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Last active August 10, 2016 12:43
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Private Sub Auto_Open()
On Error Resume Next
With MenuBars("Worksheet").Menus.Add(Caption:="New_menu" & ThisWorkbook.Name)
With .MenuItems
.Add Caption:="Пункт меню", OnAction:="'name_macros " & parameter & "'"
.Add Caption:="-"
End With
End With
End Sub
Private Sub Workbook_BeforeClose(Cancel As Boolean)
For Each m In MenuBars("Worksheet").Menus
x = m.Caption
xx = m.Index
If x = "New_menu" & ThisWorkbook.Name Then
End If
Next m
End Sub
Function close_word_doc (doc)
On Error Resume Next: Err.Clear
doc.Close False
End Function
Function close_word_obj (obj)
On Error Resume Next: Err.Clear
Set obj = Nothing
End Function
Sub color_this()
For Each r In Selection
r.Value = r.Interior.ColorIndex
Next r
End Sub
Function DativeCase(sSurname$, Optional sName$, Optional sPatronymic$) As String
' Функция формирует дательный падеж из ФИО
' Параметры: sSurname - фамилия, sName - имя, sPatronymic - отчество
Application.Volatile True ' автопересчёт формулы на листе
sSurname$ = Replace(sSurname$, " - ", "-"): sSurname$ = Replace(Replace(sSurname$, " -", "-"), "- ", "-")
On Error Resume Next
If sName$ = "" And sPatronymic$ = "" Then
arr = Split(Application.Trim(sSurname$))
sSurname$ = arr(0): sName$ = arr(1): sPatronymic$ = Replace(arr(2), ".", "")
End If
' пол теперь определяется иначе: что заканчивается на "вна" или "кызы" - то женщины, остальные - мужчины.
Dim bMaleSex As Boolean: ' bMaleSex = (Right(sPatronymic, 1) = "ч" Or Right(sPatronymic, 4) = "оглы")
bMaleSex = Not (Right(sPatronymic, 2) = "на" Or Right(sPatronymic, 4) = "кызы")
If Len(sSurname) > 0 Then ' Фамилия
arrSurname = Split(sSurname, "-")
For i = LBound(arrSurname) To UBound(arrSurname) ' перебираем все части фамилий, содержащих дефис
sRes = "": sSurnamePart = arrSurname(i)
If bMaleSex Then ' мужские фамилии
Select Case Right(sSurnamePart, 1)
Case "о", "и", "ы", "у", "э", "е", "ю": sRes = sSurnamePart
Case "ь", "й": sRes = Mid(sSurnamePart, 1, Len(sSurnamePart) - 1) & "ю"
Case "я", "а": sRes = Mid(sSurnamePart, 1, Len(sSurnamePart) - 1) & "е"
If UBound(arrSurname) > 0 And i = 0 Then sRes = sSurnamePart
Case Else: sRes = sSurnamePart & "у"
End Select
Select Case Right(sSurnamePart, 2) ' добавлено, для редких фамилий
Case "ец": sRes = Mid(sSurnamePart, 1, Len(sSurnamePart) - 2) & "цу"
If LCase(sSurnamePart) Like "*[уеыаоэяиюё]ец" Then sRes = Mid(sSurnamePart, 1, Len(sSurnamePart) - 1) & "цу"
If LCase(sSurnamePart) Like "*[!уеыаоэяиюё][!уеыаоэяиюё]ец" Then sRes = sSurnamePart & "у"
Case "зе", "их", "ых": sRes = sSurnamePart
Case "ый": sRes = Mid(sSurnamePart, 1, Len(sSurnamePart) - 2) & "ому"
Case "ий", "ой": sRes = Mid(sSurnamePart, 1, Len(sSurnamePart) - 2) & "ому"
If Len(sSurnamePart) <= 4 Then sRes = Mid(sSurnamePart, 1, Len(sSurnamePart) - 1) & "ю"
If Right(sSurnamePart, 3) = "чий" Then sRes = Mid(sSurnamePart, 1, Len(sSurnamePart) - 2) & "ему"
Case "уй": sRes = Mid(sSurnamePart, 1, Len(sSurnamePart) - 2) & "ую"
End Select
Else ' женские фамилии
Select Case Right(sSurnamePart, 1)
Case "о", "е", "э", "и", "ы", "у", "ю", "б", "в", "г", "д", "ж", "з", "к", "л", "м", "н", "п", _
"р", "с", "т", "ф", "х", "ц", "ч", "ш", "щ", "ь", "й": sRes = sSurnamePart
Case "я": sRes = Mid(sSurnamePart, 1, Len(sSurnamePart) - 2) & "ой"
Case Else: sRes = Mid(sSurnamePart, 1, Len(sSurnamePart) - 1) & "ой"
End Select
Select Case Right(sSurnamePart, 2) ' добавлено, для редких фамилий
Case "ха", "ла", "ее": sRes = Mid(sSurnamePart, 1, Len(sSurnamePart) - 1) & "е"
End Select
End If
' не склоняются мужские и женские фамилии, оканчивающиеся на -о, -е, -э, -и, -ы, -у, -ю,
' а также на -а с предшествующей гласной
If LCase(sSurnamePart) Like "*[уеыаоэяиюё]а" Then sRes = sSurnamePart
arrSurname(i) = sRes
DativeCase = Join(arrSurname, "-") & " " ' соединяем части склоняемой фамилии обратно в одну строку
End If
If Len(sName) > 0 Then ' Имя
NameException$ = GetDativeException(sName)
If Len(NameException$) Then ' для имен-исключений
DativeCase = DativeCase & NameException$
Else ' имя не найдено в списке исключений
If bMaleSex Then
Select Case Right(sName, 1)
Case "й", "ь": DativeCase = DativeCase & Mid(sName, 1, Len(sName) - 1) & "ю"
Case "я", "а": DativeCase = DativeCase & Mid(sName, 1, Len(sName) - 1) & "е"
Case "о": DativeCase = DativeCase & sName
Case Else: DativeCase = DativeCase & sName & "у"
End Select
Select Case Right(sName, 1)
Case "а", "я"
If Mid(sName, Len(sName) - 1, 1) = "и" Then
DativeCase = DativeCase & Mid(sName, 1, Len(sName) - 1) & "и"
DativeCase = DativeCase & Mid(sName, 1, Len(sName) - 1) & "е"
End If
Case "ь": DativeCase = DativeCase & Mid(sName, 1, Len(sName) - 1) & "и"
Case Else: DativeCase = DativeCase & sName
End Select
End If
End If
DativeCase = DativeCase & " "
End If
If Len(sPatronymic) > 0 Then ' Отчество
If Right(sPatronymic, 4) = "оглы" Or Right(sPatronymic, 4) = "кызы" Then
DativeCase = DativeCase & sPatronymic
If bMaleSex Then
DativeCase = DativeCase & sPatronymic & "у"
DativeCase = DativeCase & Mid(sPatronymic, 1, Len(sPatronymic) - 1) & "е"
End If
End If
End If
pol = IIf(bMaleSex, "ый", "ая")
DativeCase = Replace(DativeCase, "-", "- ")
DativeCase = StrConv(DativeCase, vbProperCase)
DativeCase = Replace(DativeCase, "- ", "-") & " " & pol
End Function
Function dir_path(button_text As String, title_text As String) As String
On Error Resume Next: Err.Clear
Set dir_ = Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogFolderPicker)
With dir_
.AllowMultiSelect = False
.Title = title_text
.ButtonName = button_text
If (.Show = -1) And (.SelectedItems.Count > 0) Then
dir_path = .SelectedItems(1) & "\"
Exit Function
End If
End With
Set dir_ = Nothing
End Function
Public Sub disable_some_settings()
On Error Resume Next: Err.Clear
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Application.Calculation = xlCalculationManual
Application.EnableEvents = False
ActiveSheet.DisplayPageBreaks = False
Application.DisplayStatusBar = False
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
End Sub
Public Sub enable_some_settings()
On Error Resume Next: Err.Clear
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
Application.Calculation = xlCalculationAutomatic
Application.EnableEvents = True
ActiveSheet.DisplayPageBreaks = True
Application.DisplayStatusBar = True
Application.DisplayAlerts = True
End Sub
Sub new_()
ex1 = split_("1[2]3_4[5]", Array("[", "]")) 'return Array("1","2","3_4","5",empty)
ex2 = split_val("1[2]3_4[5]", Array("[", "]", "{", "}", "<", ">", "(", ")")) 'return Array("2","5")
ex3 = split_val("1@2@3@4@5]", Array("@")) 'return Array("2","4")
End Sub
Function existence_sheet (SheetName As Variant) As Boolean
On Error Resume Next: Err.Clear
existence_sheet = Not SheetName Is Nothing
End Function
Function find_cell(sheet_ As Variant, what_find As String, Optional value_ As Boolean = True, Optional find_col As String = "A", Optional find_row As Integer = 0, Optional ret_find_col As String = "A", Optional ret_find_row As Integer = 1)
'x = find_range(ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Лист1"), "17", True, "H", , "L")
'x1 = find_range(ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Лист1"), "1", True, , 14, , 24)
'xxx_next = sheet_.Cells(sheet_.Columns(where_find).Find(What:=what_find, After:=Cells(x1, "J"), SearchDirection:=xlNext).Row, ret_find_col).Value
On Error Resume Next: Err.Clear
If value_ Then
If find_col <> "" Then
find_cell = sheet_.Cells(sheet_.Columns(find_col).Find(What:=what_find, LookIn:=xlValues).Row, ret_find_col).Value
End If
If find_row <> 0 Then
find_cell = sheet_.Cells(ret_find_row, sheet_.Rows(find_row).Find(what_find, LookIn:=xlValues).Column).Value
End If
If find_col <> "" Then
find_cell = sheet_.Columns(find_col).Find(What:=what_find, LookIn:=xlValues).Row
End If
If find_row <> 0 Then
find_cell = sheet_.Rows(find_row).Find(what_find, LookIn:=xlValues).Column
End If
End If
End Function
Function find_files_by_mask(dir_path As String, mask As String)
On Error Resume Next: Err.Clear
Set file_list = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
Set fso = CreateObject("scripting.filesystemobject"): Set curfold = fso.GetFolder(dir_path)
If Not curfold Is Nothing Then
For Each file_ In curfold.Files
If file_.Name Like mask Then
file_new_name_ = replace_some_chars(file_.Name, Array([{"с", "c"}], [{"а", "a"}]))
file_new_name_number = split_val(file_new_name_, [{"[", "]"}])
file_new_name_v = split_val(file_new_name_, [{"{", "}"}])
file_new_name_object__ = split_val(file_new_name_, [{"@"}])
file_new_name_object_ = split_val(file_new_name_object_, [{"(", ")"}])
file_new_name_object = IIf(file_new_name_object_ <> Empty, "@" & file_new_name_object_, "")
file_new_name = file_new_name_number & "@" & file_new_name_v & file_new_name_object
If file_list.Exists(file_new_name) = False Then
file_list.Add file_new_name, CStr(file_.Path)
End If
End If
For Each sfol In curfold.SubFolders
find_files_by_mask sfol.Path, mask
Set file_ = Nothing: Set curfold = Nothing: Set fso = Nothing:
End If
Set find_files_by_mask = file_list
End Function
Function GenitiveCase(sSurname$, Optional sName$, Optional sPatronymic$) As String
' Функция формирует родительный падеж из ФИО
' Параметры: sSurname - фамилия, sName - имя, sPatronymic - отчество
Application.Volatile True ' автопересчёт формулы на листе
sSurname$ = Replace(sSurname$, " - ", "-"): sSurname$ = Replace(Replace(sSurname$, " -", "-"), "- ", "-")
On Error Resume Next
If sName$ = "" And sPatronymic$ = "" Then
arr = Split(Application.Trim(sSurname$))
sSurname$ = arr(0): sName$ = arr(1): sPatronymic$ = Replace(arr(2), ".", "")
End If
' пол теперь определяется иначе: что заканчивается на "вна" или "кызы" - то женщины, остальные - мужчины.
