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Last active February 24, 2023 12:52
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MacOS 12 M1 (Apple Silicon) - Build LightGBM from GitHub

MacOS 12 M1 (Apple Silicon) - Build LightGBM from GitHub

Install CMake (3.16 or higher):

brew install cmake
# On MacOS 11 M1 - Apple Silicon
ibrew install cmake

Install OpenMP:

brew install libomp
# On MacOS 11 M1 - Apple Silicon
ibrew install libomp

If it's already installed, uninstall lightgbm:

pip uninstall lightgbm
# or
pipenv uninstall lightgbm

Run the following commands:

git clone --recursive --branch v3.2.0 --single-branch --depth 1
cd LightGBM/python-package
python3 install
cd ../..
rm -rf LightGBM
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