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Created August 26, 2015 08:23
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Parse indented text structure (algorithm thanks to
import Control.Applicative ((<$>))
data Cat = Cat String [Cat] deriving Show
indentLevel :: Int
indentLevel = 4 -- leading spaces
level :: String -> Int
level = (`div` indentLevel) . length . takeWhile (== ' ')
parse :: [String] -> [Cat]
parse [] = []
parse (x : xs) = Cat (trim x) (parse children) : parse sisters
(children, sisters) = span ((level x <) . level) xs
trim = dropWhile (== ' ')
parseStart :: String -> Cat
parseStart = head . parse . lines
main :: IO Cat
main = parseStart <$> readFile "example-indent.txt"
Cat 1
Cat 1.1
Cat 1.1.2
Cat 1.1.2
Cat 1.2
Cat 2
Cat 2.1
Cat 2.1.2
Cat 2.2
Cat 2.2.2
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