Dim bMaleSex As Boolean: ' bMaleSex = (Right(sPatronymic, 1) = "ч" Or Right(sPatronymic, 4) = "оглы")
bMaleSex = Not (Right(sPatronymic, 2) = "на" Or Right(sPatronymic, 4) = "кызы")
If Len(sSurname) > 0 Then ' Фамилия
arrSurname = Split(sSurname, "-")
For i = LBound(arrSurname) To UBound(arrSurname) ' перебираем все части фамилий, содержащих дефис
sRes = "": sSurnamePart = arrSurname(i)
If bMaleSex Then ' мужские фамилии
Select Case Right(sSurnamePart, 1)
Case "о", "и", "ы", "у", "э", "е", "ю": sRes = sSurnamePart
Case "й": sRes = Mid(sSurnamePart, 1, Len(sSurnamePart) - 2) & "ого"
Case "ь": sRes = Mid(sSurnamePart, 1, Len(sSurnamePart) - 1) & "я"
Case "я": sRes = Mid(sSurnamePart, 1, Len(sSurnamePart) - 1) & "и"
Case "а": sRes = Mid(sSurnamePart, 1, Len(sSurnamePart) - 1) & "ы"
If UBound(arrSurname) > 0 And i = 0 Then sRes = sSurnamePart
Case Else: sRes = sSurnamePart & "а"
End Select
Select Case Right(sSurnamePart, 2) ' добавлено, для редких фамилий
Case "ец": sRes = Mid(sSurnamePart, 1, Len(sSurnamePart) - 2) & "ца"
If LCase(sSurnamePart) Like "*[уеыаоэяиюё]ец" Then sRes = Mid(sSurnamePart, 1, Len(sSurnamePart) - 1) & "ца"
If LCase(sSurnamePart) Like "*[!уеыаоэяиюё][!уеыаоэяиюё]ец" Then sRes = sSurnamePart & "а"
Case "зе", "их", "ых": sRes = sSurnamePart
Case "ий", "ой": sRes = Mid(sSurnamePart, 1, Len(sSurnamePart) - 2) & "ого"
If Len(sSurnamePart) <= 4 Then sRes = Mid(sSurnamePart, 1, Len(sSurnamePart) - 1) & "я"
If Right(sSurnamePart, 3) = "чий" Then sRes = Mid(sSurnamePart, 1, Len(sSurnamePart) - 2) & "его"
Case "уй": sRes = Mid(sSurnamePart, 1, Len(sSurnamePart) - 2) & "уя"
End Select
Else ' женские фамилии
Select Case Right(sSurnamePart, 1)
Case "о", "е", "э", "и", "ы", "у", "ю", "б", "в", "г", "д", "ж", "з", "к", "л", "м", "н", "п", _
"р", "с", "т", "ф", "х", "ц", "ч", "ш", "щ", "ь", "й": sRes = sSurnamePart
Case "а": sRes = Mid(sSurnamePart, 1, Len(sSurnamePart) - 1) & "ой"
Case "я": sRes = Mid(sSurnamePart, 1, Len(sSurnamePart) - 2) & "ю"
Case Else: sRes = Mid(sSurnamePart, 1, Len(sSurnamePart) - 1) & "у"
End Select
Select Case Right(sSurnamePart, 2) ' добавлено, для редких фамилий
Case "ха": sRes = Mid(sSurnamePart, 1, Len(sSurnamePart) - 2) & "хи"
Case "ла": sRes = Mid(sSurnamePart, 1, Len(sSurnamePart) - 2) & "лы"
Case "ая": sRes = Mid(sSurnamePart, 1, Len(sSurnamePart) - 2) & "ой"
End Select
End If
' не склоняются мужские и женские фамилии, оканчивающиеся на -о, -е, -э, -и, -ы, -у, -ю,
' а также на -а с предшествующей гласной
If LCase(sSurnamePart) Like "*[уеыаоэяиюё]а" Then sRes = sSurnamePart
arrSurname(i) = sRes
GenitiveCase = Join(arrSurname, "-") & " " ' соединяем части склоняемой фамилии обратно в одну строку
End If
If Len(sName) > 0 Then ' Имя
NameException$ = GetGenitiveException(sName)
If Len(NameException$) Then ' для имен-исключений
GenitiveCase = GenitiveCase & NameException$
Else ' имя не найдено в списке исключений
If bMaleSex Then
Select Case Right(sName, 1)
Case "й", "ь": GenitiveCase = GenitiveCase & Mid(sName, 1, Len(sName) - 1) & "я"
Case "а": GenitiveCase = GenitiveCase & Mid(sName, 1, Len(sName) - 1) & "ы"
Case "я": GenitiveCase = GenitiveCase & Mid(sName, 1, Len(sName) - 1) & "и"
Case "о": GenitiveCase = GenitiveCase & sName
Case Else: GenitiveCase = GenitiveCase & sName & "а"
End Select
Select Case Right(sName, 1)
Case "а": GenitiveCase = GenitiveCase & Mid(sName, 1, Len(sName) - 1) & "ы"
Case "я": GenitiveCase = GenitiveCase & Mid(sName, 1, Len(sName) - 1) & "и"
Case Else: GenitiveCase = GenitiveCase & sName
End Select
End If
End If
GenitiveCase = GenitiveCase & " "
End If
If Len(sPatronymic) > 0 Then ' Отчество
If Right(sPatronymic, 4) = "оглы" Or Right(sPatronymic, 4) = "кызы" Then
GenitiveCase = GenitiveCase & sPatronymic
If bMaleSex Then
GenitiveCase = GenitiveCase & sPatronymic & "а"
GenitiveCase = GenitiveCase & Mid(sPatronymic, 1, Len(sPatronymic) - 1) & "ы"
End If
End If
End If
GenitiveCase = Replace(GenitiveCase, "-", "- ")
GenitiveCase = StrConv(GenitiveCase, vbProperCase)
GenitiveCase = Replace(GenitiveCase, "- ", "-")
End Function
Function GetGenitiveException(ByVal txt$) As String ' склонение имён-исключений
Select Case txt$
Case "Павел": GetGenitiveException = "Павла"
Case "Лев": GetGenitiveException = "Льва"
Case "Пётр": GetGenitiveException = "Петра"
Case "Любовь": GetGenitiveException = "Любови"
' без изменения (не склоняются) - перечисляем через запятую
Case "Али", "Бали": GetGenitiveException = txt$
End Select
End Function
Sub show_sh(exception_sheetname As String)
Set sheets_ = ThisWorkbook.Sheets
For Each s In sheets_
If s.Name <> exception_sheetname Then
s.Visible = xlSheetVisible
End If
Next s
End Sub
Sub hide_sh(exception_sheetname As String)
Set sheets_ = ThisWorkbook.Sheets
For Each s In sheets_
If s.Name <> exception_sheetname Then
s.Visible = xlSheetHidden
End If
Next s
End Sub
Sub in_comm()
On Error Resume Next: Err.Clear
info = Format(Now(), "dd/mm/yyyy") & "(" & Application.UserName & ")"
For Each r In Selection
If r.Value <> Empty Then
in_comm_ r, info
r.Value = Empty
End If
Next r
End Sub
Function in_comm_(ByVal rng As Range, ByVal name_ As String)
va = rng.Value
If rng.Comment Is Nothing Then
With rng
.AddComment name_ & ": " & CStr(va)
End With
text_ = rng.Comment.Text
With rng
.Comment.Text text_ & vbNewLine & name_ & ": " & CStr(va)
End With
End If
End Function
Function in_dict(sheet_ As Variant, range_ As String, column_ As Integer)
On Error Resume Next: Err.Clear
Set D = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
For Each r In sheet_.Range(range_)
If r.Value <> "" Then
If D.Exists(CStr(r.Value)) = False Then
val_ = sheet_.Cells(r.Row, column_).Value: D.Add CStr(r.Value), val_
val_ = sheet_.Cells(r.Row, column_).Value + D(CStr(r.Value)): D(CStr(r.Value)) = val_
End If
End If
Next r
in_dict = D
End Function
Function mailer(Boss)
Dim x As Range, y As Range, Fst As String, OutlookApp As Object, SM As Object
On Error Resume Next: Err.Clear
text_="Часовой прогноз Алтайский край и Республика Алтай "
def_wb = ActiveWorkbook.Name
def_tab = ActiveSheet.Name
ho = Hour(Now)
logs (2)
Select Case ho
Case 0: nnnam_ = text_ & text__0
Case 1: nnnam_ = text_ & text__0
Case 2: nnnam_ = text_ & text__0
Case 3: nnnam_ = text_ & text__0
Case 4: nnnam_ = text_ & text__0
Case 5: nnnam_ = text_ & text__1
Case 6: nnnam_ = text_ & text__1
Case 7: nnnam_ = text_ & text__1
Case 8: nnnam_ = text_ & text__1
Case 9: nnnam_ = text_ & text__1
Case 10: nnnam_ = text_ & text__1
Case 11: nnnam_ = text_ & text__1
Case 12: nnnam_ = text_ & text__2
Case 13: nnnam_ = text_ & text__2
Case 14: nnnam_ = text_ & text__2
Case 15: nnnam_ = text_ & text__2
Case 16: nnnam_ = text_ & text__3
Case 17: nnnam_ = text_ & text__3
Case 18: nnnam_ = text_ & text__3
Case 19: nnnam_ = text_ & text__3
Case 20: nnnam_ = text_ & text__0
Case 21: nnnam_ = text_ & text__0
Case 22: nnnam_ = text_ & text__0
Case 23: nnnam_ = text_ & text__0
End Select
nnnam = "02 ch, 86 ch"
Set OutlookApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
Set SM = OutlookApp.CreateItem(olMailItem)
SM.To = Boss
SM.Subject = nnnam
SM.Body = nnnam_ & Chr(13) & Chr(13) & "С уважением, Диспетчерская служба Алтайского края!"
