliantAttribute] // 0x334824
public virtual void Write(uint value); // 0x1344984
[CLSCompliantAttribute] // 0x334838
public virtual void Write(ulong value); // 0x1344B30
protected void Write7BitEncodedInt(int value); // 0x13447DC
// Namespace: System.IO
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x33484C
public static class Directory // TypeDefIndex: 262
// Methods
public static DirectoryInfo CreateDirectory(string path); // 0x1344C9C
private static DirectoryInfo CreateDirectoriesInternal(string path); // 0x1345158
public static void Delete(string path); // 0x134605C
private static void RecursiveDelete(string path); // 0x13465B0
public static void Delete(string path, bool recursive); // 0x1346D3C
public static bool Exists(string path); // 0x1346F68
public static string GetCurrentDirectory(); // 0x134713C
public static string[] GetDirectories(string path); // 0x1346764
public static string[] GetDirectories(string path, string searchPattern); // 0x13473E4
public static string[] GetFiles(string path); // 0x13467FC
public static string[] GetFiles(string path, string searchPattern); // 0x1347B54
private static void CheckPathExceptions(string path); // 0x1346D6C
private static string[] GetFileSystemEntries(string path, string searchPattern, FileAttributes mask, FileAttributes attrs); // 0x1347408
// Namespace: System.IO
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x334860
public sealed class DirectoryInfo : FileSystemInfo // TypeDefIndex: 263
// Fields
private string current; // 0x44
private string parent; // 0x48
// Properties
public override bool Exists { get; }
public override string Name { get; }
public DirectoryInfo Parent { get; }
// Methods
public void .ctor(string path); // 0x1348614
internal void .ctor(string path, bool simpleOriginalPath); // 0x13452F8
private void .ctor(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context); // 0x1348E0C
private void Initialize(); // 0x1348A30
public override bool get_Exists(); // 0x13454D4
public override string get_Name(); // 0x1349048
public DirectoryInfo get_Parent(); // 0x1345418
public void Create(); // 0x13455B0
public FileInfo[] GetFiles(string searchPattern); // 0x1349050
public DirectoryInfo[] GetDirectories(); // 0x1349358
public DirectoryInfo[] GetDirectories(string searchPattern); // 0x13493DC
public override void Delete(); // 0x13495C8
public void Delete(bool recursive); // 0x13495E8
public override string ToString(); // 0x13495F4
// Namespace: System.IO
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x334874
public class DirectoryNotFoundException : IOException // TypeDefIndex: 264
// Methods
public void .ctor(); // 0x13495FC
public void .ctor(string message); // 0x13465A8
protected void .ctor(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context); // 0x1349684
// Namespace: System.IO
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x334888
public class EndOfStreamException : IOException // TypeDefIndex: 265
// Methods
public void .ctor(); // 0x13414C4
protected void .ctor(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context); // 0x13496C4
// Namespace: System.IO
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x33489C
public static class File // TypeDefIndex: 266
// Methods
public static void Copy(string sourceFileName, string destFileName); // 0x13496E4
public static void Copy(string sourceFileName, string destFileName, bool overwrite); // 0x1349700
public static FileStream Create(string path); // 0x134A444
public static FileStream Create(string path, int bufferSize); // 0x134A44C
public static void Delete(string path); // 0x1346894
public static bool Exists(string path); // 0x1344FF4
public static FileAttributes GetAttributes(string path); // 0x134A1C0
public static void Move(string sourceFileName, string destFileName); // 0x134A540
public static FileStream Open(string path, FileMode mode); // 0x134ABD0
public static FileStream OpenRead(string path); // 0x134ACC4
public static StreamReader OpenText(string path); // 0x134AD84
public static string[] ReadAllLines(string path); // 0x134AEE0
private static string[] ReadAllLines(StreamReader reader); // 0x134B020
public static string ReadAllText(string path); // 0x134B184
public static string ReadAllText(string path, Encoding encoding); // 0x134B234
public static void WriteAllBytes(string path, byte[] bytes); // 0x134B400
public static void WriteAllLines(string path, string[] contents); // 0x134B594
private static void WriteAllLines(StreamWriter writer, string[] contents); // 0x134B7C0
// Namespace: System.IO
[FlagsAttribute] // 0x3348B0
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x3348B0
public enum FileAccess // TypeDefIndex: 267
// Fields
public int value__; // 0x8
public const FileAccess Read = 1; // 0x0
public const FileAccess Write = 2; // 0x0
public const FileAccess ReadWrite = 3; // 0x0
// Namespace: System.IO
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x3348E4
[FlagsAttribute] // 0x3348E4
public enum FileAttributes // TypeDefIndex: 268
// Fields
public int value__; // 0x8
public const FileAttributes Archive = 32; // 0x0
public const FileAttributes Compressed = 2048; // 0x0
public const FileAttributes Device = 64; // 0x0
public const FileAttributes Directory = 16; // 0x0
public const FileAttributes Encrypted = 16384; // 0x0
public const FileAttributes Hidden = 2; // 0x0
public const FileAttributes Normal = 128; // 0x0
public const FileAttributes NotContentIndexed = 8192; // 0x0
public const FileAttributes Offline = 4096; // 0x0
public const FileAttributes ReadOnly = 1; // 0x0
public const FileAttributes ReparsePoint = 1024; // 0x0
public const FileAttributes SparseFile = 512; // 0x0
public const FileAttributes System = 4; // 0x0
public const FileAttributes Temporary = 256; // 0x0
// Namespace: System.IO
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x334918
public sealed class FileInfo : FileSystemInfo // TypeDefIndex: 269
// Fields
private bool exists; // 0x41
// Properties
public override bool Exists { get; }
public override string Name { get; }
// Methods
public void .ctor(string fileName); // 0x1349234
private void .ctor(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context); // 0x134B834
internal override void InternalRefresh(); // 0x134B84C
public override bool get_Exists(); // 0x134B868
public override string get_Name(); // 0x134B954
public override void Delete(); // 0x134B9F8
public override string ToString(); // 0x134BC48
// Namespace: System.IO
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x33492C
public class FileLoadException : IOException // TypeDefIndex: 270
// Fields
private const int Result = -2147024894; // 0x0
private string msg; // 0x34
private string fileName; // 0x38
private string fusionLog; // 0x3C
// Properties
public override string Message { get; }
// Methods
public void .ctor(); // 0x134BC4C
public void .ctor(string message); // 0x134BD0C
protected void .ctor(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context); // 0x134BD40
public override string get_Message(); // 0x134BE94
public override void GetObjectData(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context); // 0x134BE9C
public override string ToString(); // 0x134BF8C
// Namespace: System.IO
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x334940
public enum FileMode // TypeDefIndex: 271
// Fields
public int value__; // 0x8
public const FileMode CreateNew = 1; // 0x0
public const FileMode Create = 2; // 0x0
public const FileMode Open = 3; // 0x0
public const FileMode OpenOrCreate = 4; // 0x0
public const FileMode Truncate = 5; // 0x0
public const FileMode Append = 6; // 0x0
// Namespace: System.IO
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x334954
public class FileNotFoundException : IOException // TypeDefIndex: 272
// Fields
private string fileName; // 0x34
private string fusionLog; // 0x38
// Properties
public override string Message { get; }
// Methods
public void .ctor(); // 0x134C16C
public void .ctor(string message); // 0x134C218
public void .ctor(string message, string fileName); // 0x134A18C
protected void .ctor(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context); // 0x134C244
public override string get_Message(); // 0x134C334
public override void GetObjectData(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context); // 0x134C4F0
public override string ToString(); // 0x134C5E0
// Namespace: System.IO
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x334968
[FlagsAttribute] // 0x334968
public enum FileOptions // TypeDefIndex: 273
// Fields
public int value__; // 0x8
public const FileOptions None = 0; // 0x0
public const FileOptions Encrypted = 16384; // 0x0
public const FileOptions DeleteOnClose = 67108864; // 0x0
public const FileOptions SequentialScan = 134217728; // 0x0
public const FileOptions RandomAccess = 268435456; // 0x0
public const FileOptions Asynchronous = 1073741824; // 0x0
public const FileOptions WriteThrough = -2147483648; // 0x0
// Namespace: System.IO
[FlagsAttribute] // 0x33499C
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x33499C
public enum FileShare // TypeDefIndex: 274
// Fields
public int value__; // 0x8
public const FileShare None = 0; // 0x0
public const FileShare Read = 1; // 0x0
public const FileShare Write = 2; // 0x0
public const FileShare ReadWrite = 3; // 0x0
public const FileShare Delete = 4; // 0x0
public const FileShare Inheritable = 16; // 0x0
// Namespace: System.IO
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x3349D0
public class FileStream : Stream // TypeDefIndex: 275
// Fields
private FileAccess access; // 0x8
private bool owner; // 0xC
private bool async; // 0xD
private bool canseek; // 0xE
private long append_startpos; // 0x10
private bool anonymous; // 0x18
private byte[] buf; // 0x1C
private int buf_size; // 0x20
private int buf_length; // 0x24
private int buf_offset; // 0x28
private bool buf_dirty; // 0x2C
private long buf_start; // 0x30
private string name; // 0x38
private IntPtr handle; // 0x3C
// Properties
public override bool CanRead { get; }
public override bool CanWrite { get; }
public override bool CanSeek { get; }
public override long Length { get; }
public override long Position { get; set; }
// Methods
internal void .ctor(IntPtr handle, FileAccess access, bool ownsHandle, int bufferSize, bool isAsync, bool noBuffering); // 0x134C804
public void .ctor(string path, FileMode mode); // 0x134CD60
public void .ctor(string path, FileMode mode, FileAccess access); // 0x134D934
public void .ctor(string path, FileMode mode, FileAccess access, FileShare share); // 0x134AC94
public void .ctor(string path, FileMode mode, FileAccess access, FileShare share, int bufferSize); // 0x134A504
internal void .ctor(string path, FileMode mode, FileAccess access, FileShare share, int bufferSize, bool isAsync, bool anonymous); // 0x134D980
internal void .ctor(string path, FileMode mode, FileAccess access, FileShare share, int bufferSize, bool anonymous, FileOptions options); // 0x134CDAC
public override bool get_CanRead(); // 0x134DBF0
public override bool get_CanWrite(); // 0x134DC04
public override bool get_CanSeek(); // 0x134DC1C
public override long get_Length(); // 0x134DC24
public override long get_Position(); // 0x134DE80
public override void set_Position(long value); // 0x134E004
public override int ReadByte(); // 0x134E1F8
public override void WriteByte(byte value); // 0x134E604
public override int Read(out byte[] array, int offset, int count); // 0x134E83C
private int ReadInternal(byte[] dest, int offset, int count); // 0x134EB98
public override IAsyncResult BeginRead(byte[] array, int offset, int numBytes, AsyncCallback userCallback, object stateObject); // 0x134ECA4
public override int EndRead(IAsyncResult asyncResult); // 0x134F338
public override void Write(byte[] array, int offset, int count); // 0x134F70C
private void WriteInternal(byte[] src, int offset, int count); // 0x134FA34
public override IAsyncResult BeginWrite(byte[] array, int offset, int numBytes, AsyncCallback userCallback, object stateObject); // 0x134FCA4
public override void EndWrite(IAsyncResult asyncResult); // 0x1350768
public override long Seek(long offset, SeekOrigin origin); // 0x1350B08
public override void SetLength(long value); // 0x1350E94
public override void Flush(); // 0x13511D8
protected override void Finalize(); // 0x13512F4
protected override void Dispose(bool disposing); // 0x1351360
private int ReadSegment(byte[] dest, int dest_offset, int count); // 0x134EC38
private int WriteSegment(byte[] src, int src_offset, int count); // 0x134FC34
private void FlushBuffer(Stream st); // 0x1350434
private void FlushBuffer(); // 0x134E834
private void FlushBufferIfDirty(); // 0x134DE60
private void RefillBuffer(); // 0x134E5C4
private int ReadData(IntPtr handle, byte[] buf, int offset, int count); // 0x134E438
private void InitBuffer(int size, bool noBuffering); // 0x134CBF0
private string GetSecureFileName(string filename); // 0x134DAD8
private string GetSecureFileName(string filename, bool full); // 0x134D9D4
// Namespace:
private sealed class ReadDelegate : MulticastDelegate // TypeDefIndex: 276
// Methods
public void .ctor(object object, IntPtr method); // 0x134F24C
public virtual int Invoke(byte[] buffer, int offset, int count); // 0x135167C
public virtual IAsyncResult BeginInvoke(byte[] buffer, int offset, int count, AsyncCallback callback, object object); // 0x134F260
public virtual int EndInvoke(IAsyncResult result); // 0x134F6D8
// Namespace:
private sealed class WriteDelegate : MulticastDelegate // TypeDefIndex: 277
// Methods
public void .ctor(object object, IntPtr method); // 0x135067C
public virtual void Invoke(byte[] buffer, int offset, int count); // 0x1351778
public virtual IAsyncResult BeginInvoke(byte[] buffer, int offset, int count, AsyncCallback callback, object object); // 0x1350690
public virtual void EndInvoke(IAsyncResult result); // 0x1350AFC
// Namespace: System.IO
internal class FileStreamAsyncResult : IAsyncResult // TypeDefIndex: 278
// Fields
private object state; // 0x8
private bool completed; // 0xC
private ManualResetEvent wh; // 0x10
private AsyncCallback cb; // 0x14
public int Count; // 0x18
public int OriginalCount; // 0x1C
public int BytesRead; // 0x20
private AsyncCallback realcb; // 0x24
// Properties
public object AsyncState { get; }
public WaitHandle AsyncWaitHandle { get; }
public bool IsCompleted { get; }
// Methods
public void .ctor(AsyncCallback cb, object state); // 0x135032C
private static void CBWrapper(IAsyncResult ares); // 0x1351854
public object get_AsyncState(); // 0x1351914
public WaitHandle get_AsyncWaitHandle(); // 0x135191C
public bool get_IsCompleted(); // 0x1351924
// Namespace: System.IO
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x3349E4
public abstract class FileSystemInfo : MarshalByRefObject, ISerializable // TypeDefIndex: 279
// Fields
protected string FullPath; // 0xC
protected string OriginalPath; // 0x10
internal MonoIOStat stat; // 0x18
internal bool valid; // 0x40
// Properties
public abstract bool Exists { get; }
public abstract string Name { get; }
public virtual string FullName { get; }
// Methods
protected void .ctor(); // 0x134861C
protected void .ctor(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context); // 0x1348E30
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x3349F8
public virtual void GetObjectData(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context); // 0x1351934
public abstract bool get_Exists(); // 0
public abstract string get_Name(); // 0
public virtual string get_FullName(); // 0x1351A88
public abstract void Delete(); // 0
internal void Refresh(bool force); // 0x1348F44
internal virtual void InternalRefresh(); // 0x1351AA0
internal void CheckPath(string path); // 0x1348640
// Namespace: System.IO
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x334A0C
public class IOException : SystemException // TypeDefIndex: 280
// Methods
public void .ctor(); // 0x134BE0C
public void .ctor(string message); // 0x13413C4
public void .ctor(string message, Exception innerException); // 0x1351AA4
protected void .ctor(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context); // 0x13496A4
public void .ctor(string message, int hresult); // 0x1351AAC
// Namespace: System.IO
[MonoTODOAttribute] // 0x334A20
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x334A20
public class MemoryStream : Stream // TypeDefIndex: 281
// Fields
private bool canWrite; // 0x8
private bool allowGetBuffer; // 0x9
private int capacity; // 0xC
private int length; // 0x10
private byte[] internalBuffer; // 0x14
private int initialIndex; // 0x18
private bool expandable; // 0x1C
private bool streamClosed; // 0x1D
private int position; // 0x20
private int dirty_bytes; // 0x24
// Properties
public override bool CanRead { get; }
public override bool CanSeek { get; }
public override bool CanWrite { get; }
public virtual int Capacity { set; }
public override long Length { get; }
public override long Position { get; set; }
// Methods
public void .ctor(); // 0x135042C
public void .ctor(int capacity); // 0x1351B90
public void .ctor(byte[] buffer); // 0x1351CD8
public void .ctor(byte[] buffer, int index, int count); // 0x1351FA4
public void .ctor(byte[] buffer, int index, int count, bool writable, bool publiclyVisible); // 0x135207C
private void InternalConstructor(byte[] buffer, int index, int count, bool writable, bool publicallyVisible); // 0x1351E00
private void CheckIfClosedThrowDisposed(); // 0x1352158
public override bool get_CanRead(); // 0x1352210
public override bool get_CanSeek(); // 0x1352224
public override bool get_CanWrite(); // 0x1352238
public virtual void set_Capacity(int value); // 0x135225C
public override long get_Length(); // 0x135265C
public override long get_Position(); // 0x1352680
public override void set_Position(long value); // 0x13526A4
protected override void Dispose(bool disposing); // 0x13527D4
public override void Flush(); // 0x13527E0
public virtual byte[] GetBuffer(); // 0x13527E4
public override int Read(out byte[] buffer, int offset, int count); // 0x135288C
public override int ReadByte(); // 0x1352A6C
public override long Seek(long offset, SeekOrigin loc); // 0x1352AD0
private int CalculateNewCapacity(int minimum); // 0x1352D30
private void Expand(int newSize); // 0x1352D4C
public override void SetLength(long value); // 0x1352DC4
public virtual byte[] ToArray(); // 0x1352FD4
public override void Write(byte[] buffer, int offset, int count); // 0x13530A8
public override void WriteByte(byte value); // 0x13532C8
// Namespace: System.IO
internal enum MonoFileType // TypeDefIndex: 282
// Fields
public int value__; // 0x8
public const MonoFileType Unknown = 0; // 0x0
public const MonoFileType Disk = 1; // 0x0
public const MonoFileType Char = 2; // 0x0
public const MonoFileType Pipe = 3; // 0x0
public const MonoFileType Remote = 32768; // 0x0
// Namespace: System.IO
internal sealed class MonoIO // TypeDefIndex: 283
// Fields
public static readonly FileAttributes InvalidFileAttributes; // 0x0
public static readonly IntPtr InvalidHandle; // 0x4
// Properties
public static IntPtr ConsoleOutput { get; }
public static IntPtr ConsoleInput { get; }
public static IntPtr ConsoleError { get; }
public static char VolumeSeparatorChar { get; }
public static char DirectorySeparatorChar { get; }
public static char AltDirectorySeparatorChar { get; }
public static char PathSeparator { get; }
// Methods
private static void .cctor(); // 0x13533F4
public static Exception GetException(MonoIOError error); // 0x134723C
public static Exception GetException(string path, MonoIOError error); // 0x13455C4
public static bool CreateDirectory(string path, out MonoIOError error); // 0x13455B8
public static bool RemoveDirectory(string path, out MonoIOError error); // 0x134659C
public static string[] GetFileSystemEntries(string path, string path_with_pattern, int attrs, int mask, out MonoIOError error); // 0x13485E0
public static string GetCurrentDirectory(out MonoIOError error); // 0x1347234
public static bool MoveFile(string path, string dest, out MonoIOError error); // 0x134ABC0
public static bool CopyFile(string path, string dest, bool overwrite, out MonoIOError error); // 0x134A42C
public static bool DeleteFile(string path, out MonoIOError error); // 0x1346590
public static FileAttributes GetFileAttributes(string path, out MonoIOError error); // 0x134A534
public static MonoFileType GetFileType(IntPtr handle, out MonoIOError error); // 0x134CBE4
public static bool Exists(string path, out MonoIOError error); // 0x134A0B8
public static bool ExistsFile(string path, out MonoIOError error); // 0x1348500
public static bool ExistsDirectory(string path, out MonoIOError error); // 0x1347024
public static bool ExistsSymlink(string path, out MonoIOError error); // 0x13464B8
public static bool GetFileStat(string path, out MonoIOStat stat, out MonoIOError error); // 0x1351A90
public static IntPtr Open(string filename, FileMode mode, FileAccess access, FileShare share, FileOptions options, out MonoIOError error); // 0x134DBB8
public static bool Close(IntPtr handle, out MonoIOError error); // 0x135161C
public static int Read(IntPtr handle, byte[] dest, int dest_offset, int count, out MonoIOError error); // 0x1351628
public static int Write(IntPtr handle, byte[] src, int src_offset, int count, out MonoIOError error); // 0x134FC00
public static long Seek(IntPtr handle, long offset, SeekOrigin origin, out MonoIOError error); // 0x134CD58
public static long GetLength(IntPtr handle, out MonoIOError error); // 0x134DE74
public static bool SetLength(IntPtr handle, long length, out MonoIOError error); // 0x13511D0
public static IntPtr get_ConsoleOutput(); // 0x135348C
public static IntPtr get_ConsoleInput(); // 0x1353490
public static IntPtr get_ConsoleError(); // 0x1353494
public static char get_VolumeSeparatorChar(); // 0x1353498
public static char get_DirectorySeparatorChar(); // 0x135349C
public static char get_AltDirectorySeparatorChar(); // 0x13534A0
public static char get_PathSeparator(); // 0x13534A4
public static bool RemapPath(string path, out string newPath); // 0x13534A8
// Namespace: System.IO
internal enum MonoIOError // TypeDefIndex: 284
// Fields
public int value__; // 0x8
public const MonoIOError ERROR_SUCCESS = 0; // 0x0
public const MonoIOError ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND = 2; // 0x0
public const MonoIOError ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND = 3; // 0x0
public const MonoIOError ERROR_TOO_MANY_OPEN_FILES = 4; // 0x0
public const MonoIOError ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED = 5; // 0x0
public const MonoIOError ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE = 6; // 0x0
public const MonoIOError ERROR_INVALID_DRIVE = 15; // 0x0
public const MonoIOError ERROR_NOT_SAME_DEVICE = 17; // 0x0
public const MonoIOError ERROR_NO_MORE_FILES = 18; // 0x0
public const MonoIOError ERROR_WRITE_FAULT = 29; // 0x0
public const MonoIOError ERROR_READ_FAULT = 30; // 0x0
public const MonoIOError ERROR_GEN_FAILURE = 31; // 0x0
public const MonoIOError ERROR_SHARING_VIOLATION = 32; // 0x0
public const MonoIOError ERROR_LOCK_VIOLATION = 33; // 0x0
public const MonoIOError ERROR_HANDLE_DISK_FULL = 39; // 0x0
public const MonoIOError ERROR_FILE_EXISTS = 80; // 0x0
public const MonoIOError ERROR_CANNOT_MAKE = 82; // 0x0
public const MonoIOError ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER = 87; // 0x0
public const MonoIOError ERROR_BROKEN_PIPE = 109; // 0x0
public const MonoIOError ERROR_INVALID_NAME = 123; // 0x0
public const MonoIOError ERROR_DIR_NOT_EMPTY = 145; // 0x0
public const MonoIOError ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS = 183; // 0x0
public const MonoIOError ERROR_FILENAME_EXCED_RANGE = 206; // 0x0
public const MonoIOError ERROR_ENCRYPTION_FAILED = 6000; // 0x0
// Namespace: System.IO
internal struct MonoIOStat // TypeDefIndex: 285
// Fields
public string Name; // 0x8
public FileAttributes Attributes; // 0xC
public long Length; // 0x10
public long CreationTime; // 0x18
public long LastAccessTime; // 0x20
public long LastWriteTime; // 0x28
// Namespace: System.IO
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x334A78
public static class Path // TypeDefIndex: 286
// Fields
[ObsoleteAttribute] // 0x334A8C
public static readonly char[] InvalidPathChars; // 0x0
public static readonly char AltDirectorySeparatorChar; // 0x4
public static readonly char DirectorySeparatorChar; // 0x6
public static readonly char PathSeparator; // 0x8
internal static readonly string DirectorySeparatorStr; // 0xC
public static readonly char VolumeSeparatorChar; // 0x10
internal static readonly char[] PathSeparatorChars; // 0x14
private static readonly bool dirEqualsVolume; // 0x18
// Methods
private static void .cctor(); // 0x13536A0
public static string ChangeExtension(string path, string extension); // 0x13539A4
public static string Combine(string path1, string path2); // 0x1347B78
internal static string CleanPath(string s); // 0x1354108
public static string GetDirectoryName(string path); // 0x1347FD8
public static string GetExtension(string path); // 0x1354F34
public static string GetFileName(string path); // 0x1348880
public static string GetFileNameWithoutExtension(string path); // 0x135511C
public static string GetFullPath(string path); // 0x13487E0
internal static string WindowsDriveAdjustment(string path); // 0x1355AC8
internal static string InsecureGetFullPath(string path); // 0x13551C8
private static bool IsDsc(char c); // 0x1355EF0
public static string GetPathRoot(string path); // 0x135472C
public static bool IsPathRooted(string path); // 0x1353E54
public static char[] GetInvalidFileNameChars(); // 0x1356CDC
public static char[] GetInvalidPathChars(); // 0x13538C0
private static int findExtension(string path); // 0x1353D64
private static string GetServerAndShare(string path); // 0x1356DF4
private static bool SameRoot(string root, string path); // 0x1356FE8
private static string CanonicalizePath(string path); // 0x1355FF8
internal static bool IsPathSubsetOf(string subset, string path); // 0x1357474
// Namespace: System.IO
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x334ACC
public class PathTooLongException : IOException // TypeDefIndex: 287
// Methods
public void .ctor(); // 0x1357738
public void .ctor(string message); // 0x1353484
protected void .ctor(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context); // 0x13577D0
// Namespace: System.IO
internal class SearchPattern // TypeDefIndex: 288
// Fields
internal static readonly char[] WildcardChars; // 0x0
internal static readonly char[] InvalidChars; // 0x4
// Methods
private static void .cctor(); // 0x13577F0
// Namespace: System.IO
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x334AE0
public enum SeekOrigin // TypeDefIndex: 289
// Fields
public int value__; // 0x8
public const SeekOrigin Begin = 0; // 0x0
public const SeekOrigin Current = 1; // 0x0
public const SeekOrigin End = 2; // 0x0
// Namespace: System.IO
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x334AF4
public abstract class Stream : IDisposable // TypeDefIndex: 290
// Fields
public static readonly Stream Null; // 0x0
// Properties
public abstract bool CanRead { get; }
public abstract bool CanSeek { get; }
public abstract bool CanWrite { get; }
public abstract long Length { get; }
public abstract long Position { get; set; }
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x334B08
public virtual int ReadTimeout { get; }
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x334B1C
public virtual int WriteTimeout { get; }
// Methods
protected void .ctor(); // 0x134CBDC
private static void .cctor(); // 0x13579C8
public abstract bool get_CanRead(); // 0
public abstract bool get_CanSeek(); // 0
public abstract bool get_CanWrite(); // 0
public abstract long get_Length(); // 0
public abstract long get_Position(); // 0
public abstract void set_Position(long value); // 0
public void Dispose(); // 0x1357A64
protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposing); // 0x1357A74
public virtual void Close(); // 0x1357A78
public virtual int get_ReadTimeout(); // 0x1357A8C
public virtual int get_WriteTimeout(); // 0x1357B48
public abstract void Flush(); // 0
public abstract int Read(out byte[] buffer, int offset, int count); // 0
public virtual int ReadByte(); // 0x1357C04
public abstract long Seek(long offset, SeekOrigin origin); // 0
public abstract void SetLength(long value); // 0
public abstract void Write(byte[] buffer, int offset, int count); // 0
public virtual void WriteByte(byte value); // 0x1357D00
public virtual IAsyncResult BeginRead(byte[] buffer, int offset, int count, AsyncCallback callback, object state); // 0x134F000
public virtual IAsyncResult BeginWrite(byte[] buffer, int offset, int count, AsyncCallback callback, object state); // 0x13500E0
public virtual int EndRead(IAsyncResult asyncResult); // 0x134F4FC
public virtual void EndWrite(IAsyncResult asyncResult); // 0x1350930
// Namespace: System.IO
internal class NullStream : Stream // TypeDefIndex: 291
// Properties
public override bool CanRead { get; }
public override bool CanSeek { get; }
public override bool CanWrite { get; }
public override long Length { get; }
public override long Position { get; set; }
// Methods
public void .ctor(); // 0x135359C
public override bool get_CanRead(); // 0x1353640
public override bool get_CanSeek(); // 0x1353648
public override bool get_CanWrite(); // 0x1353650
public override long get_Length(); // 0x1353658
public override long get_Position(); // 0x1353664
public override void set_Position(long value); // 0x1353670
public override void Flush(); // 0x1353674
public override int Read(byte[] buffer, int offset, int count); // 0x1353678
public override int ReadByte(); // 0x1353680
public override long Seek(long offset, SeekOrigin origin); // 0x1353688
public override void SetLength(long value); // 0x1353694
public override void Write(byte[] buffer, int offset, int count); // 0x1353698
public override void WriteByte(byte value); // 0x135369C
// Namespace: System.IO
internal class StreamAsyncResult : IAsyncResult // TypeDefIndex: 292
// Fields
private object state; // 0x8
private bool completed; // 0xC
private bool done; // 0xD
private Exception exc; // 0x10
private int nbytes; // 0x14
private ManualResetEvent wh; // 0x18
// Properties
public object AsyncState { get; }
public WaitHandle AsyncWaitHandle { get; }
public bool IsCompleted { get; }
public Exception Exception { get; }
public int NBytes { get; }
public bool Done { get; set; }
// Methods
public void .ctor(object state); // 0x1357DF0
public void SetComplete(Exception e); // 0x1357E24
public void SetComplete(Exception e, int nbytes); // 0x1357E1C
public object get_AsyncState(); // 0x1357ED0
public WaitHandle get_AsyncWaitHandle(); // 0x1357ED8
public bool get_IsCompleted(); // 0x1357FEC
public Exception get_Exception(); // 0x1357EC8
public int get_NBytes(); // 0x1357EB0
public bool get_Done(); // 0x1357EB8
public void set_Done(bool value); // 0x1357EC0
// Namespace: System.IO
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x334B30
public class StreamReader : TextReader // TypeDefIndex: 293
// Fields
private byte[] input_buffer; // 0x8
private char[] decoded_buffer; // 0xC
private int decoded_count; // 0x10
private int pos; // 0x14
private int buffer_size; // 0x18
private int do_checks; // 0x1C
private Encoding encoding; // 0x20
private Decoder decoder; // 0x24
private Stream base_stream; // 0x28
private bool mayBlock; // 0x2C
private StringBuilder line_builder; // 0x30
public static readonly StreamReader Null; // 0x0
private bool foundCR; // 0x34
// Properties
public bool EndOfStream { get; }
// Methods
internal void .ctor(); // 0x1357FF4
public void .ctor(Stream stream); // 0x13580A0
public void .ctor(Stream stream, Encoding encoding); // 0x1358240
public void .ctor(Stream stream, Encoding encoding, bool detectEncodingFromByteOrderMarks, int bufferSize); // 0x135816C
public void .ctor(string path); // 0x134AE14
public void .ctor(string path, Encoding encoding); // 0x134B3DC
public void .ctor(string path, Encoding encoding, bool detectEncodingFromByteOrderMarks, int bufferSize); // 0x1358518
private static void .cctor(); // 0x1358820
internal void Initialize(Stream stream, Encoding encoding, bool detectEncodingFromByteOrderMarks, int bufferSize); // 0x1358264
public bool get_EndOfStream(); // 0x134B164
public override void Close(); // 0x135895C
protected override void Dispose(bool disposing); // 0x1358970
private int DoChecks(int count); // 0x13589E4
private int ReadBuffer(); // 0x1358F5C
public override int Peek(); // 0x135914C
public override int Read(); // 0x1359278
public override int Read(out char[] buffer, int index, int count); // 0x13593AC
private int FindNextEOL(); // 0x1359660
public override string ReadLine(); // 0x1359738
public override string ReadToEnd(); // 0x1359A0C
// Namespace:
private class NullStreamReader : StreamReader // TypeDefIndex: 294
// Methods
public void .ctor(); // 0x13588BC
public override int Peek(); // 0x1359BE0
public override int Read(); // 0x1359BE8
public override int Read(out char[] buffer, int index, int count); // 0x1359BF0
public override string ReadLine(); // 0x1359BF8
public override string ReadToEnd(); // 0x1359C00
// Namespace: System.IO
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x334B44
public class StreamWriter : TextWriter // TypeDefIndex: 295
// Fields
private Encoding internalEncoding; // 0x10
private Stream internalStream; // 0x14
private bool iflush; // 0x18
private byte[] byte_buf; // 0x1C
private int byte_pos; // 0x20
private char[] decode_buf; // 0x24
private int decode_pos; // 0x28
private bool DisposedAlready; // 0x2C
private bool preamble_done; // 0x2D
public static readonly StreamWriter Null; // 0x0
// Properties
public virtual bool AutoFlush { set; }
public virtual Stream BaseStream { get; }
public override Encoding Encoding { get; }
// Methods
public void .ctor(Stream stream, Encoding encoding); // 0x1359CB0
public void .ctor(Stream stream, Encoding encoding, int bufferSize); // 0x1359CCC
public void .ctor(string path); // 0x134B6F4
public void .ctor(string path, bool append, Encoding encoding, int bufferSize); // 0x135A088
private static void .cctor(); // 0x135A2D0
internal void Initialize(Encoding encoding, int bufferSize); // 0x1359F08
public virtual void set_AutoFlush(bool value); // 0x135A420
public virtual Stream get_BaseStream(); // 0x135A43C
public override Encoding get_Encoding(); // 0x135A444
protected override void Dispose(bool disposing); // 0x135A44C
public override void Flush(); // 0x135A688
private void FlushBytes(); // 0x135A810
private void Decode(); // 0x135A788
public override void Write(char[] buffer, int index, int count); // 0x135A8E0
private void LowLevelWrite(char[] buffer, int index, int count); // 0x135AB20
private void LowLevelWrite(string s); // 0x135ABDC
public override void Write(char value); // 0x135AD08
public override void Write(char[] buffer); // 0x135AE58
public override void Write(string value); // 0x135AF64
public override void Close(); // 0x135B058
protected override void Finalize(); // 0x135B06C
// Namespace: System.IO
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x334B58
public class StringReader : TextReader // TypeDefIndex: 296
// Fields
private string source; // 0x8
private int nextChar; // 0xC
private int sourceLength; // 0x10
// Methods
public void .ctor(string s); // 0x135B0D8
public override void Close(); // 0x135B1F4
protected override void Dispose(bool disposing); // 0x135B208
public override int Peek(); // 0x135B21C
public override int Read(); // 0x135B340
public override int Read(out char[] buffer, int index, int count); // 0x135B390
public override string ReadLine(); // 0x135B530
public override string ReadToEnd(); // 0x135B638
private void CheckObjectDisposedException(); // 0x135B264
// Namespace: System.IO
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x334B6C
[MonoTODOAttribute] // 0x334B6C
public class StringWriter : TextWriter // TypeDefIndex: 297
// Fields
private StringBuilder internalString; // 0x10
private bool disposed; // 0x14
// Properties
public override Encoding Encoding { get; }
// Methods
public void .ctor(); // 0x135B680
public void .ctor(IFormatProvider formatProvider); // 0x135B724
public void .ctor(StringBuilder sb); // 0x135B71C
public void .ctor(StringBuilder sb, IFormatProvider formatProvider); // 0x135B7C4
public override Encoding get_Encoding(); // 0x135B8C8
public override void Close(); // 0x135B968
protected override void Dispose(bool disposing); // 0x135B998
public virtual StringBuilder GetStringBuilder(); // 0x135B9CC
public override string ToString(); // 0x135B9D4
public override void Write(char value); // 0x135BA00
public override void Write(string value); // 0x135BB08
public override void Write(char[] buffer, int index, int count); // 0x135BC10
// Namespace: System.IO
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x334BC4
public abstract class TextReader : IDisposable // TypeDefIndex: 298
// Fields
public static readonly TextReader Null; // 0x0
// Methods
protected void .ctor(); // 0x1358098
private static void .cctor(); // 0x135CD08
public virtual void Close(); // 0x135CE48
public void Dispose(); // 0x135CE5C
protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposing); // 0x13589D8
public virtual int Peek(); // 0x135CE70
public virtual int Read(); // 0x135CE78
public virtual int Read(out char[] buffer, int index, int count); // 0x135CE80
public virtual string ReadLine(); // 0x135CF1C
public virtual string ReadToEnd(); // 0x135CFCC
public static TextReader Synchronized(TextReader reader); // 0x135D07C
// Namespace:
private class NullTextReader : TextReader // TypeDefIndex: 299
// Methods
public void .ctor(); // 0x135CDA4
public override string ReadLine(); // 0x135D194
// Namespace: System.IO
internal class SynchronizedReader : TextReader // TypeDefIndex: 300
// Fields
private TextReader reader; // 0x8
// Methods
public void .ctor(TextReader reader); // 0x135BE74
public override void Close(); // 0x135BF20
public override int Peek(); // 0x135BFB8
public override string ReadLine(); // 0x135C05C
public override string ReadToEnd(); // 0x135C100
public override int Read(); // 0x135C1A4
public override int Read(char[] buffer, int index, int count); // 0x135C248
// Namespace: System.IO
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x334BD8
public abstract class TextWriter : IDisposable // TypeDefIndex: 301
// Fields
protected char[] CoreNewLine; // 0x8
internal IFormatProvider internalFormatProvider; // 0xC
public static readonly TextWriter Null; // 0x0
// Properties
public abstract Encoding Encoding { get; }
public virtual string NewLine { get; }
// Methods
protected void .ctor(); // 0x1359EC4
private static void .cctor(); // 0x135D19C
public abstract Encoding get_Encoding(); // 0
public virtual string get_NewLine(); // 0x135D2D8
public virtual void Close(); // 0x135D2E8
protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposing); // 0x135B9C0
public void Dispose(); // 0x135D2FC
public virtual void Flush(); // 0x135D32C
internal static TextWriter Synchronized(TextWriter writer, bool neverClose); // 0x135D330
public virtual void Write(char value); // 0x135D450
public virtual void Write(char[] buffer); // 0x135D454
public virtual void Write(string value); // 0x135D48C
public virtual void Write(string format, object arg0); // 0x135D4C8
public virtual void Write(char[] buffer, int index, int count); // 0x135D594
public virtual void Write(string format, object arg0, object arg1); // 0x135D73C
public virtual void WriteLine(); // 0x135D81C
public virtual void WriteLine(string value); // 0x135D830
public virtual void WriteLine(string format, object arg0); // 0x135D868
public virtual void WriteLine(string format, object arg0, object arg1); // 0x135D8A0
// Namespace:
private sealed class NullTextWriter : TextWriter // TypeDefIndex: 302
// Properties
public override Encoding Encoding { get; }
// Methods
public void .ctor(); // 0x135D238
public override Encoding get_Encoding(); // 0x135D8E4
public override void Write(string s); // 0x135D984
public override void Write(char value); // 0x135D988
public override void Write(char[] value, int index, int count); // 0x135D98C
// Namespace: System.IO
internal class SynchronizedWriter : TextWriter // TypeDefIndex: 303
// Fields
private TextWriter writer; // 0x10
private bool neverClose; // 0x14
// Properties
public override Encoding Encoding { get; }
public override string NewLine { get; }
// Methods
public void .ctor(TextWriter writer, bool neverClose); // 0x135C310
public override void Close(); // 0x135C3C0
public override void Flush(); // 0x135C468
public override void Write(char value); // 0x135C500
public override void Write(char[] value); // 0x135C5A0
public override void Write(string value); // 0x135C640
public override void Write(string format, object value); // 0x135C6E0
public override void Write(char[] buffer, int index, int count); // 0x135C788
public override void Write(string format, object arg0, object arg1); // 0x135C850
public override void WriteLine(); // 0x135C918
public override void WriteLine(string value); // 0x135C9B0
public override void WriteLine(string format, object value); // 0x135CA50
public override void WriteLine(string format, object arg0, object arg1); // 0x135CAF8
public override Encoding get_Encoding(); // 0x135CBC0
public override string get_NewLine(); // 0x135CC64
// Namespace: System.IO
internal class UnexceptionalStreamReader : StreamReader // TypeDefIndex: 304
// Fields
private static bool[] newline; // 0x0
private static char newlineChar; // 0x4
// Methods
public void .ctor(Stream stream, Encoding encoding); // 0x135D990
private static void .cctor(); // 0x135DA54
public override int Peek(); // 0x135DB7C
public override int Read(); // 0x135DC84
public override int Read(out char[] dest_buffer, int index, int count); // 0x135DD8C
private bool CheckEOL(char current); // 0x135E0E8
public override string ReadLine(); // 0x135E3D4
public override string ReadToEnd(); // 0x135E4DC
// Namespace: System.IO
internal class UnexceptionalStreamWriter : StreamWriter // TypeDefIndex: 305
// Methods
public void .ctor(Stream stream, Encoding encoding); // 0x135E5E4
public override void Flush(); // 0x135E6A0
public override void Write(char[] buffer, int index, int count); // 0x135E7A4
public override void Write(char value); // 0x135E8CC
public override void Write(char[] value); // 0x135E9D8
public override void Write(string value); // 0x135EAE4
// Namespace: System.IO
[CLSCompliantAttribute] // 0x334BEC
public class UnmanagedMemoryStream : Stream // TypeDefIndex: 306
// Fields
private long length; // 0x8
private bool closed; // 0x10
private long capacity; // 0x18
private FileAccess fileaccess; // 0x20
private IntPtr initial_pointer; // 0x24
private long initial_position; // 0x28
private long current_position; // 0x30
private EventHandler Closed; // 0x38
// Properties
public override bool CanRead { get; }
public override bool CanSeek { get; }
public override bool CanWrite { get; }
public override long Length { get; }
public override long Position { get; set; }
// Methods
public void .ctor(byte* pointer, long length); // 0x135EBF0
internal void add_Closed(EventHandler value); // 0x135EEEC
internal void remove_Closed(EventHandler value); // 0x135F078
public override bool get_CanRead(); // 0x135F204
public override bool get_CanSeek(); // 0x135F22C
public override bool get_CanWrite(); // 0x135F240
public override long get_Length(); // 0x135F268
public override long get_Position(); // 0x135F324
public override void set_Position(long value); // 0x135F3E0
public override int Read(out byte[] buffer, int offset, int count); // 0x135F554
public override int ReadByte(); // 0x135F890
public override long Seek(long offset, SeekOrigin loc); // 0x135FA34
public override void SetLength(long value); // 0x135FC00
public override void Flush(); // 0x135FE14
protected override void Dispose(bool disposing); // 0x135FECC
public override void Write(byte[] buffer, int offset, int count); // 0x135FF00
public override void WriteByte(byte value); // 0x13602C4
protected void Initialize(byte* pointer, long length, long capacity, FileAccess access); // 0x135ECCC
// Namespace: System.Reflection.Emit
internal struct MonoResource // TypeDefIndex: 307
// Fields
public byte[] data; // 0x8
public string name; // 0xC
public string filename; // 0x10
public ResourceAttributes attrs; // 0x14
public int offset; // 0x18
public Stream stream; // 0x1C
// Namespace: System.Reflection.Emit
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x334C00
[ClassInterfaceAttribute] // 0x334C00
[ComDefaultInterfaceAttribute] // 0x334C00
public sealed class AssemblyBuilder : Assembly, _AssemblyBuilder // TypeDefIndex: 308
// Fields
private MethodInfo entry_point; // 0x30
private ModuleBuilder[] modules; // 0x34
private string name; // 0x38
private string dir; // 0x3C
private MonoResource[] resources; // 0x40
private string version; // 0x44
private string culture; // 0x48
private uint flags; // 0x4C
private PEFileKinds pekind; // 0x50
private uint access; // 0x54
private Module[] loaded_modules; // 0x58
private bool corlib_internal; // 0x5C
private byte[] pktoken; // 0x60
internal Type corlib_object_type; // 0x64
internal Type corlib_value_type; // 0x68
internal Type corlib_enum_type; // 0x6C
internal Type corlib_void_type; // 0x70
private bool created; // 0x74
private bool is_module_only; // 0x75
private StrongName sn; // 0x78
private readonly bool is_compiler_context; // 0x7C
private string versioninfo_culture; // 0x80
private ModuleBuilder manifest_module; // 0x84
// Properties
public override string CodeBase { get; }
public override MethodInfo EntryPoint { get; }
public override string Location { get; }
public override string ImageRuntimeVersion { get; }
[MonoTODOAttribute] // 0x334CC0
public override bool ReflectionOnly { get; }
internal bool IsCompilerContext { get; }
internal bool IsSave { get; }
internal bool IsRun { get; }
internal string AssemblyDir { get; }
// Methods
internal void .ctor(AssemblyName n, string directory, AssemblyBuilderAccess access, bool corlib_internal); // 0x1311234
private static void basic_init(AssemblyBuilder ab); // 0x13118C8
public override string get_CodeBase(); // 0x13118D0
public override MethodInfo get_EntryPoint(); // 0x131199C
public override string get_Location(); // 0x13119A4
public override string get_ImageRuntimeVersion(); // 0x13119BC
public override bool get_ReflectionOnly(); // 0x13119C0
internal void AddPermissionRequests(PermissionSet required, PermissionSet optional, PermissionSet refused); // 0x13119C4
public ModuleBuilder DefineDynamicModule(string name); // 0x13119C8
public ModuleBuilder DefineDynamicModule(string name, bool emitSymbolInfo); // 0x1311E20
private ModuleBuilder DefineDynamicModule(string name, string fileName, bool emitSymbolInfo, bool transient); // 0x13119F0
public override Type[] GetExportedTypes(); // 0x1312BDC
public override FileStream GetFile(string name); // 0x1312BF4
public override FileStream[] GetFiles(bool getResourceModules); // 0x1312C0C
internal override Module[] GetModulesInternal(); // 0x1312C24
internal override Type[] GetTypes(bool exportedOnly); // 0x1312CE8
public override ManifestResourceInfo GetManifestResourceInfo(string resourceName); // 0x1312FD8
public override string[] GetManifestResourceNames(); // 0x1312FF0
public override Stream GetManifestResourceStream(string name); // 0x1313008
public override Stream GetManifestResourceStream(Type type, string name); // 0x1313020
internal bool get_IsCompilerContext(); // 0x13110A0
internal bool get_IsSave(); // 0x13118B4
internal bool get_IsRun(); // 0x1313038
internal string get_AssemblyDir(); // 0x131304C
internal override Module GetManifestModule(); // 0x1313054
private Exception not_supported(); // 0x13118E8
private void check_name_and_filename(string name, string fileName, bool fileNeedsToExists); // 0x1311E48
internal override AssemblyName UnprotectedGetName(); // 0x1313110
// Namespace: System.Reflection.Emit
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x334CD0
[FlagsAttribute] // 0x334CD0
public enum AssemblyBuilderAccess // TypeDefIndex: 309
// Fields
public int value__; // 0x8
public const AssemblyBuilderAccess Run = 1; // 0x0
public const AssemblyBuilderAccess Save = 2; // 0x0
public const AssemblyBuilderAccess RunAndSave = 3; // 0x0
public const AssemblyBuilderAccess ReflectionOnly = 6; // 0x0
// Namespace: System.Reflection.Emit
[ComDefaultInterfaceAttribute] // 0x334D04
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x334D04
[ClassInterfaceAttribute] // 0x334D04
public sealed class ConstructorBuilder : ConstructorInfo, _ConstructorBuilder // TypeDefIndex: 310
// Fields
private ILGenerator ilgen; // 0x8
internal Type[] parameters; // 0xC
private MethodAttributes attrs; // 0x10
private MethodImplAttributes iattrs; // 0x14
private int table_idx; // 0x18
private CallingConventions call_conv; // 0x1C
private TypeBuilder type; // 0x20
internal ParameterBuilder[] pinfo; // 0x24
private bool init_locals; // 0x28
private Type[][] paramModReq; // 0x2C
private Type[][] paramModOpt; // 0x30
// Properties
[MonoTODOAttribute] // 0x334DC4
public override CallingConventions CallingConvention { get; }
internal TypeBuilder TypeBuilder { get; }
public override RuntimeMethodHandle MethodHandle { get; }
public override MethodAttributes Attributes { get; }
public override Type ReflectedType { get; }
public override Type DeclaringType { get; }
public override string Name { get; }
public override Module Module { get; }
private bool IsCompilerContext { get; }
// Methods
internal void .ctor(TypeBuilder tb, MethodAttributes attributes, CallingConventions callingConvention, Type[] parameterTypes, Type[][] paramModReq, Type[][] paramModOpt); // 0x13135C0
public override CallingConventions get_CallingConvention(); // 0x1313870
internal TypeBuilder get_TypeBuilder(); // 0x1313878
public override MethodImplAttributes GetMethodImplementationFlags(); // 0x1313880
public override ParameterInfo[] GetParameters(); // 0x1313888
internal ParameterInfo[] GetParametersInternal(); // 0x1313B60
internal override int GetParameterCount(); // 0x1313D60
public override object Invoke(object obj, BindingFlags invokeAttr, Binder binder, object[] parameters, CultureInfo culture); // 0x1313D74
public override object Invoke(BindingFlags invokeAttr, Binder binder, object[] parameters, CultureInfo culture); // 0x1313E40
public override RuntimeMethodHandle get_MethodHandle(); // 0x1313E58
public override MethodAttributes get_Attributes(); // 0x1313E70
public override Type get_ReflectedType(); // 0x1313E78
public override Type get_DeclaringType(); // 0x1313E80
public override string get_Name(); // 0x1313E88
public override bool IsDefined(Type attributeType, bool inherit); // 0x1313F8C
public override object[] GetCustomAttributes(bool inherit); // 0x1313FA4
public override object[] GetCustomAttributes(Type attributeType, bool inherit); // 0x131409C
public ILGenerator GetILGenerator(); // 0x13141A8
public ILGenerator GetILGenerator(int streamSize); // 0x13141B0
public MethodToken GetToken(); // 0x1313860
public override Module get_Module(); // 0x1314450
public override string ToString(); // 0x1314458
internal void fixup(); // 0x131455C
internal override int get_next_table_index(object obj, int table, bool inc); // 0x1313828
private bool get_IsCompilerContext(); // 0x13138E8
private Exception not_supported(); // 0x1313D8C
private Exception not_created(); // 0x1313AAC
// Namespace: System.Reflection.Emit
internal class ConstructorOnTypeBuilderInst : ConstructorInfo // TypeDefIndex: 311
// Fields
private MonoGenericClass instantiation; // 0x8
private ConstructorBuilder cb; // 0xC
// Properties
public override Type DeclaringType { get; }
public override string Name { get; }
public override Type ReflectedType { get; }
public override int MetadataToken { get; }
public override RuntimeMethodHandle MethodHandle { get; }
public override MethodAttributes Attributes { get; }
public override CallingConventions CallingConvention { get; }
public override bool ContainsGenericParameters { get; }
public override bool IsGenericMethodDefinition { get; }
public override bool IsGenericMethod { get; }
// Methods
public void .ctor(MonoGenericClass instantiation, ConstructorBuilder cb); // 0x13149E8
public override Type get_DeclaringType(); // 0x1314A9C
public override string get_Name(); // 0x1314AA4
public override Type get_ReflectedType(); // 0x1314ACC
public override bool IsDefined(Type attributeType, bool inherit); // 0x1314AD4
public override object[] GetCustomAttributes(bool inherit); // 0x1314B00
public override object[] GetCustomAttributes(Type attributeType, bool inherit); // 0x1314B28
public override MethodImplAttributes GetMethodImplementationFlags(); // 0x1314B50
public override ParameterInfo[] GetParameters(); // 0x1314B74
public override int get_MetadataToken(); // 0x1314E44
internal override int GetParameterCount(); // 0x1314F54
public override object Invoke(object obj, BindingFlags invokeAttr, Binder binder, object[] parameters, CultureInfo culture); // 0x1314F88
public override RuntimeMethodHandle get_MethodHandle(); // 0x1314FB4
public override MethodAttributes get_Attributes(); // 0x1314FDC
public override CallingConventions get_CallingConvention(); // 0x1315000
public override Type[] GetGenericArguments(); // 0x1315024
public override bool get_ContainsGenericParameters(); // 0x1315058
public override bool get_IsGenericMethodDefinition(); // 0x1315060
public override bool get_IsGenericMethod(); // 0x1315068
public override object Invoke(BindingFlags invokeAttr, Binder binder, object[] parameters, CultureInfo culture); // 0x1315070
// Namespace: System.Reflection.Emit
internal abstract class DerivedType : Type // TypeDefIndex: 312
// Fields
internal Type elementType; // 0xC
// Properties
public override bool ContainsGenericParameters { get; }
public override GenericParameterAttributes GenericParameterAttributes { get; }
public override StructLayoutAttribute StructLayoutAttribute { get; }
public override Assembly Assembly { get; }
public override string AssemblyQualifiedName { get; }
public override string FullName { get; }
public override string Name { get; }
public override Guid GUID { get; }
public override Module Module { get; }
public override string Namespace { get; }
public override RuntimeTypeHandle TypeHandle { get; }
public override Type UnderlyingSystemType { get; }
// Methods
internal void .ctor(Type elementType); // 0x1310E20
internal static void create_unmanaged_type(Type type); // 0x1315104
internal abstract string FormatName(string elementName); // 0
public override Type GetInterface(string name, bool ignoreCase); // 0x131510C
public override Type[] GetInterfaces(); // 0x131519C
public override Type GetElementType(); // 0x131522C
public override EventInfo GetEvent(string name, BindingFlags bindingAttr); // 0x1315234
public override EventInfo[] GetEvents(BindingFlags bindingAttr); // 0x13152C4
public override FieldInfo GetField(string name, BindingFlags bindingAttr); // 0x1315354
public override FieldInfo[] GetFields(BindingFlags bindingAttr); // 0x13153E4
public override MemberInfo[] GetMembers(BindingFlags bindingAttr); // 0x1315474
protected override MethodInfo GetMethodImpl(string name, BindingFlags bindingAttr, Binder binder, CallingConventions callConvention, Type[] types, ParameterModifier[] modifiers); // 0x1315504
public override MethodInfo[] GetMethods(BindingFlags bindingAttr); // 0x1315594
public override Type GetNestedType(string name, BindingFlags bindingAttr); // 0x1315624
public override Type[] GetNestedTypes(BindingFlags bindingAttr); // 0x13156B4
public override PropertyInfo[] GetProperties(BindingFlags bindingAttr); // 0x1315744
protected override PropertyInfo GetPropertyImpl(string name, BindingFlags bindingAttr, Binder binder, Type returnType, Type[] types, ParameterModifier[] modifiers); // 0x13157D4
protected override ConstructorInfo GetConstructorImpl(BindingFlags bindingAttr, Binder binder, CallingConventions callConvention, Type[] types, ParameterModifier[] modifiers); // 0x1315864
protected override TypeAttributes GetAttributeFlagsImpl(); // 0x13158F4
protected override bool HasElementTypeImpl(); // 0x1315920
protected override bool IsArrayImpl(); // 0x1315928
protected override bool IsByRefImpl(); // 0x1315930
protected override bool IsCOMObjectImpl(); // 0x1315938
protected override bool IsPointerImpl(); // 0x1315940
protected override bool IsPrimitiveImpl(); // 0x1315948
public override ConstructorInfo[] GetConstructors(BindingFlags bindingAttr); // 0x1315950
public override object InvokeMember(string name, BindingFlags invokeAttr, Binder binder, object target, object[] args, ParameterModifier[] modifiers, CultureInfo culture, string[] namedParameters); // 0x13159E0
public override InterfaceMapping GetInterfaceMap(Type interfaceType); // 0x1315A70
public override bool IsInstanceOfType(object o); // 0x1315B00
public override bool IsAssignableFrom(Type c); // 0x1315B08
public override bool get_ContainsGenericParameters(); // 0x1315B10
public override Type MakeGenericType(Type[] typeArguments); // 0x1315B44
public override Type MakeArrayType(); // 0x1315BD4
public override Type MakeArrayType(int rank); // 0x1315C6C
public override Type MakeByRefType(); // 0x1315D48
public override Type MakePointerType(); // 0x1315DD8
public override string ToString(); // 0x1315E6C
public override GenericParameterAttributes get_GenericParameterAttributes(); // 0x1315EBC
public override StructLayoutAttribute get_StructLayoutAttribute(); // 0x1315F4C
public override Assembly get_Assembly(); // 0x1315FDC
public override string get_AssemblyQualifiedName(); // 0x1316010
public override string get_FullName(); // 0x1316174
public override string get_Name(); // 0x13161C4
public override Guid get_GUID(); // 0x1316214
public override Module get_Module(); // 0x13162A4
public override string get_Namespace(); // 0x13162D8
public override RuntimeTypeHandle get_TypeHandle(); // 0x131630C
public override Type get_UnderlyingSystemType(); // 0x131639C
public override bool IsDefined(Type attributeType, bool inherit); // 0x13163B4
public override object[] GetCustomAttributes(bool inherit); // 0x1316444
public override object[] GetCustomAttributes(Type attributeType, bool inherit); // 0x13164D4
// Namespace: System.Reflection.Emit
internal class ArrayType : DerivedType // TypeDefIndex: 313
// Fields
private int rank; // 0x10
// Properties
public override Type BaseType { get; }
// Methods
internal void .ctor(Type elementType, int rank); // 0x1310E04
protected override bool IsArrayImpl(); // 0x1310ECC
public override int GetArrayRank(); // 0x1310ED4
public override Type get_BaseType(); // 0x1310EE4
protected override TypeAttributes GetAttributeFlagsImpl(); // 0x1310FA0
internal override string FormatName(string elementName); // 0x13110A8
// Namespace: System.Reflection.Emit
internal class ByRefType : DerivedType // TypeDefIndex: 314
// Properties
public override Type BaseType { get; }
// Methods
internal void .ctor(Type elementType); // 0x1313184
protected override bool IsByRefImpl(); // 0x1313188
public override Type get_BaseType(); // 0x1313190
internal override string FormatName(string elementName); // 0x131324C
public override Type MakeArrayType(); // 0x1313320
public override Type MakeArrayType(int rank); // 0x13133C8
public override Type MakeByRefType(); // 0x1313470
public override Type MakePointerType(); // 0x1313518
// Namespace: System.Reflection.Emit
internal class PointerType : DerivedType // TypeDefIndex: 315
// Properties
public override Type BaseType { get; }
// Methods
internal void .ctor(Type elementType); // 0x1315E68
protected override bool IsPointerImpl(); // 0x1328BC4
public override Type get_BaseType(); // 0x1328BCC
internal override string FormatName(string elementName); // 0x1328C88
// Namespace: System.Reflection.Emit
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x334DE4
public sealed class DynamicMethod : MethodInfo // TypeDefIndex: 316
// Fields
private RuntimeMethodHandle mhandle; // 0x8
private string name; // 0xC
private Type returnType; // 0x10
private Type[] parameters; // 0x14
private MethodAttributes attributes; // 0x18
private CallingConventions callingConvention; // 0x1C
private Module module; // 0x20
private bool skipVisibility; // 0x24
private bool init_locals; // 0x25
private ILGenerator ilgen; // 0x28
private int nrefs; // 0x2C
private object[] refs; // 0x30
private Type owner; // 0x34
private Delegate deleg; // 0x38
private MonoMethod method; // 0x3C
private ParameterBuilder[] pinfo; // 0x40
internal bool creating; // 0x44
// Properties
public override MethodAttributes Attributes { get; }
public override CallingConventions CallingConvention { get; }
public override Type DeclaringType { get; }
public bool InitLocals { set; }
public override RuntimeMethodHandle MethodHandle { get; }
public override Module Module { get; }
public override string Name { get; }
public override Type ReflectedType { get; }
[MonoTODOAttribute] // 0x334EE0
public override ParameterInfo ReturnParameter { get; }
public override Type ReturnType { get; }
[MonoTODOAttribute] // 0x334F20
public override ICustomAttributeProvider ReturnTypeCustomAttributes { get; }
// Methods
public void .ctor(string name, Type returnType, Type[] parameterTypes, Module m, bool skipVisibility); // 0x1316564
public void .ctor(string name, Type returnType, Type[] parameterTypes, Type owner, bool skipVisibility); // 0x13165DC
public void .ctor(string name, MethodAttributes attributes, CallingConventions callingConvention, Type returnType, Type[] parameterTypes, Type owner, bool skipVisibility); // 0x1316608
public void .ctor(string name, MethodAttributes attributes, CallingConventions callingConvention, Type returnType, Type[] parameterTypes, Module m, bool skipVisibility); // 0x1316598
private void .ctor(string name, MethodAttributes attributes, CallingConventions callingConvention, Type returnType, Type[] parameterTypes, Type owner, Module m, bool skipVisibility, bool anonHosted); // 0x1316690
private void create_dynamic_method(DynamicMethod m); // 0x1316A54
private void destroy_dynamic_method(DynamicMethod m); // 0x1316A58
private void CreateDynMethod(); // 0x1316A5C
protected override void Finalize(); // 0x1316E5C
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x334DF8
public Delegate CreateDelegate(Type delegateType); // 0x1316E9C
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x334E0C
public Delegate CreateDelegate(Type delegateType, object target); // 0x1316F84
public override MethodInfo GetBaseDefinition(); // 0x1317070
[MonoTODOAttribute] // 0x334E20
public override object[] GetCustomAttributes(bool inherit); // 0x1317074
[MonoTODOAttribute] // 0x334E60
public override object[] GetCustomAttributes(Type attributeType, bool inherit); // 0x1317104
public ILGenerator GetILGenerator(); // 0x1317194
public ILGenerator GetILGenerator(int streamSize); // 0x131719C
public override MethodImplAttributes GetMethodImplementationFlags(); // 0x1317270
public override ParameterInfo[] GetParameters(); // 0x1317288
public override object Invoke(object obj, BindingFlags invokeAttr, Binder binder, object[] parameters, CultureInfo culture); // 0x1317488
[MonoTODOAttribute] // 0x334EA0
public override bool IsDefined(Type attributeType, bool inherit); // 0x1317650
public override string ToString(); // 0x13176E0
public override MethodAttributes get_Attributes(); // 0x1317BBC
public override CallingConventions get_CallingConvention(); // 0x1317BC4
public override Type get_DeclaringType(); // 0x1317BCC
public void set_InitLocals(bool value); // 0x1317BD4
public override RuntimeMethodHandle get_MethodHandle(); // 0x1317BDC
public override Module get_Module(); // 0x1317278
public override string get_Name(); // 0x1317BB4
public override Type get_ReflectedType(); // 0x1317BE4
public override ParameterInfo get_ReturnParameter(); // 0x1317BEC
public override Type get_ReturnType(); // 0x1317BAC
public override ICustomAttributeProvider get_ReturnTypeCustomAttributes(); // 0x1317C7C
internal int AddRef(object reference); // 0x1317D0C
// Namespace:
private class AnonHostModuleHolder // TypeDefIndex: 317
// Fields
public static Module anon_host_module; // 0x0
// Methods
private static void .cctor(); // 0x1317ED0
// Namespace: System.Reflection.Emit
internal class DynamicMethodTokenGenerator : TokenGenerator // TypeDefIndex: 318
// Fields
private DynamicMethod m; // 0x8
// Methods
public void .ctor(DynamicMethod m); // 0x1317280
public int GetToken(string str); // 0x1317FE0
public int GetToken(MethodInfo method, Type[] opt_param_types); // 0x1318008
public int GetToken(MemberInfo member); // 0x131809C
// Namespace: System.Reflection.Emit
[ClassInterfaceAttribute] // 0x334F60
[ComDefaultInterfaceAttribute] // 0x334F60
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x334F60
public sealed class EnumBuilder : Type, _EnumBuilder // TypeDefIndex: 319
// Fields
private TypeBuilder _tb; // 0xC
private Type _underlyingType; // 0x10
// Properties
public override Assembly Assembly { get; }
public override string AssemblyQualifiedName { get; }
public override Type BaseType { get; }
public override Type DeclaringType { get; }
public override string FullName { get; }
public override Guid GUID { get; }
public override Module Module { get; }
public override string Name { get; }
public override string Namespace { get; }
public override Type ReflectedType { get; }
public override RuntimeTypeHandle TypeHandle { get; }
public override Type UnderlyingSystemType { get; }
// Methods
public override Assembly get_Assembly(); // 0x13180C4
public override string get_AssemblyQualifiedName(); // 0x13180F0
public override Type get_BaseType(); // 0x131811C
public override Type get_DeclaringType(); // 0x1318148
public override string get_FullName(); // 0x1318174
public override Guid get_GUID(); // 0x13181A0
public override Module get_Module(); // 0x13181CC
public override string get_Name(); // 0x13181F8
public override string get_Namespace(); // 0x1318224
public override Type get_ReflectedType(); // 0x1318250
public override RuntimeTypeHandle get_TypeHandle(); // 0x131827C
public override Type get_UnderlyingSystemType(); // 0x13182A8
protected override TypeAttributes GetAttributeFlagsImpl(); // 0x13182B0
protected override ConstructorInfo GetConstructorImpl(BindingFlags bindingAttr, Binder binder, CallingConventions callConvention, Type[] types, ParameterModifier[] modifiers); // 0x13182D4
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x335020
public override ConstructorInfo[] GetConstructors(BindingFlags bindingAttr); // 0x131831C
public override object[] GetCustomAttributes(bool inherit); // 0x1318348
public override object[] GetCustomAttributes(Type attributeType, bool inherit); // 0x1318374
public override Type GetElementType(); // 0x13183A0
public override EventInfo GetEvent(string name, BindingFlags bindingAttr); // 0x13183CC
public override EventInfo[] GetEvents(); // 0x13183F8
public override EventInfo[] GetEvents(BindingFlags bindingAttr); // 0x1318424
public override FieldInfo GetField(string name, BindingFlags bindingAttr); // 0x1318450
public override FieldInfo[] GetFields(BindingFlags bindingAttr); // 0x131847C
public override Type GetInterface(string name, bool ignoreCase); // 0x13184A8
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x335034
public override InterfaceMapping GetInterfaceMap(Type interfaceType); // 0x13184D4
public override Type[] GetInterfaces(); // 0x1318500
public override MemberInfo[] GetMember(string name, MemberTypes type, BindingFlags bindingAttr); // 0x131852C
public override MemberInfo[] GetMembers(BindingFlags bindingAttr); // 0x1318564
protected override MethodInfo GetMethodImpl(string name, BindingFlags bindingAttr, Binder binder, CallingConventions callConvention, Type[] types, ParameterModifier[] modifiers); // 0x1318590
public override MethodInfo[] GetMethods(BindingFlags bindingAttr); // 0x13185F0
public override Type GetNestedType(string name, BindingFlags bindingAttr); // 0x131861C
public override Type[] GetNestedTypes(BindingFlags bindingAttr); // 0x1318648
public override PropertyInfo[] GetProperties(BindingFlags bindingAttr); // 0x1318674
protected override PropertyInfo GetPropertyImpl(string name, BindingFlags bindingAttr, Binder binder, Type returnType, Type[] types, ParameterModifier[] modifiers); // 0x13186A0
protected override bool HasElementTypeImpl(); // 0x131876C
public override object InvokeMember(string name, BindingFlags invokeAttr, Binder binder, object target, object[] args, ParameterModifier[] modifiers, CultureInfo culture, string[] namedParameters); // 0x1318798
protected override bool IsArrayImpl(); // 0x13187F8
protected override bool IsByRefImpl(); // 0x1318800
protected override bool IsCOMObjectImpl(); // 0x1318808
protected override bool IsPointerImpl(); // 0x1318810
protected override bool IsPrimitiveImpl(); // 0x1318818
protected override bool IsValueTypeImpl(); // 0x1318820
public override bool IsDefined(Type attributeType, bool inherit); // 0x1318828
public override Type MakeArrayType(); // 0x1318854
public override Type MakeArrayType(int rank); // 0x13188EC
public override Type MakeByRefType(); // 0x13189C8
public override Type MakePointerType(); // 0x1318A58
private Exception CreateNotSupportedException(); // 0x13186B8
// Namespace: System.Reflection.Emit
[ComDefaultInterfaceAttribute] // 0x335048
[ClassInterfaceAttribute] // 0x335048
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x335048
public sealed class EventBuilder : _EventBuilder // TypeDefIndex: 320
// Fields
internal string name; // 0x8
internal MethodBuilder add_method; // 0xC
internal MethodBuilder remove_method; // 0x10
internal MethodBuilder raise_method; // 0x14
internal MethodBuilder[] other_methods; // 0x18
internal EventAttributes attrs; // 0x1C
// Namespace: System.Reflection.Emit
internal class EventOnTypeBuilderInst : EventInfo // TypeDefIndex: 321
// Fields
private MonoGenericClass instantiation; // 0xC
private EventBuilder evt; // 0x10
// Properties
public override EventAttributes Attributes { get; }
public override Type DeclaringType { get; }
public override string Name { get; }
public override Type ReflectedType { get; }
// Methods
internal void .ctor(MonoGenericClass instantiation, EventBuilder evt); // 0x1318AE8
public override EventAttributes get_Attributes(); // 0x1318B10
public override MethodInfo GetAddMethod(bool nonPublic); // 0x1318B34
public override MethodInfo GetRaiseMethod(bool nonPublic); // 0x1318BA8
public override MethodInfo GetRemoveMethod(bool nonPublic); // 0x1318C1C
public override MethodInfo[] GetOtherMethods(bool nonPublic); // 0x1318C90
public override Type get_DeclaringType(); // 0x1318E94
public override string get_Name(); // 0x1318E9C
public override Type get_ReflectedType(); // 0x1318EC0
public override bool IsDefined(Type attributeType, bool inherit); // 0x1318EC8
public override object[] GetCustomAttributes(bool inherit); // 0x1318F58
public override object[] GetCustomAttributes(Type attributeType, bool inherit); // 0x1318FE8
// Namespace: System.Reflection.Emit
[ClassInterfaceAttribute] // 0x335108
[ComDefaultInterfaceAttribute] // 0x335108
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x335108
public sealed class FieldBuilder : FieldInfo, _FieldBuilder // TypeDefIndex: 322
// Fields
private FieldAttributes attrs; // 0x8
private Type type; // 0xC
private string name; // 0x10
internal TypeBuilder typeb; // 0x14
private UnmanagedMarshal marshal_info; // 0x18
// Properties
public override FieldAttributes Attributes { get; }
public override Type DeclaringType { get; }
public override RuntimeFieldHandle FieldHandle { get; }
public override Type FieldType { get; }
public override string Name { get; }
public override Type ReflectedType { get; }
internal override UnmanagedMarshal UMarshal { get; }
public override Module Module { get; }
// Methods
public override FieldAttributes get_Attributes(); // 0x1319078
public override Type get_DeclaringType(); // 0x1319080
public override RuntimeFieldHandle get_FieldHandle(); // 0x1319088
public override Type get_FieldType(); // 0x1319154
public override string get_Name(); // 0x131915C
public override Type get_ReflectedType(); // 0x1319164
public override object[] GetCustomAttributes(bool inherit); // 0x131916C
public override object[] GetCustomAttributes(Type attributeType, bool inherit); // 0x1319254
public override object GetValue(object obj); // 0x1319350
public override bool IsDefined(Type attributeType, bool inherit); // 0x1319368
internal override int GetFieldOffset(); // 0x1319380
public override void SetValue(object obj, object val, BindingFlags invokeAttr, Binder binder, CultureInfo culture); // 0x1319388
internal override UnmanagedMarshal get_UMarshal(); // 0x13193A0
private Exception CreateNotSupportedException(); // 0x13190A0
public override Module get_Module(); // 0x13193A8
// Namespace: System.Reflection.Emit
internal class FieldOnTypeBuilderInst : FieldInfo // TypeDefIndex: 323
// Fields
internal MonoGenericClass instantiation; // 0x8
internal FieldBuilder fb; // 0xC
// Properties
public override Type DeclaringType { get; }
public override string Name { get; }
public override Type ReflectedType { get; }
public override FieldAttributes Attributes { get; }
public override RuntimeFieldHandle FieldHandle { get; }
public override int MetadataToken { get; }
public override Type FieldType { get; }
// Methods
public void .ctor(MonoGenericClass instantiation, FieldBuilder fb); // 0x13193B0
public override Type get_DeclaringType(); // 0x13193D8
public override string get_Name(); // 0x13193E0
public override Type get_ReflectedType(); // 0x1319404
public override bool IsDefined(Type attributeType, bool inherit); // 0x131940C
public override object[] GetCustomAttributes(bool inherit); // 0x131949C
public override object[] GetCustomAttributes(Type attributeType, bool inherit); // 0x131952C
public override string ToString(); // 0x13195BC
public override FieldAttributes get_Attributes(); // 0x13197EC
public override RuntimeFieldHandle get_FieldHandle(); // 0x1319810
public override int get_MetadataToken(); // 0x13198A0
public override Type get_FieldType(); // 0x13199E4
public override object GetValue(object obj); // 0x1319B28
public override void SetValue(object obj, object value, BindingFlags invokeAttr, Binder binder, CultureInfo culture); // 0x1319BB8
// Namespace: System.Reflection.Emit
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x3351C8
public sealed class GenericTypeParameterBuilder : Type // TypeDefIndex: 324
// Fields
private TypeBuilder tbuilder; // 0xC
private MethodBuilder mbuilder; // 0x10
private string name; // 0x14
private int index; // 0x18
private Type base_type; // 0x1C
private Type[] iface_constraints; // 0x20
private GenericParameterAttributes attrs; // 0x24
// Properties
public override Type UnderlyingSystemType { get; }
public override Assembly Assembly { get; }
public override string AssemblyQualifiedName { get; }
public override Type BaseType { get; }
public override string FullName { get; }
public override Guid GUID { get; }
public override string Name { get; }
public override string Namespace { get; }
public override Module Module { get; }
public override Type DeclaringType { get; }
public override Type ReflectedType { get; }
public override RuntimeTypeHandle TypeHandle { get; }
public override bool ContainsGenericParameters { get; }
public override bool IsGenericParameter { get; }
public override bool IsGenericType { get; }
public override bool IsGenericTypeDefinition { get; }
public override GenericParameterAttributes GenericParameterAttributes { get; }
public override int GenericParameterPosition { get; }
