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Last active August 26, 2022 21:19
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bytes / kb / mb / gb / tb / etc unit converter
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def convert_unit( num , src_unit: str = "b" , dst_unit: str = "mb" , human_format = False ):
convert the given <num> from <src_unit> value to <dst_unit> value
possible unit values (lower case also accepted!)
"B", "KB", "MB", "GB", "TB", "PB", "EB", "ZB", "YB"
>>> convert_unit(3235432423, "b", "mb")
when only dst_unit is provided, we assume the source is bytes
>>> convert_unit(13235432423, dst_unit="MB")
you can pass the units as positionals as well
>>> convert_unit(4, "GB", "MB")
if you want to print a "human friendly string"
>>> convert_unit(13235432423, dst_unit="mb", human_format = True)
'12622.29 MB'
src_unit = src_unit.upper()
dst_unit = dst_unit.upper()
unames = ("B" , "KB" , "MB" , "GB" , "TB" , "PB" , "EB" , "ZB" , "YB")
err = None
if src_unit not in unames:
err = "unit from" , src_unit
if dst_unit not in unames:
err = "unit to" , dst_unit
if err:
raise ValueError( "your %s = %s but should be one of %s" % (*err , unames) )
idxfrom = unames.index( src_unit )
idxto = unames.index( dst_unit )
ret = None
if src_unit == dst_unit:
ret = num
if idxfrom < idxto:
ret = num / (1024 ** (idxto - idxfrom))
if idxfrom > idxto:
ret = num * (1024 ** (idxfrom - idxto))
if human_format:
ret = "{0:.2f} {1}".format( ret , dst_unit )
return ret
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