SM.Attachments.Add Sheets("spisok_002").Cells(Sheets("spisok_002").Columns("J:J").Find(What:="path_ch_ak", LookIn:=xlValues).Row, 1).Value
SM.Attachments.Add Sheets("spisok_002").Cells(Sheets("spisok_002").Columns("J:J").Find(What:="path_ch_ga", LookIn:=xlValues).Row, 1).Value
If Workbooks(def_wb).Sheets("_______").Range("I100").Value = "xxx" Then
End If
SM.Importance = 2
Set SM = Nothing
Set OutlookApp = Nothing
End Function
Function month_change(num_month As Integer, upcase As Boolean, lowcase As Boolean, tail As Boolean) As String
On Error Resume Next: Err.Clear
Select Case num_month
Case 1:month_now = "Январь"
Case 2:month_now = "Февраль"
Case 3:month_now = "Март"
Case 4:month_now = "Апрель"
Case 5:month_now = "Май"
Case 6:month_now = "Июнь"
Case 7:month_now = "Июль"
Case 8:month_now = "Август"
Case 9:month_now = "Сентябрь"
Case 10:month_now = "Октябрь"
Case 11:month_now = "Ноябрь"
Case 12:month_now = "Декабрь"
End Select
If tail Then
If num_month <> 3 And num_month <> 8 Then
month_now = Left(month_now, Len(month_now) - 1) & "я"
month_now = month_now & "а"
End If
End If
month_change = month_now
End Function
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Dim sheet As Worksheet
Dim cell As Range
Dim i As Integer
i = 2
Dim objActiveSheet As Object
' Если нет активной рабочей книги - закрыть процедуру
If ActiveWorkbook Is Nothing Then Exit Sub
' Проверка защищенности структуры рабочей книги
If ActiveWorkbook.ProtectStructure Then
' Сортировка листов защищенной рабочей книги невозможна
MsgBox "Структура книги " & ActiveWorkbook.Name & _
" защищена. Сортировка листов невозможна.", _
Exit Sub
End If
' Сохраняем ссылку на активный лист книги
Set objActiveSheet = ActiveSheet
' Отключение сочетания клавиш Ctrl+Pause Break
Application.EnableCancelKey = xlDisabled
' Функция обновления экрана отключается
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
With ActiveWorkbook
' Просмотр всех листов книги и создание гиперссылок на них _
на первом листе
For Each sheet In ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets
If sheet.Name <> "Оглавление" Then
Worksheets("Оглавление").Cells(i, 1).Value = i - 1
Set cell = Worksheets("Оглавление").Cells(sheet.Index, 2)
.Worksheets("Оглавление").Hyperlinks.Add Anchor:=cell, Address:="", _
SubAddress:="'" & sheet.Name & "'" & "!A1"
cell.Formula = sheet.Name
i = i + 1
End If
End With
With Selection.Font
.Name = "Arial Cyr"
.Size = 16
.Strikethrough = False
.Superscript = False
.Subscript = False
.OutlineFont = False
.Shadow = False
End With
Selection.Font.Bold = True
' Переход на исходный рабочий лист
' Включаем обновление экрана
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
' Включение сочетания клавиш Ctrl+Pause Break
Application.EnableCancelKey = xlInterrupt
End Sub
Function open_xl_wb (filepath As String, ex_object as Variant)
On Error Resume Next: Err.Clear
Dim xl_wb As Object
Set xl_wb = ex_object.Documents.Open(filepath)
Set open_xl_wb = xl_wb
End Function
Function open_xl_obj (visible_object As Boolean)
On Error Resume Next: Err.Clear
Dim ex_object As Object
Set ex_object = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
ex_object.Visible = visible_object
set open_xl_obj = ex_object
End Function
Function close_xls_wb (ex)
On Error Resume Next: Err.Clear
ex.Close False
End Function
Function close_xls_obj (obj)
On Error Resume Next: Err.Clear
Set obj = Nothing
End Function
Function open_word_doc (filepath As String)
On Error Resume Next: Err.Clear
Dim word_document As Object
Set word_document = word_object.Documents.Open(filepath)
Set open_word_doc = word_document
End Function
Function open_word_obj (visible_object As Boolean)
On Error Resume Next: Err.Clear
Dim word_object As Object
Set word_object = CreateObject("Word.Application")
word_object.Visible = visible_object
set open_word_obj = word_object
End Function
Private Sub Application_NewMail()
Dim m_0 As New auto_mess
Dim m_1 As New auto_mess
m_0.str_month Month(Now()), False, False, True
m_1.str_month Month(Now()), True, False, False
m_0.load_att "D:\mail_snif\", "*", , , m_1.month_now
End Sub
Function FolderExists(path) As Boolean
On Error Resume Next
FolderExists = GetAttr(path)
End Function
Public month_now As Variant
Public Sub str_month(Optional num_month As Integer = 1, Optional upcase As Boolean = False, Optional lowcase As Boolean = False, Optional tail As Boolean = False)
On Error Resume Next
Select Case num_month
Case 1:
month_now = "ßíâàðü"
Case 2:
month_now = "Ôåâðàëü"
Case 3:
month_now = "Ìàðò"
Case 4:
month_now = "Àïðåëü"
Case 5:
month_now = "Ìàé"
Case 6:
month_now = "Èþíü"
Case 7:
month_now = "Èþëü"
Case 8:
month_now = "Àâãóñò"
Case 9:
month_now = "Ñåíòÿáðü"
Case 10:
month_now = "Îêòÿáðü"
Case 11:
month_now = "Íîÿáðü"
Case 12:
month_now = "Äåêàáðü"
End Select
If upcase Then
month_now = UCase(month_now)
End If
If lowcase Then
month_now = LCase(month_now)
End If
If tail Then
If num_month <> 3 And num_month <> 8 Then
month_now = Left(month_now, Len(month_now) - 1) & "à"
month_now = month_now & "ÿ"
End If
End If
End Sub
Public Sub load_att(Optional folder As String, Optional filetype As String, Optional name_def As String = "", Optional sender As String, Optional mn As String)
Dim myolapp As Outlook.Application
Dim myItem As Outlook.MailItem
Set myolapp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
Set myNamespace = myolapp.GetNamespace("MAPI")
Set myFolder = myNamespace.GetDefaultFolder(olFolderInbox)
last_count = myFolder.Items.Count
Set myItem = myFolder.Items(last_count)
Set y = myItem.Attachments
If myItem.UnRead Then
myItem.UnRead = False
myItem.Categories = "autoload"
MsgBox "Îò " & myItem.SenderName, vbOKOnly, "Âíèìàíèå! Íîâîå ñîîáùåíèå!"