public override MethodBase DeclaringMethod { get; }
// Methods
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x3351DC
public override bool IsSubclassOf(Type c); // 0x1319C48
protected override TypeAttributes GetAttributeFlagsImpl(); // 0x1319E04
protected override ConstructorInfo GetConstructorImpl(BindingFlags bindingAttr, Binder binder, CallingConventions callConvention, Type[] types, ParameterModifier[] modifiers); // 0x1319EF8
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x3351F0
public override ConstructorInfo[] GetConstructors(BindingFlags bindingAttr); // 0x1319F10
public override EventInfo GetEvent(string name, BindingFlags bindingAttr); // 0x1319F28
public override EventInfo[] GetEvents(); // 0x1319F40
public override EventInfo[] GetEvents(BindingFlags bindingAttr); // 0x1319F58
public override FieldInfo GetField(string name, BindingFlags bindingAttr); // 0x1319F70
public override FieldInfo[] GetFields(BindingFlags bindingAttr); // 0x1319F88
public override Type GetInterface(string name, bool ignoreCase); // 0x1319FA0
public override Type[] GetInterfaces(); // 0x1319FB8
public override MemberInfo[] GetMembers(BindingFlags bindingAttr); // 0x1319FD0
public override MemberInfo[] GetMember(string name, MemberTypes type, BindingFlags bindingAttr); // 0x1319FE8
public override MethodInfo[] GetMethods(BindingFlags bindingAttr); // 0x131A000
protected override MethodInfo GetMethodImpl(string name, BindingFlags bindingAttr, Binder binder, CallingConventions callConvention, Type[] types, ParameterModifier[] modifiers); // 0x131A018
public override Type GetNestedType(string name, BindingFlags bindingAttr); // 0x131A030
public override Type[] GetNestedTypes(BindingFlags bindingAttr); // 0x131A048
public override PropertyInfo[] GetProperties(BindingFlags bindingAttr); // 0x131A060
protected override PropertyInfo GetPropertyImpl(string name, BindingFlags bindingAttr, Binder binder, Type returnType, Type[] types, ParameterModifier[] modifiers); // 0x131A078
protected override bool HasElementTypeImpl(); // 0x131A090
public override bool IsAssignableFrom(Type c); // 0x131A098
public override bool IsInstanceOfType(object o); // 0x131A0B0
protected override bool IsArrayImpl(); // 0x131A0C8
protected override bool IsByRefImpl(); // 0x131A0D0
protected override bool IsCOMObjectImpl(); // 0x131A0D8
protected override bool IsPointerImpl(); // 0x131A0E0
protected override bool IsPrimitiveImpl(); // 0x131A0E8
protected override bool IsValueTypeImpl(); // 0x131A0F0
public override object InvokeMember(string name, BindingFlags invokeAttr, Binder binder, object target, object[] args, ParameterModifier[] modifiers, CultureInfo culture, string[] namedParameters); // 0x131A118
public override Type GetElementType(); // 0x131A130
public override Type get_UnderlyingSystemType(); // 0x131A148
public override Assembly get_Assembly(); // 0x131A14C
public override string get_AssemblyQualifiedName(); // 0x131A178
public override Type get_BaseType(); // 0x1319DFC
public override string get_FullName(); // 0x131A180
public override Guid get_GUID(); // 0x131A188
public override bool IsDefined(Type attributeType, bool inherit); // 0x131A1A0
public override object[] GetCustomAttributes(bool inherit); // 0x131A1B8
public override object[] GetCustomAttributes(Type attributeType, bool inherit); // 0x131A1D0
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x335204
public override InterfaceMapping GetInterfaceMap(Type interfaceType); // 0x131A1E8
public override string get_Name(); // 0x131A200
public override string get_Namespace(); // 0x131A208
public override Module get_Module(); // 0x131A210
public override Type get_DeclaringType(); // 0x131A23C
public override Type get_ReflectedType(); // 0x131A25C
public override RuntimeTypeHandle get_TypeHandle(); // 0x131A274
public override Type[] GetGenericArguments(); // 0x131A28C
public override Type GetGenericTypeDefinition(); // 0x131A320
public override bool get_ContainsGenericParameters(); // 0x131A3B4
public override bool get_IsGenericParameter(); // 0x131A3BC
public override bool get_IsGenericType(); // 0x131A3C4
public override bool get_IsGenericTypeDefinition(); // 0x131A3CC
public override GenericParameterAttributes get_GenericParameterAttributes(); // 0x131A3D4
public override int get_GenericParameterPosition(); // 0x131A4F0
public override Type[] GetGenericParameterConstraints(); // 0x131A4F8
public override MethodBase get_DeclaringMethod(); // 0x131A79C
private Exception not_supported(); // 0x1319D74
public override string ToString(); // 0x131A7A4
[MonoTODOAttribute] // 0x335218
public override bool Equals(object o); // 0x131A7AC
[MonoTODOAttribute] // 0x335228
public override int GetHashCode(); // 0x131A7B4
public override Type MakeArrayType(); // 0x131A7BC
public override Type MakeArrayType(int rank); // 0x131A854
public override Type MakeByRefType(); // 0x131A930
[MonoTODOAttribute] // 0x335238
public override Type MakeGenericType(Type[] typeArguments); // 0x131A9C0
public override Type MakePointerType(); // 0x131A9C8
// Namespace: System.Reflection.Emit
internal struct ILTokenInfo // TypeDefIndex: 325
// Fields
public MemberInfo member; // 0x8
public int code_pos; // 0xC
// Namespace: System.Reflection.Emit
internal interface TokenGenerator // TypeDefIndex: 326
// Methods
public abstract int GetToken(string str); // 0
public abstract int GetToken(MemberInfo member); // 0
public abstract int GetToken(MethodInfo method, Type[] opt_param_types); // 0
// Namespace: System.Reflection.Emit
[ClassInterfaceAttribute] // 0x335258
[ComDefaultInterfaceAttribute] // 0x335258
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x335258
public class ILGenerator : _ILGenerator // TypeDefIndex: 327
// Fields
private static readonly Type void_type; // 0x0
private byte[] code; // 0x8
private int code_len; // 0xC
private int max_stack; // 0x10
private int cur_stack; // 0x14
private LocalBuilder[] locals; // 0x18
private int num_token_fixups; // 0x1C
private ILTokenInfo[] token_fixups; // 0x20
private LabelData[] labels; // 0x24
private int num_labels; // 0x28
private LabelFixup[] fixups; // 0x2C
private int num_fixups; // 0x30
internal Module module; // 0x34
private TokenGenerator token_gen; // 0x38
// Methods
internal void .ctor(Module m, TokenGenerator token_gen, int size); // 0x1314378
private static void .cctor(); // 0x131AA58
private void add_token_fixup(MemberInfo mi); // 0x131AB2C
private void make_room(int nbytes); // 0x131AC6C
private void emit_int(int val); // 0x131AD70
private void ll_emit(OpCode opcode); // 0x131AE6C
private static int target_len(OpCode opcode); // 0x131AFAC
public virtual LocalBuilder DeclareLocal(Type localType); // 0x131AFBC
public virtual LocalBuilder DeclareLocal(Type localType, bool pinned); // 0x131AFD0
public virtual Label DefineLabel(); // 0x131B2B0
public virtual void Emit(OpCode opcode); // 0x131B41C
public virtual void Emit(OpCode opcode, byte arg); // 0x131B44C
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x335318
public virtual void Emit(OpCode opcode, ConstructorInfo con); // 0x131B4C0
public virtual void Emit(OpCode opcode, double arg); // 0x131B670
public virtual void Emit(OpCode opcode, FieldInfo field); // 0x131BA20
public virtual void Emit(OpCode opcode, int arg); // 0x131BBA4
public virtual void Emit(OpCode opcode, long arg); // 0x131BBE4
public virtual void Emit(OpCode opcode, Label label); // 0x131BDEC
public virtual void Emit(OpCode opcode, LocalBuilder local); // 0x131C08C
public virtual void Emit(OpCode opcode, MethodInfo meth); // 0x131C488
private void Emit(OpCode opcode, MethodInfo method, int token); // 0x131C8B8
public virtual void Emit(OpCode opcode, float arg); // 0x131CA50
public virtual void Emit(OpCode opcode, string str); // 0x131CCCC
public virtual void Emit(OpCode opcode, Type cls); // 0x131CE04
[MonoLimitationAttribute] // 0x33532C
public virtual void EmitCall(OpCode opcode, MethodInfo methodInfo, Type[] optionalParameterTypes); // 0x131CF30
public virtual void MarkLabel(Label loc); // 0x131D2BC
internal void label_fixup(); // 0x131471C
[ObsoleteAttribute] // 0x33536C
internal static int Mono_GetCurrentOffset(ILGenerator ig); // 0x13146FC
// Namespace:
private struct LabelFixup // TypeDefIndex: 328
// Fields
public int offset; // 0x8
public int pos; // 0xC
public int label_idx; // 0x10
// Namespace:
private struct LabelData // TypeDefIndex: 329
// Fields
public int addr; // 0x8
public int maxStack; // 0xC
// Methods
public void .ctor(int addr, int maxStack); // 0x131D478
// Namespace: System.Reflection.Emit
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x3353AC
public struct Label // TypeDefIndex: 330
// Fields
internal int label; // 0x8
// Methods
internal void .ctor(int val); // 0x131D4E8
public override bool Equals(object obj); // 0x131D5A4
public override int GetHashCode(); // 0x131D5AC
// Namespace: System.Reflection.Emit
[ClassInterfaceAttribute] // 0x3353C0
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x3353C0
[ComDefaultInterfaceAttribute] // 0x3353C0
public sealed class LocalBuilder : LocalVariableInfo, _LocalBuilder // TypeDefIndex: 331
// Fields
internal ILGenerator ilgen; // 0x10
// Properties
public override Type LocalType { get; }
public override bool IsPinned { get; }
public override int LocalIndex { get; }
// Methods
internal void .ctor(Type t, ILGenerator ilgen); // 0x131B288
public override Type get_LocalType(); // 0x131D5B8
public override bool get_IsPinned(); // 0x131D5C0
public override int get_LocalIndex(); // 0x131D5C8
// Namespace: System.Reflection.Emit
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x335480
[ClassInterfaceAttribute] // 0x335480
[ComDefaultInterfaceAttribute] // 0x335480
public sealed class MethodBuilder : MethodInfo, _MethodBuilder // TypeDefIndex: 332
// Fields
private Type rtype; // 0x8
internal Type[] parameters; // 0xC
private MethodAttributes attrs; // 0x10
private MethodImplAttributes iattrs; // 0x14
private string name; // 0x18
private int table_idx; // 0x1C
private byte[] code; // 0x20
private ILGenerator ilgen; // 0x24
private TypeBuilder type; // 0x28
internal ParameterBuilder[] pinfo; // 0x2C
private MethodInfo override_method; // 0x30
private CallingConventions call_conv; // 0x34
private bool init_locals; // 0x38
internal GenericTypeParameterBuilder[] generic_params; // 0x3C
private Type[] returnModReq; // 0x40
private Type[] returnModOpt; // 0x44
private Type[][] paramModReq; // 0x48
private Type[][] paramModOpt; // 0x4C
// Properties
public override bool ContainsGenericParameters { get; }
public override RuntimeMethodHandle MethodHandle { get; }
public override Type ReturnType { get; }
public override Type ReflectedType { get; }
public override Type DeclaringType { get; }
public override string Name { get; }
public override MethodAttributes Attributes { get; }
public override ICustomAttributeProvider ReturnTypeCustomAttributes { get; }
public override CallingConventions CallingConvention { get; }
public override bool IsGenericMethodDefinition { get; }
public override bool IsGenericMethod { get; }
public override Module Module { get; }
// Methods
internal void .ctor(TypeBuilder tb, string name, MethodAttributes attributes, CallingConventions callingConvention, Type returnType, Type[] returnModReq, Type[] returnModOpt, Type[] parameterTypes, Type[][] paramModReq, Type[][] paramModOpt); // 0x131D5D0
public override bool get_ContainsGenericParameters(); // 0x131D880
public override RuntimeMethodHandle get_MethodHandle(); // 0x131D910
public override Type get_ReturnType(); // 0x131D9DC
public override Type get_ReflectedType(); // 0x131D9E4
public override Type get_DeclaringType(); // 0x131A254
public override string get_Name(); // 0x131D9EC
public override MethodAttributes get_Attributes(); // 0x131D9F4
public override ICustomAttributeProvider get_ReturnTypeCustomAttributes(); // 0x131D9FC
public override CallingConventions get_CallingConvention(); // 0x131DA04
public MethodToken GetToken(); // 0x131D874
public override MethodInfo GetBaseDefinition(); // 0x131DA0C
public override MethodImplAttributes GetMethodImplementationFlags(); // 0x131DA10
public override ParameterInfo[] GetParameters(); // 0x131DA18
internal override int GetParameterCount(); // 0x131DC30
public override object Invoke(object obj, BindingFlags invokeAttr, Binder binder, object[] parameters, CultureInfo culture); // 0x131DC44
public override bool IsDefined(Type attributeType, bool inherit); // 0x131DC5C
public override object[] GetCustomAttributes(bool inherit); // 0x131DC74
public override object[] GetCustomAttributes(Type attributeType, bool inherit); // 0x131DD5C
public ILGenerator GetILGenerator(); // 0x131DE58
public ILGenerator GetILGenerator(int size); // 0x131DE60
internal void check_override(); // 0x131DFF0
internal void fixup(); // 0x131E134
public override string ToString(); // 0x131E300
[MonoTODOAttribute] // 0x335540
public override bool Equals(object obj); // 0x131E5D0
public override int GetHashCode(); // 0x131E5E4
internal override int get_next_table_index(object obj, int table, bool inc); // 0x131D83C
internal void set_override(MethodInfo mdecl); // 0x131E610
private Exception NotSupported(); // 0x131D928
public override MethodInfo MakeGenericMethod(Type[] typeArguments); // 0x131E618
public override bool get_IsGenericMethodDefinition(); // 0x131E61C
public override bool get_IsGenericMethod(); // 0x131E62C
public override MethodInfo GetGenericMethodDefinition(); // 0x131E63C
public override Type[] GetGenericArguments(); // 0x131E6E4
public override Module get_Module(); // 0x131E878
// Namespace: System.Reflection.Emit
internal class MethodOnTypeBuilderInst : MethodInfo // TypeDefIndex: 333
// Fields
private MonoGenericClass instantiation; // 0x8
internal MethodBuilder mb; // 0xC
private Type[] method_arguments; // 0x10
private MethodOnTypeBuilderInst generic_method_definition; // 0x14
// Properties
public override Type DeclaringType { get; }
public override string Name { get; }
public override Type ReflectedType { get; }
public override Type ReturnType { get; }
public override int MetadataToken { get; }
public override RuntimeMethodHandle MethodHandle { get; }
public override MethodAttributes Attributes { get; }
public override CallingConventions CallingConvention { get; }
public override bool ContainsGenericParameters { get; }
public override bool IsGenericMethodDefinition { get; }
public override bool IsGenericMethod { get; }
public override ICustomAttributeProvider ReturnTypeCustomAttributes { get; }
// Methods
public void .ctor(MonoGenericClass instantiation, MethodBuilder mb); // 0x131E880
internal void .ctor(MethodOnTypeBuilderInst gmd, Type[] typeArguments); // 0x131E8A8
public override Type get_DeclaringType(); // 0x131E994
public override string get_Name(); // 0x131E99C
public override Type get_ReflectedType(); // 0x131E9C0
public override Type get_ReturnType(); // 0x131E9C8
public override bool IsDefined(Type attributeType, bool inherit); // 0x131EAE0
public override object[] GetCustomAttributes(bool inherit); // 0x131EB70
public override object[] GetCustomAttributes(Type attributeType, bool inherit); // 0x131EC00
public override string ToString(); // 0x131EC90
public override MethodImplAttributes GetMethodImplementationFlags(); // 0x131EF28
public override ParameterInfo[] GetParameters(); // 0x131EF4C
public override int get_MetadataToken(); // 0x131F20C
internal override int GetParameterCount(); // 0x131F31C
public override object Invoke(object obj, BindingFlags invokeAttr, Binder binder, object[] parameters, CultureInfo culture); // 0x131F350
public override RuntimeMethodHandle get_MethodHandle(); // 0x131F3E0
public override MethodAttributes get_Attributes(); // 0x131F470
public override CallingConventions get_CallingConvention(); // 0x131F494
public override MethodInfo MakeGenericMethod(Type[] typeArguments); // 0x131F4B8
public override Type[] GetGenericArguments(); // 0x131F6B4
public override MethodInfo GetGenericMethodDefinition(); // 0x131F7A0
public override bool get_ContainsGenericParameters(); // 0x131F7B4
public override bool get_IsGenericMethodDefinition(); // 0x131F8DC
public override bool get_IsGenericMethod(); // 0x131F924
public override MethodInfo GetBaseDefinition(); // 0x131F954
public override ICustomAttributeProvider get_ReturnTypeCustomAttributes(); // 0x131F9E4
// Namespace: System.Reflection.Emit
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x335570
public struct MethodToken // TypeDefIndex: 334
// Fields
internal int tokValue; // 0x8
public static readonly MethodToken Empty; // 0x0
// Properties
public int Token { get; }
// Methods
internal void .ctor(int val); // 0x131FA74
private static void .cctor(); // 0x131FA7C
public override bool Equals(object obj); // 0x131FBEC
public override int GetHashCode(); // 0x131FBF4
public int get_Token(); // 0x131FBFC
// Namespace: System.Reflection.Emit
[ComDefaultInterfaceAttribute] // 0x335584
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x335584
[ClassInterfaceAttribute] // 0x335584
public class ModuleBuilder : Module, _ModuleBuilder // TypeDefIndex: 335
// Fields
private int num_types; // 0x24
private TypeBuilder[] types; // 0x28
private byte[] guid; // 0x2C
private int table_idx; // 0x30
internal AssemblyBuilder assemblyb; // 0x34
private TypeBuilder global_type; // 0x38
private Hashtable name_cache; // 0x3C
private Hashtable us_string_cache; // 0x40
private int[] table_indexes; // 0x44
private bool transient; // 0x48
private ModuleBuilderTokenGenerator token_gen; // 0x4C
private ISymbolWriter symbolWriter; // 0x50
private static readonly char[] type_modifiers; // 0x0
// Properties
public override string FullyQualifiedName { get; }
internal string FileName { get; }
// Methods
internal void .ctor(AssemblyBuilder assb, string name, string fullyqname, bool emitSymbolInfo, bool transient); // 0x13126B0
private static void .cctor(); // 0x131FE3C
private static void basic_init(ModuleBuilder ab); // 0x131FD70
private static void set_wrappers_type(ModuleBuilder mb, Type ab); // 0x131FE30
public override string get_FullyQualifiedName(); // 0x131FF58
public bool IsTransient(); // 0x1313100
public TypeBuilder DefineType(string name, TypeAttributes attr, Type parent); // 0x131FF60
private void AddType(TypeBuilder tb); // 0x131FFB0
private TypeBuilder DefineType(string name, TypeAttributes attr, Type parent, Type[] interfaces, PackingSize packingSize, int typesize); // 0x1320134
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x335644
public TypeBuilder DefineType(string name, TypeAttributes attr, Type parent, Type[] interfaces); // 0x131FF88
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x335658
public override Type GetType(string className); // 0x13202C0
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x33566C
public override Type GetType(string className, bool ignoreCase); // 0x13202F0
private TypeBuilder search_in_array(TypeBuilder[] arr, int validElementsInArray, string className); // 0x1320320
private TypeBuilder search_nested_in_array(TypeBuilder[] arr, int validElementsInArray, string className); // 0x13204C0
private static Type create_modified_type(TypeBuilder tb, string modifiers); // 0x1320660
private TypeBuilder GetMaybeNested(TypeBuilder t, string className); // 0x132066C
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x335680
public override Type GetType(string className, bool throwOnError, bool ignoreCase); // 0x1320740
internal int get_next_table_index(object obj, int table, bool inc); // 0x131FC04
public override Type[] GetTypes(); // 0x1320B5C
private static int getUSIndex(ModuleBuilder mb, string str); // 0x1320D64
private static int getToken(ModuleBuilder mb, object obj); // 0x1320D70
private static int getMethodToken(ModuleBuilder mb, MethodInfo method, Type[] opt_param_types); // 0x1320D7C
internal int GetToken(string str); // 0x1320D8C
internal int GetToken(MemberInfo member); // 0x1320F0C
internal int GetToken(MethodInfo method, Type[] opt_param_types); // 0x1320FB4
internal void RegisterToken(object obj, int token); // 0x131386C
internal TokenGenerator GetTokenGenerator(); // 0x13142E4
internal string get_FileName(); // 0x1313108
internal void CreateGlobalType(); // 0x131FD78
internal override Guid GetModuleVersionId(); // 0x132106C
// Namespace: System.Reflection.Emit
internal class ModuleBuilderTokenGenerator : TokenGenerator // TypeDefIndex: 336
// Fields
private ModuleBuilder mb; // 0x8
// Methods
public void .ctor(ModuleBuilder mb); // 0x1321064
public int GetToken(string str); // 0x132108C
public int GetToken(MemberInfo member); // 0x13210B4
public int GetToken(MethodInfo method, Type[] opt_param_types); // 0x13210DC
// Namespace: System.Reflection
internal class MonoArrayMethod : MethodInfo // TypeDefIndex: 337
// Fields
internal RuntimeMethodHandle mhandle; // 0x8
internal Type parent; // 0xC
internal Type ret; // 0x10
internal Type[] parameters; // 0x14
internal string name; // 0x18
internal int table_idx; // 0x1C
internal CallingConventions call_conv; // 0x20
// Properties
public override Type ReturnType { get; }
[MonoTODOAttribute] // 0x335794
public override ICustomAttributeProvider ReturnTypeCustomAttributes { get; }
public override RuntimeMethodHandle MethodHandle { get; }
[MonoTODOAttribute] // 0x3357D4
public override MethodAttributes Attributes { get; }
public override Type ReflectedType { get; }
public override Type DeclaringType { get; }
public override string Name { get; }
// Methods
internal void .ctor(Type arrayClass, string methodName, CallingConventions callingConvention, Type returnType, Type[] parameterTypes); // 0x15BE8CC
[MonoTODOAttribute] // 0x335694
public override MethodInfo GetBaseDefinition(); // 0x15BE9AC
public override Type get_ReturnType(); // 0x15BE9B0
public override ICustomAttributeProvider get_ReturnTypeCustomAttributes(); // 0x15BE9B8
[MonoTODOAttribute] // 0x3356D4
public override MethodImplAttributes GetMethodImplementationFlags(); // 0x15BE9C0
[MonoTODOAttribute] // 0x335714
public override ParameterInfo[] GetParameters(); // 0x15BE9C8
[MonoTODOAttribute] // 0x335754
public override object Invoke(object obj, BindingFlags invokeAttr, Binder binder, object[] parameters, CultureInfo culture); // 0x15BEA54
public override RuntimeMethodHandle get_MethodHandle(); // 0x15BEAE8
public override MethodAttributes get_Attributes(); // 0x15BEAF0
public override Type get_ReflectedType(); // 0x15BEAF8
public override Type get_DeclaringType(); // 0x15BEB00
public override string get_Name(); // 0x15BEB08
public override bool IsDefined(Type attributeType, bool inherit); // 0x15BEB10
public override object[] GetCustomAttributes(bool inherit); // 0x15BEBD4
public override object[] GetCustomAttributes(Type attributeType, bool inherit); // 0x15BEC84
public override string ToString(); // 0x15BED48
// Namespace: System.Reflection.Emit
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x335814
public struct OpCode // TypeDefIndex: 338
// Fields
internal byte op1; // 0x8
internal byte op2; // 0x9
private byte push; // 0xA
private byte pop; // 0xB
private byte size; // 0xC
private byte type; // 0xD
private byte args; // 0xE
private byte flow; // 0xF
// Properties
public string Name { get; }
public int Size { get; }
public OperandType OperandType { get; }
public StackBehaviour StackBehaviourPop { get; }
public StackBehaviour StackBehaviourPush { get; }
public short Value { get; }
// Methods
internal void .ctor(int p, int q); // 0x1321168
public override int GetHashCode(); // 0x1321328
public override bool Equals(object obj); // 0x13213FC
public override string ToString(); // 0x1321404
public string get_Name(); // 0x132140C
public int get_Size(); // 0x1321414
public OperandType get_OperandType(); // 0x132141C
public StackBehaviour get_StackBehaviourPop(); // 0x1321424
public StackBehaviour get_StackBehaviourPush(); // 0x132142C
public short get_Value(); // 0x1321434
public static bool op_Equality(OpCode a, OpCode b); // 0x131C88C
// Namespace: System.Reflection.Emit
internal class OpCodeNames // TypeDefIndex: 339
// Fields
internal static readonly string[] names; // 0x0
// Methods
private static void .cctor(); // 0x1321450
// Namespace: System.Reflection.Emit
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x335828
public class OpCodes // TypeDefIndex: 340
// Fields
public static readonly OpCode Nop; // 0x0
public static readonly OpCode Break; // 0x8
public static readonly OpCode Ldarg_0; // 0x10
public static readonly OpCode Ldarg_1; // 0x18
public static readonly OpCode Ldarg_2; // 0x20
public static readonly OpCode Ldarg_3; // 0x28
public static readonly OpCode Ldloc_0; // 0x30
public static readonly OpCode Ldloc_1; // 0x38
public static readonly OpCode Ldloc_2; // 0x40
public static readonly OpCode Ldloc_3; // 0x48
public static readonly OpCode Stloc_0; // 0x50
public static readonly OpCode Stloc_1; // 0x58
public static readonly OpCode Stloc_2; // 0x60
public static readonly OpCode Stloc_3; // 0x68
public static readonly OpCode Ldarg_S; // 0x70
public static readonly OpCode Ldarga_S; // 0x78
public static readonly OpCode Starg_S; // 0x80
public static readonly OpCode Ldloc_S; // 0x88
public static readonly OpCode Ldloca_S; // 0x90
public static readonly OpCode Stloc_S; // 0x98
public static readonly OpCode Ldnull; // 0xA0
public static readonly OpCode Ldc_I4_M1; // 0xA8
public static readonly OpCode Ldc_I4_0; // 0xB0
public static readonly OpCode Ldc_I4_1; // 0xB8
public static readonly OpCode Ldc_I4_2; // 0xC0
public static readonly OpCode Ldc_I4_3; // 0xC8
public static readonly OpCode Ldc_I4_4; // 0xD0
public static readonly OpCode Ldc_I4_5; // 0xD8
public static readonly OpCode Ldc_I4_6; // 0xE0
public static readonly OpCode Ldc_I4_7; // 0xE8
public static readonly OpCode Ldc_I4_8; // 0xF0
public static readonly OpCode Ldc_I4_S; // 0xF8
public static readonly OpCode Ldc_I4; // 0x100
public static readonly OpCode Ldc_I8; // 0x108
public static readonly OpCode Ldc_R4; // 0x110
public static readonly OpCode Ldc_R8; // 0x118
public static readonly OpCode Dup; // 0x120
public static readonly OpCode Pop; // 0x128
public static readonly OpCode Jmp; // 0x130
public static readonly OpCode Call; // 0x138
public static readonly OpCode Calli; // 0x140
public static readonly OpCode Ret; // 0x148
public static readonly OpCode Br_S; // 0x150
public static readonly OpCode Brfalse_S; // 0x158
public static readonly OpCode Brtrue_S; // 0x160
public static readonly OpCode Beq_S; // 0x168
public static readonly OpCode Bge_S; // 0x170
public static readonly OpCode Bgt_S; // 0x178
public static readonly OpCode Ble_S; // 0x180
public static readonly OpCode Blt_S; // 0x188
public static readonly OpCode Bne_Un_S; // 0x190
public static readonly OpCode Bge_Un_S; // 0x198
public static readonly OpCode Bgt_Un_S; // 0x1A0
public static readonly OpCode Ble_Un_S; // 0x1A8
public static readonly OpCode Blt_Un_S; // 0x1B0
public static readonly OpCode Br; // 0x1B8
public static readonly OpCode Brfalse; // 0x1C0
public static readonly OpCode Brtrue; // 0x1C8
public static readonly OpCode Beq; // 0x1D0
public static readonly OpCode Bge; // 0x1D8
public static readonly OpCode Bgt; // 0x1E0
public static readonly OpCode Ble; // 0x1E8
public static readonly OpCode Blt; // 0x1F0
public static readonly OpCode Bne_Un; // 0x1F8
public static readonly OpCode Bge_Un; // 0x200
public static readonly OpCode Bgt_Un; // 0x208
public static readonly OpCode Ble_Un; // 0x210
public static readonly OpCode Blt_Un; // 0x218
public static readonly OpCode Switch; // 0x220
public static readonly OpCode Ldind_I1; // 0x228
public static readonly OpCode Ldind_U1; // 0x230
public static readonly OpCode Ldind_I2; // 0x238
public static readonly OpCode Ldind_U2; // 0x240
public static readonly OpCode Ldind_I4; // 0x248
public static readonly OpCode Ldind_U4; // 0x250
public static readonly OpCode Ldind_I8; // 0x258
public static readonly OpCode Ldind_I; // 0x260
public static readonly OpCode Ldind_R4; // 0x268
public static readonly OpCode Ldind_R8; // 0x270
public static readonly OpCode Ldind_Ref; // 0x278
public static readonly OpCode Stind_Ref; // 0x280
public static readonly OpCode Stind_I1; // 0x288
public static readonly OpCode Stind_I2; // 0x290
public static readonly OpCode Stind_I4; // 0x298
public static readonly OpCode Stind_I8; // 0x2A0
public static readonly OpCode Stind_R4; // 0x2A8
public static readonly OpCode Stind_R8; // 0x2B0
public static readonly OpCode Add; // 0x2B8
public static readonly OpCode Sub; // 0x2C0
public static readonly OpCode Mul; // 0x2C8
public static readonly OpCode Div; // 0x2D0
public static readonly OpCode Div_Un; // 0x2D8
public static readonly OpCode Rem; // 0x2E0
public static readonly OpCode Rem_Un; // 0x2E8
public static readonly OpCode And; // 0x2F0
public static readonly OpCode Or; // 0x2F8
public static readonly OpCode Xor; // 0x300
public static readonly OpCode Shl; // 0x308
public static readonly OpCode Shr; // 0x310
public static readonly OpCode Shr_Un; // 0x318
public static readonly OpCode Neg; // 0x320
public static readonly OpCode Not; // 0x328
public static readonly OpCode Conv_I1; // 0x330
public static readonly OpCode Conv_I2; // 0x338
public static readonly OpCode Conv_I4; // 0x340
public static readonly OpCode Conv_I8; // 0x348
public static readonly OpCode Conv_R4; // 0x350
public static readonly OpCode Conv_R8; // 0x358
public static readonly OpCode Conv_U4; // 0x360
public static readonly OpCode Conv_U8; // 0x368
public static readonly OpCode Callvirt; // 0x370
public static readonly OpCode Cpobj; // 0x378
public static readonly OpCode Ldobj; // 0x380
public static readonly OpCode Ldstr; // 0x388
public static readonly OpCode Newobj; // 0x390
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x33583C
public static readonly OpCode Castclass; // 0x398
public static readonly OpCode Isinst; // 0x3A0
public static readonly OpCode Conv_R_Un; // 0x3A8
public static readonly OpCode Unbox; // 0x3B0
public static readonly OpCode Throw; // 0x3B8
public static readonly OpCode Ldfld; // 0x3C0
public static readonly OpCode Ldflda; // 0x3C8
public static readonly OpCode Stfld; // 0x3D0
public static readonly OpCode Ldsfld; // 0x3D8
public static readonly OpCode Ldsflda; // 0x3E0
public static readonly OpCode Stsfld; // 0x3E8
public static readonly OpCode Stobj; // 0x3F0
public static readonly OpCode Conv_Ovf_I1_Un; // 0x3F8
public static readonly OpCode Conv_Ovf_I2_Un; // 0x400
public static readonly OpCode Conv_Ovf_I4_Un; // 0x408
public static readonly OpCode Conv_Ovf_I8_Un; // 0x410
public static readonly OpCode Conv_Ovf_U1_Un; // 0x418
public static readonly OpCode Conv_Ovf_U2_Un; // 0x420
public static readonly OpCode Conv_Ovf_U4_Un; // 0x428
public static readonly OpCode Conv_Ovf_U8_Un; // 0x430
public static readonly OpCode Conv_Ovf_I_Un; // 0x438
public static readonly OpCode Conv_Ovf_U_Un; // 0x440
public static readonly OpCode Box; // 0x448
public static readonly OpCode Newarr; // 0x450
public static readonly OpCode Ldlen; // 0x458
public static readonly OpCode Ldelema; // 0x460
public static readonly OpCode Ldelem_I1; // 0x468
public static readonly OpCode Ldelem_U1; // 0x470
public static readonly OpCode Ldelem_I2; // 0x478
public static readonly OpCode Ldelem_U2; // 0x480
public static readonly OpCode Ldelem_I4; // 0x488
public static readonly OpCode Ldelem_U4; // 0x490
public static readonly OpCode Ldelem_I8; // 0x498
public static readonly OpCode Ldelem_I; // 0x4A0
public static readonly OpCode Ldelem_R4; // 0x4A8
public static readonly OpCode Ldelem_R8; // 0x4B0
public static readonly OpCode Ldelem_Ref; // 0x4B8
public static readonly OpCode Stelem_I; // 0x4C0
public static readonly OpCode Stelem_I1; // 0x4C8
public static readonly OpCode Stelem_I2; // 0x4D0
public static readonly OpCode Stelem_I4; // 0x4D8
public static readonly OpCode Stelem_I8; // 0x4E0
public static readonly OpCode Stelem_R4; // 0x4E8
public static readonly OpCode Stelem_R8; // 0x4F0
public static readonly OpCode Stelem_Ref; // 0x4F8
public static readonly OpCode Ldelem; // 0x500
public static readonly OpCode Stelem; // 0x508
public static readonly OpCode Unbox_Any; // 0x510
public static readonly OpCode Conv_Ovf_I1; // 0x518
public static readonly OpCode Conv_Ovf_U1; // 0x520
public static readonly OpCode Conv_Ovf_I2; // 0x528
public static readonly OpCode Conv_Ovf_U2; // 0x530
public static readonly OpCode Conv_Ovf_I4; // 0x538
public static readonly OpCode Conv_Ovf_U4; // 0x540
public static readonly OpCode Conv_Ovf_I8; // 0x548
public static readonly OpCode Conv_Ovf_U8; // 0x550
public static readonly OpCode Refanyval; // 0x558
public static readonly OpCode Ckfinite; // 0x560
public static readonly OpCode Mkrefany; // 0x568
public static readonly OpCode Ldtoken; // 0x570
public static readonly OpCode Conv_U2; // 0x578
public static readonly OpCode Conv_U1; // 0x580
public static readonly OpCode Conv_I; // 0x588
public static readonly OpCode Conv_Ovf_I; // 0x590
public static readonly OpCode Conv_Ovf_U; // 0x598
public static readonly OpCode Add_Ovf; // 0x5A0
public static readonly OpCode Add_Ovf_Un; // 0x5A8
public static readonly OpCode Mul_Ovf; // 0x5B0
public static readonly OpCode Mul_Ovf_Un; // 0x5B8
public static readonly OpCode Sub_Ovf; // 0x5C0
public static readonly OpCode Sub_Ovf_Un; // 0x5C8
public static readonly OpCode Endfinally; // 0x5D0
public static readonly OpCode Leave; // 0x5D8
public static readonly OpCode Leave_S; // 0x5E0
public static readonly OpCode Stind_I; // 0x5E8
public static readonly OpCode Conv_U; // 0x5F0
public static readonly OpCode Prefix7; // 0x5F8
public static readonly OpCode Prefix6; // 0x600
public static readonly OpCode Prefix5; // 0x608
public static readonly OpCode Prefix4; // 0x610
public static readonly OpCode Prefix3; // 0x618
public static readonly OpCode Prefix2; // 0x620
public static readonly OpCode Prefix1; // 0x628
public static readonly OpCode Prefixref; // 0x630
public static readonly OpCode Arglist; // 0x638
public static readonly OpCode Ceq; // 0x640
public static readonly OpCode Cgt; // 0x648
public static readonly OpCode Cgt_Un; // 0x650
public static readonly OpCode Clt; // 0x658
public static readonly OpCode Clt_Un; // 0x660
public static readonly OpCode Ldftn; // 0x668
public static readonly OpCode Ldvirtftn; // 0x670
public static readonly OpCode Ldarg; // 0x678
public static readonly OpCode Ldarga; // 0x680
public static readonly OpCode Starg; // 0x688
public static readonly OpCode Ldloc; // 0x690
public static readonly OpCode Ldloca; // 0x698
public static readonly OpCode Stloc; // 0x6A0
public static readonly OpCode Localloc; // 0x6A8
public static readonly OpCode Endfilter; // 0x6B0
public static readonly OpCode Unaligned; // 0x6B8
public static readonly OpCode Volatile; // 0x6C0
public static readonly OpCode Tailcall; // 0x6C8
public static readonly OpCode Initobj; // 0x6D0
public static readonly OpCode Constrained; // 0x6D8
public static readonly OpCode Cpblk; // 0x6E0
public static readonly OpCode Initblk; // 0x6E8
public static readonly OpCode Rethrow; // 0x6F0
public static readonly OpCode Sizeof; // 0x6F8
public static readonly OpCode Refanytype; // 0x700
public static readonly OpCode Readonly; // 0x708
// Methods
private static void .cctor(); // 0x13274D8
// Namespace: System.Reflection.Emit
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x335850
public enum OperandType // TypeDefIndex: 341
// Fields
public int value__; // 0x8
public const OperandType InlineBrTarget = 0; // 0x0
public const OperandType InlineField = 1; // 0x0
public const OperandType InlineI = 2; // 0x0
public const OperandType InlineI8 = 3; // 0x0
public const OperandType InlineMethod = 4; // 0x0
public const OperandType InlineNone = 5; // 0x0
[ObsoleteAttribute] // 0x335864
public const OperandType InlinePhi = 6; // 0x0
public const OperandType InlineR = 7; // 0x0
public const OperandType InlineSig = 9; // 0x0
public const OperandType InlineString = 10; // 0x0
public const OperandType InlineSwitch = 11; // 0x0
public const OperandType InlineTok = 12; // 0x0
public const OperandType InlineType = 13; // 0x0
public const OperandType InlineVar = 14; // 0x0
public const OperandType ShortInlineBrTarget = 15; // 0x0
public const OperandType ShortInlineI = 16; // 0x0
public const OperandType ShortInlineR = 17; // 0x0
public const OperandType ShortInlineVar = 18; // 0x0
// Namespace: System.Reflection.Emit
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x3358A4
public enum PEFileKinds // TypeDefIndex: 342
// Fields
public int value__; // 0x8
public const PEFileKinds Dll = 1; // 0x0
public const PEFileKinds ConsoleApplication = 2; // 0x0
public const PEFileKinds WindowApplication = 3; // 0x0
// Namespace: System.Reflection.Emit
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x3358B8
public enum PackingSize // TypeDefIndex: 343
// Fields
public int value__; // 0x8
public const PackingSize Unspecified = 0; // 0x0
public const PackingSize Size1 = 1; // 0x0
public const PackingSize Size2 = 2; // 0x0
public const PackingSize Size4 = 4; // 0x0
public const PackingSize Size8 = 8; // 0x0
public const PackingSize Size16 = 16; // 0x0
public const PackingSize Size32 = 32; // 0x0
public const PackingSize Size64 = 64; // 0x0
public const PackingSize Size128 = 128; // 0x0
// Namespace: System.Reflection.Emit
[ClassInterfaceAttribute] // 0x3358CC
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x3358CC
[ComDefaultInterfaceAttribute] // 0x3358CC
public class ParameterBuilder : _ParameterBuilder // TypeDefIndex: 344
// Fields
private string name; // 0x8
private ParameterAttributes attrs; // 0xC
private int position; // 0x10
// Properties
public virtual int Attributes { get; }
public virtual string Name { get; }
public virtual int Position { get; }
// Methods
public virtual int get_Attributes(); // 0x1328BAC
public virtual string get_Name(); // 0x1328BB4
public virtual int get_Position(); // 0x1328BBC
// Namespace: System.Reflection.Emit
[ClassInterfaceAttribute] // 0x33598C
[ComDefaultInterfaceAttribute] // 0x33598C
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x33598C
public sealed class PropertyBuilder : PropertyInfo, _PropertyBuilder // TypeDefIndex: 345
// Fields
private PropertyAttributes attrs; // 0x8
private string name; // 0xC
private Type type; // 0x10
private MethodBuilder set_method; // 0x14
private MethodBuilder get_method; // 0x18
internal TypeBuilder typeb; // 0x1C
// Properties
public override PropertyAttributes Attributes { get; }
public override bool CanRead { get; }
public override bool CanWrite { get; }
public override Type DeclaringType { get; }
public override string Name { get; }
public override Type PropertyType { get; }
public override Type ReflectedType { get; }
public override Module Module { get; }
// Methods
public override PropertyAttributes get_Attributes(); // 0x1328D5C
public override bool get_CanRead(); // 0x1328D64
public override bool get_CanWrite(); // 0x1328D74
public override Type get_DeclaringType(); // 0x1328D84
public override string get_Name(); // 0x1328D8C
public override Type get_PropertyType(); // 0x1328D94
public override Type get_ReflectedType(); // 0x1328D9C
public override MethodInfo[] GetAccessors(bool nonPublic); // 0x1328DA4
public override object[] GetCustomAttributes(bool inherit); // 0x1328DAC
public override object[] GetCustomAttributes(Type attributeType, bool inherit); // 0x1328E78
public override MethodInfo GetGetMethod(bool nonPublic); // 0x1328E90
public override ParameterInfo[] GetIndexParameters(); // 0x1328E98
public override MethodInfo GetSetMethod(bool nonPublic); // 0x1328EB0
public override object GetValue(object obj, object[] index); // 0x1328EB8
public override object GetValue(object obj, BindingFlags invokeAttr, Binder binder, object[] index, CultureInfo culture); // 0x1328EC0
public override bool IsDefined(Type attributeType, bool inherit); // 0x1328ED8
public override void SetValue(object obj, object value, object[] index); // 0x1328EF0
public override void SetValue(object obj, object value, BindingFlags invokeAttr, Binder binder, object[] index, CultureInfo culture); // 0x1328EF4
public override Module get_Module(); // 0x1328EF8
private Exception not_supported(); // 0x1328DC4
// Namespace: System.Reflection.Emit
internal class PropertyOnTypeBuilderInst : PropertyInfo // TypeDefIndex: 346
// Fields
private MonoGenericClass instantiation; // 0x8
private PropertyInfo prop; // 0xC
// Properties
public override PropertyAttributes Attributes { get; }
public override bool CanRead { get; }
public override bool CanWrite { get; }
public override Type PropertyType { get; }
public override Type DeclaringType { get; }
public override Type ReflectedType { get; }
public override string Name { get; }
// Methods
internal void .ctor(MonoGenericClass instantiation, PropertyInfo prop); // 0x1328F00
public override PropertyAttributes get_Attributes(); // 0x1328F28
public override bool get_CanRead(); // 0x1328FB8
public override bool get_CanWrite(); // 0x1329048
public override Type get_PropertyType(); // 0x13290D8
public override Type get_DeclaringType(); // 0x132912C
public override Type get_ReflectedType(); // 0x1329180
public override string get_Name(); // 0x1329188
public override MethodInfo[] GetAccessors(bool nonPublic); // 0x13291BC
public override MethodInfo GetGetMethod(bool nonPublic); // 0x1329350
public override ParameterInfo[] GetIndexParameters(); // 0x13293E4
public override MethodInfo GetSetMethod(bool nonPublic); // 0x13294A8
public override string ToString(); // 0x132953C
public override object GetValue(object obj, BindingFlags invokeAttr, Binder binder, object[] index, CultureInfo culture); // 0x1329640
public override void SetValue(object obj, object value, BindingFlags invokeAttr, Binder binder, object[] index, CultureInfo culture); // 0x13296D0
public override bool IsDefined(Type attributeType, bool inherit); // 0x1329760
public override object[] GetCustomAttributes(bool inherit); // 0x13297F0
public override object[] GetCustomAttributes(Type attributeType, bool inherit); // 0x1329880
// Namespace: System.Reflection.Emit
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x335A4C
public enum StackBehaviour // TypeDefIndex: 347
// Fields
public int value__; // 0x8
public const StackBehaviour Pop0 = 0; // 0x0
public const StackBehaviour Pop1 = 1; // 0x0
public const StackBehaviour Pop1_pop1 = 2; // 0x0
public const StackBehaviour Popi = 3; // 0x0
public const StackBehaviour Popi_pop1 = 4; // 0x0
public const StackBehaviour Popi_popi = 5; // 0x0
public const StackBehaviour Popi_popi8 = 6; // 0x0
public const StackBehaviour Popi_popi_popi = 7; // 0x0
public const StackBehaviour Popi_popr4 = 8; // 0x0
public const StackBehaviour Popi_popr8 = 9; // 0x0
public const StackBehaviour Popref = 10; // 0x0
public const StackBehaviour Popref_pop1 = 11; // 0x0
public const StackBehaviour Popref_popi = 12; // 0x0
public const StackBehaviour Popref_popi_popi = 13; // 0x0
public const StackBehaviour Popref_popi_popi8 = 14; // 0x0
public const StackBehaviour Popref_popi_popr4 = 15; // 0x0
public const StackBehaviour Popref_popi_popr8 = 16; // 0x0
public const StackBehaviour Popref_popi_popref = 17; // 0x0
public const StackBehaviour Push0 = 18; // 0x0
public const StackBehaviour Push1 = 19; // 0x0
public const StackBehaviour Push1_push1 = 20; // 0x0
public const StackBehaviour Pushi = 21; // 0x0
public const StackBehaviour Pushi8 = 22; // 0x0
public const StackBehaviour Pushr4 = 23; // 0x0
public const StackBehaviour Pushr8 = 24; // 0x0
public const StackBehaviour Pushref = 25; // 0x0
public const StackBehaviour Varpop = 26; // 0x0
public const StackBehaviour Varpush = 27; // 0x0
public const StackBehaviour Popref_popi_pop1 = 28; // 0x0
// Namespace: System.Reflection.Emit
[ComDefaultInterfaceAttribute] // 0x335A60
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x335A60
[ClassInterfaceAttribute] // 0x335A60
public sealed class TypeBuilder : Type, _TypeBuilder // TypeDefIndex: 348
// Fields
private string tname; // 0xC
private string nspace; // 0x10
private Type parent; // 0x14
private Type nesting_type; // 0x18
internal Type[] interfaces; // 0x1C
internal int num_methods; // 0x20
internal MethodBuilder[] methods; // 0x24
internal ConstructorBuilder[] ctors; // 0x28
internal PropertyBuilder[] properties; // 0x2C
internal int num_fields; // 0x30
internal FieldBuilder[] fields; // 0x34
internal EventBuilder[] events; // 0x38
internal TypeBuilder[] subtypes; // 0x3C
internal TypeAttributes attrs; // 0x40
private int table_idx; // 0x44
private ModuleBuilder pmodule; // 0x48
private int class_size; // 0x4C
private PackingSize packing_size; // 0x50
private GenericTypeParameterBuilder[] generic_params; // 0x54
private Type created; // 0x58
private string fullname; // 0x5C
private bool createTypeCalled; // 0x60
private Type underlying_type; // 0x64
// Properties
public override Assembly Assembly { get; }
public override string AssemblyQualifiedName { get; }
public override Type BaseType { get; }
public override Type DeclaringType { get; }
public override Type UnderlyingSystemType { get; }
public override string FullName { get; }
public override Guid GUID { get; }
public override Module Module { get; }
public override string Name { get; }
public override string Namespace { get; }
public override Type ReflectedType { get; }
public override RuntimeTypeHandle TypeHandle { get; }
internal bool IsCompilerContext { get; }
internal bool is_created { get; }
public override bool ContainsGenericParameters { get; }
public override bool IsGenericParameter { get; }
public override GenericParameterAttributes GenericParameterAttributes { get; }
public override bool IsGenericTypeDefinition { get; }
public override bool IsGenericType { get; }
[MonoTODOAttribute] // 0x335C28
public override int GenericParameterPosition { get; }
public override MethodBase DeclaringMethod { get; }
// Methods
internal void .ctor(ModuleBuilder mb, TypeAttributes attr, int table_idx); // 0x15B1F68
internal void .ctor(ModuleBuilder mb, string name, TypeAttributes attr, Type parent, Type[] interfaces, PackingSize packing_size, int type_size, Type nesting_type); // 0x15B215C
protected override TypeAttributes GetAttributeFlagsImpl(); // 0x15B27C0
private void setup_internal_class(TypeBuilder tb); // 0x15B2158
private void create_generic_class(); // 0x15B27C8
private EventInfo get_event_info(EventBuilder eb); // 0x15B27CC
public override Assembly get_Assembly(); // 0x15B27D0
public override string get_AssemblyQualifiedName(); // 0x15B27FC
public override Type get_BaseType(); // 0x15B2908
public override Type get_DeclaringType(); // 0x15B2910
public override Type get_UnderlyingSystemType(); // 0x15B2918
private string GetFullName(); // 0x15B2630
public override string get_FullName(); // 0x15B2A28
public override Guid get_GUID(); // 0x15B2A30
public override Module get_Module(); // 0x15B2A9C
public override string get_Name(); // 0x15B2AA4
public override string get_Namespace(); // 0x15B2AAC
public override Type get_ReflectedType(); // 0x15B2AB4
protected override ConstructorInfo GetConstructorImpl(BindingFlags bindingAttr, Binder binder, CallingConventions callConvention, Type[] types, ParameterModifier[] modifiers); // 0x15B2ABC
public override bool IsDefined(Type attributeType, bool inherit); // 0x15B2EEC
public override object[] GetCustomAttributes(bool inherit); // 0x15B3008
public override object[] GetCustomAttributes(Type attributeType, bool inherit); // 0x15B304C
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x335B20
public ConstructorBuilder DefineConstructor(MethodAttributes attributes, CallingConventions callingConvention, Type[] parameterTypes); // 0x15B3098
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x335B34
public ConstructorBuilder DefineConstructor(MethodAttributes attributes, CallingConventions callingConvention, Type[] parameterTypes, Type[][] requiredCustomModifiers, Type[][] optionalCustomModifiers); // 0x15B30BC
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x335B48
public ConstructorBuilder DefineDefaultConstructor(MethodAttributes attributes); // 0x15B3370
private void append_method(MethodBuilder mb); // 0x15B363C
public MethodBuilder DefineMethod(string name, MethodAttributes attributes, Type returnType, Type[] parameterTypes); // 0x15B37C0
public MethodBuilder DefineMethod(string name, MethodAttributes attributes, CallingConventions callingConvention, Type returnType, Type[] parameterTypes); // 0x15B37F8
public MethodBuilder DefineMethod(string name, MethodAttributes attributes, CallingConventions callingConvention, Type returnType, Type[] returnTypeRequiredCustomModifiers, Type[] returnTypeOptionalCustomModifiers, Type[] parameterTypes, Type[][] parameterTypeRequiredCustomModifiers, Type[][] parameterTypeOptionalCustomModifiers); // 0x15B3834
public void DefineMethodOverride(MethodInfo methodInfoBody, MethodInfo methodInfoDeclaration); // 0x15B39F4
private Type create_runtime_class(TypeBuilder tb); // 0x15B3B88
private bool is_nested_in(Type t); // 0x15B3B8C
private bool has_ctor_method(); // 0x15B3BD8
public Type CreateType(); // 0x15B3D80
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x335B5C
public override ConstructorInfo[] GetConstructors(BindingFlags bindingAttr); // 0x15B4A50
internal ConstructorInfo[] GetConstructorsInternal(BindingFlags bindingAttr); // 0x15B4B30
public override Type GetElementType(); // 0x15B4D24
public override EventInfo GetEvent(string name, BindingFlags bindingAttr); // 0x15B4DB8
public override EventInfo[] GetEvents(); // 0x15B4E04
public override EventInfo[] GetEvents(BindingFlags bindingAttr); // 0x15B4E0C
internal EventInfo[] GetEvents_internal(BindingFlags bindingAttr); // 0x15B4F10
public override FieldInfo GetField(string name, BindingFlags bindingAttr); // 0x15B515C
public override FieldInfo[] GetFields(BindingFlags bindingAttr); // 0x15B52FC
public override Type GetInterface(string name, bool ignoreCase); // 0x15B5520
public override Type[] GetInterfaces(); // 0x15B556C
public override MemberInfo[] GetMember(string name, MemberTypes type, BindingFlags bindingAttr); // 0x15B56B4
public override MemberInfo[] GetMembers(BindingFlags bindingAttr); // 0x15B5714
private MethodInfo[] GetMethodsByName(string name, BindingFlags bindingAttr, bool ignoreCase, Type reflected_type); // 0x15B5758
public override MethodInfo[] GetMethods(BindingFlags bindingAttr); // 0x15B5C70
protected override MethodInfo GetMethodImpl(string name, BindingFlags bindingAttr, Binder binder, CallingConventions callConvention, Type[] types, ParameterModifier[] modifiers); // 0x15B5C94
public override Type GetNestedType(string name, BindingFlags bindingAttr); // 0x15B6048
public override Type[] GetNestedTypes(BindingFlags bindingAttr); // 0x15B61B8
public override PropertyInfo[] GetProperties(BindingFlags bindingAttr); // 0x15B63F4
protected override PropertyInfo GetPropertyImpl(string name, BindingFlags bindingAttr, Binder binder, Type returnType, Type[] types, ParameterModifier[] modifiers); // 0x15B6654
protected override bool HasElementTypeImpl(); // 0x15B670C
public override object InvokeMember(string name, BindingFlags invokeAttr, Binder binder, object target, object[] args, ParameterModifier[] modifiers, CultureInfo culture, string[] namedParameters); // 0x15B6734
protected override bool IsArrayImpl(); // 0x15B67A8
protected override bool IsByRefImpl(); // 0x15B67B0
protected override bool IsCOMObjectImpl(); // 0x15B67B8
protected override bool IsPointerImpl(); // 0x15B67C8
protected override bool IsPrimitiveImpl(); // 0x15B67D0
protected override bool IsValueTypeImpl(); // 0x15B67D8
public override Type MakeArrayType(); // 0x15B6974
public override Type MakeArrayType(int rank); // 0x15B6A0C
public override Type MakeByRefType(); // 0x15B6AEC
[MonoTODOAttribute] // 0x335B70
public override Type MakeGenericType(Type[] typeArguments); // 0x15B6B80
public override Type MakePointerType(); // 0x15B6B88
public override RuntimeTypeHandle get_TypeHandle(); // 0x15B6C1C
public void SetParent(Type parent); // 0x15B48AC
internal int get_next_table_index(object obj, int table, bool inc); // 0x15B6C58
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x335B90
public override InterfaceMapping GetInterfaceMap(Type interfaceType); // 0x15B6C90
internal bool get_IsCompilerContext(); // 0x15B25FC
internal bool get_is_created(); // 0x15B2A18
private Exception not_supported(); // 0x15B666C
private void check_not_created(); // 0x15B32B8
private void check_created(); // 0x15B2A78
private void check_name(string argName, string name); // 0x15B24B4
public override string ToString(); // 0x15B6D6C
[MonoTODOAttribute] // 0x335BA4
public override bool IsAssignableFrom(Type c); // 0x15B6D74
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x335BB4
[MonoTODOAttribute] // 0x335BB4
public override bool IsSubclassOf(Type c); // 0x15B6D7C
[MonoTODOAttribute] // 0x335BE8
internal bool IsAssignableTo(Type c); // 0x15B6D84
public override Type[] GetGenericArguments(); // 0x15B6F54
public override Type GetGenericTypeDefinition(); // 0x15B7028
public override bool get_ContainsGenericParameters(); // 0x15B70E4
public override bool get_IsGenericParameter(); // 0x15B70F4
public override GenericParameterAttributes get_GenericParameterAttributes(); // 0x15B70F8
public override bool get_IsGenericTypeDefinition(); // 0x15B7100
public override bool get_IsGenericType(); // 0x15B7110
public override int get_GenericParameterPosition(); // 0x15B7120
public override MethodBase get_DeclaringMethod(); // 0x15B7128
public static ConstructorInfo GetConstructor(Type type, ConstructorInfo constructor); // 0x15B7130
private static bool IsValidGetMethodType(Type type); // 0x15B7258
public static MethodInfo GetMethod(Type type, MethodInfo method); // 0x15B7418
public static FieldInfo GetField(Type type, FieldInfo field); // 0x15B7774
// Namespace: System.Reflection.Emit
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x335C38
[ObsoleteAttribute] // 0x335C38
public sealed class UnmanagedMarshal // TypeDefIndex: 349
// Fields
private int count; // 0x8
private UnmanagedType t; // 0xC
private UnmanagedType tbase; // 0x10
private string guid; // 0x14
private string mcookie; // 0x18
private string marshaltype; // 0x1C
private Type marshaltyperef; // 0x20
private int param_num; // 0x24
private bool has_size; // 0x28
// Methods
internal MarshalAsAttribute ToMarshalAsAttribute(); // 0x15B7858
// Namespace: System.Reflection
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x335C90
public sealed class AmbiguousMatchException : SystemException // TypeDefIndex: 350
// Methods
public void .ctor(); // 0x12F8514
public void .ctor(string message); // 0x1305DA4
public void .ctor(string message, Exception inner); // 0x1305DAC
internal void .ctor(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context); // 0x1305DB4
// Namespace: System.Reflection
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x335CA4
[ClassInterfaceAttribute] // 0x335CA4
[ComDefaultInterfaceAttribute] // 0x335CA4
public class Assembly : ICustomAttributeProvider, _Assembly // TypeDefIndex: 351
// Fields
private IntPtr _mono_assembly; // 0x8
private ResolveEventHolder resolve_event_holder; // 0xC
private Evidence _evidence; // 0x10
internal PermissionSet _minimum; // 0x14
internal PermissionSet _optional; // 0x18
internal PermissionSet _refuse; // 0x1C
private PermissionSet _granted; // 0x20
private PermissionSet _denied; // 0x24
private bool fromByteArray; // 0x28
private string assemblyName; // 0x2C
// Properties
public virtual string CodeBase { get; }
public virtual string EscapedCodeBase { get; }
public virtual string FullName { get; }
public virtual MethodInfo EntryPoint { get; }
public virtual Evidence Evidence { get; }
public bool GlobalAssemblyCache { get; }
internal bool FromByteArray { set; }
public virtual string Location { get; }
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x335EE4
public virtual string ImageRuntimeVersion { get; }
[MonoTODOAttribute] // 0x335EF8
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x335EF8
public long HostContext { get; }
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x335F50
public Module ManifestModule { get; }
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x335F64
public virtual bool ReflectionOnly { get; }
internal PermissionSet GrantedPermissionSet { get; }
internal PermissionSet DeniedPermissionSet { get; }
// Methods
internal void .ctor(); // 0x1305DD4
public void add_ModuleResolve(ModuleResolveEventHandler value); // 0x1305E5C
public void remove_ModuleResolve(ModuleResolveEventHandler value); // 0x1306010
private string get_code_base(bool escaped); // 0x13061C4
private string get_fullname(); // 0x13061C8
private string get_location(); // 0x13061CC
private string InternalImageRuntimeVersion(); // 0x13061D0
private string GetCodeBase(bool escaped); // 0x13061D4
public virtual string get_CodeBase(); // 0x13061D8
public virtual string get_EscapedCodeBase(); // 0x13061E0
public virtual string get_FullName(); // 0x13061E8
public virtual MethodInfo get_EntryPoint(); // 0x13061F8
public virtual Evidence get_Evidence(); // 0x13061FC
internal Evidence UnprotectedGetEvidence(); // 0x1306200
private bool get_global_assembly_cache(); // 0x1306290
public bool get_GlobalAssemblyCache(); // 0x1306294
internal void set_FromByteArray(bool value); // 0x1306298
public virtual string get_Location(); // 0x13062A0
public virtual string get_ImageRuntimeVersion(); // 0x130636C
public virtual void GetObjectData(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context); // 0x1306370
public virtual bool IsDefined(Type attributeType, bool inherit); // 0x130645C
public virtual object[] GetCustomAttributes(bool inherit); // 0x1306520
public virtual object[] GetCustomAttributes(Type attributeType, bool inherit); // 0x13065D0
private object GetFilesInternal(string name, bool getResourceModules); // 0x1306694
public virtual FileStream[] GetFiles(); // 0x1306698
public virtual FileStream[] GetFiles(bool getResourceModules); // 0x13066AC
public virtual FileStream GetFile(string name); // 0x1306A7C
internal IntPtr GetManifestResourceInternal(string name, out int size, out Module module); // 0x1306CFC
public virtual Stream GetManifestResourceStream(string name); // 0x1306D00
public virtual Stream GetManifestResourceStream(Type type, string name); // 0x130713C
internal virtual Type[] GetTypes(bool exportedOnly); // 0x13072DC
public virtual Type[] GetTypes(); // 0x13072E0
public virtual Type[] GetExportedTypes(); // 0x13072F4
public virtual Type GetType(string name, bool throwOnError); // 0x1307308
public virtual Type GetType(string name); // 0x1307460
internal Type InternalGetType(Module module, string name, bool throwOnError, bool ignoreCase); // 0x1307480
public Type GetType(string name, bool throwOnError, bool ignoreCase); // 0x1307324
internal static void InternalGetAssemblyName(string assemblyFile, AssemblyName aname); // 0x13074A0
private static void FillName(Assembly ass, AssemblyName aname); // 0x13074AC
[MonoTODOAttribute] // 0x335D64
public virtual AssemblyName GetName(bool copiedName); // 0x13074B8
public virtual AssemblyName GetName(); // 0x1307584
internal virtual AssemblyName UnprotectedGetName(); // 0x1307598
public override string ToString(); // 0x1307640
public static string CreateQualifiedName(string assemblyName, string typeName); // 0x1307668
public static Assembly GetAssembly(Type type); // 0x1307740
public static Assembly GetEntryAssembly(); // 0x130780C
public Assembly GetSatelliteAssembly(CultureInfo culture); // 0x1307810
public Assembly GetSatelliteAssembly(CultureInfo culture, Version version); // 0x1307BEC
internal Assembly GetSatelliteAssemblyNoThrow(CultureInfo culture, Version version); // 0x1307C08
private Assembly GetSatelliteAssembly(CultureInfo culture, Version version, bool throwOnError); // 0x1307830
private static Assembly LoadFrom(string assemblyFile, bool refonly); // 0x1307CDC
public static Assembly LoadFrom(string assemblyFile); // 0x1307CD0
public static Assembly LoadFrom(string assemblyFile, Evidence securityEvidence); // 0x1307CE8
[MonoTODOAttribute] // 0x335DA4
public static Assembly LoadFrom(string assemblyFile, Evidence securityEvidence, byte[] hashValue, AssemblyHashAlgorithm hashAlgorithm); // 0x1307CF4
public static Assembly LoadFile(string path, Evidence securityEvidence); // 0x1307E90
public static Assembly LoadFile(string path); // 0x1308010
public static Assembly Load(string assemblyString); // 0x1308014
public static Assembly Load(string assemblyString, Evidence assemblySecurity); // 0x1308050
public static Assembly Load(AssemblyName assemblyRef); // 0x1308094
public static Assembly Load(AssemblyName assemblyRef, Evidence assemblySecurity); // 0x13080D0
public static Assembly Load(byte[] rawAssembly); // 0x1308114
public static Assembly Load(byte[] rawAssembly, byte[] rawSymbolStore); // 0x1308150
public static Assembly Load(byte[] rawAssembly, byte[] rawSymbolStore, Evidence securityEvidence); // 0x1308194
public static Assembly ReflectionOnlyLoad(byte[] rawAssembly); // 0x13081EC
public static Assembly ReflectionOnlyLoad(string assemblyString); // 0x1308240
public static Assembly ReflectionOnlyLoadFrom(string assemblyFile); // 0x1308290
[ObsoleteAttribute] // 0x335DE4
public static Assembly LoadWithPartialName(string partialName); // 0x1308354
[MonoTODOAttribute] // 0x335E24
public Module LoadModule(string moduleName, byte[] rawModule); // 0x1308390
[MonoTODOAttribute] // 0x335E64
public Module LoadModule(string moduleName, byte[] rawModule, byte[] rawSymbolStore); // 0x1308420
private static Assembly load_with_partial_name(string name, Evidence e); // 0x13084B0
[ObsoleteAttribute] // 0x335EA4
public static Assembly LoadWithPartialName(string partialName, Evidence securityEvidence); // 0x1308374
internal static Assembly LoadWithPartialName(string partialName, Evidence securityEvidence, bool oldBehavior); // 0x13084BC
public object CreateInstance(string typeName); // 0x13085A4
public object CreateInstance(string typeName, bool ignoreCase); // 0x13085AC
public object CreateInstance(string typeName, bool ignoreCase, BindingFlags bindingAttr, Binder binder, object[] args, CultureInfo culture, object[] activationAttributes); // 0x130873C
public Module[] GetLoadedModules(); // 0x13088F4
public Module[] GetLoadedModules(bool getResourceModules); // 0x13088FC
public Module[] GetModules(); // 0x1308AE0
public Module GetModule(string name); // 0x1308AE8
internal virtual Module[] GetModulesInternal(); // 0x1308D20
public Module[] GetModules(bool getResourceModules); // 0x1308900
internal string[] GetNamespaces(); // 0x1308D24
public virtual string[] GetManifestResourceNames(); // 0x1308D28
public static Assembly GetExecutingAssembly(); // 0x1308D2C
public static Assembly GetCallingAssembly(); // 0x1308DB8
public AssemblyName[] GetReferencedAssemblies(); // 0x1308DBC
private bool GetManifestResourceInfoInternal(string name, ManifestResourceInfo info); // 0x1308DC0
public virtual ManifestResourceInfo GetManifestResourceInfo(string resourceName); // 0x1308DC4
internal static int MonoDebugger_GetMethodToken(MethodBase method); // 0x1308F1C
public long get_HostContext(); // 0x1308F24
public Module get_ManifestModule(); // 0x1308F30
internal virtual Module GetManifestModule(); // 0x1308F40
internal Module GetManifestModuleInternal(); // 0x1308F44
public virtual bool get_ReflectionOnly(); // 0x1308F48
internal void Resolve(); // 0x1308F4C
internal PermissionSet get_GrantedPermissionSet(); // 0x13094D0
internal PermissionSet get_DeniedPermissionSet(); // 0x1309648
internal static bool LoadPermissions(Assembly a, IntPtr minimum, int minLength, IntPtr optional, int optLength, IntPtr refused, int refLength); // 0x13097C0
private void LoadAssemblyPermissions(); // 0x1309144
virtual Type System.Runtime.InteropServices._Assembly.GetType(); // 0x1309800
// Namespace:
internal class ResolveEventHolder // TypeDefIndex: 352
// Fields
private ModuleResolveEventHandler ModuleResolve; // 0x8
// Methods
public void .ctor(); // 0x1305E58
public void add_ModuleResolve(ModuleResolveEventHandler value); // 0x1305E84
public void remove_ModuleResolve(ModuleResolveEventHandler value); // 0x1306038
// Namespace:
private class ResourceCloseHandler // TypeDefIndex: 353
// Fields
private Module module; // 0x8
// Methods
public void .ctor(Module module); // 0x1307134
public void OnClose(object sender, EventArgs e); // 0x1309804
// Namespace: System.Reflection
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x335F78
[AttributeUsageAttribute] // 0x335F78
public sealed class AssemblyAlgorithmIdAttribute : Attribute // TypeDefIndex: 354
// Fields
private uint id; // 0x8
// Properties
[CLSCompliantAttribute] // 0x335FD8
public uint AlgorithmId { get; }
// Methods
public void .ctor(AssemblyHashAlgorithm algorithmId); // 0x1309810
[CLSCompliantAttribute] // 0x335FC4
public void .ctor(uint algorithmId); // 0x1309830
public uint get_AlgorithmId(); // 0x1309850
// Namespace: System.Reflection
[AttributeUsageAttribute] // 0x335FEC
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x335FEC
public sealed class AssemblyCompanyAttribute : Attribute // TypeDefIndex: 355
// Fields
private string name; // 0x8
// Properties
public string Company { get; }
// Methods
public void .ctor(string company); // 0x1309858
public string get_Company(); // 0x1309878
// Namespace: System.Reflection
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x336038
[AttributeUsageAttribute] // 0x336038
public sealed class AssemblyConfigurationAttribute : Attribute // TypeDefIndex: 356
// Fields
private string name; // 0x8
// Properties
public string Configuration { get; }
// Methods
public void .ctor(string configuration); // 0x1309880
public string get_Configuration(); // 0x13098A0
// Namespace: System.Reflection
[AttributeUsageAttribute] // 0x336084
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x336084
public sealed class AssemblyCopyrightAttribute : Attribute // TypeDefIndex: 357
// Fields
private string name; // 0x8
// Properties
public string Copyright { get; }
// Methods
public void .ctor(string copyright); // 0x13098A8
public string get_Copyright(); // 0x13098C8
// Namespace: System.Reflection
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x3360D0
[AttributeUsageAttribute] // 0x3360D0
public sealed class AssemblyDefaultAliasAttribute : Attribute // TypeDefIndex: 358
// Fields
private string name; // 0x8
// Properties
public string DefaultAlias { get; }
// Methods
public void .ctor(string defaultAlias); // 0x13098F8
public string get_DefaultAlias(); // 0x1309918
// Namespace: System.Reflection
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x33611C
[AttributeUsageAttribute] // 0x33611C
public sealed class AssemblyDelaySignAttribute : Attribute // TypeDefIndex: 359
// Fields
private bool delay; // 0x8
// Properties
public bool DelaySign { get; }
// Methods
public void .ctor(bool delaySign); // 0x1309920
public bool get_DelaySign(); // 0x1309940
// Namespace: System.Reflection
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x336168
[AttributeUsageAttribute] // 0x336168
public sealed class AssemblyDescriptionAttribute : Attribute // TypeDefIndex: 360
// Fields
private string name; // 0x8
// Properties
public string Description { get; }
// Methods
public void .ctor(string description); // 0x1309948
public string get_Description(); // 0x1309968
// Namespace: System.Reflection
[AttributeUsageAttribute] // 0x3361B4
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x3361B4
public sealed class AssemblyFileVersionAttribute : Attribute // TypeDefIndex: 361
// Fields
private string name; // 0x8
// Properties
public string Version { get; }
// Methods
public void .ctor(string version); // 0x1309970
public string get_Version(); // 0x1309A38
// Namespace: System.Reflection
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x336200
[AttributeUsageAttribute] // 0x336200
public sealed class AssemblyFlagsAttribute : Attribute // TypeDefIndex: 362
// Fields
private uint flags; // 0x8
// Properties
[ObsoleteAttribute] // 0x3362E4
[CLSCompliantAttribute] // 0x3362E4
public uint Flags { get; }
public int AssemblyFlags { get; }
// Methods
[CLSCompliantAttribute] // 0x33624C
[ObsoleteAttribute] // 0x33624C
public void .ctor(uint flags); // 0x1309A40
[ObsoleteAttribute] // 0x3362A4
public void .ctor(int assemblyFlags); // 0x1309A60
public void .ctor(AssemblyNameFlags assemblyFlags); // 0x1309A80
public uint get_Flags(); // 0x1309AA0
public int get_AssemblyFlags(); // 0x1309AA8
// Namespace: System.Reflection
[AttributeUsageAttribute] // 0x33633C
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x33633C
public sealed class AssemblyInformationalVersionAttribute : Attribute // TypeDefIndex: 363
// Fields
private string name; // 0x8
// Properties
public string InformationalVersion { get; }
// Methods
public void .ctor(string informationalVersion); // 0x1309AB0
public string get_InformationalVersion(); // 0x1309AD0
// Namespace: System.Reflection
[AttributeUsageAttribute] // 0x336388
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x336388
public sealed class AssemblyKeyFileAttribute : Attribute // TypeDefIndex: 364
// Fields
private string name; // 0x8
// Properties
public string KeyFile { get; }
// Methods
public void .ctor(string keyFile); // 0x1309AD8
public string get_KeyFile(); // 0x1309AF8
// Namespace: System.Reflection
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x3363D4
[AttributeUsageAttribute] // 0x3363D4
public sealed class AssemblyKeyNameAttribute : Attribute // TypeDefIndex: 365
// Fields
private string name; // 0x8
// Properties
public string KeyName { get; }
// Methods
public void .ctor(string keyName); // 0x1309B00
public string get_KeyName(); // 0x1309B20
// Namespace: System.Reflection
[ComDefaultInterfaceAttribute] // 0x336420
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x336420
[ClassInterfaceAttribute] // 0x336420
public sealed class AssemblyName : ICloneable, ISerializable, _AssemblyName, IDeserializationCallback // TypeDefIndex: 366
// Fields
private string name; // 0x8
private string codebase; // 0xC
private int major; // 0x10
private int minor; // 0x14
private int build; // 0x18
private int revision; // 0x1C
private CultureInfo cultureinfo; // 0x20
private AssemblyNameFlags flags; // 0x24
private AssemblyHashAlgorithm hashalg; // 0x28
private StrongNameKeyPair keypair; // 0x2C
private byte[] publicKey; // 0x30
private byte[] keyToken; // 0x34
private AssemblyVersionCompatibility versioncompat; // 0x38
private Version version; // 0x3C
private ProcessorArchitecture processor_architecture; // 0x40
// Properties
[MonoTODOAttribute] // 0x3364F0
public ProcessorArchitecture ProcessorArchitecture { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public string CodeBase { get; set; }
public string EscapedCodeBase { get; }
public CultureInfo CultureInfo { get; set; }
public AssemblyNameFlags Flags { get; set; }
public string FullName { get; }
public AssemblyHashAlgorithm HashAlgorithm { get; set; }
public StrongNameKeyPair KeyPair { get; set; }
public Version Version { get; set; }
public AssemblyVersionCompatibility VersionCompatibility { get; set; }
private bool IsPublicKeyValid { get; }
// Methods
public void .ctor(); // 0x1307634
public void .ctor(string assemblyName); // 0x1309B28
internal void .ctor(SerializationInfo si, StreamingContext sc); // 0x1309C9C
private void System.Runtime.InteropServices._AssemblyName.GetIDsOfNames(Guid riid, IntPtr rgszNames, uint cNames, uint lcid, IntPtr rgDispId); // 0x130A118
private void System.Runtime.InteropServices._AssemblyName.GetTypeInfo(uint iTInfo, uint lcid, IntPtr ppTInfo); // 0x130A1A8
private void System.Runtime.InteropServices._AssemblyName.GetTypeInfoCount(out uint pcTInfo); // 0x130A238
private void System.Runtime.InteropServices._AssemblyName.Invoke(uint dispIdMember, Guid riid, uint lcid, short wFlags, IntPtr pDispParams, IntPtr pVarResult, IntPtr pExcepInfo, IntPtr puArgErr); // 0x130A2C8
private static bool ParseName(AssemblyName aname, string assemblyName); // 0x1309C90
public ProcessorArchitecture get_ProcessorArchitecture(); // 0x130A358
public void set_ProcessorArchitecture(ProcessorArchitecture value); // 0x130A360
public string get_Name(); // 0x1307CC0
public void set_Name(string value); // 0x1307CC8
public string get_CodeBase(); // 0x130A368
public void set_CodeBase(string value); // 0x130A370
public string get_EscapedCodeBase(); // 0x130A378
public CultureInfo get_CultureInfo(); // 0x130A454
public void set_CultureInfo(CultureInfo value); // 0x1307CB8
public AssemblyNameFlags get_Flags(); // 0x130A45C
public void set_Flags(AssemblyNameFlags value); // 0x130A464
public string get_FullName(); // 0x130A46C
public AssemblyHashAlgorithm get_HashAlgorithm(); // 0x130A930
public void set_HashAlgorithm(AssemblyHashAlgorithm value); // 0x130A938
public StrongNameKeyPair get_KeyPair(); // 0x130A940
public void set_KeyPair(StrongNameKeyPair value); // 0x130A948
public Version get_Version(); // 0x130A804
public void set_Version(Version value); // 0x1307C24
public AssemblyVersionCompatibility get_VersionCompatibility(); // 0x130A950
public void set_VersionCompatibility(AssemblyVersionCompatibility value); // 0x130A958
public override string ToString(); // 0x130A960
public byte[] GetPublicKey(); // 0x130A984
public byte[] GetPublicKeyToken(); // 0x130A98C
private bool get_IsPublicKeyValid(); // 0x130AAB4
private byte[] InternalGetPublicKeyToken(); // 0x130A80C
private byte[] ComputePublicKeyToken(); // 0x130AD3C
[MonoTODOAttribute] // 0x3364E0
public static bool ReferenceMatchesDefinition(AssemblyName reference, AssemblyName definition); // 0x130AE54
public void SetPublicKey(byte[] publicKey); // 0x130AFCC
public void SetPublicKeyToken(byte[] publicKeyToken); // 0x130AFE8
public void GetObjectData(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context); // 0x130AFF0
public object Clone(); // 0x130B2E4
public void OnDeserialization(object sender); // 0x130B3EC
public static AssemblyName GetAssemblyName(string assemblyFile); // 0x130B3F4
// Namespace: System.Reflection
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x336530
[FlagsAttribute] // 0x336530
public enum AssemblyNameFlags // TypeDefIndex: 367
// Fields
public int value__; // 0x8
public const AssemblyNameFlags None = 0; // 0x0
public const AssemblyNameFlags PublicKey = 1; // 0x0
public const AssemblyNameFlags Retargetable = 256; // 0x0
public const AssemblyNameFlags EnableJITcompileOptimizer = 16384; // 0x0
public const AssemblyNameFlags EnableJITcompileTracking = 32768; // 0x0
// Namespace: System.Reflection
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x336564
public class AssemblyNameProxy : MarshalByRefObject // TypeDefIndex: 368
// Methods
public void .ctor(); // 0x130B520
public AssemblyName GetAssemblyName(string assemblyFile); // 0x130B528
// Namespace: System.Reflection
[AttributeUsageAttribute] // 0x336578
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x336578
public sealed class AssemblyProductAttribute : Attribute // TypeDefIndex: 369
// Fields
private string name; // 0x8
// Properties
public string Product { get; }
// Methods
public void .ctor(string product); // 0x130B52C
public string get_Product(); // 0x130B54C
// Namespace: System.Reflection
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x3365C4
[AttributeUsageAttribute] // 0x3365C4
public sealed class AssemblyTitleAttribute : Attribute // TypeDefIndex: 370
// Fields
private string name; // 0x8
// Properties
public string Title { get; }
// Methods
public void .ctor(string title); // 0x130B554
public string get_Title(); // 0x130B574
// Namespace: System.Reflection
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x336610
[AttributeUsageAttribute] // 0x336610
public sealed class AssemblyTrademarkAttribute : Attribute // TypeDefIndex: 371
