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Created November 3, 2021 22:55
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open import Data.Nat.Base as ℕ using (ℕ; zero; suc)
open import Data.Fin.Base as Fin using (Fin; zero; suc)
open import Data.Vec.Base as Vec using (Vec; []; _∷_)
module Syntax where
module Lambda where
-- The variable keyword lets you introduce conventions
-- E.g. if n is mentioned anywhere without being bound it refers to a ℕ
n : ℕ
-- Example syntax for the lambda calculus
-- The Expr type is indexed by the number of free variables
-- E.g. Expr n is an expression that can refer to n free variables
data Expr : ℕ → Set where
-- In an expression Expr n, var can refer to n many variables
-- Fin n is a type with n distinct elements
‵_ : Fin n → Expr n
-- Function abstraction, where we introduce a new binder
-- Let us say the expression λx.e is of type Expr n
-- The lambda abstraction λx. introduces a new variable
-- The inner expression e is therefore of type Expr (suc n)
‵λ : Expr (suc n) → Expr n
-- Function application, where we apply one expression to another
_‵∙_ : Expr n → Expr n → Expr n
-- Types for the lambda calculus
-- ‵⊤ is an arbitrary base type, ‵⇒ is the function type
data Type : Set where
‵⊤ : Type
_‵⇒_ : Type → Type → Type
-- A typing context Γ of type Ctx n is an association of de Bruijn indices with types
Ctx : ℕ → Set
Ctx = Vec Type
s t : Type
f e : Expr n
Γ : Ctx n
i : Fin n
-- A selection of type Γ ∋ i ∶ t models the fact that in Γ the variable with index i has type t
data _∋_∶_ : Ctx n → Fin n → Type → Set where
zero : (t ∷ Γ) ∋ zero ∶ t
suc : Γ ∋ i ∶ t
→ (s ∷ Γ) ∋ (suc i) ∶ t
-- A well typedness predicate
-- A typing derivation of type Γ ⊢ e models the fact that e is well typed under context Γ
-- Notice that the context has to be as big as the number of free variables in the expression
-- I.e. for every free variable the expression might refer to, we have a type
infix 4 _⊢_∶_
data _⊢_∶_ : Ctx n → Expr n → Type → Set where
var : Γ ∋ i ∶ t
→ Γ ⊢ ‵ i ∶ t
abs : s ∷ Γ ⊢ e ∶ t
→ Γ ⊢ ‵λ e ∶ s ‵⇒ t
app : Γ ⊢ f ∶ s ‵⇒ t
→ Γ ⊢ e ∶ s
→ Γ ⊢ f ‵∙ e ∶ t
-- The idea is to do something similar but for the linear π-calculus.
-- The syntax is modelled similarly, though of course different constructors must be used
-- (process termination, scope restriction, send, receive, parallel composition).
-- Additionally, because we want to support at least composite product types,
-- we need a small expression language that lets us pair up and project out things.
-- The expression language needs to be able to:
-- - select a free variable
-- - project out the left hand side of a pair
-- - project out the right hand side of a pair
-- - create a new pair
-- The process language needs to be able to:
-- - terminate a process
-- - create a new channel
-- - send over a value (selected using the expression language) over a channel
-- (selected using the expression langauge) and continuing
-- - receiving over a channel
-- - composing two processes in parallel
-- Each of these pieces of syntax (the variable selection, the expression language,
-- the process language) needs an accompanying well typedness relation, like _∋_∶_ and _⊢_∶_.
-- One difference to note is that processes are untyped, so while expressions will have a type
-- as part of the relation (_⊢_∶_), processes will not (_⊢_).
-- However, things get considerably trickier when dealing with the linear π-calculus,
-- because we need split up and keep track of linear resources.
-- The types for the linear π-calculus could look something like this:
-- 0∙ means cannot be used
-- 1∙ means has to be used exactly once
-- ω∙ means can be used as much as we like
data Multiplicity : Set where
0∙ 1∙ ω∙ : Multiplicity
-- ‵⊤ is an arbitrary base type
-- ‵# i o t is a channel type where
-- i is the input multiplicity,
-- o is the output multiplicity,
-- t is the type of the payload
data Type : Set where
‵⊤ : Type
‵# : Multiplicity → Multiplicity → Type → Type
Ctx : ℕ → Set
Ctx = Vec Type
n : ℕ
s t r : Type
Γ Δ Θ : Ctx n
xᵢ yᵢ zᵢ xₒ yₒ zₒ : Multiplicity
-- Once we have those we can now define how to split up resources
-- We first define how to split up multiplicities
data _≔_+₀_ : Multiplicity → Multiplicity → Multiplicity → Set where
zero : 0∙ ≔ 0∙ +₀ 0∙
left : 1∙ ≔ 1∙ +₀ 0∙
right : 1∙ ≔ 0∙ +₀ 1∙
shared : ω∙ ≔ ω∙ +₀ ω∙
-- Then we lift that to types
data _≔_+₁_ : Type → Type → Type → Set where
top : ‵⊤ ≔ ‵⊤ +₁ ‵⊤
chan : xᵢ ≔ yᵢ +₀ zᵢ
→ xₒ ≔ yₒ +₀ zₒ
→ ‵# xᵢ xₒ t ≔ ‵# yᵢ yₒ t +₁ ‵# zᵢ zₒ t
-- And then to contexts
data _≔_+₂_ : Ctx n → Ctx n → Ctx n → Set where
[] : [] ≔ [] +₂ []
_∷_ : s ≔ t +₁ r
→ Γ ≔ Δ +₂ Θ
→ (s ∷ Γ) ≔ (t ∷ Δ) +₂ (r ∷ Θ)
-- Now, let's say we have a datatype Proc n for processes with n free variables
-- It has many things (process termination, scope restriction, send, receive, parallel composition)
-- but here I will focus on parallel composition to show how the context splitting works
-- I leave the rest as an exercise :p
data Proc : ℕ → Set where
_∥_ : Proc n → Proc n → Proc n
P Q : Proc n
-- The typing rule would then use context splitting as follows
data _⊢_ : Ctx n → Proc n → Set where
par : Γ ≔ Δ +₂ Θ
→ Δ ⊢ P
→ Θ ⊢ Q
→ Γ ⊢ (P ∥ Q)
-- Hope this helps!
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