name0 = myItem.Subject & "_" & myItem.SenderName & "_" & Minute(Now()) & "_" & Hour(Now()) & "_" & Day(Now())
name0_ = Replace(Replace(Replace(Replace(Replace(Replace(Replace(Replace(Replace(name0, "*", ""), "/", ""), "?", ""), ">", ""), "<", ""), """", ""), "\", ""), "|", ""), ":", "")
name_ = "c:\Documents and Settings\f0221630.MRG022\Ðàáî÷èé ñòîë\" & name0_ & ".txt"
myItem.SaveAs name_, olTXT
End If
If y.Count > 0 Then
folder_ = folder & Day(Now()) & " " & month_now & " " & Year(Now())
If Not FolderExists(folder_) Then
MkDir (folder_)
End If
If Not FolderExists("\\H022-srv-02\PUBLIC\Personal\Nechyaev\Post\" & Day(Now()) & " " & month_now & " " & Year(Now())) Then
MkDir ("\\H022-srv-02\PUBLIC\Personal\Nechyaev\Post\" & Day(Now()) & " " & month_now & " " & Year(Now()))
End If
End If
i = 0
Do Until i = y.Count
i = i + 1
If y.Count > 0 Then
mas = Split(y(i).DisplayName, ".")
maslen = UBound(mas, 1)
If maslen >= 1 Then
name_def = mas(maslen - 1)
name_def_type = mas(maslen)
name_def = mas(0)
name_def_type = ""
End If
If name_def <> "" Then
y(i).SaveAsFile folder_ & "\" & name_def & "." & name_def_type
y(i).SaveAsFile "\\H022-srv-02\PUBLIC\Personal\Nechyaev\Post\" & Day(Now()) & " " & month_now & " " & Year(Now()) & "\" & name_def & "." & name_def_type
myItem.HTMLBody = myItem.HTMLBody & "<br>" & "<a href='" & folder_ & "\" & name_def & "." & name_def_type & "'>" & folder_ & "\" & name_def & "." & name_def_type & "</a>" _
& " <a href='" & folder_ & "\" & "'>" & "êàòàëîã" & "</a>"
End If
End If
While y.Count > 0
y.Remove 1
End Sub
Function range_in_array(sheet_ as Variant, optional row_count_int as integer, optional column_count_int as integer)
On Error Resume Next: Err.Clear
CountRow = sheet_.Cells(Rows.Count, column_count_int).End(xlUp).Row
CountColumn = sheet_.Cells(row_count_int, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column
range_in_array = sheet_.Range(sheet_.Cells(1, 1).Address & ":" & sheet_.Cells(CountRow, CountColumn).Address)
End Function
Function replace_some_chars(text As String, replace_symbols) As String
'ex1 = replace_some_chars("35a-4-0001/14с", Array([{"c", "с"}], [{"a", "а"}])) 'return 35а-4-0001/14с
On Error Resume Next: Err.Clear
text_replace = text
For Each char_ In replace_symbols
text_replace = Replace(text_replace, char_(1), char_(2))
Next char_
End Function
Public Sub SearchAndReplaceInStory(ByVal rngStory As Variant, _
ByVal strSearch As String, ByVal strReplace As String)
With rngStory.Find
.Text = strSearch
.Replacement.Text = strReplace
.Wrap = wdFindContinue
.Execute Replace:=wdReplaceAll
End With
End Sub
Function select_one_file(text_button As String, text_title As String)
On Error Resume Next: Err.Clear
Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogOpen).ButtonName = text_button
Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogOpen).Title = text_title
Select Case Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogOpen).SelectedItems.Count
Case 0
MsgBox "ничего не выбрано", vbInformation, "Error!!!"
Case 1
filepath = (Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogOpen).SelectedItems.Item(1))
Case Else
MsgBox "более одного файла", vbInformation, "Error!!!"
End Select
select_one_file = filepath
End Function
Function shablon_(text, shablon, rrow) As String
If InStr(shablon, "!!") = 0 Then
text_ = Split(text, " ")
f___$ = text_(0):i___$ = text_(1):o___$ = text_(2)
f_i_o = Split(DativeCase(f___, i___, o___), " ")
f__ = f_i_o(0):i__ = f_i_o(1):o__ = f_i_o(2)
fiosh = Split(shablon, "_")
For Each one In fiosh
If one = "дф" Then:one_ = Left(f__, 1) & ".":End If
If one = "ди" Then:one_ = Left(i__, 1) & ".":End If
If one = "до" Then:one_ = Left(o__, 1) & ".":End If
If one = "дфф" Then:one_ = f__:End If
If one = "рфф" Then:rodtext = Split(GenitiveCase(f___, i___, o___), " "):one_ = rodtext(0) & " ":End If
If one = "дии" Then:one_ = i__:End If
If one = "доо" Then:one_ = o__:End If
If one = "ф" Then:one_ = Left(text_(0), 1) & ".":End If
If one = "и" Then:one_ = Left(text_(1), 1) & ".":End If
If one = "о" Then:one_ = Left(text_(2), 1) & ".":End If
If one = "фф" Then:one_ = text_(0):End If
If one = "ии" Then:one_ = text_(1):End If
If one = "оо" Then:one_ = text_(2):End If
If one = " " Then:one_ = " ":End If
If one = "asis" Then:one_ = text:End If
If one = "ыйая" Then:one_ = f_i_o(3):End If
fio1 = fio1 & one_:one_ = ""
Next one
shablon_ = fio1
If InStr(shablon, "#") = 0 Then
sh_split = Split(shablon, "!!")(1)
mas = Split(sh_split, ";")
For Each i In mas
zn = Split(i, ":")(0)
then_zn = Split(i, ":")(1)
If InStr(text, zn) > 0 Then
one_ = then_zn
fio1 = fio1 & one_
End If
Next i
shablon_ = fio1
Set gen = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("gen")
sh_split0 = Split(shablon, "!!")(1)
mas = Split(sh_split0, ";")
For Each i In mas
sh_split = Split(i, "#")
zn = sh_split(0)
col_zn = sh_split(1)
sh_zn = sh_split(2)
If InStr(text, zn) > 0 Then
text_ = Split(gen.Cells(rrow, CInt(col_zn)).Value, " ")
f___$ = text_(0):i___$ = text_(1):o___$ = text_(2)
f_i_o = Split(DativeCase(f___, i___, o___), " ")
f__ = f_i_o(0):i__ = f_i_o(1):o__ = f_i_o(2)
fiosh = Split(sh_zn, "_")
For Each one In fiosh:If one = "дф" Then:one_ = Left(f__, 1) & ".":End If
If one = "ди" Then:one_ = Left(i__, 1) & ".":End If
If one = "до" Then:one_ = Left(o__, 1) & ".":End If
If one = "дфф" Then:one_ = f__:End If
If one = "рфф" Then:rodtext = Split(GenitiveCase(f___, i___, o___), " "):one_ = rodtext(0):End If
If one = "дии" Then:one_ = i__:End If
If one = "доо" Then:one_ = o__:End If
If one = "ф" Then:one_ = Left(text_(0), 1) & ".":End If
If one = "и" Then:one_ = Left(text_(1), 1) & ".":End If
If one = "о" Then:one_ = Left(text_(2), 1) & ".":End If
If one = "фф" Then:one_ = text_(0):End If
If one = "ии" Then:one_ = text_(1):End If
If one = "оо" Then:one_ = text_(2):End If
If one = " " Then:one_ = " ":End If
If one = "ыйая" Then:one_ = f_i_o(3):End If
If one = "asis" Then:one_ = text:End If
fio1 = fio1 & one_:one_ = ""
Next one
fio2 = fio2 & fio1
fio2 = text
End If
Next i
shablon_ = fio2
End If
End If
End Function
Function split_(text_split$, split_symbols)
'ex1 = split_("1[2]3_4[5]", [{"[", "]"}]) 'return [{"1","2","3_4","5",empty}]
On Error Resume Next: Err.Clear
For Each char_ In split_symbols: text_split$ = IIf(InStr(text_split$, char_) > 0, Replace(text_split$, char_, "!!!@@@!!!"), text_split$): Next char_
split_ = Split(text_split$, "!!!@@@!!!")