// Fields
private string name; // 0x8
// Properties
public string Trademark { get; }
// Methods
public void .ctor(string trademark); // 0x130B57C
public string get_Trademark(); // 0x130B59C
// Namespace: System.Reflection
[ClassInterfaceAttribute] // 0x33665C
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x33665C
public abstract class Binder // TypeDefIndex: 372
// Fields
private static Binder default_binder; // 0x0
// Properties
internal static Binder DefaultBinder { get; }
// Methods
protected void .ctor(); // 0x130B5CC
private static void .cctor(); // 0x130B5D0
public abstract FieldInfo BindToField(BindingFlags bindingAttr, FieldInfo[] match, object value, CultureInfo culture); // 0
public abstract MethodBase BindToMethod(BindingFlags bindingAttr, MethodBase[] match, object[] args, ParameterModifier[] modifiers, CultureInfo culture, string[] names, out object state); // 0
public abstract object ChangeType(object value, Type type, CultureInfo culture); // 0
public abstract void ReorderArgumentArray(object[] args, object state); // 0
public abstract MethodBase SelectMethod(BindingFlags bindingAttr, MethodBase[] match, Type[] types, ParameterModifier[] modifiers); // 0
public abstract PropertyInfo SelectProperty(BindingFlags bindingAttr, PropertyInfo[] match, Type returnType, Type[] indexes, ParameterModifier[] modifiers); // 0
internal static Binder get_DefaultBinder(); // 0x12F85A4
internal static bool ConvertArgs(Binder binder, object[] args, ParameterInfo[] pinfo, CultureInfo culture); // 0x130B704
internal static int GetDerivedLevel(Type type); // 0x130B910
internal static MethodBase FindMostDerivedMatch(MethodBase[] match); // 0x12F8E5C
// Namespace:
internal sealed class Default : Binder // TypeDefIndex: 373
// Methods
public void .ctor(); // 0x130B66C
public override FieldInfo BindToField(BindingFlags bindingAttr, FieldInfo[] match, object value, CultureInfo culture); // 0x130B97C
public override MethodBase BindToMethod(BindingFlags bindingAttr, MethodBase[] match, object[] args, ParameterModifier[] modifiers, CultureInfo culture, string[] names, out object state); // 0x130C508
private void ReorderParameters(string[] names, object[] args, MethodBase selected); // 0x130CC4C
private static bool IsArrayAssignable(Type object_type, Type target_type); // 0x130CF20
public override object ChangeType(object value, Type type, CultureInfo culture); // 0x130CFD0
[MonoTODOAttribute] // 0x336694
public override void ReorderArgumentArray(object[] args, object state); // 0x130D448
private static bool check_type(Type from, Type to); // 0x130BAC4
private static bool check_arguments(Type[] types, ParameterInfo[] args, bool allowByRefMatch); // 0x130D44C
public override MethodBase SelectMethod(BindingFlags bindingAttr, MethodBase[] match, Type[] types, ParameterModifier[] modifiers); // 0x130D5B8
private MethodBase SelectMethod(BindingFlags bindingAttr, MethodBase[] match, Type[] types, ParameterModifier[] modifiers, bool allowByRefMatch); // 0x130C750
private MethodBase GetBetterMethod(MethodBase m1, MethodBase m2, Type[] types); // 0x130D5D8
private int CompareCloserType(Type t1, Type t2); // 0x130D938
public override PropertyInfo SelectProperty(BindingFlags bindingAttr, PropertyInfo[] match, Type returnType, Type[] indexes, ParameterModifier[] modifiers); // 0x130DBD4
private static int check_arguments_with_score(Type[] types, ParameterInfo[] args); // 0x130DEB4
private static int check_type_with_score(Type from, Type to); // 0x130DF80
// Namespace: System.Reflection
[FlagsAttribute] // 0x3366D4
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x3366D4
public enum BindingFlags // TypeDefIndex: 374
// Fields
public int value__; // 0x8
public const BindingFlags Default = 0; // 0x0
public const BindingFlags IgnoreCase = 1; // 0x0
public const BindingFlags DeclaredOnly = 2; // 0x0
public const BindingFlags Instance = 4; // 0x0
public const BindingFlags Static = 8; // 0x0
public const BindingFlags Public = 16; // 0x0
public const BindingFlags NonPublic = 32; // 0x0
public const BindingFlags FlattenHierarchy = 64; // 0x0
public const BindingFlags InvokeMethod = 256; // 0x0
public const BindingFlags CreateInstance = 512; // 0x0
public const BindingFlags GetField = 1024; // 0x0
public const BindingFlags SetField = 2048; // 0x0
public const BindingFlags GetProperty = 4096; // 0x0
public const BindingFlags SetProperty = 8192; // 0x0
public const BindingFlags PutDispProperty = 16384; // 0x0
public const BindingFlags PutRefDispProperty = 32768; // 0x0
public const BindingFlags ExactBinding = 65536; // 0x0
public const BindingFlags SuppressChangeType = 131072; // 0x0
public const BindingFlags OptionalParamBinding = 262144; // 0x0
public const BindingFlags IgnoreReturn = 16777216; // 0x0
// Namespace: System.Reflection
[FlagsAttribute] // 0x336708
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x336708
public enum CallingConventions // TypeDefIndex: 375
// Fields
public int value__; // 0x8
public const CallingConventions Standard = 1; // 0x0
public const CallingConventions VarArgs = 2; // 0x0
public const CallingConventions Any = 3; // 0x0
public const CallingConventions HasThis = 32; // 0x0
public const CallingConventions ExplicitThis = 64; // 0x0
// Namespace: System.Reflection
[ClassInterfaceAttribute] // 0x33673C
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x33673C
[ComDefaultInterfaceAttribute] // 0x33673C
public abstract class ConstructorInfo : MethodBase, _ConstructorInfo // TypeDefIndex: 376
// Fields
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x3367FC
public static readonly string ConstructorName; // 0x0
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x336810
public static readonly string TypeConstructorName; // 0x4
// Properties
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x336854
public override MemberTypes MemberType { get; }
// Methods
protected void .ctor(); // 0x130E4EC
private static void .cctor(); // 0x130E4F4
private void System.Runtime.InteropServices._ConstructorInfo.GetIDsOfNames(Guid riid, IntPtr rgszNames, uint cNames, uint lcid, IntPtr rgDispId); // 0x130E5A0
private void System.Runtime.InteropServices._ConstructorInfo.GetTypeInfo(uint iTInfo, uint lcid, IntPtr ppTInfo); // 0x130E630
private void System.Runtime.InteropServices._ConstructorInfo.GetTypeInfoCount(out uint pcTInfo); // 0x130E6C0
private void System.Runtime.InteropServices._ConstructorInfo.Invoke(uint dispIdMember, Guid riid, uint lcid, short wFlags, IntPtr pDispParams, IntPtr pVarResult, IntPtr pExcepInfo, IntPtr puArgErr); // 0x130E750
private object System.Runtime.InteropServices._ConstructorInfo.Invoke_2(object obj, BindingFlags invokeAttr, Binder binder, object[] parameters, CultureInfo culture); // 0x130E7E0
private object System.Runtime.InteropServices._ConstructorInfo.Invoke_3(object obj, object[] parameters); // 0x130E818
private object System.Runtime.InteropServices._ConstructorInfo.Invoke_4(BindingFlags invokeAttr, Binder binder, object[] parameters, CultureInfo culture); // 0x130E820
private object System.Runtime.InteropServices._ConstructorInfo.Invoke_5(object[] parameters); // 0x130E84C
public override MemberTypes get_MemberType(); // 0x130E924
[DebuggerStepThroughAttribute] // 0x336824
[DebuggerHiddenAttribute] // 0x336824
public object Invoke(object[] parameters); // 0x130E850
public abstract object Invoke(BindingFlags invokeAttr, Binder binder, object[] parameters, CultureInfo culture); // 0
virtual Type System.Runtime.InteropServices._ConstructorInfo.GetType(); // 0x130E92C
// Namespace: System.Reflection
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x336868
public sealed class CustomAttributeData // TypeDefIndex: 377
// Fields
private ConstructorInfo ctorInfo; // 0x8
private IList`1<CustomAttributeTypedArgument> ctorArgs; // 0xC
private IList`1<CustomAttributeNamedArgument> namedArgs; // 0x10
// Properties
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x33687C
public ConstructorInfo Constructor { get; }
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x336890
public IList`1<CustomAttributeTypedArgument> ConstructorArguments { get; }
public IList`1<CustomAttributeNamedArgument> NamedArguments { get; }
// Methods
internal void .ctor(ConstructorInfo ctorInfo, object[] ctorArgs, object[] namedArgs); // 0x130E930
public ConstructorInfo get_Constructor(); // 0x130EAC0
public IList`1<CustomAttributeTypedArgument> get_ConstructorArguments(); // 0x130EAC8
public IList`1<CustomAttributeNamedArgument> get_NamedArguments(); // 0x130EAD0
public static IList`1<CustomAttributeData> GetCustomAttributes(Assembly target); // 0x130EAD8
public static IList`1<CustomAttributeData> GetCustomAttributes(MemberInfo target); // 0x130EB80
public static IList`1<CustomAttributeData> GetCustomAttributes(Module target); // 0x130EC28
public static IList`1<CustomAttributeData> GetCustomAttributes(ParameterInfo target); // 0x130ECD0
public override string ToString(); // 0x130ED78
private static T[] UnboxValues(object[] values); // 0
public override bool Equals(object obj); // 0x130F8A8
public override int GetHashCode(); // 0x1310284
// Namespace: System.Reflection
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x3368A4
public class CustomAttributeFormatException : FormatException // TypeDefIndex: 378
// Methods
public void .ctor(); // 0x13106A0
public void .ctor(string message); // 0x1310738
public void .ctor(string message, Exception inner); // 0x1310740
protected void .ctor(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context); // 0x1310748
// Namespace: System.Reflection
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x3368B8
public struct CustomAttributeNamedArgument // TypeDefIndex: 379
// Fields
private CustomAttributeTypedArgument typedArgument; // 0x8
private MemberInfo memberInfo; // 0x10
// Properties
public MemberInfo MemberInfo { get; }
public CustomAttributeTypedArgument TypedValue { get; }
// Methods
internal void .ctor(MemberInfo memberInfo, object typedArgument); // 0x131084C
public MemberInfo get_MemberInfo(); // 0x1310854
public CustomAttributeTypedArgument get_TypedValue(); // 0x131085C
public override string ToString(); // 0x1310870
public override bool Equals(object obj); // 0x1310878
public override int GetHashCode(); // 0x1310880
public static bool op_Equality(CustomAttributeNamedArgument left, CustomAttributeNamedArgument right); // 0x1310888
public static bool op_Inequality(CustomAttributeNamedArgument left, CustomAttributeNamedArgument right); // 0x1310938
// Namespace: System.Reflection
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x3368CC
public struct CustomAttributeTypedArgument // TypeDefIndex: 380
// Fields
private Type argumentType; // 0x8
private object value; // 0xC
// Properties
public Type ArgumentType { get; }
public object Value { get; }
// Methods
internal void .ctor(Type argumentType, object value); // 0x1310C60
public Type get_ArgumentType(); // 0x1310C68
public object get_Value(); // 0x1310C70
public override string ToString(); // 0x1310C78
public override bool Equals(object obj); // 0x1310C80
public override int GetHashCode(); // 0x1310C88
public static bool op_Equality(CustomAttributeTypedArgument left, CustomAttributeTypedArgument right); // 0x1310C90
public static bool op_Inequality(CustomAttributeTypedArgument left, CustomAttributeTypedArgument right); // 0x1310D38
// Namespace: System.Reflection
[FlagsAttribute] // 0x3368E0
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x3368E0
public enum EventAttributes // TypeDefIndex: 381
// Fields
public int value__; // 0x8
public const EventAttributes None = 0; // 0x0
public const EventAttributes SpecialName = 512; // 0x0
public const EventAttributes ReservedMask = 1024; // 0x0
public const EventAttributes RTSpecialName = 1024; // 0x0
// Namespace: System.Reflection
[ComDefaultInterfaceAttribute] // 0x336914
[ClassInterfaceAttribute] // 0x336914
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x336914
public abstract class EventInfo : MemberInfo, _EventInfo // TypeDefIndex: 382
// Fields
private AddEventAdapter cached_add_event; // 0x8
// Properties
public abstract EventAttributes Attributes { get; }
public Type EventHandlerType { get; }
public bool IsMulticast { get; }
public bool IsSpecialName { get; }
public override MemberTypes MemberType { get; }
// Methods
protected void .ctor(); // 0x15B7944
private void System.Runtime.InteropServices._EventInfo.GetIDsOfNames(Guid riid, IntPtr rgszNames, uint cNames, uint lcid, IntPtr rgDispId); // 0x15B7954
private void System.Runtime.InteropServices._EventInfo.GetTypeInfo(uint iTInfo, uint lcid, IntPtr ppTInfo); // 0x15B79E8
private void System.Runtime.InteropServices._EventInfo.GetTypeInfoCount(out uint pcTInfo); // 0x15B7A7C
private void System.Runtime.InteropServices._EventInfo.Invoke(uint dispIdMember, Guid riid, uint lcid, short wFlags, IntPtr pDispParams, IntPtr pVarResult, IntPtr pExcepInfo, IntPtr puArgErr); // 0x15B7B10
public abstract EventAttributes get_Attributes(); // 0
public Type get_EventHandlerType(); // 0x15B7BA4
public bool get_IsMulticast(); // 0x15B7C1C
public bool get_IsSpecialName(); // 0x15B7C24
public override MemberTypes get_MemberType(); // 0x15B7C48
[DebuggerHiddenAttribute] // 0x3369D4
[DebuggerStepThroughAttribute] // 0x3369D4
public void AddEventHandler(object target, Delegate handler); // 0x15B7C50
public MethodInfo GetAddMethod(); // 0x15B7EB8
public abstract MethodInfo GetAddMethod(bool nonPublic); // 0
public MethodInfo GetRaiseMethod(); // 0x15B856C
public abstract MethodInfo GetRaiseMethod(bool nonPublic); // 0
public MethodInfo GetRemoveMethod(); // 0x15B8580
public abstract MethodInfo GetRemoveMethod(bool nonPublic); // 0
public virtual MethodInfo[] GetOtherMethods(bool nonPublic); // 0x15B8594
public MethodInfo[] GetOtherMethods(); // 0x15B8620
[DebuggerStepThroughAttribute] // 0x336A04
[DebuggerHiddenAttribute] // 0x336A04
public void RemoveEventHandler(object target, Delegate handler); // 0x15B8634
private static void AddEventFrame(AddEvent`2<T, T> addEvent, object obj, object dele); // 0
private static void StaticAddEventAdapterFrame(StaticAddEvent`1<T> addEvent, object obj, object dele); // 0
private static AddEventAdapter CreateAddEventDelegate(MethodInfo method); // 0x15B7F0C
virtual Type System.Runtime.InteropServices._EventInfo.GetType(); // 0x15B87D0
// Namespace:
private sealed class AddEventAdapter : MulticastDelegate // TypeDefIndex: 383
// Methods
public void .ctor(object object, IntPtr method); // 0x15B87D8
public virtual void Invoke(object _this, Delegate dele); // 0x15B84A8
public virtual IAsyncResult BeginInvoke(object _this, Delegate dele, AsyncCallback callback, object object); // 0x15B87EC
public virtual void EndInvoke(IAsyncResult result); // 0x15B8824
// Namespace:
private sealed class AddEvent`2 : MulticastDelegate // TypeDefIndex: 384
// Methods
public void .ctor(object object, IntPtr method); // 0
public virtual void Invoke(T _this, T dele); // 0
public virtual IAsyncResult BeginInvoke(T _this, T dele, AsyncCallback callback, object object); // 0
public virtual void EndInvoke(IAsyncResult result); // 0
// Namespace:
private sealed class StaticAddEvent`1 : MulticastDelegate // TypeDefIndex: 385
// Methods
public void .ctor(object object, IntPtr method); // 0
public virtual void Invoke(T dele); // 0
public virtual IAsyncResult BeginInvoke(T dele, AsyncCallback callback, object object); // 0
public virtual void EndInvoke(IAsyncResult result); // 0
// Namespace: System.Reflection
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x336A34
public sealed class ExceptionHandlingClause // TypeDefIndex: 386
// Fields
internal Type catch_type; // 0x8
internal int filter_offset; // 0xC
internal ExceptionHandlingClauseOptions flags; // 0x10
internal int try_offset; // 0x14
internal int try_length; // 0x18
internal int handler_offset; // 0x1C
internal int handler_length; // 0x20
// Properties
public Type CatchType { get; }
public int FilterOffset { get; }
public ExceptionHandlingClauseOptions Flags { get; }
public int HandlerLength { get; }
public int HandlerOffset { get; }
public int TryLength { get; }
public int TryOffset { get; }
// Methods
internal void .ctor(); // 0x15B8830
public Type get_CatchType(); // 0x15B8838
public int get_FilterOffset(); // 0x15B8840
public ExceptionHandlingClauseOptions get_Flags(); // 0x15B8848
public int get_HandlerLength(); // 0x15B8850
public int get_HandlerOffset(); // 0x15B8858
public int get_TryLength(); // 0x15B8860
public int get_TryOffset(); // 0x15B8868
public override string ToString(); // 0x15B8870
// Namespace: System.Reflection
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x336A48
[FlagsAttribute] // 0x336A48
public enum ExceptionHandlingClauseOptions // TypeDefIndex: 387
// Fields
public int value__; // 0x8
public const ExceptionHandlingClauseOptions Clause = 0; // 0x0
public const ExceptionHandlingClauseOptions Filter = 1; // 0x0
public const ExceptionHandlingClauseOptions Finally = 2; // 0x0
public const ExceptionHandlingClauseOptions Fault = 4; // 0x0
// Namespace: System.Reflection
[FlagsAttribute] // 0x336A7C
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x336A7C
public enum FieldAttributes // TypeDefIndex: 388
// Fields
public int value__; // 0x8
public const FieldAttributes FieldAccessMask = 7; // 0x0
public const FieldAttributes PrivateScope = 0; // 0x0
public const FieldAttributes Private = 1; // 0x0
public const FieldAttributes FamANDAssem = 2; // 0x0
public const FieldAttributes Assembly = 3; // 0x0
public const FieldAttributes Family = 4; // 0x0
public const FieldAttributes FamORAssem = 5; // 0x0
public const FieldAttributes Public = 6; // 0x0
public const FieldAttributes Static = 16; // 0x0
public const FieldAttributes InitOnly = 32; // 0x0
public const FieldAttributes Literal = 64; // 0x0
public const FieldAttributes NotSerialized = 128; // 0x0
public const FieldAttributes HasFieldRVA = 256; // 0x0
public const FieldAttributes SpecialName = 512; // 0x0
public const FieldAttributes RTSpecialName = 1024; // 0x0
public const FieldAttributes HasFieldMarshal = 4096; // 0x0
public const FieldAttributes PinvokeImpl = 8192; // 0x0
public const FieldAttributes HasDefault = 32768; // 0x0
public const FieldAttributes ReservedMask = 38144; // 0x0
// Namespace: System.Reflection
[ClassInterfaceAttribute] // 0x336AB0
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x336AB0
[ComDefaultInterfaceAttribute] // 0x336AB0
public abstract class FieldInfo : MemberInfo, _FieldInfo // TypeDefIndex: 389
// Properties
public abstract FieldAttributes Attributes { get; }
public abstract RuntimeFieldHandle FieldHandle { get; }
public abstract Type FieldType { get; }
public override MemberTypes MemberType { get; }
public bool IsLiteral { get; }
public bool IsStatic { get; }
public bool IsInitOnly { get; }
public bool IsPublic { get; }
public bool IsPrivate { get; }
public bool IsFamily { get; }
public bool IsAssembly { get; }
public bool IsFamilyAndAssembly { get; }
public bool IsFamilyOrAssembly { get; }
public bool IsPinvokeImpl { get; }
public bool IsSpecialName { get; }
public bool IsNotSerialized { get; }
internal virtual UnmanagedMarshal UMarshal { get; }
// Methods
protected void .ctor(); // 0x15B8DA4
private void System.Runtime.InteropServices._FieldInfo.GetIDsOfNames(Guid riid, IntPtr rgszNames, uint cNames, uint lcid, IntPtr rgDispId); // 0x15B8DAC
private void System.Runtime.InteropServices._FieldInfo.GetTypeInfo(uint iTInfo, uint lcid, IntPtr ppTInfo); // 0x15B8E40
private void System.Runtime.InteropServices._FieldInfo.GetTypeInfoCount(out uint pcTInfo); // 0x15B8ED4
private void System.Runtime.InteropServices._FieldInfo.Invoke(uint dispIdMember, Guid riid, uint lcid, short wFlags, IntPtr pDispParams, IntPtr pVarResult, IntPtr pExcepInfo, IntPtr puArgErr); // 0x15B8F68
public abstract FieldAttributes get_Attributes(); // 0
public abstract RuntimeFieldHandle get_FieldHandle(); // 0
public abstract Type get_FieldType(); // 0
public abstract object GetValue(object obj); // 0
public override MemberTypes get_MemberType(); // 0x15B8FFC
public bool get_IsLiteral(); // 0x15B9004
public bool get_IsStatic(); // 0x15B4A08
public bool get_IsInitOnly(); // 0x15B9028
public bool get_IsPublic(); // 0x15B904C
public bool get_IsPrivate(); // 0x15B9078
public bool get_IsFamily(); // 0x15B90A0
public bool get_IsAssembly(); // 0x15B90CC
public bool get_IsFamilyAndAssembly(); // 0x15B90F8
public bool get_IsFamilyOrAssembly(); // 0x15B9124
public bool get_IsPinvokeImpl(); // 0x15B9150
public bool get_IsSpecialName(); // 0x15B9174
public bool get_IsNotSerialized(); // 0x15B9198
public abstract void SetValue(object obj, object value, BindingFlags invokeAttr, Binder binder, CultureInfo culture); // 0
[DebuggerHiddenAttribute] // 0x336B70
[DebuggerStepThroughAttribute] // 0x336B70
public void SetValue(object obj, object value); // 0x15B91BC
private static FieldInfo internal_from_handle_type(IntPtr field_handle, IntPtr type_handle); // 0x15B91F4
public static FieldInfo GetFieldFromHandle(RuntimeFieldHandle handle); // 0x15B9200
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x336BA0
public static FieldInfo GetFieldFromHandle(RuntimeFieldHandle handle, RuntimeTypeHandle declaringType); // 0x15B932C
internal virtual int GetFieldOffset(); // 0x15B9488
[CLSCompliantAttribute] // 0x336BB4
[MonoTODOAttribute] // 0x336BB4
public virtual object GetValueDirect(System.TypedReference obj); // 0x15B9530
[CLSCompliantAttribute] // 0x336C0C
[MonoTODOAttribute] // 0x336C0C
public virtual void SetValueDirect(System.TypedReference obj, object value); // 0x15B95C4
private UnmanagedMarshal GetUnmanagedMarshal(); // 0x15B9658
internal virtual UnmanagedMarshal get_UMarshal(); // 0x15B965C
internal object[] GetPseudoCustomAttributes(); // 0x15B9660
private Type[] GetTypeModifiers(bool optional); // 0x15B993C
public virtual Type[] GetOptionalCustomModifiers(); // 0x15B9940
public virtual Type[] GetRequiredCustomModifiers(); // 0x15B9A08
public virtual object GetRawConstantValue(); // 0x15B9AD0
virtual Type System.Runtime.InteropServices._FieldInfo.GetType(); // 0x15B9B78
// Namespace: System.Reflection
[FlagsAttribute] // 0x336C64
public enum GenericParameterAttributes // TypeDefIndex: 390
// Fields
public int value__; // 0x8
public const GenericParameterAttributes Covariant = 1; // 0x0
public const GenericParameterAttributes Contravariant = 2; // 0x0
public const GenericParameterAttributes VarianceMask = 3; // 0x0
public const GenericParameterAttributes None = 0; // 0x0
public const GenericParameterAttributes ReferenceTypeConstraint = 4; // 0x0
public const GenericParameterAttributes NotNullableValueTypeConstraint = 8; // 0x0
public const GenericParameterAttributes DefaultConstructorConstraint = 16; // 0x0
public const GenericParameterAttributes SpecialConstraintMask = 28; // 0x0
// Namespace: System.Reflection
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x336C74
public enum ImageFileMachine // TypeDefIndex: 391
// Fields
public int value__; // 0x8
public const ImageFileMachine I386 = 332; // 0x0
public const ImageFileMachine IA64 = 512; // 0x0
public const ImageFileMachine AMD64 = 34404; // 0x0
// Namespace: System.Reflection
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x336C88
public struct InterfaceMapping // TypeDefIndex: 392
// Fields
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x336C9C
public MethodInfo[] InterfaceMethods; // 0x8
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x336CB0
public Type InterfaceType; // 0xC
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x336CC4
public MethodInfo[] TargetMethods; // 0x10
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x336CD8
public Type TargetType; // 0x14
// Namespace: System.Reflection
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x336CEC
public class InvalidFilterCriteriaException : ApplicationException // TypeDefIndex: 393
// Methods
public void .ctor(); // 0x15B9CC8
public void .ctor(string message); // 0x15B9D60
public void .ctor(string message, Exception inner); // 0x15B9D68
protected void .ctor(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context); // 0x15B9D70
// Namespace: System.Reflection
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x336D00
public class LocalVariableInfo // TypeDefIndex: 394
// Fields
internal Type type; // 0x8
internal bool is_pinned; // 0xC
internal ushort position; // 0xE
// Properties
public virtual bool IsPinned { get; }
public virtual int LocalIndex { get; }
public virtual Type LocalType { get; }
// Methods
internal void .ctor(); // 0x15B9D90
public virtual bool get_IsPinned(); // 0x15B9D98
public virtual int get_LocalIndex(); // 0x15B9DA0
public virtual Type get_LocalType(); // 0x15B9DA8
public override string ToString(); // 0x15B9DB0
// Namespace: System.Reflection
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x336D14
public class ManifestResourceInfo // TypeDefIndex: 395
// Fields
private Assembly _assembly; // 0x8
private string _filename; // 0xC
private ResourceLocation _location; // 0x10
// Properties
public virtual string FileName { get; }
public virtual Assembly ReferencedAssembly { get; }
public virtual ResourceLocation ResourceLocation { get; }
// Methods
internal void .ctor(); // 0x15B9F20
internal void .ctor(Assembly assembly, string filename, ResourceLocation location); // 0x15B9F28
public virtual string get_FileName(); // 0x15B9F58
public virtual Assembly get_ReferencedAssembly(); // 0x15B9F60
public virtual ResourceLocation get_ResourceLocation(); // 0x15B9F68
// Namespace: System.Reflection
internal class MemberInfoSerializationHolder : ISerializable, IObjectReference // TypeDefIndex: 396
// Fields
private const BindingFlags DefaultBinding = 60; // 0x0
private readonly string _memberName; // 0x8
private readonly string _memberSignature; // 0xC
private readonly MemberTypes _memberType; // 0x10
private readonly Type _reflectedType; // 0x14
private readonly Type[] _genericArguments; // 0x18
// Methods
private void .ctor(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext ctx); // 0x15BA348
public static void Serialize(SerializationInfo info, string name, Type klass, string signature, MemberTypes type); // 0x15BA4BC
public static void Serialize(SerializationInfo info, string name, Type klass, string signature, MemberTypes type, Type[] genericArguments); // 0x15BA4EC
public void GetObjectData(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context); // 0x15BA78C
public object GetRealObject(StreamingContext context); // 0x15BA820
// Namespace: System.Reflection
[FlagsAttribute] // 0x336D28
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x336D28
public enum MemberTypes // TypeDefIndex: 397
// Fields
public int value__; // 0x8
public const MemberTypes Constructor = 1; // 0x0
public const MemberTypes Event = 2; // 0x0
public const MemberTypes Field = 4; // 0x0
public const MemberTypes Method = 8; // 0x0
public const MemberTypes Property = 16; // 0x0
public const MemberTypes TypeInfo = 32; // 0x0
public const MemberTypes Custom = 64; // 0x0
public const MemberTypes NestedType = 128; // 0x0
public const MemberTypes All = 191; // 0x0
// Namespace: System.Reflection
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x336D5C
[FlagsAttribute] // 0x336D5C
public enum MethodAttributes // TypeDefIndex: 398
// Fields
public int value__; // 0x8
public const MethodAttributes MemberAccessMask = 7; // 0x0
public const MethodAttributes PrivateScope = 0; // 0x0
public const MethodAttributes Private = 1; // 0x0
public const MethodAttributes FamANDAssem = 2; // 0x0
public const MethodAttributes Assembly = 3; // 0x0
public const MethodAttributes Family = 4; // 0x0
public const MethodAttributes FamORAssem = 5; // 0x0
public const MethodAttributes Public = 6; // 0x0
public const MethodAttributes Static = 16; // 0x0
public const MethodAttributes Final = 32; // 0x0
public const MethodAttributes Virtual = 64; // 0x0
public const MethodAttributes HideBySig = 128; // 0x0
public const MethodAttributes VtableLayoutMask = 256; // 0x0
public const MethodAttributes CheckAccessOnOverride = 512; // 0x0
public const MethodAttributes ReuseSlot = 0; // 0x0
public const MethodAttributes NewSlot = 256; // 0x0
public const MethodAttributes Abstract = 1024; // 0x0
public const MethodAttributes SpecialName = 2048; // 0x0
public const MethodAttributes PinvokeImpl = 8192; // 0x0
public const MethodAttributes UnmanagedExport = 8; // 0x0
public const MethodAttributes RTSpecialName = 4096; // 0x0
public const MethodAttributes ReservedMask = 53248; // 0x0
public const MethodAttributes HasSecurity = 16384; // 0x0
public const MethodAttributes RequireSecObject = 32768; // 0x0
// Namespace: System.Reflection
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x336D90
[ComDefaultInterfaceAttribute] // 0x336D90
[ClassInterfaceAttribute] // 0x336D90
public abstract class MethodBase : MemberInfo, _MethodBase // TypeDefIndex: 399
// Properties
public abstract RuntimeMethodHandle MethodHandle { get; }
public abstract MethodAttributes Attributes { get; }
public virtual CallingConventions CallingConvention { get; }
public bool IsPublic { get; }
public bool IsPrivate { get; }
public bool IsFamily { get; }
public bool IsAssembly { get; }
public bool IsFamilyAndAssembly { get; }
public bool IsFamilyOrAssembly { get; }
public bool IsStatic { get; }
public bool IsFinal { get; }
public bool IsVirtual { get; }
public bool IsHideBySig { get; }
public bool IsAbstract { get; }
public bool IsSpecialName { get; }
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x336EA8
public bool IsConstructor { get; }
public virtual bool ContainsGenericParameters { get; }
public virtual bool IsGenericMethodDefinition { get; }
public virtual bool IsGenericMethod { get; }
// Methods
protected void .ctor(); // 0x15BAE9C
private void System.Runtime.InteropServices._MethodBase.GetIDsOfNames(Guid riid, IntPtr rgszNames, uint cNames, uint lcid, IntPtr rgDispId); // 0x15BAEA4
private void System.Runtime.InteropServices._MethodBase.GetTypeInfo(uint iTInfo, uint lcid, IntPtr ppTInfo); // 0x15BAF38
private void System.Runtime.InteropServices._MethodBase.GetTypeInfoCount(out uint pcTInfo); // 0x15BAFCC
private void System.Runtime.InteropServices._MethodBase.Invoke(uint dispIdMember, Guid riid, uint lcid, short wFlags, IntPtr pDispParams, IntPtr pVarResult, IntPtr pExcepInfo, IntPtr puArgErr); // 0x15BB060
public static MethodBase GetCurrentMethod(); // 0x15BB0F4
internal static MethodBase GetMethodFromHandleNoGenericCheck(RuntimeMethodHandle handle); // 0x15BB184
private static MethodBase GetMethodFromIntPtr(IntPtr handle, IntPtr declaringType); // 0x15BB224
public static MethodBase GetMethodFromHandle(RuntimeMethodHandle handle); // 0x15BB344
private static MethodBase GetMethodFromHandleInternalType(IntPtr method_handle, IntPtr type_handle); // 0x15BB338
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x336E50
public static MethodBase GetMethodFromHandle(RuntimeMethodHandle handle, RuntimeTypeHandle declaringType); // 0x15BB4A4
public abstract MethodImplAttributes GetMethodImplementationFlags(); // 0
public abstract ParameterInfo[] GetParameters(); // 0
internal virtual int GetParameterCount(); // 0x15BB4E8
[DebuggerStepThroughAttribute] // 0x336E64
[DebuggerHiddenAttribute] // 0x336E64
public object Invoke(object obj, object[] parameters); // 0x15B7ED4
public abstract object Invoke(object obj, BindingFlags invokeAttr, Binder binder, object[] parameters, CultureInfo culture); // 0
public abstract RuntimeMethodHandle get_MethodHandle(); // 0
public abstract MethodAttributes get_Attributes(); // 0
public virtual CallingConventions get_CallingConvention(); // 0x15BB514
public bool get_IsPublic(); // 0x15BB51C
public bool get_IsPrivate(); // 0x15BB548
public bool get_IsFamily(); // 0x15BB570
public bool get_IsAssembly(); // 0x15BB59C
public bool get_IsFamilyAndAssembly(); // 0x15BB5C8
public bool get_IsFamilyOrAssembly(); // 0x15BB5F4
public bool get_IsStatic(); // 0x15B5C4C
public bool get_IsFinal(); // 0x15BB620
public bool get_IsVirtual(); // 0x15BB644
public bool get_IsHideBySig(); // 0x15BB668
public bool get_IsAbstract(); // 0x15B4A2C
public bool get_IsSpecialName(); // 0x15BB68C
public bool get_IsConstructor(); // 0x15BB6B0
internal virtual int get_next_table_index(object obj, int table, bool inc); // 0x15BB7B0
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x336E94
public virtual Type[] GetGenericArguments(); // 0x15BB904
public virtual bool get_ContainsGenericParameters(); // 0x15BB998
public virtual bool get_IsGenericMethodDefinition(); // 0x15BB9A0
public virtual bool get_IsGenericMethod(); // 0x15BB9A8
internal static MethodBody GetMethodBodyInternal(IntPtr handle); // 0x15BB9B0
internal static MethodBody GetMethodBody(IntPtr handle); // 0x15BB9B8
public virtual MethodBody GetMethodBody(); // 0x15BB9C0
virtual Type System.Runtime.InteropServices._MethodBase.GetType(); // 0x15BBA54
// Namespace: System.Reflection
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x336EBC
public sealed class MethodBody // TypeDefIndex: 400
// Fields
private ExceptionHandlingClause[] clauses; // 0x8
private LocalVariableInfo[] locals; // 0xC
private byte[] il; // 0x10
private bool init_locals; // 0x14
private int sig_token; // 0x18
private int max_stack; // 0x1C
// Properties
public IList`1<ExceptionHandlingClause> ExceptionHandlingClauses { get; }
public IList`1<LocalVariableInfo> LocalVariables { get; }
public bool InitLocals { get; }
public int LocalSignatureMetadataToken { get; }
public int MaxStackSize { get; }
// Methods
internal void .ctor(); // 0x15BBA5C
public IList`1<ExceptionHandlingClause> get_ExceptionHandlingClauses(); // 0x15BBA64
public IList`1<LocalVariableInfo> get_LocalVariables(); // 0x15BBAEC
public bool get_InitLocals(); // 0x15BBB74
public int get_LocalSignatureMetadataToken(); // 0x15BBB7C
public int get_MaxStackSize(); // 0x15BBB84
public byte[] GetILAsByteArray(); // 0x15BBB8C
// Namespace: System.Reflection
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x336ED0
public enum MethodImplAttributes // TypeDefIndex: 401
// Fields
public int value__; // 0x8
public const MethodImplAttributes CodeTypeMask = 3; // 0x0
public const MethodImplAttributes IL = 0; // 0x0
public const MethodImplAttributes Native = 1; // 0x0
public const MethodImplAttributes OPTIL = 2; // 0x0
public const MethodImplAttributes Runtime = 3; // 0x0
public const MethodImplAttributes ManagedMask = 4; // 0x0
public const MethodImplAttributes Unmanaged = 4; // 0x0
public const MethodImplAttributes Managed = 0; // 0x0
public const MethodImplAttributes ForwardRef = 16; // 0x0
public const MethodImplAttributes PreserveSig = 128; // 0x0
public const MethodImplAttributes InternalCall = 4096; // 0x0
public const MethodImplAttributes Synchronized = 32; // 0x0
public const MethodImplAttributes NoInlining = 8; // 0x0
public const MethodImplAttributes MaxMethodImplVal = 65535; // 0x0
// Namespace: System.Reflection
[ComDefaultInterfaceAttribute] // 0x336EE4
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x336EE4
[ClassInterfaceAttribute] // 0x336EE4
public abstract class MethodInfo : MethodBase, _MethodInfo // TypeDefIndex: 402
// Properties
public override MemberTypes MemberType { get; }
public virtual Type ReturnType { get; }
public abstract ICustomAttributeProvider ReturnTypeCustomAttributes { get; }
public override bool IsGenericMethod { get; }
public override bool IsGenericMethodDefinition { get; }
public override bool ContainsGenericParameters { get; }
public virtual ParameterInfo ReturnParameter { get; }
// Methods
protected void .ctor(); // 0x15BBB94
private void System.Runtime.InteropServices._MethodInfo.GetIDsOfNames(Guid riid, IntPtr rgszNames, uint cNames, uint lcid, IntPtr rgDispId); // 0x15BBB9C
private void System.Runtime.InteropServices._MethodInfo.GetTypeInfo(uint iTInfo, uint lcid, IntPtr ppTInfo); // 0x15BBC30
private void System.Runtime.InteropServices._MethodInfo.GetTypeInfoCount(out uint pcTInfo); // 0x15BBCC4
private void System.Runtime.InteropServices._MethodInfo.Invoke(uint dispIdMember, Guid riid, uint lcid, short wFlags, IntPtr pDispParams, IntPtr pVarResult, IntPtr pExcepInfo, IntPtr puArgErr); // 0x15BBD58
public abstract MethodInfo GetBaseDefinition(); // 0
public override MemberTypes get_MemberType(); // 0x15BBDEC
public virtual Type get_ReturnType(); // 0x15BBDF4
public abstract ICustomAttributeProvider get_ReturnTypeCustomAttributes(); // 0
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x336FA4
public virtual MethodInfo GetGenericMethodDefinition(); // 0x15BBDFC
public virtual MethodInfo MakeGenericMethod(Type[] typeArguments); // 0x15BBE90
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x336FC8
public override Type[] GetGenericArguments(); // 0x15BBF60
public override bool get_IsGenericMethod(); // 0x15BC010
public override bool get_IsGenericMethodDefinition(); // 0x15BC018
public override bool get_ContainsGenericParameters(); // 0x15BC020
public virtual ParameterInfo get_ReturnParameter(); // 0x15BC028
virtual Type System.Runtime.InteropServices._MethodInfo.GetType(); // 0x15BC0BC
// Namespace: System.Reflection
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x336FDC
public sealed class Missing : ISerializable // TypeDefIndex: 403
// Fields
public static readonly Missing Value; // 0x0
// Methods
internal void .ctor(); // 0x15BC0C4
private static void .cctor(); // 0x15BC0CC
[MonoTODOAttribute] // 0x336FF0
private void System.Runtime.Serialization.ISerializable.GetObjectData(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context); // 0x15BC160
// Namespace: System.Reflection
internal enum ResolveTokenError // TypeDefIndex: 404
// Fields
public int value__; // 0x8
public const ResolveTokenError OutOfRange = 0; // 0x0
public const ResolveTokenError BadTable = 1; // 0x0
public const ResolveTokenError Other = 2; // 0x0
// Namespace: System.Reflection
[ComDefaultInterfaceAttribute] // 0x337000
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x337000
[ClassInterfaceAttribute] // 0x337000
public class Module : ISerializable, ICustomAttributeProvider, _Module // TypeDefIndex: 405
// Fields
private const BindingFlags defaultBindingFlags = 28; // 0x0
public static readonly TypeFilter FilterTypeName; // 0x0
public static readonly TypeFilter FilterTypeNameIgnoreCase; // 0x4
private IntPtr _impl; // 0x8
internal Assembly assembly; // 0xC
internal string fqname; // 0x10
internal string name; // 0x14
internal string scopename; // 0x18
internal bool is_resource; // 0x1C
internal int token; // 0x20
// Properties
public Assembly Assembly { get; }
public virtual string FullyQualifiedName { get; }
public string Name { get; }
public string ScopeName { get; }
public ModuleHandle ModuleHandle { get; }
public int MetadataToken { get; }
public int MDStreamVersion { get; }
internal Guid MvId { get; }
public Guid ModuleVersionId { get; }
// Methods
internal void .ctor(); // 0x15BC164
private static void .cctor(); // 0x15BC16C
private void System.Runtime.InteropServices._Module.GetIDsOfNames(Guid riid, IntPtr rgszNames, uint cNames, uint lcid, IntPtr rgDispId); // 0x15BC26C
private void System.Runtime.InteropServices._Module.GetTypeInfo(uint iTInfo, uint lcid, IntPtr ppTInfo); // 0x15BC300
private void System.Runtime.InteropServices._Module.GetTypeInfoCount(out uint pcTInfo); // 0x15BC394
private void System.Runtime.InteropServices._Module.Invoke(uint dispIdMember, Guid riid, uint lcid, short wFlags, IntPtr pDispParams, IntPtr pVarResult, IntPtr pExcepInfo, IntPtr puArgErr); // 0x15BC428
public Assembly get_Assembly(); // 0x15B27F4
public virtual string get_FullyQualifiedName(); // 0x15BC4BC
public string get_Name(); // 0x15BC4C4
public string get_ScopeName(); // 0x15BC4CC
public ModuleHandle get_ModuleHandle(); // 0x15BC4D4
public int get_MetadataToken(); // 0x15BC504
public int get_MDStreamVersion(); // 0x15BC508
internal static int GetMDStreamVersion(IntPtr module_handle); // 0x15BC624
public virtual Type[] FindTypes(TypeFilter filter, object filterCriteria); // 0x15BC62C
public virtual object[] GetCustomAttributes(bool inherit); // 0x15BC8C8
public virtual object[] GetCustomAttributes(Type attributeType, bool inherit); // 0x15BC978
public FieldInfo GetField(string name); // 0x15BCA3C
public FieldInfo GetField(string name, BindingFlags bindingAttr); // 0x15BCA90
public FieldInfo[] GetFields(); // 0x15BCADC
public MethodInfo GetMethod(string name); // 0x15BCBB4
public MethodInfo GetMethod(string name, Type[] types); // 0x15BCBF0
public MethodInfo GetMethod(string name, BindingFlags bindingAttr, Binder binder, CallingConventions callConvention, Type[] types, ParameterModifier[] modifiers); // 0x15BCC30
protected virtual MethodInfo GetMethodImpl(string name, BindingFlags bindingAttr, Binder binder, CallingConventions callConvention, Type[] types, ParameterModifier[] modifiers); // 0x15BCC6C
public MethodInfo[] GetMethods(); // 0x15BCCDC
public MethodInfo[] GetMethods(BindingFlags bindingFlags); // 0x15BCDA8
public FieldInfo[] GetFields(BindingFlags bindingFlags); // 0x15BCE84
public virtual void GetObjectData(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context); // 0x15BCF60
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x3370C0
public virtual Type GetType(string className); // 0x15BD04C
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x3370D4
public virtual Type GetType(string className, bool ignoreCase); // 0x15BD07C
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x3370E8
public virtual Type GetType(string className, bool throwOnError, bool ignoreCase); // 0x15BD0AC
private Type[] InternalGetTypes(); // 0x15BD25C
public virtual Type[] GetTypes(); // 0x15BD260
public virtual bool IsDefined(Type attributeType, bool inherit); // 0x15BD264
public bool IsResource(); // 0x15BCA84
public override string ToString(); // 0x15BD328
internal Guid get_MvId(); // 0x15BD330
public Guid get_ModuleVersionId(); // 0x15BD34C
public void GetPEKind(out PortableExecutableKinds peKind, out ImageFileMachine machine); // 0x15BD368
private Exception resolve_token_exception(int metadataToken, ResolveTokenError error, string tokenType); // 0x15BD3B8
private IntPtr[] ptrs_from_types(Type[] types); // 0x15BD5CC
public FieldInfo ResolveField(int metadataToken); // 0x15BD770
public FieldInfo ResolveField(int metadataToken, Type[] genericTypeArguments, Type[] genericMethodArguments); // 0x15BD790
public MemberInfo ResolveMember(int metadataToken); // 0x15BD948
public MemberInfo ResolveMember(int metadataToken, Type[] genericTypeArguments, Type[] genericMethodArguments); // 0x15BD968
public MethodBase ResolveMethod(int metadataToken); // 0x15BDAC4
public MethodBase ResolveMethod(int metadataToken, Type[] genericTypeArguments, Type[] genericMethodArguments); // 0x15BDAE4
public string ResolveString(int metadataToken); // 0x15BDC9C
public Type ResolveType(int metadataToken); // 0x15BDDA8
public Type ResolveType(int metadataToken, Type[] genericTypeArguments, Type[] genericMethodArguments); // 0x15BDDC8
public byte[] ResolveSignature(int metadataToken); // 0x15BDFC0
internal static Type MonoDebugger_ResolveType(Module module, int token); // 0x15BE0CC
internal static Guid Mono_GetGuid(Module module); // 0x15BE258
internal virtual Guid GetModuleVersionId(); // 0x15BE290
private static bool filter_by_type_name(Type m, object filterCriteria); // 0x15BE2C4
private static bool filter_by_type_name_ignore_case(Type m, object filterCriteria); // 0x15BE510
internal IntPtr GetHINSTANCE(); // 0x15BE79C
private string GetGuidInternal(); // 0x15BE2C0
private Type GetGlobalType(); // 0x15BCA8C
internal static IntPtr ResolveTypeToken(IntPtr module, int token, IntPtr[] type_args, IntPtr[] method_args, out ResolveTokenError error); // 0x15BDF8C
internal static IntPtr ResolveMethodToken(IntPtr module, int token, IntPtr[] type_args, IntPtr[] method_args, out ResolveTokenError error); // 0x15BDC68
internal static IntPtr ResolveFieldToken(IntPtr module, int token, IntPtr[] type_args, IntPtr[] method_args, out ResolveTokenError error); // 0x15BD914
internal static string ResolveStringToken(IntPtr module, int token, out ResolveTokenError error); // 0x15BDD98
internal static MemberInfo ResolveMemberToken(IntPtr module, int token, IntPtr[] type_args, IntPtr[] method_args, out ResolveTokenError error); // 0x15BDA90
internal static byte[] ResolveSignature(IntPtr module, int metadataToken, out ResolveTokenError error); // 0x15BE0BC
internal static void GetPEKind(IntPtr module, out PortableExecutableKinds peKind, out ImageFileMachine machine); // 0x15BE7A0
// Namespace: System.Reflection
internal struct MonoEventInfo // TypeDefIndex: 406
// Fields
public Type declaring_type; // 0x8
public Type reflected_type; // 0xC
public string name; // 0x10
public MethodInfo add_method; // 0x14
public MethodInfo remove_method; // 0x18
public MethodInfo raise_method; // 0x1C
public EventAttributes attrs; // 0x20
public MethodInfo[] other_methods; // 0x24
// Methods
private static void get_event_info(MonoEvent ev, out MonoEventInfo info); // 0x15C0B8C
internal static MonoEventInfo GetEventInfo(MonoEvent ev); // 0x15C0334
// Namespace: System.Reflection
internal sealed class MonoEvent : EventInfo, ISerializable // TypeDefIndex: 407
// Fields
private IntPtr klass; // 0xC
private IntPtr handle; // 0x10
// Properties
public override EventAttributes Attributes { get; }
public override Type DeclaringType { get; }
public override Type ReflectedType { get; }
public override string Name { get; }
// Methods
public void .ctor(); // 0x15C02FC
public override EventAttributes get_Attributes(); // 0x15C0304
public override MethodInfo GetAddMethod(bool nonPublic); // 0x15C0380
public override MethodInfo GetRaiseMethod(bool nonPublic); // 0x15C03F4
public override MethodInfo GetRemoveMethod(bool nonPublic); // 0x15C0468
public override MethodInfo[] GetOtherMethods(bool nonPublic); // 0x15C04DC
public override Type get_DeclaringType(); // 0x15C06DC
public override Type get_ReflectedType(); // 0x15C070C
public override string get_Name(); // 0x15C073C
public override string ToString(); // 0x15C076C
public override bool IsDefined(Type attributeType, bool inherit); // 0x15C086C
public override object[] GetCustomAttributes(bool inherit); // 0x15C0930
public override object[] GetCustomAttributes(Type attributeType, bool inherit); // 0x15C09E0
public void GetObjectData(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context); // 0x15C0AA4
// Namespace: System.Reflection
internal class MonoField : FieldInfo, ISerializable // TypeDefIndex: 408
// Fields
internal IntPtr klass; // 0x8
internal RuntimeFieldHandle fhandle; // 0xC
private string name; // 0x10
private Type type; // 0x14
private FieldAttributes attrs; // 0x18
// Properties
public override FieldAttributes Attributes { get; }
public override RuntimeFieldHandle FieldHandle { get; }
public override Type FieldType { get; }
public override Type ReflectedType { get; }
public override Type DeclaringType { get; }
public override string Name { get; }
// Methods
public void .ctor(); // 0x15C0B98
public override FieldAttributes get_Attributes(); // 0x15C0BA0
public override RuntimeFieldHandle get_FieldHandle(); // 0x15C0BA8
public override Type get_FieldType(); // 0x15C0BB0
private Type GetParentType(bool declaring); // 0x15C0BB8
public override Type get_ReflectedType(); // 0x15C0BBC
public override Type get_DeclaringType(); // 0x15C0BC4
public override string get_Name(); // 0x15C0BCC
public override bool IsDefined(Type attributeType, bool inherit); // 0x15C0BD4
public override object[] GetCustomAttributes(bool inherit); // 0x15C0C98
public override object[] GetCustomAttributes(Type attributeType, bool inherit); // 0x15C0D48
internal override int GetFieldOffset(); // 0x15C0E0C
private object GetValueInternal(object obj); // 0x15C0E10
public override object GetValue(object obj); // 0x15C0E14
public override string ToString(); // 0x15C1160
private static void SetValueInternal(FieldInfo fi, object obj, object value); // 0x15C123C
public override void SetValue(object obj, object val, BindingFlags invokeAttr, Binder binder, CultureInfo culture); // 0x15C124C
internal MonoField Clone(string newName); // 0x15C17AC
public void GetObjectData(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context); // 0x15C1874
public override object GetRawConstantValue(); // 0x15C18F4
private void CheckGeneric(); // 0x15C1074
// Namespace: System.Reflection
internal class MonoGenericClass : MonoType // TypeDefIndex: 409
// Fields
private const BindingFlags flags = 62; // 0x0
internal TypeBuilder generic_type; // 0x10
private Type[] type_arguments; // 0x14
private bool initialized; // 0x18
private Hashtable fields; // 0x1C
private Hashtable ctors; // 0x20
private Hashtable methods; // 0x24
private int event_count; // 0x28
// Properties
public override Type BaseType { get; }
public override Type UnderlyingSystemType { get; }
public override string Name { get; }
public override string Namespace { get; }
public override string FullName { get; }
public override string AssemblyQualifiedName { get; }
public override Guid GUID { get; }
// Methods
internal void .ctor(); // 0x15C18F8
internal void .ctor(TypeBuilder tb, Type[] args); // 0x15C19A0
private void initialize(MethodInfo[] methods, ConstructorInfo[] ctors, FieldInfo[] fields, PropertyInfo[] properties, EventInfo[] events); // 0x15C19CC
private void initialize(); // 0x15C19D0
private Type GetParentType(); // 0x15C1B4C
internal Type InflateType(Type type); // 0x15C1B7C
internal Type InflateType(Type type, Type[] method_args); // 0x15C1B84
public override Type get_BaseType(); // 0x15C1FC8
private Type[] GetInterfacesInternal(); // 0x15C2000
public override Type[] GetInterfaces(); // 0x15C217C
protected override bool IsValueTypeImpl(); // 0x15C2244
internal override MethodInfo GetMethod(MethodInfo fromNoninstanciated); // 0x15C2270
internal override ConstructorInfo GetConstructor(ConstructorInfo fromNoninstanciated); // 0x15C24C4
internal override FieldInfo GetField(FieldInfo fromNoninstanciated); // 0x15C2718
public override MethodInfo[] GetMethods(BindingFlags bf); // 0x15C296C
private MethodInfo[] GetMethodsInternal(BindingFlags bf, MonoGenericClass reftype); // 0x15C2C24
public override ConstructorInfo[] GetConstructors(BindingFlags bf); // 0x15C2E4C
private ConstructorInfo[] GetConstructorsInternal(BindingFlags bf, MonoGenericClass reftype); // 0x15C30F8
public override FieldInfo[] GetFields(BindingFlags bf); // 0x15C331C
private FieldInfo[] GetFieldsInternal(BindingFlags bf, MonoGenericClass reftype); // 0x15C35C8
public override PropertyInfo[] GetProperties(BindingFlags bf); // 0x15C37F0
private PropertyInfo[] GetPropertiesInternal(BindingFlags bf, MonoGenericClass reftype); // 0x15C3AAC
public override EventInfo[] GetEvents(BindingFlags bf); // 0x15C3D40
private EventInfo[] GetEventsInternal(BindingFlags bf, MonoGenericClass reftype); // 0x15C3FEC
public override Type[] GetNestedTypes(BindingFlags bf); // 0x15C4254
public override bool IsAssignableFrom(Type c); // 0x15C427C
public override Type get_UnderlyingSystemType(); // 0x15C4420
public override string get_Name(); // 0x15C4424
public override string get_Namespace(); // 0x15C4448
public override string get_FullName(); // 0x15C446C
public override string get_AssemblyQualifiedName(); // 0x15C47EC
public override Guid get_GUID(); // 0x15C47F8
private string format_name(bool full_name, bool assembly_qualified); // 0x15C4478
public override string ToString(); // 0x15C488C
public override Type MakeArrayType(); // 0x15C4898
public override Type MakeArrayType(int rank); // 0x15C4930
public override Type MakeByRefType(); // 0x15C4A10
public override Type MakePointerType(); // 0x15C4AA4
protected override bool IsCOMObjectImpl(); // 0x15C4B38
protected override bool IsPrimitiveImpl(); // 0x15C4B40
protected override TypeAttributes GetAttributeFlagsImpl(); // 0x15C4B48
public override Type GetInterface(string name, bool ignoreCase); // 0x15C4B74
public override EventInfo GetEvent(string name, BindingFlags bindingAttr); // 0x15C4C08
public override FieldInfo GetField(string name, BindingFlags bindingAttr); // 0x15C4DAC
public override MemberInfo[] GetMembers(BindingFlags bindingAttr); // 0x15C4E40
public override Type GetNestedType(string name, BindingFlags bindingAttr); // 0x15C4ED4
public override object InvokeMember(string name, BindingFlags invokeAttr, Binder binder, object target, object[] args, ParameterModifier[] modifiers, CultureInfo culture, string[] namedParameters); // 0x15C4F68
protected override MethodInfo GetMethodImpl(string name, BindingFlags bindingAttr, Binder binder, CallingConventions callConvention, Type[] types, ParameterModifier[] modifiers); // 0x15C4FFC
protected override PropertyInfo GetPropertyImpl(string name, BindingFlags bindingAttr, Binder binder, Type returnType, Type[] types, ParameterModifier[] modifiers); // 0x15C5090
protected override ConstructorInfo GetConstructorImpl(BindingFlags bindingAttr, Binder binder, CallingConventions callConvention, Type[] types, ParameterModifier[] modifiers); // 0x15C5124
public override bool IsDefined(Type attributeType, bool inherit); // 0x15C51B8
public override object[] GetCustomAttributes(bool inherit); // 0x15C524C
public override object[] GetCustomAttributes(Type attributeType, bool inherit); // 0x15C52E0
// Namespace: System.Reflection
internal class MonoGenericMethod : MonoMethod // TypeDefIndex: 410
// Properties
public override Type ReflectedType { get; }
// Methods
internal void .ctor(); // 0x15C5418
public override Type get_ReflectedType(); // 0x15C54C4
// Namespace: System.Reflection
internal class MonoGenericCMethod : MonoCMethod // TypeDefIndex: 411
// Properties
public override Type ReflectedType { get; }
// Methods
internal void .ctor(); // 0x15C5374
public override Type get_ReflectedType(); // 0x15C5414
// Namespace: System.Reflection
internal struct MonoMethodInfo // TypeDefIndex: 412
// Fields
private Type parent; // 0x8
private Type ret; // 0xC
internal MethodAttributes attrs; // 0x10
internal MethodImplAttributes iattrs; // 0x14
private CallingConventions callconv; // 0x18
// Methods
private static void get_method_info(IntPtr handle, out MonoMethodInfo info); // 0x15C6BF0
internal static MonoMethodInfo GetMethodInfo(IntPtr handle); // 0x15C612C
internal static Type GetDeclaringType(IntPtr handle); // 0x15BFD94
internal static Type GetReturnType(IntPtr handle); // 0x15C5624
internal static MethodAttributes GetAttributes(IntPtr handle); // 0x15BFCB4
internal static CallingConventions GetCallingConvention(IntPtr handle); // 0x15BFD20
internal static MethodImplAttributes GetMethodImplementationFlags(IntPtr handle); // 0x15BF53C
private static ParameterInfo[] get_parameter_info(IntPtr handle, MemberInfo member); // 0x15C6BFC
internal static ParameterInfo[] GetParametersInfo(IntPtr handle, MemberInfo member); // 0x15BF580
private static UnmanagedMarshal get_retval_marshal(IntPtr handle); // 0x15C6C08
internal static ParameterInfo GetReturnParameterInfo(MonoMethod method); // 0x15C5510
// Namespace: System.Reflection
internal class MonoMethod : MethodInfo, ISerializable // TypeDefIndex: 413
// Fields
internal IntPtr mhandle; // 0x8
private string name; // 0xC
private Type reftype; // 0x10
// Properties
public override ParameterInfo ReturnParameter { get; }
public override Type ReturnType { get; }
public override ICustomAttributeProvider ReturnTypeCustomAttributes { get; }
public override RuntimeMethodHandle MethodHandle { get; }
public override MethodAttributes Attributes { get; }
public override CallingConventions CallingConvention { get; }
public override Type ReflectedType { get; }
public override Type DeclaringType { get; }
public override string Name { get; }
public override bool IsGenericMethodDefinition { get; }
public override bool IsGenericMethod { get; }
public override bool ContainsGenericParameters { get; }
// Methods
internal void .ctor(); // 0x15C54BC
internal void .ctor(RuntimeMethodHandle mhandle); // 0x15C54C8
internal static string get_name(MethodBase method); // 0x15BFDF0
internal static MonoMethod get_base_definition(MonoMethod method); // 0x15C54FC
public override MethodInfo GetBaseDefinition(); // 0x15C5504
public override ParameterInfo get_ReturnParameter(); // 0x15C5508
public override Type get_ReturnType(); // 0x15C55F0
public override ICustomAttributeProvider get_ReturnTypeCustomAttributes(); // 0x15C565C
public override MethodImplAttributes GetMethodImplementationFlags(); // 0x15C5664
public override ParameterInfo[] GetParameters(); // 0x15C5698
internal object InternalInvoke(object obj, object[] parameters, out Exception exc); // 0x15C576C
public override object Invoke(object obj, BindingFlags invokeAttr, Binder binder, object[] parameters, CultureInfo culture); // 0x15C5770
public override RuntimeMethodHandle get_MethodHandle(); // 0x15C5C10
public override MethodAttributes get_Attributes(); // 0x15C5C40
public override CallingConventions get_CallingConvention(); // 0x15C5C74
public override Type get_ReflectedType(); // 0x15C5CA8
public override Type get_DeclaringType(); // 0x15C5CB0
public override string get_Name(); // 0x15C5CE4
public override bool IsDefined(Type attributeType, bool inherit); // 0x15C5D08
public override object[] GetCustomAttributes(bool inherit); // 0x15C5DCC
public override object[] GetCustomAttributes(Type attributeType, bool inherit); // 0x15C5E7C
internal static DllImportAttribute GetDllImportAttribute(IntPtr mhandle); // 0x15C5F40
internal object[] GetPseudoCustomAttributes(); // 0x15C5F48
private static bool ShouldPrintFullName(Type type); // 0x15C6174
public override string ToString(); // 0x15C6224
public void GetObjectData(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context); // 0x15C66DC
public override MethodInfo MakeGenericMethod(Type[] methodInstantiation); // 0x15C67A8
private MethodInfo MakeGenericMethod_impl(Type[] types); // 0x15C69E8
public override Type[] GetGenericArguments(); // 0x15C69EC
private MethodInfo GetGenericMethodDefinition_impl(); // 0x15C69F0
public override MethodInfo GetGenericMethodDefinition(); // 0x15C69F4
public override bool get_IsGenericMethodDefinition(); // 0x15C6A9C
public override bool get_IsGenericMethod(); // 0x15C6AA0
public override bool get_ContainsGenericParameters(); // 0x15C6AA4
public override MethodBody GetMethodBody(); // 0x15C6B84
// Namespace: System.Reflection
internal class MonoCMethod : ConstructorInfo, ISerializable // TypeDefIndex: 414
// Fields
internal IntPtr mhandle; // 0x8
private string name; // 0xC
private Type reftype; // 0x10
// Properties
public override RuntimeMethodHandle MethodHandle { get; }
public override MethodAttributes Attributes { get; }
public override CallingConventions CallingConvention { get; }
public override Type ReflectedType { get; }
public override Type DeclaringType { get; }
public override string Name { get; }
// Methods
public void .ctor(); // 0x15BF464
public override MethodImplAttributes GetMethodImplementationFlags(); // 0x15BF508
public override ParameterInfo[] GetParameters(); // 0x15BF574
internal object InternalInvoke(object obj, object[] parameters, out Exception exc); // 0x15BF58C
public override object Invoke(object obj, BindingFlags invokeAttr, Binder binder, object[] parameters, CultureInfo culture); // 0x15BF590
public override object Invoke(BindingFlags invokeAttr, Binder binder, object[] parameters, CultureInfo culture); // 0x15BFC10
public override RuntimeMethodHandle get_MethodHandle(); // 0x15BFC50
public override MethodAttributes get_Attributes(); // 0x15BFC80
public override CallingConventions get_CallingConvention(); // 0x15BFCEC
public override Type get_ReflectedType(); // 0x15BFD58
public override Type get_DeclaringType(); // 0x15BFD60
public override string get_Name(); // 0x15BFDCC
public override bool IsDefined(Type attributeType, bool inherit); // 0x15BFDF8
public override object[] GetCustomAttributes(bool inherit); // 0x15BFEBC
public override object[] GetCustomAttributes(Type attributeType, bool inherit); // 0x15BFF6C
public override MethodBody GetMethodBody(); // 0x15C0030
public override string ToString(); // 0x15C0038
public void GetObjectData(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context); // 0x15C027C
// Namespace: System.Reflection
internal struct MonoPropertyInfo // TypeDefIndex: 415
// Fields
public Type parent; // 0x8
public string name; // 0xC
public MethodInfo get_method; // 0x10
public MethodInfo set_method; // 0x14
public PropertyAttributes attrs; // 0x18
// Methods
internal static void get_property_info(MonoProperty prop, MonoPropertyInfo info, PInfo req_info); // 0x15C6D44
internal static Type[] GetTypeModifiers(MonoProperty prop, bool optional); // 0x15C8404
// Namespace: System.Reflection
[FlagsAttribute] // 0x3370FC
internal enum PInfo // TypeDefIndex: 416
// Fields
public int value__; // 0x8
public const PInfo Attributes = 1; // 0x0
public const PInfo GetMethod = 2; // 0x0
public const PInfo SetMethod = 4; // 0x0
public const PInfo ReflectedType = 8; // 0x0
public const PInfo DeclaringType = 16; // 0x0
public const PInfo Name = 32; // 0x0
// Namespace: System.Reflection
internal class MonoProperty : PropertyInfo, ISerializable // TypeDefIndex: 417
// Fields
internal IntPtr klass; // 0x8
internal IntPtr prop; // 0xC
private MonoPropertyInfo info; // 0x10
private PInfo cached; // 0x24
private GetterAdapter cached_getter; // 0x28
// Properties
public override PropertyAttributes Attributes { get; }
public override bool CanRead { get; }
public override bool CanWrite { get; }
public override Type PropertyType { get; }
public override Type ReflectedType { get; }
public override Type DeclaringType { get; }
public override string Name { get; }
// Methods
public void .ctor(); // 0x15C6CF4
private void CachePropertyInfo(PInfo flags); // 0x15C6D04
public override PropertyAttributes get_Attributes(); // 0x15C6D54
public override bool get_CanRead(); // 0x15C6D90
public override bool get_CanWrite(); // 0x15C6DD4
public override Type get_PropertyType(); // 0x15C6E18
public override Type get_ReflectedType(); // 0x15C6EEC
public override Type get_DeclaringType(); // 0x15C6F28
public override string get_Name(); // 0x15C6F64
public override MethodInfo[] GetAccessors(bool nonPublic); // 0x15C6FA0
public override MethodInfo GetGetMethod(bool nonPublic); // 0x15C71A4
public override ParameterInfo[] GetIndexParameters(); // 0x15C7214
public override MethodInfo GetSetMethod(bool nonPublic); // 0x15C74D4
public override bool IsDefined(Type attributeType, bool inherit); // 0x15C7544
public override object[] GetCustomAttributes(bool inherit); // 0x15C7604
public override object[] GetCustomAttributes(Type attributeType, bool inherit); // 0x15C76B0
private static object GetterAdapterFrame(Getter`2<T, T> getter, object obj); // 0
private static object StaticGetterAdapterFrame(StaticGetter`1<T> getter, object obj); // 0
private static GetterAdapter CreateGetterDelegate(MethodInfo method); // 0x15C7770
public override object GetValue(object obj, object[] index); // 0x15C7C94
public override object GetValue(object obj, BindingFlags invokeAttr, Binder binder, object[] index, CultureInfo culture); // 0x15C7CCC
public override void SetValue(object obj, object value, BindingFlags invokeAttr, Binder binder, object[] index, CultureInfo culture); // 0x15C7F58
public override string ToString(); // 0x15C8214
public override Type[] GetOptionalCustomModifiers(); // 0x15C833C
public override Type[] GetRequiredCustomModifiers(); // 0x15C8410
public void GetObjectData(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context); // 0x15C84D8
// Namespace:
private sealed class GetterAdapter : MulticastDelegate // TypeDefIndex: 418
// Methods
public void .ctor(object object, IntPtr method); // 0x15C8558
public virtual object Invoke(object _this); // 0x15C856C
public virtual IAsyncResult BeginInvoke(object _this, AsyncCallback callback, object object); // 0x15C8604
public virtual object EndInvoke(IAsyncResult result); // 0x15C8630
// Namespace:
private sealed class Getter`2 : MulticastDelegate // TypeDefIndex: 419
// Methods
public void .ctor(object object, IntPtr method); // 0
public virtual T Invoke(T _this); // 0
public virtual IAsyncResult BeginInvoke(T _this, AsyncCallback callback, object object); // 0
public virtual T EndInvoke(IAsyncResult result); // 0
// Namespace:
private sealed class StaticGetter`1 : MulticastDelegate // TypeDefIndex: 420
// Methods
public void .ctor(object object, IntPtr method); // 0
public virtual T Invoke(); // 0
public virtual IAsyncResult BeginInvoke(AsyncCallback callback, object object); // 0
public virtual T EndInvoke(IAsyncResult result); // 0
// Namespace: System.Reflection
[AttributeUsageAttribute] // 0x33710C
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x33710C
public sealed class ObfuscateAssemblyAttribute : Attribute // TypeDefIndex: 421
// Fields
private bool is_private; // 0x8
private bool strip; // 0x9
// Properties
public bool AssemblyIsPrivate { get; }
public bool StripAfterObfuscation { get; set; }
// Methods
public void .ctor(bool assemblyIsPrivate); // 0x15C86A0
public bool get_AssemblyIsPrivate(); // 0x15C86C8
public bool get_StripAfterObfuscation(); // 0x15C86D0
public void set_StripAfterObfuscation(bool value); // 0x15C86D8
// Namespace: System.Reflection
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x337158
[AttributeUsageAttribute] // 0x337158
public sealed class ObfuscationAttribute : Attribute // TypeDefIndex: 422
// Fields
private bool exclude; // 0x8
private bool strip; // 0x9
private bool applyToMembers; // 0xA
private string feature; // 0xC
// Properties
public bool Exclude { get; set; }
public bool StripAfterObfuscation { get; set; }
public bool ApplyToMembers { get; set; }
public string Feature { get; set; }
// Methods
public void .ctor(); // 0x15C86E0
public bool get_Exclude(); // 0x15C877C
public void set_Exclude(bool value); // 0x15C8784
public bool get_StripAfterObfuscation(); // 0x15C878C
public void set_StripAfterObfuscation(bool value); // 0x15C8794
public bool get_ApplyToMembers(); // 0x15C879C
public void set_ApplyToMembers(bool value); // 0x15C87A4
public string get_Feature(); // 0x15C87AC
public void set_Feature(string value); // 0x15C87B4
// Namespace: System.Reflection
[FlagsAttribute] // 0x3371B4
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x3371B4
public enum ParameterAttributes // TypeDefIndex: 423
// Fields
public int value__; // 0x8
public const ParameterAttributes None = 0; // 0x0
public const ParameterAttributes In = 1; // 0x0
public const ParameterAttributes Out = 2; // 0x0
public const ParameterAttributes Lcid = 4; // 0x0
public const ParameterAttributes Retval = 8; // 0x0
public const ParameterAttributes Optional = 16; // 0x0
public const ParameterAttributes ReservedMask = 61440; // 0x0
public const ParameterAttributes HasDefault = 4096; // 0x0
public const ParameterAttributes HasFieldMarshal = 8192; // 0x0
public const ParameterAttributes Reserved3 = 16384; // 0x0
public const ParameterAttributes Reserved4 = 32768; // 0x0
// Namespace: System.Reflection
[ClassInterfaceAttribute] // 0x3371E8
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x3371E8
[ComDefaultInterfaceAttribute] // 0x3371E8
public class ParameterInfo : ICustomAttributeProvider, _ParameterInfo // TypeDefIndex: 424
// Fields
protected Type ClassImpl; // 0x8
protected object DefaultValueImpl; // 0xC
protected MemberInfo MemberImpl; // 0x10
protected string NameImpl; // 0x14
protected int PositionImpl; // 0x18
protected ParameterAttributes AttrsImpl; // 0x1C
private UnmanagedMarshal marshalAs; // 0x20
// Properties
public virtual Type ParameterType { get; }
public virtual ParameterAttributes Attributes { get; }
public virtual object DefaultValue { get; }
public bool IsIn { get; }
public bool IsLcid { get; }
public bool IsOptional { get; }
public bool IsOut { get; }
public bool IsRetval { get; }
public virtual MemberInfo Member { get; }
public virtual string Name { get; }
public virtual int Position { get; }
public int MetadataToken { get; }
public virtual object RawDefaultValue { get; }
// Methods
protected void .ctor(); // 0x15C87BC
internal void .ctor(ParameterBuilder pb, Type type, MemberInfo member, int position); // 0x15C87C4
internal void .ctor(ParameterInfo pinfo, MemberInfo member); // 0x15C743C
internal void .ctor(Type type, MemberInfo member, UnmanagedMarshal marshalAs); // 0x15C6C10
private void System.Runtime.InteropServices._ParameterInfo.GetIDsOfNames(Guid riid, IntPtr rgszNames, uint cNames, uint lcid, IntPtr rgDispId); // 0x15C8860
private void System.Runtime.InteropServices._ParameterInfo.GetTypeInfo(uint iTInfo, uint lcid, IntPtr ppTInfo); // 0x15C88F4
private void System.Runtime.InteropServices._ParameterInfo.GetTypeInfoCount(out uint pcTInfo); // 0x15C8988
private void System.Runtime.InteropServices._ParameterInfo.Invoke(uint dispIdMember, Guid riid, uint lcid, short wFlags, IntPtr pDispParams, IntPtr pVarResult, IntPtr pExcepInfo, IntPtr puArgErr); // 0x15C8A1C
public override string ToString(); // 0x15C8AB0
public virtual Type get_ParameterType(); // 0x15C8D88
public virtual ParameterAttributes get_Attributes(); // 0x15C8D90
public virtual object get_DefaultValue(); // 0x15C8D98
public bool get_IsIn(); // 0x15C9124
public bool get_IsLcid(); // 0x15C9144
public bool get_IsOptional(); // 0x15C9168
public bool get_IsOut(); // 0x15C918C
public bool get_IsRetval(); // 0x15C8D64
public virtual MemberInfo get_Member(); // 0x15C91B0
public virtual string get_Name(); // 0x15C91B8
public virtual int get_Position(); // 0x15C91C0
private int GetMetadataToken(); // 0x15C91C8
public int get_MetadataToken(); // 0x15C91CC
public virtual object[] GetCustomAttributes(bool inherit); // 0x15C9428
public virtual object[] GetCustomAttributes(Type attributeType, bool inherit); // 0x15C94D8
public virtual bool IsDefined(Type attributeType, bool inherit); // 0x15C959C
internal object[] GetPseudoCustomAttributes(); // 0x15C9660
private Type[] GetTypeModifiers(bool optional); // 0x15C99A8
public virtual Type[] GetOptionalCustomModifiers(); // 0x15C99AC
public virtual Type[] GetRequiredCustomModifiers(); // 0x15C9A74
public virtual object get_RawDefaultValue(); // 0x15C9B3C
// Namespace: System.Reflection
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x3372A8
[DefaultMemberAttribute] // 0x3372A8
public struct ParameterModifier // TypeDefIndex: 425
// Fields
private bool[] _byref; // 0x8
// Properties
public bool Item { get; set; }
// Methods
public void .ctor(int parameterCount); // 0x15C9DC4
public bool get_Item(int index); // 0x15C9E10
public void set_Item(int index, bool value); // 0x15C9E60
// Namespace: System.Reflection
[CLSCompliantAttribute] // 0x337300
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x337300
public sealed class Pointer : ISerializable // TypeDefIndex: 426
// Fields
private void* data; // 0x8
private Type type; // 0xC
// Methods
private void .ctor(); // 0x15C9E68
private void System.Runtime.Serialization.ISerializable.GetObjectData(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context); // 0x15C9E70
public static object Box(void* ptr, Type type); // 0x15C9F18
public static void* Unbox(object ptr); // 0x15CA070
// Namespace: System.Reflection
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x337338
[FlagsAttribute] // 0x337338
public enum PortableExecutableKinds // TypeDefIndex: 427
// Fields
public int value__; // 0x8
public const PortableExecutableKinds NotAPortableExecutableImage = 0; // 0x0
public const PortableExecutableKinds ILOnly = 1; // 0x0
public const PortableExecutableKinds Required32Bit = 2; // 0x0
public const PortableExecutableKinds PE32Plus = 4; // 0x0
public const PortableExecutableKinds Unmanaged32Bit = 8; // 0x0
// Namespace: System.Reflection
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x33736C
public enum ProcessorArchitecture // TypeDefIndex: 428
// Fields
public int value__; // 0x8
public const ProcessorArchitecture None = 0; // 0x0
public const ProcessorArchitecture MSIL = 1; // 0x0
public const ProcessorArchitecture X86 = 2; // 0x0
public const ProcessorArchitecture IA64 = 3; // 0x0
public const ProcessorArchitecture Amd64 = 4; // 0x0
// Namespace: System.Reflection
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x337380
[FlagsAttribute] // 0x337380
public enum PropertyAttributes // TypeDefIndex: 429
// Fields
public int value__; // 0x8
public const PropertyAttributes None = 0; // 0x0
public const PropertyAttributes SpecialName = 512; // 0x0
public const PropertyAttributes ReservedMask = 62464; // 0x0
public const PropertyAttributes RTSpecialName = 1024; // 0x0
public const PropertyAttributes HasDefault = 4096; // 0x0
public const PropertyAttributes Reserved2 = 8192; // 0x0
public const PropertyAttributes Reserved3 = 16384; // 0x0
public const PropertyAttributes Reserved4 = 32768; // 0x0
// Namespace: System.Reflection
[ClassInterfaceAttribute] // 0x3373B4
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x3373B4
[ComDefaultInterfaceAttribute] // 0x3373B4
public abstract class PropertyInfo : MemberInfo, _PropertyInfo // TypeDefIndex: 430
// Properties
public abstract PropertyAttributes Attributes { get; }
public abstract bool CanRead { get; }
public abstract bool CanWrite { get; }
public bool IsSpecialName { get; }
public override MemberTypes MemberType { get; }
public abstract Type PropertyType { get; }
// Methods
protected void .ctor(); // 0x15C6CFC
private void System.Runtime.InteropServices._PropertyInfo.GetIDsOfNames(Guid riid, IntPtr rgszNames, uint cNames, uint lcid, IntPtr rgDispId); // 0x15CA150
private void System.Runtime.InteropServices._PropertyInfo.GetTypeInfo(uint iTInfo, uint lcid, IntPtr ppTInfo); // 0x15CA1E4
private void System.Runtime.InteropServices._PropertyInfo.GetTypeInfoCount(out uint pcTInfo); // 0x15CA278
private void System.Runtime.InteropServices._PropertyInfo.Invoke(uint dispIdMember, Guid riid, uint lcid, short wFlags, IntPtr pDispParams, IntPtr pVarResult, IntPtr pExcepInfo, IntPtr puArgErr); // 0x15CA30C
public abstract PropertyAttributes get_Attributes(); // 0
public abstract bool get_CanRead(); // 0
public abstract bool get_CanWrite(); // 0
public bool get_IsSpecialName(); // 0x15CA3A0
public override MemberTypes get_MemberType(); // 0x15CA3C4
public abstract Type get_PropertyType(); // 0
public MethodInfo[] GetAccessors(); // 0x15CA3CC
public abstract MethodInfo[] GetAccessors(bool nonPublic); // 0
public MethodInfo GetGetMethod(); // 0x15CA3E0
public abstract MethodInfo GetGetMethod(bool nonPublic); // 0
public abstract ParameterInfo[] GetIndexParameters(); // 0
public MethodInfo GetSetMethod(); // 0x15CA3F4
public abstract MethodInfo GetSetMethod(bool nonPublic); // 0
[DebuggerHiddenAttribute] // 0x337474
[DebuggerStepThroughAttribute] // 0x337474
public virtual object GetValue(object obj, object[] index); // 0x15CA408
public abstract object GetValue(object obj, BindingFlags invokeAttr, Binder binder, object[] index, CultureInfo culture); // 0
[DebuggerHiddenAttribute] // 0x3374A4
[DebuggerStepThroughAttribute] // 0x3374A4
public virtual void SetValue(object obj, object value, object[] index); // 0x15CA440
public abstract void SetValue(object obj, object value, BindingFlags invokeAttr, Binder binder, object[] index, CultureInfo culture); // 0
public virtual Type[] GetOptionalCustomModifiers(); // 0x15CA47C
public virtual Type[] GetRequiredCustomModifiers(); // 0x15CA52C
[MonoTODOAttribute] // 0x3374D4
public virtual object GetConstantValue(); // 0x15CA5DC
[MonoTODOAttribute] // 0x337514
public virtual object GetRawConstantValue(); // 0x15CA670
virtual Type System.Runtime.InteropServices._PropertyInfo.GetType(); // 0x15CA704
// Namespace: System.Reflection
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x337554
