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Last active March 20, 2024 10:13
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" .ideavimrc is a configuration file for IdeaVim plugin. It uses
" the same commands as the original .vimrc configuration.
" You can find a list of commands here:
" Find more examples here:
"" -- Suggested options --
" Show a few lines of context around the cursor. Note that this makes the
" text scroll if you mouse-click near the start or end of the window.
set scrolloff=5
" Do incremental searching.
set incsearch
" Don't use Ex mode, use Q for formatting.
map Q gq
" --- Enable IdeaVim plugins
" Highlight copied text
Plug 'machakann/vim-highlightedyank'
" Commentary plugin
Plug 'tpope/vim-commentary'
"" -- Map IDE actions to IdeaVim --
"" Map \r to the Reformat Code action
"map \r <Action>(ReformatCode)
"" Map <leader>d to start debug
"map <leader>d <Action>(Debug)
"" Map \b to toggle the breakpoint on the current line
"map \b <Action>(ToggleLineBreakpoint)
set ideajoin
"" .ideavimrc - Matt Chapman
"" Base Settings
"" ========================================================
set scrolloff=10
set linenumber
set showmode
set showcmd
set smartcase
set incsearch
set hlsearch
set visualbell
" Use system clipboard
set clipboard+=unnamed
let mapleader = " "
"" Plugin Settings
"" ========================================================
set surround
set highlightedyank
set sneak
set nerdtree
" Easymotion settings
set easymotion
set notimeout
" Which-key settings
set which-key
let g:WhichKey_FontSize = 16
let g:WhichKey_CommandColor = "#41ead4"
let g:WhichKey_PrefixColor = "#f335b2"
let g:WhichKey_SortOrder = "by_key_prefix_first"
let g:WhichKeyDesc_leader = "<leader> Leader key"
let g:WhichKeyDesc_leader = "<leader>x Open file explorer"
let g:WhichKeyDesc_easymotion = "<leader>j Jump with Easymotion"
let g:WhichKeyDesc_easymotion_prefix = "<leader><leader>"
let g:WhichKeyDesc_comment = "<leader>c Comment line"
let g:WhichKeyDesc_fold = "<leader>z Folding"
let g:WhichKeyDesc_fold_all = "<leader>zc Fold all regions"
let g:WhichKeyDesc_unfold_all = "<leader>zo Unfold all regions"
let g:WhichKeyDesc_window = "<leader>w Window splits"
let g:WhichKeyDesc_window_split_vertically = "<leader>wv Split vertically"
let g:WhichKeyDesc_window_split_horizontally = "<leader>wh Split horizontally"
let g:WhichKeyDesc_window_split_unsplit = "<leader>wu Unsplit"
let g:WhichKeyDesc_window_split_move_editor = "<leader>wm Move editor to opposite tab group"
let g:WhichKeyDesc_display = "<leader>d Display options"
let g:WhichKeyDesc_zen_mode = "<leader>dz Toggle Zen mode"
let g:WhichKeyDesc_df_mode = "<leader>dd Toggle Distraction-Free mode"
let g:WhichKeyDesc_fullscreen = "<leader>df Toggle full screen"
let g:WhichKeyDesc_action= "<leader>a Actions"
let g:WhichKeyDesc_action_context_menu = "<leader>am Open context menu"
let g:WhichKeyDesc_action_search = "<leader>as Open command modal"
let g:WhichKeyDesc_file_quickLook = "<leader><leader> Recent files"
let g:WhichKeyDesc_file_nav = "<leader>f File navigation"
let g:WhichKeyDesc_file_nav_goto_file = "<leader>ff Go to file"
let g:WhichKeyDesc_file_nav_goto_content = "<leader>fc Search for file content"
let g:WhichKeyDesc_file_nav_show_recent_files = "<leader>fr Show recent files"
let g:WhichKeyDesc_file_nav_show_recent_locations = "<leader>fl Show recent locations"
let g:WhichKeyDesc_close_tab = "<leader>q Close active tab"
let g:WhichKeyDesc_refactoring = "<leader>r Refactoring menu"
let g:WhichKeyDesc_refactoring_rename = "<leader>rn Rename element"
let g:WhichKeyDesc_refactoring_method = "<leader>rm Extract method"
let g:WhichKeyDesc_refactoring_variable = "<leader>rv Introduce variable"
let g:WhichKeyDesc_refactoring_field = "<leader>rf Introduce field"