End Function
Function split_val(text_split$, split_symbols)
'ex1 = split_val("1[2]3_4[5]", [{"[", "]", "{", "}", "<", ">", "(", ")"}]) 'return [{"2","5"}]
'ex2 = split_val("1@2@3@4@5]", [{"@"}]) 'return [{"2","4"}]
On Error Resume Next: Err.Clear
split_tmp = split_(text_split$, split_symbols): count_ = UBound(split_tmp, 1): ii = 0: i = 0
While i < count_: ii = count_ - 1 - i: nnew_ = IIf(i = 0, split_tmp(ii), split_tmp(ii) & " " & nnew_): i = i + 2: Wend
split_val = Split(nnew_, " ")
End Function
Function interiorist_clear()
'ThisWorkbook.Sheets("general").Range("B:B").NumberFormat = "m/d/yyyy"
ThisWorkbook.Sheets("general").Range("A1:G1").Font.Bold = True
ThisWorkbook.Sheets("general").Range("A:A").Font.Bold = True
ThisWorkbook.Sheets("general").Range("A:G").HorizontalAlignment = xlRight
ThisWorkbook.Sheets("general").Range("A:G").VerticalAlignment = xlCenter
ThisWorkbook.Sheets("general").Cells(1, 1).Value = "Название"
ThisWorkbook.Sheets("general").Cells(1, 2).Value = "Время"
ThisWorkbook.Sheets("general").Cells(1, 3).Value = "V_т1"
ThisWorkbook.Sheets("general").Cells(1, 4).Value = "V_т2"
'ThisWorkbook.Sheets("general").Cells(1, 5).Value = "V_т3"
ThisWorkbook.Sheets("general").Cells(1, 5).Value = "Среднесуточный V1"
ThisWorkbook.Sheets("general").Cells(1, 6).Value = "Среднесуточный V2"
'ThisWorkbook.Sheets("general").Cells(1, 8).Value = "Среднесуточный V3"
ThisWorkbook.Sheets("general").Range("A1:G1").Interior.ColorIndex = 15
End Function
Private Sub Comm(path_db As String)
days = Int(TextBox1.Value) + 1
If days <= 9 Then
days = "0" & days
End If
daypo = Int(TextBox4.Value) + 1
If daypo <= 9 Then
daypo = "0" & daypo
End If
mons = Int(TextBox2.Value)
If mons <= 9 Then
mons = "0" & mons
End If
monpo = Int(TextBox5.Value)
If monpo <= 9 Then
monpo = "0" & monpo
End If
ys = Int(TextBox3.Value)
ypo = Int(TextBox6.Value)
razn = daypo - days + 1
'#2013-08-01 13:00#
data_begin = "#" & ys & "-" & mons & "-" & days & " 13:00#"
data_end = "#" & ypo & "-" & monpo & "-" & daypo & " 13:00#"
pathh = path_db
Set dbs = DAO.OpenDatabase(pathh)
zapros = "SELECT N.Название, MIN(G.Время), MAX(G.Время), SUM(G.V_т1), SUM(G.V_т2), SUM(G.V_т3) FROM G761_ARCHIVE G LEFT OUTER JOIN NODES N ON (G.PARENT_ID = N.ID AND G.Type = 1 AND G.Время >= " & data_begin & " AND G.Время <= " & data_end & ") GROUP BY N.Название UNION ALL SELECT N.Название, MIN(G.Время), MAX(G.Время), SUM(G.V_т1), SUM(G.V_т2), SUM(G.V_т3) FROM G761N_ARCHIVE G LEFT OUTER JOIN NODES N ON (G.PARENT_ID = N.ID AND G.Type = 1 AND G.Время >= " & data_begin & " AND G.Время <= " & data_end & ") GROUP BY N.Название ORDER BY N.Название"
Set query = dbs.OpenRecordset(zapros)
zapros_count = query.RecordCount
Application.StatusBar = zapros_count
I = 2
Do While Not query.EOF
ThisWorkbook.Sheets("general").Cells(I, 1).Value = query.Fields(0).Value
ThisWorkbook.Sheets("general").Cells(I, 3).Value = query.Fields(3).Value
ThisWorkbook.Sheets("general").Cells(I, 4).Value = query.Fields(4).Value
'ThisWorkbook.Sheets("general").Cells(I, 5).Value = query.Fields(5).Value
ThisWorkbook.Sheets("general").Cells(I, 2).Value = Replace(query.Fields(1).Value - 1, " 13:00:00", "") & " - " & Replace(query.Fields(2).Value - 1, " 13:00:00", "")
ThisWorkbook.Sheets("general").Cells(I, 5).Value = query.Fields(3).Value / razn
ThisWorkbook.Sheets("general").Cells(I, 6).Value = query.Fields(4).Value / razn
'ThisWorkbook.Sheets("general").Cells(I, 8).Value = query.Fields(5).Value / razn
With ThisWorkbook.Sheets("general").Range("A" & I & ":G" & I).Borders(xlEdgeTop)
.LineStyle = xlContinuous
.Weight = xlThin
.ColorIndex = xlAutomatic
End With
With ThisWorkbook.Sheets("general").Range("A" & I & ":G" & I).Borders(xlEdgeBottom)
.LineStyle = xlContinuous
.Weight = xlThin
.ColorIndex = xlAutomatic
End With
I = I + 1
'ThisWorkbook.Sheets("general").Columns("B:B").ColumnWidth = 20
'ThisWorkbook.Sheets("general").Columns("C:E").NumberFormat = "0"
'ThisWorkbook.Sheets("general").Columns("F:G").NumberFormat = "#,##0.000"
Set query = Nothing
Set dbs = Nothing
End Sub
Private Sub CheckBox3_Click()
If CheckBox3.Value = True Then
TextBox1.Value = Day(Now - 2)
TextBox4.Value = Day(Now - 1)
TextBox2.Value = Month(Now - 1)
TextBox5.Value = Month(Now - 1)
TextBox3.Value = Year(Now - 1)
TextBox6.Value = Year(Now - 1)
End If
End Sub
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Dim I As Integer, J As Integer
cur = ActiveSheet.Name
For I = 1 To Sheets.Count - 1
For J = I + 1 To Sheets.Count
If UCase(Sheets(I).Name) > UCase(Sheets(J).Name) Then
Sheets(J).Move Before:=Sheets(I)
End If
Next J
Next I
End Sub
Function FileExists2(path, fname) As Boolean
With Application.FileSearch
.Filename = fname
.LookIn = path
If .FoundFiles.Count = 1 Then
FileExists2 = True
FileExists2 = False
End If
End With
End Function
Private Sub CommandButton10_Click()
fname10 = "K:\ОДС\Сменный Диспетчер\РАБОЧАЯ\Ежедневные\"
fname1 = "СВОДКА_АЛТАЙ_И_РА*.rar"
fname20 = "K:\ОДС\Сменный Диспетчер\РАБОЧАЯ\Ежедневные\"
fname2 = "СУТКИ__*.rar"
If FileExists2(fname10, fname1) Then
Kill fname10 & fname1
End If
If FileExists2(fname20, fname2) Then
Kill fname20 & fname2
End If
End Sub
Private Sub CommandButton11_Click()
If CheckBox3.Value = True Then
x = " ЧАС."
End If
Label8 = "ГРС - 2 и прочие" & x
Call Comm("\\H022-srv-11\Telemetr\Телеметрия\Телеметрия ГРС-2\MDB\PROLOG.MDB")
End Sub
Private Sub CommandButton2_Click()
If CheckBox3.Value = True Then
x = " ЧАС."
End If
Label8 = "НОВОАЛТАЙСК" & x
Call Comm("\\H022-srv-11\Telemetr\Телеметрия\Телеметрия ГРС-Новоалтайская\MDB\prolog.mdb")
End Sub
Private Sub CommandButton3_Click()
If CheckBox3.Value = True Then
x = " ЧАС."
End If
Label8 = "БИЙСК" & x
Call Comm("\\H022-srv-11\Telemetr\Телеметрия\Телеметрия ГРС-Бийск\MDB\prolog.mdb")
End Sub
Private Sub CommandButton4_Click()
If CheckBox3.Value = True Then
x = " ЧАС."
End If
Label8 = "ГРС - 1" & x
Call Comm("\\H022-srv-11\Telemetr\Телеметрия\Телеметрия ГРС-1\MDB\PROLOG.MDB")
End Sub
Private Sub CommandButton5_Click()
If CheckBox3.Value = True Then
x = " ЧАС."
End If
Label8 = "ГРС - 3" & x
Call Comm("\\H022-srv-11\Telemetr\Телеметрия\Телеметрия ГРС-3\MDB\PROLOG.MDB")
End Sub
Private Sub CommandButton6_Click()
If CheckBox3.Value = True Then
x = " ЧАС."
End If
Label8 = "МТС" & x
Call Comm("\\H022-srv-11\Telemetr\Телеметрия\Телеметрия МТС\MDB\prolog.mdb")
End Sub
Private Sub CommandButton7_Click()
TextBox1.Value = Day(Now - 1)
TextBox4.Value = Day(Now - 1)
TextBox2.Value = Month(Now - 1)
TextBox5.Value = Month(Now - 1)
TextBox3.Value = Year(Now - 1)
TextBox6.Value = Year(Now - 1)
End Sub
Private Sub CommandButton8_Click()
On Error Resume Next
Program = "c:\Special\svodka.bat"
TaskID = Shell(Program, vbMinimizedFocus)
If Err <> 0 Then
MsgBox "АХТУНГ", vbCritical, "Прячься под стол!!!"
End If
End Sub
Private Sub CommandButton9_Click()
On Error Resume Next
Program = "c:\Special\sutki.bat"
TaskID = Shell(Program, 1)
If Err <> 0 Then
MsgBox "АХТУНГ", vbCritical, "Прячься под стол!!!"