public sealed class ReflectionTypeLoadException : SystemException // TypeDefIndex: 431
// Fields
private Exception[] loaderExceptions; // 0x34
private Type[] types; // 0x38
// Properties
public Type[] Types { get; }
public Exception[] LoaderExceptions { get; }
// Methods
public void .ctor(Type[] classes, Exception[] exceptions); // 0x15CA70C
public void .ctor(Type[] classes, Exception[] exceptions, string message); // 0x15CA7B4
private void .ctor(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext sc); // 0x15CA7E0
public Type[] get_Types(); // 0x15CA97C
public Exception[] get_LoaderExceptions(); // 0x15CA984
public override void GetObjectData(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context); // 0x15CA98C
// Namespace: System.Reflection
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x337568
[FlagsAttribute] // 0x337568
public enum ResourceAttributes // TypeDefIndex: 432
// Fields
public int value__; // 0x8
public const ResourceAttributes Public = 1; // 0x0
public const ResourceAttributes Private = 2; // 0x0
// Namespace: System.Reflection
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x33759C
[FlagsAttribute] // 0x33759C
public enum ResourceLocation // TypeDefIndex: 433
// Fields
public int value__; // 0x8
public const ResourceLocation Embedded = 1; // 0x0
public const ResourceLocation ContainedInAnotherAssembly = 2; // 0x0
public const ResourceLocation ContainedInManifestFile = 4; // 0x0
// Namespace: System.Reflection
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x3375D0
public class StrongNameKeyPair : ISerializable, IDeserializationCallback // TypeDefIndex: 434
// Fields
private byte[] _publicKey; // 0x8
private string _keyPairContainer; // 0xC
private bool _keyPairExported; // 0x10
private byte[] _keyPairArray; // 0x14
private RSA _rsa; // 0x18
// Properties
public byte[] PublicKey { get; }
// Methods
public void .ctor(byte[] keyPairArray); // 0x15CAA7C
public void .ctor(FileStream keyPairFile); // 0x15CAE30
public void .ctor(string keyPairContainer); // 0x15CAFE4
protected void .ctor(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context); // 0x15CB0B8
private void System.Runtime.Serialization.ISerializable.GetObjectData(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context); // 0x15CB260
private void System.Runtime.Serialization.IDeserializationCallback.OnDeserialization(object sender); // 0x15CB3F4
private RSA GetRSA(); // 0x15CACFC
private void LoadKey(byte[] key); // 0x15CAB58
public byte[] get_PublicKey(); // 0x15CB3F8
internal StrongName StrongName(); // 0x15CB744
// Namespace: System.Reflection
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x3375E4
public class TargetException : Exception // TypeDefIndex: 435
// Methods
public void .ctor(); // 0x15CB82C
public void .ctor(string message); // 0x15B7ECC
public void .ctor(string message, Exception inner); // 0x15CB8C4
protected void .ctor(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context); // 0x15CB8CC
// Namespace: System.Reflection
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x3375F8
public sealed class TargetInvocationException : Exception // TypeDefIndex: 436
// Methods
public void .ctor(Exception inner); // 0x15BFB80
public void .ctor(string message, Exception inner); // 0x15CB8EC
internal void .ctor(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext sc); // 0x15CB8F4
// Namespace: System.Reflection
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x33760C
public sealed class TargetParameterCountException : Exception // TypeDefIndex: 437
// Methods
public void .ctor(); // 0x15CB914
public void .ctor(string message); // 0x15BFB78
public void .ctor(string message, Exception inner); // 0x15CB9AC
internal void .ctor(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context); // 0x15CB9B4
// Namespace: System.Reflection
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x337620
[FlagsAttribute] // 0x337620
public enum TypeAttributes // TypeDefIndex: 438
// Fields
public int value__; // 0x8
public const TypeAttributes VisibilityMask = 7; // 0x0
public const TypeAttributes NotPublic = 0; // 0x0
public const TypeAttributes Public = 1; // 0x0
public const TypeAttributes NestedPublic = 2; // 0x0
public const TypeAttributes NestedPrivate = 3; // 0x0
public const TypeAttributes NestedFamily = 4; // 0x0
public const TypeAttributes NestedAssembly = 5; // 0x0
public const TypeAttributes NestedFamANDAssem = 6; // 0x0
public const TypeAttributes NestedFamORAssem = 7; // 0x0
public const TypeAttributes LayoutMask = 24; // 0x0
public const TypeAttributes AutoLayout = 0; // 0x0
public const TypeAttributes SequentialLayout = 8; // 0x0
public const TypeAttributes ExplicitLayout = 16; // 0x0
public const TypeAttributes ClassSemanticsMask = 32; // 0x0
public const TypeAttributes Class = 0; // 0x0
public const TypeAttributes Interface = 32; // 0x0
public const TypeAttributes Abstract = 128; // 0x0
public const TypeAttributes Sealed = 256; // 0x0
public const TypeAttributes SpecialName = 1024; // 0x0
public const TypeAttributes Import = 4096; // 0x0
public const TypeAttributes Serializable = 8192; // 0x0
public const TypeAttributes StringFormatMask = 196608; // 0x0
public const TypeAttributes AnsiClass = 0; // 0x0
public const TypeAttributes UnicodeClass = 65536; // 0x0
public const TypeAttributes AutoClass = 131072; // 0x0
public const TypeAttributes BeforeFieldInit = 1048576; // 0x0
public const TypeAttributes ReservedMask = 264192; // 0x0
public const TypeAttributes RTSpecialName = 2048; // 0x0
public const TypeAttributes HasSecurity = 262144; // 0x0
public const TypeAttributes CustomFormatClass = 196608; // 0x0
public const TypeAttributes CustomFormatMask = 12582912; // 0x0
// Namespace: System.Reflection
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x337654
public class TypeDelegator : Type // TypeDefIndex: 439
// Fields
protected Type typeImpl; // 0xC
// Properties
public override Assembly Assembly { get; }
public override string AssemblyQualifiedName { get; }
public override Type BaseType { get; }
public override string FullName { get; }
public override Guid GUID { get; }
public override Module Module { get; }
public override string Name { get; }
public override string Namespace { get; }
public override RuntimeTypeHandle TypeHandle { get; }
public override Type UnderlyingSystemType { get; }
public override int MetadataToken { get; }
// Methods
protected void .ctor(); // 0x15CB9D4
public void .ctor(Type delegatingType); // 0x15CBA78
public override Assembly get_Assembly(); // 0x15CBB78
public override string get_AssemblyQualifiedName(); // 0x15CBBAC
public override Type get_BaseType(); // 0x15CBBE0
public override string get_FullName(); // 0x15CBC14
public override Guid get_GUID(); // 0x15CBC48
public override Module get_Module(); // 0x15CBC7C
public override string get_Name(); // 0x15CBCB0
public override string get_Namespace(); // 0x15CBCE4
public override RuntimeTypeHandle get_TypeHandle(); // 0x15CBD18
public override Type get_UnderlyingSystemType(); // 0x15CBD4C
protected override TypeAttributes GetAttributeFlagsImpl(); // 0x15CBD80
protected override ConstructorInfo GetConstructorImpl(BindingFlags bindingAttr, Binder binder, CallingConventions callConvention, Type[] types, ParameterModifier[] modifiers); // 0x15CBDAC
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x337668
public override ConstructorInfo[] GetConstructors(BindingFlags bindingAttr); // 0x15CBDF4
public override object[] GetCustomAttributes(bool inherit); // 0x15CBE28
public override object[] GetCustomAttributes(Type attributeType, bool inherit); // 0x15CBE5C
public override Type GetElementType(); // 0x15CBE90
public override EventInfo GetEvent(string name, BindingFlags bindingAttr); // 0x15CBEC4
public override EventInfo[] GetEvents(); // 0x15CBEF8
public override EventInfo[] GetEvents(BindingFlags bindingAttr); // 0x15CBF0C
public override FieldInfo GetField(string name, BindingFlags bindingAttr); // 0x15CBF40
public override FieldInfo[] GetFields(BindingFlags bindingAttr); // 0x15CBF74
public override Type GetInterface(string name, bool ignoreCase); // 0x15CBFA8
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x33767C
public override InterfaceMapping GetInterfaceMap(Type interfaceType); // 0x15CBFDC
public override Type[] GetInterfaces(); // 0x15CC010
public override MemberInfo[] GetMember(string name, MemberTypes type, BindingFlags bindingAttr); // 0x15CC044
public override MemberInfo[] GetMembers(BindingFlags bindingAttr); // 0x15CC084
protected override MethodInfo GetMethodImpl(string name, BindingFlags bindingAttr, Binder binder, CallingConventions callConvention, Type[] types, ParameterModifier[] modifiers); // 0x15CC0B8
public override MethodInfo[] GetMethods(BindingFlags bindingAttr); // 0x15CC104
public override Type GetNestedType(string name, BindingFlags bindingAttr); // 0x15CC138
public override Type[] GetNestedTypes(BindingFlags bindingAttr); // 0x15CC16C
public override PropertyInfo[] GetProperties(BindingFlags bindingAttr); // 0x15CC1A0
protected override PropertyInfo GetPropertyImpl(string name, BindingFlags bindingAttr, Binder binder, Type returnType, Type[] types, ParameterModifier[] modifiers); // 0x15CC1D4
protected override bool HasElementTypeImpl(); // 0x15CC220
public override object InvokeMember(string name, BindingFlags invokeAttr, Binder binder, object target, object[] args, ParameterModifier[] modifiers, CultureInfo culture, string[] namedParameters); // 0x15CC24C
protected override bool IsArrayImpl(); // 0x15CC2A8
protected override bool IsByRefImpl(); // 0x15CC2D4
protected override bool IsCOMObjectImpl(); // 0x15CC300
public override bool IsDefined(Type attributeType, bool inherit); // 0x15CC32C
protected override bool IsPointerImpl(); // 0x15CC360
protected override bool IsPrimitiveImpl(); // 0x15CC38C
protected override bool IsValueTypeImpl(); // 0x15CC3B8
public override int get_MetadataToken(); // 0x15CC3E4
// Namespace: System.Resources
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x337690
public interface IResourceReader : IEnumerable, IDisposable // TypeDefIndex: 440
// Methods
public abstract void Close(); // 0
public abstract IDictionaryEnumerator GetEnumerator(); // 0
// Namespace: System.Resources
[AttributeUsageAttribute] // 0x3376A4
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x3376A4
public sealed class NeutralResourcesLanguageAttribute : Attribute // TypeDefIndex: 441
// Fields
private string culture; // 0x8
// Methods
public void .ctor(string cultureName); // 0x15CC64C
// Namespace: System.Resources
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x3376DC
public class ResourceManager // TypeDefIndex: 442
// Fields
private static Hashtable ResourceCache; // 0x0
private static Hashtable NonExistent; // 0x4
public static readonly int HeaderVersionNumber; // 0x8
public static readonly int MagicNumber; // 0xC
private Type resourceSetType; // 0x8
// Methods
protected void .ctor(); // 0x15CC714
private static void .cctor(); // 0x15CC7E4
// Namespace: System.Resources
internal enum PredefinedResourceType // TypeDefIndex: 443
// Fields
public int value__; // 0x8
public const PredefinedResourceType Null = 0; // 0x0
public const PredefinedResourceType String = 1; // 0x0
public const PredefinedResourceType Bool = 2; // 0x0
public const PredefinedResourceType Char = 3; // 0x0
public const PredefinedResourceType Byte = 4; // 0x0
public const PredefinedResourceType SByte = 5; // 0x0
public const PredefinedResourceType Int16 = 6; // 0x0
public const PredefinedResourceType UInt16 = 7; // 0x0
public const PredefinedResourceType Int32 = 8; // 0x0
public const PredefinedResourceType UInt32 = 9; // 0x0
public const PredefinedResourceType Int64 = 10; // 0x0
public const PredefinedResourceType UInt64 = 11; // 0x0
public const PredefinedResourceType Single = 12; // 0x0
public const PredefinedResourceType Double = 13; // 0x0
public const PredefinedResourceType Decimal = 14; // 0x0
public const PredefinedResourceType DateTime = 15; // 0x0
public const PredefinedResourceType TimeSpan = 16; // 0x0
public const PredefinedResourceType ByteArray = 32; // 0x0
public const PredefinedResourceType Stream = 33; // 0x0
public const PredefinedResourceType FistCustom = 64; // 0x0
// Namespace: System.Resources
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x3376F0
public sealed class ResourceReader : IEnumerable, IDisposable, IResourceReader // TypeDefIndex: 444
// Fields
private BinaryReader reader; // 0x8
private object readerLock; // 0xC
private IFormatter formatter; // 0x10
internal int resourceCount; // 0x14
private int typeCount; // 0x18
private string[] typeNames; // 0x1C
private int[] hashes; // 0x20
private ResourceInfo[] infos; // 0x24
private int dataSectionOffset; // 0x28
private long nameSectionOffset; // 0x30
private int resource_ver; // 0x38
private ResourceCacheItem[] cache; // 0x3C
private object cache_lock; // 0x40
// Methods
public void .ctor(Stream stream); // 0x15CC908
public void .ctor(string fileName); // 0x15CD918
private IEnumerator System.Collections.IEnumerable.GetEnumerator(); // 0x15CDA88
private void System.IDisposable.Dispose(); // 0x15CDB64
private void ReadHeaders(); // 0x15CCB54
private void CreateResourceInfo(long position, ResourceInfo info); // 0x15CDBF4
private int Read7BitEncodedInt(); // 0x15CDE48
private object ReadValueVer2(int type_index); // 0x15CDEA4
private object ReadValueVer1(Type type); // 0x15CE794
private object ReadNonPredefinedValue(Type exp_type); // 0x15CE608
private void LoadResourceValues(ResourceCacheItem[] store); // 0x15CF160
public void Close(); // 0x15CF4AC
public IDictionaryEnumerator GetEnumerator(); // 0x15CF4F0
private void Dispose(bool disposing); // 0x15CDBA8
// Namespace:
private struct ResourceInfo // TypeDefIndex: 445
// Fields
public readonly long ValuePosition; // 0x8
public readonly string ResourceName; // 0x10
public readonly int TypeIndex; // 0x14
// Methods
public void .ctor(string resourceName, long valuePosition, int type_index); // 0x15CFFEC
// Namespace:
private struct ResourceCacheItem // TypeDefIndex: 446
// Fields
public readonly string ResourceName; // 0x8
public readonly object ResourceValue; // 0xC
// Methods
public void .ctor(string name, object value); // 0x15CF7AC
// Namespace:
internal sealed class ResourceEnumerator : IEnumerator, IDictionaryEnumerator // TypeDefIndex: 447
// Fields
private ResourceReader reader; // 0x8
private int index; // 0xC
private bool finished; // 0x10
// Properties
public DictionaryEntry Entry { get; }
public object Key { get; }
public object Value { get; }
public object Current { get; }
// Methods
internal void .ctor(ResourceReader readerToEnumerate); // 0x15CF5F4
public DictionaryEntry get_Entry(); // 0x15CF93C
public object get_Key(); // 0x15CFA80
public object get_Value(); // 0x15CFBB4
public object get_Current(); // 0x15CFCE8
public bool MoveNext(); // 0x15CFD84
public void Reset(); // 0x15CFE8C
private void FillCache(); // 0x15CF7B8
// Namespace: System.Resources
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x337704
public class ResourceSet : IEnumerable, IDisposable // TypeDefIndex: 448
// Fields
protected IResourceReader Reader; // 0x8
protected Hashtable Table; // 0xC
private bool resources_read; // 0x10
private bool disposed; // 0x11
// Methods
protected void .ctor(); // 0x15D0004
public void .ctor(Stream stream); // 0x15D00A8
internal void .ctor(UnmanagedMemoryStream stream); // 0x15D016C
public void .ctor(string fileName); // 0x15D0230
private IEnumerator System.Collections.IEnumerable.GetEnumerator(); // 0x15D02F4
public void Dispose(); // 0x15D0304
protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposing); // 0x15D033C
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x337718
public virtual IDictionaryEnumerator GetEnumerator(); // 0x15D0444
private object GetObjectInternal(string name, bool ignoreCase); // 0x15D053C
public virtual object GetObject(string name); // 0x15D0BFC
public virtual object GetObject(string name, bool ignoreCase); // 0x15D0C04
protected virtual void ReadResources(); // 0x15D0C08
// Namespace: System.Resources
internal class RuntimeResourceSet : ResourceSet // TypeDefIndex: 449
// Methods
public void .ctor(UnmanagedMemoryStream stream); // 0x15D1048
public void .ctor(Stream stream); // 0x15D104C
public void .ctor(string fileName); // 0x15D1050
public override object GetObject(string name); // 0x15D1054
public override object GetObject(string name, bool ignoreCase); // 0x15D1264
private object CloneDisposableObjectIfPossible(object value); // 0x15D112C
// Namespace: System.Resources
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x33772C
[AttributeUsageAttribute] // 0x33772C
public sealed class SatelliteContractVersionAttribute : Attribute // TypeDefIndex: 450
// Fields
private Version ver; // 0x8
// Methods
public void .ctor(string version); // 0x15D1340
// Namespace: System.Runtime.CompilerServices
[FlagsAttribute] // 0x337764
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x337764
public enum CompilationRelaxations // TypeDefIndex: 451
// Fields
public int value__; // 0x8
public const CompilationRelaxations NoStringInterning = 8; // 0x0
// Namespace: System.Runtime.CompilerServices
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x337798
[AttributeUsageAttribute] // 0x337798
public class CompilationRelaxationsAttribute : Attribute // TypeDefIndex: 452
// Fields
private int relax; // 0x8
// Methods
public void .ctor(int relaxations); // 0x15D13E4
public void .ctor(CompilationRelaxations relaxations); // 0x15D1404
// Namespace: System.Runtime.CompilerServices
[AttributeUsageAttribute] // 0x3377D0
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x3377D0
public abstract class CustomConstantAttribute : Attribute // TypeDefIndex: 453
// Methods
protected void .ctor(); // 0x15D142C
// Namespace: System.Runtime.CompilerServices
[AttributeUsageAttribute] // 0x33781C
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x33781C
public sealed class DateTimeConstantAttribute : CustomConstantAttribute // TypeDefIndex: 454
// Fields
private long ticks; // 0x8
// Properties
internal long Ticks { get; }
// Methods
internal long get_Ticks(); // 0x15C911C
// Namespace: System.Runtime.CompilerServices
[AttributeUsageAttribute] // 0x337868
public sealed class DefaultDependencyAttribute : Attribute // TypeDefIndex: 455
// Fields
private LoadHint hint; // 0x8
// Methods
public void .ctor(LoadHint loadHintArgument); // 0x15D1518
// Namespace: System.Runtime.CompilerServices
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x33787C
public static class IsVolatile // TypeDefIndex: 456
// Namespace: System.Runtime.CompilerServices
public enum LoadHint // TypeDefIndex: 457
// Fields
public int value__; // 0x8
public const LoadHint Default = 0; // 0x0
public const LoadHint Always = 1; // 0x0
public const LoadHint Sometimes = 2; // 0x0
// Namespace: System.Runtime.CompilerServices
[AttributeUsageAttribute] // 0x337890
public sealed class StringFreezingAttribute : Attribute // TypeDefIndex: 458
// Methods
public void .ctor(); // 0x15D16D8
// Namespace: System.Runtime.ConstrainedExecution
public enum Cer // TypeDefIndex: 459
// Fields
public int value__; // 0x8
public const Cer None = 0; // 0x0
public const Cer MayFail = 1; // 0x0
public const Cer Success = 2; // 0x0
// Namespace: System.Runtime.ConstrainedExecution
public enum Consistency // TypeDefIndex: 460
// Fields
public int value__; // 0x8
public const Consistency MayCorruptAppDomain = 1; // 0x0
public const Consistency MayCorruptInstance = 2; // 0x0
public const Consistency MayCorruptProcess = 0; // 0x0
public const Consistency WillNotCorruptState = 3; // 0x0
// Namespace: System.Runtime.ConstrainedExecution
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x3378C4
public abstract class CriticalFinalizerObject // TypeDefIndex: 461
// Methods
[ReliabilityContractAttribute] // 0x3378D8
protected void .ctor(); // 0x15D16E0
[ReliabilityContractAttribute] // 0x3378F0
protected override void Finalize(); // 0x15D16E8
// Namespace: System.Runtime.ConstrainedExecution
[AttributeUsageAttribute] // 0x337908
public sealed class ReliabilityContractAttribute : Attribute // TypeDefIndex: 462
// Fields
private Consistency consistency; // 0x8
private Cer cer; // 0xC
// Methods
public void .ctor(Consistency consistencyGuarantee, Cer cer); // 0x15D16F0
// Namespace: System.Runtime.Hosting
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x33793C
public sealed class ActivationArguments // TypeDefIndex: 463
// Namespace: System.Runtime.InteropServices
[AttributeUsageAttribute] // 0x337950
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x337950
public sealed class BestFitMappingAttribute : Attribute // TypeDefIndex: 464
// Fields
private bool bfm; // 0x8
// Methods
public void .ctor(bool BestFitMapping); // 0x15D1718
// Namespace: System.Runtime.InteropServices
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x33799C
public class COMException : ExternalException // TypeDefIndex: 465
// Methods
public void .ctor(); // 0x171324C
protected void .ctor(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context); // 0x17132FC
public override string ToString(); // 0x171333C
// Namespace: System.Runtime.InteropServices
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x3379B0
public enum CallingConvention // TypeDefIndex: 466
// Fields
public int value__; // 0x8
public const CallingConvention Winapi = 1; // 0x0
public const CallingConvention Cdecl = 2; // 0x0
public const CallingConvention StdCall = 3; // 0x0
public const CallingConvention ThisCall = 4; // 0x0
public const CallingConvention FastCall = 5; // 0x0
// Namespace: System.Runtime.InteropServices
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x3379C4
public enum CharSet // TypeDefIndex: 467
// Fields
public int value__; // 0x8
public const CharSet None = 1; // 0x0
public const CharSet Ansi = 2; // 0x0
public const CharSet Unicode = 3; // 0x0
public const CharSet Auto = 4; // 0x0
// Namespace: System.Runtime.InteropServices
[AttributeUsageAttribute] // 0x3379D8
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x3379D8
public sealed class ClassInterfaceAttribute : Attribute // TypeDefIndex: 468
// Fields
private ClassInterfaceType ciType; // 0x8
// Methods
public void .ctor(ClassInterfaceType classInterfaceType); // 0x15D1738
// Namespace: System.Runtime.InteropServices
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x337A24
public enum ClassInterfaceType // TypeDefIndex: 469
// Fields
public int value__; // 0x8
public const ClassInterfaceType None = 0; // 0x0
public const ClassInterfaceType AutoDispatch = 1; // 0x0
public const ClassInterfaceType AutoDual = 2; // 0x0
// Namespace: System.Runtime.InteropServices
[AttributeUsageAttribute] // 0x337A38
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x337A38
public sealed class ComCompatibleVersionAttribute : Attribute // TypeDefIndex: 470
// Fields
private int major; // 0x8
private int minor; // 0xC
private int build; // 0x10
private int revision; // 0x14
// Methods
public void .ctor(int major, int minor, int build, int revision); // 0x17131F4
// Namespace: System.Runtime.InteropServices
[AttributeUsageAttribute] // 0x337A94
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x337A94
public sealed class ComDefaultInterfaceAttribute : Attribute // TypeDefIndex: 471
// Fields
private Type _type; // 0x8
// Methods
public void .ctor(Type defaultInterface); // 0x171322C
// Namespace: System.Runtime.InteropServices
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x337AE0
public enum ComInterfaceType // TypeDefIndex: 472
// Fields
public int value__; // 0x8
public const ComInterfaceType InterfaceIsDual = 0; // 0x0
public const ComInterfaceType InterfaceIsIUnknown = 1; // 0x0
public const ComInterfaceType InterfaceIsIDispatch = 2; // 0x0
// Namespace: System.Runtime.InteropServices
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x337AF4
[AttributeUsageAttribute] // 0x337AF4
public sealed class DispIdAttribute : Attribute // TypeDefIndex: 473
// Fields
private int id; // 0x8
// Methods
public void .ctor(int dispId); // 0x171377C
// Namespace: System.Runtime.InteropServices
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x337B40
public sealed class ErrorWrapper // TypeDefIndex: 474
// Fields
private int errorCode; // 0x8
// Namespace: System.Runtime.InteropServices
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x337B54
public class ExternalException : SystemException // TypeDefIndex: 475
// Methods
public void .ctor(); // 0x1713250
public void .ctor(string message); // 0x17137C4
protected void .ctor(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context); // 0x171331C
// Namespace: System.Runtime.InteropServices
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x337B68
[MonoTODOAttribute] // 0x337B68
public struct GCHandle // TypeDefIndex: 476
// Fields
private int handle; // 0x8
// Properties
public bool IsAllocated { get; }
public object Target { get; }
// Methods
private void .ctor(IntPtr h); // 0x1713810
private void .ctor(object obj); // 0x1713830
private void .ctor(object value, GCHandleType type); // 0x1713864
public bool get_IsAllocated(); // 0x171389C
public object get_Target(); // 0x1713984
public IntPtr AddrOfPinnedObject(); // 0x1713AEC
public static GCHandle Alloc(object value); // 0x1713AF4
public static GCHandle Alloc(object value, GCHandleType type); // 0x1713B04
public void Free(); // 0x1713B40
private static bool CheckCurrentDomain(int handle); // 0x1713B60
private static object GetTarget(int handle); // 0x171397C
private static int GetTargetHandle(object obj, int handle, GCHandleType type); // 0x1713854
private static void FreeHandle(int handle); // 0x1713B38
private static IntPtr GetAddrOfPinnedObject(int handle); // 0x1713AE4
public override bool Equals(object o); // 0x1713C1C
public override int GetHashCode(); // 0x1713C24
public static GCHandle FromIntPtr(IntPtr value); // 0x1713C30
public static IntPtr ToIntPtr(GCHandle value); // 0x1713D78
public static IntPtr op_Explicit(GCHandle value); // 0x1713D84
public static GCHandle op_Explicit(IntPtr value); // 0x1713C34
// Namespace: System.Runtime.InteropServices
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x337BC0
public enum GCHandleType // TypeDefIndex: 477
// Fields
public int value__; // 0x8
public const GCHandleType Weak = 0; // 0x0
public const GCHandleType WeakTrackResurrection = 1; // 0x0
public const GCHandleType Normal = 2; // 0x0
public const GCHandleType Pinned = 3; // 0x0
// Namespace: System.Runtime.InteropServices
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x337BD4
[AttributeUsageAttribute] // 0x337BD4
public sealed class InterfaceTypeAttribute : Attribute // TypeDefIndex: 478
// Fields
private ComInterfaceType intType; // 0x8
// Methods
public void .ctor(ComInterfaceType interfaceType); // 0x1713DC0
// Namespace: System.Runtime.InteropServices
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x337C20
public enum LayoutKind // TypeDefIndex: 479
// Fields
public int value__; // 0x8
public const LayoutKind Sequential = 0; // 0x0
public const LayoutKind Explicit = 2; // 0x0
public const LayoutKind Auto = 3; // 0x0
// Namespace: System.Runtime.InteropServices
[SuppressUnmanagedCodeSecurityAttribute] // 0x337C34
public static class Marshal // TypeDefIndex: 480
// Fields
public static readonly int SystemMaxDBCSCharSize; // 0x0
public static readonly int SystemDefaultCharSize; // 0x4
// Methods
private static void .cctor(); // 0x1713DE0
[ReliabilityContractAttribute] // 0x337C44
public static IntPtr AllocHGlobal(IntPtr cb); // 0x1713EB0
[ReliabilityContractAttribute] // 0x337C5C
public static IntPtr AllocHGlobal(int cb); // 0x1713EB8
private static void copy_to_unmanaged(Array source, int startIndex, IntPtr destination, int length); // 0x1713F6C
private static void copy_from_unmanaged(IntPtr source, int startIndex, Array destination, int length); // 0x1713F84
public static void Copy(byte[] source, int startIndex, IntPtr destination, int length); // 0x1713F9C
public static void Copy(IntPtr source, byte[] destination, int startIndex, int length); // 0x1714054
public static void Copy(IntPtr source, char[] destination, int startIndex, int length); // 0x171410C
public static void Copy(IntPtr source, float[] destination, int startIndex, int length); // 0x17141C4
[ReliabilityContractAttribute] // 0x337C74
public static void FreeHGlobal(IntPtr hglobal); // 0x171427C
[ReliabilityContractAttribute] // 0x337C8C
public static int GetLastWin32Error(); // 0x1714284
public static string PtrToStringAnsi(IntPtr ptr); // 0x1714288
public static string PtrToStringAuto(IntPtr ptr); // 0x1714290
public static string PtrToStringUni(IntPtr ptr); // 0x17143A0
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x337CA4
public static void PtrToStructure(IntPtr ptr, object structure); // 0x17143A8
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x337CB8
public static object PtrToStructure(IntPtr ptr, Type structureType); // 0x17143B4
public static byte ReadByte(IntPtr ptr, int ofs); // 0x17143C0
public static int SizeOf(Type t); // 0x17143CC
public static IntPtr StringToHGlobalAnsi(string s); // 0x17143D4
public static void WriteByte(IntPtr ptr, int ofs, byte val); // 0x17143DC
private static Delegate GetDelegateForFunctionPointerInternal(IntPtr ptr, Type t); // 0x17143EC
public static Delegate GetDelegateForFunctionPointer(IntPtr ptr, Type t); // 0x17143F8
private static IntPtr GetFunctionPointerForDelegateInternal(Delegate d); // 0x1714688
public static IntPtr GetFunctionPointerForDelegate(Delegate d); // 0x1714690
// Namespace: System.Runtime.InteropServices
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x337CCC
public class MarshalDirectiveException : SystemException // TypeDefIndex: 481
// Fields
private const int ErrorCode = -2146233035; // 0x0
// Methods
public void .ctor(); // 0x17147A8
protected void .ctor(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context); // 0x1714854
// Namespace: System.Runtime.InteropServices
[AttributeUsageAttribute] // 0x337CE0
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x337CE0
public sealed class PreserveSigAttribute : Attribute // TypeDefIndex: 482
// Methods
public void .ctor(); // 0x1714884
// Namespace: System.Runtime.InteropServices
public abstract class SafeHandle : CriticalFinalizerObject, IDisposable // TypeDefIndex: 483
// Fields
protected IntPtr handle; // 0x8
private IntPtr invalid_handle_value; // 0xC
private int refcount; // 0x10
private bool owns_handle; // 0x14
// Properties
public abstract bool IsInvalid { get; }
// Methods
[ReliabilityContractAttribute] // 0x337D2C
protected void .ctor(IntPtr invalidHandleValue, bool ownsHandle); // 0x171488C
[ReliabilityContractAttribute] // 0x337D44
public void Close(); // 0x17148BC
[ReliabilityContractAttribute] // 0x337D5C
public void DangerousAddRef(bool success); // 0x1714A2C
[ReliabilityContractAttribute] // 0x337D74
public IntPtr DangerousGetHandle(); // 0x1714B90
[ReliabilityContractAttribute] // 0x337D8C
public void DangerousRelease(); // 0x1714C70
[ReliabilityContractAttribute] // 0x337DA4
public void Dispose(); // 0x1714DD8
[ReliabilityContractAttribute] // 0x337DBC
protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposing); // 0x1714E10
[ReliabilityContractAttribute] // 0x337DD4
protected abstract bool ReleaseHandle(); // 0
[ReliabilityContractAttribute] // 0x337DEC
protected void SetHandle(IntPtr handle); // 0x1714E1C
[ReliabilityContractAttribute] // 0x337E04
public abstract bool get_IsInvalid(); // 0
protected override void Finalize(); // 0x1714E24
// Namespace: System.Runtime.InteropServices
[AttributeUsageAttribute] // 0x337E1C
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x337E1C
public sealed class TypeLibImportClassAttribute : Attribute // TypeDefIndex: 484
// Fields
private string _importClass; // 0x8
// Methods
public void .ctor(Type importClass); // 0x1714EFC
// Namespace: System.Runtime.InteropServices
[AttributeUsageAttribute] // 0x337E68
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x337E68
public sealed class TypeLibVersionAttribute : Attribute // TypeDefIndex: 485
// Fields
private int major; // 0x8
private int minor; // 0xC
// Methods
public void .ctor(int major, int minor); // 0x1714F44
// Namespace: System.Runtime.InteropServices
[AttributeUsageAttribute] // 0x337EC4
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x337EC4
public sealed class UnmanagedFunctionPointerAttribute : Attribute // TypeDefIndex: 486
// Fields
private CallingConvention call_conv; // 0x8
// Methods
public void .ctor(CallingConvention callingConvention); // 0x1714F6C
// Namespace: System.Runtime.InteropServices
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x337F20
public enum UnmanagedType // TypeDefIndex: 487
// Fields
public int value__; // 0x8
public const UnmanagedType Bool = 2; // 0x0
public const UnmanagedType I1 = 3; // 0x0
public const UnmanagedType U1 = 4; // 0x0
public const UnmanagedType I2 = 5; // 0x0
public const UnmanagedType U2 = 6; // 0x0
public const UnmanagedType I4 = 7; // 0x0
public const UnmanagedType U4 = 8; // 0x0
public const UnmanagedType I8 = 9; // 0x0
public const UnmanagedType U8 = 10; // 0x0
public const UnmanagedType R4 = 11; // 0x0
public const UnmanagedType R8 = 12; // 0x0
public const UnmanagedType Currency = 15; // 0x0
public const UnmanagedType BStr = 19; // 0x0
public const UnmanagedType LPStr = 20; // 0x0
public const UnmanagedType LPWStr = 21; // 0x0
public const UnmanagedType LPTStr = 22; // 0x0
public const UnmanagedType ByValTStr = 23; // 0x0
public const UnmanagedType IUnknown = 25; // 0x0
public const UnmanagedType IDispatch = 26; // 0x0
public const UnmanagedType Struct = 27; // 0x0
public const UnmanagedType Interface = 28; // 0x0
public const UnmanagedType SafeArray = 29; // 0x0
public const UnmanagedType ByValArray = 30; // 0x0
public const UnmanagedType SysInt = 31; // 0x0
public const UnmanagedType SysUInt = 32; // 0x0
public const UnmanagedType VBByRefStr = 34; // 0x0
public const UnmanagedType AnsiBStr = 35; // 0x0
public const UnmanagedType TBStr = 36; // 0x0
public const UnmanagedType VariantBool = 37; // 0x0
public const UnmanagedType FunctionPtr = 38; // 0x0
public const UnmanagedType AsAny = 40; // 0x0
public const UnmanagedType LPArray = 42; // 0x0
public const UnmanagedType LPStruct = 43; // 0x0
public const UnmanagedType CustomMarshaler = 44; // 0x0
public const UnmanagedType Error = 45; // 0x0
// Namespace: System.Runtime.InteropServices
[GuidAttribute] // 0x337F34
[TypeLibImportClassAttribute] // 0x337F34
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x337F34
[CLSCompliantAttribute] // 0x337F34
[InterfaceTypeAttribute] // 0x337F34
public interface _Activator // TypeDefIndex: 488
// Namespace: System.Runtime.InteropServices
[CLSCompliantAttribute] // 0x338030
[InterfaceTypeAttribute] // 0x338030
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x338030
[GuidAttribute] // 0x338030
[TypeLibImportClassAttribute] // 0x338030
public interface _Assembly // TypeDefIndex: 489
// Methods
public abstract Type GetType(); // 0
// Namespace: System.Runtime.InteropServices
[CLSCompliantAttribute] // 0x33812C
[TypeLibImportClassAttribute] // 0x33812C
[GuidAttribute] // 0x33812C
[InterfaceTypeAttribute] // 0x33812C
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x33812C
public interface _AssemblyBuilder // TypeDefIndex: 490
// Namespace: System.Runtime.InteropServices
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x338228
[InterfaceTypeAttribute] // 0x338228
[TypeLibImportClassAttribute] // 0x338228
[GuidAttribute] // 0x338228
[CLSCompliantAttribute] // 0x338228
public interface _AssemblyName // TypeDefIndex: 491
// Methods
public abstract void GetIDsOfNames(Guid riid, IntPtr rgszNames, uint cNames, uint lcid, IntPtr rgDispId); // 0
public abstract void GetTypeInfo(uint iTInfo, uint lcid, IntPtr ppTInfo); // 0
public abstract void GetTypeInfoCount(out uint pcTInfo); // 0
public abstract void Invoke(uint dispIdMember, Guid riid, uint lcid, short wFlags, IntPtr pDispParams, IntPtr pVarResult, IntPtr pExcepInfo, IntPtr puArgErr); // 0
// Namespace: System.Runtime.InteropServices
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x338324
[InterfaceTypeAttribute] // 0x338324
[TypeLibImportClassAttribute] // 0x338324
[CLSCompliantAttribute] // 0x338324
[GuidAttribute] // 0x338324
public interface _ConstructorBuilder // TypeDefIndex: 492
// Namespace: System.Runtime.InteropServices
[CLSCompliantAttribute] // 0x338420
[GuidAttribute] // 0x338420
[InterfaceTypeAttribute] // 0x338420
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x338420
[TypeLibImportClassAttribute] // 0x338420
public interface _ConstructorInfo // TypeDefIndex: 493
// Methods
public abstract void GetIDsOfNames(Guid riid, IntPtr rgszNames, uint cNames, uint lcid, IntPtr rgDispId); // 0
public abstract void GetTypeInfo(uint iTInfo, uint lcid, IntPtr ppTInfo); // 0
public abstract void GetTypeInfoCount(out uint pcTInfo); // 0
public abstract void Invoke(uint dispIdMember, Guid riid, uint lcid, short wFlags, IntPtr pDispParams, IntPtr pVarResult, IntPtr pExcepInfo, IntPtr puArgErr); // 0
public abstract Type GetType(); // 0
public abstract object Invoke_5(object[] parameters); // 0
public abstract object Invoke_3(object obj, object[] parameters); // 0
public abstract object Invoke_4(BindingFlags invokeAttr, Binder binder, object[] parameters, CultureInfo culture); // 0
public abstract object Invoke_2(object obj, BindingFlags invokeAttr, Binder binder, object[] parameters, CultureInfo culture); // 0
// Namespace: System.Runtime.InteropServices
[GuidAttribute] // 0x33851C
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x33851C
[CLSCompliantAttribute] // 0x33851C
[TypeLibImportClassAttribute] // 0x33851C
[InterfaceTypeAttribute] // 0x33851C
public interface _EnumBuilder // TypeDefIndex: 494
// Namespace: System.Runtime.InteropServices
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x338618
[TypeLibImportClassAttribute] // 0x338618
[GuidAttribute] // 0x338618
[CLSCompliantAttribute] // 0x338618
[InterfaceTypeAttribute] // 0x338618
public interface _EventBuilder // TypeDefIndex: 495
// Namespace: System.Runtime.InteropServices
[InterfaceTypeAttribute] // 0x338714
[GuidAttribute] // 0x338714
[TypeLibImportClassAttribute] // 0x338714
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x338714
[CLSCompliantAttribute] // 0x338714
public interface _EventInfo // TypeDefIndex: 496
// Methods
public abstract void GetIDsOfNames(Guid riid, IntPtr rgszNames, uint cNames, uint lcid, IntPtr rgDispId); // 0
public abstract void GetTypeInfo(uint iTInfo, uint lcid, IntPtr ppTInfo); // 0
public abstract void GetTypeInfoCount(out uint pcTInfo); // 0
public abstract void Invoke(uint dispIdMember, Guid riid, uint lcid, short wFlags, IntPtr pDispParams, IntPtr pVarResult, IntPtr pExcepInfo, IntPtr puArgErr); // 0
public abstract Type GetType(); // 0
// Namespace: System.Runtime.InteropServices
[InterfaceTypeAttribute] // 0x338810
[CLSCompliantAttribute] // 0x338810
[TypeLibImportClassAttribute] // 0x338810
[GuidAttribute] // 0x338810
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x338810
public interface _FieldBuilder // TypeDefIndex: 497
// Namespace: System.Runtime.InteropServices
[TypeLibImportClassAttribute] // 0x33890C
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x33890C
[CLSCompliantAttribute] // 0x33890C
[InterfaceTypeAttribute] // 0x33890C
[GuidAttribute] // 0x33890C
public interface _FieldInfo // TypeDefIndex: 498
// Methods
public abstract Type GetType(); // 0
public abstract void GetIDsOfNames(Guid riid, IntPtr rgszNames, uint cNames, uint lcid, IntPtr rgDispId); // 0
public abstract void GetTypeInfo(uint iTInfo, uint lcid, IntPtr ppTInfo); // 0
public abstract void GetTypeInfoCount(out uint pcTInfo); // 0
public abstract void Invoke(uint dispIdMember, Guid riid, uint lcid, short wFlags, IntPtr pDispParams, IntPtr pVarResult, IntPtr pExcepInfo, IntPtr puArgErr); // 0
// Namespace: System.Runtime.InteropServices
[InterfaceTypeAttribute] // 0x338A08
[CLSCompliantAttribute] // 0x338A08
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x338A08
[TypeLibImportClassAttribute] // 0x338A08
[GuidAttribute] // 0x338A08
public interface _ILGenerator // TypeDefIndex: 499
// Namespace: System.Runtime.InteropServices
[InterfaceTypeAttribute] // 0x338B04
[CLSCompliantAttribute] // 0x338B04
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x338B04
[GuidAttribute] // 0x338B04
[TypeLibImportClassAttribute] // 0x338B04
public interface _LocalBuilder // TypeDefIndex: 500
// Namespace: System.Runtime.InteropServices
[GuidAttribute] // 0x338C00
[InterfaceTypeAttribute] // 0x338C00
[CLSCompliantAttribute] // 0x338C00
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x338C00
[TypeLibImportClassAttribute] // 0x338C00
public interface _MethodBase // TypeDefIndex: 501
// Methods
public abstract void GetIDsOfNames(Guid riid, IntPtr rgszNames, uint cNames, uint lcid, IntPtr rgDispId); // 0
public abstract void GetTypeInfo(uint iTInfo, uint lcid, IntPtr ppTInfo); // 0
public abstract void GetTypeInfoCount(out uint pcTInfo); // 0
public abstract void Invoke(uint dispIdMember, Guid riid, uint lcid, short wFlags, IntPtr pDispParams, IntPtr pVarResult, IntPtr pExcepInfo, IntPtr puArgErr); // 0
public abstract Type GetType(); // 0
// Namespace: System.Runtime.InteropServices
[TypeLibImportClassAttribute] // 0x338CFC
[GuidAttribute] // 0x338CFC
[InterfaceTypeAttribute] // 0x338CFC
[CLSCompliantAttribute] // 0x338CFC
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x338CFC
public interface _MethodBuilder // TypeDefIndex: 502
// Namespace: System.Runtime.InteropServices
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x338DF8
[TypeLibImportClassAttribute] // 0x338DF8
[GuidAttribute] // 0x338DF8
[CLSCompliantAttribute] // 0x338DF8
[InterfaceTypeAttribute] // 0x338DF8
public interface _MethodInfo // TypeDefIndex: 503
// Methods
public abstract void GetIDsOfNames(Guid riid, IntPtr rgszNames, uint cNames, uint lcid, IntPtr rgDispId); // 0
public abstract void GetTypeInfo(uint iTInfo, uint lcid, IntPtr ppTInfo); // 0
public abstract void GetTypeInfoCount(out uint pcTInfo); // 0
public abstract void Invoke(uint dispIdMember, Guid riid, uint lcid, short wFlags, IntPtr pDispParams, IntPtr pVarResult, IntPtr pExcepInfo, IntPtr puArgErr); // 0
public abstract Type GetType(); // 0
// Namespace: System.Runtime.InteropServices
[TypeLibImportClassAttribute] // 0x338EF4
[GuidAttribute] // 0x338EF4
[InterfaceTypeAttribute] // 0x338EF4
[CLSCompliantAttribute] // 0x338EF4
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x338EF4
public interface _Module // TypeDefIndex: 504
// Methods
public abstract void GetIDsOfNames(Guid riid, IntPtr rgszNames, uint cNames, uint lcid, IntPtr rgDispId); // 0
public abstract void GetTypeInfo(uint iTInfo, uint lcid, IntPtr ppTInfo); // 0
public abstract void GetTypeInfoCount(out uint pcTInfo); // 0
public abstract void Invoke(uint dispIdMember, Guid riid, uint lcid, short wFlags, IntPtr pDispParams, IntPtr pVarResult, IntPtr pExcepInfo, IntPtr puArgErr); // 0
// Namespace: System.Runtime.InteropServices
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x338FF0
[CLSCompliantAttribute] // 0x338FF0
[GuidAttribute] // 0x338FF0
[TypeLibImportClassAttribute] // 0x338FF0
[InterfaceTypeAttribute] // 0x338FF0
public interface _ModuleBuilder // TypeDefIndex: 505
// Namespace: System.Runtime.InteropServices
[GuidAttribute] // 0x3390EC
[InterfaceTypeAttribute] // 0x3390EC
[TypeLibImportClassAttribute] // 0x3390EC
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x3390EC
[CLSCompliantAttribute] // 0x3390EC
public interface _ParameterBuilder // TypeDefIndex: 506
// Namespace: System.Runtime.InteropServices
[GuidAttribute] // 0x3391E8
[InterfaceTypeAttribute] // 0x3391E8
[CLSCompliantAttribute] // 0x3391E8
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x3391E8
[TypeLibImportClassAttribute] // 0x3391E8
public interface _ParameterInfo // TypeDefIndex: 507
// Methods
public abstract void GetIDsOfNames(Guid riid, IntPtr rgszNames, uint cNames, uint lcid, IntPtr rgDispId); // 0
public abstract void GetTypeInfo(uint iTInfo, uint lcid, IntPtr ppTInfo); // 0
public abstract void GetTypeInfoCount(out uint pcTInfo); // 0
public abstract void Invoke(uint dispIdMember, Guid riid, uint lcid, short wFlags, IntPtr pDispParams, IntPtr pVarResult, IntPtr pExcepInfo, IntPtr puArgErr); // 0
// Namespace: System.Runtime.InteropServices
[CLSCompliantAttribute] // 0x3392E4
[GuidAttribute] // 0x3392E4
[TypeLibImportClassAttribute] // 0x3392E4
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x3392E4
[InterfaceTypeAttribute] // 0x3392E4
public interface _PropertyBuilder // TypeDefIndex: 508
// Namespace: System.Runtime.InteropServices
[GuidAttribute] // 0x3393E0
[TypeLibImportClassAttribute] // 0x3393E0
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x3393E0
[InterfaceTypeAttribute] // 0x3393E0
[CLSCompliantAttribute] // 0x3393E0
public interface _PropertyInfo // TypeDefIndex: 509
// Methods
public abstract void GetIDsOfNames(Guid riid, IntPtr rgszNames, uint cNames, uint lcid, IntPtr rgDispId); // 0
public abstract void GetTypeInfo(uint iTInfo, uint lcid, IntPtr ppTInfo); // 0
public abstract void GetTypeInfoCount(out uint pcTInfo); // 0
public abstract void Invoke(uint dispIdMember, Guid riid, uint lcid, short wFlags, IntPtr pDispParams, IntPtr pVarResult, IntPtr pExcepInfo, IntPtr puArgErr); // 0
public abstract Type GetType(); // 0
// Namespace: System.Runtime.InteropServices
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x3394DC
[InterfaceTypeAttribute] // 0x3394DC
[CLSCompliantAttribute] // 0x3394DC
[TypeLibImportClassAttribute] // 0x3394DC
[GuidAttribute] // 0x3394DC
public interface _Thread // TypeDefIndex: 510
// Namespace: System.Runtime.InteropServices
[CLSCompliantAttribute] // 0x3395D8
[InterfaceTypeAttribute] // 0x3395D8
[GuidAttribute] // 0x3395D8
[TypeLibImportClassAttribute] // 0x3395D8
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x3395D8
public interface _TypeBuilder // TypeDefIndex: 511
// Namespace: System.Runtime.Remoting.Activation
internal class ActivationServices // TypeDefIndex: 512
// Fields
private static IActivator _constructionActivator; // 0x0
// Properties
private static IActivator ConstructionActivator { get; }
// Methods
private static IActivator get_ConstructionActivator(); // 0x1715480
public static object CreateProxyFromAttributes(Type type, object[] activationAttributes); // 0x1715558
public static ConstructionCall CreateConstructionCall(Type type, string activationUrl, object[] activationAttributes); // 0x1715834
public static object AllocateUninitializedClassInstance(Type type); // 0x1716480
public static void EnableProxyActivation(Type type, bool enable); // 0x1716488
// Namespace: System.Runtime.Remoting.Activation
internal class AppDomainLevelActivator : IActivator // TypeDefIndex: 513
// Fields
private string _activationUrl; // 0x8
private IActivator _next; // 0xC
// Methods
public void .ctor(string activationUrl, IActivator next); // 0x1716420
// Namespace: System.Runtime.Remoting.Activation
internal class ConstructionLevelActivator : IActivator // TypeDefIndex: 514
// Methods
public void .ctor(); // 0x1715550
// Namespace: System.Runtime.Remoting.Activation
internal class ContextLevelActivator : IActivator // TypeDefIndex: 515
// Fields
private IActivator m_NextActivator; // 0x8
// Methods
public void .ctor(IActivator next); // 0x1716458
// Namespace: System.Runtime.Remoting.Activation
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x3396D4
public interface IActivator // TypeDefIndex: 516
// Namespace: System.Runtime.Remoting.Activation
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x3396E8
public interface IConstructionCallMessage : IMessage, IMethodCallMessage, IMethodMessage // TypeDefIndex: 517
// Properties
public abstract Type ActivationType { get; }
public abstract string ActivationTypeName { get; }
public abstract IActivator Activator { get; set; }
public abstract object[] CallSiteActivationAttributes { get; }
public abstract IList ContextProperties { get; }
// Methods
public abstract Type get_ActivationType(); // 0
public abstract string get_ActivationTypeName(); // 0
public abstract IActivator get_Activator(); // 0
public abstract void set_Activator(IActivator value); // 0
public abstract object[] get_CallSiteActivationAttributes(); // 0
public abstract IList get_ContextProperties(); // 0
// Namespace: System.Runtime.Remoting.Activation
internal class RemoteActivator : MarshalByRefObject, IActivator // TypeDefIndex: 518
// Methods
public override object InitializeLifetimeService(); // 0x1716494
// Namespace: System.Runtime.Remoting.Activation
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x3396FC
public sealed class UrlAttribute : ContextAttribute // TypeDefIndex: 519
// Fields
private string url; // 0xC
// Properties
public string UrlValue { get; }
// Methods
public string get_UrlValue(); // 0x171582C
public override bool Equals(object o); // 0x17167D8
public override int GetHashCode(); // 0x17168C4
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x339710
public override void GetPropertiesForNewContext(IConstructionCallMessage ctorMsg); // 0x17168F0
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x339724
public override bool IsContextOK(Context ctx, IConstructionCallMessage msg); // 0x17168F4
// Namespace: System.Runtime.Remoting
internal class ChannelInfo : IChannelInfo // TypeDefIndex: 520
// Fields
private object[] channelData; // 0x8
// Properties
public object[] ChannelData { get; }
// Methods
public void .ctor(); // 0x1717DFC
public object[] get_ChannelData(); // 0x17183AC
// Namespace: System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x339738
public sealed class ChannelServices // TypeDefIndex: 521
// Fields
private static ArrayList registeredChannels; // 0x0
private static ArrayList delayedClientChannels; // 0x4
private static CrossContextChannel _crossContextSink; // 0x8
internal static string CrossContextUrl; // 0xC
private static IList oldStartModeTypes; // 0x10
// Methods
private static void .cctor(); // 0x17183B4
internal static IMessageSink CreateClientChannelSinkChain(string url, object remoteChannelData, out string objectUri); // 0x17185F4
internal static IMessageSink CreateClientChannelSinkChain(IChannelSender sender, string url, object[] channelDataArray, out string objectUri); // 0x1718F00
[ObsoleteAttribute] // 0x33974C
public static void RegisterChannel(IChannel chnl); // 0x1719184
public static void RegisterChannel(IChannel chnl, bool ensureSecurity); // 0x1719228
internal static void RegisterChannelConfig(ChannelData channel); // 0x1719E64
private static object CreateProvider(ProviderData prov); // 0x171AF18
internal static object[] GetCurrentChannelInfo(); // 0x1717EA8
// Namespace: System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels
internal class CrossAppDomainData // TypeDefIndex: 522
// Fields
private object _ContextID; // 0x8
private int _DomainID; // 0xC
private string _processGuid; // 0x10
// Properties
internal int DomainID { get; }
internal string ProcessID { get; }
// Methods
internal void .ctor(int domainId); // 0x171B808
internal int get_DomainID(); // 0x171BB34
internal string get_ProcessID(); // 0x171BB2C
// Namespace: System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels
internal class CrossAppDomainChannel : IChannel, IChannelReceiver, IChannelSender // TypeDefIndex: 523
// Fields
private static object s_lock; // 0x0
// Properties
public virtual string ChannelName { get; }
public virtual int ChannelPriority { get; }
public virtual object ChannelData { get; }
// Methods
public void .ctor(); // 0x171B498
private static void .cctor(); // 0x171B4A0
internal static void RegisterCrossAppDomainChannel(); // 0x171B540
public virtual string get_ChannelName(); // 0x171B6B4
public virtual int get_ChannelPriority(); // 0x171B72C
public virtual object get_ChannelData(); // 0x171B734
public virtual void StartListening(object data); // 0x171B8F0
public virtual IMessageSink CreateMessageSink(string url, object data, out string uri); // 0x171B8F4
// Namespace: System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels
[MonoTODOAttribute] // 0x33978C
internal class CrossAppDomainSink : IMessageSink // TypeDefIndex: 524
// Fields
private static Hashtable s_sinks; // 0x0
private static MethodInfo processMessageMethod; // 0x4
private int _domainID; // 0x8
// Properties
internal int TargetDomainId { get; }
// Methods
internal void .ctor(int domainID); // 0x171BEA0
private static void .cctor(); // 0x171BEC0
internal static CrossAppDomainSink GetSink(int domainID); // 0x171BB3C
internal int get_TargetDomainId(); // 0x171C000
// Namespace: System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x3397CC
public interface IChannel // TypeDefIndex: 525
// Properties
public abstract string ChannelName { get; }
public abstract int ChannelPriority { get; }
// Methods
public abstract string get_ChannelName(); // 0
public abstract int get_ChannelPriority(); // 0
// Namespace: System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels
[DefaultMemberAttribute] // 0x3397E0
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x3397E0
public interface IChannelDataStore // TypeDefIndex: 526
// Namespace: System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x339838
public interface IChannelReceiver : IChannel // TypeDefIndex: 527
// Properties
public abstract object ChannelData { get; }
// Methods
public abstract object get_ChannelData(); // 0
public abstract void StartListening(object data); // 0
// Namespace: System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x33984C
public interface IChannelSender : IChannel // TypeDefIndex: 528
// Methods
public abstract IMessageSink CreateMessageSink(string url, object remoteChannelData, out string objectURI); // 0
// Namespace: System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x339860
public interface IClientChannelSinkProvider // TypeDefIndex: 529
// Properties
set; }
// Methods
public abstract void set_Next(IClientChannelSinkProvider value); // 0
// Namespace: System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels
public interface ISecurableChannel // TypeDefIndex: 530
// Properties
set; }
// Methods
public abstract void set_IsSecured(bool value); // 0
// Namespace: System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x339874
public interface IServerChannelSinkProvider // TypeDefIndex: 531
// Properties
set; }
// Methods
public abstract void set_Next(IServerChannelSinkProvider value); // 0
// Namespace: System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x339888
public class SinkProviderData // TypeDefIndex: 532
// Fields
private string sinkName; // 0x8
private ArrayList children; // 0xC
private Hashtable properties; // 0x10
// Properties
public IList Children { get; }
public IDictionary Properties { get; }
// Methods
public void .ctor(string name); // 0x171C008
public IList get_Children(); // 0x171C0D0
public IDictionary get_Properties(); // 0x171C0D8
// Namespace: System.Runtime.Remoting.Contexts
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x33989C
public class Context // TypeDefIndex: 533
// Fields
private int domain_id; // 0x8
private int context_id; // 0xC
private UIntPtr static_data; // 0x10
private static IMessageSink default_server_context_sink; // 0x0
private IMessageSink server_context_sink_chain; // 0x14
private IMessageSink client_context_sink_chain; // 0x18
private object[] datastore; // 0x1C
private ArrayList context_properties; // 0x20
private bool frozen; // 0x24
private static int global_count; // 0x4
private static Hashtable namedSlots; // 0x8
private static DynamicPropertyCollection global_dynamic_properties; // 0xC
private DynamicPropertyCollection context_dynamic_properties; // 0x28
private ContextCallbackObject callback_object; // 0x2C
// Properties
public static Context DefaultContext { get; }
public virtual int ContextID { get; }
public virtual IContextProperty[] ContextProperties { get; }
internal bool IsDefaultContext { get; }
internal bool NeedsContextSink { get; }
internal static bool HasGlobalDynamicSinks { get; }
internal bool HasDynamicSinks { get; }
internal bool HasExitSinks { get; }
// Methods
public void .ctor(); // 0x1721844
private static void .cctor(); // 0x1721958
protected override void Finalize(); // 0x17219F8
public static Context get_DefaultContext(); // 0x1721A00
public virtual int get_ContextID(); // 0x1721A0C
public virtual IContextProperty[] get_ContextProperties(); // 0x1721A14
internal bool get_IsDefaultContext(); // 0x1721B3C
internal bool get_NeedsContextSink(); // 0x1721B50
public static bool RegisterDynamicProperty(IDynamicProperty prop, ContextBoundObject obj, Context ctx); // 0x1721CD8
public static bool UnregisterDynamicProperty(string name, ContextBoundObject obj, Context ctx); // 0x17223D8
private static DynamicPropertyCollection GetDynamicPropertyCollection(ContextBoundObject obj, Context ctx); // 0x1721DA0
internal static void NotifyGlobalDynamicSinks(bool start, IMessage req_msg, bool client_site, bool async); // 0x172284C
internal static bool get_HasGlobalDynamicSinks(); // 0x1723010
internal void NotifyDynamicSinks(bool start, IMessage req_msg, bool client_site, bool async); // 0x1723128
internal bool get_HasDynamicSinks(); // 0x1723194
internal bool get_HasExitSinks(); // 0x17231B4
public virtual IContextProperty GetProperty(string name); // 0x1723694
public virtual void SetProperty(IContextProperty prop); // 0x1723A50
public virtual void Freeze(); // 0x1723C3C
public override string ToString(); // 0x1723F84
internal IMessageSink GetServerContextSinkChain(); // 0x1724074
internal IMessageSink GetClientContextSinkChain(); // 0x17232C8
internal IMessageSink CreateServerObjectSinkChain(MarshalByRefObject obj, bool forceInternalExecute); // 0x1724348
internal IMessageSink CreateEnvoySink(MarshalByRefObject serverObject); // 0x17246BC
internal static Context SwitchToContext(Context newContext); // 0x1724A80
internal static Context CreateNewContext(IConstructionCallMessage msg); // 0x1724A8C
public void DoCallBack(CrossContextDelegate deleg); // 0x172539C
public static LocalDataStoreSlot AllocateDataSlot(); // 0x1725514
public static LocalDataStoreSlot AllocateNamedDataSlot(string name); // 0x17255A4
public static void FreeNamedDataSlot(string name); // 0x1725768
public static object GetData(LocalDataStoreSlot slot); // 0x1725918
public static LocalDataStoreSlot GetNamedDataSlot(string name); // 0x1725A88
public static void SetData(LocalDataStoreSlot slot, object data); // 0x1725CB0
// Namespace: System.Runtime.Remoting.Contexts
internal class DynamicPropertyCollection // TypeDefIndex: 534
// Fields
private ArrayList _properties; // 0x8
// Properties
public bool HasProperties { get; }
// Methods
public void .ctor(); // 0x17227B0
public bool get_HasProperties(); // 0x1721C94
public bool RegisterDynamicProperty(IDynamicProperty prop); // 0x17220B0
public bool UnregisterDynamicProperty(string name); // 0x17224A0
public void NotifyMessage(bool start, IMessage msg, bool client_site, bool async); // 0x17229E0
private int FindProperty(string name); // 0x172650C
// Namespace:
private class DynamicPropertyReg // TypeDefIndex: 535
// Fields
public IDynamicProperty Property; // 0x8
public IDynamicMessageSink Sink; // 0xC
// Methods
public void .ctor(); // 0x1726724
// Namespace: System.Runtime.Remoting.Contexts
internal class ContextCallbackObject : ContextBoundObject // TypeDefIndex: 536
// Methods
public void .ctor(); // 0x1725508
public void DoCallBack(CrossContextDelegate deleg); // 0x1725510
// Namespace: System.Runtime.Remoting.Contexts
[AttributeUsageAttribute] // 0x3398B0
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x3398B0
public class ContextAttribute : Attribute, IContextAttribute, IContextProperty // TypeDefIndex: 537
// Fields
protected string AttributeName; // 0x8
// Properties
public virtual string Name { get; }
// Methods
public void .ctor(string name); // 0x1725F0C
public virtual string get_Name(); // 0x1725F2C
public override bool Equals(object o); // 0x1725F34
public virtual void Freeze(Context newContext); // 0x1726060
public override int GetHashCode(); // 0x1726064
public virtual void GetPropertiesForNewContext(IConstructionCallMessage ctorMsg); // 0x172607C
public virtual bool IsContextOK(Context ctx, IConstructionCallMessage ctorMsg); // 0x172624C
public virtual bool IsNewContextOK(Context newCtx); // 0x172641C
// Namespace: System.Runtime.Remoting.Contexts
internal class CrossContextChannel : IMessageSink // TypeDefIndex: 538
// Methods
public void .ctor(); // 0x17185EC
// Namespace: System.Runtime.Remoting.Contexts
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x3398E8
public interface IContextAttribute // TypeDefIndex: 539
// Methods
public abstract void GetPropertiesForNewContext(IConstructionCallMessage msg); // 0
public abstract bool IsContextOK(Context ctx, IConstructionCallMessage msg); // 0
// Namespace: System.Runtime.Remoting.Contexts
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x3398FC
public interface IContextProperty // TypeDefIndex: 540
// Properties
public abstract string Name { get; }
// Methods
public abstract string get_Name(); // 0
public abstract void Freeze(Context newContext); // 0
public abstract bool IsNewContextOK(Context newCtx); // 0
// Namespace: System.Runtime.Remoting.Contexts
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x339910
public interface IContributeClientContextSink // TypeDefIndex: 541
// Methods
public abstract IMessageSink GetClientContextSink(IMessageSink nextSink); // 0
// Namespace: System.Runtime.Remoting.Contexts
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x339924
public interface IContributeDynamicSink // TypeDefIndex: 542
// Methods
public abstract IDynamicMessageSink GetDynamicSink(); // 0
// Namespace: System.Runtime.Remoting.Contexts
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x339938
public interface IContributeEnvoySink // TypeDefIndex: 543
// Methods
public abstract IMessageSink GetEnvoySink(MarshalByRefObject obj, IMessageSink nextSink); // 0
// Namespace: System.Runtime.Remoting.Contexts
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x33994C
public interface IContributeObjectSink // TypeDefIndex: 544
// Methods
public abstract IMessageSink GetObjectSink(MarshalByRefObject obj, IMessageSink nextSink); // 0
// Namespace: System.Runtime.Remoting.Contexts
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x339960
public interface IContributeServerContextSink // TypeDefIndex: 545
// Methods
public abstract IMessageSink GetServerContextSink(IMessageSink nextSink); // 0
// Namespace: System.Runtime.Remoting.Contexts
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x339974
public interface IDynamicMessageSink // TypeDefIndex: 546
// Methods
public abstract void ProcessMessageFinish(IMessage replyMsg, bool bCliSide, bool bAsync); // 0
public abstract void ProcessMessageStart(IMessage reqMsg, bool bCliSide, bool bAsync); // 0
// Namespace: System.Runtime.Remoting.Contexts
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x339988
public interface IDynamicProperty // TypeDefIndex: 547
// Properties
public abstract string Name { get; }
// Methods
public abstract string get_Name(); // 0
// Namespace: System.Runtime.Remoting.Contexts
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x33999C
[AttributeUsageAttribute] // 0x33999C
public class SynchronizationAttribute : ContextAttribute, IContributeClientContextSink, IContributeServerContextSink // TypeDefIndex: 548
// Fields
private bool _bReEntrant; // 0xC
private int _flavor; // 0x10
private int _lockCount; // 0x14
private Mutex _mutex; // 0x18
private Thread _ownerThread; // 0x1C
// Properties
public virtual bool Locked { set; }
// Methods
public void .ctor(); // 0x172672C
public void .ctor(int flag, bool reEntrant); // 0x1726738
public virtual void set_Locked(bool value); // 0x1726860
internal void ReleaseLock(); // 0x1726A6C
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x3399D4
public override void GetPropertiesForNewContext(IConstructionCallMessage ctorMsg); // 0x1726BBC
public virtual IMessageSink GetClientContextSink(IMessageSink nextSink); // 0x1726D48
public virtual IMessageSink GetServerContextSink(IMessageSink nextSink); // 0x1726E0C
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x3399E8
public override bool IsContextOK(Context ctx, IConstructionCallMessage msg); // 0x1726ED0
internal static void ExitContext(); // 0x172700C
internal static void EnterContext(); // 0x1727190
// Namespace: System.Runtime.Remoting.Contexts
internal class SynchronizedClientContextSink : IMessageSink // TypeDefIndex: 549
// Fields
private IMessageSink _next; // 0x8
private SynchronizationAttribute _att; // 0xC
// Methods
public void .ctor(IMessageSink next, SynchronizationAttribute att); // 0x1726DE4
// Namespace: System.Runtime.Remoting.Contexts
internal class SynchronizedServerContextSink : IMessageSink // TypeDefIndex: 550
// Fields
private IMessageSink _next; // 0x8
private SynchronizationAttribute _att; // 0xC
// Methods
public void .ctor(IMessageSink next, SynchronizationAttribute att); // 0x1726EA8
// Namespace: System.Runtime.Remoting.Lifetime
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x3399FC
public interface ILease // TypeDefIndex: 551
// Properties
public abstract LeaseState CurrentState { get; }
public abstract TimeSpan InitialLeaseTime { set; }
public abstract TimeSpan RenewOnCallTime { set; }
public abstract TimeSpan SponsorshipTimeout { set; }
// Methods
public abstract LeaseState get_CurrentState(); // 0
public abstract void set_InitialLeaseTime(TimeSpan value); // 0
public abstract void set_RenewOnCallTime(TimeSpan value); // 0
public abstract void set_SponsorshipTimeout(TimeSpan value); // 0
// Namespace: System.Runtime.Remoting.Lifetime
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x339A10
public interface ISponsor // TypeDefIndex: 552
// Methods
public abstract TimeSpan Renewal(ILease lease); // 0
// Namespace: System.Runtime.Remoting.Lifetime
internal class Lease : MarshalByRefObject, ILease // TypeDefIndex: 553
// Fields
private DateTime _leaseExpireTime; // 0x10
private LeaseState _currentState; // 0x20
private TimeSpan _initialLeaseTime; // 0x28
private TimeSpan _renewOnCallTime; // 0x30
private TimeSpan _sponsorshipTimeout; // 0x38
private ArrayList _sponsors; // 0x40
private Queue _renewingSponsors; // 0x44
private RenewalDelegate _renewalDelegate; // 0x48
// Properties
public TimeSpan CurrentLeaseTime { get; }
public LeaseState CurrentState { get; }
public TimeSpan InitialLeaseTime { set; }
public TimeSpan RenewOnCallTime { set; }
public TimeSpan SponsorshipTimeout { set; }
// Methods
public void .ctor(); // 0x1727A30
public TimeSpan get_CurrentLeaseTime(); // 0x1727DD4
public LeaseState get_CurrentState(); // 0x1727EC4
public void Activate(); // 0x1727ECC
public void set_InitialLeaseTime(TimeSpan value); // 0x1727ED8
public void set_RenewOnCallTime(TimeSpan value); // 0x1728124
public void set_SponsorshipTimeout(TimeSpan value); // 0x1728274
public TimeSpan Renew(TimeSpan renewalTime); // 0x17283C4
public void Unregister(ISponsor obj); // 0x1728514
internal void UpdateState(); // 0x1728644
private void CheckNextSponsor(); // 0x17287F8
private void ProcessSponsorResponse(object state, bool timedOut); // 0x1728ADC
// Namespace:
private sealed class RenewalDelegate : MulticastDelegate // TypeDefIndex: 554
// Methods
public void .ctor(object object, IntPtr method); // 0x1728A9C
public virtual TimeSpan Invoke(ILease lease); // 0x1728D78
public virtual IAsyncResult BeginInvoke(ILease lease, AsyncCallback callback, object object); // 0x1728AB0
public virtual TimeSpan EndInvoke(IAsyncResult result); // 0x1728D3C
// Namespace: System.Runtime.Remoting.Lifetime
internal class LeaseManager // TypeDefIndex: 555
// Fields
private ArrayList _objects; // 0x8
private Timer _timer; // 0xC
// Methods
public void .ctor(); // 0x1728E34
public void SetPollTime(TimeSpan timeSpan); // 0x1728ED0
public void TrackLifetime(ServerIdentity identity); // 0x1728FA8
public void StartManager(); // 0x17290C4
public void StopManager(); // 0x17292B4
public void ManageLeases(object state); // 0x17292EC
// Namespace: System.Runtime.Remoting.Lifetime
internal class LeaseSink : IMessageSink // TypeDefIndex: 556
// Fields
private IMessageSink _nextSink; // 0x8
// Methods
public void .ctor(IMessageSink nextSink); // 0x172469C
// Namespace: System.Runtime.Remoting.Lifetime
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x339A24
public enum LeaseState // TypeDefIndex: 557
// Fields
public int value__; // 0x8
public const LeaseState Null = 0; // 0x0
public const LeaseState Initial = 1; // 0x0
public const LeaseState Active = 2; // 0x0
public const LeaseState Renewing = 3; // 0x0
public const LeaseState Expired = 4; // 0x0
// Namespace: System.Runtime.Remoting.Lifetime
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x339A38
public sealed class LifetimeServices // TypeDefIndex: 558
// Fields
private static TimeSpan _leaseManagerPollTime; // 0x0
private static TimeSpan _leaseTime; // 0x8
private static TimeSpan _renewOnCallTime; // 0x10
private static TimeSpan _sponsorshipTimeout; // 0x18
private static LeaseManager _leaseManager; // 0x20
// Properties
public static TimeSpan LeaseManagerPollTime { get; set; }
public static TimeSpan LeaseTime { get; set; }
public static TimeSpan RenewOnCallTime { get; set; }
public static TimeSpan SponsorshipTimeout { get; set; }
// Methods
private static void .cctor(); // 0x172954C
public static TimeSpan get_LeaseManagerPollTime(); // 0x17291FC
public static void set_LeaseManagerPollTime(TimeSpan value); // 0x1721298
public static TimeSpan get_LeaseTime(); // 0x1727BAC
public static void set_LeaseTime(TimeSpan value); // 0x1721070
public static TimeSpan get_RenewOnCallTime(); // 0x1727C64
public static void set_RenewOnCallTime(TimeSpan value); // 0x17211E0
public static TimeSpan get_SponsorshipTimeout(); // 0x1727D1C
public static void set_SponsorshipTimeout(TimeSpan value); // 0x1721128
internal static void TrackLifetime(ServerIdentity identity); // 0x17296E8
// Namespace: System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging
internal enum ArgInfoType // TypeDefIndex: 559
// Fields
public byte value__; // 0x8
public const ArgInfoType In = 0; // 0x0
public const ArgInfoType Out = 1; // 0x0
// Namespace: System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging
internal class ArgInfo // TypeDefIndex: 560
// Fields
private int[] _paramMap; // 0x8
private int _inoutArgCount; // 0xC
private MethodBase _method; // 0x10
// Methods
public void .ctor(MethodBase method, ArgInfoType type); // 0x17297B8
public int GetInOutArgCount(); // 0x1729A08
public object[] GetInOutArgs(object[] args); // 0x1729A10
// Namespace: System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x339A4C
public class AsyncResult : IAsyncResult, IMessageSink // TypeDefIndex: 561
// Fields
private object async_state; // 0x8
private WaitHandle handle; // 0xC
private object async_delegate; // 0x10
private IntPtr data; // 0x14
private object object_data; // 0x18
private bool sync_completed; // 0x1C
private bool completed; // 0x1D
private bool endinvoke_called; // 0x1E
private object async_callback; // 0x20
private ExecutionContext current; // 0x24
private ExecutionContext original; // 0x28
private int gchandle; // 0x2C
private MonoMethodMessage call_message; // 0x30
private IMessageCtrl message_ctrl; // 0x34
private IMessage reply_message; // 0x38
// Properties
public virtual object AsyncState { get; }
public virtual WaitHandle AsyncWaitHandle { get; }
public virtual bool CompletedSynchronously { get; }
public virtual bool IsCompleted { get; }
public bool EndInvokeCalled { get; set; }
public virtual object AsyncDelegate { get; }
public IMessageSink NextSink { get; }
internal MonoMethodMessage CallMessage { get; set; }
// Methods
internal void .ctor(); // 0x1729B78
public virtual object get_AsyncState(); // 0x1729B80
public virtual WaitHandle get_AsyncWaitHandle(); // 0x1729B88
public virtual bool get_CompletedSynchronously(); // 0x1729C9C
public virtual bool get_IsCompleted(); // 0x1729CA4
public bool get_EndInvokeCalled(); // 0x1729CAC
public void set_EndInvokeCalled(bool value); // 0x1729CB4
public virtual object get_AsyncDelegate(); // 0x1729CBC
public IMessageSink get_NextSink(); // 0x1729CC4
public virtual IMessageCtrl AsyncProcessMessage(IMessage msg, IMessageSink replySink); // 0x1729CCC
public virtual IMessage GetReplyMessage(); // 0x1729D60
public virtual void SetMessageCtrl(IMessageCtrl mc); // 0x1729D68
internal void SetCompletedSynchronously(bool completed); // 0x1729D70
internal IMessage EndInvoke(); // 0x1729D78
public virtual IMessage SyncProcessMessage(IMessage msg); // 0x1729E0C
internal MonoMethodMessage get_CallMessage(); // 0x172A220
internal void set_CallMessage(MonoMethodMessage value); // 0x172A228
// Namespace: System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging
internal class ClientContextTerminatorSink : IMessageSink // TypeDefIndex: 562
// Fields
private Context _context; // 0x8
// Methods
public void .ctor(Context ctx); // 0x1724328
// Namespace: System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x339A60
[CLSCompliantAttribute] // 0x339A60
public class ConstructionCall : MethodCall, IConstructionCallMessage, IMessage, IMethodCallMessage, IMethodMessage // TypeDefIndex: 563
// Fields
private IActivator _activator; // 0x30
private object[] _activationAttributes; // 0x34
private IList _contextProperties; // 0x38
private Type _activationType; // 0x3C
private string _activationTypeName; // 0x40
private bool _isContextOk; // 0x44
[CompilerGeneratedAttribute] // 0x339A98
private static Dictionary`2<string, int> <>f__switch$map20; // 0x0
// Properties
internal bool IsContextOk { set; }
public Type ActivationType { get; }
public string ActivationTypeName { get; }
public IActivator Activator { get; set; }
public object[] CallSiteActivationAttributes { get; }
public IList ContextProperties { get; }
public override IDictionary Properties { get; }
// Methods
internal void .ctor(Type type); // 0x17163CC
internal void .ctor(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context); // 0x172A2E8
internal override void InitDictionary(); // 0x172A3F0
internal void set_IsContextOk(bool value); // 0x1716450
public Type get_ActivationType(); // 0x172A5BC
public string get_ActivationTypeName(); // 0x172A6B0
public IActivator get_Activator(); // 0x172A6B8
public void set_Activator(IActivator value); // 0x1716448
public object[] get_CallSiteActivationAttributes(); // 0x172A6C0
internal void SetActivationAttributes(object[] attributes); // 0x1716478
public IList get_ContextProperties(); // 0x172A6C8
internal override void InitMethodProperty(string key, object value); // 0x172A768
public override void GetObjectData(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context); // 0x172B300
public override IDictionary get_Properties(); // 0x172BA58
// Namespace: System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging
internal class ConstructionCallDictionary : MethodDictionary // TypeDefIndex: 564
// Fields
public static string[] InternalKeys; // 0x0
[CompilerGeneratedAttribute] // 0x339AA8
private static Dictionary`2<string, int> <>f__switch$map23; // 0x4
[CompilerGeneratedAttribute] // 0x339AB8
private static Dictionary`2<string, int> <>f__switch$map24; // 0x8
// Methods
public void .ctor(IConstructionCallMessage message); // 0x172A4BC
private static void .cctor(); // 0x172BAE8
protected override object GetMethodProperty(string key); // 0x172C054
