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Last active August 9, 2023 22:29
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How expectJson function works in Elm
I got frustrated about how Http.get works, so I expanded all the function in Elm core to get to the bottom of line
expectJson : (Result Error a -> msg) -> Decode.Decoder a -> Expect msg
expectJson toMsg decoder =
decodingResult string =
case (Decode.decodeString decoder string) of
Ok v ->
Ok v
Err e ->
Err (Decode.errorToString e)
toResult: r -> Result Http.Error a
toResult response =
case response of
BadUrl_ url -> Err (BadUrl url)
Timeout_ -> Err Timeout
NetworkError_ -> Err NetworkError
BadStatus_ metadata _ -> Err (BadStatus metadata.statusCode)
GoodStatus_ _ body ->
case (decodingResult body) of
Ok v -> Ok v
Err e -> Err (BadBody e)
Elm.Kernel.Http.expect "" identity (toResult >> toMsg)
type Msg =
GotPerson Result Http.Error Person
{ url = ""
, expect = Http.expectJson GotPerson decodePerson
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