End If
End Sub
Public Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range)
CommandButton2.Top = ActiveCell.Top + 30
CommandButton3.Top = ActiveCell.Top + 60
CommandButton4.Top = ActiveCell.Top + 90
CommandButton11.Top = ActiveCell.Top + 120
CommandButton5.Top = ActiveCell.Top + 150
CommandButton6.Top = ActiveCell.Top + 180
CommandButton1.Top = ActiveCell.Top + 330
CommandButton8.Top = ActiveCell.Top + 225
CommandButton9.Top = ActiveCell.Top + 255
CommandButton10.Top = ActiveCell.Top + 300
CheckBox1.Top = ActiveCell.Top + 120
CheckBox2.Top = ActiveCell.Top + 150
CheckBox3.Top = ActiveCell.Top + 180
CommandButton7.Top = ActiveCell.Top + 90
CommandButton7.Left = Application.Width - 300
CheckBox1.Left = Application.Width - 300
CheckBox2.Left = Application.Width - 300
CheckBox3.Left = Application.Width - 300
CommandButton2.Left = Application.Width - 150
CommandButton3.Left = Application.Width - 150
CommandButton4.Left = Application.Width - 150
CommandButton5.Left = Application.Width - 150
CommandButton6.Left = Application.Width - 150
CommandButton1.Left = Application.Width - 150
CommandButton8.Left = Application.Width - 150
CommandButton9.Left = Application.Width - 150
CommandButton10.Left = Application.Width - 150
CommandButton11.Left = Application.Width - 150
TextBox3.Top = ActiveCell.Top + 30
TextBox2.Top = ActiveCell.Top + 30
TextBox1.Top = ActiveCell.Top + 30
TextBox6.Top = ActiveCell.Top + 60
TextBox5.Top = ActiveCell.Top + 60
TextBox4.Top = ActiveCell.Top + 60
Label1.Top = ActiveCell.Top + 35
Label2.Top = ActiveCell.Top + 65
Label3.Top = ActiveCell.Top + 10
Label4.Top = ActiveCell.Top + 10
Label5.Top = ActiveCell.Top + 10
Label8.Top = ActiveCell.Top - 45
Label7.Top = ActiveCell.Top - 75
TextBox3.Left = Application.Width - 250
TextBox2.Left = Application.Width - 250 - 38
TextBox1.Left = Application.Width - 250 - 38 - 37
TextBox6.Left = Application.Width - 250
TextBox5.Left = Application.Width - 250 - 38
TextBox4.Left = Application.Width - 250 - 38 - 37
Label1.Left = Application.Width - 250 - 38 - 37 - 37
Label2.Left = Application.Width - 250 - 38 - 37 - 37
Label5.Left = Application.Width - 230
Label4.Left = Application.Width - 230 - 36 - 15
Label3.Left = Application.Width - 230 - 38 - 37 - 15
Label7.Left = Application.Width - 300
Label8.Left = Application.Width - 300
TextBox3.Height = 25
TextBox2.Height = 25
TextBox1.Height = 25
TextBox6.Height = 25
TextBox5.Height = 25
TextBox4.Height = 25
Label1.Height = 25
Label2.Height = 25
Label3.Height = 25
Label4.Height = 25
Label5.Height = 25
Label8.Height = 25
Label7.Height = 25
CommandButton2.Height = 25
CommandButton3.Height = 25
CommandButton4.Height = 25
CommandButton5.Height = 25
CommandButton6.Height = 25
CommandButton1.Height = 25
CommandButton8.Height = 25
CommandButton9.Height = 25
CommandButton10.Height = 25
End Sub
Function timer_second(sec As Integer)
On Error Resume Next: Err.Clear
time_begin = Timer
time_end = Timer
While time_begin < time_end + (sec)
time_begin = Timer
End Function
Function uni_array(massiv As Variant, ch As Integer)
Dim NewMyArray, MyArray, D, mas() As String
On Error Resume Next: Err.Clear
Set D = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary"): MyArray = massiv
For i = 1 To UBound(MyArray, 1)
If MyArray(i, ch) <> "" Then
If D.Exists(CStr(MyArray(i, ch))) = False Then
D.Add CStr(MyArray(i, ch)), MyArray(i, ch)
End If
End If
Next i
NewMyArray = D.items
ReDim mas(D.Count - 1)
ii = 0
For Each a In D
mas(ii) = a: ii = ii + 1
Next a
uni_array = mas
End Function
Function unstick_cell_from_select()
Dim r As Range
On Error Resume Next: Err.Clear
For Each r In Selection
If r.Value <> "" Then
If r.MergeCells Then
value_ = r.Value:r.Select:r.UnMerge
For Each r_ In Selection
r_.Value = value_:r_.Interior.ColorIndex = 35
Next r_
End If
End If
Next r
End Function
Public exit_ As Boolean
Public print_ As Boolean
Public f As New form
Public ret As Boolean
Public mnum As Integer
Public uniparam As Integer
Public full_v As Double
Public Sub Auto_Open()
On Error Resume Next
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
exit_ = True
print_ = False
full_v = 0
uniparam = 1
f.create_form "Опись папки потребителя", 4, 3
na4 = 30
shag = 15
param = 2
f.create_opb "ИП", "testip", "off", 50, 15, 75, na4 + param * shag
param = param + 1
f.create_opb "ФЗ", "testipfz", "off", 50, 15, 75, na4 + param * shag
param = param + 1
f.create_opb "Предприятие", "testneip", "off", 50, 15, 75, na4 + param * shag
optzn = f.dial.Shapes(4).DrawingObject.Value
optzn__ = f.dial.Shapes(3).DrawingObject.Value
optzn_ = f.dial.Shapes(2).DrawingObject.Value
If optzn = 1 Then
mas_checkbox = Array( _
"Паспорт покупателя газа", _
"Свидетельство статистики", _
"Устав", _
"Назначение руководителя", _
"Письмо по предоплате", _
"ИНН", _
"ОГРН", _
"Справка из банка" _
mas_checkbox_whith_no = Array( _
"Паспорт покупателя газа", _
"Свидетельство статистики", _
"Устав", _
"Назначение руководителя", _
"Письмо по предоплате", _
"ИНН", _
"ОГРН" _
mas_button = Array("Готово", "Отмена")
param = param + 1
f.create_la "Введите наименование предприятия", "test", 500, 15, 75, na4 + param * shag
param = param + 1
f.create_eb , "obj_name_full", 500, 15, 75, na4 + param * shag
param = param + 1
f.create_la "Введите наименование предприятия для корешка папки", "test", 500, 15, 75, na4 + param * shag
param = param + 1
f.create_eb , "obj_name_papka", 500, 15, 75, na4 + param * shag
param = param + 2
f.create_la "Выберите ГРС", "test", , , 75, na4 + param * shag
f.create_dd 20, "drdo", "list_03!A1", "list_03!B1:B20", , , 155, na4 + param * shag
f.create_but "Напечатать корешок", "print_k", 120, 15, 575, na4 + (param - 2) * shag, True, False '15
param = param + 2
For Each elem In mas_checkbox
f.create_chb elem + "", "test", "off", 500, 15, 75, na4 + param * shag
param = param + 1
Next elem
param = param + 2
f.create_but "Добавить объект", "open_object", 500, 15, 75, na4 + param * shag, True, False '15
f.create_but "Готово", "gotovo", 500, 15, 75, na4 + (param + 2) * shag, True, False '15
f.create_but "Отмена", "esc", 500, 15, 75, na4 + (param + 3) * shag, True, True
ret = False
If ret Then
GoTo prev
End If
Sheets("papka").Range("A1:U1").ShrinkToFit = True
Sheets("papka").Range("A1:U1").WrapText = False
Sheets("papka").Range("A1:U1") = f.dial.Shapes("obj_name_papka").DrawingObject.Caption
If print_ = True Then
print_ = False
Call print_papka
GoTo prev
End If
If exit_ = False Then
For Each elem In mas_checkbox_whith_no
If f.dial.Shapes(elem).DrawingObject.Value <> 1 Then
f.dial.Shapes(elem).DrawingObject.Value = 1
f.dial.Shapes(elem).DrawingObject.Caption = f.dial.Shapes(elem).DrawingObject.Caption & " (НЕТ)"
End If
Next elem
f.read_item , True 'mnum
f.print_ f.dial.Shapes("obj_name_full").DrawingObject.Caption & " (" & full_v & " млн.м.куб)" & Chr(13), 16, True, False, 0, 0, 0, 1
f.print_ f.text_, 12, False, False, 0, 0, 0, 0
f.save_doc f.dial.Shapes("obj_name_papka").DrawingObject.Caption
Set f = Nothing
Set f = Nothing
End If
uniparam = 1
End If
If optzn_ = 1 Then
mas_checkbox = Array( _
"Паспорт покупателя газа", _
"Свидетельство статистики", _
"Паспорт гражданина РФ", _
"Письмо по предоплате", _
"ИНН", _
"ОГРН", _
"Справка из банка" _
mas_checkbox_whith_no = Array( _
"Паспорт покупателя газа", _
"Свидетельство статистики", _
"Паспорт гражданина РФ", _
"Письмо по предоплате", _
"ИНН", _
"ОГРН" _
mas_button = Array("Готово", "Отмена")
param = param + 1
f.create_la "Введите наименование предприятия", "test", 500, 15, 75, na4 + param * shag
param = param + 1
f.create_eb , "obj_name_full", 500, 15, 75, na4 + param * shag
param = param + 1
f.create_la "Введите наименование предприятия для корешка папки", "test", 500, 15, 75, na4 + param * shag
param = param + 1
f.create_eb , "obj_name_papka", 500, 15, 75, na4 + param * shag
f.dial.Shapes("obj_name_full").DrawingObject.Caption = "ИП "
f.dial.Shapes("obj_name_papka").DrawingObject.Caption = "ИП "
param = param + 2
f.create_la "Выберите ГРС", "test", , , 75, na4 + param * shag
f.create_dd 20, "drdo", "list_03!A1", "list_03!B1:B20", , , 155, na4 + param * shag