let g:WhichKeyDesc_refactoring_signature = "<leader>rs Change signature"
let g:WhichKeyDesc_refactoring_all = "<leader>rr Open refactorings list"
let g:WhichKeyDesc_goto = "<leader>g Go to X"
let g:WhichKeyDesc_goto_declaration = "<leader>gd Go to Definition"
let g:WhichKeyDesc_goto_type_declaration = "<leader>gy Go to Type Definition"
let g:WhichKeyDesc_goto_implementation = "<leader>gi Go to Implementation"
let g:WhichKeyDesc_goto_usages = "<leader>gu Go to Usages"
let g:WhichKeyDesc_goto_test = "<leader>gt Go to Test"
let g:WhichKeyDesc_goto_back = "<leader>gb Go Back"
let g:WhichKeyDesc_goto_forward = "<leader>gf Go Forward"
let g:WhichKeyDesc_git = "<leader>g Git operations"
let g:WhichKeyDesc_git_commit = "<leader>gc Open Git commit dialog"
let g:WhichKeyDesc_git_status = "<leader>gs Open Git status dialog"
let g:WhichKeyDesc_git_branches = "<leader>gb Open Git branches list"
let g:WhichKeyDesc_errors = "<leader>e Error navigation"
let g:WhichKeyDesc_errors_next = "<leader>en Go to next error in solution"
let g:WhichKeyDesc_errors_prev = "<leader>ep Go to previous error in solution"
"" Key mappings
"" ========================================================
inoremap jk <Esc>
" Pane navigation
nnoremap <A-h> <C-w>h
nnoremap <A-l> <C-w>l
nnoremap <A-k> <C-w>k
nnoremap <A-j> <C-w>j
" Jump between methods
nnoremap [[ <Action>(MethodUp)
nnoremap ]] <Action>(MethodDown)
" Easy visual indentation
vnoremap < <gv
vnoremap > >gv
" Execute macro saved in 'q' register
nnoremap qj @q
" Popup navigation
inoremap <C-j> <Action>(PopupMenu-selectNext)
inoremap <C-k> <Action>(PopupMenu-selectPrev)
"" Leader commands
"" ========================================================
" Tab navigation
map ]b :tabnext<CR>
map [b :tabprev<CR>
" Comment lines
map <leader>c <action>(CommentByLineComment)
" Jump around with easymotion
map <leader>j <Plug>(easymotion-s)
" Open NERDTree (use q to exit)
map <leader>; :NERDTreeToggle<CR>
" Folding
map <leader>zc :action CollapseAllRegions<CR>
map <leader>zo :action ExpandAllRegions<CR>
" Window splits
map <leader>wv <Action>(SplitVertically)
map <leader>ws <Action>(SplitHorizontally)
map <leader>wu <Action>(Unsplit)
map <leader>wm <Action>(MoveEditorToOppositeTabGroup)
" Display options
map <leader>dd <action>(ToggleDistractionFreeMode)
map <leader>dz <action>(ToggleZenMode)
map <leader>df <action>(ToggleFullScreen)
" Actions
map <leader>am <action>(ShowIntentionActions)
map <leader>as <action>(SearchEverywhere)
" File navigation
map <leader>ff <action>(GotoFile)
map <leader>fr <action>(RecentFiles)
map <leader>fc <action>(FindInPath)
map <leader><leader> <Action>(RecentFiles)
map <leader>fl <action>(RecentLocations)
map <leader>fs <action>(NewScratchFile)
" Close active tab
map <leader>q <action>(CloseContent)
" Refactoring
map <leader>rn <Action>(RenameElement)
map <leader>rm <Action>(ExtractMethod)
map <leader>rv <Action>(IntroduceVariable)
map <leader>rf <Action>(IntroduceField)
map <leader>rs <Action>(ChangeSignature)
map <leader>rr <Action>(Refactorings.QuickListPopupAction)
" Go to code
nmap <leader>gd <Action>(GotoDeclaration)
nmap <leader>gy <Action>(GotoTypeDeclaration)
nmap <leader>gi <Action>(GotoImplementation)
nmap <leader>gu <Action>(ShowUsages)
nmap <leader>gt <Action>(GotoTest)
nmap <leader>gf <Action>(Back)
nmap <leader>gb <Action>(Forward)
" Git windows
map <leader>gc <Action>(CheckinProject)
map <leader>gs <Action>(ActivateVersionControlToolWindow)
map <leader>gb <Action>(Git.Branches)
" Errors
map <leader>en <Action>(ReSharperGotoNextErrorInSolution)
map <leader>ep <Action>(ReSharperGotoPrevErrorInSolution)
nnoremap <leader>si :source ~/.ideavimrc<CR>
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