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Last active September 9, 2018 05:06
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DPLL algorithm
type variable = X of int | Y of int
type assign = variable * bool
type literal = bool * variable
type clause = literal list
type cnf = clause list
type formula =
| And of formula * formula
| Or of formula * formula
| Not of formula
| Var of variable
let string_of_variable = function
X id -> "x" ^ string_of_int id
| Y id -> "y" ^ string_of_int id
let string_of_assign ((v, b) : assign) = string_of_variable v ^ " := " ^ string_of_bool b
let string_of_literal ((b, v) : literal) = (if b then "" else "~") ^ string_of_variable v
let string_of_clause (c : clause) = if c = [] then "false" else String.concat " \\/ " @@ string_of_literal c
let string_of_cnf (c : cnf) = if c = [] then "true" else String.concat " /\\ " @@ (fun cl -> "(" ^ string_of_clause cl ^ ")") c
Var: 0
Not: 1, ~
And: 2, /\
Or: 3, \/
let var_priority = 0
let not_priority = 1
let and_priority = 2
let or_priority = 3
let add_parenthesis outer_p (inner_p, s) =
if inner_p > outer_p then "(" ^ s ^ ")" else s
let rec string_of_formula' = function
And (f0, f1) ->
let p0, s0 = string_of_formula' f0 in
let p1, s1 = string_of_formula' f1 in
add_parenthesis and_priority (p0, s0) ^ " /\\ " ^ add_parenthesis and_priority (p1, s1))
| Or (f0, f1) ->
let p0, s0 = string_of_formula' f0 in
let p1, s1 = string_of_formula' f1 in
add_parenthesis or_priority (p0, s0) ^ " \\/ " ^ add_parenthesis or_priority (p1, s1))
| Not f ->
let p, s = string_of_formula' f in
"~" ^ add_parenthesis not_priority (p, s))
| Var v ->
(var_priority, string_of_variable v)
let string_of_formula (f : formula) =
let _, s = string_of_formula' f in s
open Definitions
let literal_of_variable (v : variable) : literal = (true, v)
let literal_not ((b, v) : literal) : literal = (not b, v)
let cnf_assign (cnf: cnf) ((v, b): assign) : cnf =
let cnf' = List.filter (fun cl -> not (List.mem (b, v) cl)) cnf in
let cnf'' = (fun cl -> List.filter (fun l -> l <> (not b, v)) cl) cnf' in
let rec dpll (cnf : cnf) : assign list option =
(* print_string ("dpll: " ^ string_of_cnf cnf ^ "\n");*)
let is_trivially_true c = (c = []) in
let is_trivially_false = List.mem [] in
if is_trivially_true cnf then
Some []
else if is_trivially_false cnf then
let is_single_literal = function
[_] -> true
| _ -> false in
let (b, v) = List.hd @@ List.find is_single_literal cnf in
let cnf' = cnf_assign cnf (v, b) in
match dpll cnf' with
Some a -> Some ((v, b)::a)
| None -> None
Not_found ->
let _, v = List.hd @@ List.hd cnf in
(match dpll (cnf_assign cnf (v, true)) with
Some a -> Some ((v, true)::a)
| None -> (match dpll (cnf_assign cnf (v, false)) with
Some a -> Some ((v, false)::a)
| None -> None))
open Definitions
let var_id : int ref = ref 0
let new_variable () = let id = !var_id in var_id := !var_id + 1; Var id
let _ =
let l0 = literal_of_variable @@ new_variable () in
let l1 = literal_of_variable @@ new_variable () in
let l2 = literal_of_variable @@ new_variable () in
let l3 = literal_of_variable @@ new_variable () in
let cnf = [[l0; l1]; [l2; l3]; [literal_not l1]] in
match dpll cnf with
Some al -> List.iter (fun a -> print_string @@ string_of_assign a; print_string "\n") al
| None -> ()
let test_cases_cnf : cnf list = [
[(true, X 0); (true, X 1)];
[(true, X 2); (true, X 3)];
[(false, X 0)]
[(true, X 0); (true, X 1)];
[(true, X 2)];
[(false, X 0); (false, X 2)]
[[(true, X 0)]; [(false, X 0)]];
[[(true, X 0); (false, X 0)]];
let test_cases_formula : formula list = [
And (Var (X 0), Var (X 1));
Or (Var (X 0), Var (X 1));
Not (Var (X 0));
And (Var (X 0), Or (Var (X 1), Var (X 2)));
And (Var (X 0), And (Var (X 1), Var (X 2)))
let option_map f = function
Some x -> Some (f x)
| None -> None
let _ =
let string_of_sat_result = function
Some al -> "SAT: [" ^ (String.concat "; " @@ string_of_assign al) ^ "]"
| None -> "UNSAT" in
print_endline "==== test (cnf) ====";
List.iter (fun cnf ->
print_endline @@ string_of_cnf cnf;
print_endline @@ string_of_sat_result @@ Dpll.dpll cnf
) test_cases_cnf;
print_endline "==== test (formula) ====";
List.iter (fun formula ->
print_endline @@ string_of_formula formula;
let cnf = Tseitin.tseitin formula in
print_endline @@ string_of_cnf cnf;
let result = Dpll.dpll cnf in
print_endline @@ string_of_sat_result @@ result;
print_endline @@ string_of_sat_result @@ option_map (List.filter (fun (v, b) -> match v with X _ -> true | Y _ -> false)) result
) test_cases_formula
open Definitions
let var_id : int ref = ref 0
let new_var () = let id = !var_id in var_id := !var_id + 1; Y id
let rec tseitin' : formula -> variable * cnf = function
And (f0, f1) ->
let v0, cnf0 = tseitin' f0 in
let v1, cnf1 = tseitin' f1 in
let v = new_var () in
(v, [[(false, v); (true, v0)]; [(false, v); (true, v1)]; [(true, v); (false, v0); (false, v1)]] @ cnf0 @ cnf1)
| Or (f0, f1) ->
let v0, cnf0 = tseitin' f0 in
let v1, cnf1 = tseitin' f1 in
let v = new_var () in
(v, [[(false, v); (true, v0); (true, v1)]; [(true, v); (false, v0)]; [(true, v); (false, v1)]] @ cnf0 @ cnf1)
| Not f ->
let v', cnf = tseitin' f in
let v = new_var () in
(v, [[(false, v); (false, v')]; [(true, v); (true, v')]] @ cnf)
| Var v -> (v, [])
let tseitin (f : formula) : cnf =
let v, cnf = tseitin' f in
[(true, v)]::cnf
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