f.create_but "Напечатать корешок", "print_k", 120, 15, 575, na4 + (param - 2) * shag, True, False '15
param = param + 2
For Each elem In mas_checkbox
f.create_chb elem + "", "test", "off", 500, 15, 75, na4 + param * shag
param = param + 1
Next elem
param = param + 2
f.create_but "Добавить объект", "open_object", 500, 15, 75, na4 + param * shag, True, False '15
f.create_but "Готово", "gotovo", 500, 15, 75, na4 + (param + 2) * shag, True, False '15
f.create_but "Отмена", "esc", 500, 15, 75, na4 + (param + 3) * shag, True, True
ret = False
If ret Then
GoTo prev2
End If
Sheets("papka").Range("A1:U1").ShrinkToFit = True
Sheets("papka").Range("A1:U1").WrapText = False
Sheets("papka").Range("A1:U1") = f.dial.Shapes("obj_name_papka").DrawingObject.Caption
If print_ = True Then
print_ = False
Call print_papka
GoTo prev2
End If
If exit_ = False Then
For Each elem In mas_checkbox_whith_no
If f.dial.Shapes(elem).DrawingObject.Value <> 1 Then
f.dial.Shapes(elem).DrawingObject.Value = 1
f.dial.Shapes(elem).DrawingObject.Caption = f.dial.Shapes(elem).DrawingObject.Caption & " (НЕТ)"
End If
Next elem
f.read_item , True 'mnum
f.print_ f.dial.Shapes("obj_name_full").DrawingObject.Caption & " (" & full_v & " млн.м.куб)" & Chr(13), 16, True, False, 0, 0, 0, 1
f.print_ f.text_, 12, False, False, 0, 0, 0, 0
f.save_doc f.dial.Shapes("obj_name_papka").DrawingObject.Caption
Set f = Nothing
Set f = Nothing
End If
uniparam = 1
End If
If optzn__ = 1 Then
mas_checkbox = Array( _
"Паспорт покупателя газа", _
"Паспорт гражданина РФ", _
"Письмо по предоплате" _
mas_checkbox_whith_no = Array( _
"Паспорт покупателя газа", _
"Паспорт гражданина РФ", _
"Письмо по предоплате" _
mas_button = Array("Готово", "Отмена")
param = param + 1
f.create_la "Введите наименование предприятия", "test", 500, 15, 75, na4 + param * shag
param = param + 1
f.create_eb , "obj_name_full", 500, 15, 75, na4 + param * shag
param = param + 1
f.create_la "Введите наименование предприятия для корешка папки", "test", 500, 15, 75, na4 + param * shag
param = param + 1
f.create_eb , "obj_name_papka", 500, 15, 75, na4 + param * shag
f.dial.Shapes("obj_name_full").DrawingObject.Caption = "ФЗ "
f.dial.Shapes("obj_name_papka").DrawingObject.Caption = "ФЗ "
param = param + 2
f.create_la "Выберите ГРС", "test", , , 75, na4 + param * shag
f.create_dd 20, "drdo", "list_03!A1", "list_03!B1:B20", , , 155, na4 + param * shag
f.create_but "Напечатать корешок", "print_k", 120, 15, 575, na4 + (param - 2) * shag, True, False '15
param = param + 2
For Each elem In mas_checkbox
f.create_chb elem + "", "test", "off", 500, 15, 75, na4 + param * shag
param = param + 1
Next elem
param = param + 2
f.create_but "Добавить объект", "open_object", 500, 15, 75, na4 + param * shag, True, False '15
f.create_but "Готово", "gotovo", 500, 15, 75, na4 + (param + 2) * shag, True, False '15
f.create_but "Отмена", "esc", 500, 15, 75, na4 + (param + 3) * shag, True, True
ret = False
If ret Then
GoTo prevfz
End If
Sheets("papka").Range("A1:U1").ShrinkToFit = True
Sheets("papka").Range("A1:U1").WrapText = False
Sheets("papka").Range("A1:U1") = f.dial.Shapes("obj_name_papka").DrawingObject.Caption
If print_ = True Then
print_ = False
Call print_papka
GoTo prevfz
End If
If exit_ = False Then
For Each elem In mas_checkbox_whith_no
If f.dial.Shapes(elem).DrawingObject.Value <> 1 Then
f.dial.Shapes(elem).DrawingObject.Value = 1
f.dial.Shapes(elem).DrawingObject.Caption = f.dial.Shapes(elem).DrawingObject.Caption & " (НЕТ)"
End If
Next elem
f.read_item , True 'mnum
f.print_ f.dial.Shapes("obj_name_full").DrawingObject.Caption & " (" & full_v & " млн.м.куб)" & Chr(13), 16, True, False, 0, 0, 0, 1
f.print_ f.text_, 12, False, False, 0, 0, 0, 0
f.save_doc f.dial.Shapes("obj_name_papka").DrawingObject.Caption
Set f = Nothing
Set f = Nothing
End If
uniparam = 1
End If
Application.DisplayAlerts = True
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
Sub add__element(name_, param)
na4 = 30
shag = 15
f.create_la "• " & name_ + "", "test", 400, 15, 700, na4 + param * shag
End Sub
Sub test()
'action null
End Sub
Sub testip()
f.dial.Shapes("opbtestneip").DrawingObject.Visible = False
f.dial.Shapes("opbtestip").DrawingObject.Visible = False
f.dial.Shapes("opbtestipfz").DrawingObject.Visible = False
End Sub
Sub testneip()
f.dial.Shapes("opbtestneip").DrawingObject.Visible = False
f.dial.Shapes("opbtestip").DrawingObject.Visible = False
f.dial.Shapes("opbtestipfz").DrawingObject.Visible = False
End Sub
Sub testipfz()
f.dial.Shapes("opbtestneip").DrawingObject.Visible = False
f.dial.Shapes("opbtestip").DrawingObject.Visible = False
f.dial.Shapes("opbtestipfz").DrawingObject.Visible = False
End Sub
Sub print_papka()
Sheets("papka").Range("A1:U1").ShrinkToFit = True
Sheets("papka").Range("A1:U1").WrapText = False
Sheets("papka").Range("A1:U1") = f.dial.Shapes("obj_name_papka").DrawingObject.Caption
Call drdo
If Len(f.dial.Shapes("obj_name_papka").DrawingObject.Caption) > 3 Then
Sheets("papka").PrintOut Copies:=1, Collate:=True
End If
End Sub
Sub drdo()
cell_row = Sheets("list_03").[A1]
cell_zn = Sheets("list_03").Cells(cell_row, "B")
Sheets("papka").[V1] = cell_zn
If cell_zn = "1" Or cell_zn = "2" Or cell_zn = "3" Then
Sheets("papka").[V1].Font.Size = 26
Sheets("papka").[V1].Font.Size = 18
End If
End Sub
Sub gotovo()
exit_ = False
End Sub
Sub esc()
exit_ = True
End Sub
Sub print_k()
print_ = True
End Sub
Sub open_object()
Dim f1 As New form
On Error Resume Next
exit_ = True
f1.create_form "Опись папки потребителя", 3, 3
na4 = 30
shag = 15
mas_checkbox = Array( _
"Разрешение АЛПУ", _
"Разрешение ГГБ", _
"Согласование ГМН филиал в АК", _
"Разрешение Газпром", _
"Разрешение ГТТ", _
"Акт РБП", _
"Теплотехнический расчёт", _
"Регистрация расчёта" _
mas_checkbox_whith_no = Array( _
"Разрешение АЛПУ", _
"Разрешение ГГБ", _
"Согласование ГМН филиал в АК", _
"Акт РБП", _
"Теплотехнический расчёт", _
"Регистрация расчёта" _
mas_checkbox_whith_big_1tut = Array( _
"Разрешение Газпром", _
"Разрешение ГТТ" _
mas_button = Array("Готово", "Отмена")
param = 1
f1.create_la "Введите адрес котельной", "test", 500, 15, 75, na4 + param * shag
param = param + 1
f1.create_eb , "obj", 500, 15, 75, na4 + param * shag
param = param + 1
f1.create_la "Введите разрешённый объём в млн.м.куб.", "test", 500, 15, 75, na4 + param * shag
param = param + 1
f1.create_eb "num", "obj1", 500, 15, 75, na4 + param * shag
param = param + 2
For Each elem In mas_checkbox
f1.create_chb elem + "", "test", "off", 500, 15, 75, na4 + param * shag
param = param + 1
Next elem
param = param + 1
f1.create_opb "Право собственности: Собственность", "test", "off", 500, 15, 75, na4 + param * shag
param = param + 1
f1.create_opb "Право собственности: Аренда", "test", "off", 500, 15, 75, na4 + param * shag
param = param + 1
f1.create_opb "Право собственности: Долевая собственность", "test", "off", 500, 15, 75, na4 + param * shag
param = param + 1
f1.create_opb "Право собственности: Гарантийное письмо", "test", "off", 500, 15, 75, na4 + param * shag
param = param + 1
f1.create_opb "Право собственности: Безвременное пользование", "test", "off", 500, 15, 75, na4 + param * shag
param = param + 1
f1.create_opb "Право собственности: Не все документы!!!", "test", "off", 500, 15, 75, na4 + param * shag
param = param + 1
f1.create_opb "Право собственности: Нет документов", "test", "on", 500, 15, 75, na4 + param * shag
param = param + 1
f1.create_but "Готово", "gotovo", 500, 15, 75, na4 + (param + 2) * shag, True, False '15
f1.create_but "Отмена", "esc", 500, 15, 75, na4 + (param + 3) * shag, True, True
If exit_ = False Then
For Each elem In mas_checkbox_whith_no
If f1.dial.Shapes(elem).DrawingObject.Value <> 1 Then
f1.dial.Shapes(elem).DrawingObject.Value = 1
f1.dial.Shapes(elem).DrawingObject.Caption = f1.dial.Shapes(elem).DrawingObject.Caption & " (НЕТ)"
End If
Next elem
For Each elem In mas_checkbox_whith_big_1tut
If f1.dial.Shapes(elem).DrawingObject.Value <> 1 Then
If Round(f1.dial.Shapes("obj1").DrawingObject.Caption, 9) >= 8.70647849064489E-02 Then
f1.dial.Shapes(elem).DrawingObject.Value = 1
f1.dial.Shapes(elem).DrawingObject.Caption = f1.dial.Shapes(elem).DrawingObject.Caption & " (НЕТ)"
