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Last active June 20, 2024 18:35
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FastAPI support for React ( with working react-router )
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serve react app via fastapi, complete with working react-router
How to use ?
it's actually very simple.
create your fastapi app like you'd normally do
but you have to use this as your VERY LAST mount to your main app
# regular fastapi setup
root = fastapi.FastAPI()
... some static files maybe ?
# moment of truth
from fastapi_react import frontend
root.mount('/', frontend(build_dir='build')) # we are MOUNTING it!
..., port=8080) # maybe ?
def frontend(build_dir="./build"):
:param build_dir: the path to your build folder for react
we are assuming the "static" folder lives within your build folder
if not, change it some lines below
:return: fastapi.FastAPI
import pathlib
import fastapi.exceptions
from fastapi import FastAPI, Request, Response
from fastapi.staticfiles import StaticFiles
build_dir = pathlib.Path(build_dir)
react = FastAPI(openapi_url="")
react.mount('/static', StaticFiles(directory=build_dir / "static"))
async def handle_catch_all(request: Request, path):
if path and path != "/":
disk_path = build_dir / path
if disk_path.exists():
return Response(disk_path.read_bytes(), 200)
if disk_path.is_file():
raise fastapi.exceptions.HTTPException(404)
return Response((build_dir / "index.html").read_bytes(), 200)
return react
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