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umbe1987 / Install PyQt5 on Ubuntu with python3 .md
Created August 9, 2018 20:52 — forked from r00tdaemon/Install PyQt5 on Ubuntu with python3 .md
Install PyQt5 on Ubuntu with python3. Steps to set up PyQt5 (ubuntu). With python code generation


pip3 install --user pyqt5  
sudo apt-get install python3-pyqt5  
sudo apt-get install pyqt5-dev-tools
sudo apt-get install qttools5-dev-tools

Configuring to run from terminal

umbe1987 / gist:226de361a0d229727261241501079a30
Created January 27, 2018 15:00
pygame_sdl2 platformer joypad proof of concept
# Allow pygame_sdl2 to be imported as pygame.
import pygame_sdl2
import pygame
import os
WIN_WIDTH = 1280 # in pixel
WIN_HEIGHT = 720 # in pixel
umbe1987 / cid.txt
Created April 1, 2017 15:42
SAMSUNG GALAXY TREND LITE: output from adb logcat -b radio | grep "cid"
D/RIL ( 1391): RIL:[AP][RPC DE] msgid=0x204 str=MSG_RSSI_IND tid 0 cid 0
D/RIL ( 1391): RIL:[AP][RPC DE] msgid=0x204 str=MSG_RSSI_IND tid 0 cid 0
D/RIL ( 1391): RIL:[AP][RPC DE] msgid=0x204 str=MSG_RSSI_IND tid 0 cid 0
D/RIL ( 1391): RIL:[AP][RPC DE] msgid=0x204 str=MSG_RSSI_IND tid 0 cid 0
D/RIL ( 1391): RIL:[AP][RPC DE] msgid=0x204 str=MSG_RSSI_IND tid 0 cid 0