protected override void SetMethodProperty(string key, object value); // 0x172CD38
// Namespace: System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging
internal class EnvoyTerminatorSink : IMessageSink // TypeDefIndex: 565
// Fields
public static EnvoyTerminatorSink Instance; // 0x0
// Methods
public void .ctor(); // 0x172D5BC
private static void .cctor(); // 0x172D5C4
// Namespace: System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x339AC8
public class Header // TypeDefIndex: 566
// Fields
public string HeaderNamespace; // 0x8
public bool MustUnderstand; // 0xC
public string Name; // 0x10
public object Value; // 0x14
// Methods
public void .ctor(string _Name, object _Value); // 0x172D658
public void .ctor(string _Name, object _Value, bool _MustUnderstand); // 0x172D690
public void .ctor(string _Name, object _Value, bool _MustUnderstand, string _HeaderNamespace); // 0x172D6C8
// Namespace: System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging
internal interface IInternalMessage // TypeDefIndex: 567
// Properties
set; }
// Methods
public abstract void set_Uri(string value); // 0
// Namespace: System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x339ADC
public interface IMessage // TypeDefIndex: 568
// Properties
public abstract IDictionary Properties { get; }
// Methods
public abstract IDictionary get_Properties(); // 0
// Namespace: System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x339AF0
public interface IMessageCtrl // TypeDefIndex: 569
// Namespace: System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x339B04
public interface IMessageSink // TypeDefIndex: 570
// Namespace: System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x339B18
public interface IMethodCallMessage : IMessage, IMethodMessage // TypeDefIndex: 571
// Namespace: System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x339B2C
public interface IMethodMessage : IMessage // TypeDefIndex: 572
// Properties
public abstract int ArgCount { get; }
public abstract object[] Args { get; }
public abstract LogicalCallContext LogicalCallContext { get; }
public abstract MethodBase MethodBase { get; }
public abstract string MethodName { get; }
public abstract object MethodSignature { get; }
public abstract string TypeName { get; }
public abstract string Uri { get; }
// Methods
public abstract int get_ArgCount(); // 0
public abstract object[] get_Args(); // 0
public abstract LogicalCallContext get_LogicalCallContext(); // 0
public abstract MethodBase get_MethodBase(); // 0
public abstract string get_MethodName(); // 0
public abstract object get_MethodSignature(); // 0
public abstract string get_TypeName(); // 0
public abstract string get_Uri(); // 0
public abstract object GetArg(int argNum); // 0
// Namespace: System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x339B40
public interface IMethodReturnMessage : IMessage, IMethodMessage // TypeDefIndex: 573
// Properties
public abstract Exception Exception { get; }
public abstract int OutArgCount { get; }
public abstract object[] OutArgs { get; }
public abstract object ReturnValue { get; }
// Methods
public abstract Exception get_Exception(); // 0
public abstract int get_OutArgCount(); // 0
public abstract object[] get_OutArgs(); // 0
public abstract object get_ReturnValue(); // 0
// Namespace: System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x339B54
public interface IRemotingFormatter : IFormatter // TypeDefIndex: 574
// Namespace: System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging
internal interface ISerializationRootObject // TypeDefIndex: 575
// Namespace: System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x339B68
public sealed class LogicalCallContext : ICloneable, ISerializable // TypeDefIndex: 576
// Fields
private Hashtable _data; // 0x8
private CallContextRemotingData _remotingData; // 0xC
// Properties
public bool HasInfo { get; }
// Methods
internal void .ctor(); // 0x172D7E4
internal void .ctor(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context); // 0x172D880
public bool get_HasInfo(); // 0x172DB4C
public void GetObjectData(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context); // 0x172DB8C
public void SetData(string name, object data); // 0x172DA78
public object Clone(); // 0x172DFE8
// Namespace: System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging
internal class CallContextRemotingData : ICloneable // TypeDefIndex: 577
// Fields
private string _logicalCallID; // 0x8
// Methods
public void .ctor(); // 0x172A230
public object Clone(); // 0x172A238
// Namespace: System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x339B7C
[CLSCompliantAttribute] // 0x339B7C
public class MethodCall : ISerializable, IInternalMessage, IMessage, IMethodCallMessage, IMethodMessage, ISerializationRootObject // TypeDefIndex: 578
// Fields
private string _uri; // 0x8
private string _typeName; // 0xC
private string _methodName; // 0x10
private object[] _args; // 0x14
private Type[] _methodSignature; // 0x18
private MethodBase _methodBase; // 0x1C
private LogicalCallContext _callContext; // 0x20
private Type[] _genericArguments; // 0x24
protected IDictionary ExternalProperties; // 0x28
protected IDictionary InternalProperties; // 0x2C
[CompilerGeneratedAttribute] // 0x339BB4
private static Dictionary`2<string, int> <>f__switch$map1F; // 0x0
// Properties
private string System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.IInternalMessage.Uri { set; }
public int ArgCount { get; }
public object[] Args { get; }
public LogicalCallContext LogicalCallContext { get; }
public MethodBase MethodBase { get; }
public string MethodName { get; }
public object MethodSignature { get; }
public virtual IDictionary Properties { get; }
public string TypeName { get; }
public string Uri { get; set; }
private Type[] GenericArguments { get; }
// Methods
public void .ctor(Header[] h1); // 0x172E3B8
internal void .ctor(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context); // 0x172A300
internal void .ctor(); // 0x172A2E0
private void System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.IInternalMessage.set_Uri(string value); // 0x172EF98
internal virtual void InitMethodProperty(string key, object value); // 0x172AB74
public virtual void GetObjectData(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context); // 0x172B4D0
public int get_ArgCount(); // 0x172EFA8
public object[] get_Args(); // 0x172EFCC
public LogicalCallContext get_LogicalCallContext(); // 0x172EFD4
public MethodBase get_MethodBase(); // 0x172F070
public string get_MethodName(); // 0x172F098
public object get_MethodSignature(); // 0x172F0E0
public virtual IDictionary get_Properties(); // 0x172BA8C
internal virtual void InitDictionary(); // 0x172F25C
public string get_TypeName(); // 0x172F3F4
public string get_Uri(); // 0x172F454
public void set_Uri(string value); // 0x172EFA0
public object GetArg(int argNum); // 0x172F45C
public virtual void Init(); // 0x172F4A0
public void ResolveMethod(); // 0x172E468
private Type CastTo(string clientType, Type serverType); // 0x172F4A4
private static string GetTypeNameFromAssemblyQualifiedName(string aqname); // 0x172F774
private Type[] get_GenericArguments(); // 0x172F718
// Namespace: System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging
internal class MethodCallDictionary : MethodDictionary // TypeDefIndex: 579
// Fields
public static string[] InternalKeys; // 0x0
// Methods
public void .ctor(IMethodMessage message); // 0x172F328
private static void .cctor(); // 0x172F85C
// Namespace: System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging
[DefaultMemberAttribute] // 0x339BC4
internal class MethodDictionary : IEnumerable, ICollection, IDictionary // TypeDefIndex: 580
// Fields
private IDictionary _internalProperties; // 0x8
protected IMethodMessage _message; // 0xC
private string[] _methodKeys; // 0x10
private bool _ownProperties; // 0x14
[CompilerGeneratedAttribute] // 0x339C04
private static Dictionary`2<string, int> <>f__switch$map21; // 0x0
[CompilerGeneratedAttribute] // 0x339C14
private static Dictionary`2<string, int> <>f__switch$map22; // 0x4
// Properties
public string[] MethodKeys { set; }
public bool IsReadOnly { get; }
public object Item { get; set; }
public ICollection Keys { get; }
public ICollection Values { get; }
public int Count { get; }
public bool IsSynchronized { get; }
public object SyncRoot { get; }
// Methods
public void .ctor(IMethodMessage message); // 0x172BAC0
private IEnumerator System.Collections.IEnumerable.GetEnumerator(); // 0x172FBAC
public void set_MethodKeys(string[] value); // 0x172BAE0
protected virtual IDictionary AllocInternalProperties(); // 0x172FD68
public IDictionary GetInternalProperties(); // 0x172A588
private bool IsOverridenKey(string key); // 0x172FE00
public bool get_IsReadOnly(); // 0x172FF20
public object get_Item(object key); // 0x172FF28
public void set_Item(object key, object value); // 0x17301E8
protected virtual object GetMethodProperty(string key); // 0x172C684
protected virtual void SetMethodProperty(string key, object value); // 0x172D134
public ICollection get_Keys(); // 0x17304DC
public ICollection get_Values(); // 0x1730A58
public void Add(object key, object value); // 0x17301EC
public void Clear(); // 0x1730FB4
public bool Contains(object key); // 0x173109C
public void Remove(object key); // 0x173134C
public int get_Count(); // 0x1731640
public bool get_IsSynchronized(); // 0x1731758
public object get_SyncRoot(); // 0x1731760
public void CopyTo(Array array, int index); // 0x1731764
public IDictionaryEnumerator GetEnumerator(); // 0x1731870
// Namespace:
private class DictionaryEnumerator : IEnumerator, IDictionaryEnumerator // TypeDefIndex: 581
// Fields
private MethodDictionary _methodDictionary; // 0x8
private IDictionaryEnumerator _hashtableEnum; // 0xC
private int _posMethod; // 0x10
// Properties
public object Current { get; }
public DictionaryEntry Entry { get; }
public object Key { get; }
public object Value { get; }
// Methods
public void .ctor(MethodDictionary methodDictionary); // 0x172FC3C
public object get_Current(); // 0x1731900
public bool MoveNext(); // 0x1731B38
public void Reset(); // 0x1731E5C
public DictionaryEntry get_Entry(); // 0x173193C
public object get_Key(); // 0x1731F58
public object get_Value(); // 0x1731F94
// Namespace: System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging
internal class MethodReturnDictionary : MethodDictionary // TypeDefIndex: 582
// Fields
public static string[] InternalReturnKeys; // 0x0
public static string[] InternalExceptionKeys; // 0x4
// Methods
public void .ctor(IMethodReturnMessage message); // 0x1731FD0
private static void .cctor(); // 0x173217C
// Namespace: System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging
internal class MonoMethodMessage : IInternalMessage, IMessage, IMethodCallMessage, IMethodMessage, IMethodReturnMessage // TypeDefIndex: 583
// Fields
private MonoMethod method; // 0x8
private object[] args; // 0xC
private byte[] arg_types; // 0x10
public LogicalCallContext ctx; // 0x14
public object rval; // 0x18
public Exception exc; // 0x1C
private CallType call_type; // 0x20
private string uri; // 0x24
private MethodCallDictionary properties; // 0x28
private Type[] methodSignature; // 0x2C
// Properties
public IDictionary Properties { get; }
public int ArgCount { get; }
public object[] Args { get; }
public LogicalCallContext LogicalCallContext { get; }
public MethodBase MethodBase { get; }
public string MethodName { get; }
public object MethodSignature { get; }
public string TypeName { get; }
public string Uri { get; set; }
public Exception Exception { get; }
public int OutArgCount { get; }
public object[] OutArgs { get; }
public object ReturnValue { get; }
internal CallType CallType { get; }
// Methods
public IDictionary get_Properties(); // 0x17325E0
public int get_ArgCount(); // 0x1732680
public object[] get_Args(); // 0x1732784
public LogicalCallContext get_LogicalCallContext(); // 0x173278C
public MethodBase get_MethodBase(); // 0x1732794
public string get_MethodName(); // 0x173279C
public object get_MethodSignature(); // 0x1732870
public string get_TypeName(); // 0x17329E8
public string get_Uri(); // 0x1732AE0
public void set_Uri(string value); // 0x1732AE8
public object GetArg(int arg_num); // 0x1732AF0
public Exception get_Exception(); // 0x1732B2C
public int get_OutArgCount(); // 0x1732B34
public object[] get_OutArgs(); // 0x1732BAC
public object get_ReturnValue(); // 0x1732D44
internal CallType get_CallType(); // 0x17326B4
// Namespace: System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging
internal enum CallType // TypeDefIndex: 584
// Fields
public int value__; // 0x8
public const CallType Sync = 0; // 0x0
public const CallType BeginInvoke = 1; // 0x0
public const CallType EndInvoke = 2; // 0x0
public const CallType OneWay = 3; // 0x0
// Namespace: System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging
[AttributeUsageAttribute] // 0x339C24
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x339C24
public class OneWayAttribute : Attribute // TypeDefIndex: 585
// Namespace: System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging
internal class RemotingSurrogate : ISerializationSurrogate // TypeDefIndex: 586
// Methods
public void .ctor(); // 0x1732F4C
public virtual void GetObjectData(object obj, SerializationInfo si, StreamingContext sc); // 0x1732F54
public virtual object SetObjectData(object obj, SerializationInfo si, StreamingContext sc, ISurrogateSelector selector); // 0x1733124
// Namespace: System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging
internal class ObjRefSurrogate : ISerializationSurrogate // TypeDefIndex: 587
// Methods
public void .ctor(); // 0x1732D4C
public virtual void GetObjectData(object obj, SerializationInfo si, StreamingContext sc); // 0x1732D54
public virtual object SetObjectData(object obj, SerializationInfo si, StreamingContext sc, ISurrogateSelector selector); // 0x1732EA4
// Namespace: System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x339C5C
public class RemotingSurrogateSelector : ISurrogateSelector // TypeDefIndex: 588
// Fields
private static Type s_cachedTypeObjRef; // 0x0
private static ObjRefSurrogate _objRefSurrogate; // 0x4
private static RemotingSurrogate _objRemotingSurrogate; // 0x8
private ISurrogateSelector _next; // 0x8
// Methods
public void .ctor(); // 0x17331B8
private static void .cctor(); // 0x17331C0
public virtual ISerializationSurrogate GetSurrogate(Type type, StreamingContext context, out ISurrogateSelector ssout); // 0x17332EC
// Namespace: System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x339C70
public class ReturnMessage : IInternalMessage, IMessage, IMethodMessage, IMethodReturnMessage // TypeDefIndex: 589
// Fields
private object[] _outArgs; // 0x8
private object[] _args; // 0xC
private int _outArgsCount; // 0x10
private LogicalCallContext _callCtx; // 0x14
private object _returnValue; // 0x18
private string _uri; // 0x1C
private Exception _exception; // 0x20
private MethodBase _methodBase; // 0x24
private string _methodName; // 0x28
private Type[] _methodSignature; // 0x2C
private string _typeName; // 0x30
private MethodReturnDictionary _properties; // 0x34
private ArgInfo _inArgInfo; // 0x38
// Properties
private string System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.IInternalMessage.Uri { set; }
public int ArgCount { get; }
public object[] Args { get; }
public LogicalCallContext LogicalCallContext { get; }
public MethodBase MethodBase { get; }
public string MethodName { get; }
public object MethodSignature { get; }
public virtual IDictionary Properties { get; }
public string TypeName { get; }
public string Uri { get; set; }
public Exception Exception { get; }
public int OutArgCount { get; }
public object[] OutArgs { get; }
public virtual object ReturnValue { get; }
// Methods
public void .ctor(object ret, object[] outArgs, int outArgsCount, LogicalCallContext callCtx, IMethodCallMessage mcm); // 0x1733558
public void .ctor(Exception e, IMethodCallMessage mcm); // 0x173373C
private void System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.IInternalMessage.set_Uri(string value); // 0x17338E8
public int get_ArgCount(); // 0x17338F8
public object[] get_Args(); // 0x173391C
public LogicalCallContext get_LogicalCallContext(); // 0x1733924
public MethodBase get_MethodBase(); // 0x17339C0
public string get_MethodName(); // 0x17339C8
public object get_MethodSignature(); // 0x1733A08
public virtual IDictionary get_Properties(); // 0x1733B80
public string get_TypeName(); // 0x1733C20
public string get_Uri(); // 0x1733C84
public void set_Uri(string value); // 0x17338F0
public object GetArg(int argNum); // 0x1733C8C
public Exception get_Exception(); // 0x1733CD0
public int get_OutArgCount(); // 0x1733CD8
public object[] get_OutArgs(); // 0x1733DAC
public virtual object get_ReturnValue(); // 0x1733E90
// Namespace: System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging
internal class ServerContextTerminatorSink : IMessageSink // TypeDefIndex: 590
// Methods
public void .ctor(); // 0x1724320
// Namespace: System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging
internal class ServerObjectTerminatorSink : IMessageSink // TypeDefIndex: 591
// Fields
private IMessageSink _nextSink; // 0x8
// Methods
public void .ctor(IMessageSink nextSink); // 0x172467C
// Namespace: System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging
internal class StackBuilderSink : IMessageSink // TypeDefIndex: 592
// Fields
private MarshalByRefObject _target; // 0x8
private RealProxy _rp; // 0xC
// Methods
public void .ctor(MarshalByRefObject obj, bool forceInternalExecute); // 0x1724568
// Namespace: System.Runtime.Remoting.Metadata
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x339C84
public class SoapAttribute : Attribute // TypeDefIndex: 593
// Fields
private bool _useAttribute; // 0x8
protected string ProtXmlNamespace; // 0xC
protected object ReflectInfo; // 0x10
// Properties
public virtual bool UseAttribute { get; }
public virtual string XmlNamespace { get; }
// Methods
public void .ctor(); // 0x1733E98
public virtual bool get_UseAttribute(); // 0x1733EA0
public virtual string get_XmlNamespace(); // 0x1733EA8
internal virtual void SetReflectionObject(object reflectionObject); // 0x1733EB0
// Namespace: System.Runtime.Remoting.Metadata
[AttributeUsageAttribute] // 0x339C98
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x339C98
public sealed class SoapFieldAttribute : SoapAttribute // TypeDefIndex: 594
// Fields
private string _elementName; // 0x14
private bool _isElement; // 0x18
// Properties
public string XmlElementName { get; }
// Methods
public void .ctor(); // 0x1727A18
public string get_XmlElementName(); // 0x1733EB8
public bool IsInteropXmlElement(); // 0x1733EC0
internal override void SetReflectionObject(object reflectionObject); // 0x1733EC8
// Namespace: System.Runtime.Remoting.Metadata
[AttributeUsageAttribute] // 0x339CD0
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x339CD0
public sealed class SoapMethodAttribute : SoapAttribute // TypeDefIndex: 595
// Fields
private string _responseElement; // 0x14
private string _responseNamespace; // 0x18
private string _returnElement; // 0x1C
private string _soapAction; // 0x20
private bool _useAttribute; // 0x24
private string _namespace; // 0x28
// Properties
public override bool UseAttribute { get; }
public override string XmlNamespace { get; }
// Methods
public void .ctor(); // 0x1727A20
public override bool get_UseAttribute(); // 0x1733F84
public override string get_XmlNamespace(); // 0x1733F8C
internal override void SetReflectionObject(object reflectionObject); // 0x1733F94
// Namespace: System.Runtime.Remoting.Metadata
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x339D08
[AttributeUsageAttribute] // 0x339D08
public sealed class SoapParameterAttribute : SoapAttribute // TypeDefIndex: 596
// Methods
public void .ctor(); // 0x1727A28
// Namespace: System.Runtime.Remoting.Metadata
[AttributeUsageAttribute] // 0x339D40
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x339D40
public sealed class SoapTypeAttribute : SoapAttribute // TypeDefIndex: 597
// Fields
private bool _useAttribute; // 0x14
private string _xmlElementName; // 0x18
private string _xmlNamespace; // 0x1C
private string _xmlTypeName; // 0x20
private string _xmlTypeNamespace; // 0x24
private bool _isType; // 0x28
private bool _isElement; // 0x29
// Properties
public override bool UseAttribute { get; }
public string XmlElementName { get; }
public override string XmlNamespace { get; }
public string XmlTypeName { get; }
public string XmlTypeNamespace { get; }
internal bool IsInteropXmlElement { get; }
internal bool IsInteropXmlType { get; }
// Methods
public void .ctor(); // 0x1727A10
public override bool get_UseAttribute(); // 0x1734280
public string get_XmlElementName(); // 0x1734288
public override string get_XmlNamespace(); // 0x1734290
public string get_XmlTypeName(); // 0x1734298
public string get_XmlTypeNamespace(); // 0x17342A0
internal bool get_IsInteropXmlElement(); // 0x17342A8
internal bool get_IsInteropXmlType(); // 0x17342B0
internal override void SetReflectionObject(object reflectionObject); // 0x17342B8
// Namespace: System.Runtime.Remoting.Proxies
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x339D78
[AttributeUsageAttribute] // 0x339D78
public class ProxyAttribute : Attribute, IContextAttribute // TypeDefIndex: 598
// Methods
public virtual MarshalByRefObject CreateInstance(Type serverType); // 0x12A0F1C
public virtual RealProxy CreateProxy(ObjRef objRef, Type serverType, object serverObject, Context serverContext); // 0x12A10B4
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x339DB0
public void GetPropertiesForNewContext(IConstructionCallMessage msg); // 0x12A1418
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x339DC4
public bool IsContextOK(Context ctx, IConstructionCallMessage msg); // 0x12A141C
// Namespace: System.Runtime.Remoting.Proxies
internal class TransparentProxy // TypeDefIndex: 599
// Fields
public RealProxy _rp; // 0x8
// Namespace: System.Runtime.Remoting.Proxies
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x339DD8
public abstract class RealProxy // TypeDefIndex: 600
// Fields
private Type class_to_proxy; // 0x8
private int _targetDomainId; // 0xC
internal string _targetUri; // 0x10
internal Identity _objectIdentity; // 0x14
private object _objTP; // 0x18
// Properties
internal Identity ObjectIdentity { get; set; }
// Methods
protected void .ctor(Type classToProxy); // 0x12A1424
internal void .ctor(Type classToProxy, ClientIdentity identity); // 0x12A1648
protected void .ctor(Type classToProxy, IntPtr stub, object stubData); // 0x12A14C0
private static Type InternalGetProxyType(object transparentProxy); // 0x12A16EC
public Type GetProxiedType(); // 0x12A16F4
public virtual void GetObjectData(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context); // 0x12A17F8
internal Identity get_ObjectIdentity(); // 0x12A1A30
internal void set_ObjectIdentity(Identity value); // 0x12A1A38
internal virtual object InternalGetTransparentProxy(string className); // 0x12A1A40
public virtual object GetTransparentProxy(); // 0x12A1A44
internal void SetTargetDomain(int domainId); // 0x12A1C78
// Namespace: System.Runtime.Remoting.Proxies
internal class RemotingProxy : RealProxy, IRemotingTypeInfo // TypeDefIndex: 601
// Fields
private static MethodInfo _cache_GetTypeMethod; // 0x0
private static MethodInfo _cache_GetHashCodeMethod; // 0x4
private IMessageSink _sink; // 0x1C
private bool _hasEnvoySink; // 0x20
private ConstructionCall _ctorCall; // 0x24
// Properties
public string TypeName { get; }
// Methods
internal void .ctor(Type type, ClientIdentity identity); // 0x12A1C80
internal void .ctor(Type type, string activationUrl, object[] activationAttributes); // 0x12A1068
private static void .cctor(); // 0x12A1CD4
public string get_TypeName(); // 0x12A1E30
protected override void Finalize(); // 0x12A1FE4
// Namespace: System.Runtime.Remoting.Services
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x339DEC
public interface ITrackingHandler // TypeDefIndex: 602
// Methods
public abstract void DisconnectedObject(object obj); // 0
public abstract void MarshaledObject(object obj, ObjRef or); // 0
public abstract void UnmarshaledObject(object obj, ObjRef or); // 0
// Namespace: System.Runtime.Remoting.Services
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x339E00
public class TrackingServices // TypeDefIndex: 603
// Fields
private static ArrayList _handlers; // 0x0
// Methods
private static void .cctor(); // 0x12AA344
internal static void NotifyMarshaledObject(object obj, ObjRef or); // 0x12A7464
internal static void NotifyUnmarshaledObject(object obj, ObjRef or); // 0x12A6230
internal static void NotifyDisconnectedObject(object obj); // 0x12A9FB8
// Namespace: System.Runtime.Remoting
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x339E14
public class ActivatedClientTypeEntry : TypeEntry // TypeDefIndex: 604
// Fields
private string applicationUrl; // 0x10
private Type obj_type; // 0x14
// Properties
public string ApplicationUrl { get; }
public IContextAttribute[] ContextAttributes { get; }
public Type ObjectType { get; }
// Methods
public void .ctor(string typeName, string assemblyName, string appUrl); // 0x1714F8C
public string get_ApplicationUrl(); // 0x1715124
public IContextAttribute[] get_ContextAttributes(); // 0x171512C
public Type get_ObjectType(); // 0x1715134
public override string ToString(); // 0x171513C
// Namespace: System.Runtime.Remoting
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x339E28
public class ActivatedServiceTypeEntry : TypeEntry // TypeDefIndex: 605
// Fields
private Type obj_type; // 0x10
// Properties
public Type ObjectType { get; }
// Methods
public void .ctor(string typeName, string assemblyName); // 0x171521C
public Type get_ObjectType(); // 0x17153AC
public override string ToString(); // 0x17153B4
// Namespace: System.Runtime.Remoting
internal class EnvoyInfo : IEnvoyInfo // TypeDefIndex: 606
// Fields
private IMessageSink envoySinks; // 0x8
// Properties
public IMessageSink EnvoySinks { get; }
// Methods
public void .ctor(IMessageSink sinks); // 0x1727314
public IMessageSink get_EnvoySinks(); // 0x1727334
// Namespace: System.Runtime.Remoting
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x339E3C
public interface IChannelInfo // TypeDefIndex: 607
// Properties
public abstract object[] ChannelData { get; }
// Methods
public abstract object[] get_ChannelData(); // 0
// Namespace: System.Runtime.Remoting
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x339E50
public interface IEnvoyInfo // TypeDefIndex: 608
// Properties
public abstract IMessageSink EnvoySinks { get; }
// Methods
public abstract IMessageSink get_EnvoySinks(); // 0
// Namespace: System.Runtime.Remoting
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x339E64
public interface IRemotingTypeInfo // TypeDefIndex: 609
// Properties
public abstract string TypeName { get; }
// Methods
public abstract string get_TypeName(); // 0
// Namespace: System.Runtime.Remoting
internal abstract class Identity // TypeDefIndex: 610
// Fields
protected string _objectUri; // 0x8
protected IMessageSink _channelSink; // 0xC
protected IMessageSink _envoySink; // 0x10
private DynamicPropertyCollection _clientDynamicProperties; // 0x14
private DynamicPropertyCollection _serverDynamicProperties; // 0x18
protected ObjRef _objRef; // 0x1C
private bool _disposed; // 0x20
// Properties
public IMessageSink ChannelSink { get; set; }
public string ObjectUri { get; set; }
public bool IsConnected { get; }
public bool Disposed { get; set; }
public DynamicPropertyCollection ClientDynamicProperties { get; }
public DynamicPropertyCollection ServerDynamicProperties { get; }
// Methods
public void .ctor(string objectUri); // 0x171C328
public abstract ObjRef CreateObjRef(Type requestedType); // 0
public IMessageSink get_ChannelSink(); // 0x172733C
public void set_ChannelSink(IMessageSink value); // 0x1727344
public string get_ObjectUri(); // 0x172734C
public void set_ObjectUri(string value); // 0x1727354
public bool get_IsConnected(); // 0x172735C
public bool get_Disposed(); // 0x172736C
public void set_Disposed(bool value); // 0x1727374
public DynamicPropertyCollection get_ClientDynamicProperties(); // 0x1722678
public DynamicPropertyCollection get_ServerDynamicProperties(); // 0x1722714
// Namespace: System.Runtime.Remoting
internal class ClientIdentity : Identity // TypeDefIndex: 611
// Fields
private WeakReference _proxyReference; // 0x24
// Properties
public MarshalByRefObject ClientProxy { get; set; }
public string TargetUri { get; }
// Methods
public void .ctor(string objectUri, ObjRef objRef); // 0x171C1C4
public MarshalByRefObject get_ClientProxy(); // 0x171C348
public void set_ClientProxy(MarshalByRefObject value); // 0x171C3F0
public override ObjRef CreateObjRef(Type requestedType); // 0x171C488
public string get_TargetUri(); // 0x171C490
// Namespace: System.Runtime.Remoting
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x339E78
public class InternalRemotingServices // TypeDefIndex: 612
// Fields
private static Hashtable _soapAttributes; // 0x0
// Methods
private static void .cctor(); // 0x172737C
public static SoapAttribute GetCachedSoapAttribute(object reflectionObject); // 0x172741C
// Namespace: System.Runtime.Remoting
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x339E8C
public class ObjRef : ISerializable, IObjectReference // TypeDefIndex: 613
// Fields
private IChannelInfo channel_info; // 0x8
private string uri; // 0xC
private IRemotingTypeInfo typeInfo; // 0x10
private IEnvoyInfo envoyInfo; // 0x14
private int flags; // 0x18
private Type _serverType; // 0x1C
private static int MarshalledObjectRef; // 0x0
private static int WellKnowObjectRef; // 0x4
[CompilerGeneratedAttribute] // 0x339EA0
private static Dictionary`2<string, int> <>f__switch$map26; // 0x8
// Properties
internal bool IsReferenceToWellKnow { get; }
public virtual IChannelInfo ChannelInfo { get; }
public virtual IEnvoyInfo EnvoyInfo { get; set; }
public virtual IRemotingTypeInfo TypeInfo { get; set; }
public virtual string URI { get; set; }
internal Type ServerType { get; }
// Methods
public void .ctor(); // 0x1734558
protected void .ctor(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context); // 0x1734604
private static void .cctor(); // 0x1734E14
internal bool get_IsReferenceToWellKnow(); // 0x1734EA8
[ReliabilityContractAttribute] // 0x339EB0
public virtual IChannelInfo get_ChannelInfo(); // 0x1734F70
public virtual IEnvoyInfo get_EnvoyInfo(); // 0x1734F78
public virtual void set_EnvoyInfo(IEnvoyInfo value); // 0x1734F80
public virtual IRemotingTypeInfo get_TypeInfo(); // 0x1734F88
public virtual void set_TypeInfo(IRemotingTypeInfo value); // 0x1734F90
public virtual string get_URI(); // 0x1734F98
public virtual void set_URI(string value); // 0x1734FA0
public virtual void GetObjectData(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context); // 0x1734FA8
public virtual object GetRealObject(StreamingContext context); // 0x1735198
internal void UpdateChannelInfo(); // 0x1734578
internal Type get_ServerType(); // 0x17352AC
// Namespace: System.Runtime.Remoting
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x339EC8
public static class RemotingConfiguration // TypeDefIndex: 614
// Fields
private static string applicationID; // 0x0
private static string applicationName; // 0x4
private static string processGuid; // 0x8
private static bool defaultConfigRead; // 0xC
private static bool defaultDelayedConfigRead; // 0xD
private static string _errorMode; // 0x10
private static Hashtable wellKnownClientEntries; // 0x14
private static Hashtable activatedClientEntries; // 0x18
private static Hashtable wellKnownServiceEntries; // 0x1C
private static Hashtable activatedServiceEntries; // 0x20
private static Hashtable channelTemplates; // 0x24
private static Hashtable clientProviderTemplates; // 0x28
private static Hashtable serverProviderTemplates; // 0x2C
// Properties
public static string ApplicationName { get; set; }
public static string ProcessId { get; }
// Methods
private static void .cctor(); // 0x12A23C8
public static string get_ApplicationName(); // 0x12A2568
public static void set_ApplicationName(string value); // 0x12A2618
public static string get_ProcessId(); // 0x12A26CC
internal static void LoadDefaultDelayedChannels(); // 0x12A282C
public static ActivatedClientTypeEntry IsRemotelyActivatedClientType(Type svrType); // 0x12A2BFC
public static void RegisterActivatedClientType(ActivatedClientTypeEntry entry); // 0x12A2DE0
public static void RegisterActivatedServiceType(ActivatedServiceTypeEntry entry); // 0x12A31D8
public static void RegisterWellKnownClientType(WellKnownClientTypeEntry entry); // 0x12A3388
public static void RegisterWellKnownServiceType(WellKnownServiceTypeEntry entry); // 0x12A373C
internal static void RegisterChannelTemplate(ChannelData channel); // 0x12A3AC8
internal static void RegisterClientProviderTemplate(ProviderData prov); // 0x12A3BAC
internal static void RegisterServerProviderTemplate(ProviderData prov); // 0x12A3C90
internal static void RegisterChannels(ArrayList channels, bool onlyDelayed); // 0x12A3D74
internal static void RegisterTypes(ArrayList types); // 0x12A4C74
internal static void SetCustomErrorsMode(string mode); // 0x12A51E8
// Namespace: System.Runtime.Remoting
internal class ConfigHandler : IContentHandler // TypeDefIndex: 615
// Fields
private ArrayList typeEntries; // 0x8
private ArrayList channelInstances; // 0xC
private ChannelData currentChannel; // 0x10
private Stack currentProviderData; // 0x14
private string currentClientUrl; // 0x18
private string appName; // 0x1C
private string currentXmlPath; // 0x20
private bool onlyDelayedChannels; // 0x24
[CompilerGeneratedAttribute] // 0x339EDC
private static Dictionary`2<string, int> <>f__switch$map27; // 0x0
[CompilerGeneratedAttribute] // 0x339EEC
private static Dictionary`2<string, int> <>f__switch$map28; // 0x4
// Methods
public void .ctor(bool onlyDelayedChannels); // 0x171C4C4
private void ValidatePath(string element, string[] paths); // 0x171C5CC
private bool CheckPath(string path); // 0x171C740
public void OnStartParsing(SmallXmlParser parser); // 0x171C8DC
public void OnProcessingInstruction(string name, string text); // 0x171C8E0
public void OnIgnorableWhitespace(string s); // 0x171C8E4
public void OnStartElement(string name, IAttrList attrs); // 0x171C8E8
public void ParseElement(string name, IAttrList attrs); // 0x171CB98
public void OnEndElement(string name); // 0x172089C
private void ReadCustomProviderData(string name, IAttrList attrs); // 0x171E3A4
private void ReadLifetine(IAttrList attrs); // 0x171E7BC
private TimeSpan ParseTime(string s); // 0x172094C
private void ReadChannel(IAttrList attrs, bool isTemplate); // 0x171F008
private ProviderData ReadProvider(string name, IAttrList attrs, bool isTemplate); // 0x171F5F0
private void ReadClientActivated(IAttrList attrs); // 0x171FFB8
private void ReadServiceActivated(IAttrList attrs); // 0x172018C
private void ReadClientWellKnown(IAttrList attrs); // 0x171FBD0
private void ReadServiceWellKnown(IAttrList attrs); // 0x171FCF4
private void ReadInteropXml(IAttrList attrs, bool isElement); // 0x1720284
private void ReadPreload(IAttrList attrs); // 0x1720538
private string GetNotNull(IAttrList attrs, string name); // 0x1721398
private string ExtractAssembly(string type); // 0x17215A0
public void OnChars(string ch); // 0x17216E8
public void OnEndParsing(SmallXmlParser parser); // 0x17216EC
// Namespace: System.Runtime.Remoting
internal class ChannelData // TypeDefIndex: 616
// Fields
internal string Ref; // 0x8
internal string Type; // 0xC
internal string Id; // 0x10
internal string DelayLoadAsClientChannel; // 0x14
private ArrayList _serverProviders; // 0x18
private ArrayList _clientProviders; // 0x1C
private Hashtable _customProperties; // 0x20
// Properties
internal ArrayList ServerProviders { get; }
public ArrayList ClientProviders { get; }
public Hashtable CustomProperties { get; }
// Methods
public void .ctor(); // 0x17168FC
internal ArrayList get_ServerProviders(); // 0x17169D4
public ArrayList get_ClientProviders(); // 0x1716A74
public Hashtable get_CustomProperties(); // 0x1716B14
public void CopyFrom(ChannelData other); // 0x1716BB4
// Namespace: System.Runtime.Remoting
internal class ProviderData // TypeDefIndex: 617
// Fields
internal string Ref; // 0x8
internal string Type; // 0xC
internal string Id; // 0x10
internal Hashtable CustomProperties; // 0x14
internal IList CustomData; // 0x18
// Methods
public void .ctor(); // 0x17175B0
public void CopyFrom(ProviderData other); // 0x171764C
// Namespace: System.Runtime.Remoting
internal class FormatterData : ProviderData // TypeDefIndex: 618
// Methods
public void .ctor(); // 0x1721394
// Namespace: System.Runtime.Remoting
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x339F0C
public class RemotingException : SystemException // TypeDefIndex: 619
// Methods
public void .ctor(); // 0x12A54C8
public void .ctor(string message); // 0x12A31D0
protected void .ctor(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context); // 0x12A54D0
public void .ctor(string message, Exception InnerException); // 0x12A54F0
// Namespace: System.Runtime.Remoting
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x339F20
public sealed class RemotingServices // TypeDefIndex: 620
// Fields
private static Hashtable uri_hash; // 0x0
private static BinaryFormatter _serializationFormatter; // 0x4
private static BinaryFormatter _deserializationFormatter; // 0x8
internal static string app_id; // 0xC
private static int next_id; // 0x10
private static readonly BindingFlags methodBindings; // 0x14
private static readonly MethodInfo FieldSetterMethod; // 0x18
private static readonly MethodInfo FieldGetterMethod; // 0x1C
// Methods
private static void .cctor(); // 0x12A54F8
internal static MethodBase GetVirtualMethod(Type type, MethodBase method); // 0x12A59C8
[ReliabilityContractAttribute] // 0x339F34
public static bool IsTransparentProxy(object proxy); // 0x12A59D4
public static Type GetServerTypeForUri(string URI); // 0x12A59DC
public static object Unmarshal(ObjRef objectRef); // 0x12A5D64
public static object Unmarshal(ObjRef objectRef, bool fRefine); // 0x12A5E08
public static ObjRef Marshal(MarshalByRefObject Obj); // 0x12A65C0
public static ObjRef Marshal(MarshalByRefObject Obj, string ObjURI, Type RequestedType); // 0x12A6670
private static string NewUri(); // 0x12A6C20
[ReliabilityContractAttribute] // 0x339F4C
public static RealProxy GetRealProxy(object proxy); // 0x12A12C8
public static MethodBase GetMethodBaseFromMethodMessage(IMethodMessage msg); // 0x12A7978
internal static MethodBase GetMethodBaseFromName(Type type, string methodName, Type[] signature); // 0x12A7D8C
private static MethodBase FindInterfaceMethod(Type type, string methodName, Type[] signature); // 0x12A81B0
public static void GetObjectData(object obj, SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context); // 0x12A18D0
public static bool IsMethodOverloaded(IMethodMessage msg); // 0x12A83B0
public static bool IsOneWay(MethodBase method); // 0x12A858C
internal static object CreateClientProxy(ActivatedClientTypeEntry entry, object[] activationAttributes); // 0x12A867C
internal static object CreateClientProxy(Type objectType, string url, object[] activationAttributes); // 0x12A8894
internal static object CreateClientProxyForContextBound(Type type, object[] activationAttributes); // 0x12A8C70
internal static Identity GetIdentityForUri(string uri); // 0x12A5AD0
private static string RemoveAppNameFromUri(string uri); // 0x12A8F34
internal static ClientIdentity GetOrCreateClientIdentity(ObjRef objRef, Type proxyType, out object clientProxy); // 0x12A90B0
private static IMessageSink GetClientChannelSinkChain(string url, object channelData, out string objectUri); // 0x12A8ABC
internal static ClientActivatedIdentity CreateClientActivatedServerIdentity(MarshalByRefObject realObject, Type objectType, string objectUri); // 0x12A77F4
internal static ServerIdentity CreateWellKnownServerIdentity(Type objectType, string objectUri, WellKnownObjectMode mode); // 0x12A395C
private static void RegisterServerIdentity(ServerIdentity identity); // 0x12A6F90
internal static object GetProxyForRemoteObject(ObjRef objref, Type classToProxy); // 0x12A1164
internal static object GetRemoteObject(ObjRef objRef, Type proxyType); // 0x12A6170
private static void RegisterInternalChannels(); // 0x12A5928
internal static void DisposeIdentity(Identity ident); // 0x12A2124
private static string GetNormalizedUri(string uri); // 0x12A8E78
// Namespace: System.Runtime.Remoting
internal abstract class ServerIdentity : Identity // TypeDefIndex: 621
// Fields
protected Type _objectType; // 0x24
protected MarshalByRefObject _serverObject; // 0x28
protected IMessageSink _serverSink; // 0x2C
protected Context _context; // 0x30
protected Lease _lease; // 0x34
// Properties
public Type ObjectType { get; }
public Lease Lease { get; }
// Methods
public void .ctor(string objectUri, Context context, Type objectType); // 0x12A9818
public Type get_ObjectType(); // 0x12A5D5C
public void StartTrackingLifetime(ILease lease); // 0x12A72B0
public virtual void OnLifetimeExpired(); // 0x12A9840
public override ObjRef CreateObjRef(Type requestedType); // 0x12A9908
public void AttachServerObject(MarshalByRefObject serverObject, Context context); // 0x12A965C
public Lease get_Lease(); // 0x12A9FB0
protected void DisposeServerObject(); // 0x12A9844
// Namespace: System.Runtime.Remoting
internal class ClientActivatedIdentity : ServerIdentity // TypeDefIndex: 622
// Methods
public void .ctor(string objectUri, Type objectType); // 0x171C0E0
public MarshalByRefObject GetServerObject(); // 0x171C108
public override void OnLifetimeExpired(); // 0x171C110
// Namespace: System.Runtime.Remoting
internal class SingletonIdentity : ServerIdentity // TypeDefIndex: 623
// Methods
public void .ctor(string objectUri, Context context, Type objectType); // 0x12A97F0
// Namespace: System.Runtime.Remoting
internal class SingleCallIdentity : ServerIdentity // TypeDefIndex: 624
// Methods
public void .ctor(string objectUri, Context context, Type objectType); // 0x12A97C8
// Namespace: System.Runtime.Remoting
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x339F64
public class SoapServices // TypeDefIndex: 625
// Fields
private static Hashtable _xmlTypes; // 0x0
private static Hashtable _xmlElements; // 0x4
private static Hashtable _soapActions; // 0x8
private static Hashtable _soapActionsMethods; // 0xC
private static Hashtable _typeInfos; // 0x10
// Properties
public static string XmlNsForClrTypeWithAssembly { get; }
public static string XmlNsForClrTypeWithNs { get; }
public static string XmlNsForClrTypeWithNsAndAssembly { get; }
// Methods
private static void .cctor(); // 0x12AA3E4
public static string get_XmlNsForClrTypeWithAssembly(); // 0x12AA504
public static string get_XmlNsForClrTypeWithNs(); // 0x12AA57C
public static string get_XmlNsForClrTypeWithNsAndAssembly(); // 0x12AA5F4
public static string CodeXmlNamespaceForClrTypeNamespace(string typeNamespace, string assemblyName); // 0x12AA66C
private static string GetNameKey(string name, string namspace); // 0x12AAB6C
private static string GetAssemblyName(MethodBase mb); // 0x12AAC58
public static bool GetXmlElementForInteropType(Type type, out string xmlElement, out string xmlNamespace); // 0x12AAE28
public static string GetXmlNamespaceForMethodCall(MethodBase mb); // 0x12AB044
public static string GetXmlNamespaceForMethodResponse(MethodBase mb); // 0x12AB134
public static bool GetXmlTypeForInteropType(Type type, out string xmlType, out string xmlTypeNamespace); // 0x12AB224
public static void PreLoad(Assembly assembly); // 0x12AB440
public static void PreLoad(Type type); // 0x12AB548
public static void RegisterInteropXmlElement(string xmlElement, string xmlNamespace, Type type); // 0x12ABF88
public static void RegisterInteropXmlType(string xmlType, string xmlTypeNamespace, Type type); // 0x12ABD48
private static string EncodeNs(string ns); // 0x12AAA48
// Namespace:
private class TypeInfo // TypeDefIndex: 626
// Fields
public Hashtable Attributes; // 0x8
public Hashtable Elements; // 0xC
// Methods
public void .ctor(); // 0x12AC1C8
// Namespace: System.Runtime.Remoting
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x339F78
public class TypeEntry // TypeDefIndex: 627
// Fields
private string assembly_name; // 0x8
private string type_name; // 0xC
// Properties
public string AssemblyName { get; set; }
public string TypeName { get; set; }
// Methods
protected void .ctor(); // 0x12AC1D0
public string get_AssemblyName(); // 0x12AC1D8
public void set_AssemblyName(string value); // 0x12AC1E0
public string get_TypeName(); // 0x12AC1E8
public void set_TypeName(string value); // 0x12AC1F0
// Namespace: System.Runtime.Remoting
internal class TypeInfo : IRemotingTypeInfo // TypeDefIndex: 628
// Fields
private string serverType; // 0x8
private string[] serverHierarchy; // 0xC
private string[] interfacesImplemented; // 0x10
// Properties
public string TypeName { get; }
// Methods
public void .ctor(Type type); // 0x12A9AD0
public string get_TypeName(); // 0x12AC1F8
// Namespace: System.Runtime.Remoting
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x339F8C
public class WellKnownClientTypeEntry : TypeEntry // TypeDefIndex: 629
// Fields
private Type obj_type; // 0x10
private string obj_url; // 0x14
private string app_url; // 0x18
// Properties
public string ApplicationUrl { get; }
public Type ObjectType { get; }
public string ObjectUrl { get; }
// Methods
public void .ctor(string typeName, string assemblyName, string objectUrl); // 0x12AC200
public string get_ApplicationUrl(); // 0x12AC380
public Type get_ObjectType(); // 0x12A3734
public string get_ObjectUrl(); // 0x12AC388
public override string ToString(); // 0x12AC390
// Namespace: System.Runtime.Remoting
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x339FA0
public enum WellKnownObjectMode // TypeDefIndex: 630
// Fields
public int value__; // 0x8
public const WellKnownObjectMode Singleton = 1; // 0x0
public const WellKnownObjectMode SingleCall = 2; // 0x0
// Namespace: System.Runtime.Remoting
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x339FB4
public class WellKnownServiceTypeEntry : TypeEntry // TypeDefIndex: 631
// Fields
private Type obj_type; // 0x10
private string obj_uri; // 0x14
private WellKnownObjectMode obj_mode; // 0x18
// Properties
public WellKnownObjectMode Mode { get; }
public Type ObjectType { get; }
public string ObjectUri { get; }
// Methods
public void .ctor(string typeName, string assemblyName, string objectUri, WellKnownObjectMode mode); // 0x12AC4AC
public WellKnownObjectMode get_Mode(); // 0x12A3954
public Type get_ObjectType(); // 0x12A394C
public string get_ObjectUri(); // 0x12A3944
public override string ToString(); // 0x12AC634
// Namespace: System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary
internal class BinaryCommon // TypeDefIndex: 632
// Fields
public static byte[] BinaryHeader; // 0x0
private static Type[] _typeCodesToType; // 0x4
private static byte[] _typeCodeMap; // 0x8
public static bool UseReflectionSerialization; // 0xC
// Methods
private static void .cctor(); // 0x12AD80C
public static bool IsPrimitive(Type type); // 0x12AE660
public static byte GetTypeCode(Type type); // 0x12AE884
public static Type GetTypeFromCode(int code); // 0x12AEA1C
public static void CheckSerializable(Type type, ISurrogateSelector selector, StreamingContext context); // 0x12AEB00
public static void SwapBytes(byte[] byteArray, int size, int dataSize); // 0x12AED08
// Namespace: System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary
internal enum BinaryElement // TypeDefIndex: 633
// Fields
public byte value__; // 0x8
public const BinaryElement Header = 0; // 0x0
public const BinaryElement RefTypeObject = 1; // 0x0
public const BinaryElement UntypedRuntimeObject = 2; // 0x0
public const BinaryElement UntypedExternalObject = 3; // 0x0
public const BinaryElement RuntimeObject = 4; // 0x0
public const BinaryElement ExternalObject = 5; // 0x0
public const BinaryElement String = 6; // 0x0
public const BinaryElement GenericArray = 7; // 0x0
public const BinaryElement BoxedPrimitiveTypeValue = 8; // 0x0
public const BinaryElement ObjectReference = 9; // 0x0
public const BinaryElement NullValue = 10; // 0x0
public const BinaryElement End = 11; // 0x0
public const BinaryElement Assembly = 12; // 0x0
public const BinaryElement ArrayFiller8b = 13; // 0x0
public const BinaryElement ArrayFiller32b = 14; // 0x0
public const BinaryElement ArrayOfPrimitiveType = 15; // 0x0
public const BinaryElement ArrayOfObject = 16; // 0x0
public const BinaryElement ArrayOfString = 17; // 0x0
public const BinaryElement Method = 18; // 0x0
public const BinaryElement _Unknown4 = 19; // 0x0
public const BinaryElement _Unknown5 = 20; // 0x0
public const BinaryElement MethodCall = 21; // 0x0
public const BinaryElement MethodResponse = 22; // 0x0
// Namespace: System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary
internal enum TypeTag // TypeDefIndex: 634
// Fields
public byte value__; // 0x8
public const TypeTag PrimitiveType = 0; // 0x0
public const TypeTag String = 1; // 0x0
public const TypeTag ObjectType = 2; // 0x0
public const TypeTag RuntimeType = 3; // 0x0
public const TypeTag GenericType = 4; // 0x0
public const TypeTag ArrayOfObject = 5; // 0x0
public const TypeTag ArrayOfString = 6; // 0x0
public const TypeTag ArrayOfPrimitiveType = 7; // 0x0
// Namespace: System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary
internal enum MethodFlags // TypeDefIndex: 635
// Fields
public int value__; // 0x8
public const MethodFlags NoArguments = 1; // 0x0
public const MethodFlags PrimitiveArguments = 2; // 0x0
public const MethodFlags ArgumentsInSimpleArray = 4; // 0x0
public const MethodFlags ArgumentsInMultiArray = 8; // 0x0
public const MethodFlags ExcludeLogicalCallContext = 16; // 0x0
public const MethodFlags IncludesLogicalCallContext = 64; // 0x0
public const MethodFlags IncludesSignature = 128; // 0x0
public const MethodFlags FormatMask = 15; // 0x0
public const MethodFlags GenericArguments = 32768; // 0x0
public const MethodFlags NeedsInfoArrayMask = 32972; // 0x0
// Namespace: System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary
internal enum ReturnTypeTag // TypeDefIndex: 636
// Fields
public byte value__; // 0x8
public const ReturnTypeTag Null = 2; // 0x0
public const ReturnTypeTag PrimitiveType = 8; // 0x0
public const ReturnTypeTag ObjectType = 16; // 0x0
public const ReturnTypeTag Exception = 32; // 0x0
// Namespace: System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x339FC8
public sealed class BinaryFormatter : IRemotingFormatter, IFormatter // TypeDefIndex: 637
// Fields
private FormatterAssemblyStyle assembly_format; // 0x8
private SerializationBinder binder; // 0xC
private StreamingContext context; // 0x10
private ISurrogateSelector surrogate_selector; // 0x18
private FormatterTypeStyle type_format; // 0x1C
private TypeFilterLevel filter_level; // 0x20
[CompilerGeneratedAttribute] // 0x339FDC
private static ISurrogateSelector <DefaultSurrogateSelector>k__BackingField; // 0x0
// Properties
public static ISurrogateSelector DefaultSurrogateSelector { get; }
public FormatterAssemblyStyle AssemblyFormat { set; }
public SerializationBinder Binder { get; }
public StreamingContext Context { get; }
public ISurrogateSelector SurrogateSelector { get; }
public TypeFilterLevel FilterLevel { get; }
// Methods
public void .ctor(); // 0x12AF0B8
public void .ctor(ISurrogateSelector selector, StreamingContext context); // 0x12A58DC
[CompilerGeneratedAttribute] // 0x339FEC
public static ISurrogateSelector get_DefaultSurrogateSelector(); // 0x12AF168
public void set_AssemblyFormat(FormatterAssemblyStyle value); // 0x12A5920
public SerializationBinder get_Binder(); // 0x12AF1F4
public StreamingContext get_Context(); // 0x12AF1FC
public ISurrogateSelector get_SurrogateSelector(); // 0x12AF210
public TypeFilterLevel get_FilterLevel(); // 0x12AF218
public object Deserialize(Stream serializationStream); // 0x12AF220
private object NoCheckDeserialize(Stream serializationStream, HeaderHandler handler); // 0x12AF228
public void Serialize(Stream serializationStream, object graph); // 0x12B1144
public void Serialize(Stream serializationStream, object graph, Header[] headers); // 0x12B1160
private void WriteBinaryHeader(BinaryWriter writer, bool hasHeaders); // 0x12B13A8
private void ReadBinaryHeader(BinaryReader reader, out bool hasHeaders); // 0x12AF4AC
// Namespace: System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary
internal class CodeGenerator // TypeDefIndex: 638
// Fields
private static object monitor; // 0x0
private static ModuleBuilder _module; // 0x4
// Methods
private static void .cctor(); // 0x12B3830
public static Type GenerateMetadataType(Type type, StreamingContext context); // 0x12B39D0
public static Type GenerateMetadataTypeInternal(Type type, StreamingContext context); // 0x12B3B3C
public static void LoadFromPtr(ILGenerator ig, Type t); // 0x12B6F60
private static void EmitWriteTypeSpec(ILGenerator gen, Type type, string member); // 0x12B67D4
private static void EmitLoadTypeAssembly(ILGenerator gen, Type type, string member); // 0x12B5F98
private static void EmitWrite(ILGenerator gen, Type type); // 0x12B61E8
public static void EmitWritePrimitiveValue(ILGenerator gen, Type type); // 0x12B7C60
public static Type EnumToUnderlying(Type t); // 0x12B83CC
// Namespace: System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary
internal class MessageFormatter // TypeDefIndex: 639
// Methods
public static void WriteMethodCall(BinaryWriter writer, object obj, Header[] headers, ISurrogateSelector surrogateSelector, StreamingContext context, FormatterAssemblyStyle assemblyFormat, FormatterTypeStyle typeFormat); // 0x12B1450
public static void WriteMethodResponse(BinaryWriter writer, object obj, Header[] headers, ISurrogateSelector surrogateSelector, StreamingContext context, FormatterAssemblyStyle assemblyFormat, FormatterTypeStyle typeFormat); // 0x12B2404
public static object ReadMethodCall(BinaryElement elem, BinaryReader reader, bool hasHeaders, HeaderHandler headerHandler, BinaryFormatter formatter); // 0x12AF548
public static object ReadMethodResponse(BinaryElement elem, BinaryReader reader, bool hasHeaders, HeaderHandler headerHandler, IMethodCallMessage methodCallMessage, BinaryFormatter formatter); // 0x12B0238
private static bool AllTypesArePrimitive(object[] objects); // 0x12BA02C
public static bool IsMethodPrimitive(Type type); // 0x12BA8A0
private static object[] GetExtraProperties(IDictionary properties, string[] internalKeys); // 0x12B9AD4
private static bool IsInternalKey(string key, string[] internalKeys); // 0x12BB27C
// Namespace: System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary
internal class ObjectReader // TypeDefIndex: 640
// Fields
private ISurrogateSelector _surrogateSelector; // 0x8
private StreamingContext _context; // 0xC
private SerializationBinder _binder; // 0x14
private TypeFilterLevel _filterLevel; // 0x18
private ObjectManager _manager; // 0x1C
private Hashtable _registeredAssemblies; // 0x20
private Hashtable _typeMetadataCache; // 0x24
private object _lastObject; // 0x28
private long _lastObjectID; // 0x30
private long _rootObjectID; // 0x38
private byte[] arrayBuffer; // 0x40
private int ArrayBufferLength; // 0x44
// Properties
public object CurrentObject { get; }
// Methods
public void .ctor(BinaryFormatter formatter); // 0x12B0EAC
public void ReadObjectGraph(BinaryReader reader, bool readHeaders, out object result, out Header[] headers); // 0x12BB214
public void ReadObjectGraph(BinaryElement elem, BinaryReader reader, bool readHeaders, out object result, out Header[] headers); // 0x12B0FF0
private bool ReadNextObject(BinaryElement element, BinaryReader reader); // 0x12BB480
public bool ReadNextObject(BinaryReader reader); // 0x12BB56C
public object get_CurrentObject(); // 0x12BB564
private void ReadObject(BinaryElement element, BinaryReader reader, out long objectId, out object value, out SerializationInfo info); // 0x12BB678
private void ReadAssembly(BinaryReader reader); // 0x12BC210
private void ReadObjectInstance(BinaryReader reader, bool isRuntimeObject, bool hasTypeInfo, out long objectId, out object value, out SerializationInfo info); // 0x12BBD8C
private void ReadRefTypeObjectInstance(BinaryReader reader, out long objectId, out object value, out SerializationInfo info); // 0x12BBBE4
private void ReadObjectContent(BinaryReader reader, TypeMetadata metadata, long objectId, out object objectInstance, out SerializationInfo info); // 0x12BDC3C
private void RegisterObject(long objectId, object objectInstance, SerializationInfo info, long parentObjectId, MemberInfo parentObjectMemeber, int[] indices); // 0x12BBA6C
private void ReadStringIntance(BinaryReader reader, out long objectId, out object value); // 0x12BBE1C
private void ReadGenericArray(BinaryReader reader, out long objectId, out object val); // 0x12BBE7C
private object ReadBoxedPrimitiveTypeValue(BinaryReader reader); // 0x12BC1EC
private void ReadArrayOfPrimitiveType(BinaryReader reader, out long objectId, out object val); // 0x12BC338
private void BlockRead(BinaryReader reader, Array array, int dataSize); // 0x12BEEF8
private void ReadArrayOfObject(BinaryReader reader, out long objectId, out object array); // 0x12BD050
private void ReadArrayOfString(BinaryReader reader, out long objectId, out object array); // 0x12BD13C
private void ReadSimpleArray(BinaryReader reader, Type elementType, out long objectId, out object val); // 0x12BF160
private TypeMetadata ReadTypeMetadata(BinaryReader reader, bool isRuntimeObject, bool hasTypeInfo); // 0x12BD228
private void ReadValue(BinaryReader reader, object parentObject, long parentObjectId, SerializationInfo info, Type valueType, string fieldName, MemberInfo memberInfo, int[] indices); // 0x12BE314
private void SetObjectValue(object parentObject, string fieldName, MemberInfo memberInfo, SerializationInfo info, object value, Type valueType, int[] indices); // 0x12BF5DC
private void RecordFixup(long parentObjectId, long childObjectId, object parentObject, SerializationInfo info, string fieldName, MemberInfo memberInfo, int[] indices); // 0x12BF9C0
private Type GetDeserializationType(long assemblyId, string className); // 0x12BF2F4
public Type ReadType(BinaryReader reader, TypeTag code); // 0x12BE7F0
public static object ReadPrimitiveTypeValue(BinaryReader reader, Type type); // 0x12BAA5C
// Namespace:
private class TypeMetadata // TypeDefIndex: 641
// Fields
public Type Type; // 0x8
public Type[] MemberTypes; // 0xC
public string[] MemberNames; // 0x10
public MemberInfo[] MemberInfos; // 0x14
public int FieldCount; // 0x18
public bool NeedsSerializationInfo; // 0x1C
// Methods
public void .ctor(); // 0x12BF2EC
// Namespace:
private class ArrayNullFiller // TypeDefIndex: 642
// Fields
public int NullCount; // 0x8
// Methods
public void .ctor(int count); // 0x12BC318
// Namespace: System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary
internal abstract class TypeMetadata // TypeDefIndex: 643
// Fields
public string TypeAssemblyName; // 0x8
public string InstanceTypeName; // 0xC
// Properties
public abstract bool RequiresTypes { get; }
// Methods
protected void .ctor(); // 0x12B3820
public abstract void WriteAssemblies(ObjectWriter ow, BinaryWriter writer); // 0
public abstract void WriteTypeData(ObjectWriter ow, BinaryWriter writer, bool writeTypes); // 0
public abstract void WriteObjectData(ObjectWriter ow, BinaryWriter writer, object data); // 0
public virtual bool IsCompatible(TypeMetadata other); // 0x12C411C
public abstract bool get_RequiresTypes(); // 0
// Namespace: System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary
internal abstract class ClrTypeMetadata : TypeMetadata // TypeDefIndex: 644
// Fields
public Type InstanceType; // 0x10
// Properties
public override bool RequiresTypes { get; }
// Methods
public void .ctor(Type instanceType); // 0x12B37A4
public override bool get_RequiresTypes(); // 0x12B3828
// Namespace: System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary
internal class SerializableTypeMetadata : TypeMetadata // TypeDefIndex: 645
// Fields
private Type[] types; // 0x10
private string[] names; // 0x14
// Properties
public override bool RequiresTypes { get; }
// Methods
public void .ctor(Type itype, SerializationInfo info); // 0x12C14C0
public override bool IsCompatible(TypeMetadata other); // 0x12C39AC
public override void WriteAssemblies(ObjectWriter ow, BinaryWriter writer); // 0x12C3C7C
public override void WriteTypeData(ObjectWriter ow, BinaryWriter writer, bool writeTypes); // 0x12C3D38
public override void WriteObjectData(ObjectWriter ow, BinaryWriter writer, object data); // 0x12C3F0C
public override bool get_RequiresTypes(); // 0x12C4114
// Namespace: System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary
internal class MemberTypeMetadata : ClrTypeMetadata // TypeDefIndex: 646
// Fields
private MemberInfo[] members; // 0x14
// Methods
public void .ctor(Type type, StreamingContext context); // 0x12B8A1C
public override void WriteAssemblies(ObjectWriter ow, BinaryWriter writer); // 0x12B8A48
public override void WriteTypeData(ObjectWriter ow, BinaryWriter writer, bool writeTypes); // 0x12B8BD8
public override void WriteObjectData(ObjectWriter ow, BinaryWriter writer, object data); // 0x12B927C
// Namespace: System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary
internal class ObjectWriter // TypeDefIndex: 647
// Fields
private ObjectIDGenerator _idGenerator; // 0x8
private Hashtable _cachedMetadata; // 0xC
private Queue _pendingObjects; // 0x10
private Hashtable _assemblyCache; // 0x14
private static Hashtable _cachedTypes; // 0x0
internal static Assembly CorlibAssembly; // 0x4
internal static string CorlibAssemblyName; // 0x8
private ISurrogateSelector _surrogateSelector; // 0x18
private StreamingContext _context; // 0x1C
private FormatterAssemblyStyle _assemblyFormat; // 0x24
private FormatterTypeStyle _typeFormat; // 0x28
private byte[] arrayBuffer; // 0x2C
private int ArrayBufferLength; // 0x30
private SerializationObjectManager _manager; // 0x34
// Methods
public void .ctor(ISurrogateSelector surrogateSelector, StreamingContext context, FormatterAssemblyStyle assemblyFormat, FormatterTypeStyle typeFormat); // 0x12B3520
private static void .cctor(); // 0x12BFF4C
public void WriteObjectGraph(BinaryWriter writer, object obj, Header[] headers); // 0x12B3678
public void QueueObject(object obj); // 0x12C00E0
public void WriteQueuedObjects(BinaryWriter writer); // 0x12C0114
public void WriteObjectInstance(BinaryWriter writer, object obj, bool isValueObject); // 0x12C01EC
public static void WriteSerializationEnd(BinaryWriter writer); // 0x12C0194
private void WriteObject(BinaryWriter writer, long id, object obj); // 0x12C0690
private void GetObjectData(object obj, out TypeMetadata metadata, out object data); // 0x12C0A30
private TypeMetadata CreateMemberTypeMetadata(Type type); // 0x12C19D0
private void WriteArray(BinaryWriter writer, long id, Array array); // 0x12C0418
private void WriteGenericArray(BinaryWriter writer, long id, Array array); // 0x12C2984
private void WriteObjectArray(BinaryWriter writer, long id, Array array); // 0x12C1B5C
private void WriteStringArray(BinaryWriter writer, long id, Array array); // 0x12C1CB4
private void WritePrimitiveTypeArray(BinaryWriter writer, long id, Array array); // 0x12C1E0C
private void BlockWrite(BinaryWriter writer, Array array, int dataSize); // 0x12C3184
private void WriteSingleDimensionArrayElements(BinaryWriter writer, Array array, Type elementType); // 0x12C2E3C
private void WriteNullFiller(BinaryWriter writer, int numNulls); // 0x12C33D4
private void WriteObjectReference(BinaryWriter writer, long id); // 0x12C34B0
public void WriteValue(BinaryWriter writer, Type valueType, object val); // 0x12B979C
private void WriteString(BinaryWriter writer, long id, string str); // 0x12C03A4
public int WriteAssembly(BinaryWriter writer, Assembly assembly); // 0x12B8B8C
public int WriteAssemblyName(BinaryWriter writer, string assembly); // 0x12C12D8
public int GetAssemblyId(Assembly assembly); // 0x12C369C
public int GetAssemblyNameId(string assembly); // 0x12C36E4
private int RegisterAssembly(string assembly, out bool firstTime); // 0x12C3508
public static void WritePrimitiveValue(BinaryWriter writer, object value); // 0x12BA0AC
public static void WriteTypeCode(BinaryWriter writer, Type type); // 0x12B8E70
public static TypeTag GetTypeTag(Type type); // 0x12B63F4
public void WriteTypeSpec(BinaryWriter writer, Type type); // 0x12B8F40
// Namespace:
private class MetadataReference // TypeDefIndex: 648
// Fields
public TypeMetadata Metadata; // 0x8
public long ObjectID; // 0x10
// Methods
public void .ctor(TypeMetadata metadata, long id); // 0x12C12AC
// Namespace: System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x339FFC
public enum FormatterAssemblyStyle // TypeDefIndex: 649
// Fields
public int value__; // 0x8
public const FormatterAssemblyStyle Simple = 0; // 0x0
public const FormatterAssemblyStyle Full = 1; // 0x0
// Namespace: System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x33A010
public enum FormatterTypeStyle // TypeDefIndex: 650
// Fields
public int value__; // 0x8
public const FormatterTypeStyle TypesWhenNeeded = 0; // 0x0
public const FormatterTypeStyle TypesAlways = 1; // 0x0
public const FormatterTypeStyle XsdString = 2; // 0x0
// Namespace: System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x33A024
public enum TypeFilterLevel // TypeDefIndex: 651
// Fields
public int value__; // 0x8
public const TypeFilterLevel Low = 2; // 0x0
public const TypeFilterLevel Full = 3; // 0x0
// Namespace: System.Runtime.Serialization
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x33A038
public class FormatterConverter : IFormatterConverter // TypeDefIndex: 652
// Methods
public void .ctor(); // 0x12AD154
public object Convert(object value, Type type); // 0x12AD15C
public bool ToBoolean(object value); // 0x12AD20C
public short ToInt16(object value); // 0x12AD30C
public int ToInt32(object value); // 0x12AD40C
public long ToInt64(object value); // 0x12AD50C
public string ToString(object value); // 0x12AD60C
[CLSCompliantAttribute] // 0x33A04C
public uint ToUInt32(object value); // 0x12AD70C
// Namespace: System.Runtime.Serialization
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x33A060
public sealed class FormatterServices // TypeDefIndex: 653
// Methods
public static object[] GetObjectData(object obj, MemberInfo[] members); // 0x12B93E8
public static MemberInfo[] GetSerializableMembers(Type type, StreamingContext context); // 0x12B5D14
private static void GetFields(Type reflectedType, Type type, ArrayList fields); // 0x12C4124
public static object GetUninitializedObject(Type type); // 0x12BDEF8
public static object GetSafeUninitializedObject(Type type); // 0x12BDEF4
// Namespace: System.Runtime.Serialization
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x33A074
public interface IDeserializationCallback // TypeDefIndex: 654
// Methods
public abstract void OnDeserialization(object sender); // 0
// Namespace: System.Runtime.Serialization
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x33A088
public interface IFormatter // TypeDefIndex: 655
// Methods
public abstract object Deserialize(Stream serializationStream); // 0
// Namespace: System.Runtime.Serialization
[CLSCompliantAttribute] // 0x33A09C
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x33A09C
public interface IFormatterConverter // TypeDefIndex: 656
// Methods
public abstract object Convert(object value, Type type); // 0
public abstract bool ToBoolean(object value); // 0
public abstract short ToInt16(object value); // 0
public abstract int ToInt32(object value); // 0
public abstract long ToInt64(object value); // 0
public abstract string ToString(object value); // 0
public abstract uint ToUInt32(object value); // 0
// Namespace: System.Runtime.Serialization
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x33A0D4
public interface IObjectReference // TypeDefIndex: 657
// Methods
public abstract object GetRealObject(StreamingContext context); // 0
// Namespace: System.Runtime.Serialization
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x33A0E8
public interface ISerializationSurrogate // TypeDefIndex: 658
// Methods
public abstract void GetObjectData(object obj, SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context); // 0
public abstract object SetObjectData(object obj, SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context, ISurrogateSelector selector); // 0
// Namespace: System.Runtime.Serialization
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x33A0FC
public interface ISurrogateSelector // TypeDefIndex: 659
// Methods
public abstract ISerializationSurrogate GetSurrogate(Type type, StreamingContext context, out ISurrogateSelector selector); // 0
// Namespace: System.Runtime.Serialization
[MonoTODOAttribute] // 0x33A110
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x33A110
public class ObjectIDGenerator // TypeDefIndex: 660
// Fields
private Hashtable table; // 0x8
private long current; // 0x10
private static InstanceComparer comparer; // 0x0
// Properties
internal long NextId { get; }
// Methods
public void .ctor(); // 0x12BFD9C
private static void .cctor(); // 0x12C44D0
public virtual long GetId(object obj, out bool firstTime); // 0x12C4578
internal long get_NextId(); // 0x12C0384
// Namespace:
private class InstanceComparer : IComparer, IHashCodeProvider // TypeDefIndex: 661
// Methods
public void .ctor(); // 0x12C4570
private int System.Collections.IComparer.Compare(object o1, object o2); // 0x12C4714
private int System.Collections.IHashCodeProvider.GetHashCode(object o); // 0x12C47D0
// Namespace: System.Runtime.Serialization
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x33A168
public class ObjectManager // TypeDefIndex: 662
// Fields
private ObjectRecord _objectRecordChain; // 0x8
private ObjectRecord _lastObjectRecord; // 0xC
private ArrayList _deserializedRecords; // 0x10
private ArrayList _onDeserializedCallbackRecords; // 0x14
private Hashtable _objectRecords; // 0x18
private bool _finalFixup; // 0x1C
private ISurrogateSelector _selector; // 0x20
private StreamingContext _context; // 0x24
private int _registeredObjectsCount; // 0x2C
// Methods
public void .ctor(ISurrogateSelector selector, StreamingContext context); // 0x12BB388
public virtual void DoFixups(); // 0x12C47DC
internal ObjectRecord GetObjectRecord(long objectID); // 0x12C5BE8
public virtual object GetObject(long objectID); // 0x12C5EC4
public virtual void RaiseDeserializationEvent(); // 0x12C6050
public void RaiseOnDeserializingEvent(object obj); // 0x12BE06C
private void RaiseOnDeserializedEvent(object obj); // 0x12C627C
private void AddFixup(BaseFixupRecord record); // 0x12C64EC
public virtual void RecordArrayElementFixup(long arrayToBeFixed, int index, long objectRequired); // 0x12C6580
public virtual void RecordArrayElementFixup(long arrayToBeFixed, int[] indices, long objectRequired); // 0x12C6748
public virtual void RecordDelayedFixup(long objectToBeFixed, string memberName, long objectRequired); // 0x12C695C
public virtual void RecordFixup(long objectToBeFixed, MemberInfo member, long objectRequired); // 0x12C6B70
private void RegisterObjectInternal(object obj, ObjectRecord record); // 0x12C6D84
public void RegisterObject(object obj, long objectID, SerializationInfo info, long idOfContainingObj, MemberInfo member, int[] arrayIndex); // 0x12BE63C
// Namespace: System.Runtime.Serialization
internal abstract class BaseFixupRecord // TypeDefIndex: 663
// Fields
protected internal ObjectRecord ObjectToBeFixed; // 0x8
protected internal ObjectRecord ObjectRequired; // 0xC
public BaseFixupRecord NextSameContainer; // 0x10
public BaseFixupRecord NextSameRequired; // 0x14
// Methods
public void .ctor(ObjectRecord objectToBeFixed, ObjectRecord objectRequired); // 0x12AC8F8
public bool DoFixup(ObjectManager manager, bool strict); // 0x12AC9DC
protected abstract void FixupImpl(ObjectManager manager); // 0
// Namespace: System.Runtime.Serialization
internal class ArrayFixupRecord : BaseFixupRecord // TypeDefIndex: 664
// Fields
private int _index; // 0x18
// Methods
public void .ctor(ObjectRecord objectToBeFixed, int index, ObjectRecord objectRequired); // 0x12AC8C8
protected override void FixupImpl(ObjectManager manager); // 0x12AC920
// Namespace: System.Runtime.Serialization
internal class MultiArrayFixupRecord : BaseFixupRecord // TypeDefIndex: 665
// Fields
private int[] _indices; // 0x18
// Methods
public void .ctor(ObjectRecord objectToBeFixed, int[] indices, ObjectRecord objectRequired); // 0x12C438C
protected override void FixupImpl(ObjectManager manager); // 0x12C43BC
// Namespace: System.Runtime.Serialization
internal class FixupRecord : BaseFixupRecord // TypeDefIndex: 666
// Fields
public MemberInfo _member; // 0x18
// Methods
public void .ctor(ObjectRecord objectToBeFixed, MemberInfo member, ObjectRecord objectRequired); // 0x12ACE38
protected override void FixupImpl(ObjectManager manager); // 0x12ACE68
// Namespace: System.Runtime.Serialization
internal class DelayedFixupRecord : BaseFixupRecord // TypeDefIndex: 667
// Fields
public string _memberName; // 0x18
// Methods
public void .ctor(ObjectRecord objectToBeFixed, string memberName, ObjectRecord objectRequired); // 0x12ACCC4
protected override void FixupImpl(ObjectManager manager); // 0x12ACCF4
// Namespace: System.Runtime.Serialization
internal enum ObjectRecordStatus // TypeDefIndex: 668
// Fields
public byte value__; // 0x8
public const ObjectRecordStatus Unregistered = 0; // 0x0
public const ObjectRecordStatus ReferenceUnsolved = 1; // 0x0
public const ObjectRecordStatus ReferenceSolvingDelayed = 2; // 0x0
public const ObjectRecordStatus ReferenceSolved = 3; // 0x0
// Namespace: System.Runtime.Serialization
internal class ObjectRecord // TypeDefIndex: 669
// Fields
public ObjectRecordStatus Status; // 0x8
public object OriginalObject; // 0xC
public object ObjectInstance; // 0x10
public long ObjectID; // 0x18
public SerializationInfo Info; // 0x20
public long IdOfContainingObj; // 0x28
public ISerializationSurrogate Surrogate; // 0x30
public ISurrogateSelector SurrogateSelector; // 0x34
public MemberInfo Member; // 0x38
public int[] ArrayIndex; // 0x3C
public BaseFixupRecord FixupChainAsContainer; // 0x40
public BaseFixupRecord FixupChainAsRequired; // 0x44
public ObjectRecord Next; // 0x48
// Properties
public bool IsInstanceReady { get; }
public bool IsUnsolvedObjectReference { get; }
public bool IsRegistered { get; }
public bool HasPendingFixups { get; }
// Methods
public void .ctor(); // 0x12C5EBC
public void SetMemberValue(ObjectManager manager, MemberInfo member, object value); // 0x12ACEAC
public void SetArrayValue(ObjectManager manager, object value, int[] indices); // 0x12C4400
public void SetMemberValue(ObjectManager manager, string memberName, object value); // 0x12ACD38
public bool get_IsInstanceReady(); // 0x12ACC3C
public bool get_IsUnsolvedObjectReference(); // 0x12C4C74
public bool get_IsRegistered(); // 0x12ACC2C
public bool DoFixups(bool asContainer, ObjectManager manager, bool strict); // 0x12C4C88
public void RemoveFixup(BaseFixupRecord fixupToRemove, bool asContainer); // 0x12C7130
private void UnchainFixup(BaseFixupRecord fixup, BaseFixupRecord prevFixup, bool asContainer); // 0x12C70D4
