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Created December 23, 2020 17:48
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Rust macro to profile a short snippet of code and return the evaluated result. Inspired by the `dbg!` macro.
/// Prints and returns the value of a given expression for quick and dirty code
/// profiling.
/// Example usage:
/// ```rust
/// let s = "hello world";
/// let all_caps = profile!(s.repeat(2).to_uppercase());
/// ^-- prints: [src/] execution time: 2μs
/// println!("{}", all_caps);
/// ```
/// This macro works by measuring the execution time of a given expression using
/// `std::time::Instant` before returning it. The profiling information,
/// including the source file and line it originates from, is printed to
/// `stderr`.
/// The macro takes ownership of the expression and returns the evaluated
/// output.
/// Note that this macro is intended solely as a debugging or profiling tool. It
/// should therefore *not* be used in production builds and deploys.
/// You can aso profile multiple expressions at once:
/// ```rust
/// let name = "John";
/// let (msg, length) = profile!(
/// { format!("Hello {}!", name) },
/// { 7 + name.len() }
/// );
/// println!("{} (length: {})", msg, length);
/// ```
/// This prints (to stderr):
/// ```text,ignore
/// [src/] execution time: 2μs
/// [src/] execution time: 0μs
/// ```
/// The `profile!(..)` macro moves the input:
/// ```rust,compile_fail
/// struct NoCopy(i32);
/// let n = NoCopy(42);
/// let _ = profile!(n); // <-- `n` is moved here
/// let _ = profile!(n); // <-- `n` is moved here again; error!
/// ```
/// Finally, a trailing comma in the macro call will be ignored:
/// ```rust
/// let n = 42;
/// let _ = profile!(n,); // <-- Trailing comma is ignored
/// let _ = profile!(n); // <-- Same as above!
/// ```
macro_rules! profile {
( $x:expr ) => {{
use std::time::Instant;
use std::{eprintln, file, line};
let timer = Instant::now();
let _temp = $x;
"[{}:{}] execution time: {}μs",
( $val:expr, ) => { $crate::profile!($val) };
( $($val:expr),+ $(,)? ) => {
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