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Last active October 16, 2020 00:23
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package edu.northeastern.cs7480;
terminals true false if then else value
Bool in fn
t ::= true
| false
| if t then t else t
| fn x:T => t[x]
| x
| t t
T ::= Bool
| T -> T
G ::= *
| G, x : T
judgment equality: t == t
------ eq
t == t
judgment typeequality: T == T
------ type-eq
T == T
judgment isavalue: t value
-------------------- val-fn
fn x:T => t[x] value
--------------- val-true
true value
---------------- val-false
false value
judgment eval: t -> t
----------------------------- E-IfTrue
if true then t1 else t2 -> t1
------------------------------ E-IfFalse
if false then t1 else t2 -> t2
t1 -> t1'
----------------------------------------------- E-If
if t1 then t2 else t3 -> if t1' then t2 else t3
t1 -> t1'
--------------- E-App1
t1 t2 -> t1' t2
t1 value
t2 -> t2'
--------------- E-App2
t1 t2 -> t1 t2'
t2 value
------------------------------ E-AppAbs
(fn x:T => t1[x]) t2 -> t1[t2]
judgment isvar: t : T in G
assumes G
----------------------- var
x : T in (G, x : T)
judgment type: G |- t : T
assumes G
-------------------- T-True
G |- true : Bool
--------------------- T-False
G |- false : Bool
G |- t1 : Bool
G |- t2 : T
G |- t3 : T
---------------------------------- T-If
G |- if t1 then t2 else t3 : T
t : T in G
-------------- T-Var
G |- t : T
G, x : T1 |- t[x] : T2
------------------------------------- T-Abs
G |- (fn x:T1 => t[x]) : T1 -> T2
G |- t1 : T2 -> T1
G |- t2 : T2
----------------------- T-App
G |- t1 t2 : T1
theorem typing-unique :
assumes G
forall d1: G |- t : T1
forall d2: G |- t : T2
exists T1 == T2 .
proof by induction on d1:
case rule
-------------------------- T-True
_: G |- true : Bool
proof by unproved
end case
case rule
--------------------------- T-False
_: G |- false : Bool
proof by unproved
end case
case rule
_: G |- t0 : Bool
p: G |- t1 : T1
_: G |- t2 : T1
---------------------------------------- T-If
_: G |- (if t0 then t1 else t2) : T1
proof by unproved
end case
case rule
p: t : T1 in G
-------------------- T-Var
_: G |- t : T1
proof by case analysis on d2:
case rule
-------------------------- T-True
_: G |- true : Bool
proof by unproved
end case
case rule
--------------------------- T-False
_: G |- false : Bool
proof by unproved
end case
case rule
_: G |- t0 : Bool
_: G |- t1 : T2
_: G |- t2 : T2
---------------------------------------- T-If
_: G |- (if t0 then t1 else t2) : T2
proof by unproved
end case
case rule
q: t : T2 in G
-------------------- T-Var
_: G |- t : T2
use inversion of rule var on q
where t := x
proof by unproved
end case
case rule
_: (G, x : T0) |- t0[x] : T3
------------------------------------------- T-Abs
_: G |- (fn x : T0 => t0[x]) : (T0 -> T3)
proof by unproved
end case
case rule
_: G |- t0 : (T0 -> T2)
_: G |- t1 : T0
----------------------------- T-App
_: G |- (t0 t1) : T2
proof by unproved
end case
end case analysis
end case
case rule
_: (G, x : T0) |- t0[x] : T3
------------------------------------------- T-Abs
_: G |- (fn x : T0 => t0[x]) : (T0 -> T3)
proof by unproved
end case
case rule
_: G |- t0 : (T0 -> T1)
_: G |- t1 : T0
----------------------------- T-App
_: G |- (t0 t1) : T1
proof by unproved
end case
end induction
end theorem
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