public void ChainFixup(BaseFixupRecord fixup, bool asContainer); // 0x12C6538
public bool LoadData(ObjectManager manager, ISurrogateSelector selector, StreamingContext context); // 0x12C4D6C
public bool get_HasPendingFixups(); // 0x12C70C4
// Namespace: System.Runtime.Serialization
[AttributeUsageAttribute] // 0x33A17C
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x33A17C
public sealed class OnDeserializedAttribute : Attribute // TypeDefIndex: 670
// Namespace: System.Runtime.Serialization
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x33A1C8
[AttributeUsageAttribute] // 0x33A1C8
public sealed class OnDeserializingAttribute : Attribute // TypeDefIndex: 671
// Namespace: System.Runtime.Serialization
[AttributeUsageAttribute] // 0x33A214
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x33A214
public sealed class OnSerializedAttribute : Attribute // TypeDefIndex: 672
// Namespace: System.Runtime.Serialization
[AttributeUsageAttribute] // 0x33A260
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x33A260
public sealed class OnSerializingAttribute : Attribute // TypeDefIndex: 673
// Namespace: System.Runtime.Serialization
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x33A2AC
public abstract class SerializationBinder // TypeDefIndex: 674
// Methods
protected void .ctor(); // 0x12C7198
public abstract Type BindToType(string assemblyName, string typeName); // 0
// Namespace: System.Runtime.Serialization
internal sealed class SerializationCallbacks // TypeDefIndex: 675
// Fields
private readonly ArrayList onSerializingList; // 0x8
private readonly ArrayList onSerializedList; // 0xC
private readonly ArrayList onDeserializingList; // 0x10
private readonly ArrayList onDeserializedList; // 0x14
private static Hashtable cache; // 0x0
private static object cache_lock; // 0x4
// Properties
public bool HasSerializedCallbacks { get; }
public bool HasDeserializedCallbacks { get; }
// Methods
public void .ctor(Type type); // 0x12C71A0
private static void .cctor(); // 0x12C764C
public bool get_HasSerializedCallbacks(); // 0x12C7718
public bool get_HasDeserializedCallbacks(); // 0x12C5BD8
private static ArrayList GetMethodsByAttribute(Type type, Type attr); // 0x12C7340
private static void Invoke(ArrayList list, object target, StreamingContext context); // 0x12C7728
public void RaiseOnSerializing(object target, StreamingContext contex); // 0x12C7C7C
public void RaiseOnSerialized(object target, StreamingContext contex); // 0x12C7D40
public void RaiseOnDeserializing(object target, StreamingContext contex); // 0x12C6364
public void RaiseOnDeserialized(object target, StreamingContext contex); // 0x12C6428
public static SerializationCallbacks GetSerializationCallbacks(Type t); // 0x12C56B8
// Namespace:
public sealed class CallbackHandler : MulticastDelegate // TypeDefIndex: 676
// Methods
public void .ctor(object object, IntPtr method); // 0x12C7F2C
public virtual void Invoke(StreamingContext context); // 0x12C7BE8
public virtual IAsyncResult BeginInvoke(StreamingContext context, AsyncCallback callback, object object); // 0x12C7F40
public virtual void EndInvoke(IAsyncResult result); // 0x12C8000
// Namespace: System.Runtime.Serialization
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x33A2C0
public struct SerializationEntry // TypeDefIndex: 677
// Fields
private string name; // 0x8
private Type objectType; // 0xC
private object value; // 0x10
// Properties
public string Name { get; }
public Type ObjectType { get; }
public object Value { get; }
// Methods
internal void .ctor(string name, Type type, object value); // 0x12C8070
public string get_Name(); // 0x12C8084
public Type get_ObjectType(); // 0x12C808C
public object get_Value(); // 0x12C809C
// Namespace: System.Runtime.Serialization
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x33A2D4
public class SerializationException : SystemException // TypeDefIndex: 678
// Methods
public void .ctor(); // 0x12C80A4
public void .ctor(string message); // 0x12ACCBC
protected void .ctor(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context); // 0x12C812C
// Namespace: System.Runtime.Serialization
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x33A2E8
public sealed class SerializationInfo // TypeDefIndex: 679
// Fields
private Hashtable serialized; // 0x8
private ArrayList values; // 0xC
private string assemblyName; // 0x10
private string fullTypeName; // 0x14
private IFormatterConverter converter; // 0x18
// Properties
public string AssemblyName { get; }
public string FullTypeName { get; }
public int MemberCount { get; }
// Methods
[CLSCompliantAttribute] // 0x33A2FC
public void .ctor(Type type, IFormatterConverter converter); // 0x12BE154
public string get_AssemblyName(); // 0x12C399C
public string get_FullTypeName(); // 0x12C39A4
public int get_MemberCount(); // 0x12C3798
public void AddValue(string name, object value, Type type); // 0x12BFB84
public object GetValue(string name, Type type); // 0x12C814C
public void SetType(Type type); // 0x12C8438
public SerializationInfoEnumerator GetEnumerator(); // 0x12C37CC
public void AddValue(string name, short value); // 0x12C8590
[CLSCompliantAttribute] // 0x33A310
public void AddValue(string name, ushort value); // 0x12C8694
public void AddValue(string name, int value); // 0x12C8798
public void AddValue(string name, bool value); // 0x12C889C
public void AddValue(string name, DateTime value); // 0x12C89A0
public void AddValue(string name, float value); // 0x12C8AC8
[CLSCompliantAttribute] // 0x33A324
public void AddValue(string name, uint value); // 0x12C8BD4
public void AddValue(string name, long value); // 0x12C8CD8
[CLSCompliantAttribute] // 0x33A338
public void AddValue(string name, ulong value); // 0x12C8DE4
public void AddValue(string name, object value); // 0x12C8EF0
public bool GetBoolean(string name); // 0x12C8FFC
public short GetInt16(string name); // 0x12C916C
public int GetInt32(string name); // 0x12C92DC
public long GetInt64(string name); // 0x12C944C
public string GetString(string name); // 0x12C95BC
[CLSCompliantAttribute] // 0x33A34C
public uint GetUInt32(string name); // 0x12C973C
// Namespace: System.Runtime.Serialization
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x33A360
public sealed class SerializationInfoEnumerator : IEnumerator // TypeDefIndex: 680
// Fields
private IEnumerator enumerator; // 0x8
// Properties
private object System.Collections.IEnumerator.Current { get; }
public SerializationEntry Current { get; }
public string Name { get; }
public Type ObjectType { get; }
public object Value { get; }
// Methods
internal void .ctor(ArrayList list); // 0x12C8548
private object System.Collections.IEnumerator.get_Current(); // 0x12C98AC
public SerializationEntry get_Current(); // 0x12C99A0
public string get_Name(); // 0x12C3884
public Type get_ObjectType(); // 0x12C3860
public object get_Value(); // 0x12C40F0
public bool MoveNext(); // 0x12C38A8
public void Reset(); // 0x12C9AC8
// Namespace: System.Runtime.Serialization
public sealed class SerializationObjectManager // TypeDefIndex: 681
// Fields
private readonly StreamingContext context; // 0x8
private readonly Hashtable seen; // 0x10
private CallbackHandler callbacks; // 0x14
// Methods
public void .ctor(StreamingContext context); // 0x12BFEA0
public void RegisterObject(object obj); // 0x12C16C8
public void RaiseOnSerializedEvent(); // 0x12C01CC
// Namespace:
[CompilerGeneratedAttribute] // 0x33A374
private sealed class <RegisterObject>c__AnonStorey3 // TypeDefIndex: 682
// Fields
internal SerializationCallbacks sc; // 0x8
internal object obj; // 0xC
// Methods
public void .ctor(); // 0x12C9BBC
internal void <>m__2(StreamingContext ctx); // 0x12C9BC4
// Namespace: System.Runtime.Serialization
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x33A384
public struct StreamingContext // TypeDefIndex: 683
// Fields
private StreamingContextStates state; // 0x8
private object additional; // 0xC
// Properties
public object Context { get; }
public StreamingContextStates State { get; }
// Methods
public void .ctor(StreamingContextStates state); // 0x12C9CA8
public void .ctor(StreamingContextStates state, object additional); // 0x12C9CB8
public object get_Context(); // 0x12C9CC4
public StreamingContextStates get_State(); // 0x12C9CCC
public override bool Equals(object obj); // 0x12C9D9C
public override int GetHashCode(); // 0x12C9DAC
// Namespace: System.Runtime.Serialization
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x33A398
[FlagsAttribute] // 0x33A398
public enum StreamingContextStates // TypeDefIndex: 684
// Fields
public int value__; // 0x8
public const StreamingContextStates CrossProcess = 1; // 0x0
public const StreamingContextStates CrossMachine = 2; // 0x0
public const StreamingContextStates File = 4; // 0x0
public const StreamingContextStates Persistence = 8; // 0x0
public const StreamingContextStates Remoting = 16; // 0x0
public const StreamingContextStates Other = 32; // 0x0
public const StreamingContextStates Clone = 64; // 0x0
public const StreamingContextStates CrossAppDomain = 128; // 0x0
public const StreamingContextStates All = 255; // 0x0
// Namespace: System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x33A3CC
[MonoTODOAttribute] // 0x33A3CC
public class X509Certificate : ISerializable, IDeserializationCallback // TypeDefIndex: 685
// Fields
private X509Certificate x509; // 0x8
private bool hideDates; // 0xC
private byte[] cachedCertificateHash; // 0x10
private string issuer_name; // 0x14
private string subject_name; // 0x18
// Properties
public string Issuer { get; }
public string Subject { get; }
// Methods
internal void .ctor(byte[] data, bool dates); // 0xA5AB0C
public void .ctor(byte[] data); // 0xA5AB68
public void .ctor(X509Certificate cert); // 0xA5AB70
public void .ctor(); // 0xA5AC94
public void .ctor(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context); // 0xA5AC9C
private void System.Runtime.Serialization.IDeserializationCallback.OnDeserialization(object sender); // 0xA5ADEC
private void System.Runtime.Serialization.ISerializable.GetObjectData(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context); // 0xA5ADF0
private string tostr(byte[] data); // 0xA5AEB0
public virtual bool Equals(X509Certificate other); // 0xA5AFDC
public virtual byte[] GetCertHash(); // 0xA5B1FC
public virtual string GetCertHashString(); // 0xA5B320
public virtual string GetEffectiveDateString(); // 0xA5B344
public virtual string GetExpirationDateString(); // 0xA5B484
public override int GetHashCode(); // 0xA5B5C4
[ObsoleteAttribute] // 0x33A424
public virtual string GetIssuerName(); // 0xA5B684
[ObsoleteAttribute] // 0x33A464
public virtual string GetName(); // 0xA5B760
public virtual byte[] GetPublicKey(); // 0xA5B83C
public virtual byte[] GetRawCertData(); // 0xA5B918
public override string ToString(); // 0xA5B9F4
public virtual string ToString(bool fVerbose); // 0xA5B9FC
public string get_Issuer(); // 0xA5BD74
public string get_Subject(); // 0xA5BC0C
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x33A4A4
public override bool Equals(object obj); // 0xA5BEDC
[MonoTODOAttribute] // 0x33A4B8
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x33A4B8
public virtual void Import(byte[] rawData, string password, X509KeyStorageFlags keyStorageFlags); // 0xA5BFA8
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x33A510
public virtual void Reset(); // 0xA5C408
// Namespace: System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x33A524
[FlagsAttribute] // 0x33A524
public enum X509KeyStorageFlags // TypeDefIndex: 686
// Fields
public int value__; // 0x8
public const X509KeyStorageFlags DefaultKeySet = 0; // 0x0
public const X509KeyStorageFlags UserKeySet = 1; // 0x0
public const X509KeyStorageFlags MachineKeySet = 2; // 0x0
public const X509KeyStorageFlags Exportable = 4; // 0x0
public const X509KeyStorageFlags UserProtected = 8; // 0x0
public const X509KeyStorageFlags PersistKeySet = 16; // 0x0
// Namespace: System.Security.Cryptography
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x33A558
public abstract class AsymmetricAlgorithm : IDisposable // TypeDefIndex: 687
// Fields
protected int KeySizeValue; // 0x8
protected KeySizes[] LegalKeySizesValue; // 0xC
// Properties
public virtual int KeySize { get; set; }
// Methods
protected void .ctor(); // 0x12CCF3C
private void System.IDisposable.Dispose(); // 0x12CCF44
public virtual int get_KeySize(); // 0x12CCF7C
public virtual void set_KeySize(int value); // 0x12CCF84
public void Clear(); // 0x12CD0A4
protected abstract void Dispose(bool disposing); // 0
public abstract void FromXmlString(string xmlString); // 0
public abstract string ToXmlString(bool includePrivateParameters); // 0
internal static byte[] GetNamedParam(string xml, string param); // 0x12CD0B8
// Namespace: System.Security.Cryptography
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x33A56C
public abstract class AsymmetricKeyExchangeFormatter // TypeDefIndex: 688
// Methods
protected void .ctor(); // 0x12CD2DC
public abstract byte[] CreateKeyExchange(byte[] data); // 0
// Namespace: System.Security.Cryptography
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x33A580
public abstract class AsymmetricSignatureDeformatter // TypeDefIndex: 689
// Methods
protected void .ctor(); // 0x12CD2E4
public abstract void SetHashAlgorithm(string strName); // 0
public abstract void SetKey(AsymmetricAlgorithm key); // 0
public abstract bool VerifySignature(byte[] rgbHash, byte[] rgbSignature); // 0
// Namespace: System.Security.Cryptography
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x33A594
public abstract class AsymmetricSignatureFormatter // TypeDefIndex: 690
// Methods
protected void .ctor(); // 0x12CD2EC
public abstract void SetHashAlgorithm(string strName); // 0
public abstract void SetKey(AsymmetricAlgorithm key); // 0
public abstract byte[] CreateSignature(byte[] rgbHash); // 0
// Namespace: System.Security.Cryptography
internal static class Base64Constants // TypeDefIndex: 691
// Fields
public static readonly byte[] EncodeTable; // 0x0
public static readonly byte[] DecodeTable; // 0x4
// Methods
private static void .cctor(); // 0x12CD2F4
// Namespace: System.Security.Cryptography
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x33A5A8
public enum CipherMode // TypeDefIndex: 692
// Fields
public int value__; // 0x8
public const CipherMode CBC = 1; // 0x0
public const CipherMode ECB = 2; // 0x0
public const CipherMode OFB = 3; // 0x0
public const CipherMode CFB = 4; // 0x0
public const CipherMode CTS = 5; // 0x0
// Namespace: System.Security.Cryptography
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x33A5BC
public class CryptoConfig // TypeDefIndex: 693
// Fields
private static object lockObject; // 0x0
private static Hashtable algorithms; // 0x4
private static Hashtable oid; // 0x8
// Methods
private static void .cctor(); // 0x12CD404
private static void Initialize(); // 0x12CD4A4
public static object CreateFromName(string name); // 0x12CE808
public static object CreateFromName(string name, object[] args); // 0x12CE8AC
public static string MapNameToOID(string name); // 0x12CED60
public static byte[] EncodeOID(string str); // 0x12CF0C4
private static byte[] EncodeLongNumber(long x); // 0x12CF718
// Namespace: System.Security.Cryptography
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x33A5E0
public class CryptoStream : Stream // TypeDefIndex: 694
// Fields
private Stream _stream; // 0x8
private ICryptoTransform _transform; // 0xC
private CryptoStreamMode _mode; // 0x10
private byte[] _currentBlock; // 0x14
private bool _disposed; // 0x18
private bool _flushedFinalBlock; // 0x19
private int _partialCount; // 0x1C
private bool _endOfStream; // 0x20
private byte[] _waitingBlock; // 0x24
private int _waitingCount; // 0x28
private byte[] _transformedBlock; // 0x2C
private int _transformedPos; // 0x30
private int _transformedCount; // 0x34
private byte[] _workingBlock; // 0x38
private int _workingCount; // 0x3C
// Properties
public override bool CanRead { get; }
public override bool CanSeek { get; }
public override bool CanWrite { get; }
public override long Length { get; }
public override long Position { get; set; }
// Methods
public void .ctor(Stream stream, ICryptoTransform transform, CryptoStreamMode mode); // 0x12CFC40
protected override void Finalize(); // 0x12D00D4
public override bool get_CanRead(); // 0x12D0140
public override bool get_CanSeek(); // 0x12D0154
public override bool get_CanWrite(); // 0x12D015C
public override long get_Length(); // 0x12D016C
public override long get_Position(); // 0x12D0214
public override void set_Position(long value); // 0x12D02BC
public override void Close(); // 0x12D0364
public override int Read(out byte[] buffer, int offset, int count); // 0x12D0634
public override void Write(byte[] buffer, int offset, int count); // 0x12D122C
public override void Flush(); // 0x12D1CB8
public void FlushFinalBlock(); // 0x12D03AC
public override long Seek(long offset, SeekOrigin origin); // 0x12D1CD4
public override void SetLength(long value); // 0x12D1D7C
protected override void Dispose(bool disposing); // 0x12D1E24
// Namespace: System.Security.Cryptography
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x33A5F4
public enum CryptoStreamMode // TypeDefIndex: 695
// Fields
public int value__; // 0x8
public const CryptoStreamMode Read = 0; // 0x0
public const CryptoStreamMode Write = 1; // 0x0
// Namespace: System.Security.Cryptography
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x33A608
public class CryptographicException : SystemException, _Exception // TypeDefIndex: 696
// Methods
public void .ctor(); // 0x12CF990
public void .ctor(string message); // 0x12CD078
public void .ctor(string message, Exception inner); // 0x12CFA3C
public void .ctor(string format, string insert); // 0x12CFA68
protected void .ctor(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context); // 0x12CFB40
// Namespace: System.Security.Cryptography
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x33A61C
public class CryptographicUnexpectedOperationException : CryptographicException // TypeDefIndex: 697
// Methods
public void .ctor(); // 0x12CFB60
public void .ctor(string message); // 0x12CF6D8
protected void .ctor(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context); // 0x12CFC20
// Namespace: System.Security.Cryptography
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x33A630
public sealed class CspParameters // TypeDefIndex: 698
// Fields
private CspProviderFlags _Flags; // 0x8
public string KeyContainerName; // 0xC
public int KeyNumber; // 0x10
public string ProviderName; // 0x14
public int ProviderType; // 0x18
// Properties
public CspProviderFlags Flags { get; set; }
// Methods
public void .ctor(); // 0x12D1EB0
public void .ctor(int dwTypeIn); // 0x12D1EE4
public void .ctor(int dwTypeIn, string strProviderNameIn); // 0x12D1F18
public void .ctor(int dwTypeIn, string strProviderNameIn, string strContainerNameIn); // 0x12D1F4C
public CspProviderFlags get_Flags(); // 0x12D1F80
public void set_Flags(CspProviderFlags value); // 0x12D1F88
// Namespace: System.Security.Cryptography
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x33A644
[FlagsAttribute] // 0x33A644
public enum CspProviderFlags // TypeDefIndex: 699
// Fields
public int value__; // 0x8
public const CspProviderFlags UseMachineKeyStore = 1; // 0x0
public const CspProviderFlags UseDefaultKeyContainer = 2; // 0x0
public const CspProviderFlags UseExistingKey = 8; // 0x0
public const CspProviderFlags NoFlags = 0; // 0x0
public const CspProviderFlags NoPrompt = 64; // 0x0
public const CspProviderFlags UseArchivableKey = 16; // 0x0
public const CspProviderFlags UseNonExportableKey = 4; // 0x0
public const CspProviderFlags UseUserProtectedKey = 32; // 0x0
// Namespace: System.Security.Cryptography
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x33A678
public abstract class DES : SymmetricAlgorithm // TypeDefIndex: 700
// Fields
internal static readonly byte[,] weakKeys; // 0x0
internal static readonly byte[,] semiWeakKeys; // 0x4
// Properties
public override byte[] Key { get; set; }
// Methods
protected void .ctor(); // 0x12D1F90
private static void .cctor(); // 0x12D2178
public static DES Create(); // 0x12D229C
public static DES Create(string algName); // 0x12D2350
public static bool IsWeakKey(byte[] rgbKey); // 0x12D2410
public static bool IsSemiWeakKey(byte[] rgbKey); // 0x12D2700
public override byte[] get_Key(); // 0x12D29F0
public override void set_Key(byte[] value); // 0x12D2AB0
// Namespace: System.Security.Cryptography
internal class DESTransform : SymmetricTransform // TypeDefIndex: 701
// Fields
internal static readonly int KEY_BIT_SIZE; // 0x0
internal static readonly int KEY_BYTE_SIZE; // 0x4
internal static readonly int BLOCK_BIT_SIZE; // 0x8
internal static readonly int BLOCK_BYTE_SIZE; // 0xC
private byte[] keySchedule; // 0x34
private byte[] byteBuff; // 0x38
private uint[] dwordBuff; // 0x3C
private static readonly uint[] spBoxes; // 0x10
private static readonly byte[] PC1; // 0x14
private static readonly byte[] leftRotTotal; // 0x18
private static readonly byte[] PC2; // 0x1C
internal static readonly uint[] ipTab; // 0x20
internal static readonly uint[] fpTab; // 0x24
// Methods
internal void .ctor(SymmetricAlgorithm symmAlgo, bool encryption, byte[] key, byte[] iv); // 0x12D2E5C
private static void .cctor(); // 0x12D3B1C
private uint CipherFunct(uint r, int n); // 0x12D3DAC
internal static void Permutation(byte[] input, byte[] output, uint[] permTab, bool preSwap); // 0x12D4234
private static void BSwap(byte[] byteBuff); // 0x12D4860
internal void SetKey(byte[] key); // 0x12D3538
public void ProcessBlock(byte[] input, byte[] output); // 0x12D4A54
protected override void ECB(byte[] input, byte[] output); // 0x12D4ED4
internal static byte[] GetStrongKey(); // 0x12D3388
// Namespace: System.Security.Cryptography
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x33A68C
public sealed class DESCryptoServiceProvider : DES // TypeDefIndex: 702
// Methods
public void .ctor(); // 0x12D2D10
public override ICryptoTransform CreateDecryptor(byte[] rgbKey, byte[] rgbIV); // 0x12D2DB0
public override ICryptoTransform CreateEncryptor(byte[] rgbKey, byte[] rgbIV); // 0x12D3178
public override void GenerateIV(); // 0x12D3224
public override void GenerateKey(); // 0x12D32E8
// Namespace: System.Security.Cryptography
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x33A6A0
public abstract class DSA : AsymmetricAlgorithm // TypeDefIndex: 703
// Methods
protected void .ctor(); // 0x12D4FEC
public static DSA Create(); // 0x12D4FF4
public static DSA Create(string algName); // 0x12D5070
public abstract byte[] CreateSignature(byte[] rgbHash); // 0
public abstract DSAParameters ExportParameters(bool includePrivateParameters); // 0
internal void ZeroizePrivateKey(DSAParameters parameters); // 0x12D5130
public override void FromXmlString(string xmlString); // 0x12D5168
public abstract void ImportParameters(DSAParameters parameters); // 0
public override string ToXmlString(bool includePrivateParameters); // 0x12D5618
public abstract bool VerifySignature(byte[] rgbHash, byte[] rgbSignature); // 0
// Namespace: System.Security.Cryptography
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x33A6B4
public sealed class DSACryptoServiceProvider : DSA, ICspAsymmetricAlgorithm // TypeDefIndex: 704
// Fields
private KeyPairPersistence store; // 0x10
private bool persistKey; // 0x14
private bool persisted; // 0x15
private bool privateKeyExportable; // 0x16
private bool m_disposed; // 0x17
private DSAManaged dsa; // 0x18
private static bool useMachineKeyStore; // 0x0
// Properties
public override int KeySize { get; }
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x33A6C8
public bool PublicOnly { get; }
// Methods
public void .ctor(); // 0x12D5DE4
public void .ctor(int dwKeySize); // 0x12D615C
public void .ctor(int dwKeySize, CspParameters parameters); // 0x12D5DF0
private static void .cctor(); // 0x12D6164
protected override void Finalize(); // 0x12D6168
public override int get_KeySize(); // 0x12D624C
public bool get_PublicOnly(); // 0x12D6280
public override DSAParameters ExportParameters(bool includePrivateParameters); // 0x12D62AC
public override void ImportParameters(DSAParameters parameters); // 0x12D63C8
public override byte[] CreateSignature(byte[] rgbHash); // 0x12D6424
public override bool VerifySignature(byte[] rgbHash, byte[] rgbSignature); // 0x12D6458
protected override void Dispose(bool disposing); // 0x12D61D0
private void OnKeyGenerated(object sender, EventArgs e); // 0x12D648C
// Namespace: System.Security.Cryptography
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x33A6DC
public struct DSAParameters // TypeDefIndex: 705
// Fields
public int Counter; // 0x8
public byte[] G; // 0xC
public byte[] J; // 0x10
public byte[] P; // 0x14
public byte[] Q; // 0x18
public byte[] Seed; // 0x1C
public byte[] X; // 0x20
public byte[] Y; // 0x24
// Namespace: System.Security.Cryptography
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x33A6F0
public class DSASignatureDeformatter : AsymmetricSignatureDeformatter // TypeDefIndex: 706
// Fields
private DSA dsa; // 0x8
// Methods
public void .ctor(); // 0x12D6C6C
public void .ctor(AsymmetricAlgorithm key); // 0x12D6C74
public override void SetHashAlgorithm(string strName); // 0x12D6CA8
public override void SetKey(AsymmetricAlgorithm key); // 0x12D6E64
public override bool VerifySignature(byte[] rgbHash, byte[] rgbSignature); // 0x12D6F48
// Namespace: System.Security.Cryptography
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x33A704
public class DSASignatureFormatter : AsymmetricSignatureFormatter // TypeDefIndex: 707
// Fields
private DSA dsa; // 0x8
// Methods
public void .ctor(); // 0x12D7118
public override byte[] CreateSignature(byte[] rgbHash); // 0x12D7120
public override void SetHashAlgorithm(string strName); // 0x12D7200
public override void SetKey(AsymmetricAlgorithm key); // 0x12D73BC
// Namespace: System.Security.Cryptography
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x33A718
public enum FromBase64TransformMode // TypeDefIndex: 708
// Fields
public int value__; // 0x8
public const FromBase64TransformMode IgnoreWhiteSpaces = 0; // 0x0
public const FromBase64TransformMode DoNotIgnoreWhiteSpaces = 1; // 0x0
// Namespace: System.Security.Cryptography
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x33A72C
public class FromBase64Transform : IDisposable, ICryptoTransform // TypeDefIndex: 709
// Fields
private FromBase64TransformMode mode; // 0x8
private byte[] accumulator; // 0xC
private int accPtr; // 0x10
private bool m_disposed; // 0x14
private byte[] lookupTable; // 0x18
// Properties
public bool CanTransformMultipleBlocks { get; }
public virtual bool CanReuseTransform { get; }
public int InputBlockSize { get; }
public int OutputBlockSize { get; }
// Methods
public void .ctor(); // 0x12D74A0
public void .ctor(FromBase64TransformMode whitespaces); // 0x12D74A8
private void System.IDisposable.Dispose(); // 0x12D755C
protected override void Finalize(); // 0x12D7594
public bool get_CanTransformMultipleBlocks(); // 0x12D7600
public virtual bool get_CanReuseTransform(); // 0x12D7608
public int get_InputBlockSize(); // 0x12D7610
public int get_OutputBlockSize(); // 0x12D7618
protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposing); // 0x12D7620
private byte lookup(byte input); // 0x12D7680
private int ProcessBlock(byte[] output, int offset); // 0x12D7798
private void CheckInputParameters(byte[] inputBuffer, int inputOffset, int inputCount); // 0x12D7BC8
public int TransformBlock(byte[] inputBuffer, int inputOffset, int inputCount, byte[] outputBuffer, int outputOffset); // 0x12D7E60
public byte[] TransformFinalBlock(byte[] inputBuffer, int inputOffset, int inputCount); // 0x12D8160
// Namespace: System.Security.Cryptography
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x33A740
public abstract class HMAC : KeyedHashAlgorithm // TypeDefIndex: 710
// Fields
private bool _disposed; // 0x1C
private string _hashName; // 0x20
private HashAlgorithm _algo; // 0x24
private BlockProcessor _block; // 0x28
private int _blockSizeValue; // 0x2C
// Properties
protected int BlockSizeValue { get; set; }
public string HashName { set; }
public override byte[] Key { get; set; }
internal BlockProcessor Block { get; }
// Methods
protected void .ctor(); // 0x12D9028
protected int get_BlockSizeValue(); // 0x12D9050
protected void set_BlockSizeValue(int value); // 0x12D9058
public void set_HashName(string value); // 0x12D9060
public override byte[] get_Key(); // 0x12D907C
public override void set_Key(byte[] value); // 0x12D9124
internal BlockProcessor get_Block(); // 0x12D91FC
private byte[] KeySetup(byte[] key, byte padding); // 0x12D92AC
protected override void Dispose(bool disposing); // 0x12D9420
protected override void HashCore(byte[] rgb, int ib, int cb); // 0x12D9434
protected override byte[] HashFinal(); // 0x12D9560
public override void Initialize(); // 0x12D9774
public static HMAC Create(); // 0x12D98E8
public static HMAC Create(string algorithmName); // 0x12D9964
// Namespace: System.Security.Cryptography
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x33A754
public class HMACMD5 : HMAC // TypeDefIndex: 711
// Methods
public void .ctor(); // 0x12D9A24
public void .ctor(byte[] key); // 0x12D9A50
// Namespace: System.Security.Cryptography
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x33A768
public class HMACRIPEMD160 : HMAC // TypeDefIndex: 712
// Methods
public void .ctor(); // 0x12D9B18
public void .ctor(byte[] key); // 0x12D9B44
// Namespace: System.Security.Cryptography
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x33A77C
public class HMACSHA1 : HMAC // TypeDefIndex: 713
// Methods
public void .ctor(); // 0xA116D4
public void .ctor(byte[] key); // 0xA11700
// Namespace: System.Security.Cryptography
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x33A790
public class HMACSHA256 : HMAC // TypeDefIndex: 714
// Methods
public void .ctor(); // 0xA117B0
public void .ctor(byte[] key); // 0xA117DC
// Namespace: System.Security.Cryptography
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x33A7A4
public class HMACSHA384 : HMAC // TypeDefIndex: 715
// Fields
private static bool legacy_mode; // 0x0
private bool legacy; // 0x30
// Properties
public bool ProduceLegacyHmacValues { set; }
// Methods
public void .ctor(); // 0xA11894
public void .ctor(byte[] key); // 0xA1196C
private static void .cctor(); // 0xA11ABC
public void set_ProduceLegacyHmacValues(bool value); // 0xA11A80
// Namespace: System.Security.Cryptography
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x33A7B8
public class HMACSHA512 : HMAC // TypeDefIndex: 716
// Fields
private static bool legacy_mode; // 0x0
private bool legacy; // 0x30
// Properties
public bool ProduceLegacyHmacValues { set; }
// Methods
public void .ctor(); // 0xA11BB4
public void .ctor(byte[] key); // 0xA11C8C
private static void .cctor(); // 0xA11DDC
public void set_ProduceLegacyHmacValues(bool value); // 0xA11DA0
// Namespace: System.Security.Cryptography
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x33A7CC
public abstract class HashAlgorithm : IDisposable, ICryptoTransform // TypeDefIndex: 717
// Fields
protected internal byte[] HashValue; // 0x8
protected int HashSizeValue; // 0xC
protected int State; // 0x10
private bool disposed; // 0x14
// Properties
public virtual bool CanTransformMultipleBlocks { get; }
public virtual bool CanReuseTransform { get; }
public virtual byte[] Hash { get; }
public virtual int HashSize { get; }
public virtual int InputBlockSize { get; }
public virtual int OutputBlockSize { get; }
// Methods
protected void .ctor(); // 0x12D8574
private void System.IDisposable.Dispose(); // 0x12D8594
public virtual bool get_CanTransformMultipleBlocks(); // 0x12D85CC
public virtual bool get_CanReuseTransform(); // 0x12D85D4
public byte[] ComputeHash(byte[] buffer); // 0x12D85DC
public byte[] ComputeHash(byte[] buffer, int offset, int count); // 0x12D86B4
public static HashAlgorithm Create(string hashName); // 0x12D8958
public virtual byte[] get_Hash(); // 0x12D8A18
protected abstract void HashCore(byte[] array, int ibStart, int cbSize); // 0
protected abstract byte[] HashFinal(); // 0
public virtual int get_HashSize(); // 0x12D8ADC
public abstract void Initialize(); // 0
protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposing); // 0x12D8AE4
public virtual int get_InputBlockSize(); // 0x12D8AF0
public virtual int get_OutputBlockSize(); // 0x12D8AF8
public int TransformBlock(byte[] inputBuffer, int inputOffset, int inputCount, byte[] outputBuffer, int outputOffset); // 0x12D8B00
public byte[] TransformFinalBlock(byte[] inputBuffer, int inputOffset, int inputCount); // 0x12D8DE8
// Namespace: System.Security.Cryptography
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x33A7E0
public interface ICryptoTransform : IDisposable // TypeDefIndex: 718
// Properties
public abstract bool CanReuseTransform { get; }
public abstract bool CanTransformMultipleBlocks { get; }
public abstract int InputBlockSize { get; }
public abstract int OutputBlockSize { get; }
// Methods
public abstract bool get_CanReuseTransform(); // 0
public abstract bool get_CanTransformMultipleBlocks(); // 0
public abstract int get_InputBlockSize(); // 0
public abstract int get_OutputBlockSize(); // 0
public abstract int TransformBlock(byte[] inputBuffer, int inputOffset, int inputCount, byte[] outputBuffer, int outputOffset); // 0
public abstract byte[] TransformFinalBlock(byte[] inputBuffer, int inputOffset, int inputCount); // 0
// Namespace: System.Security.Cryptography
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x33A7F4
public interface ICspAsymmetricAlgorithm // TypeDefIndex: 719
// Namespace: System.Security.Cryptography
public sealed class KeySizes // TypeDefIndex: 720
// Fields
private int _maxSize; // 0x8
private int _minSize; // 0xC
private int _skipSize; // 0x10
// Properties
public int MaxSize { get; }
public int MinSize { get; }
public int SkipSize { get; }
// Methods
public void .ctor(int minSize, int maxSize, int skipSize); // 0xA121B0
public int get_MaxSize(); // 0xA121E0
public int get_MinSize(); // 0xA121E8
public int get_SkipSize(); // 0xA121F0
internal bool IsLegal(int keySize); // 0xA121F8
internal static bool IsLegalKeySize(KeySizes[] legalKeys, int size); // 0xA12260
// Namespace: System.Security.Cryptography
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x33A808
public abstract class KeyedHashAlgorithm : HashAlgorithm // TypeDefIndex: 721
// Fields
protected byte[] KeyValue; // 0x18
// Properties
public virtual byte[] Key { get; set; }
// Methods
protected void .ctor(); // 0xA11ED4
protected override void Finalize(); // 0xA11EDC
public virtual byte[] get_Key(); // 0xA11F48
public virtual void set_Key(byte[] value); // 0xA11FE8
protected override void Dispose(bool disposing); // 0xA12160
private void ZeroizeKey(); // 0xA12128
// Namespace: System.Security.Cryptography
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x33A81C
public class MACTripleDES : KeyedHashAlgorithm // TypeDefIndex: 722
// Fields
private TripleDES tdes; // 0x1C
private MACAlgorithm mac; // 0x20
private bool m_disposed; // 0x24
// Methods
public void .ctor(); // 0xA12324
private void Setup(string strTripleDES, byte[] rgbKey); // 0xA123B8
protected override void Finalize(); // 0xA125D8
protected override void Dispose(bool disposing); // 0xA1264C
public override void Initialize(); // 0xA126F0
protected override void HashCore(byte[] rgbData, int ibStart, int cbSize); // 0xA127D8
protected override byte[] HashFinal(); // 0xA12900
// Namespace: System.Security.Cryptography
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x33A830
public abstract class MD5 : HashAlgorithm // TypeDefIndex: 723
// Methods
protected void .ctor(); // 0xA129E4
public static MD5 Create(); // 0xA12A04
public static MD5 Create(string algName); // 0xA12A80
// Namespace: System.Security.Cryptography
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x33A844
public sealed class MD5CryptoServiceProvider : MD5 // TypeDefIndex: 724
// Fields
private uint[] _H; // 0x18
private uint[] buff; // 0x1C
private ulong count; // 0x20
private byte[] _ProcessingBuffer; // 0x28
private int _ProcessingBufferCount; // 0x2C
private static readonly uint[] K; // 0x0
// Methods
public void .ctor(); // 0xA12B48
private static void .cctor(); // 0xA12D18
protected override void Finalize(); // 0xA12DE0
protected override void Dispose(bool disposing); // 0xA12E4C
protected override void HashCore(byte[] rgb, int ibStart, int cbSize); // 0xA12EF8
protected override byte[] HashFinal(); // 0xA155EC
public override void Initialize(); // 0xA12C3C
private void ProcessBlock(byte[] inputBuffer, int inputOffset); // 0xA13008
private void ProcessFinalBlock(byte[] inputBuffer, int inputOffset, int inputCount); // 0xA15754
internal void AddLength(ulong length, byte[] buffer, int position); // 0xA15984
// Namespace: System.Security.Cryptography
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x33A858
public enum PaddingMode // TypeDefIndex: 725
// Fields
public int value__; // 0x8
public const PaddingMode None = 1; // 0x0
public const PaddingMode PKCS7 = 2; // 0x0
public const PaddingMode Zeros = 3; // 0x0
public const PaddingMode ANSIX923 = 4; // 0x0
public const PaddingMode ISO10126 = 5; // 0x0
// Namespace: System.Security.Cryptography
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x33A86C
public abstract class RC2 : SymmetricAlgorithm // TypeDefIndex: 726
// Fields
protected int EffectiveKeySizeValue; // 0x30
// Properties
public virtual int EffectiveKeySize { get; }
public override int KeySize { get; set; }
// Methods
protected void .ctor(); // 0xA15C28
public static RC2 Create(); // 0xA15E5C
public static RC2 Create(string AlgName); // 0xA15ED8
public virtual int get_EffectiveKeySize(); // 0xA15FA0
public override int get_KeySize(); // 0xA15FB4
public override void set_KeySize(int value); // 0xA15FC4
// Namespace: System.Security.Cryptography
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x33A880
public sealed class RC2CryptoServiceProvider : RC2 // TypeDefIndex: 727
// Properties
public override int EffectiveKeySize { get; }
// Methods
public void .ctor(); // 0xA160C0
public override int get_EffectiveKeySize(); // 0xA160C4
public override ICryptoTransform CreateDecryptor(byte[] rgbKey, byte[] rgbIV); // 0xA160D8
public override ICryptoTransform CreateEncryptor(byte[] rgbKey, byte[] rgbIV); // 0xA16A48
public override void GenerateIV(); // 0xA16AF4
public override void GenerateKey(); // 0xA16B1C
// Namespace: System.Security.Cryptography
internal class RC2Transform : SymmetricTransform // TypeDefIndex: 728
// Fields
private ushort R0; // 0x34
private ushort R1; // 0x36
private ushort R2; // 0x38
private ushort R3; // 0x3A
private ushort[] K; // 0x3C
private int j; // 0x40
private static readonly byte[] pitable; // 0x0
// Methods
public void .ctor(RC2 rc2Algo, bool encryption, byte[] key, byte[] iv); // 0xA16184
private static void .cctor(); // 0xA16B44
protected override void ECB(byte[] input, byte[] output); // 0xA16C0C
// Namespace: System.Security.Cryptography
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x33A894
public abstract class RIPEMD160 : HashAlgorithm // TypeDefIndex: 729
// Methods
protected void .ctor(); // 0xA4AF0C
// Namespace: System.Security.Cryptography
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x33A8A8
public class RIPEMD160Managed : RIPEMD160 // TypeDefIndex: 730
// Fields
private byte[] _ProcessingBuffer; // 0x18
private uint[] _X; // 0x1C
private uint[] _HashValue; // 0x20
private ulong _Length; // 0x28
private int _ProcessingBufferCount; // 0x30
// Methods
public void .ctor(); // 0xA4AF2C
public override void Initialize(); // 0xA4B02C
protected override void HashCore(byte[] rgb, int ibStart, int cbSize); // 0xA4B180
protected override byte[] HashFinal(); // 0xA4B4A0
protected override void Finalize(); // 0xA4B814
private void ProcessBlock(byte[] buffer, int offset); // 0xA4B2A4
private void Compress(); // 0xA4B880
private void CompressFinal(ulong length); // 0xA4B66C
private uint ROL(uint x, int n); // 0xA4F580
private uint F(uint x, uint y, uint z); // 0xA4F590
private uint G(uint x, uint y, uint z); // 0xA4F59C
private uint H(uint x, uint y, uint z); // 0xA4F5AC
private uint I(uint x, uint y, uint z); // 0xA4F5BC
private uint J(uint x, uint y, uint z); // 0xA4F5CC
private void FF(uint a, uint b, uint c, uint d, uint e, uint x, int s); // 0xA4F218
private void GG(uint a, uint b, uint c, uint d, uint e, uint x, int s); // 0xA4F264
private void HH(uint a, uint b, uint c, uint d, uint e, uint x, int s); // 0xA4F2BC
private void II(uint a, uint b, uint c, uint d, uint e, uint x, int s); // 0xA4F318
private void JJ(uint a, uint b, uint c, uint d, uint e, uint x, int s); // 0xA4F370
private void FFF(uint a, uint b, uint c, uint d, uint e, uint x, int s); // 0xA4F534
private void GGG(uint a, uint b, uint c, uint d, uint e, uint x, int s); // 0xA4F4DC
private void HHH(uint a, uint b, uint c, uint d, uint e, uint x, int s); // 0xA4F480
private void III(uint a, uint b, uint c, uint d, uint e, uint x, int s); // 0xA4F428
private void JJJ(uint a, uint b, uint c, uint d, uint e, uint x, int s); // 0xA4F3CC
// Namespace: System.Security.Cryptography
public sealed class RNGCryptoServiceProvider : RandomNumberGenerator // TypeDefIndex: 731
// Fields
private static object _lock; // 0x0
private IntPtr _handle; // 0x8
// Methods
public void .ctor(); // 0xA4F5DC
private static void .cctor(); // 0xA4F794
private void Check(); // 0xA4F69C
private static bool RngOpen(); // 0xA4F840
private static IntPtr RngInitialize(byte[] seed); // 0xA4F694
private static IntPtr RngGetBytes(IntPtr handle, byte[] data); // 0xA4F844
private static void RngClose(IntPtr handle); // 0xA4F850
public override void GetBytes(byte[] data); // 0xA4F858
public override void GetNonZeroBytes(byte[] data); // 0xA4FA84
protected override void Finalize(); // 0xA4FC9C
// Namespace: System.Security.Cryptography
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x33A8BC
public abstract class RSA : AsymmetricAlgorithm // TypeDefIndex: 732
// Methods
protected void .ctor(); // 0xA4FDEC
public static RSA Create(); // 0xA4FDF4
public static RSA Create(string algName); // 0xA4FE70
public abstract byte[] EncryptValue(byte[] rgb); // 0
public abstract byte[] DecryptValue(byte[] rgb); // 0
public abstract RSAParameters ExportParameters(bool includePrivateParameters); // 0
public abstract void ImportParameters(RSAParameters parameters); // 0
internal void ZeroizePrivateKey(RSAParameters parameters); // 0xA4FF38
public override void FromXmlString(string xmlString); // 0xA50034
public override string ToXmlString(bool includePrivateParameters); // 0xA504EC
// Namespace: System.Security.Cryptography
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x33A8D0
public sealed class RSACryptoServiceProvider : RSA, ICspAsymmetricAlgorithm // TypeDefIndex: 733
// Fields
private KeyPairPersistence store; // 0x10
private bool persistKey; // 0x14
private bool persisted; // 0x15
private bool privateKeyExportable; // 0x16
private bool m_disposed; // 0x17
private RSAManaged rsa; // 0x18
private static bool useMachineKeyStore; // 0x0
// Properties
public override int KeySize { get; }
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x33A8E4
public bool PublicOnly { get; }
// Methods
public void .ctor(); // 0xA50C10
public void .ctor(CspParameters parameters); // 0xA50FAC
public void .ctor(int dwKeySize); // 0xA50FE4
private static void .cctor(); // 0xA5101C
private void Common(int dwKeySize, CspParameters p); // 0xA50C44
protected override void Finalize(); // 0xA51044
public override int get_KeySize(); // 0xA51020
public bool get_PublicOnly(); // 0xA5111C
public override byte[] DecryptValue(byte[] rgb); // 0xA51148
public override byte[] EncryptValue(byte[] rgb); // 0xA51244
public override RSAParameters ExportParameters(bool includePrivateParameters); // 0xA51278
public override void ImportParameters(RSAParameters parameters); // 0xA51370
protected override void Dispose(bool disposing); // 0xA510AC
private void OnKeyGenerated(object sender, EventArgs e); // 0xA513CC
// Namespace: System.Security.Cryptography
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x33A8F8
public class RSAPKCS1KeyExchangeFormatter : AsymmetricKeyExchangeFormatter // TypeDefIndex: 734
// Fields
private RSA rsa; // 0x8
private RandomNumberGenerator random; // 0xC
// Methods
public void .ctor(AsymmetricAlgorithm key); // 0xA51C90
public override byte[] CreateKeyExchange(byte[] rgbData); // 0xA51D9C
private void SetRSAKey(AsymmetricAlgorithm key); // 0xA51CB8
// Namespace: System.Security.Cryptography
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x33A90C
public class RSAPKCS1SignatureDeformatter : AsymmetricSignatureDeformatter // TypeDefIndex: 735
// Fields
private RSA rsa; // 0x8
private string hashName; // 0xC
// Methods
public void .ctor(); // 0xA5202C
public void .ctor(AsymmetricAlgorithm key); // 0xA52034
public override void SetHashAlgorithm(string strName); // 0xA52068
public override void SetKey(AsymmetricAlgorithm key); // 0xA52124
public override bool VerifySignature(byte[] rgbHash, byte[] rgbSignature); // 0xA52208
// Namespace: System.Security.Cryptography
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x33A920
public class RSAPKCS1SignatureFormatter : AsymmetricSignatureFormatter // TypeDefIndex: 736
// Fields
private RSA rsa; // 0x8
private HashAlgorithm hash; // 0xC
// Methods
public void .ctor(); // 0xA523F8
public override byte[] CreateSignature(byte[] rgbHash); // 0xA52400
public override void SetHashAlgorithm(string strName); // 0xA525A8
public override void SetKey(AsymmetricAlgorithm key); // 0xA525C8
// Namespace: System.Security.Cryptography
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x33A934
public struct RSAParameters // TypeDefIndex: 737
// Fields
public byte[] P; // 0x8
public byte[] Q; // 0xC
public byte[] D; // 0x10
public byte[] DP; // 0x14
public byte[] DQ; // 0x18
public byte[] InverseQ; // 0x1C
public byte[] Modulus; // 0x20
public byte[] Exponent; // 0x24
// Namespace: System.Security.Cryptography
public abstract class RandomNumberGenerator // TypeDefIndex: 738
// Methods
protected void .ctor(); // 0xA15ADC
public static RandomNumberGenerator Create(); // 0xA15AE4
public static RandomNumberGenerator Create(string rngName); // 0xA15B60
public abstract void GetBytes(byte[] data); // 0
public abstract void GetNonZeroBytes(byte[] data); // 0
// Namespace: System.Security.Cryptography
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x33A948
public abstract class Rijndael : SymmetricAlgorithm // TypeDefIndex: 739
// Methods
protected void .ctor(); // 0xA17E58
public static Rijndael Create(); // 0xA18058
public static Rijndael Create(string algName); // 0xA180D4
// Namespace: System.Security.Cryptography
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x33A95C
public sealed class RijndaelManaged : Rijndael // TypeDefIndex: 740
// Methods
public void .ctor(); // 0xA1819C
public override void GenerateIV(); // 0xA181A0
public override void GenerateKey(); // 0xA181C8
public override ICryptoTransform CreateDecryptor(byte[] rgbKey, byte[] rgbIV); // 0xA181F0
public override ICryptoTransform CreateEncryptor(byte[] rgbKey, byte[] rgbIV); // 0xA18388
// Namespace: System.Security.Cryptography
internal class RijndaelTransform : SymmetricTransform // TypeDefIndex: 741
// Fields
private uint[] expandedKey; // 0x34
private int Nb; // 0x38
private int Nk; // 0x3C
private int Nr; // 0x40
private static readonly uint[] Rcon; // 0x0
private static readonly byte[] SBox; // 0x4
private static readonly byte[] iSBox; // 0x8
private static readonly uint[] T0; // 0xC
private static readonly uint[] T1; // 0x10
private static readonly uint[] T2; // 0x14
private static readonly uint[] T3; // 0x18
private static readonly uint[] iT0; // 0x1C
private static readonly uint[] iT1; // 0x20
private static readonly uint[] iT2; // 0x24
private static readonly uint[] iT3; // 0x28
// Methods
public void .ctor(Rijndael algo, bool encryption, byte[] key, byte[] iv); // 0xA18434
private static void .cctor(); // 0xA1941C
public void Clear(); // 0xA190C8
protected override void ECB(byte[] input, byte[] output); // 0xA197C0
private uint SubByte(uint a); // 0xA1923C
private void Encrypt128(byte[] indata, byte[] outdata, uint[] ekey); // 0xA19858
private void Encrypt192(byte[] indata, byte[] outdata, uint[] ekey); // 0xA1F064
private void Encrypt256(byte[] indata, byte[] outdata, uint[] ekey); // 0xA27598
private void Decrypt128(byte[] indata, byte[] outdata, uint[] ekey); // 0xA320C4
private void Decrypt192(byte[] indata, byte[] outdata, uint[] ekey); // 0xA37954
private void Decrypt256(byte[] indata, byte[] outdata, uint[] ekey); // 0xA3FE50
// Namespace: System.Security.Cryptography
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x33A970
public sealed class RijndaelManagedTransform : IDisposable, ICryptoTransform // TypeDefIndex: 742
// Fields
private RijndaelTransform _st; // 0x8
private int _bs; // 0xC
// Properties
public bool CanTransformMultipleBlocks { get; }
public bool CanReuseTransform { get; }
public int InputBlockSize { get; }
public int OutputBlockSize { get; }
// Methods
internal void .ctor(Rijndael algo, bool encryption, byte[] key, byte[] iv); // 0xA1829C
private void System.IDisposable.Dispose(); // 0xA19090
public bool get_CanTransformMultipleBlocks(); // 0xA190DC
public bool get_CanReuseTransform(); // 0xA19110
public int get_InputBlockSize(); // 0xA19144
public int get_OutputBlockSize(); // 0xA19178
public int TransformBlock(byte[] inputBuffer, int inputOffset, int inputCount, byte[] outputBuffer, int outputOffset); // 0xA191AC
public byte[] TransformFinalBlock(byte[] inputBuffer, int inputOffset, int inputCount); // 0xA191FC
// Namespace: System.Security.Cryptography
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x33A984
public abstract class SHA1 : HashAlgorithm // TypeDefIndex: 743
// Methods
protected void .ctor(); // 0xA526AC
public static SHA1 Create(); // 0xA526CC
public static SHA1 Create(string hashName); // 0xA52748
// Namespace: System.Security.Cryptography
internal class SHA1Internal // TypeDefIndex: 744
// Fields
private uint[] _H; // 0x8
private ulong count; // 0x10
private byte[] _ProcessingBuffer; // 0x18
private int _ProcessingBufferCount; // 0x1C
private uint[] buff; // 0x20
// Methods
public void .ctor(); // 0xA528B0
public void HashCore(byte[] rgb, int ibStart, int cbSize); // 0xA52A48
public byte[] HashFinal(); // 0xA52B80
public void Initialize(); // 0xA52D10
private void ProcessBlock(byte[] inputBuffer, uint inputOffset); // 0xA52E18
private static void InitialiseBuff(uint[] buff, byte[] input, uint inputOffset); // 0xA5393C
private static void FillBuff(uint[] buff); // 0xA543F4
private void ProcessFinalBlock(byte[] inputBuffer, int inputOffset, int inputCount); // 0xA536F4
internal void AddLength(ulong length, byte[] buffer, int position); // 0xA54948
// Namespace: System.Security.Cryptography
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x33A998
public sealed class SHA1CryptoServiceProvider : SHA1 // TypeDefIndex: 745
// Fields
private SHA1Internal sha; // 0x18
// Methods
public void .ctor(); // 0xA52810
protected override void Finalize(); // 0xA5299C
protected override void Dispose(bool disposing); // 0xA52A08
protected override void HashCore(byte[] rgb, int ibStart, int cbSize); // 0xA52A10
protected override byte[] HashFinal(); // 0xA52B50
public override void Initialize(); // 0xA52CE8
// Namespace: System.Security.Cryptography
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x33A9AC
public class SHA1Managed : SHA1 // TypeDefIndex: 746
// Fields
private SHA1Internal sha; // 0x18
// Methods
public void .ctor(); // 0xA54AA0
protected override void HashCore(byte[] rgb, int ibStart, int cbSize); // 0xA54B40
protected override byte[] HashFinal(); // 0xA54B78
public override void Initialize(); // 0xA54BA8
// Namespace: System.Security.Cryptography
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x33A9C0
public abstract class SHA256 : HashAlgorithm // TypeDefIndex: 747
// Methods
protected void .ctor(); // 0xA54BD0
public static SHA256 Create(); // 0xA54BF0
public static SHA256 Create(string hashName); // 0xA54C6C
// Namespace: System.Security.Cryptography
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x33A9D4
public class SHA256Managed : SHA256 // TypeDefIndex: 748
// Fields
private uint[] _H; // 0x18
private ulong count; // 0x20
private byte[] _ProcessingBuffer; // 0x28
private int _ProcessingBufferCount; // 0x2C
private uint[] buff; // 0x30
// Methods
public void .ctor(); // 0xA54D34
protected override void HashCore(byte[] rgb, int ibStart, int cbSize); // 0xA54E34
protected override byte[] HashFinal(); // 0xA55628
public override void Initialize(); // 0xA559C8
private void ProcessBlock(byte[] inputBuffer, int inputOffset); // 0xA54F44
private void ProcessFinalBlock(byte[] inputBuffer, int inputOffset, int inputCount); // 0xA55798
internal void AddLength(ulong length, byte[] buffer, int position); // 0xA55B54
// Namespace: System.Security.Cryptography
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x33A9E8
public abstract class SHA384 : HashAlgorithm // TypeDefIndex: 749
// Methods
protected void .ctor(); // 0xA55CAC
public static SHA384 Create(); // 0xA55CCC
public static SHA384 Create(string hashName); // 0xA55D48
// Namespace: System.Security.Cryptography
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x33A9FC
public class SHA384Managed : SHA384 // TypeDefIndex: 750
// Fields
private byte[] xBuf; // 0x18
private int xBufOff; // 0x1C
private ulong byteCount1; // 0x20
private ulong byteCount2; // 0x28
private ulong H1; // 0x30
private ulong H2; // 0x38
private ulong H3; // 0x40
private ulong H4; // 0x48
private ulong H5; // 0x50
private ulong H6; // 0x58
private ulong H7; // 0x60
private ulong H8; // 0x68
private ulong[] W; // 0x70
private int wOff; // 0x74
// Methods
public void .ctor(); // 0xA55E10
private void Initialize(bool reuse); // 0xA55FA0
public override void Initialize(); // 0xA56130
protected override void HashCore(byte[] rgb, int ibStart, int cbSize); // 0xA56138
protected override byte[] HashFinal(); // 0xA564D8
private void update(byte input); // 0xA5626C
private void processWord(byte[] input, int inOff); // 0xA56300
private void unpackWord(ulong word, byte[] output, int outOff); // 0xA56D60
private void adjustByteCounts(); // 0xA566BC
private void processLength(ulong lowW, ulong hiW); // 0xA566F0
private void processBlock(); // 0xA56778
// Namespace: System.Security.Cryptography
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x33AA10
public abstract class SHA512 : HashAlgorithm // TypeDefIndex: 751
// Methods
protected void .ctor(); // 0xA56EB0
public static SHA512 Create(); // 0xA56ED0
public static SHA512 Create(string hashName); // 0xA56F4C
// Namespace: System.Security.Cryptography
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x33AA24
public class SHA512Managed : SHA512 // TypeDefIndex: 752
// Fields
private byte[] xBuf; // 0x18
private int xBufOff; // 0x1C
private ulong byteCount1; // 0x20
private ulong byteCount2; // 0x28
private ulong H1; // 0x30
private ulong H2; // 0x38
private ulong H3; // 0x40
private ulong H4; // 0x48
private ulong H5; // 0x50
private ulong H6; // 0x58
private ulong H7; // 0x60
private ulong H8; // 0x68
private ulong[] W; // 0x70
private int wOff; // 0x74
// Methods
public void .ctor(); // 0xA57014
private void Initialize(bool reuse); // 0xA571A4
public override void Initialize(); // 0xA57334
protected override void HashCore(byte[] rgb, int ibStart, int cbSize); // 0xA5733C
protected override byte[] HashFinal(); // 0xA576DC
private void update(byte input); // 0xA57470
private void processWord(byte[] input, int inOff); // 0xA57504
private void unpackWord(ulong word, byte[] output, int outOff); // 0xA57FDC
private void adjustByteCounts(); // 0xA578F8
private void processLength(ulong lowW, ulong hiW); // 0xA5792C
private void processBlock(); // 0xA579B4
private ulong rotateRight(ulong x, int n); // 0xA58290
private ulong Ch(ulong x, ulong y, ulong z); // 0xA581E4
private ulong Maj(ulong x, ulong y, ulong z); // 0xA58258
private ulong Sum0(ulong x); // 0xA58214
private ulong Sum1(ulong x); // 0xA581A0
private ulong Sigma0(ulong x); // 0xA58168
private ulong Sigma1(ulong x); // 0xA5812C
// Namespace: System.Security.Cryptography
internal static class SHAConstants // TypeDefIndex: 753
// Fields
public static readonly uint[] K1; // 0x0
public static readonly ulong[] K2; // 0x4
// Methods
private static void .cctor(); // 0xA582E0
// Namespace: System.Security.Cryptography
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x33AA38
public class SignatureDescription // TypeDefIndex: 754
// Fields
private string _DeformatterAlgorithm; // 0x8
private string _DigestAlgorithm; // 0xC
private string _FormatterAlgorithm; // 0x10
private string _KeyAlgorithm; // 0x14
// Properties
public string DeformatterAlgorithm { set; }
public string DigestAlgorithm { set; }
public string FormatterAlgorithm { set; }
public string KeyAlgorithm { set; }
// Methods
public void .ctor(); // 0xA52004
public void set_DeformatterAlgorithm(string value); // 0xA5200C
public void set_DigestAlgorithm(string value); // 0xA52014
public void set_FormatterAlgorithm(string value); // 0xA5201C
public void set_KeyAlgorithm(string value); // 0xA52024
// Namespace: System.Security.Cryptography
internal class DSASignatureDescription : SignatureDescription // TypeDefIndex: 755
// Methods
public void .ctor(); // 0x12D7030
// Namespace: System.Security.Cryptography
internal class RSAPKCS1SHA1SignatureDescription : SignatureDescription // TypeDefIndex: 756
// Methods
public void .ctor(); // 0xA51F3C
// Namespace: System.Security.Cryptography
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x33AA4C
public abstract class SymmetricAlgorithm : IDisposable // TypeDefIndex: 757
// Fields
protected int BlockSizeValue; // 0x8
protected byte[] IVValue; // 0xC
protected int KeySizeValue; // 0x10
protected byte[] KeyValue; // 0x14
protected KeySizes[] LegalBlockSizesValue; // 0x18
protected KeySizes[] LegalKeySizesValue; // 0x1C
protected int FeedbackSizeValue; // 0x20
protected CipherMode ModeValue; // 0x24
protected PaddingMode PaddingValue; // 0x28
private bool m_disposed; // 0x2C
// Properties
public virtual int BlockSize { get; set; }
public virtual int FeedbackSize { get; }
public virtual byte[] IV { get; set; }
public virtual byte[] Key { get; set; }
public virtual int KeySize { get; set; }
public virtual KeySizes[] LegalKeySizes { get; }
public virtual CipherMode Mode { get; set; }
public virtual PaddingMode Padding { get; set; }
// Methods
protected void .ctor(); // 0xA15E2C
private void System.IDisposable.Dispose(); // 0xA583FC
protected override void Finalize(); // 0xA58434
public void Clear(); // 0xA126DC
protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposing); // 0xA584A0
public virtual int get_BlockSize(); // 0xA584F4
public virtual void set_BlockSize(int value); // 0xA584FC
public virtual int get_FeedbackSize(); // 0xA585E8
public virtual byte[] get_IV(); // 0xA585F0
public virtual void set_IV(byte[] value); // 0xA586B0
public virtual byte[] get_Key(); // 0xA5880C
public virtual void set_Key(byte[] value); // 0xA588CC
public virtual int get_KeySize(); // 0xA15FBC
public virtual void set_KeySize(int value); // 0xA15FE0
public virtual KeySizes[] get_LegalKeySizes(); // 0xA58A38
public virtual CipherMode get_Mode(); // 0xA58A40
public virtual void set_Mode(CipherMode value); // 0xA58A48
public virtual PaddingMode get_Padding(); // 0xA58BCC
public virtual void set_Padding(PaddingMode value); // 0xA58BD4
public virtual ICryptoTransform CreateDecryptor(); // 0xA58D58
public abstract ICryptoTransform CreateDecryptor(byte[] rgbKey, byte[] rgbIV); // 0
public virtual ICryptoTransform CreateEncryptor(); // 0xA58DB0
public abstract ICryptoTransform CreateEncryptor(byte[] rgbKey, byte[] rgbIV); // 0
public abstract void GenerateIV(); // 0
public abstract void GenerateKey(); // 0
public static SymmetricAlgorithm Create(string algName); // 0xA58E08
// Namespace: System.Security.Cryptography
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x33AA60
public class ToBase64Transform : IDisposable, ICryptoTransform // TypeDefIndex: 758
// Fields
private bool m_disposed; // 0x8
// Properties
public bool CanTransformMultipleBlocks { get; }
public virtual bool CanReuseTransform { get; }
public int InputBlockSize { get; }
public int OutputBlockSize { get; }
// Methods
private void System.IDisposable.Dispose(); // 0xA58ED0
protected override void Finalize(); // 0xA58F08
public bool get_CanTransformMultipleBlocks(); // 0xA58F74
public virtual bool get_CanReuseTransform(); // 0xA58F7C
public int get_InputBlockSize(); // 0xA58F84
public int get_OutputBlockSize(); // 0xA58F8C
protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposing); // 0xA58F94
public int TransformBlock(byte[] inputBuffer, int inputOffset, int inputCount, byte[] outputBuffer, int outputOffset); // 0xA58FA8
internal static void InternalTransformBlock(byte[] inputBuffer, int inputOffset, int inputCount, byte[] outputBuffer, int outputOffset); // 0xA5931C
public byte[] TransformFinalBlock(byte[] inputBuffer, int inputOffset, int inputCount); // 0xA59578
internal static byte[] InternalTransformFinalBlock(byte[] inputBuffer, int inputOffset, int inputCount); // 0xA597D8
// Namespace: System.Security.Cryptography
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x33AA74
public abstract class TripleDES : SymmetricAlgorithm // TypeDefIndex: 759
// Properties
public override byte[] Key { get; set; }
// Methods
protected void .ctor(); // 0xA59BD0
public override byte[] get_Key(); // 0xA59DD4
public override void set_Key(byte[] value); // 0xA5A0DC
public static bool IsWeakKey(byte[] rgbKey); // 0xA59EC8
public static TripleDES Create(); // 0xA5A238
public static TripleDES Create(string str); // 0xA12510
// Namespace: System.Security.Cryptography
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x33AA88
public sealed class TripleDESCryptoServiceProvider : TripleDES // TypeDefIndex: 760
// Methods
public void .ctor(); // 0xA5A2B4
public override void GenerateIV(); // 0xA5A2B8
public override void GenerateKey(); // 0xA5A2E0
public override ICryptoTransform CreateDecryptor(byte[] rgbKey, byte[] rgbIV); // 0xA5A3F8
public override ICryptoTransform CreateEncryptor(byte[] rgbKey, byte[] rgbIV); // 0xA5A868
// Namespace: System.Security.Cryptography
internal class TripleDESTransform : SymmetricTransform // TypeDefIndex: 761
// Fields
private DESTransform E1; // 0x34
private DESTransform D2; // 0x38
private DESTransform E3; // 0x3C
private DESTransform D1; // 0x40
private DESTransform E2; // 0x44
private DESTransform D3; // 0x48
// Methods
public void .ctor(TripleDES algo, bool encryption, byte[] key, byte[] iv); // 0xA5A4A4
protected override void ECB(byte[] input, byte[] output); // 0xA5A914
internal static byte[] GetStrongKey(); // 0xA5A2F8
// Namespace: System.Security.Permissions
[AttributeUsageAttribute] // 0x33AA9C
[ObsoleteAttribute] // 0x33AA9C
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x33AA9C
public abstract class CodeAccessSecurityAttribute : SecurityAttribute // TypeDefIndex: 762
// Namespace: System.Security.Permissions
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x33AB2C
public sealed class EnvironmentPermission : CodeAccessPermission, IBuiltInPermission, IUnrestrictedPermission // TypeDefIndex: 763
// Fields
private PermissionState _state; // 0x8
private ArrayList readList; // 0xC
private ArrayList writeList; // 0x10
// Methods
public void .ctor(PermissionState state); // 0xA5D178
public void .ctor(EnvironmentPermissionAccess flag, string pathList); // 0xA5D248
public override void FromXml(SecurityElement esd); // 0xA5D6EC
public string GetPathList(EnvironmentPermissionAccess flag); // 0xA5D878
public override bool IsSubsetOf(IPermission target); // 0xA5DFC8
public bool IsUnrestricted(); // 0xA5E8EC
public void SetPathList(EnvironmentPermissionAccess flag, string pathList); // 0xA5D314
public override SecurityElement ToXml(); // 0xA5E8FC
private EnvironmentPermission Cast(IPermission target); // 0xA5E7D4
internal void ThrowInvalidFlag(EnvironmentPermissionAccess flag, bool context); // 0xA5D8D8
private string GetPathList(ArrayList list); // 0xA5DA4C
// Namespace: System.Security.Permissions
[FlagsAttribute] // 0x33AB40
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x33AB40
public enum EnvironmentPermissionAccess // TypeDefIndex: 764
// Fields
public int value__; // 0x8
public const EnvironmentPermissionAccess NoAccess = 0; // 0x0
public const EnvironmentPermissionAccess Read = 1; // 0x0
public const EnvironmentPermissionAccess Write = 2; // 0x0
public const EnvironmentPermissionAccess AllAccess = 3; // 0x0
// Namespace: System.Security.Permissions
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x33AB74
public sealed class FileDialogPermission : CodeAccessPermission, IBuiltInPermission, IUnrestrictedPermission // TypeDefIndex: 765
// Fields
private FileDialogPermissionAccess _access; // 0x8
// Properties
public FileDialogPermissionAccess Access { set; }
// Methods
public void .ctor(PermissionState state); // 0xA5EA50
public void .ctor(FileDialogPermissionAccess access); // 0xA5EA90
public void set_Access(FileDialogPermissionAccess value); // 0xA5EAB8
public override void FromXml(SecurityElement esd); // 0xA5ECCC
public override bool IsSubsetOf(IPermission target); // 0xA5EEB4
public override SecurityElement ToXml(); // 0xA5F008
private FileDialogPermission Cast(IPermission target); // 0xA5EEF0
// Namespace: System.Security.Permissions
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x33AB88
[FlagsAttribute] // 0x33AB88
public enum FileDialogPermissionAccess // TypeDefIndex: 766
// Fields
public int value__; // 0x8
public const FileDialogPermissionAccess None = 0; // 0x0
public const FileDialogPermissionAccess Open = 1; // 0x0
public const FileDialogPermissionAccess Save = 2; // 0x0
public const FileDialogPermissionAccess OpenSave = 3; // 0x0
// Namespace: System.Security.Permissions
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x33ABBC
public sealed class FileIOPermission : CodeAccessPermission, IBuiltInPermission, IUnrestrictedPermission // TypeDefIndex: 767
// Fields
private static char[] BadPathNameCharacters; // 0x0
private static char[] BadFileNameCharacters; // 0x4
private bool m_Unrestricted; // 0x8
private FileIOPermissionAccess m_AllFilesAccess; // 0xC
private FileIOPermissionAccess m_AllLocalFilesAccess; // 0x10
private ArrayList readList; // 0x14
private ArrayList writeList; // 0x18
private ArrayList appendList; // 0x1C
private ArrayList pathList; // 0x20
// Properties
public FileIOPermissionAccess AllFiles { get; }
public FileIOPermissionAccess AllLocalFiles { get; }
// Methods
public void .ctor(PermissionState state); // 0xA5F134
private static void .cctor(); // 0xA5F25C
internal void CreateLists(); // 0xA5F184
public FileIOPermissionAccess get_AllFiles(); // 0xA5F338
public FileIOPermissionAccess get_AllLocalFiles(); // 0xA5F340
public void AddPathList(FileIOPermissionAccess access, string[] pathList); // 0xA5F348
internal void AddPathInternal(FileIOPermissionAccess access, string path); // 0xA5F6E0
public override void FromXml(SecurityElement esd); // 0xA5F844
public string[] GetPathList(FileIOPermissionAccess access); // 0xA5FBD0
public override bool IsSubsetOf(IPermission target); // 0xA5FE58
public bool IsUnrestricted(); // 0xA60294
public override SecurityElement ToXml(); // 0xA60BB0
[MonoTODOAttribute] // 0x33ABD0
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x33ABD0
public override bool Equals(object obj); // 0xA60F4C
[MonoTODOAttribute] // 0x33AC28
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x33AC28
public override int GetHashCode(); // 0xA60F54
private bool IsEmpty(); // 0xA601D0
private static FileIOPermission Cast(IPermission target); // 0xA600B8
internal static void ThrowInvalidFlag(FileIOPermissionAccess access, bool context); // 0xA5F484
internal static void ThrowIfInvalidPath(string path); // 0xA60F5C
internal static void ThrowIfInvalidPath(string[] paths); // 0xA5F5F8
internal static bool KeyIsSubsetOf(IList local, IList target); // 0xA6029C
// Namespace: System.Security.Permissions
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x33AC80
[FlagsAttribute] // 0x33AC80
public enum FileIOPermissionAccess // TypeDefIndex: 768
// Fields
public int value__; // 0x8
public const FileIOPermissionAccess NoAccess = 0; // 0x0
public const FileIOPermissionAccess Read = 1; // 0x0
public const FileIOPermissionAccess Write = 2; // 0x0
public const FileIOPermissionAccess Append = 4; // 0x0
public const FileIOPermissionAccess PathDiscovery = 8; // 0x0
public const FileIOPermissionAccess AllAccess = 15; // 0x0
// Namespace: System.Security.Permissions
internal interface IBuiltInPermission // TypeDefIndex: 769
// Namespace: System.Security.Permissions
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x33ACB4
public interface IUnrestrictedPermission // TypeDefIndex: 770
// Namespace: System.Security.Permissions
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x33ACC8
public enum IsolatedStorageContainment // TypeDefIndex: 771
// Fields
public int value__; // 0x8
public const IsolatedStorageContainment None = 0; // 0x0
public const IsolatedStorageContainment DomainIsolationByUser = 16; // 0x0
public const IsolatedStorageContainment AssemblyIsolationByUser = 32; // 0x0
public const IsolatedStorageContainment DomainIsolationByRoamingUser = 80; // 0x0
public const IsolatedStorageContainment AssemblyIsolationByRoamingUser = 96; // 0x0
public const IsolatedStorageContainment AdministerIsolatedStorageByUser = 112; // 0x0
public const IsolatedStorageContainment UnrestrictedIsolatedStorage = 240; // 0x0
public const IsolatedStorageContainment ApplicationIsolationByUser = 21; // 0x0
public const IsolatedStorageContainment DomainIsolationByMachine = 48; // 0x0
public const IsolatedStorageContainment AssemblyIsolationByMachine = 64; // 0x0
public const IsolatedStorageContainment ApplicationIsolationByMachine = 69; // 0x0
public const IsolatedStorageContainment ApplicationIsolationByRoamingUser = 101; // 0x0
// Namespace: System.Security.Permissions
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x33ACDC
public sealed class IsolatedStorageFilePermission : IsolatedStoragePermission, IBuiltInPermission // TypeDefIndex: 772
// Methods
public void .ctor(PermissionState state); // 0xA612E8
public override bool IsSubsetOf(IPermission target); // 0xA61330
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x33ACF0
[MonoTODOAttribute] // 0x33ACF0
public override SecurityElement ToXml(); // 0xA6159C
private IsolatedStorageFilePermission Cast(IPermission target); // 0xA61444
// Namespace: System.Security.Permissions
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x33AD48
public abstract class IsolatedStoragePermission : CodeAccessPermission, IUnrestrictedPermission // TypeDefIndex: 773
// Fields
internal long m_userQuota; // 0x8
internal long m_machineQuota; // 0x10
internal long m_expirationDays; // 0x18
internal bool m_permanentData; // 0x20
internal IsolatedStorageContainment m_allowed; // 0x24
// Properties
public long UserQuota { set; }
public IsolatedStorageContainment UsageAllowed { set; }
// Methods
protected void .ctor(PermissionState state); // 0xA612EC
public void set_UserQuota(long value); // 0xA619B0
public void set_UsageAllowed(IsolatedStorageContainment value); // 0xA61750
public bool IsUnrestricted(); // 0xA61588
public override SecurityElement ToXml(); // 0xA615A0
public override void FromXml(SecurityElement esd); // 0xA619C0
internal bool IsEmpty(); // 0xA6155C
// Namespace: System.Security.Permissions
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x33AD5C
public sealed class KeyContainerPermission : CodeAccessPermission, IBuiltInPermission, IUnrestrictedPermission // TypeDefIndex: 774
// Fields
private KeyContainerPermissionFlags _flags; // 0x8
// Methods
public void .ctor(PermissionState state); // 0xA61C14
[MonoTODOAttribute] // 0x33AD70
public override void FromXml(SecurityElement securityElement); // 0xA61C50
[MonoTODOAttribute] // 0x33ADB0
public override bool IsSubsetOf(IPermission target); // 0xA61E24
public bool IsUnrestricted(); // 0xA61E2C
[MonoTODOAttribute] // 0x33ADF0
public override SecurityElement ToXml(); // 0xA61E44
// Namespace: System.Security.Permissions
[FlagsAttribute] // 0x33AE30
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x33AE30
public enum KeyContainerPermissionFlags // TypeDefIndex: 775
// Fields
public int value__; // 0x8
public const KeyContainerPermissionFlags NoFlags = 0; // 0x0
public const KeyContainerPermissionFlags Create = 1; // 0x0
public const KeyContainerPermissionFlags Open = 2; // 0x0
public const KeyContainerPermissionFlags Delete = 4; // 0x0
public const KeyContainerPermissionFlags Import = 16; // 0x0
public const KeyContainerPermissionFlags Export = 32; // 0x0
public const KeyContainerPermissionFlags Sign = 256; // 0x0
public const KeyContainerPermissionFlags Decrypt = 512; // 0x0
public const KeyContainerPermissionFlags ViewAcl = 4096; // 0x0
public const KeyContainerPermissionFlags ChangeAcl = 8192; // 0x0
public const KeyContainerPermissionFlags AllFlags = 13111; // 0x0
// Namespace: System.Security.Permissions
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x33AE64
public enum PermissionState // TypeDefIndex: 776
// Fields
public int value__; // 0x8
public const PermissionState Unrestricted = 1; // 0x0
public const PermissionState None = 0; // 0x0
// Namespace: System.Security.Permissions
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x33AE78
public sealed class ReflectionPermission : CodeAccessPermission, IBuiltInPermission, IUnrestrictedPermission // TypeDefIndex: 777
// Fields
private ReflectionPermissionFlag flags; // 0x8
// Properties
public ReflectionPermissionFlag Flags { get; set; }
// Methods
public void .ctor(PermissionState state); // 0xA61F18
public void .ctor(ReflectionPermissionFlag flag); // 0xA61F58
public ReflectionPermissionFlag get_Flags(); // 0xA620DC
public void set_Flags(ReflectionPermissionFlag value); // 0xA61F80
public override void FromXml(SecurityElement esd); // 0xA620E4
public override bool IsSubsetOf(IPermission target); // 0xA622E0
public bool IsUnrestricted(); // 0xA62460
public override SecurityElement ToXml(); // 0xA62474
private ReflectionPermission Cast(IPermission target); // 0xA62348
// Namespace: System.Security.Permissions
[FlagsAttribute] // 0x33AE8C
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x33AE8C
public enum ReflectionPermissionFlag // TypeDefIndex: 778
// Fields
public int value__; // 0x8
public const ReflectionPermissionFlag NoFlags = 0; // 0x0
[ObsoleteAttribute] // 0x33AEC0
public const ReflectionPermissionFlag TypeInformation = 1; // 0x0
public const ReflectionPermissionFlag MemberAccess = 2; // 0x0
public const ReflectionPermissionFlag ReflectionEmit = 4; // 0x0
public const ReflectionPermissionFlag AllFlags = 7; // 0x0
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x33AF00
public const ReflectionPermissionFlag RestrictedMemberAccess = 8; // 0x0
// Namespace: System.Security.Permissions
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x33AF14
public sealed class RegistryPermission : CodeAccessPermission, IBuiltInPermission, IUnrestrictedPermission // TypeDefIndex: 779
// Fields
private PermissionState _state; // 0x8
private ArrayList createList; // 0xC
private ArrayList readList; // 0x10
private ArrayList writeList; // 0x14
