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Created February 24, 2015 05:43
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Custom function for selenium IDE. For install Option > Options > Add js path in Selenium core extension location To get selenium IDE Selenium IDE is only work for Firefox
var gotoLabels= {};
var whileLabels = {};
Selenium.prototype.reset = function() {
this.defaultTimeout = Selenium.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT;
Selenium.prototype.initialiseLabels = function()
gotoLabels = {};
whileLabels = { ends: {}, whiles: {} };
var command_rows = [];
var numCommands = testCase.commands.length;
for (var i = 0; i < numCommands; ++i) {
var x = testCase.commands[i];
var cycles = [];
var forEachCmds = [];
for( var i = 0; i < command_rows.length; i++ ) {
if (command_rows[i].type == 'command')
switch( command_rows[i].command.toLowerCase() ) {
case "label":
gotoLabels[ command_rows[i].target ] = i;
case "while":
case "endwhile":
cycles.push( [command_rows[i].command.toLowerCase(), i] )
case "foreach":
case "endforeach":
forEachCmds.push( [command_rows[i].command.toLowerCase(), i] )
var i = 0;
while( cycles.length ) {
if( i >= cycles.length ) {
throw new Error( "non-matching while/endWhile found" );
switch( cycles[i][0] ) {
case "while":
if( ( i+1 < cycles.length ) && ( "endwhile" == cycles[i+1][0] ) ) {
whileLabels.ends[ cycles[i+1][1] ] = cycles[i][1];
whileLabels.whiles[ cycles[i][1] ] = cycles[i+1][1];
cycles.splice( i, 2 );
i = 0;
} else ++i;
case "endwhile":
Selenium.prototype.continueFromRow = function( row_num )
if(row_num == undefined || row_num == null || row_num < 0) {
throw new Error( "Invalid row_num specified." );
testCase.debugContext.debugIndex = row_num;
Selenium.prototype.doLabel = function(){};
Selenium.prototype.doGotoLabel = function( label )
if( undefined == gotoLabels[label] ) {
throw new Error( "Specified label '" + label + "' is not found." );
this.continueFromRow( gotoLabels[ label ] );
Selenium.prototype.doGoto = Selenium.prototype.doGotoLabel;
Selenium.prototype.doGotoIf = function( condition, label )
if( eval(condition) ) this.doGotoLabel( label );
Selenium.prototype.doWhile = function( condition )
if( !eval(condition) ) {
var last_row = testCase.debugContext.debugIndex;
var end_while_row = whileLabels.whiles[ last_row ];
if( undefined == end_while_row ) throw new Error( "Corresponding 'endWhile' is not found." );
this.continueFromRow( end_while_row );
Selenium.prototype.doEndWhile = function()
var last_row = testCase.debugContext.debugIndex;
var while_row = whileLabels.ends[ last_row ] - 1;
if( undefined == while_row ) throw new Error( "Corresponding 'While' is not found." );
this.continueFromRow( while_row );
Selenium.prototype.doPush= function(value, varName)
if(!storedVars[varName]) {
storedVars[varName] = new Array();
if(typeof storedVars[varName] !== 'object') {
throw new Error("Cannot push value onto non-array " + varName);
} else {
Selenium.prototype.doLoadXml= function(path)
if(path == ""){
throw new Error("Can not proccess XML becasue path is not given ");
var xmlDoc=loadXMLDoc(path);
var x=xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName("url");
for (i=0;i<x.length;i++)
Selenium.prototype.doRandomString = function( options, varName ) {
var length = 8;
var type = 'alphanumeric';
var o = options.split( '|' );
for ( var i = 0 ; i < 2 ; i ++ ) {
if ( o[i] && o[i].match( /^\d+$/ ) )
length = o[i];
if ( o[i] && o[i].match( /^(?:alpha)?(?:numeric)?$/ ) )
type = o[i];
switch( type ) {
case 'alpha' : storedVars[ varName ] = randomAlpha( length ); break;
case 'numeric' : storedVars[ varName ] = randomNumeric( length ); break;
case 'alphanumeric' : storedVars[ varName ] = randomAlphaNumeric( length ); break;
default : storedVars[ varName ] = randomAlphaNumeric( length );
function randomNumeric ( length ) {
return generateRandomString( length, '0123456789'.split( '' ) );
function randomAlpha ( length ) {
var alpha = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ'.split( '' );
return generateRandomString( length, alpha );
function randomAlphaNumeric ( length ) {
var alphanumeric = '01234567890abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ'.split( '' );
return generateRandomString( length, alphanumeric );
function generateRandomString( length, chars ) {
var string = '';
for ( var i = 0 ; i < length ; i++ )
string += chars[ Math.floor( Math.random() * chars.length ) ];
return string;
Selenium.prototype.doGetOnlyNumbers = function( locator, varName ) {
// If text looks like 8 Pages
var text = this.getText(locator);
var count = parseInt(text,10);
storedVars[ varName ] = count;
Selenium.prototype.doGetLPageNumbers = function( locator, varName ) {
// If Test looks like 79 Results, 8 Pages
var text = this.getText(locator);
var tr = text.replace(/ /g,'').split(',');
storedVars[ varName ] = (parseInt(tr[1],10));
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