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Umar Haruna Abdullahi umarbrowser

Working from home
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umarbrowser / nigeria-states-and-local-govts.json
Created June 26, 2022 10:45 — forked from mofesolapaul/nigeria-states-and-local-govts.json
Json array containing objects of each Nigerian state, and their local governments
"state": "Abia",
"lgas": [
"Aba North",
"Aba South",
umarbrowser / nigerian-states.json
Created April 22, 2022 02:12 — forked from chrisidakwo/nigerian-states.json
All 36 states in Nigeria, and their local government areas - including the Federal Capital Territory and its area councils
"Abia": [
"Aba North",
"Aba South",
"Isiala-Ngwa North",
"Isiala-Ngwa South",

Reusable visualization tools for Jupyter


This project is to rewrite the widgets in The virtual brain user Interface to become reusable components which can be employed from a Jupyter notebook for use in the Human Brain Project collaboratory, while maintaining compatibility with the existing the virtual brain framework.

**original proposal

As a major feature of The Virtual Brain, anatomical visualization already provides a basic 3D and 2D output.

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/* Table of contents
- Plotly.js
- Grid
- Base Styles
- Typography
- Links
- Buttons
- Forms
- Lists

Packaging TVB for the modern world


The Virtual Brain (TVB) is a framework for the simulation of the dynamics of large scale brain networks with biologically realistic connectivity, Because of it absence in the most used scientific distribution for windows, Mac and linux, It is too hard for many people in the scientific community to install and use it.
The virtual brain only distribute its packages in form of zip package or source using git and recently using python pypi, If TVB Distributes it’s package using the most used distribution method on scientific community like conda, Neurodebian etc, At the end this project I will deliver all the project deliverables.

Original proposal

The original proposal aimed to create all those if time allowed, Packaging TVB to Anaconda, Packaging and Distribution for NeuroDebian, Develop a Vagrantfile script for virtual machines, Develop a Script( Dockerfile

umarbrowser /
Created December 14, 2017 00:50
This example prints a customized greeting that varies based on the path used to access the service using flask framework.
from flask import Flask
# print a nice greeting.
def say_hello(username = "World"):
return '<p>Hello %s!</p>\n' % username
# some bits of text for the page.
header_text = '''
<html>\n<head> <title>EB Flask Test</title> </head>\n<body>'''
instructions = '''
umarbrowser / Vagrantfile
Created December 13, 2017 22:56 — forked from ganine/Vagrantfile
Basic Vagrantfile with provisioning shell script
# -*- mode: ruby -*-
# vi: set ft=ruby :
Vagrant.configure(VAGRANTFILE_API_VERSION) do |config| = "precise64"
config.vm.provision :shell, :privileged => false, :path => ""