End If
End If
Next elem
mnum = f1.meganum
f.text_ = f.text_ & Chr(13) & "Адрес: " & f1.dial.Shapes("obj").DrawingObject.Caption & Chr(13) & "Разрешённый объём: " & f1.dial.Shapes("obj1").DrawingObject.Caption & " млн.м.куб"
f.text_ = f.text_ & Chr(13) & f1.text_ & Chr(13) & String(33, Chr(151))
full_v = full_v + Round(f1.dial.Shapes("obj1").DrawingObject.Caption, 9)
Call add__element(f1.dial.Shapes("obj").DrawingObject.Caption, uniparam)
Set f1 = Nothing
Set f1 = Nothing
End If
uniparam = uniparam + 1
ret = True
exit_ = True
End Sub
Sub test5()
End Sub
Public word_object As Variant
Public document As Variant
Public dial As Variant
Public dialog_ As Variant
Public dial_name As String
Public num_page As Integer
Public text_ As String
Public arr_all_value_ As Variant
Public meganum As Integer
Public Sub read_item(Optional numer As Integer = 1, Optional yes As Boolean = False)
On Error Resume Next
If yes Then
meganum = numer
For Each shape_ In dial.Shapes
If shape_.ZOrderPosition >= 2 Then
If shape_.FormControlType = xlCheckBox Then
If shape_.DrawingObject.Value = 1 Then
text_ = text_ & Chr(13) & meganum & ") " & shape_.DrawingObject.Caption
meganum = meganum + 1
End If
End If
End If
Next shape_
meganum = numer
For Each shape_ In dial.Shapes
If shape_.ZOrderPosition >= 2 Then
If shape_.FormControlType = xlCheckBox Then
If shape_.DrawingObject.Value = 1 Then
text_ = text_ & Chr(13) & "- " & shape_.DrawingObject.Caption
meganum = meganum + 1
End If
End If
End If
Next shape_
End If
End Sub
Public Sub read_opb(Optional numer As Integer = 1, Optional yes As Boolean = False)
On Error Resume Next
If yes Then
meganum = numer
For i = 2 To dial.Shapes.Count
If dial.Shapes(i).FormControlType = xlOptionButton Then
If dial.Shapes(i).DrawingObject.Value = 1 Then
text_ = text_ & Chr(13) & meganum & ") " & dial.Shapes(i).DrawingObject.Caption
meganum = meganum + 1
End If
End If
meganum = numer
For i = 2 To dial.Shapes.Count
If dial.Shapes(i).FormControlType = xlOptionButton Then
If dial.Shapes(i).DrawingObject.Value = 1 Then
text_ = text_ & Chr(13) & "- " & dial.Shapes(i).DrawingObject.Caption
meganum = meganum + 1
End If
End If
End If
End Sub
Public Sub create_form(Optional cap As String = "Название диалога", Optional ширина As Integer = 4, Optional высота As Integer = 4.4)
Set dial = DialogSheets.add
'dial.Name = "tmp_dialog"
dial_name = dial.Name
Set dialog_ = dial.Shapes(1)
dialog_.Name = "tmp_d"
dialog_.AlternativeText = cap
dialog_.DrawingObject.Caption = cap
dialog_.DrawingObject.ShapeRange.ScaleWidth ширина, msoFalse, msoScaleFromTopLeft
dialog_.DrawingObject.ShapeRange.ScaleHeight высота, msoFalse, msoScaleFromTopLeft
dial.Visible = False
End Sub
Public Sub delete_form(Optional cap As String = "Название диалога", Optional ширина As Integer = 4, Optional высота As Integer = 4.4)
dial.Visible = False
End Sub
Public Sub create_chb(Optional cap As String = "Название диалога", Optional action_ As String = "Название диалога", Optional on_off As String = "off", Optional ширина As Integer = 200, Optional высота As Integer = 20, Optional влево As Integer = 0, Optional вниз As Integer = 0)
On Error Resume Next
Set chb = dial.CheckBoxes.add(влево, вниз, ширина, высота) 'право-лево верх-низ ширина высота
chb.Name = cap
chb.Caption = " " & cap
chb.OnAction = action_
If on_off = "off" Then
chb.Value = xlOff
chb.Value = xlOn
End If
End Sub
Public Sub create_opb(Optional cap As String = "Название диалога", Optional action_ As String = "Название диалога", Optional on_off As String = "off", Optional ширина As Integer = 200, Optional высота As Integer = 20, Optional влево As Integer = 0, Optional вниз As Integer = 0)
On Error Resume Next
Set opb = dial.OptionButtons.add(влево, вниз, ширина, высота) 'право-лево верх-низ ширина высота
opb.Caption = " " & cap
opb.Name = "opb" + action_
opb.OnAction = action_
If on_off = "off" Then
opb.Value = xlOff
opb.Value = xlOn
End If
End Sub
Public Sub create_but(Optional cap As String = "Название диалога", Optional action_ As String = "Название диалога", Optional ширина As Integer = 200, Optional высота As Integer = 20, Optional влево As Integer = 0, Optional вниз As Integer = 0, Optional ok_ As Boolean = False, Optional esc_ As Boolean = False)
On Error Resume Next
Set but = dial.Buttons.add(влево, вниз, ширина, высота) 'право-лево верх-низ ширина высота
but.Caption = " " & cap
but.OnAction = action_
but.DismissButton = ok_
but.CancelButton = ecs_
End Sub
Public Sub create_dd(Optional kol As Integer = 5, Optional action_ As String = "Название диалога", Optional lc As String, Optional sp As String, Optional ширина As Integer = 200, Optional высота As Integer = 20, Optional влево As Integer = 0, Optional вниз As Integer = 0)
On Error Resume Next
Set dd = dial.DropDowns.add(влево, вниз, ширина, высота) 'право-лево верх-низ ширина высота
dd.OnAction = action_
dd.Name = "dd" + action_
dd.DropDownLines = kol
dd.LinkedCell = lc
dd.ListFillRange = sp
End Sub
Public Sub create_eb(Optional type_ As String = "text", Optional name_ As String = "name", Optional ширина As Integer = 200, Optional высота As Integer = 20, Optional влево As Integer = 0, Optional вниз As Integer = 0, Optional action_ As String = "test")
On Error Resume Next
Set eb = dial.EditBoxes.add(влево, вниз, ширина, высота) 'право-лево верх-низ ширина высота
eb.Name = name_
eb.OnAction = action_
If type_ = "num" Then
eb.InputType = xlNumber
End If
End Sub
Public Sub create_la(Optional cap As String = "Название диалога", Optional action_ As String = "Название диалога", Optional ширина As Integer = 200, Optional высота As Integer = 20, Optional влево As Integer = 0, Optional вниз As Integer = 0)
On Error Resume Next
Set la = dial.Labels.add(влево, вниз, ширина, высота) 'право-лево верх-низ ширина высота
la.Caption = cap
End Sub
Public Sub create_doc_obj()
On Error Resume Next
Set word_object = CreateObject("Word.Application")
End Sub
Public Sub create_doc(Optional bool_ As Boolean = True)
On Error Resume Next
Set document = word_object.Documents.add
word_object.Visible = bool_
End Sub
Public Sub save_doc(Optional save_name As String = "default")
On Error Resume Next
error_symbol = Array("|", "/", "\", "«", "»", """", ".", "!", "&", "?")
fname = ActiveWorkbook.Path
now_month = Choose(Month(Now()), "января", "февраля", "марта", _
"апреля", "мая", "июня", "июля", "августа", "сентября", _
"октября", "ноября", "декабря")
For Each element In error_symbol
save_name = Replace(save_name, element, "")
Next element
sname = fname & "\" & save_name & " [" & Day(Now()) & " " & now_month & " " & Year(Now()) & "]" & "(" & Sheets("papka").[V1] & ")" & ".doc"
i = 1
If Dir(sname) <> "" Then
numer = Split(sname, "__№")
If UBound(numer, 1) > 0 Then
sname = Replace(sname, "__№" & numer(1), "__№" & Trim(Str(Replace(numer(1), ".doc", "") + 1)) & "" & "(" & Sheets("papka").[V1] & ")" & ".doc")
GoTo ret_name
sname = Replace(sname, ".doc", "__№1.doc")
GoTo ret_name
End If
document.SaveAs sname
End If
End Sub
Public Sub kill_doc()
On Error Resume Next
document.Close False
End Sub
Public Sub kill_doc_obj()
On Error Resume Next
Set word_object = Nothing
End Sub
Public Sub info_doc_numpage()
On Error Resume Next
num_page = document.ActiveWindow.Panes(1).Pages.Count
End Sub
Public Sub print_(Optional text_ As Variant = "", Optional fontsize_ As Integer = 14, Optional bold_ As Boolean = False, Optional italic_ As Boolean = False, Optional redline_ As Integer = 35.4, Optional margin_left_ As Integer = 240, Optional margin_right_ As Integer = 0, Optional align_ As Integer = 1)
On Error Resume Next
word_object.Selection.ParagraphFormat.Alignment = align_ 'справа'середина'слева'по ширине
word_object.Selection.Font.Size = fontsize_
word_object.Selection.Font.Bold = bold_
word_object.Selection.Font.Italic = italic_
word_object.Selection.ParagraphFormat.LineSpacing = 10.8
word_object.Selection.ParagraphFormat.LeftIndent = margin_left_
word_object.Selection.ParagraphFormat.FirstLineIndent = redline_
word_object.Selection.text = text_ & Chr(13)
End Sub
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