// Methods
public void .ctor(PermissionState state); // 0xA6280C
public string GetPathList(RegistryPermissionAccess access); // 0xA628F4
public void SetPathList(RegistryPermissionAccess access, string pathList); // 0xA63060
public override void FromXml(SecurityElement esd); // 0xA63560
public override bool IsSubsetOf(IPermission target); // 0xA63760
public bool IsUnrestricted(); // 0xA639C8
public override SecurityElement ToXml(); // 0xA64294
private bool IsEmpty(); // 0xA63928
private RegistryPermission Cast(IPermission target); // 0xA63810
internal void ThrowInvalidFlag(RegistryPermissionAccess flag, bool context); // 0xA62970
private string GetPathList(ArrayList list); // 0xA62AE4
internal bool KeyIsSubsetOf(IList local, IList target); // 0xA639D8
// Namespace: System.Security.Permissions
[FlagsAttribute] // 0x33AF28
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x33AF28
public enum RegistryPermissionAccess // TypeDefIndex: 780
// Fields
public int value__; // 0x8
public const RegistryPermissionAccess NoAccess = 0; // 0x0
public const RegistryPermissionAccess Read = 1; // 0x0
public const RegistryPermissionAccess Write = 2; // 0x0
public const RegistryPermissionAccess Create = 4; // 0x0
public const RegistryPermissionAccess AllAccess = 7; // 0x0
// Namespace: System.Security.Permissions
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x33AF5C
public sealed class SecurityPermission : CodeAccessPermission, IBuiltInPermission, IUnrestrictedPermission // TypeDefIndex: 781
// Fields
private SecurityPermissionFlag flags; // 0x8
// Properties
public SecurityPermissionFlag Flags { set; }
// Methods
public void .ctor(PermissionState state); // 0xA64430
public void .ctor(SecurityPermissionFlag flag); // 0xA64470
public void set_Flags(SecurityPermissionFlag value); // 0xA64498
public bool IsUnrestricted(); // 0xA645F8
public override bool IsSubsetOf(IPermission target); // 0xA64610
public override void FromXml(SecurityElement esd); // 0xA6479C
public override SecurityElement ToXml(); // 0xA64984
private bool IsEmpty(); // 0xA64788
private SecurityPermission Cast(IPermission target); // 0xA64670
// Namespace: System.Security.Permissions
[AttributeUsageAttribute] // 0x33AF70
[ObsoleteAttribute] // 0x33AF70
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x33AF70
public sealed class SecurityPermissionAttribute : CodeAccessSecurityAttribute // TypeDefIndex: 782
// Fields
private SecurityPermissionFlag m_Flags; // 0x8
// Properties
set; }
public bool SkipVerification { set; }
// Methods
public void set_SerializationFormatter(bool value); // 0xA64AC8
public void set_SkipVerification(bool value); // 0xA64AE4
// Namespace: System.Security.Permissions
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x33B000
[ObsoleteAttribute] // 0x33B000
[FlagsAttribute] // 0x33B000
public enum SecurityPermissionFlag // TypeDefIndex: 783
// Fields
public int value__; // 0x8
public const SecurityPermissionFlag NoFlags = 0; // 0x0
public const SecurityPermissionFlag Assertion = 1; // 0x0
public const SecurityPermissionFlag UnmanagedCode = 2; // 0x0
public const SecurityPermissionFlag SkipVerification = 4; // 0x0
public const SecurityPermissionFlag Execution = 8; // 0x0
public const SecurityPermissionFlag ControlThread = 16; // 0x0
public const SecurityPermissionFlag ControlEvidence = 32; // 0x0
public const SecurityPermissionFlag ControlPolicy = 64; // 0x0
public const SecurityPermissionFlag SerializationFormatter = 128; // 0x0
public const SecurityPermissionFlag ControlDomainPolicy = 256; // 0x0
public const SecurityPermissionFlag ControlPrincipal = 512; // 0x0
public const SecurityPermissionFlag ControlAppDomain = 1024; // 0x0
public const SecurityPermissionFlag RemotingConfiguration = 2048; // 0x0
public const SecurityPermissionFlag Infrastructure = 4096; // 0x0
public const SecurityPermissionFlag BindingRedirects = 8192; // 0x0
public const SecurityPermissionFlag AllFlags = 16383; // 0x0
// Namespace: System.Security.Permissions
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x33B068
public sealed class StrongNameIdentityPermission : CodeAccessPermission, IBuiltInPermission // TypeDefIndex: 784
// Fields
private static Version defaultVersion; // 0x0
private PermissionState _state; // 0x8
private ArrayList _list; // 0xC
// Properties
public string Name { get; }
public StrongNamePublicKeyBlob PublicKey { get; }
public Version Version { get; }
// Methods
public void .ctor(StrongNamePublicKeyBlob blob, string name, Version version); // 0xA64B00
private static void .cctor(); // 0xA64CBC
public string get_Name(); // 0xA64D64
public StrongNamePublicKeyBlob get_PublicKey(); // 0xA64E74
public Version get_Version(); // 0xA64F84
public override void FromXml(SecurityElement e); // 0xA65094
private SNIP FromSecurityElement(SecurityElement se); // 0xA655C0
public override bool IsSubsetOf(IPermission target); // 0xA658EC
public override SecurityElement ToXml(); // 0xA662A0
private void ToSecurityElement(SecurityElement se, SNIP snip); // 0xA666B4
private bool IsUnrestricted(); // 0xA661D4
private bool IsEmpty(SNIP snip); // 0xA66810
private bool IsEmpty(); // 0xA6604C
private StrongNameIdentityPermission Cast(IPermission target); // 0xA65F34
// Namespace:
private struct SNIP // TypeDefIndex: 785
// Fields
public StrongNamePublicKeyBlob PublicKey; // 0x8
public string Name; // 0xC
public Version AssemblyVersion; // 0x10
// Methods
internal void .ctor(StrongNamePublicKeyBlob pk, string name, Version version); // 0xA66AFC
internal bool IsNameSubsetOf(string target); // 0xA66CA8
internal bool IsSubsetOf(SNIP target); // 0xA66DE4
// Namespace: System.Security.Permissions
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x33B07C
public sealed class StrongNamePublicKeyBlob // TypeDefIndex: 786
// Fields
internal byte[] pubkey; // 0x8
// Methods
public void .ctor(byte[] publicKey); // 0xA66E00
internal static StrongNamePublicKeyBlob FromString(string s); // 0xA656FC
private static byte CharToByte(char c); // 0xA66EC8
public override bool Equals(object obj); // 0xA66CB0
public override int GetHashCode(); // 0xA66FA0
public override string ToString(); // 0xA66968
// Namespace: System.Security.Permissions
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x33B090
public sealed class UIPermission : CodeAccessPermission, IBuiltInPermission, IUnrestrictedPermission // TypeDefIndex: 787
// Fields
private UIPermissionWindow _window; // 0x8
private UIPermissionClipboard _clipboard; // 0xC
// Properties
public UIPermissionClipboard Clipboard { set; }
public UIPermissionWindow Window { set; }
// Methods
public void .ctor(PermissionState state); // 0xA67030
public void .ctor(UIPermissionWindow windowFlag, UIPermissionClipboard clipboardFlag); // 0xA67074
public void set_Clipboard(UIPermissionClipboard value); // 0xA670AC
public void set_Window(UIPermissionWindow value); // 0xA672C0
public override void FromXml(SecurityElement esd); // 0xA674D4
public override bool IsSubsetOf(IPermission target); // 0xA677C8
public bool IsUnrestricted(); // 0xA67968
public override SecurityElement ToXml(); // 0xA67990
private bool IsEmpty(UIPermissionWindow w, UIPermissionClipboard c); // 0xA67958
private UIPermission Cast(IPermission target); // 0xA67840
// Namespace: System.Security.Permissions
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x33B0A4
public enum UIPermissionClipboard // TypeDefIndex: 788
// Fields
public int value__; // 0x8
public const UIPermissionClipboard NoClipboard = 0; // 0x0
public const UIPermissionClipboard OwnClipboard = 1; // 0x0
public const UIPermissionClipboard AllClipboard = 2; // 0x0
// Namespace: System.Security.Permissions
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x33B0B8
public enum UIPermissionWindow // TypeDefIndex: 789
// Fields
public int value__; // 0x8
public const UIPermissionWindow NoWindows = 0; // 0x0
public const UIPermissionWindow SafeSubWindows = 1; // 0x0
public const UIPermissionWindow SafeTopLevelWindows = 2; // 0x0
public const UIPermissionWindow AllWindows = 3; // 0x0
// Namespace: System.Security.Permissions
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x33B0CC
public sealed class ZoneIdentityPermission : CodeAccessPermission, IBuiltInPermission // TypeDefIndex: 790
// Fields
private SecurityZone zone; // 0x8
// Properties
public SecurityZone SecurityZone { set; }
// Methods
public void .ctor(SecurityZone zone); // 0xA67B60
public override bool IsSubsetOf(IPermission target); // 0xA67D9C
public override void FromXml(SecurityElement esd); // 0xA67F04
public override SecurityElement ToXml(); // 0xA680C8
public void set_SecurityZone(SecurityZone value); // 0xA67B88
private ZoneIdentityPermission Cast(IPermission target); // 0xA67DEC
// Namespace: System.Security.Policy
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x33B0E0
public sealed class AllMembershipCondition : IConstantMembershipCondition, IMembershipCondition, ISecurityEncodable, ISecurityPolicyEncodable // TypeDefIndex: 791
// Fields
private readonly int version; // 0x8
// Methods
public void .ctor(); // 0xA683BC
public bool Check(Evidence evidence); // 0xA683CC
public IMembershipCondition Copy(); // 0xA683D4
public override bool Equals(object o); // 0xA6846C
public void FromXml(SecurityElement e); // 0xA68504
public void FromXml(SecurityElement e, PolicyLevel level); // 0xA68508
public override int GetHashCode(); // 0xA689EC
public override string ToString(); // 0xA68ACC
public SecurityElement ToXml(); // 0xA68B44
public SecurityElement ToXml(PolicyLevel level); // 0xA68B48
// Namespace: System.Security.Policy
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x33B0F4
public sealed class ApplicationTrust : ISecurityEncodable // TypeDefIndex: 792
// Fields
private ApplicationIdentity _appid; // 0x8
private PolicyStatement _defaultPolicy; // 0xC
private object _xtranfo; // 0x10
private bool _trustrun; // 0x14
private bool _persist; // 0x15
private IList`1<StrongName> fullTrustAssemblies; // 0x18
// Properties
public PolicyStatement DefaultGrantSet { get; }
// Methods
public void .ctor(); // 0xA68E7C
public PolicyStatement get_DefaultGrantSet(); // 0xA68F2C
public void FromXml(SecurityElement element); // 0xA69000
public SecurityElement ToXml(); // 0xA69914
private PolicyStatement GetDefaultGrantSet(); // 0xA68F50
// Namespace: System.Security.Policy
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x33B108
public class CodeConnectAccess // TypeDefIndex: 793
// Fields
public static readonly string AnyScheme; // 0x0
public static readonly int DefaultPort; // 0x4
public static readonly int OriginPort; // 0x8
public static readonly string OriginScheme; // 0xC
private string _scheme; // 0x8
private int _port; // 0xC
// Methods
private static void .cctor(); // 0xA69D70
public override bool Equals(object o); // 0xA69E3C
public override int GetHashCode(); // 0xA69F68
// Namespace: System.Security.Policy
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x33B11C
public abstract class CodeGroup // TypeDefIndex: 794
// Fields
private PolicyStatement m_policy; // 0x8
private IMembershipCondition m_membershipCondition; // 0xC
private string m_description; // 0x10
private string m_name; // 0x14
private ArrayList m_children; // 0x18
[CompilerGeneratedAttribute] // 0x33B130
private static Dictionary`2<string, int> <>f__switch$map2A; // 0x0
// Properties
public PolicyStatement PolicyStatement { get; set; }
public string Description { get; set; }
public IMembershipCondition MembershipCondition { get; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public IList Children { get; }
// Methods
protected void .ctor(IMembershipCondition membershipCondition, PolicyStatement policy); // 0xA69FA0
internal void .ctor(SecurityElement e, PolicyLevel level); // 0xA6A1CC
public abstract CodeGroup Copy(); // 0
public abstract PolicyStatement Resolve(Evidence evidence); // 0
public PolicyStatement get_PolicyStatement(); // 0xA6ACA4
public void set_PolicyStatement(PolicyStatement value); // 0xA6ACAC
public string get_Description(); // 0xA6ACB4
public void set_Description(string value); // 0xA6ACBC
public IMembershipCondition get_MembershipCondition(); // 0xA6ACC4
public string get_Name(); // 0xA6ACCC
public void set_Name(string value); // 0xA6ACD4
public IList get_Children(); // 0xA6ACDC
public void AddChild(CodeGroup group); // 0xA6ACE4
public override bool Equals(object o); // 0xA6ADE4
public bool Equals(CodeGroup cg, bool compareChildren); // 0xA6AEA8
public override int GetHashCode(); // 0xA6B384
public void FromXml(SecurityElement e, PolicyLevel level); // 0xA6A280
protected virtual void ParseXml(SecurityElement e, PolicyLevel level); // 0xA6BE0C
public SecurityElement ToXml(); // 0xA6BE10
public SecurityElement ToXml(PolicyLevel level); // 0xA6BE18
protected virtual void CreateXml(SecurityElement element, PolicyLevel level); // 0xA6C460
internal static CodeGroup CreateFromXml(SecurityElement se, PolicyLevel level); // 0xA6B9B0
// Namespace: System.Security.Policy
internal static class DefaultPolicies // TypeDefIndex: 795
// Fields
private static Version _fxVersion; // 0x0
private static byte[] _ecmaKey; // 0x4
private static StrongNamePublicKeyBlob _ecma; // 0x8
private static byte[] _msFinalKey; // 0xC
private static StrongNamePublicKeyBlob _msFinal; // 0x10
private static NamedPermissionSet _fullTrust; // 0x14
private static NamedPermissionSet _localIntranet; // 0x18
private static NamedPermissionSet _internet; // 0x1C
private static NamedPermissionSet _skipVerification; // 0x20
private static NamedPermissionSet _execution; // 0x24
private static NamedPermissionSet _nothing; // 0x28
private static NamedPermissionSet _everything; // 0x2C
// Properties
public static PermissionSet FullTrust { get; }
public static PermissionSet LocalIntranet { get; }
public static PermissionSet Internet { get; }
public static PermissionSet SkipVerification { get; }
public static PermissionSet Execution { get; }
public static PermissionSet Nothing { get; }
public static PermissionSet Everything { get; }
// Methods
private static void .cctor(); // 0xA6C518
public static PermissionSet get_FullTrust(); // 0xA6C648
public static PermissionSet get_LocalIntranet(); // 0xA6C824
public static PermissionSet get_Internet(); // 0xA6CC80
public static PermissionSet get_SkipVerification(); // 0xA6D024
public static PermissionSet get_Execution(); // 0xA6D274
public static PermissionSet get_Nothing(); // 0xA6D4C4
public static PermissionSet get_Everything(); // 0xA6D6A0
public static StrongNameMembershipCondition FullTrustMembership(string name, Key key); // 0xA6DB7C
private static NamedPermissionSet BuildFullTrust(); // 0xA6C778
private static NamedPermissionSet BuildLocalIntranet(); // 0xA6C954
private static NamedPermissionSet BuildInternet(); // 0xA6CDB0
private static NamedPermissionSet BuildSkipVerification(); // 0xA6D154
private static NamedPermissionSet BuildExecution(); // 0xA6D3A4
private static NamedPermissionSet BuildNothing(); // 0xA6D5F4
private static NamedPermissionSet BuildEverything(); // 0xA6D7D0
private static SecurityElement PrintingPermission(string level); // 0xA6E1BC
// Namespace:
public enum Key // TypeDefIndex: 796
// Fields
public int value__; // 0x8
public const Key Ecma = 0; // 0x0
public const Key MsFinal = 1; // 0x0
// Namespace: System.Security.Policy
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x33B140
[MonoTODOAttribute] // 0x33B140
public sealed class Evidence : IEnumerable, ICollection // TypeDefIndex: 797
// Fields
private bool _locked; // 0x8
private ArrayList hostEvidenceList; // 0xC
private ArrayList assemblyEvidenceList; // 0x10
private int _hashCode; // 0x14
// Properties
public int Count { get; }
public bool IsSynchronized { get; }
public object SyncRoot { get; }
internal ArrayList HostEvidenceList { get; }
internal ArrayList AssemblyEvidenceList { get; }
// Methods
public void .ctor(); // 0xA6E2F8
public void .ctor(Evidence evidence); // 0xA6E300
public int get_Count(); // 0xA6E818
public bool get_IsSynchronized(); // 0xA6E870
public object get_SyncRoot(); // 0xA6E878
internal ArrayList get_HostEvidenceList(); // 0xA6E87C
internal ArrayList get_AssemblyEvidenceList(); // 0xA6E948
public void AddAssembly(object id); // 0xA6EA14
public void AddHost(object id); // 0xA6EA5C
public void CopyTo(Array array, int index); // 0xA6EBD4
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x33B198
public override bool Equals(object obj); // 0xA6EC94
public IEnumerator GetEnumerator(); // 0xA6EF80
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x33B1AC
public override int GetHashCode(); // 0xA6F090
public IEnumerator GetHostEnumerator(); // 0xA6F1B8
public void Merge(Evidence evidence); // 0xA6E330
internal static Evidence GetDefaultHostEvidence(Assembly a); // 0xA6F1EC
// Namespace:
private class EvidenceEnumerator : IEnumerator // TypeDefIndex: 798
// Fields
private IEnumerator currentEnum; // 0x8
private IEnumerator hostEnum; // 0xC
private IEnumerator assemblyEnum; // 0x10
// Properties
public object Current { get; }
// Methods
public void .ctor(IEnumerator hostenum, IEnumerator assemblyenum); // 0xA6F064
public bool MoveNext(); // 0xA6F278
public void Reset(); // 0xA6F410
public object get_Current(); // 0xA6F590
// Namespace: System.Security.Policy
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x33B1C0
public sealed class FileCodeGroup : CodeGroup // TypeDefIndex: 799
// Fields
private FileIOPermissionAccess m_access; // 0x1C
// Methods
public void .ctor(IMembershipCondition membershipCondition, FileIOPermissionAccess access); // 0xA6F684
internal void .ctor(SecurityElement e, PolicyLevel level); // 0xA6C464
public override CodeGroup Copy(); // 0xA6F6A4
public override PolicyStatement Resolve(Evidence evidence); // 0xA6FA40
public override bool Equals(object o); // 0xA700B4
public override int GetHashCode(); // 0xA70190
protected override void ParseXml(SecurityElement e, PolicyLevel level); // 0xA70248
protected override void CreateXml(SecurityElement element, PolicyLevel level); // 0xA703DC
// Namespace: System.Security.Policy
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x33B1D4
public sealed class FirstMatchCodeGroup : CodeGroup // TypeDefIndex: 800
// Methods
public void .ctor(IMembershipCondition membershipCondition, PolicyStatement policy); // 0xA704CC
internal void .ctor(SecurityElement e, PolicyLevel level); // 0xA6C468
public override CodeGroup Copy(); // 0xA704D0
public override PolicyStatement Resolve(Evidence evidence); // 0xA708F8
private FirstMatchCodeGroup CopyNoChildren(); // 0xA7083C
// Namespace: System.Security.Policy
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x33B1E8
public sealed class Hash : ISerializable, IBuiltInEvidence // TypeDefIndex: 801
// Fields
private Assembly assembly; // 0x8
private byte[] data; // 0xC
// Methods
internal void .ctor(); // 0xA70D6C
internal void .ctor(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context); // 0xA70D74
public void GetObjectData(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context); // 0xA70E9C
public override string ToString(); // 0xA711B4
private byte[] GetData(); // 0xA70F8C
// Namespace: System.Security.Policy
internal interface IBuiltInEvidence // TypeDefIndex: 802
// Namespace: System.Security.Policy
internal interface IConstantMembershipCondition // TypeDefIndex: 803
// Namespace: System.Security.Policy
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x33B1FC
public interface IIdentityPermissionFactory // TypeDefIndex: 804
// Methods
public abstract IPermission CreateIdentityPermission(Evidence evidence); // 0
// Namespace: System.Security.Policy
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x33B210
public interface IMembershipCondition : ISecurityEncodable, ISecurityPolicyEncodable // TypeDefIndex: 805
// Methods
public abstract bool Check(Evidence evidence); // 0
public abstract IMembershipCondition Copy(); // 0
public abstract bool Equals(object obj); // 0
// Namespace: System.Security.Policy
internal sealed class MembershipConditionHelper // TypeDefIndex: 806
// Fields
private static readonly string XmlTag; // 0x0
// Methods
private static void .cctor(); // 0xA713D4
internal static int CheckSecurityElement(SecurityElement se, string parameterName, int minimumVersion, int maximumVersion); // 0xA685D8
internal static SecurityElement Element(Type type, int version); // 0xA68C48
// Namespace: System.Security.Policy
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x33B224
public sealed class NetCodeGroup : CodeGroup // TypeDefIndex: 807
// Fields
public static readonly string AbsentOriginScheme; // 0x0
public static readonly string AnyOtherOriginScheme; // 0x4
private Hashtable _rules; // 0x1C
private int _hashcode; // 0x20
// Methods
public void .ctor(IMembershipCondition membershipCondition); // 0xA71464
internal void .ctor(SecurityElement e, PolicyLevel level); // 0xA6C46C
private static void .cctor(); // 0xA71508
public override CodeGroup Copy(); // 0xA715F8
private bool Equals(CodeConnectAccess[] rules1, CodeConnectAccess[] rules2); // 0xA71990
public override bool Equals(object o); // 0xA71A64
public override int GetHashCode(); // 0xA71E64
public override PolicyStatement Resolve(Evidence evidence); // 0xA72204
[MonoTODOAttribute] // 0x33B238
protected override void CreateXml(SecurityElement element, PolicyLevel level); // 0xA727B8
[MonoTODOAttribute] // 0x33B278
protected override void ParseXml(SecurityElement e, PolicyLevel level); // 0xA727BC
// Namespace: System.Security.Policy
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x33B2B8
public sealed class PermissionRequestEvidence : IBuiltInEvidence // TypeDefIndex: 808
// Fields
private PermissionSet requested; // 0x8
private PermissionSet optional; // 0xC
private PermissionSet denied; // 0x10
// Methods
public void .ctor(PermissionSet request, PermissionSet optional, PermissionSet denied); // 0xA727C0
public override string ToString(); // 0xA728D8
// Namespace: System.Security.Policy
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x33B2CC
public class PolicyException : SystemException, _Exception // TypeDefIndex: 809
// Methods
public void .ctor(); // 0xA72B68
public void .ctor(string message); // 0xA72C00
protected void .ctor(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context); // 0xA72C08
// Namespace: System.Security.Policy
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x33B2E0
public sealed class PolicyLevel // TypeDefIndex: 810
// Fields
private string label; // 0x8
private CodeGroup root_code_group; // 0xC
private ArrayList full_trust_assemblies; // 0x10
private ArrayList named_permission_sets; // 0x14
private string _location; // 0x18
private PolicyLevelType _type; // 0x1C
private Hashtable fullNames; // 0x20
private SecurityElement xml; // 0x24
// Methods
internal void .ctor(string label, PolicyLevelType type); // 0xA72C28
internal void LoadFromFile(string filename); // 0xA72CEC
private SecurityElement FromString(string xml); // 0xA73170
public void FromXml(SecurityElement e); // 0xA738E8
public NamedPermissionSet GetNamedPermissionSet(string name); // 0xA6B418
public PolicyStatement Resolve(Evidence evidence); // 0xA75964
public SecurityElement ToXml(); // 0xA75A58
internal void Save(); // 0xA75570
internal void CreateDefaultLevel(PolicyLevelType type); // 0xA7504C
internal void CreateDefaultFullTrustAssemblies(); // 0xA74A9C
internal void CreateDefaultNamedPermissionSets(); // 0xA74D54
internal bool IsFullTrustAssembly(Assembly a); // 0xA76D5C
// Namespace: System.Security.Policy
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x33B2F4
public sealed class PolicyStatement : ISecurityEncodable, ISecurityPolicyEncodable // TypeDefIndex: 811
// Fields
private PermissionSet perms; // 0x8
private PolicyStatementAttribute attrs; // 0xC
// Properties
public PermissionSet PermissionSet { get; set; }
public PolicyStatementAttribute Attributes { get; }
// Methods
public void .ctor(PermissionSet permSet); // 0xA69D68
public void .ctor(PermissionSet permSet, PolicyStatementAttribute attributes); // 0xA77358
public PermissionSet get_PermissionSet(); // 0xA6C3AC
public void set_PermissionSet(PermissionSet value); // 0xA700AC
public PolicyStatementAttribute get_Attributes(); // 0xA773B0
public PolicyStatement Copy(); // 0xA6A130
public void FromXml(SecurityElement et); // 0xA773B8
public void FromXml(SecurityElement et, PolicyLevel level); // 0xA69620
public SecurityElement ToXml(); // 0xA69D64
public SecurityElement ToXml(PolicyLevel level); // 0xA773BC
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x33B308
public override bool Equals(object obj); // 0xA7755C
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x33B31C
public override int GetHashCode(); // 0xA6B3D8
internal static PolicyStatement Empty(); // 0xA6FFFC
// Namespace: System.Security.Policy
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x33B330
[FlagsAttribute] // 0x33B330
public enum PolicyStatementAttribute // TypeDefIndex: 812
// Fields
public int value__; // 0x8
public const PolicyStatementAttribute Nothing = 0; // 0x0
public const PolicyStatementAttribute Exclusive = 1; // 0x0
public const PolicyStatementAttribute LevelFinal = 2; // 0x0
public const PolicyStatementAttribute All = 3; // 0x0
// Namespace: System.Security.Policy
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x33B364
public sealed class StrongName : IBuiltInEvidence, IIdentityPermissionFactory // TypeDefIndex: 813
// Fields
private StrongNamePublicKeyBlob publickey; // 0x8
private string name; // 0xC
private Version version; // 0x10
// Properties
public string Name { get; }
public StrongNamePublicKeyBlob PublicKey { get; }
public Version Version { get; }
// Methods
public string get_Name(); // 0xA77644
public StrongNamePublicKeyBlob get_PublicKey(); // 0xA7764C
public Version get_Version(); // 0xA77654
public IPermission CreateIdentityPermission(Evidence evidence); // 0xA7765C
public override bool Equals(object o); // 0xA77708
public override int GetHashCode(); // 0xA7784C
public override string ToString(); // 0xA77874
// Namespace: System.Security.Policy
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x33B378
public sealed class StrongNameMembershipCondition : IConstantMembershipCondition, IMembershipCondition, ISecurityEncodable, ISecurityPolicyEncodable // TypeDefIndex: 814
// Fields
private readonly int version; // 0x8
private StrongNamePublicKeyBlob blob; // 0xC
private string name; // 0x10
private Version assemblyVersion; // 0x14
// Properties
public string Name { get; }
public Version Version { get; }
public StrongNamePublicKeyBlob PublicKey { get; }
// Methods
public void .ctor(StrongNamePublicKeyBlob blob, string name, Version version); // 0xA6DF8C
internal void .ctor(SecurityElement e); // 0xA75930
internal void .ctor(); // 0xA77A78
public string get_Name(); // 0xA77A88
public Version get_Version(); // 0xA77A90
public StrongNamePublicKeyBlob get_PublicKey(); // 0xA77A98
public bool Check(Evidence evidence); // 0xA77AA0
public IMembershipCondition Copy(); // 0xA77D40
public override bool Equals(object o); // 0xA771E4
public override int GetHashCode(); // 0xA77DEC
public void FromXml(SecurityElement e); // 0xA77A74
public void FromXml(SecurityElement e, PolicyLevel level); // 0xA77E14
public override string ToString(); // 0xA77FAC
public SecurityElement ToXml(); // 0xA780F8
public SecurityElement ToXml(PolicyLevel level); // 0xA76AF0
// Namespace: System.Security.Policy
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x33B38C
public sealed class UnionCodeGroup : CodeGroup // TypeDefIndex: 815
// Methods
public void .ctor(IMembershipCondition membershipCondition, PolicyStatement policy); // 0xA76D58
internal void .ctor(SecurityElement e, PolicyLevel level); // 0xA6C514
public override CodeGroup Copy(); // 0xA780FC
internal CodeGroup Copy(bool childs); // 0xA78104
public override PolicyStatement Resolve(Evidence evidence); // 0xA784AC
// Namespace: System.Security.Policy
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x33B3A0
public sealed class Zone : IBuiltInEvidence, IIdentityPermissionFactory // TypeDefIndex: 816
// Fields
private SecurityZone zone; // 0x8
// Properties
public SecurityZone SecurityZone { get; }
// Methods
public SecurityZone get_SecurityZone(); // 0xA78A30
public IPermission CreateIdentityPermission(Evidence evidence); // 0xA78A38
public override bool Equals(object o); // 0xA78AD8
public override int GetHashCode(); // 0xA78B84
public override string ToString(); // 0xA78B8C
// Namespace: System.Security.Policy
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x33B3B4
public sealed class ZoneMembershipCondition : IConstantMembershipCondition, IMembershipCondition, ISecurityEncodable, ISecurityPolicyEncodable // TypeDefIndex: 817
// Fields
private readonly int version; // 0x8
private SecurityZone zone; // 0xC
// Properties
public SecurityZone SecurityZone { get; set; }
// Methods
internal void .ctor(); // 0x1059104
public void .ctor(SecurityZone zone); // 0x1059114
public SecurityZone get_SecurityZone(); // 0x10592F0
public void set_SecurityZone(SecurityZone value); // 0x1059148
public bool Check(Evidence evidence); // 0x1059404
public IMembershipCondition Copy(); // 0x10595EC
public override bool Equals(object o); // 0x1059698
public void FromXml(SecurityElement e); // 0x1059744
public void FromXml(SecurityElement e, PolicyLevel level); // 0x1059748
public override int GetHashCode(); // 0x1059A08
public override string ToString(); // 0x1059AC0
public SecurityElement ToXml(); // 0x1059C98
public SecurityElement ToXml(PolicyLevel level); // 0x1059C9C
// Namespace: System.Security.Principal
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x33B3C8
public interface IIdentity // TypeDefIndex: 818
// Namespace: System.Security.Principal
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x33B3DC
public interface IPrincipal // TypeDefIndex: 819
// Namespace: System.Security.Principal
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x33B3F0
public enum PrincipalPolicy // TypeDefIndex: 820
// Fields
public int value__; // 0x8
public const PrincipalPolicy UnauthenticatedPrincipal = 0; // 0x0
public const PrincipalPolicy NoPrincipal = 1; // 0x0
public const PrincipalPolicy WindowsPrincipal = 2; // 0x0
// Namespace: System.Security.Principal
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x33B404
public enum WindowsAccountType // TypeDefIndex: 821
// Fields
public int value__; // 0x8
public const WindowsAccountType Normal = 0; // 0x0
public const WindowsAccountType Guest = 1; // 0x0
public const WindowsAccountType System = 2; // 0x0
public const WindowsAccountType Anonymous = 3; // 0x0
// Namespace: System.Security.Principal
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x33B418
public class WindowsIdentity : IDisposable, ISerializable, IDeserializationCallback, IIdentity // TypeDefIndex: 822
// Fields
private IntPtr _token; // 0x8
private string _type; // 0xC
private WindowsAccountType _account; // 0x10
private bool _authenticated; // 0x14
private string _name; // 0x18
private SerializationInfo _info; // 0x1C
private static IntPtr invalidWindows; // 0x0
// Methods
public void .ctor(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context); // 0x105A070
private static void .cctor(); // 0x105A090
private void System.Runtime.Serialization.IDeserializationCallback.OnDeserialization(object sender); // 0x105A128
private void System.Runtime.Serialization.ISerializable.GetObjectData(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context); // 0x105A684
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x33B42C
public void Dispose(); // 0x105A7FC
internal static IntPtr GetCurrentToken(); // 0x105A884
private static string GetTokenName(IntPtr token); // 0x105A528
// Namespace: System.Security
[AttributeUsageAttribute] // 0x33B440
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x33B440
public sealed class AllowPartiallyTrustedCallersAttribute : Attribute // TypeDefIndex: 823
// Methods
public void .ctor(); // 0x12CC2DC
// Namespace: System.Security
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x33B49C
[MonoTODOAttribute] // 0x33B49C
public abstract class CodeAccessPermission : IPermission, ISecurityEncodable, IStackWalk // TypeDefIndex: 824
// Methods
protected void .ctor(); // 0x12CC2E4
public void Demand(); // 0x12CC2EC
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x33B4F4
public override bool Equals(object obj); // 0x12CC2F0
public abstract void FromXml(SecurityElement elem); // 0
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x33B508
public override int GetHashCode(); // 0x12CC42C
public abstract bool IsSubsetOf(IPermission target); // 0
public override string ToString(); // 0x12CC434
public abstract SecurityElement ToXml(); // 0
internal SecurityElement Element(int version); // 0x12CC46C
internal static PermissionState CheckPermissionState(PermissionState state, bool allowUnrestricted); // 0x12CC66C
internal static int CheckSecurityElement(SecurityElement se, string parameterName, int minimumVersion, int maximumVersion); // 0x12CC7C0
internal static bool IsUnrestricted(SecurityElement se); // 0x12CCC28
internal static void ThrowInvalidPermission(IPermission target, Type expected); // 0x12CCDDC
// Namespace: System.Security
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x33B51C
public interface IPermission : ISecurityEncodable // TypeDefIndex: 825
// Namespace: System.Security
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x33B530
public interface ISecurityEncodable // TypeDefIndex: 826
// Methods
public abstract void FromXml(SecurityElement e); // 0
public abstract SecurityElement ToXml(); // 0
// Namespace: System.Security
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x33B544
public interface ISecurityPolicyEncodable // TypeDefIndex: 827
// Methods
public abstract void FromXml(SecurityElement e, PolicyLevel level); // 0
// Namespace: System.Security
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x33B558
public interface IStackWalk // TypeDefIndex: 828
// Namespace: System.Security
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x33B56C
public sealed class NamedPermissionSet : PermissionSet // TypeDefIndex: 829
// Fields
private string name; // 0x10
private string description; // 0x14
// Properties
public string Name { get; set; }
// Methods
internal void .ctor(); // 0xA5C424
public void .ctor(string name, PermissionState state); // 0xA5C434
public void .ctor(NamedPermissionSet permSet); // 0xA5C59C
public string get_Name(); // 0xA5C5E0
public void set_Name(string value); // 0xA5C464
public override PermissionSet Copy(); // 0xA5C5E8
public override void FromXml(SecurityElement et); // 0xA5C678
public override SecurityElement ToXml(); // 0xA5C7A0
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x33B580
public override bool Equals(object obj); // 0xA5C82C
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x33B594
public override int GetHashCode(); // 0xA5C93C
// Namespace: System.Security
internal static class PermissionBuilder // TypeDefIndex: 830
// Fields
private static object[] psNone; // 0x0
// Methods
private static void .cctor(); // 0xA5C974
public static IPermission Create(string fullname, PermissionState state); // 0xA5CAA8
public static IPermission Create(SecurityElement se); // 0xA5CF14
public static IPermission Create(Type type); // 0xA5D094
internal static IPermission CreatePermission(string fullname, SecurityElement se); // 0xA5CC94
// Namespace: System.Security
public class PermissionSet // TypeDefIndex: 831
// Fields
[CompilerGeneratedAttribute] // 0x33B5A8
private PolicyLevel <Resolver>k__BackingField; // 0x8
[CompilerGeneratedAttribute] // 0x33B5B8
private bool <DeclarativeSecurity>k__BackingField; // 0xC
// Properties
internal PolicyLevel Resolver { set; }
internal bool DeclarativeSecurity { set; }
// Methods
public void .ctor(); // 0xA5C42C
internal void .ctor(string xml); // 0xA681D4
public void .ctor(PermissionState state); // 0xA5C45C
public void .ctor(PermissionSet permSet); // 0xA5C5D8
public IPermission AddPermission(IPermission perm); // 0xA681DC
public virtual PermissionSet Copy(); // 0xA681E4
public virtual IPermission GetPermission(Type permClass); // 0xA68270
public virtual PermissionSet Intersect(PermissionSet other); // 0xA68278
public virtual void FromXml(SecurityElement et); // 0xA5C79C
public virtual SecurityElement ToXml(); // 0xA5C824
public virtual bool IsSubsetOf(PermissionSet target); // 0xA68280
internal void SetReadOnly(bool value); // 0xA68288
public bool IsUnrestricted(); // 0xA6828C
public PermissionSet Union(PermissionSet other); // 0xA68294
[CompilerGeneratedAttribute] // 0x33B5C8
internal void set_Resolver(PolicyLevel value); // 0xA68320
[CompilerGeneratedAttribute] // 0x33B5D8
internal void set_DeclarativeSecurity(bool value); // 0xA68328
internal static PermissionSet CreateFromBinaryFormat(byte[] data); // 0xA68330
// Namespace: System.Security
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x33B5E8
public enum PolicyLevelType // TypeDefIndex: 832
// Fields
public int value__; // 0x8
public const PolicyLevelType User = 0; // 0x0
public const PolicyLevelType Machine = 1; // 0x0
public const PolicyLevelType Enterprise = 2; // 0x0
public const PolicyLevelType AppDomain = 3; // 0x0
// Namespace: System.Security
public sealed class SecurityContext // TypeDefIndex: 833
// Fields
private bool _capture; // 0x8
private IntPtr _winid; // 0xC
private CompressedStack _stack; // 0x10
private bool _suppressFlowWindowsIdentity; // 0x14
private bool _suppressFlow; // 0x15
// Properties
internal bool FlowSuppressed { get; }
internal CompressedStack CompressedStack { get; }
// Methods
internal void .ctor(); // 0x105A888
internal void .ctor(SecurityContext sc); // 0x105A890
public static SecurityContext Capture(); // 0x105A974
internal bool get_FlowSuppressed(); // 0x105AD84
internal CompressedStack get_CompressedStack(); // 0x105AF00
// Namespace: System.Security
[AttributeUsageAttribute] // 0x33B5FC
[MonoTODOAttribute] // 0x33B5FC
public sealed class SecurityCriticalAttribute : Attribute // TypeDefIndex: 834
// Fields
private SecurityCriticalScope _scope; // 0x8
// Methods
public void .ctor(); // 0x105AF08
// Namespace: System.Security
public enum SecurityCriticalScope // TypeDefIndex: 835
// Fields
public int value__; // 0x8
public const SecurityCriticalScope Explicit = 0; // 0x0
public const SecurityCriticalScope Everything = 1; // 0x0
// Namespace: System.Security
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x33B678
public sealed class SecurityElement // TypeDefIndex: 836
// Fields
private string text; // 0x8
private string tag; // 0xC
private ArrayList attributes; // 0x10
private ArrayList children; // 0x14
private static readonly char[] invalid_tag_chars; // 0x0
private static readonly char[] invalid_text_chars; // 0x4
private static readonly char[] invalid_attr_name_chars; // 0x8
private static readonly char[] invalid_attr_value_chars; // 0xC
private static readonly char[] invalid_chars; // 0x10
// Properties
public Hashtable Attributes { get; }
public ArrayList Children { get; }
public string Tag { get; }
public string Text { set; }
// Methods
public void .ctor(string tag); // 0x105AF28
public void .ctor(string tag, string text); // 0x105AF30
private static void .cctor(); // 0x105B7DC
public Hashtable get_Attributes(); // 0x105BAF0
public ArrayList get_Children(); // 0x105BE48
public string get_Tag(); // 0x105BE50
public void set_Text(string value); // 0x105B628
public void AddAttribute(string name, string value); // 0x1059E2C
public void AddChild(SecurityElement child); // 0x105C854
public string Attribute(string name); // 0x1059930
public static string Escape(string str); // 0x105C978
private static string Unescape(string str); // 0x105BF30
public static bool IsValidAttributeName(string name); // 0x105D198
public static bool IsValidAttributeValue(string value); // 0x105D270
public static bool IsValidTag(string tag); // 0x105B114
public static bool IsValidText(string text); // 0x105BE58
public SecurityElement SearchForChildByTag(string tag); // 0x105D348
public override string ToString(); // 0x105D5D4
private void ToXml(StringBuilder s, int level); // 0x105D698
internal SecurityAttribute GetAttribute(string name); // 0x105C104
// Namespace:
internal class SecurityAttribute // TypeDefIndex: 837
// Fields
private string _name; // 0x8
private string _value; // 0xC
// Properties
public string Name { get; }
public string Value { get; }
// Methods
public void .ctor(string name, string value); // 0x105C5E0
public string get_Name(); // 0x105BE38
public string get_Value(); // 0x105BE40
// Namespace: System.Security
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x33B68C
public class SecurityException : SystemException // TypeDefIndex: 838
// Fields
private string permissionState; // 0x34
private Type permissionType; // 0x38
private string _granted; // 0x3C
private string _refused; // 0x40
private object _demanded; // 0x44
private IPermission _firstperm; // 0x48
private MethodInfo _method; // 0x4C
private Evidence _evidence; // 0x50
// Properties
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x33B6A0
public object Demanded { get; }
public IPermission FirstPermissionThatFailed { get; }
public string PermissionState { get; }
public Type PermissionType { get; }
public string GrantedSet { get; }
public string RefusedSet { get; }
// Methods
public void .ctor(); // 0x105DED0
public void .ctor(string message); // 0x105DFBC
protected void .ctor(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context); // 0x105DFFC
public object get_Demanded(); // 0x105E284
public IPermission get_FirstPermissionThatFailed(); // 0x105E28C
public string get_PermissionState(); // 0x105E294
public Type get_PermissionType(); // 0x105E29C
public string get_GrantedSet(); // 0x105E2A4
public string get_RefusedSet(); // 0x105E2AC
public override void GetObjectData(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context); // 0x105E2B4
public override string ToString(); // 0x105E428
// Namespace: System.Security
internal struct RuntimeDeclSecurityEntry // TypeDefIndex: 839
// Fields
public IntPtr blob; // 0x8
public int size; // 0xC
public int index; // 0x10
// Namespace: System.Security
internal class RuntimeSecurityFrame // TypeDefIndex: 840
// Fields
public AppDomain domain; // 0x8
public MethodInfo method; // 0xC
public RuntimeDeclSecurityEntry assert; // 0x10
public RuntimeDeclSecurityEntry deny; // 0x1C
public RuntimeDeclSecurityEntry permitonly; // 0x28
// Namespace: System.Security
internal struct SecurityFrame // TypeDefIndex: 841
// Fields
private AppDomain _domain; // 0x8
private MethodInfo _method; // 0xC
private PermissionSet _assert; // 0x10
private PermissionSet _deny; // 0x14
private PermissionSet _permitonly; // 0x18
// Properties
public Assembly Assembly { get; }
public AppDomain Domain { get; }
// Methods
internal void .ctor(RuntimeSecurityFrame frame); // 0x105F3EC
private static Array _GetSecurityStack(int skip); // 0x105F404
internal void InitFromRuntimeFrame(RuntimeSecurityFrame frame); // 0x105F818
public Assembly get_Assembly(); // 0x105F86C
public AppDomain get_Domain(); // 0x105F874
public override string ToString(); // 0x105FA9C
public static ArrayList GetStack(int skipFrames); // 0x105FAA4
// Namespace: System.Security
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x33B6B4
public static class SecurityManager // TypeDefIndex: 842
// Fields
private static object _lockObject; // 0x0
private static ArrayList _hierarchy; // 0x4
private static Hashtable _declsecCache; // 0x8
private static PolicyLevel _level; // 0xC
private static SecurityPermission _execution; // 0x10
// Properties
public static bool CheckExecutionRights { get; }
[ObsoleteAttribute] // 0x33B6C8
public static bool SecurityEnabled { get; }
private static IEnumerator Hierarchy { get; }
internal static PolicyLevel ResolvingPolicyLevel { get; set; }
// Methods
private static void .cctor(); // 0x105FC30
public static bool get_CheckExecutionRights(); // 0x105FD00
public static bool get_SecurityEnabled(); // 0x105FD04
public static PermissionSet ResolvePolicy(Evidence evidence); // 0x105FD08
public static PermissionSet ResolvePolicy(Evidence evidence, PermissionSet reqdPset, PermissionSet optPset, PermissionSet denyPset, out PermissionSet denied); // 0x106064C
private static IEnumerator get_Hierarchy(); // 0x10600B8
private static void InitializePolicyHierarchy(); // 0x10608E0
internal static bool ResolvePolicyLevel(PermissionSet ps, PolicyLevel pl, Evidence evidence); // 0x1060290
internal static void ResolveIdentityPermissions(PermissionSet ps, Evidence evidence); // 0x10603CC
internal static PolicyLevel get_ResolvingPolicyLevel(); // 0x1060CA8
internal static void set_ResolvingPolicyLevel(PolicyLevel value); // 0x1060D58
internal static PermissionSet Decode(IntPtr permissions, int length); // 0x105F40C
internal static PermissionSet Decode(byte[] encodedPermissions); // 0x1060E0C
// Namespace: System.Security
[MonoTODOAttribute] // 0x33B708
[AttributeUsageAttribute] // 0x33B708
public sealed class SecuritySafeCriticalAttribute : Attribute // TypeDefIndex: 843
// Methods
public void .ctor(); // 0x1061270
// Namespace: System.Security
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x33B784
public enum SecurityZone // TypeDefIndex: 844
// Fields
public int value__; // 0x8
public const SecurityZone MyComputer = 0; // 0x0
public const SecurityZone Intranet = 1; // 0x0
public const SecurityZone Trusted = 2; // 0x0
public const SecurityZone Internet = 3; // 0x0
public const SecurityZone Untrusted = 4; // 0x0
public const SecurityZone NoZone = -1; // 0x0
// Namespace: System.Security
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x33B798
[AttributeUsageAttribute] // 0x33B798
public sealed class SuppressUnmanagedCodeSecurityAttribute : Attribute // TypeDefIndex: 845
// Methods
public void .ctor(); // 0x1061278
// Namespace: System.Security
[AttributeUsageAttribute] // 0x33B7F4
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x33B7F4
public sealed class UnverifiableCodeAttribute : Attribute // TypeDefIndex: 846
// Methods
public void .ctor(); // 0x1061280
// Namespace: System.Text
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x33B850
[MonoTODOAttribute] // 0x33B850
public class ASCIIEncoding : Encoding // TypeDefIndex: 847
// Methods
public void .ctor(); // 0x106FB48
public override int GetByteCount(char[] chars, int index, int count); // 0x106FE44
public override int GetByteCount(string chars); // 0x1070038
public override int GetBytes(char[] chars, int charIndex, int charCount, byte[] bytes, int byteIndex); // 0x10700F0
private int GetBytes(char[] chars, int charIndex, int charCount, byte[] bytes, int byteIndex, EncoderFallbackBuffer buffer, char[] fallback_chars); // 0x1070130
public override int GetBytes(string chars, int charIndex, int charCount, byte[] bytes, int byteIndex); // 0x10707F0
private int GetBytes(string chars, int charIndex, int charCount, byte[] bytes, int byteIndex, EncoderFallbackBuffer buffer, char[] fallback_chars); // 0x1070830
public override int GetCharCount(byte[] bytes, int index, int count); // 0x1070EA8
public override int GetChars(byte[] bytes, int byteIndex, int byteCount, char[] chars, int charIndex); // 0x1071094
private int GetChars(byte[] bytes, int byteIndex, int byteCount, char[] chars, int charIndex, DecoderFallbackBuffer buffer); // 0x10710C8
public override int GetMaxByteCount(int charCount); // 0x107155C
public override int GetMaxCharCount(int byteCount); // 0x1071660
public override string GetString(byte[] bytes, int byteIndex, int byteCount); // 0x1071764
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x33B8A8
[CLSCompliantAttribute] // 0x33B8A8
public override int GetBytes(char* chars, int charCount, byte* bytes, int byteCount); // 0x1071A38
[CLSCompliantAttribute] // 0x33B8E0
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x33B8E0
public override int GetByteCount(char* chars, int count); // 0x1071C30
[MonoTODOAttribute] // 0x33B918
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x33B918
public override Decoder GetDecoder(); // 0x1071C38
// Namespace: System.Text
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x33B970
public abstract class Decoder // TypeDefIndex: 848
// Fields
private DecoderFallback fallback; // 0x8
private DecoderFallbackBuffer fallback_buffer; // 0xC
// Properties
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x33B984
public DecoderFallback Fallback { set; }
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x33B998
public DecoderFallbackBuffer FallbackBuffer { get; }
// Methods
protected void .ctor(); // 0x1071CCC
public void set_Fallback(DecoderFallback value); // 0x1071DE8
public DecoderFallbackBuffer get_FallbackBuffer(); // 0x1071E98
public abstract int GetChars(byte[] bytes, int byteIndex, int byteCount, char[] chars, int charIndex); // 0
// Namespace: System.Text
public sealed class DecoderExceptionFallback : DecoderFallback // TypeDefIndex: 849
// Methods
public void .ctor(); // 0x1071EE0
public override DecoderFallbackBuffer CreateFallbackBuffer(); // 0x1071F8C
public override bool Equals(object value); // 0x1072020
public override int GetHashCode(); // 0x10720B8
// Namespace: System.Text
public sealed class DecoderExceptionFallbackBuffer : DecoderFallbackBuffer // TypeDefIndex: 850
// Properties
public override int Remaining { get; }
// Methods
public void .ctor(); // 0x1072018
public override int get_Remaining(); // 0x10720C8
public override bool Fallback(byte[] bytesUnknown, int index); // 0x10720D0
public override char GetNextChar(); // 0x10721B8
// Namespace: System.Text
public abstract class DecoderFallback // TypeDefIndex: 851
// Fields
private static DecoderFallback exception_fallback; // 0x0
private static DecoderFallback replacement_fallback; // 0x4
private static DecoderFallback standard_safe_fallback; // 0x8
// Properties
public static DecoderFallback ExceptionFallback { get; }
public static DecoderFallback ReplacementFallback { get; }
internal static DecoderFallback StandardSafeFallback { get; }
// Methods
protected void .ctor(); // 0x1071F84
private static void .cctor(); // 0x10721C0
public static DecoderFallback get_ExceptionFallback(); // 0x10723A0
public static DecoderFallback get_ReplacementFallback(); // 0x1072450
internal static DecoderFallback get_StandardSafeFallback(); // 0x1072500
public abstract DecoderFallbackBuffer CreateFallbackBuffer(); // 0
// Namespace: System.Text
public abstract class DecoderFallbackBuffer // TypeDefIndex: 852
// Properties
public abstract int Remaining { get; }
// Methods
protected void .ctor(); // 0x10720C0
public abstract int get_Remaining(); // 0
public abstract bool Fallback(byte[] bytesUnknown, int index); // 0
public abstract char GetNextChar(); // 0
public virtual void Reset(); // 0x10725B0
// Namespace: System.Text
public sealed class DecoderFallbackException : ArgumentException // TypeDefIndex: 853
// Fields
private byte[] bytes_unknown; // 0x38
private int index; // 0x3C
// Methods
public void .ctor(); // 0x10725B4
public void .ctor(string message); // 0x10725C8
public void .ctor(string message, byte[] bytesUnknown, int index); // 0x1072184
// Namespace: System.Text
public sealed class DecoderReplacementFallback : DecoderFallback // TypeDefIndex: 854
// Fields
private string replacement; // 0x8
// Properties
public string DefaultString { get; }
// Methods
public void .ctor(); // 0x1071D64
[MonoTODOAttribute] // 0x33B9AC
public void .ctor(string replacement); // 0x10722B4
public string get_DefaultString(); // 0x10725D8
public override DecoderFallbackBuffer CreateFallbackBuffer(); // 0x10725E0
public override bool Equals(object value); // 0x1072744
public override int GetHashCode(); // 0x1072828
// Namespace: System.Text
public sealed class DecoderReplacementFallbackBuffer : DecoderFallbackBuffer // TypeDefIndex: 855
// Fields
private bool fallback_assigned; // 0x8
private int current; // 0xC
private string replacement; // 0x10
// Properties
public override int Remaining { get; }
// Methods
public void .ctor(DecoderReplacementFallback fallback); // 0x1072670
public override int get_Remaining(); // 0x1072850
public override bool Fallback(byte[] bytesUnknown, int index); // 0x1072894
public override char GetNextChar(); // 0x1072A3C
public override void Reset(); // 0x1072A94
// Namespace: System.Text
public sealed class EncoderExceptionFallback : EncoderFallback // TypeDefIndex: 856
// Methods
public void .ctor(); // 0x1072AA4
public override EncoderFallbackBuffer CreateFallbackBuffer(); // 0x1072B50
public override bool Equals(object value); // 0x1072BE4
public override int GetHashCode(); // 0x1072C7C
// Namespace: System.Text
public sealed class EncoderExceptionFallbackBuffer : EncoderFallbackBuffer // TypeDefIndex: 857
// Properties
public override int Remaining { get; }
// Methods
public void .ctor(); // 0x1072BDC
public override int get_Remaining(); // 0x1072C8C
public override bool Fallback(char charUnknown, int index); // 0x1072C94
public override bool Fallback(char charUnknownHigh, char charUnknownLow, int index); // 0x1072D80
public override char GetNextChar(); // 0x1072E7C
// Namespace: System.Text
public abstract class EncoderFallback // TypeDefIndex: 858
// Fields
private static EncoderFallback exception_fallback; // 0x0
private static EncoderFallback replacement_fallback; // 0x4
private static EncoderFallback standard_safe_fallback; // 0x8
// Properties
public static EncoderFallback ExceptionFallback { get; }
public static EncoderFallback ReplacementFallback { get; }
internal static EncoderFallback StandardSafeFallback { get; }
// Methods
protected void .ctor(); // 0x1072B48
private static void .cctor(); // 0x1072E84
public static EncoderFallback get_ExceptionFallback(); // 0x10730E8
public static EncoderFallback get_ReplacementFallback(); // 0x1073198
internal static EncoderFallback get_StandardSafeFallback(); // 0x1073248
public abstract EncoderFallbackBuffer CreateFallbackBuffer(); // 0
// Namespace: System.Text
public abstract class EncoderFallbackBuffer // TypeDefIndex: 859
// Properties
public abstract int Remaining { get; }
// Methods
protected void .ctor(); // 0x1072C84
public abstract int get_Remaining(); // 0
public abstract bool Fallback(char charUnknown, int index); // 0
public abstract bool Fallback(char charUnknownHigh, char charUnknownLow, int index); // 0
public abstract char GetNextChar(); // 0
// Namespace: System.Text
public sealed class EncoderFallbackException : ArgumentException // TypeDefIndex: 860
// Fields
private char char_unknown; // 0x38
private char char_unknown_high; // 0x3A
private char char_unknown_low; // 0x3C
private int index; // 0x40
// Methods
public void .ctor(); // 0x10732F8
public void .ctor(string message); // 0x107330C
internal void .ctor(char charUnknown, int index); // 0x1072D48
internal void .ctor(char charUnknownHigh, char charUnknownLow, int index); // 0x1072E3C
// Namespace: System.Text
public sealed class EncoderReplacementFallback : EncoderFallback // TypeDefIndex: 861
// Fields
private string replacement; // 0x8
// Properties
public string DefaultString { get; }
// Methods
public void .ctor(); // 0x1072F78
[MonoTODOAttribute] // 0x33B9BC
public void .ctor(string replacement); // 0x1072FFC
public string get_DefaultString(); // 0x107331C
public override EncoderFallbackBuffer CreateFallbackBuffer(); // 0x1073324
public override bool Equals(object value); // 0x1073488
public override int GetHashCode(); // 0x107356C
// Namespace: System.Text
public sealed class EncoderReplacementFallbackBuffer : EncoderFallbackBuffer // TypeDefIndex: 862
// Fields
private string replacement; // 0x8
private int current; // 0xC
private bool fallback_assigned; // 0x10
// Properties
public override int Remaining { get; }
// Methods
public void .ctor(EncoderReplacementFallback fallback); // 0x10733B4
public override int get_Remaining(); // 0x1073594
public override bool Fallback(char charUnknown, int index); // 0x10735C0
public override bool Fallback(char charUnknownHigh, char charUnknownLow, int index); // 0x1073718
private bool Fallback(int index); // 0x10735C8
public override char GetNextChar(); // 0x1073720
// Namespace: System.Text
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x33B9CC
public abstract class Encoding : ICloneable // TypeDefIndex: 863
// Fields
internal int codePage; // 0x8
internal int windows_code_page; // 0xC
private bool is_readonly; // 0x10
private DecoderFallback decoder_fallback; // 0x14
private EncoderFallback encoder_fallback; // 0x18
private static Assembly i18nAssembly; // 0x0
private static bool i18nDisabled; // 0x4
private static EncodingInfo[] encoding_infos; // 0x8
private static readonly object[] encodings; // 0xC
internal string body_name; // 0x1C
internal string encoding_name; // 0x20
internal string header_name; // 0x24
internal bool is_mail_news_display; // 0x28
internal bool is_mail_news_save; // 0x29
internal bool is_browser_save; // 0x2A
internal bool is_browser_display; // 0x2B
internal string web_name; // 0x2C
private static Encoding asciiEncoding; // 0x10
private static Encoding bigEndianEncoding; // 0x14
private static Encoding defaultEncoding; // 0x18
private static Encoding utf7Encoding; // 0x1C
private static Encoding utf8EncodingWithMarkers; // 0x20
private static Encoding utf8EncodingWithoutMarkers; // 0x24
private static Encoding unicodeEncoding; // 0x28
private static Encoding isoLatin1Encoding; // 0x2C
private static Encoding utf8EncodingUnsafe; // 0x30
private static Encoding utf32Encoding; // 0x34
private static Encoding bigEndianUTF32Encoding; // 0x38
private static readonly object lockobj; // 0x3C
// Properties
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x33BA74
public bool IsReadOnly { get; }
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x33BA88
public DecoderFallback DecoderFallback { get; set; }
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x33BA9C
public EncoderFallback EncoderFallback { get; }
public virtual string HeaderName { get; }
public virtual string WebName { get; }
public static Encoding ASCII { get; }
public static Encoding BigEndianUnicode { get; }
public static Encoding Default { get; }
private static Encoding ISOLatin1 { get; }
public static Encoding UTF7 { get; }
public static Encoding UTF8 { get; }
internal static Encoding UTF8Unmarked { get; }
internal static Encoding UTF8UnmarkedUnsafe { get; }
public static Encoding Unicode { get; }
public static Encoding UTF32 { get; }
internal static Encoding BigEndianUTF32 { get; }
// Methods
protected void .ctor(); // 0x1073770
protected void .ctor(int codePage); // 0x106FC30
private static void .cctor(); // 0x1073780
internal static string _(string arg); // 0x1070030
public bool get_IsReadOnly(); // 0x1074A80
public DecoderFallback get_DecoderFallback(); // 0x1071554
public void set_DecoderFallback(DecoderFallback value); // 0x1074A88
public EncoderFallback get_EncoderFallback(); // 0x10707E8
internal void SetFallbackInternal(EncoderFallback e, DecoderFallback d); // 0x1074B80
public override bool Equals(object value); // 0x1074B94
public abstract int GetByteCount(char[] chars, int index, int count); // 0
public virtual int GetByteCount(string s); // 0x1074CB4
public virtual int GetByteCount(char[] chars); // 0x1074DAC
public abstract int GetBytes(char[] chars, int charIndex, int charCount, byte[] bytes, int byteIndex); // 0
public virtual int GetBytes(string s, int charIndex, int charCount, byte[] bytes, int byteIndex); // 0x1074E94
public virtual byte[] GetBytes(string s); // 0x1075184
public virtual byte[] GetBytes(char[] chars, int index, int count); // 0x107534C
public virtual byte[] GetBytes(char[] chars); // 0x1075450
public abstract int GetCharCount(byte[] bytes, int index, int count); // 0
public abstract int GetChars(byte[] bytes, int byteIndex, int byteCount, char[] chars, int charIndex); // 0
public virtual char[] GetChars(byte[] bytes, int index, int count); // 0x107555C
public virtual char[] GetChars(byte[] bytes); // 0x1075660
public virtual Decoder GetDecoder(); // 0x1071C3C
private static object InvokeI18N(string name, object[] args); // 0x10757F4
public static Encoding GetEncoding(int codepage); // 0x1076044
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x33B9F0
public virtual object Clone(); // 0x10779B0
public static Encoding GetEncoding(string name); // 0x1077A54
public override int GetHashCode(); // 0x1078184
public abstract int GetMaxByteCount(int charCount); // 0
public abstract int GetMaxCharCount(int byteCount); // 0
public virtual byte[] GetPreamble(); // 0x10781F8
public virtual string GetString(byte[] bytes, int index, int count); // 0x1078284
public virtual string GetString(byte[] bytes); // 0x10782B4
public virtual string get_HeaderName(); // 0x107839C
public virtual string get_WebName(); // 0x10783A4
public static Encoding get_ASCII(); // 0x107673C
public static Encoding get_BigEndianUnicode(); // 0x10773B4
internal static string InternalCodePage(int code_page); // 0x10783C8
public static Encoding get_Default(); // 0x106DD18
private static Encoding get_ISOLatin1(); // 0x107763C
public static Encoding get_UTF7(); // 0x10769B0
public static Encoding get_UTF8(); // 0x1076C28
internal static Encoding get_UTF8Unmarked(); // 0x10783D0
internal static Encoding get_UTF8UnmarkedUnsafe(); // 0x10788B8
public static Encoding get_Unicode(); // 0x1060FE8
public static Encoding get_UTF32(); // 0x1076EA4
internal static Encoding get_BigEndianUTF32(); // 0x107712C
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x33BA04
[CLSCompliantAttribute] // 0x33BA04
public virtual int GetByteCount(char* chars, int count); // 0x1078C80
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x33BA3C
[CLSCompliantAttribute] // 0x33BA3C
public virtual int GetBytes(char* chars, int charCount, byte* bytes, int byteCount); // 0x1078E30
// Namespace:
private sealed class ForwardingDecoder : Decoder // TypeDefIndex: 864
// Fields
private Encoding encoding; // 0x10
// Methods
public void .ctor(Encoding enc); // 0x10757B0
public override int GetChars(byte[] bytes, int byteIndex, int byteCount, char[] chars, int charIndex); // 0x1079110
// Namespace: System.Text
public sealed class EncodingInfo // TypeDefIndex: 865
// Fields
private readonly int codepage; // 0x8
private Encoding encoding; // 0xC
// Methods
public override bool Equals(object value); // 0x1079160
public override int GetHashCode(); // 0x107920C
// Namespace: System.Text
internal class Latin1Encoding : Encoding // TypeDefIndex: 866
// Properties
public override string HeaderName { get; }
public override string WebName { get; }
// Methods
public void .ctor(); // 0x107864C
public override int GetByteCount(char[] chars, int index, int count); // 0x1079214
public override int GetByteCount(string s); // 0x1079400
public override int GetBytes(char[] chars, int charIndex, int charCount, byte[] bytes, int byteIndex); // 0x10794B8
private int GetBytes(char[] chars, int charIndex, int charCount, byte[] bytes, int byteIndex, EncoderFallbackBuffer buffer, char[] fallback_chars); // 0x10794F8
public override int GetBytes(string s, int charIndex, int charCount, byte[] bytes, int byteIndex); // 0x1079BE8
private int GetBytes(string s, int charIndex, int charCount, byte[] bytes, int byteIndex, EncoderFallbackBuffer buffer, char[] fallback_chars); // 0x1079C28
public override int GetCharCount(byte[] bytes, int index, int count); // 0x107A310
public override int GetChars(byte[] bytes, int byteIndex, int byteCount, char[] chars, int charIndex); // 0x107A4FC
public override int GetMaxByteCount(int charCount); // 0x107A890
public override int GetMaxCharCount(int byteCount); // 0x107A994
public override string GetString(byte[] bytes, int index, int count); // 0x107AA98
public override string GetString(byte[] bytes); // 0x107AD60
public override string get_HeaderName(); // 0x107AE48
public override string get_WebName(); // 0x107AEC0
// Namespace: System.Text
[DefaultMemberAttribute] // 0x33BAB0
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x33BAB0
[MonoTODOAttribute] // 0x33BAB0
public sealed class StringBuilder : ISerializable // TypeDefIndex: 867
// Fields
private const int constDefaultCapacity = 16; // 0x0
private int _length; // 0x8
private string _str; // 0xC
private string _cached_str; // 0x10
private int _maxCapacity; // 0x14
// Properties
public int Capacity { get; set; }
public int Length { get; set; }
public char Chars { get; set; }
// Methods
public void .ctor(string value, int startIndex, int length, int capacity); // 0x107AF38
private void .ctor(string value, int startIndex, int length, int capacity, int maxCapacity); // 0x107AF5C
public void .ctor(); // 0x105CCC8
public void .ctor(int capacity); // 0x106A064
public void .ctor(string value); // 0x105D07C
public void .ctor(string value, int capacity); // 0x107B3AC
private void .ctor(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context); // 0x107B4B4
private void System.Runtime.Serialization.ISerializable.GetObjectData(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context); // 0x107B75C
public int get_Capacity(); // 0x107B870
public void set_Capacity(int value); // 0x107B630
public int get_Length(); // 0x107BAE0
public void set_Length(int value); // 0x107BAE8
public char get_Chars(int index); // 0x107BBCC
public void set_Chars(int index, char value); // 0x107BC9C
public override string ToString(); // 0x105CF68
public string ToString(int startIndex, int length); // 0x107BD84
public StringBuilder Remove(int startIndex, int length); // 0x107BE7C
public StringBuilder Replace(string oldValue, string newValue); // 0x105D174
public StringBuilder Replace(string oldValue, string newValue, int startIndex, int count); // 0x107BFCC
public StringBuilder Append(char[] value); // 0x107C2D4
public StringBuilder Append(string value); // 0x105CD90
public StringBuilder Append(int value); // 0x107C3F8
public StringBuilder Append(long value); // 0x107C42C
public StringBuilder Append(object value); // 0x107C460
public StringBuilder Append(char value); // 0x105CEF0
public StringBuilder Append(char value, int repeatCount); // 0x106BE34
public StringBuilder Append(char[] value, int startIndex, int charCount); // 0x107C4A4
public StringBuilder Append(string value, int startIndex, int count); // 0x106B784
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x33BB30
public StringBuilder AppendLine(); // 0x107C638
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x33BB44
public StringBuilder AppendLine(string value); // 0x107C660
public StringBuilder AppendFormat(string format, object[] args); // 0x105F0D0
public StringBuilder AppendFormat(IFormatProvider provider, string format, object[] args); // 0x107C6A0
public StringBuilder AppendFormat(string format, object arg0); // 0x105F0F4
public StringBuilder AppendFormat(string format, object arg0, object arg1); // 0x105ED20
public StringBuilder AppendFormat(string format, object arg0, object arg1, object arg2); // 0x107C764
public StringBuilder Insert(int index, char[] value); // 0x107C8F8
public StringBuilder Insert(int index, string value); // 0x107C924
public StringBuilder Insert(int index, char value); // 0x107CA90
public StringBuilder Insert(int index, string value, int count); // 0x107CBFC
private void InternalEnsureCapacity(int size); // 0x107B8B8
// Namespace: System.Text
public sealed class UTF32Encoding : Encoding // TypeDefIndex: 868
// Fields
private bool bigEndian; // 0x30
private bool byteOrderMark; // 0x31
// Methods
public void .ctor(); // 0x107F240
public void .ctor(bool bigEndian, bool byteOrderMark); // 0x1078C64
public void .ctor(bool bigEndian, bool byteOrderMark, bool throwOnInvalidCharacters); // 0x107F264
[MonoTODOAttribute] // 0x33BB78
public override int GetByteCount(char[] chars, int index, int count); // 0x107F514
[MonoTODOAttribute] // 0x33BBB8
public override int GetBytes(char[] chars, int charIndex, int charCount, byte[] bytes, int byteIndex); // 0x107F808
public override int GetCharCount(byte[] bytes, int index, int count); // 0x107FF64
public override int GetChars(byte[] bytes, int byteIndex, int byteCount, char[] chars, int charIndex); // 0x1080158
public override int GetMaxByteCount(int charCount); // 0x1080634
public override int GetMaxCharCount(int byteCount); // 0x1080738
public override Decoder GetDecoder(); // 0x1080844
public override byte[] GetPreamble(); // 0x1080904
public override bool Equals(object value); // 0x1080A48
public override int GetHashCode(); // 0x1080B3C
[CLSCompliantAttribute] // 0x33BBF8
public override int GetByteCount(char* chars, int count); // 0x1080B68
public override int GetByteCount(string s); // 0x1080C24
[CLSCompliantAttribute] // 0x33BC0C
public override int GetBytes(char* chars, int charCount, byte* bytes, int byteCount); // 0x1080C28
public override int GetBytes(string s, int charIndex, int charCount, byte[] bytes, int byteIndex); // 0x1080C48
public override string GetString(byte[] bytes, int index, int count); // 0x1080C6C
// Namespace:
private sealed class UTF32Decoder : Decoder // TypeDefIndex: 869
// Fields
private bool bigEndian; // 0x10
private int leftOverByte; // 0x14
private int leftOverLength; // 0x18
// Methods
public void .ctor(bool bigEndian); // 0x10808E0
public override int GetChars(byte[] bytes, int byteIndex, int byteCount, char[] chars, int charIndex); // 0x1080C9C
// Namespace: System.Text
[MonoTODOAttribute] // 0x33BC20
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x33BC20
public class UTF7Encoding : Encoding // TypeDefIndex: 870
// Fields
private bool allowOptionals; // 0x30
private static readonly byte[] encodingRules; // 0x0
private static readonly sbyte[] base64Values; // 0x4
// Methods
public void .ctor(); // 0x10786F0
public void .ctor(bool allowOptionals); // 0x1081454
private static void .cctor(); // 0x1081554
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x33BC78
public override int GetHashCode(); // 0x1081670
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x33BC8C
public override bool Equals(object value); // 0x1081690
private static int InternalGetByteCount(char[] chars, int index, int count, bool flush, int leftOver, bool isInShifted, bool allowOptionals); // 0x10817C0
public override int GetByteCount(char[] chars, int index, int count); // 0x1081C08
private static int InternalGetBytes(char[] chars, int charIndex, int charCount, byte[] bytes, int byteIndex, bool flush, int leftOver, bool isInShifted, bool allowOptionals); // 0x1081CE8
public override int GetBytes(char[] chars, int charIndex, int charCount, byte[] bytes, int byteIndex); // 0x1082860
private static int InternalGetCharCount(byte[] bytes, int index, int count, int leftOver); // 0x1082960
public override int GetCharCount(byte[] bytes, int index, int count); // 0x1082CCC
private static int InternalGetChars(byte[] bytes, int byteIndex, int byteCount, char[] chars, int charIndex, int leftOver); // 0x1082D8C
public override int GetChars(byte[] bytes, int byteIndex, int byteCount, char[] chars, int charIndex); // 0x1083734
public override int GetMaxByteCount(int charCount); // 0x10838AC
public override int GetMaxCharCount(int byteCount); // 0x10839E0
public override Decoder GetDecoder(); // 0x1083AE4
[CLSCompliantAttribute] // 0x33BCA0
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x33BCA0
public override int GetByteCount(char* chars, int count); // 0x1083B90
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x33BCD8
public override int GetByteCount(string s); // 0x1083B94
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x33BCEC
[CLSCompliantAttribute] // 0x33BCEC
public override int GetBytes(char* chars, int charCount, byte* bytes, int byteCount); // 0x1083B98
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x33BD24
public override int GetBytes(string s, int charIndex, int charCount, byte[] bytes, int byteIndex); // 0x1083BB8
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x33BD38
public override string GetString(byte[] bytes, int index, int count); // 0x1083BDC
// Namespace:
private sealed class UTF7Decoder : Decoder // TypeDefIndex: 871
// Fields
private int leftOver; // 0x10
// Methods
public void .ctor(); // 0x1083B74
public override int GetChars(byte[] bytes, int byteIndex, int byteCount, char[] chars, int charIndex); // 0x1083C0C
// Namespace: System.Text
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x33BD4C
[MonoTODOAttribute] // 0x33BD4C
[MonoTODOAttribute] // 0x33BD4C
public class UTF8Encoding : Encoding // TypeDefIndex: 872
// Fields
private bool emitIdentifier; // 0x30
// Methods
public void .ctor(); // 0x1083CDC
public void .ctor(bool encoderShouldEmitUTF8Identifier); // 0x10786F8
public void .ctor(bool encoderShouldEmitUTF8Identifier, bool throwOnInvalidBytes); // 0x1078700
private static int InternalGetByteCount(char[] chars, int index, int count, char leftOver, bool flush); // 0x1083CE8
private static int InternalGetByteCount(char* chars, int count, char leftOver, bool flush); // 0x1083F28
public override int GetByteCount(char[] chars, int index, int count); // 0x1084028
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x33BDCC
[CLSCompliantAttribute] // 0x33BDCC
public override int GetByteCount(char* chars, int count); // 0x1084054
private static int InternalGetBytes(char[] chars, int charIndex, int charCount, byte[] bytes, int byteIndex, char leftOver, bool flush); // 0x1084148
private static int InternalGetBytes(char* chars, int count, byte* bytes, int bcount, char leftOver, bool flush); // 0x1084474
public override int GetBytes(char[] chars, int charIndex, int charCount, byte[] bytes, int byteIndex); // 0x1084764
public override int GetBytes(string s, int charIndex, int charCount, byte[] bytes, int byteIndex); // 0x10847A4
[CLSCompliantAttribute] // 0x33BE04
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x33BE04
public override int GetBytes(char* chars, int charCount, byte* bytes, int byteCount); // 0x1084AE0
private static int InternalGetCharCount(byte[] bytes, int index, int count, uint leftOverBits, uint leftOverCount, object provider, DecoderFallbackBuffer fallbackBuffer, byte[] bufferArg, bool flush); // 0x1084CAC
private static int InternalGetCharCount(byte* bytes, int count, uint leftOverBits, uint leftOverCount, object provider, DecoderFallbackBuffer fallbackBuffer, byte[] bufferArg, bool flush); // 0x1084EE0
private static int Fallback(object provider, DecoderFallbackBuffer buffer, byte[] bufferArg, byte* bytes, long index, uint size); // 0x1085178
private static void Fallback(object provider, DecoderFallbackBuffer buffer, byte[] bufferArg, byte* bytes, long byteIndex, uint size, char* chars, int charIndex); // 0x10853FC
public override int GetCharCount(byte[] bytes, int index, int count); // 0x10856B4
private static int InternalGetChars(byte[] bytes, int byteIndex, int byteCount, char[] chars, int charIndex, uint leftOverBits, uint leftOverCount, object provider, DecoderFallbackBuffer fallbackBuffer, byte[] bufferArg, bool flush); // 0x1085700
private static int InternalGetChars(byte* bytes, int byteCount, char* chars, int charCount, uint leftOverBits, uint leftOverCount, object provider, DecoderFallbackBuffer fallbackBuffer, byte[] bufferArg, bool flush); // 0x1085A54
public override int GetChars(byte[] bytes, int byteIndex, int byteCount, char[] chars, int charIndex); // 0x1085F88
public override int GetMaxByteCount(int charCount); // 0x1085FF0
public override int GetMaxCharCount(int byteCount); // 0x10860F4
public override Decoder GetDecoder(); // 0x10861F8
public override byte[] GetPreamble(); // 0x10862C8
public override bool Equals(object value); // 0x10863E4
public override int GetHashCode(); // 0x1086524
public override int GetByteCount(string chars); // 0x1086528
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x33BE3C
public override string GetString(byte[] bytes, int index, int count); // 0x108652C
// Namespace:
private class UTF8Decoder : Decoder // TypeDefIndex: 873
// Fields
private uint leftOverBits; // 0x10
private uint leftOverCount; // 0x14
// Methods
public void .ctor(DecoderFallback fallback); // 0x108629C
public override int GetChars(byte[] bytes, int byteIndex, int byteCount, char[] chars, int charIndex); // 0x108655C
// Namespace: System.Text
[MonoTODOAttribute] // 0x33BE50
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x33BE50
public class UnicodeEncoding : Encoding // TypeDefIndex: 874
// Fields
private bool bigEndian; // 0x30
private bool byteOrderMark; // 0x31
// Methods
public void .ctor(); // 0x107CD3C
public void .ctor(bool bigEndian, bool byteOrderMark); // 0x10783AC
public void .ctor(bool bigEndian, bool byteOrderMark, bool throwOnInvalidBytes); // 0x107CD6C
public override int GetByteCount(char[] chars, int index, int count); // 0x107CF88
public override int GetByteCount(string s); // 0x107D174
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x33BEA8
[CLSCompliantAttribute] // 0x33BEA8
public override int GetByteCount(char* chars, int count); // 0x107D230
public override int GetBytes(char[] chars, int charIndex, int charCount, byte[] bytes, int byteIndex); // 0x107D338
public override int GetBytes(string s, int charIndex, int charCount, byte[] bytes, int byteIndex); // 0x107D7A4
[CLSCompliantAttribute] // 0x33BEE0
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x33BEE0
public override int GetBytes(char* chars, int charCount, byte* bytes, int byteCount); // 0x107DB04
private int GetBytesInternal(char* chars, int charCount, byte* bytes, int byteCount); // 0x107D67C
public override int GetCharCount(byte[] bytes, int index, int count); // 0x107DFB0
public override int GetChars(byte[] bytes, int byteIndex, int byteCount, char[] chars, int charIndex); // 0x107E1A0
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x33BF18
public override string GetString(byte[] bytes, int index, int count); // 0x107E610
private int GetCharsInternal(byte* bytes, int byteCount, char* chars, int charCount); // 0x107E4E4
public override int GetMaxByteCount(int charCount); // 0x107E8E4
public override int GetMaxCharCount(int byteCount); // 0x107E9E8
public override Decoder GetDecoder(); // 0x107EAF0
public override byte[] GetPreamble(); // 0x107EBB0
public override bool Equals(object value); // 0x107ECF4
public override int GetHashCode(); // 0x107EDF8
private static void CopyChars(byte* src, byte* dest, int count, bool bigEndian); // 0x107DCA0
// Namespace:
private sealed class UnicodeDecoder : Decoder // TypeDefIndex: 875
// Fields
private bool bigEndian; // 0x10
private int leftOverByte; // 0x14
// Methods
public void .ctor(bool bigEndian); // 0x107EB8C
public override int GetChars(byte[] bytes, int byteIndex, int byteCount, char[] chars, int charIndex); // 0x107EDFC
// Namespace: System.Threading
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x33BF2C
public sealed class AutoResetEvent : EventWaitHandle // TypeDefIndex: 876
// Methods
public void .ctor(bool initialState); // 0x10865B0
// Namespace: System.Threading
public sealed class CompressedStack : ISerializable // TypeDefIndex: 877
// Fields
private ArrayList _list; // 0x8
// Methods
internal void .ctor(int length); // 0x10866A4
internal void .ctor(CompressedStack cs); // 0x1086750
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x33BF40
public CompressedStack CreateCopy(); // 0x105A8E4
public static CompressedStack Capture(); // 0x105AD8C
[MonoTODOAttribute] // 0x33BF54
public void GetObjectData(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context); // 0x1086870
internal bool IsEmpty(); // 0x1086924
// Namespace: System.Threading
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x33BF94
public enum EventResetMode // TypeDefIndex: 878
// Fields
public int value__; // 0x8
public const EventResetMode AutoReset = 0; // 0x0
public const EventResetMode ManualReset = 1; // 0x0
// Namespace: System.Threading
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x33BFA8
public class EventWaitHandle : WaitHandle // TypeDefIndex: 879
// Methods
public void .ctor(bool initialState, EventResetMode mode); // 0x10865B8
private bool IsManualReset(EventResetMode mode); // 0x108696C
public bool Reset(); // 0x1086A48
public bool Set(); // 0x1086B64
// Namespace: System.Threading
public sealed class ExecutionContext : ISerializable // TypeDefIndex: 880
// Fields
private SecurityContext _sc; // 0x8
private bool _suppressFlow; // 0xC
private bool _capture; // 0xD
// Properties
internal SecurityContext SecurityContext { get; set; }
internal bool FlowSuppressed { get; }
// Methods
internal void .ctor(); // 0x1086B98
internal void .ctor(ExecutionContext ec); // 0x1086BA0
[MonoTODOAttribute] // 0x33BFBC
internal void .ctor(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context); // 0x1086C70
public static ExecutionContext Capture(); // 0x1086D14
[MonoTODOAttribute] // 0x33BFCC
public void GetObjectData(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context); // 0x1086E68
internal SecurityContext get_SecurityContext(); // 0x105ACE4
internal void set_SecurityContext(SecurityContext value); // 0x1086E60
internal bool get_FlowSuppressed(); // 0x1086E58
public static bool IsFlowSuppressed(); // 0x1086F4C
// Namespace: System.Threading
public static class Interlocked // TypeDefIndex: 881
// Methods
[ReliabilityContractAttribute] // 0x33BFDC
public static int CompareExchange(int location1, int value, int comparand); // 0x1087004
[ReliabilityContractAttribute] // 0x33BFF4
public static object CompareExchange(object location1, object value, object comparand); // 0x1087014
public static float CompareExchange(float location1, float value, float comparand); // 0x1087024
[ReliabilityContractAttribute] // 0x33C00C
public static int Increment(int location); // 0x1087034
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x33C024
[ReliabilityContractAttribute] // 0x33C024
public static T CompareExchange(T location1, T value, T comparand); // 0
[ReliabilityContractAttribute] // 0x33C060
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x33C060
public static T Exchange(T location1, T value); // 0
// Namespace: System.Threading
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x33C09C
public sealed class ManualResetEvent : EventWaitHandle // TypeDefIndex: 882
// Methods
public void .ctor(bool initialState); // 0x108703C
// Namespace: System.Threading
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x33C0B0
public static class Monitor // TypeDefIndex: 883
// Methods
public static void Enter(object obj); // 0x10608D8
[ReliabilityContractAttribute] // 0x33C0C4
public static void Exit(object obj); // 0x1060CA0
private static void Monitor_pulse(object obj); // 0x1087044
private static bool Monitor_test_synchronised(object obj); // 0x108704C
public static void Pulse(object obj); // 0x1087054
private static bool Monitor_wait(object obj, int ms); // 0x10871A8
public static bool Wait(object obj, int millisecondsTimeout); // 0x10871B4
// Namespace: System.Threading
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x33C0DC
public sealed class Mutex : WaitHandle // TypeDefIndex: 884
// Methods
[ReliabilityContractAttribute] // 0x33C0F0
public void .ctor(bool initiallyOwned); // 0x1087340
private static IntPtr CreateMutex_internal(bool initiallyOwned, string name, out bool created); // 0x1087420
private static bool ReleaseMutex_internal(IntPtr handle); // 0x1087430
[ReliabilityContractAttribute] // 0x33C108
public void ReleaseMutex(); // 0x1087438
// Namespace: System.Threading
internal sealed class NativeEventCalls // TypeDefIndex: 885
// Methods
public static IntPtr CreateEvent_internal(bool manual, bool initial, string name, out bool created); // 0x1086A30
public static bool SetEvent_internal(IntPtr handle); // 0x1086B90
public static bool ResetEvent_internal(IntPtr handle); // 0x1086B5C
public static void CloseEvent_internal(IntPtr handle); // 0x1087504
// Namespace: System.Threading
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x33C120
public sealed class RegisteredWaitHandle : MarshalByRefObject // TypeDefIndex: 886
// Fields
private WaitHandle _waitObject; // 0xC
private WaitOrTimerCallback _callback; // 0x10
private TimeSpan _timeout; // 0x18
private object _state; // 0x20
private bool _executeOnlyOnce; // 0x24
private WaitHandle _finalEvent; // 0x28
private ManualResetEvent _cancelEvent; // 0x2C
private int _callsInProcess; // 0x30
private bool _unregistered; // 0x34
// Methods
internal void .ctor(WaitHandle waitObject, WaitOrTimerCallback callback, object state, TimeSpan timeout, bool executeOnlyOnce); // 0x10875F0
internal void Wait(object state); // 0x10876E0
private void DoCallBack(object timedOut); // 0x1087DDC
// Namespace: System.Threading
public class SynchronizationContext // TypeDefIndex: 887
// Fields
[ThreadStaticAttribute] // 0x33C134
private static SynchronizationContext currentContext; // 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
// Properties
public static SynchronizationContext Current { get; }
// Methods
public void .ctor(); // 0x10880B4
public static SynchronizationContext get_Current(); // 0x10880BC
public static void SetSynchronizationContext(SynchronizationContext syncContext); // 0x1088140
// Namespace: System.Threading
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x33C144
public class SynchronizationLockException : SystemException // TypeDefIndex: 888
// Methods
public void .ctor(); // 0x10881C8
public void .ctor(string message); // 0x108717C
protected void .ctor(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context); // 0x1088264
// Namespace: System.Threading
[ComDefaultInterfaceAttribute] // 0x33C158
[ClassInterfaceAttribute] // 0x33C158
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x33C158
public sealed class Thread : CriticalFinalizerObject, _Thread // TypeDefIndex: 889
// Fields
private int lock_thread_id; // 0x8
private IntPtr system_thread_handle; // 0xC
private object cached_culture_info; // 0x10
private IntPtr unused0; // 0x14
private bool threadpool_thread; // 0x18
private IntPtr name; // 0x1C
private int name_len; // 0x20
private ThreadState state; // 0x24
private object abort_exc; // 0x28
private int abort_state_handle; // 0x2C
private long thread_id; // 0x30
private IntPtr start_notify; // 0x38
private IntPtr stack_ptr; // 0x3C
private UIntPtr static_data; // 0x40
private IntPtr jit_data; // 0x44
private IntPtr lock_data; // 0x48
private object current_appcontext; // 0x4C
private int stack_size; // 0x50
private object start_obj; // 0x54
private IntPtr appdomain_refs; // 0x58
private int interruption_requested; // 0x5C
private IntPtr suspend_event; // 0x60
private IntPtr suspended_event; // 0x64
private IntPtr resume_event; // 0x68
private IntPtr synch_cs; // 0x6C
private IntPtr serialized_culture_info; // 0x70
private int serialized_culture_info_len; // 0x74
private IntPtr serialized_ui_culture_info; // 0x78
private int serialized_ui_culture_info_len; // 0x7C
private bool thread_dump_requested; // 0x80
private IntPtr end_stack; // 0x84
private bool thread_interrupt_requested; // 0x88
private byte apartment_state; // 0x89
private int critical_region_level; // 0x8C
private int small_id; // 0x90
private IntPtr manage_callback; // 0x94
private object pending_exception; // 0x98
private ExecutionContext ec_to_set; // 0x9C
private IntPtr interrupt_on_stop; // 0xA0
private IntPtr unused3; // 0xA4
private IntPtr unused4; // 0xA8
private IntPtr unused5; // 0xAC
private IntPtr unused6; // 0xB0
[ThreadStaticAttribute] // 0x33C218
private static object[] local_slots; // 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
[ThreadStaticAttribute] // 0x33C228
private static ExecutionContext _ec; // 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
private MulticastDelegate threadstart; // 0xB4
private int managed_id; // 0xB8
private IPrincipal _principal; // 0xBC
private static Hashtable datastorehash; // 0x0
private static object datastore_lock; // 0x4
private bool in_currentculture; // 0xC0
private static object culture_lock; // 0x8
// Properties
public static Context CurrentContext { get; }
public static Thread CurrentThread { get; }
public CultureInfo CurrentCulture { get; }
public CultureInfo CurrentUICulture { get; set; }
public bool IsAlive { get; }
public bool IsBackground { set; }
public string Name { set; }
[MonoTODOAttribute] // 0x33C2EC
public ExecutionContext ExecutionContext { get; }
public int ManagedThreadId { get; }
// Methods
public void .ctor(ThreadStart start); // 0x1088284
public void .ctor(ParameterizedThreadStart start); // 0x1088364
private static void .cctor(); // 0x1088440
public static Context get_CurrentContext(); // 0x1088500
private static Thread CurrentThread_internal(); // 0x108850C
[ReliabilityContractAttribute] // 0x33C238
public static Thread get_CurrentThread(); // 0x105AAD0
internal static void FreeLocalSlotValues(int slot, bool thread_local); // 0x1088510
public static AppDomain GetDomain(); // 0x108851C
public static int GetDomainID(); // 0x1088528
private static void ResetAbort_internal(); // 0x108852C
public static void ResetAbort(); // 0x1088530
private static void Sleep_internal(int ms); // 0x10885C8
public static void Sleep(int millisecondsTimeout); // 0x10885D0
private IntPtr Thread_internal(MulticastDelegate start); // 0x10886D8
private void Thread_init(); // 0x1088360
private CultureInfo GetCachedCurrentCulture(); // 0x10886DC
private byte[] GetSerializedCurrentCulture(); // 0x10886E0
private void SetCachedCurrentCulture(CultureInfo culture); // 0x10886E4
private CultureInfo GetCachedCurrentUICulture(); // 0x10886E8
private byte[] GetSerializedCurrentUICulture(); // 0x10886EC
private void SetCachedCurrentUICulture(CultureInfo culture); // 0x10886F0
private void SetSerializedCurrentUICulture(byte[] culture); // 0x10886F4
public CultureInfo get_CurrentCulture(); // 0x10886F8
public CultureInfo get_CurrentUICulture(); // 0x1088A64
public void set_CurrentUICulture(CultureInfo value); // 0x1088D4C
public bool get_IsAlive(); // 0x1088F60
public void set_IsBackground(bool value); // 0x1088F84
private void SetName_internal(string name); // 0x1088FA4
public void set_Name(string value); // 0x1088FA8
private void Abort_internal(object stateInfo); // 0x1088FAC
public void Abort(); // 0x1088FB0
private bool Join_internal(int ms, IntPtr handle); // 0x1088FB8
public void Join(); // 0x1088FBC
public static void MemoryBarrier(); // 0x1088FC8
public void Start(); // 0x1088FCC
private void Thread_free_internal(IntPtr handle); // 0x108917C
[ReliabilityContractAttribute] // 0x33C250
protected override void Finalize(); // 0x1089180
private void SetState(ThreadState set); // 0x1088F9C
private void ClrState(ThreadState clr); // 0x1088FA0
private ThreadState GetState(); // 0x1088F80
public static int VolatileRead(int address); // 0x10891E8
public static void VolatileWrite(int address, int value); // 0x10891F0
private static int GetNewManagedId(); // 0x10891FC
private static int GetNewManagedId_internal(); // 0x1089294
[ReliabilityContractAttribute] // 0x33C268
public ExecutionContext get_ExecutionContext(); // 0x105AB68
[ReliabilityContractAttribute] // 0x33C280
public int get_ManagedThreadId(); // 0x1089298
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x33C298
public override int GetHashCode(); // 0x1089354
public void Start(object parameter); // 0x1089358
[ObsoleteAttribute] // 0x33C2AC
public CompressedStack GetCompressedStack(); // 0x1086804
// Namespace: System.Threading
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x33C32C
public sealed class ThreadAbortException : SystemException // TypeDefIndex: 890
// Methods
private void .ctor(); // 0x1089360
private void .ctor(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext sc); // 0x1089410
// Namespace: System.Threading
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x33C340
public class ThreadInterruptedException : SystemException // TypeDefIndex: 891
// Methods
public void .ctor(); // 0x1089430
protected void .ctor(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context); // 0x10894CC
// Namespace: System.Threading
public static class ThreadPool // TypeDefIndex: 892
// Methods
public static bool QueueUserWorkItem(WaitCallback callBack); // 0x10894EC
public static bool QueueUserWorkItem(WaitCallback callBack, object state); // 0x1087CEC
public static RegisteredWaitHandle RegisterWaitForSingleObject(WaitHandle waitObject, WaitOrTimerCallback callBack, object state, long millisecondsTimeOutInterval, bool executeOnlyOnce); // 0x1089520
public static RegisteredWaitHandle RegisterWaitForSingleObject(WaitHandle waitObject, WaitOrTimerCallback callBack, object state, TimeSpan timeout, bool executeOnlyOnce); // 0x1089808
// Namespace: System.Threading
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x33C354
public enum ThreadPriority // TypeDefIndex: 893
// Fields
public int value__; // 0x8
public const ThreadPriority Lowest = 0; // 0x0
public const ThreadPriority BelowNormal = 1; // 0x0
public const ThreadPriority Normal = 2; // 0x0
public const ThreadPriority AboveNormal = 3; // 0x0
public const ThreadPriority Highest = 4; // 0x0
// Namespace: System.Threading
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x33C368
[FlagsAttribute] // 0x33C368
public enum ThreadState // TypeDefIndex: 894
// Fields
public int value__; // 0x8
public const ThreadState Running = 0; // 0x0
public const ThreadState StopRequested = 1; // 0x0
public const ThreadState SuspendRequested = 2; // 0x0
public const ThreadState Background = 4; // 0x0
public const ThreadState Unstarted = 8; // 0x0
public const ThreadState Stopped = 16; // 0x0
public const ThreadState WaitSleepJoin = 32; // 0x0
public const ThreadState Suspended = 64; // 0x0
public const ThreadState AbortRequested = 128; // 0x0
public const ThreadState Aborted = 256; // 0x0
// Namespace: System.Threading
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x33C39C
public class ThreadStateException : SystemException // TypeDefIndex: 895
// Methods
public void .ctor(); // 0x1089980
protected void .ctor(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context); // 0x1089A1C
// Namespace: System.Threading
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x33C3B0
public sealed class Timer : MarshalByRefObject, IDisposable // TypeDefIndex: 896
// Fields
private static Scheduler scheduler; // 0x0
private TimerCallback callback; // 0xC
private object state; // 0x10
private long due_time_ms; // 0x18
private long period_ms; // 0x20
private long next_run; // 0x28
private bool disposed; // 0x30
// Methods
public void .ctor(TimerCallback callback, object state, TimeSpan dueTime, TimeSpan period); // 0x1089A40
private static void .cctor(); // 0x1089BDC
private void Init(TimerCallback callback, object state, long dueTime, long period); // 0x1089AE8
public bool Change(TimeSpan dueTime, TimeSpan period); // 0x108A060
public void Dispose(); // 0x108A0F0
private bool Change(long dueTime, long period, bool first); // 0x1089D48
// Namespace:
private sealed class TimerComparer : IComparer // TypeDefIndex: 897
// Methods
public void .ctor(); // 0x108A4C4
public int Compare(object x, object y); // 0x108B300
// Namespace:
private sealed class Scheduler // TypeDefIndex: 898
// Fields
private static Scheduler instance; // 0x0
private SortedList list; // 0x8
// Properties
public static Scheduler Instance { get; }
// Methods
private void .ctor(); // 0x108A380
private static void .cctor(); // 0x108A4CC
public static Scheduler get_Instance(); // 0x1089C98
public void Remove(Timer timer); // 0x108A1D4
public void Change(Timer timer, long new_next_run); // 0x108A26C
private void Add(Timer timer); // 0x108A5C4
private int InternalRemove(Timer timer); // 0x108A55C
private void SchedulerThread(); // 0x108A85C
private void ShrinkIfNeeded(ArrayList list, int initial); // 0x108B268
// Namespace: System.Threading
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x33C3C4
public abstract class WaitHandle : MarshalByRefObject, IDisposable // TypeDefIndex: 899
// Fields
public const int WaitTimeout = 258; // 0x0
private SafeWaitHandle safe_wait_handle; // 0xC
protected static readonly IntPtr InvalidHandle; // 0x0
private bool disposed; // 0x10
// Properties
[ObsoleteAttribute] // 0x33C3F0
public virtual IntPtr Handle { get; set; }
// Methods
protected void .ctor(); // 0x1086964
private static void .cctor(); // 0x108B58C
private void System.IDisposable.Dispose(); // 0x108B61C
private static void CheckArray(WaitHandle[] handles, bool waitAll); // 0x108B654
private static int WaitAny_internal(WaitHandle[] handles, int ms, bool exitContext); // 0x108B844
[ReliabilityContractAttribute] // 0x33C3D8
public static int WaitAny(WaitHandle[] waitHandles, TimeSpan timeout, bool exitContext); // 0x1087AD0
public virtual IntPtr get_Handle(); // 0x108B854
public virtual void set_Handle(IntPtr value); // 0x108B880
private bool WaitOne_internal(IntPtr handle, int ms, bool exitContext); // 0x108BA00
protected virtual void Dispose(bool explicitDisposing); // 0x108BA04
public virtual bool WaitOne(); // 0x108BA90
public virtual bool WaitOne(int millisecondsTimeout, bool exitContext); // 0x108BB84
public virtual bool WaitOne(int millisecondsTimeout); // 0x108BD58
public virtual bool WaitOne(TimeSpan timeout); // 0x108BD6C
public virtual bool WaitOne(TimeSpan timeout, bool exitContext); // 0x108BD98
internal void CheckDisposed(); // 0x1086A74
protected override void Finalize(); // 0x108BFBC
// Namespace: System
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x33C430
public class AccessViolationException : SystemException // TypeDefIndex: 900
// Methods
public void .ctor(); // 0x11EB970
protected void .ctor(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context); // 0x11EBA0C
// Namespace: System
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x33C444
public sealed class ActivationContext : IDisposable, ISerializable // TypeDefIndex: 901
// Fields
private bool _disposed; // 0x8
// Methods
[MonoTODOAttribute] // 0x33C458
private void System.Runtime.Serialization.ISerializable.GetObjectData(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context); // 0x11EBA2C
protected override void Finalize(); // 0x11EBAE0
public void Dispose(); // 0x11EBB0C
private void Dispose(bool disposing); // 0x11EBAF8
// Namespace: System
[ComDefaultInterfaceAttribute] // 0x33C498
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x33C498
[ClassInterfaceAttribute] // 0x33C498
public sealed class Activator : _Activator // TypeDefIndex: 902
// Methods
public static T CreateInstance(); // 0
public static object CreateInstance(Type type); // 0x11EBB2C
public static object CreateInstance(Type type, object[] args); // 0x11EBE8C
public static object CreateInstance(Type type, object[] args, object[] activationAttributes); // 0x11EBF38
public static object CreateInstance(Type type, BindingFlags bindingAttr, Binder binder, object[] args, CultureInfo culture, object[] activationAttributes); // 0x11EC008
public static object CreateInstance(Type type, bool nonPublic); // 0x11EBB34
private static void CheckType(Type type); // 0x11EC764
private static void CheckAbstractType(Type type); // 0x11ECAA4
internal static object CreateInstanceInternal(Type type); // 0x11ECA9C
// Namespace: System
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x33C568
[ClassInterfaceAttribute] // 0x33C568
public sealed class AppDomain : MarshalByRefObject // TypeDefIndex: 903
// Fields
private IntPtr _mono_app_domain; // 0xC
private static string _process_guid; // 0x0
[ThreadStaticAttribute] // 0x33C5A0
private static Hashtable type_resolve_in_progress; // 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
[ThreadStaticAttribute] // 0x33C5B0
private static Hashtable assembly_resolve_in_progress; // 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
[ThreadStaticAttribute] // 0x33C5C0
private static Hashtable assembly_resolve_in_progress_refonly; // 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
private Evidence _evidence; // 0x10
private PermissionSet _granted; // 0x14
private PrincipalPolicy _principalPolicy; // 0x18
[ThreadStaticAttribute] // 0x33C5D0
private static IPrincipal _principal; // 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
private static AppDomain default_domain; // 0x4
private AppDomainManager _domain_manager; // 0x1C
private ActivationContext _activation; // 0x20
private ApplicationIdentity _applicationIdentity; // 0x24
private AssemblyLoadEventHandler AssemblyLoad; // 0x28
private ResolveEventHandler AssemblyResolve; // 0x2C
private EventHandler DomainUnload; // 0x30
private EventHandler ProcessExit; // 0x34
private ResolveEventHandler ResourceResolve; // 0x38
private ResolveEventHandler TypeResolve; // 0x3C
private UnhandledExceptionEventHandler UnhandledException; // 0x40
private ResolveEventHandler ReflectionOnlyAssemblyResolve; // 0x44
// Properties
public string FriendlyName { get; }
public static AppDomain CurrentDomain { get; }
// Methods
private string getFriendlyName(); // 0x11ECC18
public string get_FriendlyName(); // 0x11ECC1C
private static AppDomain getCurDomain(); // 0x11ECC20
public static AppDomain get_CurrentDomain(); // 0x11ECC24
public AssemblyBuilder DefineDynamicAssembly(AssemblyName name, AssemblyBuilderAccess access); // 0x11ECC28
public AssemblyBuilder DefineDynamicAssembly(AssemblyName name, AssemblyBuilderAccess access, string dir, Evidence evidence, PermissionSet requiredPermissions, PermissionSet optionalPermissions, PermissionSet refusedPermissions, bool isSynchronized); // 0x11ECC58
internal AssemblyBuilder DefineInternalDynamicAssembly(AssemblyName name, AssemblyBuilderAccess access); // 0x11ECF38
private Assembly[] GetAssemblies(bool refOnly); // 0x11ECFF0
public Assembly[] GetAssemblies(); // 0x11ECFF4
public override object InitializeLifetimeService(); // 0x11ECFFC
internal Assembly LoadAssembly(string assemblyRef, Evidence securityEvidence, bool refOnly); // 0x11ED004
public Assembly Load(AssemblyName assemblyRef); // 0x11ED008
internal Assembly LoadSatellite(AssemblyName assemblyRef, bool throwOnError); // 0x11ED6AC
public Assembly Load(AssemblyName assemblyRef, Evidence assemblySecurity); // 0x11ED010
public Assembly Load(string assemblyString); // 0x11ED7EC
public Assembly Load(string assemblyString, Evidence assemblySecurity); // 0x11ED984
internal Assembly Load(string assemblyString, Evidence assemblySecurity, bool refonly); // 0x11ED80C
public Assembly Load(byte[] rawAssembly); // 0x11ED9A0
public Assembly Load(byte[] rawAssembly, byte[] rawSymbolStore); // 0x11ED9E8
internal Assembly LoadAssemblyRaw(byte[] rawAssembly, byte[] rawSymbolStore, Evidence securityEvidence, bool refonly); // 0x11EDA0C
public Assembly Load(byte[] rawAssembly, byte[] rawSymbolStore, Evidence securityEvidence); // 0x11ED9C8
internal Assembly Load(byte[] rawAssembly, byte[] rawSymbolStore, Evidence securityEvidence, bool refonly); // 0x11EDA2C
internal static Context InternalSetContext(Context context); // 0x11EDB40
internal static Context InternalGetContext(); // 0x11EDB48
internal static Context InternalGetDefaultContext(); // 0x11EDB4C
internal static string InternalGetProcessGuid(string newguid); // 0x11EDB50
internal static string GetProcessGuid(); // 0x11EDB58
public override string ToString(); // 0x11EDC80
private static void ValidateAssemblyName(string name); // 0x11ECDA0
internal Assembly DoTypeResolve(object name_or_tb); // 0x11EDC84
// Namespace: System
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x33C5E0
public class AppDomainManager : MarshalByRefObject // TypeDefIndex: 904
// Namespace: System
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x33C5F4
[ClassInterfaceAttribute] // 0x33C5F4
public sealed class AppDomainSetup // TypeDefIndex: 905
// Fields
private string application_base; // 0x8
private string application_name; // 0xC
private string cache_path; // 0x10
private string configuration_file; // 0x14
private string dynamic_base; // 0x18
private string license_file; // 0x1C
private string private_bin_path; // 0x20
private string private_bin_path_probe; // 0x24
private string shadow_copy_directories; // 0x28
private string shadow_copy_files; // 0x2C
private bool publisher_policy; // 0x30
private bool path_changed; // 0x31
private LoaderOptimization loader_optimization; // 0x34
private bool disallow_binding_redirects; // 0x38
private bool disallow_code_downloads; // 0x39
private ActivationArguments _activationArguments; // 0x3C
private AppDomainInitializer domain_initializer; // 0x40
private ApplicationTrust application_trust; // 0x44
private string[] domain_initializer_args; // 0x48
private SecurityElement application_trust_xml; // 0x4C
private bool disallow_appbase_probe; // 0x50
private byte[] configuration_bytes; // 0x54
// Methods
public void .ctor(); // 0x11EE318
// Namespace: System
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x33C62C
public class ApplicationException : Exception // TypeDefIndex: 906
// Methods
public void .ctor(); // 0x11EE320
public void .ctor(string message); // 0x11EE3BC
public void .ctor(string message, Exception innerException); // 0x11EE3E8
protected void .ctor(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context); // 0x11EE414
// Namespace: System
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x33C640
public sealed class ApplicationIdentity : ISerializable // TypeDefIndex: 907
// Fields
private string _fullName; // 0x8
// Properties
public string FullName { get; }
// Methods
public void .ctor(string applicationIdentityFullName); // 0xB7CBC8
[MonoTODOAttribute] // 0x33C654
private void System.Runtime.Serialization.ISerializable.GetObjectData(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context); // 0xB7CDCC
public string get_FullName(); // 0xB7CE7C
public override string ToString(); // 0xB7CE84
// Namespace: System
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x33C694
public class ArgumentException : SystemException // TypeDefIndex: 908
// Fields
private const int Result = -2147024809; // 0x0
private string param_name; // 0x34
// Properties
public virtual string ParamName { get; }
public override string Message { get; }
// Methods
public void .ctor(); // 0xB7CF60
public void .ctor(string message); // 0xB7D00C
public void .ctor(string message, Exception innerException); // 0xB7D030
public void .ctor(string message, string paramName); // 0xB7D054
public void .ctor(string message, string paramName, Exception innerException); // 0xB7D080
protected void .ctor(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context); // 0xB7D0B0
public virtual string get_ParamName(); // 0xB7D180
public override string get_Message(); // 0xB7D188
public override void GetObjectData(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context); // 0xB7D3E0
// Namespace: System
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x33C6A8
public class ArgumentNullException : ArgumentException // TypeDefIndex: 909
// Fields
private const int Result = -2147467261; // 0x0
// Methods
public void .ctor(); // 0xB7D768
public void .ctor(string paramName); // 0xB7CD20
public void .ctor(string paramName, string message); // 0xB7D80C
protected void .ctor(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context); // 0xB7D83C
// Namespace: System
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x33C6BC
public class ArgumentOutOfRangeException : ArgumentException // TypeDefIndex: 910
// Fields
private object actual_value; // 0x38
// Properties
public override string Message { get; }
// Methods
public void .ctor(); // 0xB7D854
public void .ctor(string paramName); // 0xB7D8F8
public void .ctor(string paramName, string message); // 0xB7D9A4
public void .ctor(string paramName, object actualValue, string message); // 0xB7D9D4
protected void .ctor(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context); // 0xB7DA0C
public override string get_Message(); // 0xB7DAD4
public override void GetObjectData(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context); // 0xB7DBC0
// Namespace: System
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x33C6D0
public class ArithmeticException : SystemException // TypeDefIndex: 911
// Methods
public void .ctor(); // 0xB7DC88
public void .ctor(string message); // 0xB7DD2C
protected void .ctor(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context); // 0xB7DD50
// Namespace: System
public struct ArraySegment`1 // TypeDefIndex: 912
// Fields
private T[] array; // 0x0
private int offset; // 0x0
private int count; // 0x0
// Properties
public T[] Array { get; }
public int Offset { get; }
public int Count { get; }
// Methods
public T[] get_Array(); // 0
public int get_Offset(); // 0
public int get_Count(); // 0
public override bool Equals(object obj); // 0
public bool Equals(ArraySegment`1<T> obj); // 0
public override int GetHashCode(); // 0
// Namespace: System
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x33C6E4
public class ArrayTypeMismatchException : SystemException // TypeDefIndex: 913
// Fields
private const int Result = -2146233085; // 0x0
// Methods
public void .ctor(); // 0xB852C8
public void .ctor(string message); // 0xB821B0
protected void .ctor(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context); // 0xB8536C
// Namespace: System
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x33C6F8
public class AssemblyLoadEventArgs : EventArgs // TypeDefIndex: 914
// Namespace: System
[FlagsAttribute] // 0x33C70C
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x33C70C
public enum AttributeTargets // TypeDefIndex: 915
// Fields
public int value__; // 0x8
public const AttributeTargets Assembly = 1; // 0x0
public const AttributeTargets Module = 2; // 0x0
public const AttributeTargets Class = 4; // 0x0
public const AttributeTargets Struct = 8; // 0x0
public const AttributeTargets Enum = 16; // 0x0
public const AttributeTargets Constructor = 32; // 0x0
public const AttributeTargets Method = 64; // 0x0
public const AttributeTargets Property = 128; // 0x0
public const AttributeTargets Field = 256; // 0x0
public const AttributeTargets Event = 512; // 0x0
public const AttributeTargets Interface = 1024; // 0x0
public const AttributeTargets Parameter = 2048; // 0x0
public const AttributeTargets Delegate = 4096; // 0x0
public const AttributeTargets ReturnValue = 8192; // 0x0
public const AttributeTargets GenericParameter = 16384; // 0x0
public const AttributeTargets All = 32767; // 0x0
// Namespace: System
public static class BitConverter // TypeDefIndex: 916
// Fields
private static readonly bool SwappedWordsInDouble; // 0x0
public static readonly bool IsLittleEndian; // 0x1
// Methods
private static void .cctor(); // 0xB8650C
private static bool AmILittleEndian(); // 0xB865F0
private static bool DoubleWordsAreSwapped(); // 0xB865C4
public static long DoubleToInt64Bits(double value); // 0xB865F8
public static double Int64BitsToDouble(long value); // 0xB869A4
private static byte[] GetBytes(byte* ptr, int count); // 0xB86E5C
public static byte[] GetBytes(short value); // 0xB86F44
public static byte[] GetBytes(int value); // 0xB86FF0
public static byte[] GetBytes(long value); // 0xB86A60
public static byte[] GetBytes(float value); // 0xB8709C
public static byte[] GetBytes(double value); // 0xB866B4
private static void PutBytes(byte* dst, byte[] src, int start_index, int count); // 0xB87148
public static int ToInt32(byte[] value, int startIndex); // 0xB8731C
public static long ToInt64(byte[] value, int startIndex); // 0xB868D4
[CLSCompliantAttribute] // 0x33C740
public static ushort ToUInt16(byte[] value, int startIndex); // 0xB873E4
[CLSCompliantAttribute] // 0x33C754
public static uint ToUInt32(byte[] value, int startIndex); // 0xB874AC
[CLSCompliantAttribute] // 0x33C768
public static ulong ToUInt64(byte[] value, int startIndex); // 0xB87574
public static float ToSingle(byte[] value, int startIndex); // 0xB87644
public static double ToDouble(byte[] value, int startIndex); // 0xB86B0C
public static string ToString(byte[] value); // 0xB8770C
public static string ToString(byte[] value, int startIndex, int length); // 0xB87810
// Namespace: System
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x33C77C
public static class Buffer // TypeDefIndex: 917
// Methods
public static int ByteLength(Array array); // 0xB8A684
public static void BlockCopy(Array src, int srcOffset, Array dst, int dstOffset, int count); // 0xB8A7B8
private static int ByteLengthInternal(Array array); // 0xB8A7B0
internal static bool BlockCopyInternal(Array src, int src_offset, Array dest, int dest_offset, int count); // 0xB8AA88
// Namespace: System
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x33C790
public sealed class CharEnumerator : IEnumerator, IDisposable, ICloneable, IEnumerator`1<char> // TypeDefIndex: 918
// Fields
private string str; // 0x8
private int index; // 0xC
private int length; // 0x10
// Properties
private object System.Collections.IEnumerator.Current { get; }
public char Current { get; }
// Methods
internal void .ctor(string s); // 0xB8DFEC
private object System.Collections.IEnumerator.get_Current(); // 0xB8E038
private void System.IDisposable.Dispose(); // 0xB8E1C8
public char get_Current(); // 0xB8E0D0
public object Clone(); // 0xB8E1CC
public bool MoveNext(); // 0xB8E278
public void Reset(); // 0xB8E29C
// Namespace: System
public static class Console // TypeDefIndex: 919
// Fields
internal static TextWriter stdout; // 0x0
private static TextWriter stderr; // 0x4
private static TextReader stdin; // 0x8
private static Encoding inputEncoding; // 0xC
private static Encoding outputEncoding; // 0x10
// Properties
public static TextWriter Error { get; }
public static TextWriter Out { get; }
// Methods
private static void .cctor(); // 0xBA196C
private static void SetEncodings(Encoding inputEncoding, Encoding outputEncoding); // 0xBA1BA4
public static TextWriter get_Error(); // 0xBA220C
public static TextWriter get_Out(); // 0xBA22BC
private static Stream Open(IntPtr handle, FileAccess access, int bufferSize); // 0xBA236C
public static Stream OpenStandardError(int bufferSize); // 0xBA1F24
public static Stream OpenStandardInput(int bufferSize); // 0xBA2114
public static Stream OpenStandardOutput(int bufferSize); // 0xBA201C
public static void SetOut(TextWriter newOut); // 0xBA24FC
public static void WriteLine(string value); // 0xBA2604
// Namespace: System
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x33C7A4
public abstract class ContextBoundObject : MarshalByRefObject // TypeDefIndex: 920
// Methods
protected void .ctor(); // 0xBA26E0
// Namespace: System
public static class Convert // TypeDefIndex: 921
// Fields
public static readonly object DBNull; // 0x0
private static readonly Type[] conversionTable; // 0x4
// Methods
private static void .cctor(); // 0xBA26E8
private static byte[] InternalFromBase64String(string str, bool allowWhitespaceOnly); // 0xBA2F6C
private static byte[] InternalFromBase64CharArray(char[] arr, int offset, int length); // 0xBA2F78
public static byte[] FromBase64CharArray(char[] inArray, int offset, int length); // 0xBA2F88
public static byte[] FromBase64String(string s); // 0xBA3144
public static int ToBase64CharArray(byte[] inArray, int offsetIn, int length, char[] outArray, int offsetOut); // 0xBA3284
public static string ToBase64String(byte[] inArray); // 0xBA34F0
public static string ToBase64String(byte[] inArray, int offset, int length); // 0xBA35F4
public static bool ToBoolean(byte value); // 0xB8ACA0
public static bool ToBoolean(Decimal value); // 0xBA37B8
public static bool ToBoolean(double value); // 0xBA39A4
public static bool ToBoolean(float value); // 0xBA39BC
public static bool ToBoolean(int value); // 0xBA39D4
public static bool ToBoolean(long value); // 0xBA39E4
[CLSCompliantAttribute] // 0x33C7B8
public static bool ToBoolean(sbyte value); // 0xBA39F0
public static bool ToBoolean(short value); // 0xBA3A00
public static bool ToBoolean(string value); // 0xBA3A10
public static bool ToBoolean(string value, IFormatProvider provider); // 0xBA3ABC
[CLSCompliantAttribute] // 0x33C7CC
public static bool ToBoolean(uint value); // 0xBA3B68
[CLSCompliantAttribute] // 0x33C7E0
public static bool ToBoolean(ulong value); // 0xBA3B78
[CLSCompliantAttribute] // 0x33C7F4
public static bool ToBoolean(ushort value); // 0xBA3B84
public static bool ToBoolean(object value); // 0xBA3B94
public static bool ToBoolean(object value, IFormatProvider provider); // 0xBA3C44
public static byte ToByte(bool value); // 0xB893CC
public static byte ToByte(char value); // 0xB8C050
public static byte ToByte(Decimal value); // 0xBA3D78
public static byte ToByte(double value); // 0xBA4260
public static byte ToByte(float value); // 0xBA44B8
public static byte ToByte(int value); // 0xBA469C
public static byte ToByte(long value); // 0xBA4764
[CLSCompliantAttribute] // 0x33C808
public static byte ToByte(sbyte value); // 0xBA4848
public static byte ToByte(short value); // 0xBA4910
public static byte ToByte(string value); // 0xBA49DC
public static byte ToByte(string value, IFormatProvider provider); // 0xBA4A08
public static byte ToByte(string value, int fromBase); // 0xBA4A30
[CLSCompliantAttribute] // 0x33C81C
public static byte ToByte(uint value); // 0xBA51B8
[CLSCompliantAttribute] // 0x33C830
public static byte ToByte(ulong value); // 0xBA5280
[CLSCompliantAttribute] // 0x33C844
public static byte ToByte(ushort value); // 0xBA5364
public static byte ToByte(object value); // 0xBA542C
public static byte ToByte(object value, IFormatProvider provider); // 0xBA54DC
public static char ToChar(byte value); // 0xB8AD5C
public static char ToChar(int value); // 0xBA5610
public static char ToChar(long value); // 0xBA56D8
public static char ToChar(float value); // 0xBA57BC
[CLSCompliantAttribute] // 0x33C858
public static char ToChar(sbyte value); // 0xBA5864
public static char ToChar(short value); // 0xBA592C
public static char ToChar(string value, IFormatProvider provider); // 0xBA59F4
[CLSCompliantAttribute] // 0x33C86C
public static char ToChar(uint value); // 0xBA5A94
[CLSCompliantAttribute] // 0x33C880
public static char ToChar(ulong value); // 0xBA5B5C
[CLSCompliantAttribute] // 0x33C894
public static char ToChar(ushort value); // 0xBA5C40
public static char ToChar(object value); // 0xBA5C48
public static char ToChar(object value, IFormatProvider provider); // 0xBA5CF8
public static DateTime ToDateTime(string value, IFormatProvider provider); // 0xBA5E2C
public static DateTime ToDateTime(short value); // 0xBA5FF8
public static DateTime ToDateTime(int value); // 0xBA60A0
public static DateTime ToDateTime(long value); // 0xBA6148
public static DateTime ToDateTime(float value); // 0xBA61F0
public static DateTime ToDateTime(object value); // 0xBA6298
public static DateTime ToDateTime(object value, IFormatProvider provider); // 0xBA63B8
[CLSCompliantAttribute] // 0x33C8A8
public static DateTime ToDateTime(sbyte value); // 0xBA6550
[CLSCompliantAttribute] // 0x33C8BC
public static DateTime ToDateTime(ushort value); // 0xBA65F8
[CLSCompliantAttribute] // 0x33C8D0
public static DateTime ToDateTime(uint value); // 0xBA66A0
[CLSCompliantAttribute] // 0x33C8E4
public static DateTime ToDateTime(ulong value); // 0xBA6748
public static Decimal ToDecimal(bool value); // 0xB895D4
public static Decimal ToDecimal(byte value); // 0xB8AEB8
public static Decimal ToDecimal(double value); // 0xBA6830
public static Decimal ToDecimal(float value); // 0xBA6910
public static Decimal ToDecimal(int value); // 0xBA69DC
public static Decimal ToDecimal(long value); // 0xBA6AA4
[CLSCompliantAttribute] // 0x33C8F8
public static Decimal ToDecimal(sbyte value); // 0xBA6BB0
public static Decimal ToDecimal(short value); // 0xBA6CA8
public static Decimal ToDecimal(string value, IFormatProvider provider); // 0xBA6DA0
[CLSCompliantAttribute] // 0x33C90C
public static Decimal ToDecimal(uint value); // 0xBA6F2C
[CLSCompliantAttribute] // 0x33C920
public static Decimal ToDecimal(ulong value); // 0xBA7000
[CLSCompliantAttribute] // 0x33C934
public static Decimal ToDecimal(ushort value); // 0xBA70C8
public static Decimal ToDecimal(object value); // 0xBA7180
public static Decimal ToDecimal(object value, IFormatProvider provider); // 0xBA724C
public static double ToDouble(bool value); // 0xB89740
public static double ToDouble(byte value); // 0xB8B01C
public static double ToDouble(Decimal value); // 0xBA7390
public static double ToDouble(double value); // 0xBA7500
public static double ToDouble(float value); // 0xBA750C
public static double ToDouble(int value); // 0xBA751C
public static double ToDouble(long value); // 0xBA752C
[CLSCompliantAttribute] // 0x33C948
public static double ToDouble(sbyte value); // 0xBA7544
public static double ToDouble(short value); // 0xBA7554
public static double ToDouble(string value); // 0xBA7564
public static double ToDouble(string value, IFormatProvider provider); // 0xBA75BC
[CLSCompliantAttribute] // 0x33C95C
public static double ToDouble(uint value); // 0xBA761C
[CLSCompliantAttribute] // 0x33C970
public static double ToDouble(ulong value); // 0xBA762C
[CLSCompliantAttribute] // 0x33C984
public static double ToDouble(ushort value); // 0xBA7644
public static double ToDouble(object value); // 0xBA7654
public static double ToDouble(object value, IFormatProvider provider); // 0xBA770C
public static short ToInt16(bool value); // 0xB89804
public static short ToInt16(byte value); // 0xB8B0D0
public static short ToInt16(char value); // 0xB8C3B4
public static short ToInt16(Decimal value); // 0xBA7848
public static short ToInt16(double value); // 0xBA7B58
public static short ToInt16(float value); // 0xBA7D0C
public static short ToInt16(int value); // 0xBA7EAC
public static short ToInt16(long value); // 0xBA7F78
[CLSCompliantAttribute] // 0x33C998
public static short ToInt16(sbyte value); // 0xBA8064
public static short ToInt16(short value); // 0xBA806C
public static short ToInt16(string value, IFormatProvider provider); // 0xBA8074
public static short ToInt16(string value, int fromBase); // 0xBA8098
[CLSCompliantAttribute] // 0x33C9AC
public static short ToInt16(uint value); // 0xBA8228
[CLSCompliantAttribute] // 0x33C9C0
public static short ToInt16(ulong value); // 0xBA82F0
[CLSCompliantAttribute] // 0x33C9D4
public static short ToInt16(ushort value); // 0xBA83D4
public static short ToInt16(object value); // 0xBA849C
public static short ToInt16(object value, IFormatProvider provider); // 0xBA854C
public static int ToInt32(bool value); // 0xB898B8
public static int ToInt32(byte value); // 0xB8B17C
public static int ToInt32(char value); // 0xB8C520
public static int ToInt32(Decimal value); // 0xBA8680
public static int ToInt32(double value); // 0xBA8988
public static int ToInt32(float value); // 0xBA8B70
public static int ToInt32(long value); // 0xBA8D4C
[CLSCompliantAttribute] // 0x33C9E8
public static int ToInt32(sbyte value); // 0xBA8E1C
public static int ToInt32(short value); // 0xBA8E24
public static int ToInt32(string value); // 0xBA8E2C
public static int ToInt32(string value, IFormatProvider provider); // 0xBA8E40
public static int ToInt32(string value, int fromBase); // 0xBA8E54
[CLSCompliantAttribute] // 0x33C9FC
public static int ToInt32(uint value); // 0xBA8F08
[CLSCompliantAttribute] // 0x33CA10
public static int ToInt32(ulong value); // 0xBA8FD0
[CLSCompliantAttribute] // 0x33CA24
public static int ToInt32(ushort value); // 0xBA90B4
public static int ToInt32(object value); // 0xBA90BC
public static int ToInt32(object value, IFormatProvider provider); // 0xBA9170
public static long ToInt64(bool value); // 0xB89970
public static long ToInt64(byte value); // 0xB8B22C
public static long ToInt64(char value); // 0xB8C5D0
public static long ToInt64(Decimal value); // 0xBA92A8
public static long ToInt64(double value); // 0xBA96F0
public static long ToInt64(float value); // 0xBA98A4
public static long ToInt64(int value); // 0xBA9A44
public static long ToInt64(long value); // 0xBA9A54
[CLSCompliantAttribute] // 0x33CA38
public static long ToInt64(sbyte value); // 0xBA9A60
public static long ToInt64(short value); // 0xBA9A70
public static long ToInt64(string value); // 0xBA9A80
public static long ToInt64(string value, IFormatProvider provider); // 0xBA9A98
public static long ToInt64(string value, int fromBase); // 0xBA9AB0
[CLSCompliantAttribute] // 0x33CA4C
public static long ToInt64(uint value); // 0xBAA204
[CLSCompliantAttribute] // 0x33CA60
public static long ToInt64(ulong value); // 0xBAA210
[CLSCompliantAttribute] // 0x33CA74
public static long ToInt64(ushort value); // 0xBAA2E0
public static long ToInt64(object value); // 0xBAA2EC
public static long ToInt64(object value, IFormatProvider provider); // 0xBAA3A4
[CLSCompliantAttribute] // 0x33CA88
public static sbyte ToSByte(bool value); // 0xB89A28
[CLSCompliantAttribute] // 0x33CA9C
public static sbyte ToSByte(byte value); // 0xB8B2E0
[CLSCompliantAttribute] // 0x33CAB0
public static sbyte ToSByte(char value); // 0xB8C684
[CLSCompliantAttribute] // 0x33CAC4
public static sbyte ToSByte(Decimal value); // 0xBAA4E0
[CLSCompliantAttribute] // 0x33CAD8
public static sbyte ToSByte(double value); // 0xBAA7F0
[CLSCompliantAttribute] // 0x33CAEC
public static sbyte ToSByte(float value); // 0xBAA9A4
[CLSCompliantAttribute] // 0x33CB00
public static sbyte ToSByte(int value); // 0xBAAB44
[CLSCompliantAttribute] // 0x33CB14
public static sbyte ToSByte(long value); // 0xBAAC10
[CLSCompliantAttribute] // 0x33CB28
public static sbyte ToSByte(short value); // 0xBAACFC
[CLSCompliantAttribute] // 0x33CB3C
public static sbyte ToSByte(string value, IFormatProvider provider); // 0xBAADCC
[CLSCompliantAttribute] // 0x33CB50
public static sbyte ToSByte(string value, int fromBase); // 0xBAAE98
[CLSCompliantAttribute] // 0x33CB64
public static sbyte ToSByte(uint value); // 0xBAAFC4
[CLSCompliantAttribute] // 0x33CB78
public static sbyte ToSByte(ulong value); // 0xBAB08C
[CLSCompliantAttribute] // 0x33CB8C
public static sbyte ToSByte(ushort value); // 0xBAB170
[CLSCompliantAttribute] // 0x33CBA0
public static sbyte ToSByte(object value); // 0xBAB238
[CLSCompliantAttribute] // 0x33CBB4
public static sbyte ToSByte(object value, IFormatProvider provider); // 0xBAB2E8
public static float ToSingle(bool value); // 0xB89AEC
public static float ToSingle(byte value); // 0xB8B458
public static float ToSingle(Decimal value); // 0xBAB41C
public static float ToSingle(double value); // 0xBAB5A8
public static float ToSingle(float value); // 0xBAB5B8
public static float ToSingle(int value); // 0xBAB5C0
public static float ToSingle(long value); // 0xBAB5D0
[CLSCompliantAttribute] // 0x33CBC8
public static float ToSingle(sbyte value); // 0xBAB5E8
public static float ToSingle(short value); // 0xBAB5F8
public static float ToSingle(string value); // 0xBAB608
public static float ToSingle(string value, IFormatProvider provider); // 0xBAB61C
[CLSCompliantAttribute] // 0x33CBDC
public static float ToSingle(uint value); // 0xBAB630
[CLSCompliantAttribute] // 0x33CBF0
public static float ToSingle(ulong value); // 0xBAB644
[CLSCompliantAttribute] // 0x33CC04
public static float ToSingle(ushort value); // 0xBAB668
public static float ToSingle(object value); // 0xBAB678
public static float ToSingle(object value, IFormatProvider provider); // 0xBAB72C
public static string ToString(byte value, int toBase); // 0xBAB864
public static string ToString(int value); // 0xBAC19C
public static string ToString(long value); // 0xBAC1C0
public static string ToString(object value); // 0xBAC1E0
public static string ToString(object value, IFormatProvider provider); // 0xBAC284
[CLSCompliantAttribute] // 0x33CC18
public static ushort ToUInt16(bool value); // 0xB89BB4
[CLSCompliantAttribute] // 0x33CC2C
public static ushort ToUInt16(byte value); // 0xB8B50C
[CLSCompliantAttribute] // 0x33CC40
public static ushort ToUInt16(char value); // 0xB8C894
[CLSCompliantAttribute] // 0x33CC54
public static ushort ToUInt16(Decimal value); // 0xBAC448
[CLSCompliantAttribute] // 0x33CC68
public static ushort ToUInt16(double value); // 0xBAC750
[CLSCompliantAttribute] // 0x33CC7C
public static ushort ToUInt16(float value); // 0xBAC8F4
[CLSCompliantAttribute] // 0x33CC90
public static ushort ToUInt16(int value); // 0xBACA8C
[CLSCompliantAttribute] // 0x33CCA4
public static ushort ToUInt16(long value); // 0xBACB54
[CLSCompliantAttribute] // 0x33CCB8
public static ushort ToUInt16(sbyte value); // 0xBACC38
[CLSCompliantAttribute] // 0x33CCCC
public static ushort ToUInt16(short value); // 0xBACD00
[CLSCompliantAttribute] // 0x33CCE0
public static ushort ToUInt16(string value, IFormatProvider provider); // 0xBACDC8
[CLSCompliantAttribute] // 0x33CCF4
public static ushort ToUInt16(string value, int fromBase); // 0xBACDEC
[CLSCompliantAttribute] // 0x33CD08
public static ushort ToUInt16(uint value); // 0xBACEA8
[CLSCompliantAttribute] // 0x33CD1C
public static ushort ToUInt16(ulong value); // 0xBACF70
[CLSCompliantAttribute] // 0x33CD30
public static ushort ToUInt16(object value); // 0xBAD054
[CLSCompliantAttribute] // 0x33CD44
public static ushort ToUInt16(object value, IFormatProvider provider); // 0xBAD104
[CLSCompliantAttribute] // 0x33CD58
public static uint ToUInt32(bool value); // 0xB89C68
[CLSCompliantAttribute] // 0x33CD6C
public static uint ToUInt32(byte value); // 0xB8B5B8
[CLSCompliantAttribute] // 0x33CD80
public static uint ToUInt32(char value); // 0xB8C940
[CLSCompliantAttribute] // 0x33CD94
public static uint ToUInt32(Decimal value); // 0xBAD238
[CLSCompliantAttribute] // 0x33CDA8
public static uint ToUInt32(double value); // 0xBAD570
[CLSCompliantAttribute] // 0x33CDBC
public static uint ToUInt32(float value); // 0xBAD714
[CLSCompliantAttribute] // 0x33CDD0
public static uint ToUInt32(int value); // 0xBAD8AC
[CLSCompliantAttribute] // 0x33CDE4
public static uint ToUInt32(long value); // 0xBAD974
[CLSCompliantAttribute] // 0x33CDF8
public static uint ToUInt32(sbyte value); // 0xBADA40
[CLSCompliantAttribute] // 0x33CE0C
public static uint ToUInt32(short value); // 0xBADB08
[CLSCompliantAttribute] // 0x33CE20
public static uint ToUInt32(string value); // 0xBADBD0
[CLSCompliantAttribute] // 0x33CE34
public static uint ToUInt32(string value, IFormatProvider provider); // 0xBADBE4
[CLSCompliantAttribute] // 0x33CE48
public static uint ToUInt32(string value, int fromBase); // 0xBADBF8
[CLSCompliantAttribute] // 0x33CE5C
public static uint ToUInt32(ulong value); // 0xBADCAC
[CLSCompliantAttribute] // 0x33CE70
public static uint ToUInt32(ushort value); // 0xBADD78
[CLSCompliantAttribute] // 0x33CE84
public static uint ToUInt32(object value); // 0xBADD80
[CLSCompliantAttribute] // 0x33CE98
public static uint ToUInt32(object value, IFormatProvider provider); // 0xBADE34
[CLSCompliantAttribute] // 0x33CEAC
public static ulong ToUInt64(bool value); // 0xB89D20
[CLSCompliantAttribute] // 0x33CEC0
public static ulong ToUInt64(byte value); // 0xB8B668
[CLSCompliantAttribute] // 0x33CED4
public static ulong ToUInt64(char value); // 0xB8C9F0
[CLSCompliantAttribute] // 0x33CEE8
public static ulong ToUInt64(Decimal value); // 0xBADF6C
[CLSCompliantAttribute] // 0x33CEFC
public static ulong ToUInt64(double value); // 0xBAE278
[CLSCompliantAttribute] // 0x33CF10
public static ulong ToUInt64(float value); // 0xBAE41C
[CLSCompliantAttribute] // 0x33CF24
public static ulong ToUInt64(int value); // 0xBAE5B4
[CLSCompliantAttribute] // 0x33CF38
public static ulong ToUInt64(long value); // 0xBAE680
[CLSCompliantAttribute] // 0x33CF4C
public static ulong ToUInt64(sbyte value); // 0xBAE750
[CLSCompliantAttribute] // 0x33CF60
public static ulong ToUInt64(short value); // 0xBAE80C
[CLSCompliantAttribute] // 0x33CF74
public static ulong ToUInt64(string value); // 0xBAE8D8
[CLSCompliantAttribute] // 0x33CF88
public static ulong ToUInt64(string value, IFormatProvider provider); // 0xBAE8F0
[CLSCompliantAttribute] // 0x33CF9C
public static ulong ToUInt64(string value, int fromBase); // 0xBAE908
[CLSCompliantAttribute] // 0x33CFB0
public static ulong ToUInt64(uint value); // 0xBAE9BC
[CLSCompliantAttribute] // 0x33CFC4
public static ulong ToUInt64(ushort value); // 0xBAE9C8
[CLSCompliantAttribute] // 0x33CFD8
public static ulong ToUInt64(object value); // 0xBAE9D4
[CLSCompliantAttribute] // 0x33CFEC
public static ulong ToUInt64(object value, IFormatProvider provider); // 0xBAEA8C
public static object ChangeType(object value, Type conversionType); // 0xBAEBC8
public static object ChangeType(object value, TypeCode typeCode); // 0xBAEDC8
public static object ChangeType(object value, Type conversionType, IFormatProvider provider); // 0xBAEFDC
private static bool NotValidBase(int value); // 0xBAF0F8
private static int ConvertFromBase(string value, int fromBase, bool unsigned); // 0xBA4B28
private static long ConvertFromBase64(string value, int fromBase, bool unsigned); // 0xBA9B64
private static void EndianSwap(byte[] value); // 0xBAF11C
private static string ConvertToBase2(byte[] value); // 0xBABAA4
private static string ConvertToBase8(byte[] value); // 0xBABC90
private static string ConvertToBase16(byte[] value); // 0xBABF3C
internal static object ToType(object value, Type conversionType, IFormatProvider provider, bool try_target_to_type); // 0xB87D98
// Namespace: System
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x33D000
public sealed class DBNull : IConvertible, ISerializable // TypeDefIndex: 922
// Fields
public static readonly DBNull Value; // 0x0
// Methods
private void .ctor(); // 0xBC0A34
private void .ctor(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context); // 0xBC0A3C
private static void .cctor(); // 0xBC0AE0
private bool System.IConvertible.ToBoolean(IFormatProvider provider); // 0xBC0B74
private byte System.IConvertible.ToByte(IFormatProvider provider); // 0xBC0C08
private char System.IConvertible.ToChar(IFormatProvider provider); // 0xBC0C9C
private DateTime System.IConvertible.ToDateTime(IFormatProvider provider); // 0xBC0D30
private Decimal System.IConvertible.ToDecimal(IFormatProvider provider); // 0xBC0DC4
private double System.IConvertible.ToDouble(IFormatProvider provider); // 0xBC0E58
private short System.IConvertible.ToInt16(IFormatProvider provider); // 0xBC0EEC
private int System.IConvertible.ToInt32(IFormatProvider provider); // 0xBC0F80
private long System.IConvertible.ToInt64(IFormatProvider provider); // 0xBC1014
private sbyte System.IConvertible.ToSByte(IFormatProvider provider); // 0xBC10A8
private float System.IConvertible.ToSingle(IFormatProvider provider); // 0xBC113C
private object System.IConvertible.ToType(Type targetType, IFormatProvider provider); // 0xBC11D0
private ushort System.IConvertible.ToUInt16(IFormatProvider provider); // 0xBC1390
private uint System.IConvertible.ToUInt32(IFormatProvider provider); // 0xBC1424
private ulong System.IConvertible.ToUInt64(IFormatProvider provider); // 0xBC14B8
public void GetObjectData(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context); // 0xBC154C
public TypeCode GetTypeCode(); // 0xBC1584
public override string ToString(); // 0xBC158C
public string ToString(IFormatProvider provider); // 0xBC163C
// Namespace: System
public struct DateTime : IFormattable, IConvertible, IComparable, IComparable`1<DateTime>, IEquatable`1<DateTime> // TypeDefIndex: 923
// Fields
private const int dp400 = 146097; // 0x0
private const int dp100 = 36524; // 0x0
private const int dp4 = 1461; // 0x0
private const long w32file_epoch = 504911232000000000; // 0x0
private const long MAX_VALUE_TICKS = 3155378975999999999; // 0x0
internal const long UnixEpoch = 621355968000000000; // 0x0
private const long ticks18991230 = 599264352000000000; // 0x0
private const double OAMinValue = -657435; // 0x0
private const double OAMaxValue = 2958466; // 0x0
private const string formatExceptionMessage = "String was not recognized as a valid DateTime."; // 0x0
private TimeSpan ticks; // 0x8
private DateTimeKind kind; // 0x10
public static readonly DateTime MaxValue; // 0x0
public static readonly DateTime MinValue; // 0x10
private static readonly string[] ParseTimeFormats; // 0x20
private static readonly string[] ParseYearDayMonthFormats; // 0x24
private static readonly string[] ParseYearMonthDayFormats; // 0x28
private static readonly string[] ParseDayMonthYearFormats; // 0x2C
private static readonly string[] ParseMonthDayYearFormats; // 0x30
private static readonly string[] MonthDayShortFormats; // 0x34
private static readonly string[] DayMonthShortFormats; // 0x38
private static readonly int[] daysmonth; // 0x3C
private static readonly int[] daysmonthleap; // 0x40
private static object to_local_time_span_object; // 0x44
private static long last_now; // 0x48
// Properties
public DateTime Date { get; }
public int Month { get; }
public int Day { get; }
public DayOfWeek DayOfWeek { get; }
public int DayOfYear { get; }
public TimeSpan TimeOfDay { get; }
public int Hour { get; }
public int Minute { get; }
public int Second { get; }
public int Millisecond { get; }
public static DateTime Now { get; }
public long Ticks { get; }
public static DateTime Today { get; }
public static DateTime UtcNow { get; }
public int Year { get; }
public DateTimeKind Kind { get; }
// Methods
public void .ctor(long ticks); // 0xBB087C
public void .ctor(int year, int month, int day); // 0xBB0AC8
public void .ctor(int year, int month, int day, int hour, int minute, int second); // 0xBB0B2C
public void .ctor(int year, int month, int day, int hour, int minute, int second, int millisecond); // 0xBB0F34
internal void .ctor(bool check, TimeSpan value); // 0xBB1188
public void .ctor(long ticks, DateTimeKind kind); // 0xBB12A4
public void .ctor(int year, int month, int day, int hour, int minute, int second, DateTimeKind kind); // 0xBB1320
private static void .cctor(); // 0xBB136C
private bool System.IConvertible.ToBoolean(IFormatProvider provider); // 0xBB34C0
private byte System.IConvertible.ToByte(IFormatProvider provider); // 0xBB3564
private char System.IConvertible.ToChar(IFormatProvider provider); // 0xBB3608
private DateTime System.IConvertible.ToDateTime(IFormatProvider provider); // 0xBB3618
private Decimal System.IConvertible.ToDecimal(IFormatProvider provider); // 0xBB36BC
private double System.IConvertible.ToDouble(IFormatProvider provider); // 0xBB3760
private short System.IConvertible.ToInt16(IFormatProvider provider); // 0xBB3804
private int System.IConvertible.ToInt32(IFormatProvider provider); // 0xBB38A8
private long System.IConvertible.ToInt64(IFormatProvider provider); // 0xBB394C
private sbyte System.IConvertible.ToSByte(IFormatProvider provider); // 0xBB39F0
private float System.IConvertible.ToSingle(IFormatProvider provider); // 0xBB3A94
private object System.IConvertible.ToType(Type targetType, IFormatProvider provider); // 0xBB3D2C
private ushort System.IConvertible.ToUInt16(IFormatProvider provider); // 0xBB3DC8
private uint System.IConvertible.ToUInt32(IFormatProvider provider); // 0xBB3E6C
private ulong System.IConvertible.ToUInt64(IFormatProvider provider); // 0xBB3F10
private static int AbsoluteDays(int year, int month, int day); // 0xBB0D40
private int FromTicks(Which what); // 0xBB4290
public DateTime get_Date(); // 0xBB4334
public int get_Month(); // 0xBB4348
public int get_Day(); // 0xBB4354
public DayOfWeek get_DayOfWeek(); // 0xBB4360
public int get_DayOfYear(); // 0xBB4398
public TimeSpan get_TimeOfDay(); // 0xBB43A4
public int get_Hour(); // 0xBB4400
public int get_Minute(); // 0xBB4414
public int get_Second(); // 0xBB4428
public int get_Millisecond(); // 0xBB4434
internal static long GetTimeMonotonic(); // 0xBB4440
internal static long GetNow(); // 0xBB4444
public static DateTime get_Now(); // 0xBB058C
public long get_Ticks(); // 0xBB454C
public static DateTime get_Today(); // 0xBB4558
public static DateTime get_UtcNow(); // 0xBB467C
public int get_Year(); // 0xBB4788
public DateTimeKind get_Kind(); // 0xBB479C
public DateTime Add(TimeSpan value); // 0xBB494C
public DateTime AddTicks(long value); // 0xBB4968
public DateTime AddMilliseconds(double value); // 0xBB4B30
public DateTime AddSeconds(double value); // 0xBB4B80
public static int Compare(DateTime t1, DateTime t2); // 0xBB4BB8
public int CompareTo(object value); // 0xBB4E6C
public bool IsDaylightSavingTime(); // 0xBB4F68
public int CompareTo(DateTime value); // 0xBB503C
public bool Equals(DateTime value); // 0xBB512C
public long ToBinary(); // 0xBB52C8
public static DateTime FromBinary(long dateData); // 0xBB52D0
public static DateTime SpecifyKind(DateTime value, DateTimeKind kind); // 0xBB5530
public static int DaysInMonth(int year, int month); // 0xBB0B64
public override bool Equals(object value); // 0xBB56A0
public string[] GetDateTimeFormats(); // 0xBB5B04
public string[] GetDateTimeFormats(IFormatProvider provider); // 0xBB5E30
public string[] GetDateTimeFormats(char format, IFormatProvider provider); // 0xBB5FF0
private string[] GetDateTimeFormats(bool adjustutc, string[] patterns, DateTimeFormatInfo dfi); // 0xBB60FC
private void CheckDateTimeKind(DateTimeKind kind); // 0xBB6118
public override int GetHashCode(); // 0xBB6130
public TypeCode GetTypeCode(); // 0xBB6148
public static bool IsLeapYear(int year); // 0xBB3F20
public static DateTime Parse(string s); // 0xBB6150
public static DateTime Parse(string s, IFormatProvider provider); // 0xBA5F38
public static DateTime Parse(string s, IFormatProvider provider, DateTimeStyles styles); // 0xBB6204
internal static bool CoreParse(string s, IFormatProvider provider, DateTimeStyles styles, out DateTime result, out DateTimeOffset dto, bool setExceptionOnError, Exception exception); // 0xBB6374
public static DateTime ParseExact(string s, string format, IFormatProvider provider); // 0xBBAAF8
private static string[] YearMonthDayFormats(DateTimeFormatInfo dfi, bool setExceptionOnError, Exception exc); // 0xBB70FC
private static int _ParseNumber(string s, int valuePos, int min_digits, int digits, bool leadingzero, bool sloppy_parsing, out int num_parsed); // 0xBBAD5C
private static int _ParseEnum(string s, int sPos, string[] values, string[] invValues, bool exact, out int num_parsed); // 0xBBAF64
private static bool _ParseString(string s, int sPos, int maxlength, string value, out int num_parsed); // 0xBBB308
private static bool _ParseAmPm(string s, int valuePos, int num, DateTimeFormatInfo dfi, bool exact, out int num_parsed, int ampm); // 0xBBB488
private static bool _ParseTimeSeparator(string s, int sPos, DateTimeFormatInfo dfi, bool exact, out int num_parsed); // 0xBBB9BC
private static bool _ParseDateSeparator(string s, int sPos, DateTimeFormatInfo dfi, bool exact, out int num_parsed); // 0xBBBB10
private static bool IsLetter(string s, int pos); // 0xBBB8D0
private static bool _DoParse(string s, string firstPart, string secondPart, bool exact, out DateTime result, out DateTimeOffset dto, DateTimeFormatInfo dfi, DateTimeStyles style, bool firstPartIsDate, bool incompleteFormat, bool longYear); // 0xBB75B8
public static DateTime ParseExact(string s, string format, IFormatProvider provider, DateTimeStyles style); // 0xBBABC0
public static DateTime ParseExact(string s, string[] formats, IFormatProvider provider, DateTimeStyles style); // 0xBBC664
private static void CheckStyle(DateTimeStyles style); // 0xBBC8E8
public static bool TryParse(string s, IFormatProvider provider, DateTimeStyles styles, out DateTime result); // 0xBBC9FC
public static bool TryParseExact(string s, string format, IFormatProvider provider, DateTimeStyles style, out DateTime result); // 0xBBCBF0
public static bool TryParseExact(string s, string[] formats, IFormatProvider provider, DateTimeStyles style, out DateTime result); // 0xBBCD40
private static bool ParseExact(string s, string[] formats, DateTimeFormatInfo dfi, DateTimeStyles style, out DateTime ret, bool exact, bool longYear, bool setExceptionOnError, Exception exception); // 0xBBA83C
public TimeSpan Subtract(DateTime value); // 0xBBD074
public DateTime Subtract(TimeSpan value); // 0xBBD1C0
public long ToFileTime(); // 0xBBD318
public long ToFileTimeUtc(); // 0xBBD430
public string ToLongDateString(); // 0xBBD4C0
public string ToLongTimeString(); // 0xBBD550
public double ToOADate(); // 0xBBD6A0
public string ToShortDateString(); // 0xBBD730
public string ToShortTimeString(); // 0xBBD7C0
public override string ToString(); // 0xBBDAA4
public string ToString(IFormatProvider provider); // 0xBBDAAC
public string ToString(string format); // 0xBBDABC
public string ToString(string format, IFormatProvider provider); // 0xBBDAC8
public DateTime ToLocalTime(); // 0xBBDAD0
public DateTime ToUniversalTime(); // 0xBBDAE4
public static DateTime op_Addition(DateTime d, TimeSpan t); // 0xBB4448
public static bool op_Equality(DateTime d1, DateTime d2); // 0xBBDAF8
public static bool op_GreaterThan(DateTime t1, DateTime t2); // 0xBBDBC0
public static bool op_GreaterThanOrEqual(DateTime t1, DateTime t2); // 0xBBDC88
public static bool op_Inequality(DateTime d1, DateTime d2); // 0xBBBD14
public static bool op_LessThan(DateTime t1, DateTime t2); // 0xBBDD50
public static bool op_LessThanOrEqual(DateTime t1, DateTime t2); // 0xBBDE18
public static TimeSpan op_Subtraction(DateTime d1, DateTime d2); // 0xBBDEE0
public static DateTime op_Subtraction(DateTime d, TimeSpan t); // 0xBBDFF0
// Namespace:
private enum Which // TypeDefIndex: 924
// Fields
public int value__; // 0x8
public const Which Day = 0; // 0x0
public const Which DayYear = 1; // 0x0
public const Which Month = 2; // 0x0
public const Which Year = 3; // 0x0
// Namespace: System
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x33D014
public enum DateTimeKind // TypeDefIndex: 925
// Fields
public int value__; // 0x8
public const DateTimeKind Unspecified = 0; // 0x0
public const DateTimeKind Utc = 1; // 0x0
public const DateTimeKind Local = 2; // 0x0
// Namespace: System
public struct DateTimeOffset : IFormattable, IComparable, ISerializable, IComparable`1<DateTimeOffset>, IEquatable`1<DateTimeOffset>, IDeserializationCallback // TypeDefIndex: 926
// Fields
public static readonly DateTimeOffset MaxValue; // 0x0
public static readonly DateTimeOffset MinValue; // 0x18
private DateTime dt; // 0x8
private TimeSpan utc_offset; // 0x18
// Properties
public DateTime DateTime { get; }
public TimeSpan Offset { get; }
public DateTime UtcDateTime { get; }
// Methods
public void .ctor(DateTime dateTime); // 0xBBE1E0
public void .ctor(DateTime dateTime, TimeSpan offset); // 0xBBE208
public void .ctor(long ticks, TimeSpan offset); // 0xBBE238
private void .ctor(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context); // 0xBBE44C
private static void .cctor(); // 0xBBE468
private int System.IComparable.CompareTo(object obj); // 0xBBE84C
private void System.Runtime.Serialization.ISerializable.GetObjectData(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context); // 0xBBE9C4
[MonoTODOAttribute] // 0x33D028
private void System.Runtime.Serialization.IDeserializationCallback.OnDeserialization(object sender); // 0xBBE9E0
public int CompareTo(DateTimeOffset other); // 0xBBE9E4
public bool Equals(DateTimeOffset other); // 0xBBEB18
public override bool Equals(object obj); // 0xBBECA0
public override int GetHashCode(); // 0xBBECD4
public override string ToString(); // 0xBBF184
public string ToString(string format, IFormatProvider formatProvider); // 0xBC0720
public DateTime get_DateTime(); // 0xBC0728
public TimeSpan get_Offset(); // 0xBC073C
public DateTime get_UtcDateTime(); // 0xBC0748
// Namespace: System
internal static class DateTimeUtils // TypeDefIndex: 927
// Methods
public static int CountRepeat(string fmt, int p, char c); // 0xBC075C
public static void ZeroPad(StringBuilder output, int digits, int len); // 0xBC07C8
public static int ParseQuotedString(string fmt, int pos, StringBuilder output); // 0xBC089C
public static string GetStandardPattern(char format, DateTimeFormatInfo dfi, out bool useutc, out bool use_invariant); // 0xBBBCEC
public static string GetStandardPattern(char format, DateTimeFormatInfo dfi, out bool useutc, out bool use_invariant, bool date_time_offset); // 0xBBF194
public static string ToString(DateTime dt, string format, DateTimeFormatInfo dfi); // 0xBB5FF8
public static string ToString(DateTime dt, Nullable`1<TimeSpan> utc_offset, string format, DateTimeFormatInfo dfi); // 0xBBF5F0
// Namespace: System
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x33D038
public enum DayOfWeek // TypeDefIndex: 928
// Fields
public int value__; // 0x8
public const DayOfWeek Sunday = 0; // 0x0
public const DayOfWeek Monday = 1; // 0x0
public const DayOfWeek Tuesday = 2; // 0x0
public const DayOfWeek Wednesday = 3; // 0x0
public const DayOfWeek Thursday = 4; // 0x0
public const DayOfWeek Friday = 5; // 0x0
public const DayOfWeek Saturday = 6; // 0x0
// Namespace: System
internal class DelegateData // TypeDefIndex: 929
// Fields
public Type target_type; // 0x8
public string method_name; // 0xC
// Namespace: System
internal class DelegateSerializationHolder : ISerializable, IObjectReference // TypeDefIndex: 930
// Fields
private Delegate _delegate; // 0x8
// Methods
private void .ctor(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext ctx); // 0xBC8D48
public static void GetDelegateData(Delegate instance, SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext ctx); // 0xBC864C
public void GetObjectData(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context); // 0xBC9390
public object GetRealObject(StreamingContext context); // 0xBC9424
// Namespace:
private class DelegateEntry // TypeDefIndex: 931
// Fields
private string type; // 0x8
private string assembly; // 0xC
public object target; // 0x10
private string targetTypeAssembly; // 0x14
private string targetTypeName; // 0x18
private string methodName; // 0x1C
public DelegateEntry delegateEntry; // 0x20
// Methods
public void .ctor(Delegate del, string targetLabel); // 0xBC923C
public Delegate DeserializeDelegate(SerializationInfo info); // 0xBC8F84
// Namespace: System
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x33D04C
public class DivideByZeroException : ArithmeticException // TypeDefIndex: 932
// Fields
private const int Result = -2147352558; // 0x0
// Methods
public void .ctor(); // 0xBC4664
protected void .ctor(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context); // 0xBCA9C4
// Namespace: System
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x33D060
public class DllNotFoundException : TypeLoadException // TypeDefIndex: 933
// Fields
private const int Result = -2146233052; // 0x0
// Methods
public void .ctor(); // 0xBCA9E4
protected void .ctor(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context); // 0xBCAA88
// Namespace: System
[ComVisibleAttribute] // 0x33D074
public class EntryPointNotFoundException : TypeLoadException // TypeDefIndex: 934
// Fields
private const int Result = -2146233053; // 0x0
// Methods
public void .ctor(); // 0xBCD370
protected void .ctor(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context); // 0xBCD414
// Namespace: System
internal struct MonoEnumInfo // TypeDefIndex: 935
// Fields
internal Type utype; // 0x8
internal Array values; // 0xC
internal string[] names; // 0x10
internal Hashtable name_hash; // 0x14
[ThreadStaticAttribute] // 0x33D088
private static Hashtable cache; // 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
private static Hashtable global_cache; // 0x0
private static object global_cache_monitor; // 0x4
internal static SByteComparer sbyte_comparer; // 0x8
internal static ShortComparer short_comparer; // 0xC
internal static IntComparer int_comparer; // 0x10
internal static LongComparer long_comparer; // 0x14
// Properties
private static Hashtable Cache { get; }
// Methods
private void .ctor(MonoEnumInfo other); // 0x13655C8
private static void .cctor(
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